What is a deposit? Types of deposits and their features. Capitalization and its advantage over a fixed high interest rate

A deposit is money transferred to a bank for storage, the terms and conditions are specified in the contract. There are fixed-term and demand deposits. For the use of the depositor's money, the bank pays a monetary reward in the form of interest.

The term "deposit" refers to the money that you transfer to the bank for safekeeping. They are subject to return on time and under the conditions specified in the contract. Deposits can be divided into two categories, depending on the term - time deposits, and demand deposits.

A demand deposit means that you can withdraw your money from the bank at any time - transfer it to the account of another person, company, or cash out through the bank's cash desk or ATM. Funds in your account belong to this category.

Term deposits, in turn, can be divided into several categories - long-term, medium-term, and short-term. A long-term deposit implies a period of placement of funds that exceeds 9 months.

Medium-term - from 3 to 9 months, short-term - from 1 to 3 months. If you put money in the bank on the terms of a term deposit, you can pick it up no earlier than the period specified in the contract.

And what is the point of transferring your money for safekeeping to strangers? Let's leave out all the disadvantages of keeping cash in the mattress, under the pillow, and stockings, and get straight to the point. For the fact that depositors trust the bank to use their funds (which it briskly distributes in the form of loans), the bank pays depositors a monetary reward in the form of interest.

That is, the money in the account brings income to its owner. There are quite a lot of types of interest accrual - at the end of the deposit term, throughout, with and without capitalization. Let's consider them in more detail. The interest that the bank charges at the end of the deposit term is simply added to the deposit amount before the client withdraws it from the bank. For example, if you placed $500 for a year, at 10% per annum, then in a year you will have $550 in your account.

In the same way, interest is calculated on the money that is in your current account. At a certain time, the bank's system checks the amount of funds in your account and calculates interest on them. Interest is calculated based on the interest rate that is currently in effect (which, by the way, is several orders of magnitude lower than the rate on time deposits).

The amount of interest that has been accrued appears on the account once a month. Interest can also be accrued once a quarter, half a year, a year, etc. The amount of the deposit remains unchanged, but you receive a stable income. The above example refers to the method of calculating interest without capitalizing it.

The difference at first glance is insignificant, but if the amount of the deposit is serious, then the capitalization of interest will turn out to be a significant increase in the interest rate. There are also deposits that can be replenished during their validity period. In this case, the amount of interest increases in proportion to the "added" amount.

What is not recommended to do with a deposit is to withdraw it from the bank ahead of time. In this case, as a rule, the income from it will be miserable, and equal to the income from a regular current account. For this reason, before you “carve out” some amount from your budget for a deposit, make sure that you will not need it in the near future.

And finally, one more important point. The maximum rate in ruble terms must exceed the value, which is called the "refinancing rate", and is set by the Central Bank. You can always find out the size of the refinancing rate by visiting the website of the Central Bank.

Bank deposit: what is included in this concept + 3 forms of deposits + 7 types of bank deposits + interest rate on a deposit + how to open a deposit account + 6 tips for choosing a bank + how to insure your money.

If a person has a large amount of money, then he will definitely have a desire to hide them, but where?

Keeping savings at home is not always appropriate, because theft is still rampant. It is best to give your money to the bank and make a profit at the same time.

In this article, we will tell what is a bank deposit and where is it better to open this account.

Bank deposit - what is it?

Bank deposit- this is a certain amount of money that the client transfers to a financial institution (commercial or state bank) for a certain time period.

For the storage and use of money of a legal or natural person, the financial institution undertakes to pay interest, which can be added to the deposit amount or transferred to a separate account. can be both individuals and legal entities.

Not only banks are engaged in registration of deposits.
Some microfinance institutions have also launched similar services, but due to the high risk of losing their savings, people refuse to trust MFIs.

There is such a two-valued expression: "Money is better to keep in the bank." On the one hand, this means that it is worth giving your savings to a financial institution, and on the other hand, it is better to leave it at home.

Many Russians still prefer to give money to the reliable hands of the bank and receive profit for it:

What is a bank deposit? This is a special account, but on which you cannot make transfers or cash out money at any convenient time.

For opening a deposit, the investor will receive profit. This source of income is also taxed. The profit will be more than you have to spend on state duty.

The essence of opening a bank deposit account is very simple ...

The client lends his money for a while in order to make a profit and keep his savings. The financial institution actively uses these resources, issuing loans to the population at a certain percentage.

It is for the use of the client's money that the bank pays interest to the depositor. Indeed, in the event that the creditor closes due to bankruptcy, all deposits will be lost.

Therefore, you need to carefully choose your financial institution.

There is also such a thing as a contribution. Some mistakenly believe that deposit and deposit are synonymous. This is not the case in practice, because there is a slight difference between the concepts.

Deposit- this is not only money, but also other banking assets, for example, metal, shares of a large company, etc.

Contribution- This is a sum of money that is deposited in order to receive additional interest as profit.

Criteria by which bank deposits are divided:

3 forms of bank deposits

There are many types of services in the banking industry, and each of them is divided into certain types, types, forms, etc.

In this case, it is a type that has its subspecies. In this section, we will look at what forms of attachments are.

A bank deposit can be opened in the following form:

    Cash account.

    The most common form that everyone knows about.

    The investor opens a deposit account, where he deposits his funds, and receives additional dividends for this, the amount of which is prescribed in the agreement.

    metal account.

    The client transfers a certain amount to his deposit metal account.

    The bank transfers this money into gold, platinum, silver at the current exchange rate of the value of the metal chosen by the depositor.

    Please note that this transfer of money into jewelry is, in fact, only theoretical, because all these metals are available only in informational form, they are not physically in the financial institution's vault.

    Bank cell.

    The depositor is given a key to a special box in which he can place his valuables: money, precious metal, important papers, antiques, etc.

    As a rule, money is not put into cells, because in this case interest on the deposit is not paid.

7 types of bank deposits

Each lender has its own deposit programs. Not all of the types listed below can be in the same institution.

What conditions to set for customers depends only on the policy of the financial institution.

Type of depositDescription
1. On demandBanks charge the minimum percentage for this type of deposits.
The client can cash out his savings at any time.
Such conditions are not suitable for lenders, so the rate is too low.
2. SavingsThe client can save his money, and the bank will also charge additional interest for this.
3.CumulativeYou can constantly transfer funds to a deposit account, but only a limited amount and a certain number of times a month.
4. UrgentSavings are kept in the bank for a certain period of time, most often up to 12 months (short-term) and from 36 months (long-term).
The interest rate here is the highest, but the client cannot withdraw his funds from the turnover until the end of the contract.
5.TargetedThis type of bank deposit is usually opened by parents to their children.
For example, the goal is tuition fees.
Parents must provide a document in order to receive funds, which confirms that a certain amount must be paid for the university.
6. CurrencyTransfers are made to the account in foreign currency or in rubles, and the bank independently transfers funds at the current rate.
7. MulticurrencyThis type is rarely used. Under this program, you can open 3 accounts at the same time in different currencies.
In addition, it is allowed to make conversion between deposit accounts, in this case it is not a violation of the agreement with the bank.

How is interest calculated on a bank deposit?

The interest rate is a monetary thank you for trusting them with your money, and creditors can use it for a while.

Investors are valued and try to attract the most favorable conditions. If you put a large amount into the account, then you can live on the profit from interest and not deny yourself anything.

Payments on a bank deposit are made in the following ways:

    Monthly (quarterly, annually, etc.).

    On a certain date (usually this is the date when the agreement was signed), a percentage of the deposit amount is charged, but only to another account of the depositor.

    At the end of the contract.

    You can get your interest on a bank deposit only after the expiration of the current contract.


    Interest is added to the bank deposit.

    This is the most profitable, because interest is calculated from the current state of the account. The higher it is, the greater the profit.

If for some reason the client decides to withdraw his bank deposit prematurely, then the interest may not be calculated. It all depends on the terms of the contract.

Moreover, in order to receive your savings, you need to spend time writing an application at a bank branch (you need to have a Russian passport and the original contract with you), and then wait until they are withdrawn from circulation.

The terms in such cases are very different, it all depends on the speed of the banking system itself.

How to open a bank deposit account?

A deposit is not a loan, so no extra documents are needed. Moreover, now you can open such an account even while sitting at home, using Internet banking.

If you decide to work personally with bank managers, then contact the branch of the financial institution.

It is advisable to have your passport and mobile phone with you if you are opening an account for the first time. Then they will provide you with a list of deposits, tell you about the conditions and interest for each separately.

When you choose a certain type, you can immediately sign the contract.

The contract must include, first of all, the following information:

  1. Minimum information about the investor.
  2. Obligations of the depositor to the bank and the bank to the depositor.
  3. The following must be indicated: the interest rate, the term of the contract, the possibility of replenishment, profit, etc.
  4. In the contract, the side of the bank must prescribe a clause stating whether it is possible to terminate the contract ahead of schedule, and what consequences await the depositor after this.
  5. Possible solutions to controversial issues.

Bank employees are involved in drawing up the contract.

Before signing, it is better to consult an experienced lawyer who will tell you what items need to be removed or added in order to protect your funds as much as possible from all possible force majeure.

After the expiration of the contract, you need to break it and take the money. To do this, you must come to the bank on the agreed day with all the documents.

If you do not come on this day, then the money will be transferred to the category on demand. At the request of the client, the bank deposit can be extended.

How to choose a bank to open a deposit?

If, when taking a loan, you can miss some points when choosing a lender, then in the case of opening a deposit account, there should be no mistakes.

More than once, each of us heard from the news bulletins that depositors were deceived and their accounts were canceled. To avoid such troubles, you need to check the bank very carefully.

6 tips for future investors:

How to insure your bank deposit?

If the depositor has a large amount, then his worries about the fact that the creditor may go bankrupt are natural.

Since 2008, a law has been in force that all bank deposits that exceed 700,000 rubles must be insured without fail. This service is free, because it is the responsibility of the banking organization.

Therefore, if your bank closes, the deposit will be returned to you within 14 days from the date of the depositor's insured event.

Note! One bank will be able to return only 700,000 rubles as much as possible, even if your deposit was many times larger.
For owners of large bank deposits, it is worth spreading their savings among several organizations.
In each of them, the amount should not exceed the maximum compensation rate for insurance.

So what are the pros and cons of a bank deposit?

  1. Interest will be added to the principal amount, and this is additional money.
  2. Funds cannot be withdrawn earlier than stated in the contract.
    This makes it possible to refrain from spending and save more money.
  3. Some deposits can be replenished.
    In a very short time, you can increase the amount of the initial deposit.
  4. According to the conditions of some banks by types of deposits, you can withdraw money from the account, but only in a limited amount.
  1. There is a big risk of losing money if the bank is declared bankrupt.
  2. The interest rate is relatively low, especially for foreign currencies (up to 1%).
  3. If you urgently need to withdraw money, the depositor will have to pay a fine, or the bank will simply refuse to charge interest on the deposit.

As we see, bank deposit has more advantages than cons.

Wondering how to choose a bank deposit?

This and many other questions will be answered by a bank employee:

If you do not make a mistake with the bank, then you can not only save money, but also make a small profit.

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The tendency of people to preserve and increase their wealth has been known since ancient times. But if earlier money had to be hidden in chests, then with the development of financial relations, a person can take his savings to the bank and not only keep them intact, but also make a good profit.

In this regard, the term “deposit” has firmly entered our vocabulary, implying a banking service for storing money and paying certain interest. What is a deposit? And what benefits does it provide to clients of financial institutions?

Term "deposit" comes from latin depositum, meaning "pledge" or "thing deposited." The history of deposits goes back to the time of Ancient Hellas, when temples accumulated large amounts of income from land rent and offerings from parishioners.

Then the priests faced the task of multiplying these funds, so they began to invest them in all sorts of profitable enterprises. Over time, money changers appeared in many countries, who accepted gold coins from the population and guaranteed the payment of their equivalent after some time.

Thus, the first deposit operations were born, which are widely used today.

Today, a bank deposit is understood as the amount of money that the client transfers to the bank with the condition of subsequent remuneration. Accepting funds from individuals and legal entities, financial institutions put them into circulation and which they share with their depositors.

Since, like any entrepreneur, a bank can become bankrupt, the probability of non-repayment of money is subject to insurance by independent organizations. In Russia, deposit insurance is carried out at the legislative level and provides for a 100% return on invested funds, but not more than 1.4 million rubles.

Depending on the terms, deposits are divided into urgent and demand deposits. In the first case, the money is deposited in the bank for a specified period and completely withdrawn after this period.

Demand deposit agreements do not specify a retention period, and the money is returned at any time at the request of the depositor.

As a rule, term deposits are much more profitable, since they are accepted at higher rates, but they have less liquidity.

In addition to bank deposits, there are deposits when renting an apartment, which have a slightly different meaning. When renting, an agreement is concluded between the tenant and the owner of the property, according to which the tenant must pay the rent for the first month of residence and an additional amount (deposit) equal to the monthly payment.

Such a deposit does not bring profit to the tenant, but allows the landlord to protect himself from possible negative consequences - damage to property, non-payment of utilities. After the end of the lease, if the owner has no claims against the tenant, this payment is returned in full.

Often the terms "contribution" and "deposit" are used as synonyms, but in reality they have some differences.

First of all, the deposit is transferred only to registered credit institutions operating legally, and the deposit is made both to banks and non-bank institutions.

Secondly, only cash is used as a deposit, while securities, precious metals or assets can also act as a deposit.

Thirdly, the deposit is transferred at a certain percentage, and the deposit - both for a fee and free of charge.

Deposits are beneficial for both banks and depositors. Financial institutions can use the attracted funds for various banking operations (for example, providing loans) and receive a solid income.

For depositors, the benefit from deposits is, first of all, the opportunity to save their money and increase its volume by receiving interest. In addition, a deposit makes it easier for a person to save money for any purchase without spending money on unnecessary things.

The concept of "deposit" occurs quite often. The fact is that deposits have long been an integral part of the global financial system. Moreover, deposits are part of the daily lives of tens of millions of people around the world. So what does the term "deposit" mean?

A deposit (or, as it is also called, a bank deposit) is a certain amount of money that is transferred by a person to a credit institution (for example, a bank).

The purpose of the transfer of funds is to receive some income (usually in the form of interest) that is generated as a result of certain financial transactions with cash.

How are deposit interest calculated?

Interest is paid for any time period, and not just for every week or month of a certain period of time. This means that if you choose a deposit of 7% for one month, then 7% of the total amount of the cash deposit will be paid only at the end of the week or month. If a bank deposit of 6.8% for four months is chosen, then the payment of 6.8% of the total amount of the deposit will occur only after these 4 months, and not 6.8% for each individual month.

It is important to understand these and other nuances, as some people do not understand the elementary financial issues associated with deposits.

Deposit agreement

In the bank deposit agreement, the bank that accepted the amount of money received from the person is obliged to return the entire amount of the cash deposit and pay interest on it on the terms and in the manner that were previously provided for by the agreement signed by the representative of the banking institution.

It is worth saying that in banking practice there is a concept “about the refusal of a citizen from the right to receive a bank deposit on demand”, however, from a legal point of view, such a right of a citizen is void.

When is interest calculated?

All interest on the total amount of the bank deposit is accrued from the day following the day the deposit is received by the banking institution. Accrual occurs until the day when the amount is returned to the depositor or until the day when the bank deposit is closed by the depositor himself.

Usually, a depositor (an individual who transferred his funds to receive interest profit) has the right to dispose of his own interest. The depositor has the opportunity to withdraw interest after the expiration of the period of payment of all interest that was previously specified in the agreement.

You can also add interest to the entire amount of the bank deposit. The addition of interest to the total amount of the deposit is called interest capitalization. Capitalization of interest allows (in some cases, when it comes to a high interest rate) to significantly increase the entire amount of the deposit, on which the remaining interest is calculated.

There are periods when the economy of the state develops at a normal pace. At such times, bank deposits are the least profitable (but also the least risky) form of investment. At such times, the bank deposit serves solely as a so-called "minimum benchmark", which is necessary in the calculations.

What are the deposits?

Types of deposits:

  1. Deposit on demand. This type of deposit without specifying any period of storage will be returned to the depositor at his first request. Traditionally, savings deposits charge some interest. These interest rates are somewhat lower than those for term deposits. Also, deposits on demand have a wider functionality. It lies in the fact that demand deposits may, by agreement with a banking institution or, according to the rules of individual countries, be a special tool on a checking account in the bank itself.
  2. Term deposit. A term deposit is understood as such an interest-bearing deposit that is deposited for a certain period of time and withdrawn only after the expiration of the originally agreed period. Such deposits have less liquidity than savings deposits (deposits), but they can bring a much higher percentage of profit.

Deposit security and insurance

Deposit insurance means that during the bankruptcy of a banking institution, the depositor who entrusted his funds to the selected bank will fully (or at least partially) receive back all the funds invested in the deposit in the shortest possible time.

Deposit insurance payments are made by special financial communities (funds) created by the state or the entire banking system.

History of deposit insurance

The very first banking insurance system was created back in 1933. Today it is called the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

According to publicly available information from the International Association of Deposit Insurers, banking deposit insurance systems operate in more than a hundred countries around the world. For example, in European countries, each state that is part of the European Union is obliged to control the processes for the creation and operation on its own territory of at least one bank deposit guarantee system.

This obligation of European countries is dictated by the order of the European Parliament and a special council created to ensure the safety of deposits of European citizens. No bank in Europe that operates legally can not take deposits from individuals if this bank is not a member of one of the bank deposit guarantee systems.

What do we have?

In the Russian Federation, there is a special law that also regulates the activities of banking institutions in this difficult matter. This law is called "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation". The law entered into force in 2003. According to the law, each bank that is one of the members of the bank deposit insurance system, in case of loss of its banking license, is a member of the insurance system.

This means that if the bank becomes bankrupt, the state will be obliged to return to depositors (individuals) up to 1,400,000 rubles.

Features of deposits in Russia

All private (commercial) banks operating on the territory of the Russian Federation are obliged to transfer to the Central Bank a part of the funds that were deposited. This is called the norm of the so-called "required reserves". Otherwise, this norm is called a reserve system.

Some enterprises also cannot place their money in deposits, so they are forced to draw up a promissory note. A promissory note is a veiled form of deposit that is needed specifically for enterprises and some companies.

Taxes on deposits

In relation to income received from bank deposits, the tax base is determined as an excess of the amount of interest that was accrued under any terms of the agreement.

Under certain conditions, this rule does not apply, but the rules change periodically, so if you want to take advantage of any benefits, you should clarify all the information you are interested in at the Central Bank or the commercial bank chosen for the deposit.

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine "site". Today we will tell you what deposits in banks are and what types of bank deposits (deposits) exist, as well as provide instructions on how you can independently calculate a deposit.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is a deposit and why is it needed;
  • What types of bank deposits are the most popular;
  • How to correctly calculate the profitability of a deposit and where it is profitable to put money on a deposit.

Also at the end of the publication we will give answers to frequently asked questions on this topic.

About what a bank deposit is, what types of deposits banks offer, how to calculate interest on a deposit using an online calculator - read in this issue

1. What is a deposit or deposit in a bank - an overview of the concept of a bank deposit in simple words 💸

Further, depending on the type of deposit, enter the necessary information, indicate the details of the account from which the funds will be debited to the deposit. Confirmation of the opening of the deposit in this case will be a web document marked "Done".

Thus, it can be noted that it is not difficult to open a deposit, the main thing is that it brings the expected profit.

6. Where are the best conditions for deposits - TOP-3 banks with favorable conditions for deposits 📋

In order to be confident in their investments, they choose deposits from reliable banks. The pursuit of high profitability can lead to disastrous results.

If a credit institution is taken away license , then the maximum that you can count on is the return of the deposit amount with interest that has already been credited to the account. No interest is accrued after the license is revoked, you will have to wait for the funds to be received from1 months and longer. This is provided that the deposit was insured.

Take note! When choosing, it is better to be guided by the principle "Less is better".

Below are selected TOP - 3 banks, which offer good conditions for placing deposits and have a fairly high degree of reliability.

1) Sberbank

The largest and most reliable bank in the Russian Federation - Sberbank . His clients are over 139 million people Worldwide. It has the most extensive branch network, representative offices and subsidiaries in neighboring countries, Europe, Asia, and the USA. In this regard, it is convenient for customers to use its services.

Worth considering , the scale of the bank allows it to be Not very mobile, attract deposits Not at the highest rates, but be strong and reliable.

The range of offered deposits in the bank is very wide. Suggested here various targeted programs for large depositors and for those who need savings, charitable programs .

You can open a deposit in rubles, Euro, dollars. All conditions are presented on the company's website with the possibility of calculating the income percentage. It is possible to open a deposit using personal account Sberbank online.

Minimumdeposit threshold low, so the bank's depositors are clients with different income levels. Interest rate is not the maximum. You can get good income only subject to the investment of a large amount of funds.

The bank attracts customers with its brand and the presence of a large number of branches and additional offices.

2) VTB 24

The bank is one of the largest Russian credit companies. Focused on working with private individuals, small business, entrepreneurs. Totals about 12 million clients individuals, has an extensive branch network. It has high expert ratings.

Offers a wide range of deposit programs , the opening conditions of which are presented on its website on the Internet. The profitability of the deposit is also considered on the site. The bank offers the service of opening a deposit remotely. Deposits are opened in any currency ( rubles, Euro, dollar).

High enough deposit threshold provides an influx of wealthy customers. Higher interest rate than in Sberbank, the duration of deposits before 5 years, with a good level of reliability makes contributions VTB 24 a popular investment.

3) PJSC Bank FC Otkritie

The bank operates in the financial market more 20 years, is the largest private bank in Russia. According to the rating agency "Expert RA" takes 7 ranks in terms of equity capital. It has branches in 52 regions of Russia, about 3.5 million customers individuals.

The bank has full automated a range of services for individuals. You can draw up, manage, withdraw deposits during a personal visit to the bank or via mobile app. Also have Internet bank.

You can open a deposit in any currency. The credit institution offers wide range of deposits .

The bank is average contribution threshold available to many clients. Convenient conditions and high interest rate provide good returns on deposits.

The credit institution offers increased interest on deposits opened online to increase the popularity of this service.

Below is a summary table for clarity. By 6 -ty large banks with a minimum deposit amount and a maximum interest rate on it.

Comparative table of deposits in various banks with indicators of the minimum contribution threshold and income interest on them:

Credit organisation Min. deposit amount, thousand rubles Max. percentage, per year
1 Sberbank 1 5,63
2 VTB 24 200 7,40
3 Opening 50 9,25
4 Rosselkhozbank 50 8,75
5 Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development 5 9,00
6 Bank Tinkoff 50 9,45

Thus, a variety of conditions and interest rates provide the client with the opportunity to choose a bank with a good profitable interest.

7. How to choose and arrange a bank deposit - 5 useful tips from experts 💎

Previously, in order to open a deposit, it was necessary to go around the banks of the city, select the appropriate conditions and stand in line at the selected credit institution. This required time(the working hours of banks often coincided with the working hours of enterprises) and purposefulness.

Now do it significantly easier , convenient And faster .

In order to get the maximum profitability and profitability of the transaction, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with expert advice in this area.

Tip 1. The interest rate should not be the cornerstone of your choice.

When opening a deposit, the main attention is paid to the interest rate. It would seem that everything is correct, the deposits are insured, there is no need to worry about their loss. But that's right only provided that the bank has no financial difficulties.

Worth considering that the bank's license may be revoked during the term of the deposit agreement. Then you will have to get back the deposit amount with minimal interest. While, when placed in a reliable credit institution at a lower interest rate, the amount of the depositor's income for the same period will be higher.

It is necessary to take into account the individual conditions of the program: Availability And frequency of capitalization on the deposit, possibility of replenishment And withdrawals etc.

Tip 2. Break one contribution into several

It's important to remember: "You can't put all your eggs in one basket." This proverb best characterizes the following advice.

If you have a large amount of savings, it is better to distribute them among different banks.

Compared to one deposit, opening several deposits in different banks has the following advantages:

  • reducing the risk of loss of income in case of possible financial difficulties for the bank;
  • the ability to choose the most convenient individual conditions for the placement of funds.

can open multicurrency deposit , which also has its advantages.

Advantages of a multicurrency deposit:

  • the ability to freely manage the account;
  • if necessary, you can convert the deposit;
  • reduction of losses from inflation.

The best option is to place a deposit proportionally in three currencies: rubles, dollars, Euro.

A person who is not afraid of risk and wants to learn how to manage his own investments can open investment deposit .

A feature of the investment deposit is the division of the deposit into 2 parts:

  1. contribution;
  2. investments in mutual funds (mutual investment funds).

Interest on the deposit is calculated in the standard mode. The profitability of investments in mutual funds depends on many factors. Moreover, the investment object is chosen by the client on one's own.

Thus, opening an investment deposit, you can make good money if the circumstances are successful or lose half of the deposit if the investment was unprofitable.

Tip 3. Place funds only with credit institutions

If by placing his savings on deposit, the depositor expects to return them back, then it is forbidden trust unverified companies that invite customers with fabulous percentages.

Need to contact only to those credit institutions whose deposits are insured in Deposit Insurance Agency (ASV). Their list is available on the website of the Agency and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

If the interest rates offered by them are very attractive for the client, then you should definitely check the information about such companies.

There are several ways to assess the reliability of a credit institution:

  • During a personal visit to the office of the company where all documents should be in the public domain;
  • View company website. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the length of its activity, the size of assets, the amount of liability for obligations;
  • Study customer reviews on independent thematic forums.

It will be difficult for a non-specialist to understand all the nuances; there is a high probability of falling into the hands of dishonest partners.

Tip 4. Realistically evaluate the term of the deposit

The longer the term of the deposit, the higher the interest rate on it. If funds are placed for the long term, then without a doubt they should be placed at the highest interest rate.

However, it should be taken into account that in case of early termination of the contract (no one is insured against unforeseen circumstances), interest on the deposit is accrued minimal, that is, you will not be able to make money on it.

If savings are not made for specific purposes: buying a home, traveling, etc., it is better to choose the average term for investing funds.

Tip 5. Better choose the simplest and most understandable sentences

Advertising campaigns of banks are carried out in order to attract as many depositors as possible. Various “beautiful conditions” and pleasant bonuses are invented. In reality, this often turns out to be propaganda.

If you are not a financial expert, it is better to choose simpler programs, the profitability of which can be calculated on one's own .

Convenient and clear conditions, reliable bank- everything you need for the profitable placement of your own savings.

Having a free amount of money, you can make them a permanent source of passive income , which will be a nice bonus to the family budget.

8. Frequently asked questions about bank deposits and deposits 🔔

Question 1. What are investment deposits?

Investment deposit is a diversified financial instrument for the placement of funds. Its main feature is the division of funds into actual contribution and on investments in investment funds.

This service is offered by credit institutions under which affiliates mutual funds(mutual funds). Usually the deposit amount is divided 50 /50 . But only the amount of the deposit will be insured in the DIA.

Today, these types of deposits are quite popular type of financial services. This is due to the fact that they receive greater profitability than with standard deposits. In addition, the investor acquires investment experience with minimal risk.

On the one side, the division of the deposit into two parts guarantees the safety of the deposit and the receipt of a stable small income on it.

On the other side , it is possible to get many times more profit with a successful investment or lose the funds invested in a mutual fund.

The conditions for investment deposits are:

  • high entry threshold;
  • short term;
  • impossibility of extension.

Question 2. Indexed deposit - what is it?

There are bank deposits, the condition of which is the possibility of indexing the interest rate depending on the value of certain assets. For example , securities, dollar exchange rate, RTS index, inflation rate, etc..

In the event of an asset growth, the depositor receives an additional interest, and in case of a fall, the rate is charged as for deposits " poste restante».

Question 3. What is the online bank deposit calculator?

Quite recently, in order to understand how profitable it is to place money on a deposit, one had to go to the bank, stand in line for an individual consultation. Now everything has become easier And convenient.

All banks' websites contain information about the proposed programs for attracting funds to deposits. A convenient innovation is the presence online deposit calculator (deposit calculator). It provides an opportunity to calculate the profitability of a particular program to determine the most favorable conditions.

Online deposit calculator is a program specially adapted for a specific financial organization, which includes all the conditions of a deposit of a particular bank.