How much distance should there be between private houses? At what distance should lamps be installed on the ceiling?

When designing and building a house, it is necessary to take into account that there are a number of building standards approved by the state, compliance with which is the main condition for construction.

The required distance between residential buildings according to state standards is calculated based on building material, which is used for the manufacture of load-bearing structures.

  • If both neighboring buildings are built from materials that are not subject to combustion, for example concrete, stone, as well as reinforced concrete, then the permitted distance between them is 6 meters or more;
  • If the structures are made of the same non-combustible materials, but in combination with wooden floors, then the minimum permitted distance between residential buildings is at least 8 meters;
  • For neighboring wooden houses made from flammable, as well as difficult to combustible and non-flammable materials, the standards require a minimum distance of at least 15 meters;

When designing a private house, all necessary distances must be calculated based on the protruding points of the future building, which are usually the bay window and porch.

In the event that all construction measurements are carried out even before the start of the actual construction with the utmost accuracy, then the possible redevelopment of the house during construction will not cause you any hassle or unpleasant surprises, since it will not require additional material costs to correct design defects.

Standards for the location of a residential building in relation to utility structures

It is recommended to erect a residential building at a distance exceeding 5 meters from the red line of the road and at a distance of at least three meters from residential streets and driveways. The red line in the field of urban planning is considered to be a conditional boundary that supposedly separates the roadway of the street directly from the residential area.

In order to comply with fire safety, the permissible distance between residential private buildings on adjacent plots of land should be in the range from 6 to 15 meters, depending on the level and degree of fire resistance of the buildings. IN regulations For more convenient renovation of the premises, it is recommended to place a residential building with the building offset to the left or right side border of the land plot, but, nevertheless, the permitted distance from the fence of the site to the wall of the residential building is from 1-1.5 meters.

Economic facilities must be built deep within the land plot in compliance with the same requirements for their distance from boundaries that apply to residential buildings. It is recommended to build utility blocks separately from the main residential building. The fencing of the site on the side of the residential street must be specified in the design documents.

Standards for minimum distances between buildings

The standard minimum distance from a building to a street or driveway is as follows:

  • From a residential building and outbuildings in relation to the red line of a residential street is at least 5 meters;
  • At least 3 meters is allowed from a residential building to the red travel line;
  • There must be at least 5 meters from utility buildings to the red travel line;
  • A shed or car garage erected on a plot of land may be adjacent to the fence of the land plot on the side of a residential street or driveway. In addition, the placement of garages is allowed as free-standing, built-in or attached to a residential building and outbuildings.

Minimum distance for the border to be located on an adjacent plot of land according to sanitary and household characteristics:

  • From a residential building - at least 3 meters;
  • From an outbuilding for keeping pets - at least four meters. In addition, these structures are allowed to be attached only to small-sized residential buildings with the obligatory separation of them from residential premises by at least three working utility rooms;
  • If there are utility blocks adjacent directly to a residential building, the distance must be measured separately in relation to each object:
    • Residential building - car garage - at least 3 meters from the house, at least 1 meter from the car garage;
    • Residential building for pets - at least 3 meters from a residential building, at least 4 meters from an auxiliary building for keeping animals.

When constructing outbuildings on a garden or dacha plot of land, located at a distance of one meter from the border of an adjacent garden or dacha plot of land, the roof slope of the building must be positioned in such a way that the runoff of natural precipitation does not fall on the neighboring plot of land and does not flood it. .

Standard minimum distance between structures located on adjacent plots of land:

  • From a residential building or a residential private house to a yard shower, bathhouse building and restroom - at least 8 meters;
  • From a natural well to an outdoor latrine and a composting facility - 8 meters.
  • Minimum distance from the foundation of a residential building to utility communication networks:
  • Power cables of all voltage types, as well as telephone communication cables, are located at a distance of at least 60 cm;
  • Channels and communication tunnels are located at a distance exceeding 2 meters or more;
  • For water supply, as well as pressure sewerage, a distance of more than 5 meters is provided.

The standards for distances between private construction objects given in the article will help to correctly design both the residential building itself and the proposed communication junctions. Compliance with these standards will help you put the constructed house into operation without any problems.

Video - Distance to the fence from buildings according to GOST


Lawyers' answers (1)

Good afternoon!!!

In accordance with SNiP 30-02-97, this is the distance of buildings that can be located on your site.

6.7 Minimum distances to the border of an adjacent garden plot according to sanitary conditions there should be, m:
from the garden house – 3;
from construction for keeping small livestock and poultry – 4;
from other buildings – 1;
from the trunks of tall trees – 4, medium-sized ones – 2;
from a bush - 1.
6.8 The minimum distances between buildings for sanitary conditions should be, m:
from the garden house and cellar to the restroom - 12;
to shower, bath and sauna – 8;
from the well to the latrine and composting device – 8;
before construction for keeping small livestock and poultry, showers, baths, saunas - 12;
from a cellar to a composting facility and buildings for keeping small livestock and poultry – 7.

This is an excerpt from the Law on fire safety requirements for objects at what distance they should be located from each other. If you do not agree with something, you can call a fire inspector who can identify the violation, if any, and issue instructions to eliminate fire safety violations; And if it is not fulfilled, then bring the violators to administrative responsibility.

Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ
Technical regulations on fire safety requirements
Article 69. Fire distances between buildings, structures and structures
1. Fire distances between residential, public and
administrative buildings, buildings, structures and structures
industrial organizations depending on the degree of fire resistance and class
their structural fire hazard should be taken in accordance with
Table 11 of the appendix to this Federal law.
2. Fire distances between buildings, structures and
buildings are defined as the distances between external walls or
other structures of buildings, structures and structures. In the presence of
structures of buildings, structures and structures protruding more than 1 meter
buildings made of flammable materials should be taken
distances between these structures.
3. Fire distances between the walls of buildings, structures and
buildings without window openings may be reduced by 20 percent with
provided that the roof is made of non-combustible materials, with the exception of buildings
IV and V degrees of fire resistance and buildings of structural fire classes
hazards C2 and C3.
4. It is allowed to reduce fire distances between buildings,
structures and buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance class
structural fire hazard C0 by 50 percent with equipment
more than 40 percent of the premises of each of the buildings, structures and structures
automatic fire extinguishing installations.
5. In areas with seismicity 9 points and above, fire protection
distances between residential buildings, as well as between residential and public
buildings of IV and V degrees of fire resistance should be increased by 20
6. Fire distances from buildings, structures and structures of any
degree of fire resistance up to buildings, structures and structures of IV and V degrees
fire resistance in a coastal strip 100 kilometers wide or up to
the nearest mountain range in climatic subregions IB, IG, IIA and IIB
should be increased by 25 percent.
7. Fire distances between residential buildings of IV and V degrees
fire resistance in climatic subregions IA, IB, IG, ID and IIA should
increase by 50 percent.
8. For two-story buildings, structures and frame and panel structures
structures of the V degree of fire resistance, as well as buildings, structures and
buildings with roofs made of flammable materials, fire safety distances
should be increased by 20 percent.
9. Fire distances between buildings, structures and
buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance can be reduced to 3.5
meters, provided that the wall of a higher building, structure and
building located opposite another building, structure or structure,
is fireproof type 1.
10. Fire distances from one- and two-apartment buildings residential buildings And
outbuildings (sheds, garages, bathhouses) on the plot
plot of land to residential buildings and outbuildings in neighboring
household plots should be taken in accordance with
Table 11 of the appendix to this Federal Law. Allowed
reduce fire distances between the specified types to 6 meters
buildings, provided that the walls of buildings facing each other do not have
window openings, made of non-combustible materials or subjected to
fire protection, and the roof and eaves are made of non-combustible materials.
11. Minimum fire distances from residential, public and
administrative buildings (functional fire hazard classes F1,
F2, F3, F4) I and II degrees of fire resistance up to production and
warehouse buildings, structures and structures (functional fire class
danger F5) must be at least 9 meters (to buildings of class
functional fire hazard F5 and structural fire classes
hazard C2, C3 - 15 meters), III degree of fire resistance - 12 meters, IV
and V degrees of fire resistance - 15 meters. Distances from residential,
public and administrative buildings (functional fire classes
hazard F1, F2, F3, F4) IV and V degrees of fire resistance up to
industrial and warehouse buildings, structures and structures (class
functional fire hazard F5) should be 18 meters. For
of the specified buildings of III degree of fire resistance, the distances between them should
be at least 12 meters.
12. Placement of temporary buildings, stalls, kiosks, canopies and others
such buildings must be carried out in accordance with the requirements
established in Table 11 of the Appendix to this Federal Law.
13. Fire distances between blank end walls,
having a fire resistance limit of at least REI 150, buildings, structures and
buildings of I - III degrees of fire resistance, with the exception of children's buildings
preschool educational institutions, inpatient medical institutions
type (functional fire hazard classes F1.1, F4.1), and
multi-level parking garages with passive movement of cars
are not standardized.
14. Areas for storing containers must have fences and
be located at a distance of at least 15 meters from buildings, structures and
15. Fire distances from urban development boundaries
settlements must be at least 50 meters from forests, and from the borders
urban development and rural settlements with one-, two-story
individual development to forest areas - at least 15 meters.


What should be the distance between neighboring farmsteads?

“Our small vegetable garden is adjacent to the neighbor’s yard. The neighbors decided to build a garage without permission (there is no building permit) right on the edge of our garden. From regulatory documents They learned that they could build such a structure, subject to permission, at a distance of at least a meter from the property line. The neighbors did not react to our remark. Tell me where to go to stop construction not according to standards. And are the neighbors breaking any other laws?” Evgeniy (Kursk).

“Please explain the question regarding the standards for the formation of a peasant household. What should be the distance between the house and neighboring auxiliary buildings (barn, cellar, temporary shed, etc.) "A. I. GUTOROV (Kursk).

The garage, as an auxiliary structure, must be located at least 1 meter from the border of the neighboring plot. But besides this, other norms must be observed. For example, fire and sanitation.

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” (Article 75), fire safety distances in garden, country and household territories land plots from outbuildings located on one garden, dacha or household plot of land, to residential buildings of neighboring plots of land, as well as between residential buildings neighboring land plots should be accepted in accordance with Table 11 of the Appendix to this Federal Law. That is, the total distance between buildings should be 6 meters!

In other words, if there were no neighbors, the garage could be built one meter from the boundary line, but since it already exists, it should be 6 meters.

According to sanitary and hygienic standards, the distance from the windows of living rooms on one plot of land to the walls of buildings on another plot of land should be at least 6 or 7 meters.

There are sanitary standards and rules for providing insolation to residential and public buildings and residential areas (SanPiN 2605-82 5.), according to which the placement and orientation of residential and public buildings (except for those listed in clause 3) must ensure the following duration of continuous insolation of premises and territories:

– for the central zone (in the range of geographic latitudes 58° - 48° N) at least 2.5 hours a day for the period from March 22 to September 22;

– for the northern zone (north of 58° N) at least 3 hours a day for the period from April 22 to August 22;

– for the southern zone (less than 48° N) at least 2 hours a day for the period from February 22 to September 22.

Neighbors who are building a garage should take them into account so that the new building does not obscure your plot of land.

What to do in this situation? Apply to your district administration and keep a copy with proof of submission. Based on the results of the inspection, an appropriate decision must be made. There is administrative liability for violation of norms and rules. If this does not stop the actions of the neighbors, file a claim in court. Do not forget to impose interim measures - prohibiting the neighbor from continuing the construction of the garage until a court decision is made. The trial according to the norms of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation will continue for more than one month, during which time the neighbor may erect a structure, which will complicate the execution of the court decision.

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In modern architecture and construction, plans are understood as images obtained as a result of dissecting a building by a conventional horizontal plane passing at a selected level.

Building plans are necessary so that everyone who studies them has an idea of ​​what exact shape the structure has, how its rooms are located relative to each other. According to the current rules for drawing up these documents, they indicate door and window openings, the location of main walls and partitions, plumbing equipment, built-in cabinets, etc.

When compiling floor plans In some cases, public and residential buildings indicate how furniture and other equipment are located in the premises. As for the plans of industrial buildings, they often indicate the placement of such existing technological equipment, which directly affects the design solution of the structure itself. To draw all the contours of the equipment, the selected scale is used, and this procedure is carried out using thin lines. The explication indicates the name of the equipment, and this is done in such a way that the position numbers strictly correspond to those indicated directly on the plan.

Drawing dimensions on the plan of a residential building

According to standard requirements for drawing up building plans, they must be marked dimensions, giving an idea of ​​the exact size of all the premises, as well as the dimensions of the structural elements of the structures. On construction drawings, all dimensions must be drawn in strict accordance with GOST 2.307 – 68, as well as taking into account the provisions and requirements contained in GOST R 21.1501 – 92. Solid thin lines are used to draw extension and dimension lines.

The location of all its structural elements on the building plan is determined by their location relative to the coordination axes.

When drawing up building plans, it is recommended to draw dimension lines in such a way that they are located outside the contours of the image itself.

In order to limit dimension lines in those places where they intersect with extension, center, center and contour lines, so-called “ notches” are used. They are short strokes that are drawn along the main line at an angle of 45° with an inclination to the right relative to the dimension line of the arrow. This image is used when indicating the sizes of angles, radii and diameters, as well as distances from the common base. In cases where there is not enough space on the dimension lines, which are arranged in a chain, to put serifs, they can be replaced with dots.

Drawing dimensions on the plan of an industrial building

On drawings and building plans, all dimensions are indicated in millimeters, and the abbreviation “mm” is not placed after their numerical values. In cases where other units of measurement are established to indicate dimensions (for example, meters or centimeters), their designations (respectively, “m” or “cm”) are indicated, or the corresponding information is given in the technical requirements.

External dimension lines on building plans (most often on the left and below) are drawn in quantities of one to four pieces, and the minimum distance between them should be 7 millimeters. The distance of the first of them to the outline of the plan must be at least 10 millimeters, and it is intended for marking the dimensions of door and window openings, as well as the partitions located between them. The second dimension line is used to indicate dimensions between adjacent axes, and the third – between extreme axes. Elements such as the piers closest to the coordination axes are linked by their sizes from the faces to the axes.

As for the internal dimensions of the premises, the thickness of the internal walls and partitions, their values ​​are indicated on the internal dimension lines, which are drawn at a distance of 8 to 10 millimeters from the partition or wall. The areas of individual premises are indicated in square meters with two decimal places.

Rules for electrical installations in questions and answers [A manual for studying and preparing for a knowledge test] Krasnik Valentin Viktorovich

Dimensions, intersections and approaches

Question. What should be the vertical distance from the overhead line wires to the surface of the earth and the roadway of streets in populated and unpopulated areas?

Answer. It must be at least 5 m. It can be reduced in hard-to-reach areas to 2.5 m and in inaccessible areas (mountain slopes, rocks, cliffs) - up to 1 m.

When crossing impassable parts of streets with branches from overhead lines to building entrances, the distance from the self-supporting insulation system to the sidewalks of pedestrian paths can be reduced to 3.5 m.

The distance from self-supporting insulated wires and insulated wires to the ground surface on branches to inputs must be at least 2.5 m.

The distance from bare wires to the ground surface on branches to inputs must be at least 2.75 m (2.4.55).

Question. What should be the distance from overhead line wires in populated and uninhabited areas with the greatest sag of wires to the ground and roadways?

Answer. Must be at least 6 m. The distance from the wires to the ground can be reduced in hard-to-reach areas to 3.5 m and in inaccessible areas (mountain slopes, rocks, cliffs) - up to 1 m (2.4.56).

Question. What should be the horizontal distance from self-supporting insulated wires at their greatest deviation to elements of buildings and structures?

Answer. There must be at least:

1.0 m – to balconies, terraces and windows;

0.2 m – to the blank walls of buildings and structures (2.4.57).

Question. What should be the horizontal distance from the overhead line wires at their greatest deviation to buildings and structures?

Answer. There must be at least:

1.5 m – to balconies, terraces and windows;

1.0 m – to blank walls.

The passage of overhead lines with uninsulated wires over buildings and structures is not allowed (2.4.58).

Question. What should be the minimum distance from self-supporting insulated wires when laying wires along the walls of buildings and structures?

Answer. Should be:

for horizontal installation:

above the window, front door – 0.3 m;

under the balcony, window, cornice - 0.5 m;

to the ground – 2.5 m;

for vertical installation:

to the window – 0.5 m;

to the balcony, front door – 1.0 m.

The clear distance between the SIP and the wall of the building or structure must be at least 0.06 m (2.4.60).

Question. What should be the horizontal distances from the underground parts of supports or grounding conductors of supports to underground cables, pipelines and above-ground columns for various purposes?

Answer. Must be no less than those given in the table. 2.4.4 (2.4.61).

Table 2.4.4

The smallest permissible horizontal distance from the underground parts of supports or grounding devices of supports to underground cables, pipelines and above-ground columns

End of table. 2.4.4

Answer. It is recommended to perform on cross supports; their intersection in the span is also allowed. The vertical distance between the wires of intersecting overhead lines (VLI) must be at least: 0.1 m on the support, 1 m in the span (2.4.65).

Question. Under what conditions is it permissible to jointly hang overhead line wires with a voltage of up to 1 kV and uninsulated overhead line wires up to 20 kV on common supports?

Answer. Allowed subject to the following conditions:

overhead line wires with voltage up to 20 kV should be located above overhead line wires with voltage up to 1 kV;

overhead line wires with voltage up to 20 kV, fixed to pin insulators, must have double fastening (2.4.68).

Question. What requirements must be met when hanging overhead line wires with voltage up to 1 kV and protected overhead line wires with voltage 6-20 kV on common supports?

Answer. The following requirements must be met:

Overhead lines with voltage up to 1 kV must be carried out according to the design climatic conditions of overhead lines up to 20 kV;

overhead line wires with a voltage of 6-20 kV should, as a rule, be located above the overhead line wires with a voltage of up to 1 kV;

fastening of VLZ wires with a voltage of 6-20 kV on pin insulators must be reinforced (2.4.69).

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Rules for Electrical Installations in Questions and Answers [A manual for studying and preparing for a knowledge test] author

Intersections, approaches, joint suspension of overhead lines with communication lines, wire broadcasting and fiber-optic cables Question. What should be the angle of intersection of overhead lines with communication lines (LC) and wired broadcast lines (LBL)? Answer. Should be as close to 90° as possible. For

From the book Rules for Electrical Installations in Questions and Answers. Section 2. Electricity transmission. A guide for studying and preparing for the knowledge test author Krasnik Valentin Viktorovich

Intersections and convergence of overhead lines with engineering structures Question. What should be the distance from the overhead line wires to road signs and their supporting cables when the overhead lines are close to roads? Answer. Must be at least 1 m. Supporting cables must be grounded from

From the book Handbook on the construction and reconstruction of power transmission lines with voltage 0.4–750 kV author Uzelkov Boris

Dimensions, intersections and approaches Question 225. What should be the vertical distance from the overhead line wires to the surface of the earth and the roadway of streets in populated and uninhabited areas? Answer. Must be at least 5 m. It can be reduced in hard-to-reach areas to

From the author's book

Intersections, approaches, joint suspension of overhead lines with communication lines, wire broadcasting and radio broadcasting Question 234. What should be the angle of intersection of overhead lines with the LAN (communication line of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation and other departments, as well as the signaling line of the Ministry of Railways) and LPV (lines

From the author's book

Intersections and approaches of overhead lines with engineering structures Question 249. What should be the distance from overhead line wires to road signs and their supporting cables when overhead lines approach roads? Answer. Must be at least 1 m. Supporting cables must be grounded from

From the author's book

3.6. INTERSECTIONS AND APPROACHES OF OHL WITH STRUCTURES Particular attention during the construction of overhead lines should be paid to compliance with the dimensions of the intersection and proximity of overhead lines with each other, with structures, communication and signaling lines (LS), relay network lines (RN), roads, pipelines and