Is it possible under the compulsory medical insurance policy? Where is the compulsory medical insurance policy valid in Russia? How to check if my compulsory medical insurance policy is valid

Another massive violation of the rights of citizens who are unable to register at their place of residence is the illegal denial of medical care to them and their children. We are not considering here the issue of the lack of a compulsory medical insurance policy itself, since there are usually no problems with obtaining it. We also do not consider the issue of the desire to “attach” to a clinic not at the place of actual residence, since in this case a real problem really arises - how will the local doctor get to you if necessary when calling you at home? But if you actually live on the territory of this clinic, even without registration, then you are required to be assigned to it and provide medical care.

It should be noted that the occurrence of problems with the provision of medical care depends mainly on the position of the chief physician of a medical institution and is usually associated with a reluctance to undergo a more complex procedure of receiving payment for medical care from an insurance company located in another region. In reality, there are no problems with payment under compulsory health insurance policies issued in other regions and people suffer due to the banal laziness of medical workers who are accustomed to working with “their” insurance company.

Therefore, you can go in different ways: either go to another medical institution in the hope that there will be more sane staff there, or escalate the conflict, argue with the director or chief physician and seek medical care in the chosen institution. Sometimes calling the health department of a city or region with a complaint about a refusal to provide medical care helps.

It should be taken into account that in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ "", insured persons have the right to free medical care provided by medical organizations upon the occurrence of an insured event:

  • throughout the Russian Federation to the extent established by the basic compulsory health insurance program;
  • on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the compulsory health insurance policy was issued, to the extent established by the territorial compulsory health insurance program.

In addition, in accordance with the same law, insured persons have the right to choose a medical organization and a doctor (the so-called “attachment” to a clinic), and in accordance with the same law, medical organizations obliged free of charge provide medical care to insured persons within the framework of compulsory health insurance programs.


    “The state provides citizens with health protection regardless of gender, race, age, nationality, language, presence of diseases, conditions, origin, property and official status, living place, attitude towards religion, beliefs, membership in public associations and other circumstances.”


    Within the framework of the basic compulsory health insurance program, which citizens throughout Russia have the right to use, primary health care is provided, including preventive care, emergency medical care (with the exception of specialized (air ambulance) emergency medical care), specialized medical care in in the following cases:

Thus, no matter in which region your compulsory health insurance policy was issued, you have the right to receive all basic types of medical care anywhere in Russia.

The vast majority of citizens of our country regain their health using the capabilities of the compulsory health insurance system (CHI). Examination by specialists, medication provision, dental treatment, etc. have become common realities of our days. But compulsory medical insurance provides the opportunity to carry out more critical medical interventions, including surgical ones, free of charge. You will learn further how to perform an operation under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

What operations can be done under compulsory medical insurance?

Periodic changes are made to the list of free surgical operations aimed at expanding the ability of citizens to restore health through surgical intervention. An updated list of free operations is sent to medical institutions and insurance companies registered under compulsory medical insurance. The information is open.

Free access is ensured by placement on information boards of medical institutions, their websites, as well as information during consultations with the attending doctor about which operations are performed free of charge.

The list of free operations under the compulsory medical insurance policy for 2020 includes the following interventions:

  1. Eye surgeries:
  • with cataracts of the lens of the eye;
  • intervention for strabismus, including strabismus in children;
  • traumatic deformation of the retina;
  • glaucoma;
  • detection of congenital anomalies.
  1. Sentoplasty (correction of the nasal septum), for the following indications:
  • respiratory functions are impaired;
  • lack of smell;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • not resistant to ARVI;
  • abnormal breathing, snoring;
  • excessive dryness of the sinuses, systematic pain.
  1. Removal of the gallbladder in the presence of cholecystitis, functional disorders (cholesterosis, gallstone manifestations).
  2. Marmara operation (diseases of the veins of the male reproductive system) for indications:
  • varicocele of the second and subsequent stages;
  • impossibility of fertilization (sperm release);
  • painful sensations;
  • aesthetics;
  • changes in scrotal tissue.
  1. Arthroscopy of joints.
  2. Vein operations for venous diseases.
  3. Diseases in the field of gynecology.
  4. Thoracic (oncology, pathological changes in the lungs).
  5. Valgus feet.

The presented list is not a complete list of gratuitous surgical interventions permissible in the presence of a compulsory medical insurance policy. However, interventions of a cosmetic nature (for example: bariatric surgery) do not qualify as free medical care.

Who can receive free medical services

All categories of citizens who have entered into compulsory medical insurance agreements in accordance with the established procedure have the right to receive free assistance in the country, including:

  • having labor relations with enterprises and organizations in the sphere of production, consumption and distribution of material goods;
  • receiving funds or remuneration under licensing, scientific, publishing alienation agreements;
  • private entrepreneurs and other categories that provide for themselves;
  • managers and participants of farm enterprises;
  • community members involved in folk crafts and tribal economic activities;
  • citizens who do not have a job (children under eighteen years of age, adults on pensions, teenagers undergoing training, the unemployed, a guardian up to the age of three for a child, caring for a disabled person of the first group or an adult after the age of eighty)
  • military personnel, employees of special organizations, including medical workers;
  • foreigners legally residing in the country and engaged in labor activities, within the framework permitted by regulatory legal acts of the state;
  • persons who have received refugee status in accordance with the established procedure.

Institutions of the Ministry of Health do not have the right to refuse to provide emergency free medical care, including specialized care, to persons who have not concluded a compulsory medical insurance agreement or with missing information about their policy in the unified Compulsory Medical Insurance database.

Where can I get treatment for free?

The above categories of citizens have the right to receive medical care free of charge under compulsory medical insurance throughout the country, regardless of the presence of registration at the place of residence, place of stay or lack thereof at the time of application.

In the category of medical care related to planned surgical interventions, the insured person has the right to choose any specialized medical institution in Russia, in his opinion, capable of performing the operation with the best results. At the same time, the medical institution must, in accordance with the established procedure, participate in the Compulsory Medical Insurance System.

Medical institutions (hospitals, clinics and others) become participants in the system after concluding a cooperation agreement with compulsory medical insurance. If there is a quota, they cannot refuse the opportunity to perform surgical intervention when the operation is indicated.

It should be remembered that the waiting period for a planned operation in another region, as well as at the patient’s place of residence, can take considerable time. This is due to strict quotas for operations, due to the significant financial costs of performing it, as well as the large number of patients applying.

When choosing a medical facility for elective surgery, you should consider the following:

  • insurance coverage applies only to the operation;
  • the quality of work of practicing surgeons is approximately equal, both in clinics of metropolitan regions and local medical institutions, where in the first case the operation is accompanied by the most advanced equipment, in the second - experience in performing multiple operations;
  • the waiting time for a free operation, where in large cities it can take a long time (up to a year or more), during which side effects can occur, while for local surgery the wait will take up to several months;
  • the cost of payment for services not covered by compulsory medical insurance.

Of no small importance is the opportunity to consult during postoperative rehabilitation with the surgeon who performed the operation. If a medical facility is located at a considerable distance, additional financial expenses are expected.

How to perform surgery under compulsory medical insurance policy for free step by step

Obtaining surgical care under compulsory medical insurance coverage is a simple procedure that includes the following steps:

  1. Visit to the attending physician at the assigned medical facility. After studying the tests and examining the patient, he evaluates the indications for surgical intervention. If they are present, the doctor is obliged to write out a referral to a specialized clinic. The patient has the right to declare his referral for surgery to a previously selected medical institution.
  2. After receiving the referral, the patient registers for an appointment for consultation at the selected institution. Registration is carried out by personal visit or in another manner prescribed by the hospital.
  3. To complete the paperwork and consultation, arrive at the appointed time to see the hospital doctor. Provide him with a referral, an identification document, an insurance contract (policy), research results and a medical record. The doctor decides whether admission to the hospital is necessary. Explains what is considered free help and what you will have to pay for.
  4. The decision to place the patient in a hospital for the duration of the operation is accompanied by additional research and analysis.
  5. Within ten working days, the patient is notified of the date of the surgical intervention.
  6. On the appointed day, the patient is hospitalized.

About the quota. They are determined depending on the financial capacity of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, territorial branches of the regions, to compensate for the expended consumables, the work of specialists and personnel during a certain number of surgical operations.

State medical institutions participating in the compulsory medical insurance system purchase medicines, medicines, and equipment for surgical operations within the limits of funding. Procurement is carried out on the basis of organizing competitions. Where is the determining factor. The final delivery price is presented. Thus, when carrying out operations under compulsory medical insurance, one should not rely on advanced models of endoprostheses and other things.

Do I need to pay extra for services provided?

Surgical intervention is free of charge under compulsory medical insurance. It includes: the actual operation, anesthesia (if necessary), consumables, and the use of specialized equipment. The institution's demands for additional payment are illegal. But the patient independently finances travel to and from the site of the operation, preoperative accommodation outside the medical institution. The possibility of providing additional opportunities for a fee is allowed in relation to receiving services not included in the list of the compulsory medical insurance system, including:

  • Conducting anonymous diagnostics at the request of the patient (excluding HIV);
  • manipulations carried out with a visit to the patient’s home (diagnosis, consultation, treatment), with the exception of the physical impossibility of the patient to come to the medical institution for this;
  • diagnostics and medical procedures for sexual pathologies;
  • speech therapy activities for the adult population;
  • vaccinations with the exception of those provided for by compulsory medical insurance;
  • post-operative measures, including sanatorium, if they are not provided for by the insurance program;
  • cosmetological manipulations;
  • oral prosthetics, except in cases provided for by compulsory medical insurance;
  • psychological support for the patient;
  • methodological activities for familiarization with patronage, provision of pre-medical care, etc.

Medical institutions that provide paid services in addition to free services are required to inform about their existence by posting lists and price lists on reception stands. At the same time, when deciding on hospitalization, the patient is personally informed about paid opportunities to improve the conditions of stay in the hospital’s inpatient department.

The insured person has the right to contact the insurer or the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund to clarify the legality of requesting additional funds while staying in a medical institution. Payment for certain services and medications.

What to do if treatment is denied if you have a policy

Low awareness of the population about their rights to medical care under compulsory health insurance often leads to compliance with an unreasonable refusal to provide medical care or the demand for additional money for procedures, including surgical operations. What changes the situation is the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the conditions, procedures and list of services on the official websites of the Ministry of Health and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Establishing the fact of a violation must be accompanied by measures to protect personal rights, including appeals:

  1. The management of the medical institution.
  2. District (city) health department.
  3. The insurance company accompanying the compulsory medical insurance contract.
  4. Territorial division of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
  5. Federal Department of Compulsory Medical Insurance.
  6. Commission expert arbitration.
  7. Judicial authorities.

An application for violation of a patient’s legal rights when providing compulsory medical insurance coverage is drawn up in a business-like, discreet style and contains:

  • information about the person whose rights were violated;
  • information about the conclusion of an insurance contract (policy);
  • details of the medical institution that refused to provide medical care or committed other violations;
  • period of medical procedures or improper inpatient care;
  • the course of events, the circumstances that forced the patient to spend personal funds, their volume.

The application must be accompanied by medical and financial documents (extracts from history, receipts for payment for medications, etc.) necessary to prove violations.

You will learn more about how the system works and how to get a new sample below.

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Answers Yulia Bulavskaya, Head of the Organizational and Analytical Department of the Moscow City Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.

– Do I need to register at my place of residence to receive free medical care?

– This is one of the most common misconceptions: that you supposedly need to register in Moscow in order to be treated here for free in state medical institutions. For free treatment, registration is not required - you need a compulsory health insurance policy. Even if it was issued in Vladivostok or Crimea, you can be treated using it in any locality in Russia.

– What medical care is a visitor entitled to?

– Any citizen of Russia can receive medical care in the city where he arrived, as part of the basic compulsory medical insurance program.

Subjects of the Russian Federation adopt territorial compulsory medical insurance programs in addition to the basic one. These programs indicate what types of assistance Russian citizens with a policy receive, a list of medical organizations participating in the subject’s compulsory medical insurance program, the timing of medical care, etc. These are large documents that can be found on the websites of territorial funds - territorial programs are necessarily posted online.

If you are insured in the region where you live, then you receive assistance within the framework of the territorial program.

According to Law No. 326 “On Compulsory Health Insurance”, if you come to another region for a long time (and it doesn’t matter whether you have registration or registration here), then you are obliged to inform your insurance company about this within a month. And the insurance company will re-register your policy in a new entity.

If your insurance company is not in the area where you moved, you will have to get a new policy. But it is not difficult - it is done within a month, absolutely free, and on the day of contacting the insurance company, a person will be issued a temporary policy so that he can receive medical care.

You can change your insurance company once a year. And when moving to another city - when needed.

– How to re-register a compulsory medical insurance policy?

- It's very simple. You need to contact the branch of your insurance company in Moscow or in the region where you moved, with a passport, SNILS and an existing compulsory medical insurance policy, and explain the situation. It will take a few minutes to re-register.

After that, you are a “client” of the territorial fund, which is located in the subject of the Russian Federation where you arrived. And it is this territorial fund that will henceforth receive funding for your treatment and pay for medical services for which you apply to medical organizations participating in the subject’s compulsory medical insurance program.

– How to register at the clinic? What to do in case of refusal?

– In order to register at the clinic, it is enough to write an application addressed to its chief physician. Moreover, you can choose a medical institution - the clinic does not necessarily have to be at the place of your actual stay. For example, if it is more convenient for you to visit a clinic near your work, you can go there.

However, if you live in the north of Moscow, and your clinic is located in the south, then you will not be able to call a local doctor at home. You will have to apply for this to the clinic at your actual place of stay.

You do not have the right to refuse registration at the clinic if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy. If you start to fantasize, this could happen, for example, if the clinic is very overloaded, if there are not enough doctors there. But in this case, you can contact any other medical institution participating in the compulsory medical insurance program that provides outpatient services to the attached population.

– Will the clinic notify the police that they have a person without registration as a patient?

– Such interdepartmental interaction is impossible. Disclosure of medical data about a Russian citizen - and his very visit to any medical institution is already part of this data - is prohibited by law.

– What kind of medical care is a person entitled to without a compulsory medical insurance policy?

– If a person does not have a compulsory medical insurance policy, then he has the right only to receive emergency medical care. The word "emergency" means that there is an immediate threat to the patient's life.

According to the current rules, you can not only receive compulsory medical insurance without registration, but also choose a clinic, attending physician and even a hospital for hospitalization. In this matter it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. You can choose a clinic to attach or permanently receive medical services once a year.
  2. A person is not required to be assigned to a district clinic at his place of registration or actual residence.

It is possible to choose a medical facility close to work. It is worth understanding that each clinic has service areas assigned to it - medical sites for providing care at home. Therefore, it is important to think through everything in advance and assess possible situations. A citizen has the right to choose a new attending physician once a year. To do this, you just need to write an application addressed to the head physician.

How to get a medical insurance policy in Moscow without taking unnecessary steps?

A compulsory health insurance policy is required when a citizen has a need to receive specialized services. When visiting a doctor, it may be discovered that the document is expired or issued at a previous permanent place of residence. The problem of providing free assistance is especially acute in large cities of the Russian Federation.
This is due to the fact that many visiting citizens from other regions who do not even have temporary registration carry out their labor activities there. That is why, if you need to visit a medical institution, it turns out that obtaining this document is not the easiest procedure. To understand whether it is possible to obtain a policy without registration, you need to familiarize yourself with the main cases, reservations about a civil passport, as well as the principle of operation of an insurance organization when submitting a certain package of documentation.

How can I get a compulsory medical insurance policy without registration?

According to Law No. 326 “On Compulsory Health Insurance”, if you come to another region for a long time (and it doesn’t matter whether you have registration or registration here), then you are obliged to inform your insurance company about this within a month. And the insurance company will re-register your policy in a new entity. If your insurance company is not in the area where you moved, you will have to get a new policy.

But it is not difficult - it is done within a month, absolutely free, and on the day of contacting the insurance company, a person will be issued a temporary policy so that he can receive medical care. You can change your insurance company once a year. And when moving to another city - when needed. Photo from the site – How to re-register a compulsory medical insurance policy? - It's very simple.

How to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy

If it is necessary to visit a doctor, a person is faced with the fact that it is quite difficult to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy without a registration. Therefore, it is important to carefully understand whether it is possible to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy without registration, and what nuances exist in this matter. Why do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy? Having a compulsory medical insurance policy allows a citizen to seek help from a clinic, hospital, city treatment centers and other medical organizations that participate in the compulsory health insurance program.

If a person lives in the Moscow region and has received a policy in his region, then he has the right to receive additional medical services that are not included in the list of the state basic program. For example, seek help for the treatment of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, mental disorders and behavioral disorders, including those associated with the use of psychoactive substances.

Is it possible to get a policy without a residence permit?

According to this temporary sheet, a citizen has the right to receive medical care in full in case of an insured event, as well as when providing a policy. The production of a new document takes place within 1-1.5 months. You will be notified by phone or SMS that the paper is ready.

You should come to the insurance company, hand over a temporary certificate and get a permanent one. If you have a new type of document, its replacement is necessary when you change your last name, first name, date of birth, or gender. In order to find out whether the insurance certificate previously issued in the capital is valid, you should contact the insurance organization that issued it or check on the MGFFOMS website.

You will also have to obtain a new medical insurance policy if you decide to change your last name in your passport.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow if you are registered in another city?

If there is permanent registration, then the insurance certificate is issued at the place of residence and it is not advisable to contact the employer. In this case, the insurance company draws up the document regardless of whether the citizen works or not. Employers hiring out-of-town or foreign workers should also take care of how to obtain a medical insurance policy in Moscow without registration for their employees.
Who needs to get a medical insurance policy in Moscow first? A uniform policy must be obtained in the capital for the following categories of citizens:

  • newborn children;
  • people who have changed their basic information about themselves or have errors in the data of an already issued policy;
  • received Russian citizenship;
  • citizens who were not previously insured under compulsory medical insurance.

The procedure for obtaining a compulsory health insurance document in Moscow is not complicated.

How to get a medical policy without registration

The fund was created thanks to the Federal Law on the Implementation of Policy in the Areas of Compulsory Medical Insurance. Registration Procedure The official website of the Health Insurance Administration contains the information necessary to obtain a policy. The choice of an insurance company falls on the shoulders of the citizen himself and the choice of a particular company is not the responsibility of the insured person. It is necessary to remember that a policy received before 2011 is valid and can be used until this document is changed.


In order to make a replacement or obtain a medical policy, you should visit the desired insurance company. The employees who issue the policies will offer the citizen to fill out a standard application or will fill it out themselves using the documents provided. The application will indicate the client’s desire to receive services from this particular insurance fund.

Get a free medical insurance policy in Moscow without Moscow registration

A complete list of services that an insured citizen can qualify for can be found in the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region “On the Moscow Regional Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care to Citizens.” How to get a policy if a citizen is employed For many, the pressing question is how to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow, without registration. If a person works in the capital officially, then he will not have problems obtaining an insurance policy. Since the employer regularly makes contributions for him to the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. With a request for compulsory medical insurance, a citizen can contact his superiors in the human resources department or the accounting department. In this case, you do not need to present any documents, including those confirming registration.
Registration of the policy through the employer will take approximately two months.

How can a visitor get free treatment in Moscow?

Constitution of the Russian Federation.

  • Compulsory medical insurance is defined as a form of social service that protects the interests of citizens in the field of health care. Health insurance equalizes all citizens in the process of receiving medical services and drug provision. This provision is made through the allocation of funds under the compulsory medical insurance program.
  • Regulation occurs on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 326-FZ dated November 29, 2010.
  • Today, in every region of the country there are territorial branches that issue compulsory medical insurance policies.
  • Compulsory insurance of citizens is carried out by the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, which implements the basic compulsory medical insurance program.

    A federal fund is an organization without a commercial basis.


Please note: Children under 1 year of age receive medical care in any children's clinic, even if their parents do not have a medical insurance policy or permanent or temporary registration. The same applies to pregnant women, who can go to any antenatal clinic or maternity hospital to make an appointment with a specialist, undergo a medical examination or register. It does not matter whether she is a resident of the Russian Federation or came from abroad.

This service is provided at the expense of budgetary funds. Helpful advice According to the Law “On Health Insurance of Citizens of the Russian Federation”, registration is not a prerequisite for receiving compulsory medical insurance, as a result of which the insurance company’s refusal to issue you a health insurance policy can be appealed in court.

How to get a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy without registration

Most tenants try to save on the services of intermediaries and rent an apartment without a contract.

  • The insurer may require the personal presence of the apartment owner or a statement written by him personally. The landlord rarely agrees to such actions.
  • If a person does not have a temporary residence permit or permanent registration, he should present convincing arguments and hope that in disputes with the insurer they will give a positive result. A citizen has the right to refer to the law “On Medical Insurance of Citizens of the Russian Federation”; it states that registration is not a prerequisite for receiving compulsory medical insurance. Thus, a refusal by an insurance company can be appealed in court. To contact the judicial authorities, you must request a written refusal to provide the policy from the insurer.

Russian Federation. Along with free medical services, medicines are also provided. To receive the above services, you must have a compulsory medical insurance policy. And in the absence of this document, free medical support is impossible.

A citizen will have to pay for all medical services and medications, which can be obtained completely free of charge if you have a policy. The issuance and validity of health insurance policies in Russia is regulated by current legislation. How is this procedure carried out, and is it possible to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy without registration, and how can this be done? About compulsory health insurance Below are the most important points of applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy:

  • The creation of the compulsory medical insurance system provides for ensuring the right of a citizen to provide him with free medical services, in accordance with Art. 41.

Together with experts, we have prepared a guide that will help you save time, money and at the same time receive high-quality medical services

Photo: Alexey BULATOV

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Despite the crisis, the number of citizens in our country who pay for medical services is growing. The latest survey by the League of Patients showed that 48.6%, that is, almost every second person shells out money for the help of a doctor or nurse. And not always because people are sure that they will examine and treat better for money. “One of the most common violations is the imposition of paid medical services instead of free ones, which are entitled to the patient under the compulsory medical insurance policy,” says expert of the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers Sergei Plekhov. In practice, this usually looks like an alternative: either you will see a specialist doctor, have an ultrasound scan, etc. for free, but in a few weeks or a month, or even now, but for money, through the commercial department. But if the clinic is ready to see you right away for a fee, it means that doctors, diagnosticians and other health workers have free time and space! So, postponing a “free” patient for a long time is obviously unreasonable and illegal, emphasizes Sergei Plekhov.

Experts note: recently our legislation on compulsory medical insurance and guarantees for patients has changed more than once, so it often turns out that people do not use their rights simply because they are not even aware of them. Or - in general they have heard, but do not know how to achieve implementation in practice. Together with experts, we have prepared a guide that will help you save time, money and at the same time not harm your health, but, on the contrary, receive high-quality medical services without delays, on time.

1. Taking out a policy without having a “registration” is not a problem!

If you are registered at your place of residence (“registered”) in one region and live in another, or even do not have any registration at all, then you can easily receive a compulsory medical insurance policy. According to current rules, it is enough to indicate your actual place of residence in the application for the issuance of a policy.

By the way, I would really like to appeal to everyone who is used to being served under VHI (voluntary health insurance) or other paid schemes. Don't neglect getting your compulsory medical insurance policy! - call the specialists of the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers. At least because from time to time most people have to call an ambulance - for themselves, children, other family members. And “03” is now financed under compulsory medical insurance. Of course, if there is a threat to your life, you are required to provide medical care without any insurance or even a passport. However, if you are too lazy to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy and your full name is not in the appropriate database, then the ambulance staff will have difficulty receiving payment from the compulsory medical insurance fund for your call. Why create such difficulties out of nowhere for the doctors who help you? Moreover, when today applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy can take 10 - 15 minutes - the author of this article recently experienced it herself and confirms: yes, everything happens very quickly and easily.

2. You have a free medical lawyer.

Yes, yes, according to current rules, this is exactly the role assigned to the medical insurance company from which you receive your compulsory medical insurance policy. Write down the hotline (customer service) number indicated in your policy in your mobile phone and call in any controversial situation for advice, complaints, etc. In particular, with your health insurer you can:

Find out whether a particular medical service is included in Program of state guarantees of free medical care to the population. Remember: there is such a national program, and there are also territorial programs, each region has its own. The latter cannot be more modest than the federal one, but it can be broader and include additional free types of medical care for residents of a particular region. Ask your insurer for all details;

You can also find out when, according to the law, you must schedule an appointment with a particular medical specialist (gastroenterologist, gynecologist, urologist, cardiologist, etc.), conduct certain examinations (ultrasound, MRI, Doppler sonography, etc.). ). If the receptionist is trying to “push you away”, then again, quickly complain to the insurer. Remember that it is from the medical insurance company that clinics and hospitals receive payment for each patient. Therefore, health workers are especially interested in quickly correcting violations if the insurer has come to protect the patient.

3. A bad assistant can be replaced.

Among those who apply to medical insurance organizations, almost half come to replace the insurance company that issued the compulsory medical insurance policy, says expert of the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers Alexander Troshin.- People should remember that according to the law, they can choose another company and get a new compulsory medical insurance policy once a calendar year, no later than November 1. Or more often if you move to a new place where your previous insurer does not work.

Therefore, if you are somehow dissatisfied with the current service of the company from which you received your compulsory medical insurance policy - say, they don’t help you get to the doctor or for examinations on time, you have to wait a long time for a consultation (you simply can’t get through on the phone!) - then vote with your feet, leave to others.

On a note: You can find out the list of medical insurance organizations operating under compulsory medical insurance in a particular region on the website of the regional compulsory health insurance fund (FOMS). And the websites of such funds, in turn, can be found on the portal of the Federal Fund:

4. Choose a clinic and attending physician.

Many people have heard about this right, but do not know the important nuances. They are:

You can choose a clinic for attachment and ongoing medical care once a year.

You are not required to be assigned to a district at your place of registration (“registration”) or actual residence.

You can, say, choose a clinic you like near work. However, keep in mind: each medical institution has service areas assigned to it - medical sites for providing medical care at home. And if your choice fell on a clinic near work, and you live on the other side of the city and you need to call a doctor at home, then difficulties may arise. Because the doctors of “your” clinic simply do not work in this territory. Of course, you will not be left completely without medical care, but most likely you will have to get to the clinic yourself.

So it’s better to think about everything in advance and assess possible situations, experts advise.

Once a year, the patient has the right to choose a new attending physician, namely: internist, local internist, pediatrician, local pediatrician, general practitioner (family doctor). To choose a new doctor, just write an application addressed to the head physician.

Note: if you are categorically dissatisfied with the work of your current attending physician and have specific complaints, then you do not have to endure it for a whole year. You can also write a statement to the head physician and justify why you are unhappy. You can consult and enlist support from the same experts of your medical insurance company that issued the compulsory medical insurance policy.

5. You can also choose a hospital for hospitalization!

For many patients this turns out to be a big revelation. We are used to it like in the joke: the doctor said to the morgue, which means to the morgue. Or rather, to a specific hospital: where the doctor himself chose and issued a referral, they will be admitted there. And if you want to go to another hospital, pay.

In fact, the Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” contains Article 21, paragraph 4, on the basis of which the patient has the right to choose a medical organization to provide routine medical care. Simply put, a hospital for planned hospitalization.

Moreover, the doctor is obliged to inform the patient about this choice when deciding whether to issue a referral for hospitalization. If this important guarantee is not observed, report the violation to your free medical lawyer - the health insurer, whose telephone number is listed in your compulsory medical insurance policy.