Country house on credit. Build a house on credit

The housing issue is one of the most pressing issues for Muscovites who are looking for money to purchase real estate.

A mortgage for housing construction in Moscow makes it possible to obtain real estate in a fairly short period of time.

To obtain a mortgage loan for the construction of a house, the bank puts forward the following requirements for the client:

  • Age from 21 to 65 years;
  • Stable work;
  • Income. Not only the income of the client, but also his family is taken into account;
  • The amount for the initial deposit.
  • Guarantors are needed if the amount of income of the client himself does not satisfy the bank.

Banks of the city of Moscow, provide the following types programs mortgage loans in 2020:

  • standard;
  • social;
  • "Young family";
  • for military personnel.

The client is given the opportunity to independently calculate on a virtual calculator monthly payment, compare conditions in several banks and choose the most profitable option for yourself.

Applying online for a loan in Moscow is simple, just a few steps are enough:

  1. Go to the bank's website.
  2. Fill out an application.
  3. Send it to the bank.
  4. Get an answer.
  5. Collect required documents and go to the bank.

How to get a mortgage for building a house for Muscovites?

You need to submit a number of documents to the bank:

  1. Passport.
  2. For males - a military ID.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Documents about education.
  5. Marriage certificate, birth documents of children.
  6. Work book from work
  7. Income statements.

The bank, when issuing a mortgage for the construction of a private house, takes into account what material the client is building the house from (concrete, brick or wood), as well as what characteristics of the foundation.

There are more chances to get a mortgage in Moscow for the construction of a house for those clients who build from more durable materials.

Which banks in Moscow give mortgages for housing construction to Muscovites?

Among the leaders:

  • Sberbank;
  • Bank of Moscow;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Credit Bank of Moscow;
  • RosEvroBank and others.

Taking a mortgage for housing construction, the client promptly resolves housing issues. Preferential mortgage agreements that are economically beneficial for the client - a reliable investment.

Building and buying a house on credit can not be offered by any construction company. Many contractors refuse construction on credit because it requires additional red tape with paperwork, again the builder does not receive money immediately.

But this story is not about the Daromdom company. We do not just build high-quality and without prepayment houses and baths from profiled timber, our goal is to make the construction of suburban housing affordable for the general population of Russia. We see our mission in this, so our company builds on credit.

Let's see how affordable it is now to get a loan for building a house from our partner - Rosselkhozbank, find out what conditions, interest and programs it can provide you, our customers. Marina Roslavtseva, Deputy Director of the Novgorod branch of Rosselkhozbank, is talking to us.

Loan programs help many of our clients to acquire their own housing, improve their living conditions or build their own home with borrowed funds.

Of course, building a house is preferable for several reasons, and one of the main ones is the fact that you do not have to put up with a house that is built according to someone else's plan and for someone else's needs. You can build your dream home for yourself. Pleasure is not cheap, but our experts will help you find a loan for the required amount and on acceptable terms. You can see for yourself how interesting a loan for the construction of a house looks in the Russian Agricultural Bank.

Turnkey timber houses on credit: what are the features of construction lending?

Few banks provide loans for turnkey timber houses. In Rosselkhozbank, a loan for the construction of a private house is a target loan; the funds received can be used only for one single purpose. The client can choose the option of repaying the loan in separate parts, tranches, as needed, and carrying out certain construction works.

What programs are currently operating in Rosselkhozbank?

Mortgage loan to build your own house. The client receives funds for the construction of his own cottage or house with land plot. This loan is issued up to a maximum of 30 years (link to the site). Russians over the age of 21 can count on receiving such a loan, upper bound runs for 65 years. Work experience must be at least six months at the last place of work, at least one year for the period in the past five years. For clients who are engaged in personal subsidiary farming, a loan is issued without this information.

As for income, a loan for the construction of a house provides the client with the opportunity to choose an alternative method - either 2NDFL, or a correctly executed certificate in the form of a bank. The material security for the loan will be the object under construction, before the transfer of real estate as a pledge, a guarantee of an individual or legal entity is accepted.

Funds can be obtained in tranches, then the loan is issued in the form of an open credit line. If you wish, you can take the entire amount at a time. Debt repayment is carried out in equal payments, although a differentiated scheme is also available. A young family, where one or both spouses are under 35 years old, can count on benefits - a deferral of payment of the main body of debt up to 3 years, a deferment at the birth of children during the mortgage period - until they reach 3 years. But the deferment can be issued only once for the entire credit term. Early repayment within the framework of such a product as a loan for the construction of a house by Rosselkhozbank, it is made without restrictions and commissions.

A spouse can, under the conditions, act as a co-borrower on a loan, their solvency is taken into account by the bank. In addition, you can attract up to three individuals, including those who are not related to the main client. They will be required to officially confirm the amount of their income.

Summing up, it is quite possible to take a loan for the construction of your cottage or house. It is best if you manage to use some kind of joint program of the bank and the developer - a partner of the bank.

There are other programs, for example, "registration according to two documents" is a special program, for whom is it intended?

So build timber house inexpensively and on credit quite possibly, but are there any other programs out there? Under such conditions, you can apply for a mortgage to buy an apartment or a residential building with a plot (including a townhouse) on the secondary market, as well as a property on the primary market, provided that its construction is carried out with the participation of loans from the Russian Agricultural Bank. Must have at least 40% own funds, in case of purchasing an apartment and at least 50% if a house or townhouse is purchased. The maximum amount is up to 8 million rubles for Moscow, St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Moscow regions, and up to 4 million rubles for other regions.

What is a non-targeted mortgage loan secured by real estate?

This is a mortgage loan secured by a residential apartment or a private house with a land plot. Credit funds can be used by the borrower for any purpose. The loan is issued in the amount of not more than 50% of the market value of the property pledged. The market value of the property (subject of mortgage) is determined in accordance with the report of an independent appraiser. The loan is granted for an amount not exceeding 10 million rubles and for a period of up to 10 years. Pledge required as collateral real estate, which can be an apartment or a residential building together with a land plot. The object must be owned by the borrower or co-borrowers. The application is considered within a period not exceeding five working days.

Preferential loan for a young family to build a house

The program "Young family", the family receives a loan as part of a standard product, but with a number of benefits. For example, the down payment is reduced to 10%, except when the client plans to pay credit funds participation in shared construction. Then the minimum bar remains the same 20%. This category of clients can take advantage of the deferral of payment of the principal debt for the period of construction (no more than 3 years) and at the birth of a child (until he reaches 3 years of age). Under this loan, it is allowed to use maternity capital as down payment.

Also, Daromdoma, together with the Russian Agricultural Bank, offers mortgage program using maternity capital when one of the Borrowers/Pledgers must be the manager of maternity (family) capital funds.

There is an interesting type of lending "Engineering Communications". This loan is issued on special terms and allows a private house to install water, gas, sewerage, change electrical wiring, heating system, and even install a telephone.

Table 1.1. Interest rates on mortgage loans in Russian rubles

Down payment amount
Credit term
up to 60 months (on) over 60 months
up to 120 months (on)
over 120 months
up to 180 months (on)
over 180 months
up to 240 months (on)
over 240 months
up to 360 months (on)
Mortgage loan for the purchase of residential real estate and the construction of a residential building
up to 30% not less
14,50 %
not less
15,00 %
not less
15,50 %
not less
15,50 %
not less
16,00 %
more than 30 - 50% not less
14,00 %
not less
14,50 %
not less
15,00 %
not less
15,25 %
not less
15,50 %
over 50% not less
13,50 %
not less
14,00 %
not less
14,50 %
not less
15,00 %
not less
15,25 %
up to 12 months (on) over 12 months
up to 36 months (on)
over 36 months
up to 60 months
over 60 months
up to 84 months
over 84 months
up to 120 months (on)
Mortgage loan secured by existing housing not less
14,50 %
not less
15,00 %
not less
15,50 %
not less
15,50 %
not less
16,00 %
up to 12 months (on) over 12 months
up to 36 months (on)
over 36 months
up to 60 months
over 60 months
up to 84 months
over 84 months
up to 120 months (on)
Non-targeted mortgage loan not less
16,00 %
not less
16,00 %
not less
19,00 %
not less
19,00 %
not less
19,00 %

These rates are also applied in case of registration within the framework of:

  • Special conditions for the provision of the loan product "Mortgage loan for young families";
  • Special conditions for the provision of the loan product "Mortgage loan taking into account maternity (family) capital";
  • Conditions for the loan product “Mortgage housing lending for employees of JSC Rosselkhozbank”;
  • Conditions for the loan product "Mortgage housing lending under two documents".

You can also get more detailed advice and apply for a loan in all additional offices JSC "Rosselkhozbank"

What loan amount can I expect?

The bank always approves maximum amount, which can be issued to the borrower and co-borrowers specified in the questionnaire. However, the loan amount cannot exceed 85% of the value of the property you have chosen.

I was denied a loan. Why? What to do?

The bank does not explain the reasons for the refusal, as this would lead to the disclosure of the borrower evaluation system, which is a trade secret. There are potentially about twenty parameters of the borrower and co-borrowers that this system can rely on.

If the bank has refused you, you can apply for a loan again after the period specified in the accompanying text of the refusal. In some cases, you can reapply right away.

How to increase the chances of obtaining a mortgage with a small official salary?

For example, you can apply for a loan with a certificate in the form of a bank instead of a 2-NDFL certificate. An income statement in the form of a bank is an alternative document that is accepted by the bank as proof of the borrower's income, but in which additional earnings can be taken into account.

I am an aged person, will they give me a mortgage?

You can take out a mortgage for up to the age of 75. For example, if you are 65 years old, you can take out a mortgage for 10 years.

If I receive a salary on a Sberbank card?

Payroll customers of Sberbank, depending on other lending conditions, may receive additional benefits. At the same time, the benefits are available if any of the co-borrowers is a payroll client.

· If in the last two months you have had at least one salary transfer to a Sberbank card or account, you can get a discount on the rate.

· If you had salary credits to the card (account) of Sberbank for at least 4 months out of the last 6 months, you do not need to additionally upload an income statement and a copy of the work book.

How can I find out the overpayment on my future loan?

You can see the amount of the overpayment by registering with personal account . After registration, click on the calculation panel and you will see the overpayment diagram in the calculator.

Is it profitable to buy a borrower's life and health insurance policy?

Life and health insurance in the insurance company LLC IC Sberbank Life Insurance or other companies accredited by Sberbank allows you to reduce the loan rate by 1%.

Considering the purchase of the policy, you will actually save about 0.5 percentage points on the rate. In addition to saving on the rate, the policy fulfills its immediate task - the insurance company will pay the bank the balance of the debt on your mortgage loan upon the onset insured event(disability or death).

I am a citizen of another country, can I get a mortgage?

Mortgages in Sberbank are issued only to citizens of Russia.

Who can be a co-borrower?

Most often, co-borrowers are relatives of the main borrower - spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters. In total, you can attract up to 6 co-borrowers. If you are married, your spouse must be a mandatory co-borrower. Exceptions are possible if a marriage contract has been concluded between the spouses.

For example, to increase your chances of receiving a larger amount upon approval, you can involve co-borrowers - participants salary projects. Also, when applying for a loan, you can note that you do not want to take into account the solvency of the co-borrower. This will reduce the list of required documents, but may reduce the maximum approved amount.

How to use maternity capital in favor of a mortgage?

You can use maternity capital funds in whole or in part as a down payment when obtaining a mortgage. You can use only maternity capital or the sum of maternity capital and own funds. By minimum size We recommend using the DomClick calculator for the down payment.

When using maternity capital funds, it is important to agree with the seller on the procedure and deadline for receiving Money maternity capital, since this amount is transferred from Pension Fund not right away.

Also, maternity capital funds can be used for early repayment of an existing loan.

Which additional expenses will be when applying for a mortgage?

Depending on the type of property and the selected set of services, when applying for a loan, you will need to pay:

· Evaluation report – from 2,000₽ depending on the region and appraisal company (required for valuation of the collateral object);

· Insurance of the collateral object (for the purchased apartment) - directly depends on the size of the loan;

· Life and health insurance of the borrower (not mandatory, but reduces the loan rate) - directly depends on the size of the loan;

· State duty for registering a transaction in Rosreestr - 2,000₽ at independent registration or 1 400 ₽ for electronic registration Istration (is an additional service and is paid separately);

· Renting a bank cell and paying for access to it (when buying a second home for cash) or paying for a secure payment service - from 2,000₽ .

The cost of services is approximate. Check the exact cost on the websites of the respective services.

Which is better: new building or resale?

As a rule, an apartment or apartments in a new building are bought directly from the developer, while a resale property is bought from the previous owner.

No one lived in a new building before you, the price per square meter is less than that of an apartment of the same class in a secondary building, there are promotions from developers, more modern layouts, however, you will not be able to quickly register at the place of residence, the elevator and gas will not be turned on until the majority of residents will not move in, most likely, they will have to wait for the development of infrastructure and the completion of repairs at the neighbors.

As a rule, you can enter the secondary housing and register immediately after the purchase, the infrastructure around is already developed, however, most likely you will have to be content with a typical layout, worn-out communications, and you will need to check the legal purity of the property and the participants in the transaction.

What is the processing time for a loan application?

Consideration of the application does not exceed two days, but most clients receive approval on the day of application.

How is the process of obtaining a mortgage at Sberbank through DomClick?

Depending on the type of property and other parameters, the process of obtaining a mortgage may differ.

However, the first step is the same for everyone - applying for a loan. To apply, calculate the loan on the DomClick calculator, register on the site, fill out the form and attach Required documents. Consideration of the application does not exceed two days, but most clients receive approval on the day of application.

If you have not yet chosen a property, you can start doing it immediately after receiving approval from the bank, when you know the maximum loan amount for you.

When the property is selected, upload the necessary documents in the DomClick office.

Within 3-5 days you will be informed about the approval of the property you have chosen. You can choose a convenient date for the transaction, which is carried out at the Sberbank Mortgage Lending Center.

The last stage is the registration of the transaction in Rosreestr. Congratulations, you're all set!

Why register on DomClick?

After registration, you will have access to the help of a consultant in the chat and the borrower's questionnaire. Registration allows you to save your data so that you can return to filling out the application at any time. After receiving approval for a loan in the personal account of the borrower, you will be able to communicate with your manager, send documents to the bank online and receive the services necessary to obtain a mortgage.

How do I find out the decision of the bank?

Immediately after consideration of your application, you will receive an SMS with the decision of the bank. A bank employee will also call you.

For middle class families the best option buying your own home will be frame house: construction on credit is becoming more and more accessible. The construction of traditional materials, such as brick, cinder blocks or aerated concrete, runs the risk of dragging on for several years, and it always requires huge expenses. Frame technology allows you to complete the construction and move into a fully finished house in just a few months, after which the family will be able to safely pay off the loan.

Advantages of frame construction

Frame house on credit It is an opportunity to acquire your own home with very little one-time costs. Modern banking programs are specifically targeted at middle-income families, monthly payments will not become too burdensome if you think about all the issues in advance and take a balanced approach to design and construction.

A frame house is a warm, light and durable building that does not require pouring a powerful monolithic foundation. Construction work can be carried out at any time of the year, although they usually try to do it during the warm season. The construction of the house itself can be compared with the assembly of the designer: the building is assembled from prefabricated prefabricated elements, the box is built in just a few weeks.

Frame house on credit in Moscow and the Moscow region has become a popular solution for several more reasons:

  • The opportunity for one summer not only to build a building, but also to carry out a complete finish with the arrangement and connection of all communications. Unlike a log house, a frame building does not shrink: you do not need to wait six months or a year, you can immediately carry out external cladding, install doors, windows and carry out other work. This allows you to complete the construction in the shortest possible time.
  • Low cost of materials and finishes. For the frame, a strong coniferous timber is used; for cladding, OSB - plates and modern heaters. This technology provides minimal construction costs, in addition, you can save on rough finishing.
  • High energy efficiency. The frame house holds heat well, which makes it possible to reduce annual heating costs. For any home, this is a significant savings, it partially pays for investments in construction.
  • A wide range of planning solutions. If you want to become the owner of a truly comfortable home, your choice is construction of turnkey frame houses: projects one-story and two-story buildings can be selected for any requirements. Subsequently, the building can be quickly rebuilt by changing the arrangement of rooms.

Advantages of building on credit

If you have to build on credit, a frame house is the least risky solution. The construction will not be delayed and will not lead to large additional costs, all finishing work can be completed in the shortest possible time. In addition, such construction meets all the requirements of banks, subsequently the house will be considered collateral until the final completion of payments. There will be no problems with obtaining a loan, and in the future you will be able to calmly pay off the bank without being distracted by endless problems with construction and decoration.

If you want to become the owner of your own comfortable housing away from the dusty streets of the metropolis, a house using frame technology will be the best solution. The Canadian type of construction has been tested in many countries, houses of this type account for more than 70% one-story buildings in the USA, Finland and Canada. It is the most economical solution that has proven to be effective.