Do I need to change compulsory medical insurance policies? Replacing a medical policy

On August 1, the exchange of compulsory health insurance policies for new ones began in Moscow plastic cards. The director of the Moscow City Mandatory Fund spoke about why this was needed, how long the old policies will be valid and where to get new ones in an exclusive interview with Vestey.Ru columnist Evgeniy Saltykov. health insurance(MGFOMS) Vladimir Zelensky.

- Tell us why you needed to change your policies at all? What don't you like about the existing ones?

There are several reasons why this had to be done and why now. The first is the not very convenient format of the current paper policy. It cannot be folded because the barcode is located on the folded areas and cannot be laminated because it back side Enter information about the insurance company. In this regard, we have accumulated quite a large request from the society. People change their last names, passports, but do not report this to insurance company, because, in such a case, they would have to change the old convenient policy in the form of a green plastic card to a new paper one.

- Why did they initially change the convenient plastic for inconvenient paper?

Green plastic policy was a purely Moscow product that existed since 1998. After this, in 2011, paper policies of a single federal standard began to be issued throughout Russia. But out of 12 million people insured under compulsory medical insurance in Moscow, more than 7 million still have old green plastic cards in their hands. During this time, many people's data changed, but, as I already said, not everyone began to report these changes. Meanwhile, the law on compulsory medical insurance stipulates the obligation of citizens to notify their insurance company within 30 days of changes in their data, such as a change of surname, place of residence or passport. But citizens neglected this duty, for the reasons stated above. Because of this, we began to face big amount problems - it has become difficult to find people in the registers of insurance companies, it has become difficult Feedback with the insured. And this, perhaps, became the main reason for the need to replace policies.

- What are the main differences between old and new compulsory medical insurance policies?

The new policy has a chip that stores all the necessary information about the insured - full name, date of birth, region of insurance, insurance company. This information can be read using readers, which will be equipped in all medical institutions. The back of the policy contains additional information, including a photograph and personal signature. Thus, when presenting a new policy, you will not need to provide additional documents to identify a citizen, which is necessary when seeking medical care outside the home region. Having a photograph will also be useful in conditions of loss of consciousness - if a person has a policy with him, his identity can be easily established.

- Is replacing a new policy a mandatory procedure? How long will old compulsory medical insurance policies be valid?

The replacement is not forced. The law states that old policies are valid as long as they are in hand. Accordingly paper policies and green plastic cards continue to be valid, provided that their owners have not changed their personal data.

- What is needed to change the old one? compulsory medical insurance policy on new?

Go to the insurance company and write a statement. Within 30 working days you will be issued a new policy.

- Will only Muscovites be able to get it, or will non-resident citizens living in the capital have this opportunity?

- If a person lives and works in Moscow, but does not have a residence permit or registration here, then he, like others, can get insurance in Moscow. Accordingly, attach to a clinic and have access to an appointment with a doctor via the Internet or in information booths.

In two years, they plan to issue a Universal Electronic Card (UEC) throughout the country, which will immediately replace both the role of an identifier and payment card. Maybe it was worth waiting for the launch of this all-Russian project and also adding a compulsory medical insurance policy to the UEC? Or has the need for a new policy truly become urgent?

The current version of the law on compulsory medical insurance provides for two types of policies: paper and electronic. Moreover, the electronic one can be either the one that we are now starting to issue, or in the form of an application on the Universal electronic map. Over the several years of its existence, UEK has not become a mass product. The problems we talked about cannot be solved with its help. That's why we decided to launch New Product now.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is the main document confirming that its owner is insured and has the right to receive free medical care in accordance with the list of services guaranteed by law. That is why every citizen of the Russian Federation is required to have a policy, regardless of social and financial situation. Acting on this moment The registration procedure came into force at the beginning of 2011, but the old model is still considered valid throughout Russia. You can get help with them at any medical institution in the country.

What is a policy

Law "On social insurance"provides that the policy is a personal document in which the personal data of the owner is entered, as well as additional installation information:
- last name, first name and patronymic;
- Date and place of birth;
- place of registration.

If one of the personal data of the policy owner changes, or inaccuracies and errors are identified in the record, the document must be replaced. In practice, this means that you will have to change your compulsory medical insurance policy in the following cases:
- marriage or divorce accompanied by a change of surname;
- changes in the date or place of birth of the policy owner.

The procedure for re-issuing a policy

The policy can be obtained at your place of residence: you do not need to go to your place of registration to get it insured. However, if the insured person moved and changed registration, then the compulsory medical insurance policy must be reissued. In this case, the owner of the policy who has moved within the same subject of the Russian Federation only needs to notify his insurance company about the change of place of registration. To carry out this procedure, the policy owner must visit the office of the organization that issued the policy to him.

Re-issuance of the document is carried out on the basis of an application from the owner of the compulsory medical insurance policy, as well as documents confirming the fact of changes that have occurred, in particular, a passport with a registration mark and SNILS. Renewal or replacement of the policy must be carried out within 1 month from the date of the changes.

Those citizens who have changed their region of residence will have to clarify whether their insurance company has a representative office in this subject of Russia. If it is, then you must notify your insurance company of the change of address by writing a corresponding statement. If the insurance company does not have a branch or representative office in this region, then you should select a new insurance company and conclude another contract with the subsequent issuance of a new compulsory medical insurance policy.

Throughout Russia there is a system of insurance for citizens, which includes certain medical institutions, the financing of which comes from the federal or regional budget. Hospitals, clinics, hospitals included in this system, provide services to citizens living in the territory under their jurisdiction upon presentation of a compulsory health insurance policy. Registration, receipt, as well as replacement when changing the surname of this document is carried out in accordance with the norms adopted by regulatory legal acts.

What is a compulsory medical insurance policy?

If he is denied this type of service, he must contact the compulsory health insurance fund with a corresponding application.

After receiving a permanent policy, the temporary certificate is transferred to the insurance company and is subject to destruction.

Temporary certificate when applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy

Document replacement period

The issuance of a compulsory health insurance policy has its own specific time frame established by regulations, and should not exceed thirty calendar days from the moment the citizen applied to the office of the insurance company with an application for a replacement or receipt of a document.
However, quite often most companies issue policies for longer periods, exceeding a month. Why is this possible? The fact is that each insurance company has its own range of services, prices for them, and also independently sets deadlines for performing certain procedures.

Current compulsory medical insurance documents

If the policy is replaced due to the fact that the document is lost or has lost its original appearance, for example, worn out due to a long period of use, torn, etc., a duplicate insurance policy is issued. That is, the identification number cannot be changed and remains the same.

Video: how to replace a medical policy - where to do it and how much it costs

The video explains how to replace the policy with the one you need. new name, where to do it, how long to wait, what documents are needed.

Both when changing a compulsory health insurance policy, and when initially receiving it, it is necessary to carefully study all the information about it in order to avoid possible fraud, which is currently quite widespread.

You should not delay the procedure for replacing the policy, since the document in which the old name is indicated is not valid. Accordingly, if there is a need to go to a medical institution, certain types of difficulties may arise.

From January 1, 2011, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in Russian Federation» dated November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ, every citizen can independently choose an insurance company and receive a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Compulsory health insurance policies issued to persons insured under compulsory health insurance before the effective date Federal Law on compulsory health insurance are valid until they are replaced by compulsory health insurance policies of a uniform standard.

The exchange will be carried out gradually over several years.

The compulsory medical insurance policy becomes a document that a citizen receives once, and under certain circumstances reissues it. These circumstances are determined by law.

These are:

  • change of surname (for example, if you got married and changed your surname);
  • change of first name, patronymic.

It is also necessary to renew the policy if:

  • change of date of birth, place of birth;
  • identifying inaccuracies or erroneous information contained in your compulsory medical insurance policy.

Citizens are required to notify the medical insurance organization of changes in last name, first name, patronymic, or place of residence within one month from the day these changes occurred.

Renewal of the policy is carried out on the basis of an application upon presentation of an identity document and SNILS. You can print the application form from our website or receive it at any office of our company.

The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the changes (for example, a marriage certificate, a certificate of name change, new data in the passport, a policy with erroneous data). The application can be completed personally or on behalf of a representative of the insured person.

If you have lost your policy or your policy has become unusable (tears, partial or complete fading of the text) in our

Based on your application, the form of which you can print from our website, the company will issue you a duplicate policy.

Compulsory medical insurance policy is issued within 45 working days. For this period you will be given temporary certificate, confirming the registration of the policy and certifying the right to provide you with medical care.

If you change your place of residence (subject of the Russian Federation), you are required to notify your insurance company about this. If the insurance company that issued your policy is not in the region of your new residence, you must contact any other insurance company operating in the region and submit an application for a replacement insurance company.

When the compulsory medical insurance policy is ready VTB Medical insurance will notify you of this at the email address or telephone number you provided in the application.

One of the differences between the new law on compulsory medical insurance and the old one for an ordinary person is that he himself chooses the insurance company with which he wants to be insured. Previously, for workers, the insurance company was chosen by the employer, for children and pensioners - by the regional administration. According to the new law, since 2011 we, potential and existing patients, must do this on our own. It’s as if they are telling us: this is your policy - the policy of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It entitles you to free medical care and some responsibilities.

Andrey Akulenko, deputy head of the department for organizing registration of insured citizens of the St. Petersburg Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, answers questions related to the medical policy and its significance for us and for the compulsory health insurance system.

Why in some medical institutions St. Petersburg require an urgent replacement of the compulsory medical insurance policy?
Because at the stage of discussion of the draft new law on compulsory medical insurance, it was indeed discussed that in December of this year the time allotted for replacing policies would expire. This was a controversial provision of the bill, and in the final version of the law this limitation of the period for obtaining policies was removed. But, as doctors say, the “phantom pain” remains.

What policies are in force today in St. Petersburg?
New policies of a uniform type are in effect - more than 3.6 million St. Petersburg residents have already received them, that is, 68%. And old ones, issued before May 1, 2011 by different insurance companies. Moreover, only those old policies are valid that do not have an expiration date mark before January 1, 2011. That is, your old policy is valid until the moment you replace it with a new one, which means it is unlimited and valid throughout Russia. Another thing is that in other regions medical workers are already adapting to new uniform policies that are uniform for the entire country, therefore, if you are planning to leave St. Petersburg, then just in case it is better to play it safe and replace the policy in order to reduce the risk of refusal to provide medical care at the expense of compulsory medical insurance (free of charge).

Who necessarily needs to exchange their old policy for a new one?
Newborns are required to obtain a policy, simply because they did not have one. Moreover, it is better to do this as quickly as possible - children need to be taken to medical institutions often. Others should change their old policy to a new one in the following cases:

1. If the old policy has a note about the expiration of the policy - until January 1, 2011.
2. If your personal data has changed (last name, first name, patronymic). Most often this happens when women get married.
3. If you want to change the insurance company, but you have an old policy in your hands.
4. If you moved to St. Petersburg for permanent residence with an old medical policy.

According to the law, within a month from the moment of registration in St. Petersburg, you should contact the insurance company of your choice to issue a new uniform policy, even if at the moment you do not plan to seek medical help. You must fulfill this requirement not at will, it is your responsibility. There are no sanctions for failure to comply with the law, but if you need routine medical care, you may have difficulty contacting medical organizations.

Is it necessary to replace the policy if a Russian has moved to St. Petersburg, but has already exchanged the old policy for a new one in the region from which he arrived?
There is no need to change the new policy. You just need to contact the insurance company to register you with it and put the stamp of your insurance organization on the policy. Then you must select the clinic where you would like to receive medical care (“attach to the clinic”). Remember, if in St. Petersburg there is the same insurance company whose policy you received in your region, and you are not going to change it, you need to contact its branch in St. Petersburg and report your arrival. If you were insured by your local - regional insurance company, of which we do not have a representative office, you must choose one of 9 St. Petersburg insurance companies medical organizations and contact her to receive a stamp on the policy guaranteeing you free medical care in St. Petersburg.

The new law allows a patient to switch from one insurance company to another once a year. Does this change the new uniform policy issued in St. Petersburg?
No, it doesn't change. If a St. Petersburg resident wants to change his insurance company to another, he comes to the office of the chosen company, and they put a stamp on the back of the policy.
The new policy form must be replaced if personal data changes - last name, first name, patronymic.

Where can I change my policy?
To exchange your old policy for a new one, you can contact one of 119 policy issuing points, choosing from them the one that belongs to the company you have chosen. Or to one of 35 multifunctional centers (MFCs).
Policy issuance points and MFCs are located in all areas of the city. .
But if you have already received a new policy and want to change the insurance company, then you need to go directly to its office. The previous insurance company and MFC do not carry out the procedure for replacing the insurer.
Remember that, in accordance with current legislation, you can change your insurance company once per calendar year before November 1.

How does the policy change and what documents are needed for this?

  • Anyone over 14 years of age must present only a passport to obtain a policy.
  • To obtain a policy for a child, parents must present their birth certificate and their passport.
  • To obtain a policy for another person, you need to have your own passport, the passport of the person for whom you are receiving the policy, and a free-form power of attorney indicating passport details. There is no need to certify it to any organizations.

Compulsory medical insurance policies of the old model, issued before May 1, 2011, had different forms (only in St. Petersburg the number different types policies reached 25, and throughout the country there were hundreds of types of policies, with inconsistent information). It was often problematic to receive medical care in another region with your own policy, because it was difficult to identify the patient using it, which means that the institution was afraid that it would not receive payment for the medical care provided.

In accordance with Federal Law-326, from May 1, 2011, they began to issue policies of a single type, which are valid throughout Russia: for a resident of Magadan, Kaliningrad, Moscow and St. Petersburg, they are the same. Medical institutions in any region know how to work with them: new policies have a 16-digit number and a barcode, which makes it much easier to enter information into the documents of medical institutions. When you enter the number, all information about the patient appears on the computer. Some healthcare facilities have readers that read barcode information, making it even easier to enter data into a medical information system.

Doctor Peter