Industry in the world economy. The role of modern industry in the world economy

Industry - these are the leading sectors of material production; enterprises engaged in the extraction of raw materials, production and processing of materials and energy, and manufacturing of machines. There are a large number of groups of industrial sectors, distinguished according to different criteria: by the purpose of the products, by the raw materials used, and by production technology. The main ones are the mining and manufacturing industries.

Industries are sometimes distinguished according to another principle:

heavy industry: mining, part of the mechanical engineering, chemical industry, energy, metallurgical, construction materials industries;

light industry: all types of light, food, etc.

Each of the industries and industries is characterized by varying degrees of capital intensity, labor intensity, material intensity, energy intensity, water intensity, and knowledge intensity. Even within the same industry, they can be very different for individual industries (for example, in the chemical industry, material-intensive are the extraction of chemical raw materials, the production of mineral fertilizers, many types of acids and alkalis, and the other pole is represented by non-material-intensive: perfumery and cosmetics, pharmaceutical, photochemical, production of reagents etc.).

Historical excursion. The role of industry constantly increased with the development of capitalism, especially during the industrial revolution of the late 18th-19th centuries, when there was an intensive development of the mining industry, the construction of new plants and factories, an increase in production capacity, an increase in energy consumption of all types and, as a consequence, a sharp worsening environmental problems. The Industrial Revolution was characterized by the invention of the steam engine, mass production of textiles, construction of railroads, invention of the telegraph, etc. Rapid growth of industry at the end of the 19th and first half of the 20th century. turned it into the main branch of material production in terms of the value of products (in terms of this indicator, industry exceeded agriculture by 2 times by 1950, and by 7-8 times by the end of the 20th century). Agriculture has been and remains the leading sector of the economy in countries that have not undergone the process of industrialization. In developed countries, agriculture and extractive industries remained leading until industrial revolutions occurred (in most of them before the beginning of the 20th century).

At the beginning of the 21st century. The largest share of industry in the world - at the level of 50-60% of GDP - is typical for developing countries that have mineral reserves of global importance, on the basis of which an export-oriented mining industry is developing, and for some countries with economies in transition. The search for alternative types of energy, intensification of production, reduction of its energy intensity, and most importantly, priority development of the service sector have led to a gradual decrease in the share of industry in economically developed countries to the level of 20-40%. This trend is also characteristic of the beginning of the 21st century: the share of industry in the GDP of developed Western countries will decrease to 15-20% in 2020 versus 23% in 2000.

According to the US CIA, in the global economy as a whole, industry accounted for 30.6% of the world's gross product in 2009, the service sector - 63.4%, and agriculture and extractive industries accounted for 6%.

Extractive industry. The extractive industry includes industries in which the process of extracting raw materials and fuel from the earth's interior, forests and reservoirs is carried out (mining, oil, coal, etc.).

Extractive industry (includes:

■ obtaining electricity;

■ all branches of the mining industry;

■ logging, forestry;

■ hunting, fishing, catching sea animals. Sometimes logging and forestry industries are considered together with woodworking, distinguishing the forestry and woodworking industries.

The main enterprises of the extractive industry: in the electric power industry - power plants; in the mining industry - quarries, mines, open pits, mines, mines; in logging - timber industry enterprises; in hunting and fishing - hunting, fishing, hunting farms and artels. This is the most material-intensive branch of the world industry, annually producing several tens of billions of tons of various minerals and a large amount of ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores, building materials (sand, clay, raw materials for the cement industry, etc.). At the same time, the number of mined minerals at the beginning of the 21st century. has doubled since 1970. However, the value of extractive industry products is only about 10% of the world industry, since the price of extracted raw materials is in most cases low. Quarrying and mining account for less than 1% of gross world product. Consumption of minerals is also concentrated in a few regions of the world. The USA, Canada, EU, Japan, Australia, where 15% of the world's population lives, together consume most of the metals produced in the world: about 61% of aluminum, 60% of lead, 59% of copper, 49% of steel. Per capita consumption indicators are also in favor of developed countries: in the USA there are 22 kg of aluminum per capita, in India - 2 kg, in Africa - 0.7 kg.

Within the mining industry, about 75% of total production comes from the mining industries. It has increased capital and energy intensity - it accounts for 1/5 of all production fixed assets, i.e. as much as the mechanical engineering industry, and twice as much as the chemical and petrochemical industry. 7-10% of world oil, gas, coal production, and electricity production are annually spent on the extraction and enrichment of mineral resources. This is why the mining industry has a negative impact on the environment. At the beginning of the 21st century. More than 900 million tons of metals were mined worldwide, leaving 6 billion tons of waste rock. At the same time, the amount of waste continues to increase, as the percentage of metals in some ores has decreased. So, for one gold wedding ring there is 3 tons of waste.

Table 10.1. Mining industry in the global economy (at the beginning of the 21st century)

The situation in the mining industry can be improved by the production of metals from recycled materials, since it is less energy intensive than from ores. But for some metals, the level of recycling not only does not increase, but continues to decline.

Manufacturing industry. This group includes industries involved in the processing of raw materials. Depending on the raw materials, the manufacturing industry is divided into industries that process raw materials of industrial origin (production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, etc.), and industries that process agricultural raw materials (meat, sugar, cotton, etc.).

Figures and facts. The share of copper in global production obtained from recycling is only 13% at the beginning of the 21st century, while the figure was 20% in 1980. Only 4% of the world's zinc comes from recycled materials.

According to the intended purpose of products, the manufacturing industry is divided into main sectors: mechanical engineering, chemical, light industry and agro-industrial complex.

Table 10.2. Manufacturing industry

Manufacturing industries form the basis of the so-called heavy industry. They account for approximately 90% of the total industrial output in the world economy. Specialized industries that are similar to each other in terms of the purpose of the products produced (for example, the fuel industry), the generality of the raw materials used (for example, the mechanical engineering industry) or the nature of the technology (for example, the chemical industry) are grouped into so-called complex industries: heavy industry (fuel, electric power, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking, building materials, etc.) and light industry: textiles, clothing, leather, fur and footwear; processing industries of the agro-industrial complex (food, meat and dairy, fish, forestry).

The manufacturing industry provides the overwhelming majority of products produced in the world, both in value and in type.

The leading among them is mechanical engineering (about 40% of the value of world industrial production). It is significantly inferior to the chemical and food industries (approximately 15% each), the light industry and the group of wood processing industries - woodworking and pulp and paper (9-10%), and the last on the list are metallurgy and electric power (5-7% each). Thus, most manufacturing industries exceed the entire mining industry in terms of production value.

Mechanical engineering. The most important branch of consumption of ferrous and non-ferrous metals is mechanical engineering, which includes: general mechanical engineering, specializing in the production of production equipment; transport engineering; electrical and electronics industry; instrument making; production of weapons and military equipment and a number of other industries. Sometimes it also includes the production of metal products. Since the first industrial revolution of the 18th-19th centuries. This industry plays a key role in the entire economic development of mankind. Its share in the total volume of industrial production is increasing; in the manufacturing products of developed countries it usually ranges from 1/3 to 2/5 or more (share of general - up to 37%; transport - up to 35%; electrical engineering - up to 30%). It is expected that by 2020 mechanical engineering will account for almost half of the industrial production of these countries.

Historical excursion. The creation of separate specialized branches of mechanical engineering: the production of locomotives, machine tools, mining and metallurgical equipment dates back to the first half of the 19th century. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. the beginning was laid for the development of such industries as automotive, electrical engineering, instrument making, etc. Before the First World War, Western Europe was the leader in world mechanical engineering; in the production of mechanical engineering products it exceeded the United States by more than 2 times. The Second World War dramatically changed the balance of power in global mechanical engineering. The leadership position was unconditionally occupied by the United States and held throughout the second half of the last century, while mechanical engineering in the countries of Western Europe most affected by the war only in the mid-1950s. gradually regained its position, but by the end of the 20th century. on average they accounted for only 19% of global engineering production.

Mechanical engineering leads in terms of product value in developed countries: the industry accounts for up to 35-40% of the total cost of industrial products and up to 1/3 of all workers in the industry.

It is the most knowledge-intensive branch of modern industry; all the achievements of scientific and technical progress are being implemented, first of all, in this industry. The range of types and types of mechanical engineering products includes several million items. No country in the world can produce such a quantity of products.

Mechanical engineering determines not only the sectoral structure of industry, but also its location. Firstly, it is characterized by deepening the specialization of production and expanding its scale. It is mechanical engineering that occupies a leading position in the use of computers and other electronic equipment. Therefore, the production of products from knowledge-intensive branches of mechanical engineering is increasingly focused on areas with a highly developed scientific base. Secondly, the production of engineering products requires much more working time than in other industries, therefore the labor intensity of the industry is high. Thirdly, the metal intensity of the industry is quite high, so mechanical engineering enterprises often focus on its centers, although in the era of scientific and technological revolution, the focus of factories on metal has significantly decreased due to an increase in the labor intensity and knowledge intensity of the industry. Fourthly, the stages of production of engineering products are carried out, as a rule, at separate specialized enterprises - the role of specialization and cooperation is great, as a result of which the transport factor acquires exceptional importance. Fifthly, due to the specifics of many mechanical engineering enterprises (for example, those producing combine harvesters or equipment for the mining industry, etc., which are difficult to transport), many of them are consumer-oriented.

Throughout the 20th century. The volume of world mechanical engineering production increased approximately 100 times, in the USA - almost 300 times, in Western Europe - 33 times, in Japan - 5500 times. Another redistribution of forces in the global engineering industry took place in the last quarter of the 20th century, when Japan, which sharply increased the volume of engineering production, and after it some countries of the Pacific region, noticeably displaced the positions of both Western Europe and the United States.

In 2008-2009 Due to the global economic crisis, the growth of world industrial production, according to the US CIA, was negative for the first time in many years (-2.7% in 2009).

The rapid growth of mechanical engineering in all leading countries of the world was largely due to increased capital investment. As a result of this, it became possible not only to significantly intensify traditional equipment and technology, but, no less important, the forms and methods of organizing machine-building production. The USA, Japan and Germany are leaders in global mechanical engineering. These countries produce the most diverse products. The top ten also includes France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, which have a very wide range of mechanical engineering, China, Canada and Brazil.

On the economic map of the world, four engineering regions can also be distinguished. The first is North America, where most of the world's engineering products are produced. The second is foreign (in relation to the CIS) Europe, which produces mainly mass engineering products; some new industries are also highly developed there. The third is East and Southeast Asia, in which Japan and China are leaders, also combining mass engineering products with products of the highest technology. The fourth are countries with economies in transition (mainly the CIS), characterized by a large volume of production of machinery and equipment, but lagging behind in the development of knowledge-intensive industries.

The share of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in global mechanical engineering is insignificant: approximately 7% at the beginning of the 21st century. But in some of them, mechanical engineering is developing at a high pace - in Brazil, India, Argentina, Mexico and especially in the newly industrialized countries, which is generally associated with the construction of branches of Western TNCs in them.

In terms of the cost of products in the global mechanical engineering industry, such a new industry as electronics has taken the lead. The electronics industry is the most knowledge-intensive and innovative branch of modern mechanical engineering. In the mechanical engineering of individual countries (Japan, USA, Republic of Korea, etc.), the electronics industry has taken a leading position. Since 1997, in the United States, the products of the electronics industry have been accounted for separately from the electrical industry, and its share in the mechanical engineering complex has been constantly increasing: 20.1% in 1980, 28.6% in 2000 and is projected to be 38.9% in 2020 .

The share of the export component in the production of all electronic goods is very large. Within the industry, the largest share by value is occupied by the production of various types of computer equipment - up to 40-45%. The bulk of these products are provided by large firms (TNCs) in the USA, Japan, a number of countries in Southeast Asia (Republic of Korea, Taiwan, etc.) and, to a lesser extent, Western Europe. Western European companies specialize in the production of mobile communications equipment, equipment for industry, and scientific instruments.

Transport engineering (production of land, water and air vehicles) is the second most important branch of modern mechanical engineering. Transport engineering has 2 directions - civil and military. The automotive industry is the industry leader in terms of cost and quantity of products produced. Almost half of all cars in the world are produced by the four largest companies: General Motors, Ford, Volkswagen, and Toyota. Main producing countries: Germany, USA, France, Japan. The global economic crisis has affected this industry to a significant extent. Thus, in January 2009, car production in Germany decreased by 34% compared to January 2008, and exports by 39%. The automotive industry was hit hardest in Italy, where the decline was 50% in December 2008. In the US and UK sales fell by 37%, in Sweden - by 36%, in France - by 14%. China, India and Brazil were less affected because their cars are affordable and have fuel-efficient engines.

Aerospace industry - (ARKP) - one of the most modern branches of mechanical engineering and includes a large number of different industries. It is a knowledge-intensive high-tech industry that requires large scientific and technical developments and large capital investments. ARKP is a branch of mechanical engineering that arose in the era of scientific and technological revolution and combines the previously created aviation industry with the latest rocket and space industry. The structure of the industry includes aircraft and helicopter manufacturing, rocket manufacturing, spacecraft production, engine production, aviation instrument making, etc. Only a few economically highly developed countries have a full range of sub-sectors. Therefore, only industrialized countries are capable of producing all types of its products (the average cost of 1 kg of a long-haul passenger aircraft is $1,000, and the cost of 1 kg of a car is $20).

All ARKP productions are knowledge-intensive, labor-intensive with a high proportion of engineering and technical workers and highly qualified workers among the personnel. There are only three centers in the world - Russia, the USA and the EU - with research and experimental bases, design bureaus and industrial enterprises that provide the development and production of aviation and space technology in a wide range of needs of the world market. The high knowledge intensity of the production process is due to the complexity of the products, which are produced in small quantities (airliners - about 1 thousand per year in the world, helicopters - 600-1000). And the high degree of capital intensity of the industry determines its high monopolization (even in leading countries there are only 3-4 firms).

The location of large ARCP enterprises within individual countries is characterized by a tendency to gravitate towards large agglomerations and cities with research institutions. Other factors also have an influence, for example, the interest of firms, military-strategic considerations, etc.

In the United States, official government support is provided through budgetary funding for the development of new technologies; about 50% of all government subsidies go to the aerospace industry. As a result, in this industry, about 70% of total R&D costs (about $20 billion per year) come from government funding.

The aviation industry was formed initially as a military industry, and only over time did civil aircraft begin to be produced (large passenger airliners and small planes and helicopters necessary for the needs of the national economy). Currently, airplanes and helicopters are made in more than 20 countries around the world, but the United States is the leader in the global aircraft industry; they control 2/3 of the world civil aviation market. The world's largest transnational companies (by sales volume) in the aerospace industry were Boeing (USA), Lockheed Martin (USA) and United Technologies (USA). The leaders in the industry, besides the USA, are Russia, France, Great Britain, and Germany. Russia occupies about 1% of the global civil aircraft manufacturing market (the target is to increase the share to 10-15% by 2020), and 25% of the military aircraft manufacturing market.

Part general mechanical engineering included factories for the production of machinery and equipment for all sectors of the national economy. General mechanical engineering is a group of mechanical engineering industries characterized by average consumption rates of metal, energy, and low labor intensity. General mechanical engineering enterprises produce technological equipment for the oil refining, chemical, paper, forestry, construction industries, road and simple agricultural machines. Predominant are specialized enterprises associated with the production of blanks and assembly of structures, units and parts supplied through cooperation. The industry's products are very diverse and in demand by all countries of the world, but almost 90% of them are produced in four countries - the USA, Germany, Japan, and Russia. Among the largest engineering companies, US TNCs lead the way.

Table 10.3. The world's largest engineering companies

The share of general mechanical engineering in the overall structure of the mechanical engineering complex is slowly declining in the USA (from 24.2% in 1980 to 22.0% in 2000 and is projected to decrease to 20.0% in 2020) and Japan (from 28 .4% in 1980 to 24.1% in 2000 and projected to decline to 20.0% in 2020). In Germany alone, the share of general engineering is expected to increase (from 25.9% in 1980 to 27.7% in 2000 and is projected to increase to 28.0% in 2020). In the general mechanical engineering industry of this country, there are over 4.5 thousand firms, mainly specialized in small-scale production taking into account customer requirements. Their position largely depends on demand on the foreign market.

Industrial geography is a branch of economic geography that studies the location of industrial production, its factors and patterns, conditions and features of the development and location of industry in various countries and regions.

For industrial geography, the following important features of industrial production are most significant:

  • a clear and far-reaching division into industries, the number of which is constantly increasing, especially during the period of the modern scientific and technological revolution;
  • the exceptional complexity of production, technological and economic relations due to the versatility of types of industrial enterprises;
  • variety of forms of social organization of production (combination, specialization, cooperation);
  • the formation of local and regional production-territorial combinations (in socialist conditions, systematically, mainly in the form of complexes);
  • high degree of production and territorial concentration (of all types of material production, industry is the least evenly distributed across the earth's territory), associated with the need for certain conditions for this type of production (availability of raw materials, energy, personnel, need for products, favorable economic and geographical location, provision of infrastructure etc.).

Industry (from Russian promyshlyat, trade) is a set of enterprises engaged in the production of tools, extraction of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy production and further processing of products. In geography it is considered as a branch of the economy.

Industry consists of two large groups of industries:

  1. Mining.
  2. Processing.

Since the 19th century, industry has been the basis for the development of society. And although today only about one in six workers works in industry, this is still a lot - approximately 17%. Industry is a vital part of the world economy, and at the national economic level it is an industry on which the achievements of the entire national economy of any state depend.

Depending on the time of their origin, all industries are usually divided into three groups: old, new and new industries.

Old industries: coal, iron ore, metallurgical, textile, shipbuilding.

New industries: automotive industry, aluminum industry, plastics production.

Latest industries(emerged in the era of scientific and technological revolution): microelectronics, nuclear and aerospace production, chemistry of organic synthesis, microbiological industry, robotics.

Currently, the role of new and innovative branches of industrial production is increasing. Leading countries in terms of total industrial production: USA, China, India, Germany, Brazil, Russia, Japan, France, Indonesia, Australia, Italy, etc.

Natural Gas Industry

By 1990, Eastern Europe became the leader in production, with the USSR playing a leading role. Significant gas production emerged in Western Europe and Asia. The result was a change in the geography of the world gas industry. The USA lost its monopoly position, and its share decreased to 1/4, and the USSR became the leader (now Russia has retained its leadership). Russia and the United States concentrate half of the world's natural gas. Russia remains stable and the world's most important gas exporter.

Coal industry

Coal is mined in more than 60 countries of the world, but over 10 million tons of them. 11 countries produce annually - China (Fu-Shun deposit), USA, Russia (Kuzbass), Germany (Ruhr), Poland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan (Karaganda).

Coal exporters are the USA, Australia, South Africa.

Importers - Japan, Western Europe.

Oil industry

Oil is produced in 75 countries of the world, the leaders are Saudi Arabia, Russia, the USA, Mexico, the UAE, Iran, Iraq, and China.

Electric power industry of the world

The role of the electric power industry is to provide electricity to other sectors of the economy. And its significance in the era of scientific and technological revolution, especially with the development of electronicization and complex automation, is especially great.

Over 100 billion kilowatts per hour are generated in 13 countries - the USA, Russia, Japan, Germany, Canada, Italy, Poland, Norway and India.

In terms of electricity generation per capita, the leaders are: Norway (29 thousand kWh), Canada (20), Sweden (17), USA (13), Finland (11 thousand kWh), with a world average of 2 thousand .kW h.

Metallurgical industry of the world

Metallurgy is one of the main basic industries, providing other industries with structural materials (ferrous and non-ferrous metals).

For quite a long time, the size of metal smelting almost primarily determined the economic power of any country. And all over the world they were growing rapidly. But in the 70s of the 20th century, the growth rate of metallurgy slowed down. But steel remains the main structural material in the global economy.

Forestry and wood processing industry of the world

The timber and wood processing industry is one of the oldest industries. For a long time, it has provided other industries with construction materials and raw materials. The main importers of wood are Japan, Western European countries, and partly the USA.

Includes: logging, primary forest processing, pulp and paper industry and furniture manufacturing

Light industry of the world

Light industry meets the population's needs for fabrics, clothing, footwear, as well as other industries with specialized materials.

Light industry includes 30 large industries, which are combined into groups:

  • primary processing of raw materials;
  • textile industry;
  • clothing industry;
  • shoe industry.

The main exporters are Hong Kong, Pakistan, India, Egypt, Brazil.

Mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest industries. But in terms of the number of employees and the value of products, it still ranks first among all sectors of world industry. Mechanical engineering determines the sectoral and territorial structure of industry and provides machinery and equipment to all sectors of the economy.

North America. Produces about 30% of all engineering products. Almost all types of products are present, but especially worth mentioning is the production of rocket and space technology and computers.

Foreign Europe. The volume of production is approximately the same as in North America. Produces mass production, machine tool and automotive products.

East and Southeast Asia. It stands out for its precision engineering products and precision technology products.

CIS. 10% of the total volume is allocated to heavy engineering.

Chemical industry of the world

The chemical industry is one of the vanguard industries that ensures economic development in the era of scientific and technological revolution.

There are 4 large regions of the chemical industry:

  1. Foreign Europe (Germany leads);
  2. North America (USA);
  3. East and Southeast Asia (Japan, China, Newly Industrialized Countries);
  4. CIS (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus).

The chemical industry has a significant impact on nature. On the one hand, the chemical industry has a wide raw material base that allows it to recycle waste and actively use secondary raw materials, which contributes to a more economical use of natural resources. In addition, it creates substances that are used for chemical purification of water and air, plant protection, and soil restoration.

On the other hand, it itself is one of the most “dirty” industries that affects all components of the natural environment, which requires regular environmental protection measures.

Fuel industry - includes all processes of extraction and primary processing of fuel. Includes: oil, gas, coal industries.

Stages of development:

  1. coal stage (first half of the 20th century);
  2. oil and gas stage (from the second half of the 20th century).
Coal industry Places of production - China (field - Fu-Shun), USA, Russia (Kuzbass), Germany (Ruhr), Poland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan (Karaganda).
Coal exporters are the USA, Australia, South Africa.
Importers - Japan, Western Europe.
Oil industry. Oil is produced in 75 countries of the world, the leaders are Saudi Arabia, Russia, the USA, Mexico, the UAE, Iran, Iraq, and China.
Gas industry. Gas is produced in 60 countries, with Russia, the USA, Canada, Turkmenistan, the Netherlands and the UK leading.

Problems of the fuel industry:

  • depletion of mineral fuel reserves (coal reserves will last for about 240 years, oil - for 50 years, gas - 65);
  • environmental disruption during fuel extraction and transportation;
  • territorial gap between the main production areas and consumption areas.

Electric power industry of the world

- providing electricity to other sectors of the economy.
Leaders in production - Norway (29 thousand kWh), Canada (20), Sweden (17), USA (13), Finland (11 thousand kWh), with a world average of 2 thousand. kW. h.
The lowest rates are in Africa, China and India.
Thermal power plants predominate in the Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Romania, China, Mexico, and Italy.
Hydroelectric power stations - in Norway, Brazil, Canada, Albania, Ethiopia.
Nuclear power plants - in France, Belgium, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain.

The main problems of the electric power industry are:

  • depletion of primary energy resources and their rise in price;
  • environmental pollution.

The solution to the problem is to use non-traditional energy sources, such as:

  • geothermal (already used in Iceland, Italy, France, Hungary, Japan, USA);
  • solar (France, Spain, Italy, Japan, USA);
  • tidal (France, Russia, China, jointly Canada and the USA);
  • wind (Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands).

Metallurgical industry

Metallurgy is one of the basic industries, providing other industries with structural materials (ferrous and non-ferrous metals).
Composition- two industries: ferrous and non-ferrous.
Ferrous metallurgy. Iron ore is mined in 50 countries around the world.
Placement factors:

Natural resource (focus on territorial combinations of coal and iron deposits);
Transport (focus on cargo flows of coking coal and iron ore);
Consumer (related to the development of mini-plants and pigment metallurgy). The leaders in iron ore production are China, Brazil, Australia, Russia, Ukraine, and India. But in terms of steel production - Japan, Russia, USA, China, Ukraine, Germany.

Non-ferrous metallurgy.

Placement factors:

  • raw materials (smelting heavy metals from ores with a low content of useful components (1 - 2%) - copper, tin, zinc, lead);
  • energy (smelting light metals from rich ore - energy-intensive production - aluminum, titanium, magnesium, etc.);
  • transport (delivery of raw materials);
  • consumer (use of recycled materials).
The greatest development is Russia, China, USA, Canada, Australia, Brazil. In Japan and European countries - on imported raw materials.
The leaders in copper smelting are Chile, the USA, Canada, Zambia, Peru, and Australia. The main exporters of aluminum are Canada, Norway, Australia, Iceland, and Switzerland. Tin is mined in East and Southeast Asia. Lead and zinc are smelted in the USA, Japan, Canada, Australia, Germany and Brazil.

Forestry and wood processing industry

Includes: logging, primary forest processing, pulp and paper industry and furniture production.

Placement factor- raw material factor.

It is characterized by the presence of two forest belts.

Within the northern region, coniferous wood is harvested and processed into wood boards, cellulose, paper, and cardboard. For Russia, Canada, Sweden, and Finland, this industry has become an area of ​​international specialization.

Within the southern forest belt, deciduous trees are harvested. Here we can highlight Brazil, the countries of Southeast Asia and tropical Africa. To make paper in the countries of the southern belt, non-wood raw materials are often used - jute, sisal, reed.
The main importers of wood are Japan, Western European countries, and partly the USA.

Light industry
Light industry meets the population's needs for fabrics, clothing, footwear, as well as other industries with specialized materials.

Light industry includes 30 large industries that are grouped together:
primary processing of raw materials;
textile industry;
clothing industry;
shoe industry.
The most important branch of light industry is textiles.

Main placement factors are:

  • raw materials (for industries of primary processing of raw materials);
  • consumer (for clothing and footwear);
  • a combination of the first two (depending on the production stages of the textile industry).

In first place is the production of cotton fabrics (China, India, Russia). Second place - production of fabrics from chemical fiber (USA, India, Japan). The USA, Japan, and China are the leaders in the production of silk fabrics, while Russia and Italy are leaders in the production of woolen fabrics.

The main exporters are Hong Kong, Pakistan, India, Egypt, Brazil.

Mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering determines the sectoral and territorial structure of industry and provides machinery and equipment to all sectors of the economy.
Main industries- electronics, electrical engineering, computer engineering, precision engineering.

The production of many types of machines requires large labor costs and highly qualified workers. Instrument making and computer production are especially labor-intensive. And other new industries. These industries also require the constant implementation of the latest scientific achievements, i.e. are knowledge-intensive.
Such production facilities are located in large cities or near them. Dependence on metal sources has decreased significantly in the era of scientific and technological revolution. Mechanical engineering today is an industry with almost universal location.

Things have happened in the world 4 large mechanical engineering regions:
North America. Produces about 30% of all engineering products. Almost all types of products are present, but especially worth mentioning is the production of rocket and space technology and computers.
Foreign Europe. The volume of production is approximately the same as in North America. Produces mass production, machine tool and automotive products.
East and Southeast Asia. It stands out for its precision engineering products and precision technology products.
CIS. 10% of the total volume is allocated to heavy engineering.
Chemical industry
The chemical industry has a complex industrial composition. She includes:
mining and chemical industry (extraction of raw materials: sulfur, apatites, phosphorites, salts);
basic chemistry (production of salts, acids, alkalis, mineral fertilizers);
chemistry of organic synthesis (production of polymers - plastics, synthetic rubber, chemical fibers);
other industries (household chemicals, perfumery, microbiology, etc.).
Placement factors:

  • For mining and chemical industry, the natural resource factor is the determining factor,
  • for basic and organic synthesis chemistry - consumer, water and energy.

Stands out 4 major regions chemical industry:
Foreign Europe(Germany is in the lead);
North America(USA);
East and Southeast Asia(Japan, China, Newly industrialized countries);
CIS(Russia · Ukraine · Belarus).

The world economy is a set of national economies interconnected by a system of international division of labor and international economic relations; this is a historically established and gradually developing system of national economies of the countries of the world

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in the discipline "World Economy"

on the topic of:

The role of modern industry in the world economy



The world economy is a set of national economies interconnected by a systeminternational division of laborand international economic relations; is a historically established and gradually developing system of national economies of the countries of the world, interconnected by global economic relations developing on the basis of the international geographical division of labor

Industry a set of enterprises engaged in production tools for other sectors of the national and world economy and for industry itself, as well as the extraction of raw materials, materials,fuel, production energy, logging and further processing of products obtained in industry or produced inagriculture, production of consumer goods. Industry most important sectornational economy, which has a decisive impact on the level of development of the productive forces of society.

The degree of satisfaction of society's needs for products vital for all sectors of the economy and for all people, ensuring technical re-equipment and intensification of production depends on success in the development of industry. It is industrial products that guarantee the satisfaction of basic modern material social needs. World industry employs about 400 million people. Industrial goods account for 70% of world trade turnover. Therefore, the study of the place and role of modern industry in the world economy is certainly a relevant topic.

The purpose of this study is to study the role of modern industry in the world economy.To achieve the goal, the following tasks are formulated:

  1. Study the theoretical foundations of industry and its branches;
  2. Study the process of formation and development of various industries in the world;
  3. Study development trends and the current role of industry in the world economy.

The object of this work is the world economy.The subject of this work is modern industry in the world economy.

Classification of industries

An industrial sector is a collection of business entities, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, that develop and (or) produce products (perform work and provide services) of certain types that have uniform consumer or functional significance.

The classification of industries is based on the following principles:

  1. Economic purpose of manufactured products;
  2. The nature of the functioning of products during the production process;
  3. Uniformity of the raw materials used, common technological processes and technological base of production;
  4. The nature of the impact on the subject of work, etc.

The most important principle for classifying industries is the economic purpose of the products produced. In accordance with this, all industry is divided into two large groups: industries producing means of production, and industries producing consumer goods.

According to the nature of the functioning of products in the production process, the entire industry is divided into sectors that produce elements of fixed assets, elements of working capital, and consumer goods. In practice, the classification of industrial sectors is widely used, providing for their unification into large complex industries according to one of the following characteristics: the intended purpose of the product, the commonality of the raw materials, the relatedness of the technology used.

The classification of industries according to the nature of their impact on the subject of labor divides them into two groups: extractive and manufacturing industries. The mining industry includes mining enterprises - for the extraction of non-ferrous and ferrous metal ores and non-metallic raw materials for metallurgy, mining chemical raw materials, oil, gas, coal, peat, shale, salt, non-metallic building materials, as well as hydroelectric power plants, forest exploitation enterprises, and fish catching and seafood production.

The manufacturing industry includes enterprises producing ferrous and non-ferrous metals, rolled steel, chemical and petrochemical products, machinery and equipment, woodworking products and the pulp and paper industry, cement and other building materials, light and food industry products, as well as thermal power plants and repair enterprises industrial products.

There is also a classification of industries, which provides for their unification into large complex industries according to one of the following characteristics: the intended purpose of the product, the commonality of the raw materials, the relatedness of the technology used. In accordance with this classification, the industry of any country can be divided into three large sectors:

  1. Heavy industry (industrial sectors producing mainly means of production: tools, raw materials, fuel);
  2. Light industry (set of specializedindustries producing mainly consumer goods from various types raw materials);
  3. Food industry (light industry, a set of production of food products in finished form or in the form of semi-finished products).

Depending on the time of origin of the industry, industry is divided into three groups:

  1. old industries that arose during industrial revolutions (coal, metallurgical and textile industries, locomotive building, etc.). These industries are growing at a slow pace these days;
    1. new industries that determined scientific and technological progress in the first half of the 20th century. (automotive industry, plastics and chemical fiber production, etc.). These industries are now growing at a faster rate;
    2. the latest industries that emerged in the era of scientific and technological revolution and related to knowledge-intensive industries (microelectronics, microbiology, robotics, etc.). These industries are called high technology industries. Today, these industries are growing at the fastest and most sustainable rates.

The sectoral classification of industry allows us to characterize intersectoral connections, the level of development of various industries, and their contribution to the gross domestic product. It is based on the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities - ISIC. Industry classification in Russia before January 1, 2003 was determined by the All-Union Classifier of Sectors of the National Economy (OKONKh). It was replaced by the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED).

When analyzing the sectoral structure of an industry, it is advisable to consider not only its individual sectors, but also groups of industries that represent inter-industry complexes (these are collections of certain groups of industries, which are characterized by the production of similar or related products or the performance of work and services). Below is a table that reflects the main characteristics of intersectoral complexes.

Table 1

Composition of intersectoral industrial complexes

Name and definition of the intersectoral complex

Industries included in the complex

  1. Fuel and energy complex(TEK)
  1. coal industry,
  2. gas industry,
  3. oil industry,
  4. peat industry
  5. shale industry,
  6. energy,
  7. industries for the production of energy and other types of equipment.
  1. Metallurgical complex(MK)
  1. ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy industries,
  2. metallurgical engineering,
  3. mining engineering and repair base
  1. Mechanical engineering complex
  1. heavy engineering, producing metal-intensive, dimensional products;
  2. general mechanical engineering, which produces equipment with medium metal consumption, is technically relatively simple;
  3. medium mechanical engineering, which produces products with medium metal intensity and increased labor intensity;
  4. precision engineering, which produces products with low metal consumption, but high labor and science intensity;
  5. production of metal products (hardware);
  1. Chemical-forest complex
  1. chemical industry
  2. petrochemical industry
  3. forest industry
  4. wood industry
  5. pulp and paper industry
  6. wood chemical industry
  1. Agricultural-industrial complex (AIC)
  1. agricultural system
  2. processing industries
  3. feed and microbiological industry
  4. agricultural engineering
  5. mechanical engineering for light and food industries
  1. Construction complex
  1. system of construction industries;
  2. building materials industry
  3. mechanical engineering
  4. repair base
  1. Social complex
  1. textile industry;
  2. clothing industry;
  3. leather industry,
  4. fur industry,
  5. shoe industry
  1. Military-industrial complex(VPK)

industries and activities (primarily R&D) aimed at meeting the needs of the Armed Forces

Continuation of Table 1

As can be seen from the table, there are 8 intersectoral industrial complexes. The development of a particular industry in a country determines the development of an entire inter-industry complex, characterizes the direction of the state’s economy and the direction of economic policy.

The fuel and energy complex is the basis of the world economy

There are three main stages in the development of the world's fuel and energy industry: coal, oil and gas, modern.

At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Coal dominated industrial energy and international fuel trade. Back in 1948, the share of coal in the total consumption of main energy sources was 60%. But in the 50s and 60s. The structure of energy consumption has changed significantly, with oil taking first place at 51%, the share of coal decreased to 23%, natural gas - 21.5%, hydropower - 3%, nuclear energy - 1.5%.

These kinds of changes in the structure of energy consumption were due to the widespread development of new large sources of oil and natural gas; a number of advantages of these types of fuel over solid fuel (high efficiency of production, transportation, consumption); The scale of use of oil and natural gas not only as fuel, but also as industrial raw materials has increased.

Since the 80s. The priority direction is the transition from the use of predominantly exhaustible resources to the use of inexhaustible, non-traditional energy sources (wind, solar, tidal energy, nuclear energy, geothermal sources, hydro resources, etc.).

As a result, the share of oil in the total consumption and production of energy resources began to decline (to 38% in 2000), the value of the angle increased again (31%), and natural gas strengthened its position (23.5%). The growth in the use of hydropower, nuclear and other (alternative) energy sources is becoming increasingly noticeable.

In modern economies, oil and petroleum products are widely used both for energy purposes and as chemical raw materials.Oil refers tonon-renewable resources. Proven oil reserves in 2004 amount to 210 billion tons (1200 billion).barrels), undiscovered are estimated at 52260 billion tons (3001500 billion barrels).

World oil productioncurrently (for 2006) is about 3.8 billion tons per year, or 30 billion barrels per year.

The leading role in global oil production is played by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which includes Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Algeria, Libya, Nigeria, Gabon, Indonesia, and Venezuela. The role of the CIS countries, primarily Russia, Azerbaijan (Absheron Peninsula, shelf and bottom of the Caspian Sea), Turkmenistan (fields in the Uzboy region), Kazakhstan (Tengiz and Karachaganak fields, Mangyshlak Peninsula, Ural-Emba basin) is also very large in global oil production.

table 2

Oil production at the world's largest fields

As can be seen from the table, the most oil is produced in the Persian Gulf (250 million tons in 2006). If we compare the indicators for 2006 and 2008, we can say that there is a tendency to increase oil production in the world economy.

The top ten largest oil producers are Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, China, Venezuela, Mexico, UAE, Algeria, Kazakhstan, and Angola.

About half of all oil produced is exported. BesidesOPEC member countries, whose share in world oil exports is 65%, its largest suppliers to the world market are also Russia, Mexico, and Great Britain.

The sharp rise in oil prices in 2003-2008, as well as limited reservesoil make it urgent to develop technologies with reduced consumption of petroleum products, as well as the development of alternativegenerating capacities,not using petroleum products.

Natural gas, like oil, is used as fuel and as a raw material for the chemical industry. Natural gas is found in the ground at depths ranging from 1000 meters to several kilometers. In the depths, gas is found in microscopic voids (pores). The pores are connected to each other by microscopic channels - cracks; through these channels, gas flows from pores with high pressure to pores with lower pressure until it ends up in the well. The movement of gas in the formation obeys certain laws. Gas is extracted from the depths of the earth using wells

The world's largest natural gas producers are presented in the table:

Table 4

The world's largest gas producers

In 2005 in Russia the volume of natural gas production amounted to 548 billion m³. 307 billion m³ were supplied to domestic consumers through 220 regional gas distribution organizations. In the territoryRussia has 24 natural gas storage facilities. Length of main gas pipelines Russia is 155 thousand km.

In 2009 For the first time, the United States overtook Russia not only in the volume of gas produced (624 billion m³ versus 582.3 billion m³), ​​but also in the volume of production of commercial gas, that is, going for sale to counterparties. This is due to increased productionshale gas.

IN Environmentally, natural gas is the cleanest type of mineral fuel. When burned, it produces a significantly smaller amount of harmful substances compared to other types of fuel. However, the burning of huge amounts of different types of fuel by humanity, including natural gas, over the past half century has led to some slight increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which isgreenhouse gas. On this basis, some scientists conclude that there is a danger of the greenhouse effect and, as a consequence, climate warming.

Metallurgical complex

Despite the declining importance of metal as a structural material, at present it still remains the basis of modern industry, and in particular mechanical engineering.

For a number of years, the world metallurgy has experienced a rather difficult period of adaptation to structural changes in the modern economy. These problems affected the ferrous metallurgy industry to the greatest extent. Over the past decades, metal conservation has sharply increased in all areas of the economy. In this regard, the specific consumption of steel products per unit of GDP decreased.

The world leader in steel production is China, whose share in the first half of 2009 amounted to 48%. According to the International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI), global steel production in 2007 was:

Table 5

World steel production in 2007

In 2008, the world produced 1 billion 329.7 million tons of steel, which is 1.2% less than in 2007. This was the first reduction in annual production over the past 11 years.

Based on the results of the first six months of 2009, steel production in 66 countries of the world, whose share in the global steel industry is at least 98%, decreased compared to the same period of the previous year by 21.3% from 698.2 million tons to 549 .3 million tons

China increased steel production compared to the same period in 2008 by 1.2% to 266.6 million tons. In India, steel production increased by 1.3% to 27.6 million tons.

In the USA, steel production fell by 51.5%, in Japan by 40.7%, in South Korea by 17.3%, in Germany by 43.5%, in Italy by 42.8%, in France by 41.5%, in the UK by 41.8%, in Brazil by 39.5%, in Russia by 30.2%, in Ukraine by 38.8%.

In June 2009, global steel production amounted to 99.8 million tons, which is 4.1% more than in May 2009.

Great changes are taking place in the international trade of ferrous metals. Traditional exporters of ferrous metal products are Japan and EU countries. And currently they account for over half of world exports. The first place belongs to Germany.

But in recent years, the position of the Republic of Korea has been significantly strengthened, which is actively introducing itself into the markets of the USA, Japan and China. Korea is the world's largest indirect exporter of steel. So, in the 90s. The steel intensity of Korea's exports was 10 times higher than that of EU countries and 3 times higher than that of Japan. Korea, in particular, exports 60% of cars, about 90% of ships, 60% of the electrical and electronics sector.

Currently, approximately 70 different types of non-ferrous metals are produced in the world. The five “grands” are aluminum, copper, zinc, nickel, and lead. They account for St. 97-98% of total smelting. Tin, cobalt, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum and some others also occupy a prominent place.According to data for 2010, the share of non-ferrous metallurgy in Russian GDP is 2.6%, in industrial production 10.2%

The economic importance of aluminum is especially great. The world's largest bauxite mining areas, the raw material for aluminum production, are located in Northern Australia, on the York Peninsula, as well as in the Guinea region in Africa and in the Caribbean (Jamaica), etc. Aluminum production gravitates towards centers of electrical energy production.

In 2007 38 million tons of primary aluminum were produced in the world, and in2008 39.7 million tons. The production leaders were:

China (produced 12.60 million tons in 2007, and 13.50 million tons in 2008); Russia(3.96/4.20) ; Canada (3.09/3.10); USA (2.55/2.64); Australia (1.96/1.96); Brazil (1.66/1.66); India (1.22/1.30); Norway (1.30/1.10); UAE (0.89/0.92); Bahrain (0.87/0.87); South Africa (0.90/0.85); Iceland (0.40/0.79); Germany (0.55/0.59); Venezuela (0.61/0.55); Mozambique (0.56/0.55); Tajikistan (0.42/0.42).

The copper industry has developed greatly in countries with large deposits of copper ore. In first place is Chile, second place belongs to the USA. Indonesia, Australia, Canada, and Russia are also of great importance. One of the largest areas of the copper industry has developed in Central Africa. This is the so-called copper belt, 500 km long, in the territory of Zaire and Zambia. Copper ore is mined here and black and refined copper is smelted.

Russia is considered a great nickel power. It produces 24.2% of the world's nickel production. Nickel production in Canada is 186.2 thousand tons (17.8% of global production), in Australia - 124.9 thousand tons (11.9%), on the island. New Caledonia - 90.3 thousand tons (8.6%), in Indonesia - 83.9 thousand tons (8.0%).

At the present stage, attention is increasing to the smelting of rare metals (titanium, magnesium, germanium, tantalum, niobium, etc.), which are not only of purely economic importance, but also important for military-strategic purposes.

Non-ferrous metals also include gold (the main production is carried out in South Africa - 447.2 tons, the USA - 340.0 tons, Australia - 302.6 tons) and silver (the largest producers are Mexico, Peru, the USA, Australia and Chile).

Mechanical engineering is the main branch of world industry

Mechanical engineering is the main branch of world industry, accounting for about 35% of the value of world industrial output. Among industries, mechanical engineering is the most labor-intensive production. Instrument making, electrical engineering and aerospace industries, nuclear engineering and other industries that produce complex equipment are particularly labor-intensive. In this regard, one of the main conditions for the location of mechanical engineering is to provide it with a qualified workforce, the presence of a certain level of industrial culture, and scientific research and development centers.

Proximity to the raw material base is important only for some branches of heavy engineering (production of metallurgical, mining equipment, boiler making, etc.).

In the world's mechanical engineering, the dominant position is occupied by a small group of developed countries - the USA, which accounts for almost 30% of the value of engineering products, Japan - 15%, Germany - about 10%, France, Great Britain, Italy, Canada. Almost all types of modern mechanical engineering are developed in these countries, and their share in global exports of machinery is high. With an almost complete range of engineering products, a key role in the development of mechanical engineering in this group of countries belongs to the aerospace industry, microelectronics, robotics, nuclear power engineering, machine tool building, heavy engineering, and automotive industry.

The group of leaders in world mechanical engineering also includes Russia (6% of the value of mechanical engineering products), China (3%) and several small industrialized countries Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, the Netherlands, etc. Mechanical engineering has greatly advanced in its development in developing countries.

In developed countries, mechanical engineering is based on a high level of research and development (R&D), highly qualified workforce and is focused mainly on the production of technically complex and high-quality products. The mechanical engineering industry of developing countries, based on the low cost of local labor, specializes, as a rule, in the production of mass-produced, labor-intensive, technically uncomplicated, low-quality types of products. Among the enterprises here there are many purely assembly plants that receive kits of machines in disassembled form from industrialized countries. Few developing countries have modern machine-building plants, primarily the newly industrialized ones - South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, India, Turkey, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico. The main directions of development of their mechanical engineering are the production of household electrical appliances, automotive industry, and shipbuilding.

Mechanical engineering is divided into general, including machine tool building, heavy engineering, agricultural engineering and other industries, transport engineering and electrical engineering, including electronics. The largest producers and exporters of general engineering products in general are developed countries: Germany, USA, Japan, etc. Developed countries are also the main manufacturers and suppliers of machine tools to the world market (Japan, Germany, USA, Italy and Switzerland stand out). The general engineering industry of developing countries is dominated by the production of agricultural machinery and simple equipment.

Among the branches of transport engineering, the automotive industry is developing most dynamically. The area of ​​its spatial distribution is constantly growing and currently includes, along with the traditional, main car manufacturers (Japan, USA, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Sweden, Spain, Russia, etc.), countries that are relatively new to the industry - countries South Korea, Brazil, Argentina, China, Turkey, India, Malaysia, Poland.

Unlike the automotive industry, aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, and the production of railway rolling stock are experiencing stagnation. The main reason for this is the lack of demand for their products. Shipbuilding has moved from developed countries to developing countries. The largest manufacturers of ships were South Korea (ahead of Japan and took first place in the world), Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, China, and Taiwan. At the same time, the United States and Western European countries (Great Britain, Germany, etc.), as a result of the reduction in ship production, ceased to play a significant role in global shipbuilding.

The aviation industry is concentrated in countries with a high level of science and workforce qualifications: the USA, Russia, France, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands.

In the territorial structure of global mechanical engineering, there are four main regions: North America, foreign Europe, East and Southeast Asia and the CIS.

North America (USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico) accounts for approximately 1/3 of the cost of mechanical engineering products. In the international division of labor, the region acts as the largest manufacturer and exporter of highly complex machines, heavy engineering products and knowledge-intensive industries. In the United States, which occupies a leading position in the region and the world in terms of the total value of mechanical engineering products, a large role belongs to aerospace engineering, military-industrial electronics, computer production, nuclear power engineering, military shipbuilding, etc.

European countries (excluding the CIS) also account for about 1/3 of the world's mechanical engineering production. The region is represented by mechanical engineering of all types, especially distinguished by general mechanical engineering (machine tool building, production of equipment for metallurgy, textile, paper, watchmaking and other industries), electrical engineering and electronics, and transport engineering (automotive, aircraft, shipbuilding). The leader of the European mechanical engineering industry, Germany, is the largest exporter of general engineering products in the region and the world.

The region, which includes the countries of East and Southeast Asia, produces approximately a quarter of the world's mechanical engineering production. The main stimulating factor in the development of mechanical engineering in the countries of the region is the relative cheapness of labor. Leader of the region Japan the second engineering power in the world, the largest exporter of products from the most qualified industries (microelectronics, electrical engineering, aircraft engineering, robotics, etc.). Other countries China, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. produce labor-intensive but less complex products (production of household electrical appliances, cars, ships, etc.) and are also very actively involved in working on the foreign market .

The CIS countries form a special region of world mechanical engineering. They have a full range of engineering production. The military-industrial complex, aviation and rocket-space industries, consumer electronics, and certain simple branches of general mechanical engineering (production of agricultural machinery, metal-intensive machine tools, power equipment, etc.) have received great development here.

Outside the main machine-building regions, there are mechanical engineering centers that are quite large in scale and complexity of production structures: India, Brazil, Argentina. Their mechanical engineering mainly works for the domestic market. These countries export cars, sea vessels, bicycles, and simple types of household appliances (refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, calculators, watches, etc.).

Chemical industry of the world

The chemical industry includes:

  • mining and chemical industry (extraction of apatite and phosphorite, table and potassium salts, sulfur and other mining chemical raw materials);
  • the main chemical industry producing inorganic compounds (acids, alkalis, soda, mineral fertilizers, etc.);
  • industry of polymer materials (including organic synthesis), the most important branches of which are the production of synthetic rubber, synthetic resins and plastics, and chemical fibers.

The location of the chemical industry depends on many factors. The chemical industry is a very large consumer of raw materials, the unit costs of which in some cases significantly exceed the weight of the finished product (production of soda, synthetic rubber, plastics, chemical fibers, potash and nitrogen fertilizers, etc.).

In addition to a large amount of raw materials, the chemical industry (production of synthetic materials, soda, etc.) consumes a lot of water, fuel and energy.

Its knowledge-intensive industries (production of varnishes, dyes, reagents, pharmaceuticals, photo and toxic chemicals, high-quality polymer materials, special-purpose chemicals for electronics, etc.) place high demands on the level of workforce training, the development of R&D, and the production of special equipment (devices , devices, machines).

The strengthening of the knowledge intensity of the chemical industry as a whole and especially its individual productions has predetermined the priority for the development of the industry in highly developed countries. Many traditional branches of the chemical industry - mining chemistry, inorganic chemistry (including the production of fertilizers), and the production of some simple organic products (including plastics and chemical fibers) have been developing rapidly in recent years in developing countries.

Below are the largest chemical companies in the world:

Table 6

As can be seen from the table, the company takes first place BASF AG , Germany, companies from the USA, Great Britain, and Germany are also leading.

A very large region specializing in the production of chemical products (mainly semi-products of organic synthesis and fertilizers) has developed in the Persian Gulf area. The raw material for production here is the huge resources of associated (oil production) gas. The oil-producing countries of the region - Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Iran, Bahrain, etc. produce 57% of the world's chemical products, which are almost entirely export-oriented.

Outside these areas, the chemical industry of the CIS countries is characterized by a high level of development, where Russia, China, the Republic of Korea, India, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil stand out.

Among the industries, the leading place is occupied by the polymer materials industry, based on oil and gas or petrochemical raw materials. For a long period of time, the raw material base for the polymer materials industry was almost universally coal chemicals and plant raw materials. The change in the nature of the raw material base also significantly affected the geography of industry: the importance of coal regions decreased, the role of oil and gas production areas and coastal regions increased.

Currently, the most powerful organic synthesis industry is in economically developed countries that have large reserves of oil and gas (USA, Canada, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Russia, etc.), or occupy a favorable position for the supply of these types of chemical raw materials (Japan, Italy, France , Germany, Belgium, etc.).

All of the above countries occupy leading positions in the global production of synthetic resins and plastics and other types of synthetic products. Of the polymer industries, only the production of chemical fibers shows a noticeable shift towards developing countries. In this type of production, along with the traditional leaders - the USA, Japan, Germany, etc., China, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, and India have also become among the largest producers in recent years.

In contrast to the polymer materials industry, the mining and basic chemical industries are widely represented not only in economically developed countries, but also in developing countries.

The leading producers of mineral fertilizers are China, the USA, Canada, India, Russia, Germany, Belarus, France, Ukraine, and Indonesia. At the same time, in terms of mining and processing of phosphorites, along with the United States, the countries of Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Senegal, Benin), Asia (Jordan, Israel), the CIS (Russia, Kazakhstan), Christmas Island and Nauru stand out.

The overwhelming majority of the world's production and processing of potassium salts is carried out by the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Russia, and Belarus.

The main raw material for the production of nitrogen fertilizers is natural gas. Therefore, among the most important producers and exporters of nitrogen fertilizers are primarily countries rich in natural gas (USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Gulf countries). Large quantities of nitrogen fertilizers are also produced by France, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, China, and India, whose nitrogen fertilizer industry is closely connected with the ferrous metallurgy of these countries.

Sulfur producing countries are the USA, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Poland. Ukraine, Russia, Turkmenistan, Japan, etc. The largest producers of sulfuric acid are the USA, China, Japan and Russia.

Light industry of the world

Light industry unites many industries and sub-sectors, the main ones being textile, clothing and footwear. These industries are currently developing especially rapidly in newly industrialized countries and other developing countries, which is largely due to their high supply of raw materials and cheap labor. Industrialized countries, having lost their positions in a number of traditional mass, technically uncomplicated industries (cheap types of fabrics, shoes, clothing and other types of consumer products), retain a leading role in the manufacture of especially fashionable, high-quality, expensive products oriented towards high technology and labor qualifications, a limited circle of consumers (production of carpets, furs, jewelry, standards of shoes, clothing, fabrics from expensive raw materials, etc.).

The textile industry in the era of scientific and technological revolution significantly changed its structure. For a long period of time, the main branch of the world's textile industry remained cotton, followed by wool, linen and processing of man-made fibers. Currently, the share of chemical fibers in global fabric production has increased significantly, while the share of cotton, wool and especially flax has decreased. The creation of mixed fabrics from natural and chemical fibers and knitwear (knitted fabric) was of great importance. The share of chemical fibers in the textile industry of developed countries has especially increased. In the economies of developing countries, the main types of textile raw materials remain cotton, wool, and natural silk, although the share of products made from chemical fibers has recently increased significantly.

The textile industry as a whole is developing at a faster pace in the group of developing countries. Asia has become the main region of the textile industry in the world, providing today about 70% of the total amount of fabrics, more than half of the production of cotton and woolen fabrics.

The main producers of cotton fabrics are China (30% of world production), India (10%), USA, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Italy, Egypt,

Among the leading producers of woolen fabrics are also a significant part of Asian countries. The world's largest manufacturer of these fabrics is China (15%), followed by Italy (14%), Japan, USA, India, Turkey, Republic of Korea, Germany, Great Britain, Spain.

And in the production of the most expensive silk fabrics, with the absolute leadership of the USA (over 50%), the share of Asian countries is also very large, especially India, China and Japan (more than 40%).

The production of linen fabrics decreased significantly. They are produced in large quantities only in Russia and Western European countries (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Great Britain).

Developed countries of the world (especially the USA, Italy, Japan, Germany, France), while their share in the production of cotton and woolen fabrics is decreasing, remain the largest producers of knitwear and fabrics made from chemical fibers (synthetic and blended). Although in these types of textile industries their role is steadily declining due to the organization of production in developing countries (India, China, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, etc.).

In Russia, which was one of the largest manufacturers of all types of natural fabrics in the world, their production is experiencing a severe decline.

Developing countries are also of great importance in the production of clothing industry products (underwear, outerwear, etc.). Many of them, and above all China, India, South Korea, Taiwan, and Colombia, have become the largest producers and exporters of ready-made clothing. Developed countries (especially the USA, France, Italy, etc.) are increasingly specializing in the production of fashionable, elite, individual products,

The footwear industry, among light industry sectors, has moved the most from developed countries to countries with cheap labor - developing countries. The leaders in the production of footwear have become the People's Republic of China (which has overtaken the former leaders Italy and the USA in its production and produces more than 40% of footwear in the world) and other Asian countries - the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand. In developed countries (Italy, USA, Austria, Germany stand out), the production of leather shoes from expensive raw materials, with high labor intensity of production, has remained mainly. The largest manufacturer and exporter of such shoes is Italy. In Russia, shoe production has decreased several times in recent years, and the country has transformed from the world's largest shoe producer (in 1990, second only to China) into a significant importer.

Forest industry of the world

The forestry industry includes logging, mechanical and chemical processing of wood, and pulp and paper production.

The geography of the forest industry is largely determined by the location of forest resources. The world's forest resources (the forested area of ​​the planet, the wood reserves on it) are concentrated in two forest belts that differ in geographical location and species composition - northern and southern.

The northern forest belt covers areas of the temperate zone of Eurasia and North America. The forests here are represented mainly by coniferous species (pine, spruce, larch, fir, cedar). Deciduous trees include birch, aspen, alder, oak, beech, hornbeam, ash, etc. Coniferous forests occupy 1.2 billion hectares (or 1/3 of all forest areas in the world) with wood reserves of 127 billion cubic meters. m, of which most of the reserves are in Russia (more than 60%), Canada (about 30%), USA, Finland and Sweden. The countries of the northern belt harvest the bulk of the world's commercial timber.

The southern forest belt includes humid equatorial and seasonally humid tropical forests of the Amazon in South America (Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, etc.), Africa (Republics of the Congo and Cote d'Ivoire, Angola, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, etc.) , Southeast

Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, etc.), Australia and Oceania (Papua New Guinea, northeastern Australia, etc.). Deciduous trees dominate here. Among them, ornamental wood is especially valuable: mahogany, iron, sandalwood, etc. Most of the belt's wood reserves are concentrated in South America (about 60%) and Asia (25%). In the countries of the southern belt (these are mainly developing countries), of all harvested wood, only 10 20% is commercial (most of it is exported to Western European countries, Japan, etc.), the rest is used as fuel.

The volume of timber harvested in the world is 4 billion cubic meters. m, of which approximately a third (1.2 billion cubic meters) is harvested in developed countries. In recent years, the share of developing countries has been growing. The USA, Russia, Canada, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Nigeria, China, and Sweden stand out in terms of the scale of logging. The largest exporters of wood are the USA (15% of world exports), India and Brazil (8% each), Indonesia and Canada (6% each).

Mechanical and chemical processing of wood is the domain of mainly developed countries. In the world production of lumber (500 million cubic meters), the main countries are the USA (20%), Canada (12%), Japan, China and Russia (6% each); cellulose (160 million tons) USA (30%), Canada (15%), China, Japan, Sweden, Finland (6-7% each); paper (180 million tons) - USA (45%), Japan (16%), China (12%), Canada (10%), Finland, Sweden, France, Republic of Korea.

The leaders in paper production per capita (world average 45 kg) are Finland (1400 kg), Sweden (670 kg), Canada (530 kg), Norway (400 kg). In Russia this figure is much lower - 35 kg.


So, it is clear that the sectors of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) belong to capital-intensive industries. In industrialized countries, where all its industries are represented, usually the main capital investments, ranging up to 85%, are in the oil and gas industry and the electric power industry (in approximately equal shares) and up to 15% in the oil refining and coal industries. Investments in the oil industry have a significant impact on the investment process in the fuel and energy complex as a whole.

The cyclical nature of the development of business activity in the oil industry is due to the fact that decisions to increase capital investments in the oil industry are made at a time when there is a shortage of oil in the markets, accompanied by rising prices and profits. Typically, during this period, all participants in the oil business, including financial institutions, strive to revive the investment process in this industry, and the return on these investments in the form of increased production volumes begins to take effect after about 10 years. In the oil markets, there is an excess supply of oil over demand, prices begin to decline, which is also accompanied by a decrease in investment until the excess oil disappears. This period also lasts about 10 years. Over the past 100 years, there have been five such cycles, each lasting from 20 to 22 years, and these cycles did not necessarily coincide with the development cycles of the entire economy.

In accordance with the cyclical nature of the development of the oil industry, there were changes in capital investments not only in this industry, but also in the fuel and energy complex in general.

In the development of international trade in raw materials and food products during the post-war period, a number of important trends are clearly observed, causing significant changes in the commodity structure of world exports. First of all, there is a predominant increase in trade in semi-finished products made from mineral and plant raw materials, which is a consequence of the impact of scientific and technical progress on international trade.

The predominant development of exports of finished products and semi-finished products has caused a sharp decline in the share of raw materials in world exports.

Noting the downward trend in the share of primary goods in world trade, it should be noted that we are not talking about an absolute, but a relative decline in the export of these goods. During 1963-1990, for example, the share of raw materials, fuel and food in world exports fell by almost half, while actual exports increased many times, including oil, natural gas and coal more than 20 times, food 10 times.

Among the huge variety of raw materials and fuel resources circulating in international trade, the leading role is played by fuel and energy products - oil, petroleum products, natural gas and coal. This group of goods consistently retains its leadership role among other product groups in world trade. In the early 90s, fuel and energy products occupied second place in international trade and provided more than 10% of world exports, ahead of such large product groups as food, chemicals, ores, and second only to the group of machinery and equipment. Oil occupies a leading position in the group of fuel and raw materials.


1. Vasilenko A. The oil factor in Russian foreign policy // Russian Journal.-2001.-No. 2..
2. World economy [Electronic resource] Access mode: /
3. Denchev K. Oil and gas factor in international relations // Polity.- 1999.- No. 3 (13).- p. 130.
4. World economy: [Text. for universities in economics. specialties and directions] / A.S. Bulatov, E.B. Rogatnykh, R.F. Volkov and others; Ed. A.S. Bulatova.-M.: Yurist, 2009 - 734 p.
5. The concept of the world economy // Educational site [Electronic resource] Access mode:
6. Rodionova I.A. Countries of the world: economic and geographical characteristics: A guide for applicants to universities. M.: Moscow Lyceum, 2004.
7. Ferrous metallurgy of the world // Economics and finance [Electronic resource] Access mode:
8. Sharipov U.Z. International relations in the Persian Gulf region and the role of the oil factor (West and countries of the region) // Abstract of dissertation for doctoral political sciences - M., 2007.
9. Electric power industry of the world // Geography of Russia [Electronic resource] Access mode:

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If we look at the political or economic map of the world, we can trace one significant pattern in the placement of countries with economic development indicators above the statistical average. These countries create several groups whose territories are located closely. And this is not just an interesting geographical fact, but an important pattern in the geography of the modern world economy.

Industry is the most important sector of the production sector. And although in the era of scientific and technological revolution the share of industry in the structure of employment of the population decreased due to the non-production sphere, this speaks more about the success of automation and robotization of industrial production.

Conventionally, industry is divided into mining and manufacturing industries. The share of these industries in the country's economy indicates the level of its economic development. The more developed a country's economy is, the more manufacturing industries are represented there. Nowadays, about $80\%$ of manufacturing output comes from countries with a high level of development - Japan, the USA, and Western European countries. The share of extractive industries in their economy is insignificant (up to $6\%$). The role of developing countries in industrial development is gradually increasing. And in certain modern industries, some developing countries have taken leading positions (countries of new industrialization).

In the structure of manufacturing industries, the chemical industry, mechanical engineering, electric power industry, and non-ferrous metallurgy play a dominant role. Each of these industries has its own characteristics of location and development. Let's look at these questions in more detail.


Definition 1

Energy – a complex set of interconnected industries providing the extraction and processing of energy resources, generation and transmission of electricity.

The energy industry includes the fuel industry and electric power. Recently, significant changes have occurred in the structure of the fuel industry. Instead of coal, oil and gas began to be used more widely.

Today the oil industry is developed in $75$ countries of the world. Thanks to oil resources, the Middle East has become the world's main fuel and energy base. The highest oil production rates are in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, the UAE, and Kuwait.

Middle Eastern fields provide about $30\%$ of global oil production. $20\%$ of oil is produced by North American countries. Among the oil-producing countries of South America, Venezuela is the leader. In Europe, the UK and Norway are producing oil on the North Sea shelf. Offshore oil fields are also being developed by Denmark, Spain, and the Netherlands. Among the CIS countries, Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan have high oil production rates.

The oil refining industry is concentrated in economically developed countries of the world.

The role of the gas industry is increasing. Gas is not only a fuel, but also a valuable chemical raw material. The main gas producing countries in the world are:

  • Russia,
  • Turkmenistan,
  • Iran,
  • Indonesia,
  • Qatar,
  • Great Britain,
  • Canada.

Note 1

Electric power industry is one of the most leading branches of scientific and technological revolution. Developed countries of the world stand out in the production and consumption of electricity. Among them are the USA, China, Japan, Germany, Canada, France, Russia, and the UK. Most of the electricity is produced at thermal power plants ($75\%$). Hydroelectric power stations are built in areas with turbulent rivers - in Northern Europe and South America. Today hydroelectric power plants provide about $17\%$ of electricity. The role of nuclear power plants has increased. Nowadays they produce almost $7\%$ of global electricity. France, Belgium and Sweden are leading here. They also use non-traditional energy sources - the Sun, wind, internal energy of the Earth.


The mining industry is located in places where industrial reserves of raw materials are concentrated. China, Australia, Brazil, Sweden, Ukraine, Canada, Russia, USA, Kazakhstan famous for its iron ore deposits. Famous for copper ores Chile, USA Canada. These same countries are leaders in the world non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy. Ferrous metallurgy using imported raw materials is developed in Japan. Recently, powder metallurgy has been rapidly developing in developed countries.

Mechanical engineering

World mechanical engineering consists of approximately $70$ industries and provides $37\%$ of the value of global industrial production. Currently, the percentage of knowledge-intensive branches of mechanical engineering is increasing. The mechanical engineering complex is conventionally divided into general mechanical engineering, precision engineering and transport.

  • General mechanical engineering, which is based on a metallurgical base and raw materials, is located in the Lake region of the USA, in the Ruhr basin of Germany, in the Upper Silesian basin of Poland, in the Urals and in northeastern China.
  • Transport engineering especially developed in countries such as the USA, Japan, Germany, France and South Korea. The USA, Russia, France, and China are famous for aircraft and rocket science. Rocket science is also being developed in the DPRK.
  • Precision engineering developed at the end of the twentieth century, with the development of scientific and technological revolution. Along with traditionally highly developed countries (USA, Japan, Germany), competitive high-tech products began to be massively supplied to the world market by China, India and the countries of “new industrialization” - South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia.

Today, on the economic map of the world, three main world centers of mechanical engineering stand out: North America, Western Europe, East Asia, and Southeast Asia.

Chemical industry

The chemical industry is also considered one of the leading branches of scientific and technological revolution. Currently, more than $400$ thousand of chemicals are used in the world. They often displace natural materials from consumption and production. The success of the chemical industry is facilitated by the fact that it has a wide raw material base.

Traditionally, Western Europe remains the leading region for the development of the chemical industry. The countries of this region account for about $40\%$ of global chemical production. The championship here is occupied by Germany, Italy and France. Traditional production of basic chemistry is based on its own raw materials, and the chemistry of organic synthesis is focused on imported raw materials.

The US chemical industry, developing on the basis of ferrous metallurgy waste from Priozerye and oil from the South. In terms of volume, it is not inferior to European production. And the products of the chemical industry are widely used by the population, both in production and in everyday life.

In the countries of East and Southeast Asia (Japan, China, countries of “new industrialization”), the chemistry of organic synthesis using imported (with the exception of China and Indonesia) raw materials is developing rapidly.

Forestry and wood processing industry

In the forest zone there are countries such as the USA, Canada, Russia, the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula, and Brazil. It is there that the largest centers for the timber, woodworking and pulp and paper industries are located. Enterprises gravitate towards sources of raw materials, water and consumers.

Light industry

Note 2

The light industry sector is considered one of the oldest sectors of the world economy. Its sub-sectors are the textile, clothing, fur, footwear and leather goods industries.

The main producers of fabric are the USA, China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina.
The clothing industry is developed in Italy, France, India, and South Korea.
Paris, Vienna and New York are considered centers of world fashion.

Recently, the geography of light industry has seen a gradual shift towards developing countries.