Why do you need a compulsory health insurance policy? How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy, design structure, positive features that this policy provides

According to current legislation, a citizen included in the general medical insurance system has the right to receive free medical care on the territory of the Russian Federation. The compulsory medical insurance policy gives a citizen the right to receive outpatient, emergency, and dental care in any medical institution in the Russian Federation, even outside the region of his permanent residence.

This document is required to be presented when visiting a clinic, when calling an ambulance, when registering a patient for inpatient treatment, when carrying out medical examinations, when providing a citizen with dental care provided for by the compulsory medical insurance program (not including prosthetics and cosmetic services). It also gives the right to receive free high-tech medical care within established quotas.

Not only working citizens, but also unemployed persons, children and pensioners have the right to receive a compulsory medical insurance policy. The insurance company must issue a compulsory medical insurance policy upon a personal application from a citizen based on his passport data. When concluding a compulsory health insurance contract, a citizen can choose any of the companies licensed to provide such services. Upon provision medical services of inadequate quality, a citizen has the right to compensation for moral and material damage caused by representatives of a medical organization.

If a compulsory medical insurance policy is lost, a citizen must write a statement to his medical insurance company about the loss of the document. According to this statement, the insurance company is obliged to issue new document, confirming the citizen’s right to free medical services.

What does a medical insurance policy look like?

The compulsory medical insurance policy must contain the following information about the citizen:

Full name of the insured person;
- date of birth;
- number of the concluded contract and its validity period;
- barcode;
- to protect against counterfeiting, compulsory medical insurance policies must be equipped with a hologram.

On the reverse side it is indicated contact number insurance company, its postal and email address.

Types of health insurance

In addition to compulsory health insurance, a citizen can enter into an agreement voluntary insurance. These types of insurance differ in the mechanism for the formation and transfer of insurance payments. With compulsory medical insurance insurance payments The insurance company carries out insurance for the medical institution on behalf of the citizen. When concluding a voluntary health insurance contract, a citizen pays insurance premiums independently or at his request, the employing company pays these contributions from his wages.

Voluntary health insurance programs differ from compulsory medical insurance in the quality and quantity of services provided. When purchasing a VHI policy, a citizen becomes familiar with the list of services that will be provided to him in accordance with this document. Depending on the amount of insurance payments, the package of services will vary. Voluntary health insurance contracts must be concluded by persons who do not have the right to receive free medical services, including persons without citizenship of the Russian Federation, but residing on its territory.

Our expert - President of the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers (IMU) Dmitry Kuznetsov.

Who needs it

The policy is issued to all citizens of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the so-called decreed contingent, which includes police officers, military personnel and employees of some other departments that have their own system medical care, as well as persons in prison.

Belonging to the compulsory medical insurance system gives the insured the opportunity to receive ambulance and emergency medical care, treatment in a clinic and hospital (routinely and in case of emergency conditions). All necessary research and treatment (including high-tech assistance) are provided free of charge, however, not at the request of the insured, but as prescribed by a doctor. If a citizen does not agree with the refusal of an examination, he can appeal it by contacting his insurance company. He should also address any complaints or questions about his medical care there.

Compulsory medical insurance does not include: treatment of socially significant diseases (tuberculosis, HIV, mental disorders, sexually transmitted infections, oncology). However, their treatment for citizens of the Russian Federation is also free (at the expense of the budget).

Now, unlike in previous years, there is no longer such a large stratification between the territorial and basic compulsory medical insurance programs. Wherein regional programs can only be wider than the basic (general) program, but not narrower.

It is important to know!

Often, many complaints against compulsory medical insurance come not from the disadvantages of this system itself, but from citizens’ ignorance of their rights. Let's talk briefly about what opportunities the policy provides and how to protect your rights if they are infringed.

No one has the right to refuse the insured person to receive medical care on the territory of the Russian Federation. The insurance is valid throughout the country, and a person who finds himself in another region is required to provide the necessary medical care upon presentation of a compulsory medical insurance policy in any medical institution operating under the system compulsory insurance.

Lack of insurance cannot be a basis for refusal of emergency medical care. The ambulance will come and help both a Russian citizen and a foreigner who finds himself in a situation dangerous to life and health.

A citizen of the Russian Federation has the right, at his own discretion, to choose any insurance company once a year. You can view the ratings of these organizations on the website of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

The insured has the right to be assigned for outpatient care to any medical institution providing services in within the compulsory medical insurance. The desire of the insured is the law, even if the institution where he applied is not ready to immediately meet him halfway. A citizen has every right to insist on his own, and the insurance company is obliged to assist him. But you can change institutions no more than once a year.

In any controversial or conflict situations (if assistance is provided untimely, of poor quality, or not in full), the insured must contact his insurance company. They will definitely help him promptly. The telephone number of this organization is indicated on your insurance policy; you can also find it on the Internet or from a memo that should be requested when receiving the policy. Telephone hotline The territorial Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund also has it. But contacting an insurance company guarantees more fast decision question than applying the old fashioned way, for example, to a health care authority, where the chances of encountering traditional Russian red tape are higher. If necessary, the insurance company will even help prepare an appeal to the court, however, only the insured person has the right to directly file a claim.

Your attorney

Starting this year, a new institution of insurance representatives was introduced to help the insured, the purpose of which is to develop a unified mechanism of relations between policy holders and the entire health insurance system. Insurance representatives will help you understand the services that can be obtained under the compulsory medical insurance system, and thereby make them more convenient and accessible. Thanks to them, citizens themselves will no longer worry about any difficult moments in receiving medical care - representatives will take on all the difficult work of organizing the routing of the flow of patients. They can be reached via a single 24/7 telephone number. Insurance representatives are divided into three levels of competence. The lowest level is a personal manager, highest level- expert doctor.

Top 10 medical services, payment for which may be unlawfully demanded in medical institutions operating in the compulsory medical insurance system.

1. Blood test for thyroid hormones.

2. Offer to pay for a course of massage or physical therapy classes prescribed by the attending physician for medical reasons (especially for children).

3. Purchase of medications prescribed by the attending physician during the period of hospital stay.

4. Offering an additional (second or third) type of physical treatment. For example, electrophoresis is free, but UHF or UV is paid.

5. Purchase of intraocular lenses (artificial lens) during surgical treatment for cataracts.

6. Initial appointment with a dermatologist.

7. Tooth extraction.

8. Anesthesia (for example, in dentistry).

9. Acquisition Supplies for surgical treatment of injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for example, metal plates with components or an endoprosthesis.

10. Conducting a free MRI/CT scan earlier than 1-2 months.

Compulsory health insurance (CHI) provides citizens of the Russian Federation with high-quality medical care.

We will tell you what help you can get, how to do it and where you can go if your rights are violated.

Health insurance is the main form social protection citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of health care.

The essence of insurance is that when insured event The patient's treatment is paid for by the insurer. There are many medical insurers in Russia, and the most famous among them are Max-M, SOGAZ-Med, ROSNO-MS.

This article describes in detail the rights of patients under the compulsory health insurance system. After reading the contents of the article, you will find out in what cases free medical care is provided.

Sometimes a patient may be denied medical care, and he will have to defend his rights. You will learn further about who can help with this.

Features of insurance

Compulsory medical insurance is a complex government measures, which are aimed at providing free medical care to a citizen of the Russian Federation in the event of an insured event.

Special compulsory medical insurance funds are used to pay for assistance. The insurance program includes legal, economic and organizational measures.

The state not only provides free medical care for the patient, but also ensures that it is of high quality and occurs in accordance with the law.

Compulsory health insurance occurs under the compulsory medical insurance policy. This policy has a unified state model, which is approved by Federal Law No. 326 “On Compulsory Health Insurance”.

The modern policy was put into circulation in the spring of 2011. An insured event under compulsory medical insurance is considered to be any health disorder.

A person who for some reason does not have compulsory medical insurance cannot demand free medical care

What does the Law say?

The Law “On Medical Insurance of Citizens of the Russian Federation” in Article 15 states that insurers are obliged to protect the interests of the insured.

Based on this, compulsory medical insurance is a set of rights, interests and responsibilities of a citizen. He has only one obligation - to insure himself under compulsory medical insurance.

In the “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on healthcare of citizens”, in articles 19 and 20, the rights of patients are formulated:

  1. for free medical care in the healthcare system, including municipal
  2. to receive information about factors that affect health
  3. for a range of additional medical services

The same document, in articles 30-32, indicates what the patient can count on:

  • respect and humane attitude of medical staff
  • for treatment and examination in conditions that meet sanitary and hygienic standards
  • for additional consultations and consultations at the request of the patient
  • to relieve pain using available means and methods
  • on the confidentiality of information about applying for medical care
  • to maintain confidentiality of information about a person’s health status
  • to refuse surgical and other interventions

The Law “On Medical Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation” in Article 6 provides the following rights:

  • for compulsory and voluntary medical insurance
  • at the insurer's discretion
  • choice of doctor and desired medical institution
  • to receive assistance throughout the country, even far from the place of registration
  • to receive medical care of the volume and quality that corresponds to the insurance contract
  • to file a claim in case of refusal of medical care or its inadequate quality, even if the claim is not provided for in the insurance contract

These are only the basic rights of patients under compulsory medical insurance. To find out all the rights, we recommend that you read the specified documents and articles in full

Who provides protection and how?

Protection of rights is provided by medical insurance organizations. Their duty under the law is to defend the interests of insured citizens of the Russian Federation.

Insurers are required to pay for medical care if it is provided in accordance with a compulsory insurance agreement.

This is the main means of ensuring the protection of patients' rights. Other responsibilities for protecting patients' rights include:

  1. control of the quality, volumes, terms and conditions of medical care
  2. carrying out medical and economic examinations and control, if necessary
  3. creating reports on the results of control or examination

Insurance medical organization fully assumes responsibility for protecting the rights of the patient. If these duties were not fulfilled or performed insufficiently, then the citizen can file a lawsuit against his insurer.

What kind of medical care can I get?

The basic compulsory medical insurance program includes:

  1. primary health care
  2. emergency
  3. preventative care
  4. additional medical care

You can find out what additional assistance is offered under the compulsory medical insurance policy in your city at any government medical institution. Specialized ambulance (sanitary and aviation) is not included in the basic compulsory medical insurance program

Receipt procedure

To receive free medical care, a citizen of the Russian Federation must provide his compulsory medical insurance policy to the medical institution.

Before this, you need to make sure that the insured event (health impairment) meets the conditions insurance contract.

Medical services should be chosen independently, although only on the recommendation of a doctor.

If you give the right to choose services to the employees of the institution, they may go beyond the scope of the insurance contract, and the patient will have to pay. General algorithm of actions:

  1. Contact a medical facility
  2. Show valid policy Compulsory medical insurance
  3. Select medical care included in the insurance contract
  4. Get medical help

If a person becomes ill on the street and does not have a compulsory medical insurance policy with him, he will still receive free medical care. The law defines emergency assistance as free, even if it is not included in the terms of the insurance contract

What to do in case of refusal?

In government agencies, refusals occur extremely rarely. But municipal and other medical institutions “sin” from time to time.

They may refuse free treatment, citing the cost of medications or other factors, or they may provide medical care with violations and poor quality.

Where to go in such a situation?

Policy ( Compulsory medical insurance) are given to a child shortly after birth, and to adults. It is required to be presented when visiting any clinic or hospital, when children are admitted to kindergarten and school. It would seem about why we need medical insurance and what rights compulsory health insurance gives us should have been well known to all of us for a long time, but in fact, many people still have a lot of questions and not everyone clearly knows how to use compulsory medical insurance correctly?

The Constitution guarantees us the opportunity to receive treatment for free, however, in practice this is very difficult to do. Even when treated in state clinics More and more often we have to fork out money, although experts say that it is possible to receive free treatment, and each of us can contribute to improving the quality of medical care received if we behave correctly.

Policy compulsory health insurance (Compulsory medical insurance) is a document giving us the right to receive free medical care throughout the territory Russian Federation. They issue policies not only to adults, but also to children and even newborns. To date, policies of the 2011 model are in force, and policies issued before December 31, 2010 are considered obsolete and must be replaced with policies of a new model. No one has canceled the validity of the “old” policies; they can be used, but they are gradually being replaced with new ones.

By law, each of us has the right to choose medical insurance organization . To do this, you need to find out which insurance organizations are available in the region where you live, compare the conditions for the provision of services by them, choose the best one, come to their office and write an application. The insurance organization must issue a temporary certificate immediately, on the day of application. A temporary policy is valid until a permanent policy is issued, which is usually issued within 30 days of receipt of the application.

Compulsory health insurance policy gives us the right to use free medicine as part of the basic program state guarantees. More specifically, compulsory medical insurance provides us with the opportunity to:
1. In the event of an insured event, receive free medical care in full and of appropriate quality.
2. In case of harm to health during the provision of medical care, compensate for all damages.
3. Protect our rights and interests.
4. To gain a foothold in the medical organization that we choose ourselves.
5. Choose a therapist, gynecologist, dentist and other medical specialists, taking into account their consent.

If you have a policy Compulsory medical insurance You can receive medical care at your place of residence or temporary residence in those clinics and hospitals that operate under the compulsory health insurance program. The list of such medical organizations is posted on the official website of the territorial branch of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. A compulsory medical insurance policy issued in one region is valid throughout Russia.

If you received compulsory medical insurance policy at work and did not write an application, then the connection to the clinic occurs automatically at the place of registration, or at the address that you provided when receiving the policy. If you choose another clinic and write an application, you will receive medical care at this clinic, but you will no longer be able to call a doctor home. It is important to know: call ambulance Anyone can do it, you don’t need a compulsory medical insurance policy for this! Emergency medical care in our country should be provided regardless of the availability of a compulsory medical insurance policy and other documents.

Insurance medical organization, which issued the compulsory medical insurance policy, guarantees not only the provision of free medical care, but is also obliged to provide assistance in cases where there are difficulties in obtaining medical care. For example, when they don’t give you a coupon for a free examination; it is difficult to get an appointment with a specialist; there are complaints about the quality of treatment; do not start treatment without payment.

If in state medical institution They will offer to pay for treatment or examination, do not rush to go to the cashier. First, call your insurance company and ask if the service offered to you is free. Even if you have already paid for treatment, keep the documents and receipt confirming payment. Show them to the employees of your insurance company and perhaps they will help you get the money spent on treatment back.

By compulsory health insurance provision of medical care is provided according to programs established by the state, and each entity has its own list. It is not comprehensive and high-tech operations cannot be carried out on it, since they are expensive and are not included in the program for such a policy.

All citizens of the Russian Federation, without exception, are insured in the compulsory medical insurance system. Eligibility insurance policy have foreigners permanently residing in Russia.

The policyholders in the system of this type are:

  • institutions;
  • enterprises;
  • directly the state.

Enterprises transfer 5.1% of the total amount of wages to territorial or federal compulsory medical insurance funds. Medical insurance for unemployed citizens is paid directly by the state.

The most important component of compulsory health insurance are special funds. They represent non-profit organizations, in which all are accumulated money transfers in favor of the health insurance system.

They provide financial stability, and also, if necessary, provide financial support to insurance companies.

The direct participants of compulsory medical insurance are commercial insurance companies. They are required to have the appropriate state license to carry out insurance activities.

They enter into contracts with medical institutions to provide services to their clients, issue medical policies, and monitor the quality and timing of medical care.

Medical institutions are the final compulsory medical insurance segment. Citizens of the Russian Federation turn to them to receive appropriate assistance. The presence of a policy of the described sample gives full right to free receipt medical services.

Law on Compulsory Medical Insurance

Today the basis for compulsory medical insurance actions is the Federal Law “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation”.

The main function of this law is to regulate the relationships of all participants in the compulsory health insurance system (insurers, policyholders, funds, government bodies).

It also defines legal status subjects and objects in compulsory medical insurance. The basis for the adoption and operation of the law in question is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Complement the effect of Federal Law No. 326:

  • Law of November 21, 2011 “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation”;
  • Law of July 16, 1999 “On the basics of compulsory medical insurance.”

Relationships between subjects compulsory medical insurance systems are also regulated by various other provisions and acts of the regions of the Russian Federation. Each insured event is considered separately, on an individual basis.

Compliance with the law in question is primarily monitored by the federal and regional compulsory medical insurance fund.

Each organization has a special legal department that performs the function of supervision in the field of compliance with the legislation in force in the Russian Federation.

What does the policy provide?

The compulsory medical insurance policy confirms that a citizen has the right to receive free medical care.

If available, the insured person has the right to contact the following institutions:

  • the clinic to which the insured person is registered;
  • traumatology;
  • dentistry;
  • oncology departments, dispensaries;
  • hospitals participating in compulsory medical insurance.

Having a compulsory health insurance policy allows you to financial costs receive almost any medical care.

Today, this document is mandatory to submit to a medical institution upon application. If for some reason there is no compulsory medical insurance policy, then an individual can receive medical care on a paid basis.

What does he look like

Today, the compulsory health insurance policy has a standard form. Moreover, its format does not depend on the services of which insurance company the citizen uses. The appearance depends only on the type of medical policy.

Recently, reform of the health insurance system has been carried out. It is in this regard that a new type of insurance policy was issued. It looks like plastic card, on front side which is present individual number cards.

Invalid Displayed Gallery

On back side The following information is available:

  • signature of the policyholder;
  • photograph of the policyholder;
  • validity;
  • gender and date of birth.

A copy of the image is simply applied to the policy; it is not an electronic signature. Even a picture with not very high quality. The duration of a document is determined by many factors.

There is also another type of policy - temporary. It is issued for a period of 30 days in the event of a situation where the plastic policy is confiscated.

This happens if a person previously simply did not have a policy of the type in question, or if it is being replaced. Upon expiration of thirty days from the date of receipt, the temporary policy ceases to be valid.

It itself is A5 paper and contains the following information:

  • date of issue;
  • signature of the policyholder;
  • name of the representative of the medical insurance organization.

Previously, old-style policies were in effect. They were in A3 format and contained information similar to that presented on temporary policy Compulsory medical insurance.

Agreement conditions

The terms of the compulsory health insurance agreement were approved by the Director of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund A.M. Taranov 03.10.03.

All documents of this type must be formed only taking into account this provision and not contradict it. Otherwise, this agreement may be considered partially invalid.

The document under consideration necessarily contains clauses to avoid the emergence of various kinds of conflicts, and the boundaries of responsibility are indicated.

The section “Subject of the contract” stipulates the conditions under which the insurer provides its services to the policyholder. A certain amount (insurance premium) is paid to the insurance company.

Based on this, when an insured event occurs, the company pays for its client to go to a medical facility.

This section identifies the object of insurance – the client’s property interest. That is, in fact, the compulsory medical insurance policy protects its owner, first of all, from financial damage. This section also defines the concept of an insured event.

Chapter " Sum insured, the procedure for its introduction” reveals these two terms in detail. The amount of the insurance premium, the limit of liability, the procedure for paying the insurance premium and the moment of this operation are also indicated.

When taking out a standard policy Compulsory medical insurance given there is no section - it is displayed in the agreement between the insurance company and the regional (federal) compulsory medical insurance fund. The section “Duration of the agreement” determines the duration of the agreement of the type in question.

The clause “rights and obligations of the parties” states the obligations arising between the policyholder and the insurer in the event of its conclusion.

The rights of the parties are also discussed in as much detail as possible. The occurrence of serious violations of at least one clause is a serious reason for termination of the contract.

The insurance company must ensure the confidentiality of information relating to the policyholder. Exceptions are possible only in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The following information is confidential:

  • content of the agreement, its form;
  • the health status of the policyholder, all existing cases of seeking medical care;
  • personal data of the policyholder (place of residence, home telephone number, etc.).

The section “Change and termination of the contract” lists situations when it is possible to make any amendments to the text of the document.

Lists all cases when the contract can be terminated, and the procedure for implementation this process. At the end of the agreement, the details of the parties are indicated: actual and legal address, phone numbers.


In various regions several years ago they were issued different policies compulsory insurance. That is why their validity period varies significantly. In 2011, a gradual transition to a unified compulsory health insurance policy began.

Today, policies of this type, which are a plastic card, usually do not have expiration dates. The only exception is the issuance of a policy to a foreign citizen.

If an individual uses an old policy (today this is quite acceptable), then you can find out the expiration date of its validity directly on it.

Most often this information is present at the back of the document. Previously, contracts for compulsory medical insurance policies were most often concluded for 12 months.

After which it was necessary to carry out their extension. The expiration of the policy is grounds for its replacement.

Necessary documents for registration

The list of documents required to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy varies depending on the age, as well as the legal status of the person applying to the insurance company.

To obtain a policy, children over 14 years of age (citizens of the Russian Federation) must provide the following documents to the insurance company:

  • identification document (birth certificate or other document);
  • (if available).

If the papers for issuing a policy of the appropriate type are provided by a parent or guardian, then a passport or other identification document is required.

If the policy is issued by relatives, then they must present:

  • identification;
  • a document allowing registration as an insured person (power of attorney).

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have not reached 18 years of age, but have overcome the age threshold of 14 years:

  • temporary identity card or passport;
  • SNILS (if already available);
  • ID card of the representative of the insured person;
  • power of attorney allowing registration (if the representative is a grandparent);
  • representative's identity card.

Persons over 18 years of age:

  • identity document or passport;
  • SNILS.

Refugees who can legally become participants in the health insurance system (Law on Refugees) are required to provide:

  • petition;
  • certificate of the appropriate type;
  • an appeal against a court decision to deprive refugee status to the Federal Migration Service;
  • document confirming receipt of temporary asylum.

For individuals, who do not have permanent citizenship, but have real estate, a residence permit:

  • passport of a foreign citizen;
  • SNILS (if available);
  • resident card.

Individuals who do not have citizenship (refugees or otherwise) require the following documents to participate in compulsory medical insurance:

  • identity card and document confirming lack of citizenship;
  • SNILS (if available);
  • resident card.

In the absence of any document, obtaining an insurance policy becomes simply impossible.

Insurance premiums

Insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance are payments transferred to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Today, payers of compulsory medical insurance premiums, according to Federal law“On compulsory health insurance” are:

The amount of insurance premiums itself is calculated and then paid depending on the type of organization, the taxation system used, as well as other factors.

Contribution to federal fund Compulsory medical insurance is 5.1% of general fund wages paid to employees.

The duration of the settlement period for contributions of the type in question is one calendar year. The reporting periods are:

  • quarter;
  • half year;
  • nine month;
  • twelve months.

Register of services provided

IN basic list compulsory health insurance includes the following types help:

  • emergency medical service;
  • preventive;
  • primary health care.

There is also a list of specialized services that are provided completely free of charge or on a preferential basis.

Under the compulsory health insurance policy, you can have an abortion, childbirth or the postpartum period free of charge.

The compulsory medical insurance system provides the following types of medical care:

  • dental, oncological (list approved by the Health Committee of the Russian Federation);
  • implementation of preventive fluorographic studies in order to detect tuberculosis in the early stages;
  • prevention of various diseases using special types of vaccines;
  • preferential prosthetics, provision of medicines;
  • inpatient, provided in special outpatient departments.

Dental treatment according to the policy

Today, the list of services provided under the compulsory medical insurance policy includes dental treatment.

Free of charge, subject to availability:

  • conducting an initial examination and consultation (including for patients who are unable to move independently);
  • drawing up a preventive disease map;
  • treatment:
    • carious formations;
    • pulpitis;
    • periodontitis;
    • periodontal diseases;
    • diseases of the oral cavity, mucous membrane;
  • treatment of injuries through surgery, removal of foreign bodies from dental canals;
  • removal of teeth and malignant tumors;
  • operations on soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • reduction of various types of dislocations.

For children under 14 years of age, many clinics provide treatment:

  • non-carious lesions of hard dental tissues;
  • demineralization;
  • orthodontics using special removable equipment.

What are the types

Today there are three types of compulsory medical insurance policy:

  • a sheet of A5 paper on which a special barcode is located;
  • a plastic card, which is a studded electronic medium;
  • electronic application with a number printed on the UEC (universal electronic card).

Previously, until 2011, compulsory medical insurance policies were issued different formats. Today, this area of ​​insurance is more streamlined.

Amendments have been made to the legislation allowing any citizen to choose the policy format independently.

Policies in in electronic format have one important advantage over on paper– there is no need to extend them.

A standard A5 policy can be obtained at any issuing point. To obtain a universal electronic card or a plastic card, you need to visit a specialized issuing point.

The legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation allows all citizens to receive medical care in full free of charge. Only in certain cases will it be necessary to make a payment, but this applies only to very rare cases.

Most often, when visiting a clinic, you just need to provide the compulsory medical insurance policy to the registry - this will be enough.

Video: Protecting patients' rights in the compulsory medical insurance system

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