Where can I get a temporary policy. How can foreigners get a CHI policy? What documents need to be collected

A compulsory medical insurance policy is an opportunity to receive free qualified assistance at any state medical institution in Russia. Design compulsory medical insurance policy you can personally by contacting the selected insurance company, or through public services online. In the article, we will consider how to obtain, change or restore this important document.

What is an OMS policy and why is it needed?

Free healthcare for citizens in Russian Federation provided by the allocation of budgetary funds for each person attached to a particular medical institution. To receive free medical care it is enough to get an OMS policy.

This document is a guarantee that when applying to any state medical institution of the country, a citizen of the Russian Federation will be provided with the necessary medical services for free . They treat under the policy of adults, as well as newborns and young children as part of health insurance.

How and where to apply for an OMS policy?

You can apply for a CHI insurance policy for an adult or a child in Moscow during a personal visit to the insurance company, through the MFC or via the Internet.


Adult citizens can take out free medical insurance on their own or get the necessary document at the place of employment. You will need the following papers to get it:

  • self-filled;
  • identity document;
  • SNILS.

When if insurance is carried out by a foreign citizen, you will need to additionally submit a residence permit.

An application for obtaining a Moscow policy can be filled out online on the Mos.ru website:

Important! The service is available to users who have passed the full registration procedure.(personal identification through gosuslugi.ru, MFC, EIRC or departments of housing subsidies).

To kid

The Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund allows parents to independently choose an insurance company for their baby. To get a new plastic compulsory medical insurance policy ( electronic policy) need to:

  1. Document your parental rights.
  2. Write the appropriate letter to the selected insurance company issuing the CHI policy.
  3. Provide required documents(your passport, birth certificate of the baby, SNILS of the child and parent).

You can get an electronic CHI policy on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow. This will require prior go through the registration procedure and check the parental rights of the applicant.

How to change or restore the CHI policy?

Replacing or obtaining a duplicate policy is a standard procedure carried out for the following reasons:

  • change in passport data (full name, place of residence, etc.);
  • damage or loss of the document;
  • errors in the information specified in the insurance;
  • replacement of an old-style document with a new or electronic one.

To replace or restore a document, you will need to contact your insurance company, write an application and submit the necessary papers. The document is produced within 1 month, therefore, a temporary policy is issued to the applicant for this line.

Where to check the CHI policy?

If you have not used medical services for a long time and there are doubts about the relevance of insurance, you can use the help of the CHI verification service.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  • go to the verification site http://www.mgfoms.ru/chastnye-lica/proverka-polisa;
  • select the type of document (old (1) or new sample (2));
  • enter the series and number (there are tips on the page that will help you correctly determine which numbers to enter where);
  • press the button " Check».

If the policy has not expired, and it is issued and registered in accordance with all the rules, the system will provide information about the citizen and the insurance company in which he is insured.

Points of issue of CHI policies in Moscow

After submitting an application for free medical insurance, the applicant can independently choose (- xlsx file), where and how to receive the finished document:

  • with home delivery (many companies practice this, for example, SOGAZ-MED);
  • in person (issue a CHI policy of a new sample can be issued by employees of points of issue).

The latter option is the most popular, as there are a large number of pickup points. Finding the address of the nearest one in Moscow is quite simple even for a non-resident applicant, if you have access to the Internet at hand:

  1. Follow the link http://www.mgfoms.ru/spravochniki/punkti-vidachi.
  2. Select the required insurance company (Rosno, REKO, VTB, Max-m, Rosgosstrakh, etc.).
  3. Enter the desired district of the capital (for example, for those living in Mitino - SZAO, in Domodedovo - South Administrative District, etc.).

List of medical services that you can get for free

To reiterate the importance of this medical document, compose list of free services that are available to insured citizens.

Under the OMS policy

CHI allows insured citizens to receive free services in medical institutions:

  • Ambulance;
  • outpatient type;
  • polyclinics;
  • hospitals.

The list of services includes:

  • diagnostics and treatment of infectious diseases (except for HIV, AIDS, STDs, tuberculosis);
  • management of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period;
  • any pathologies and diseases in newborns;
  • lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the main vital systems;
  • birth defects and pathologies, etc.

Important! The list of available services may vary depending on the region of residence, so it is better to check with your insurance company.

Without a compulsory medical insurance policy

If a citizen does not medical insurance, he will be provided emergency medical care free of charge. All other services, including examinations and treatment, will be provided for a fee.

Why else would you need a policy?

In addition to direct presentation in medical institutions, a document on the availability of medical insurance will be needed in the following situations:

  • when placing children in a preschool or educational institution;
  • to make an appointment with a doctor;
  • to join the clinic.

Where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow, every resident of the capital should know.

After all, getting medical help without insurance policy not possible unless hospitalization is an emergency. Therefore, in order to avoid refusal in medical institutions, you need to worry in advance about obtaining a new policy.

Health insurance allows you to receive qualified assistance for a number of diseases. The full list can be found in the official bill that describes this program.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 14 can receive a policy, and this can be done completely free of charge.

How to do

There are several ways to get, restore or replace a policy in Moscow.

Below are the most popular options:

  • apply to the insurance company;
  • order a policy through the State Services;
  • contact the clinic at the place of registration.

Thus, anyone can avoid the queues that are available in insurance companies or clinics. The portal is quite convenient and does not require special skills. To use it, a passport and an insurance pension certificate are sufficient.

Note: earlier, obtaining a policy was mandatory if you were officially employed by an employer. This practice has now been abolished. The policy is obtained voluntarily, although it is mandatory.

If you do not seek medical services, you can avoid the entire procedure.

But it is important to understand that not everyone can order a policy via the Internet. An elderly person who does not have access to the Internet will not be able to do this. In this case, you can contact where you receive medical care.

In addition, it is very convenient if you apply without a policy, as you can immediately receive a temporary document that confirms the rights to free medical service. Unfortunately, if the hospital is not located at the place of registration, then the policy will be denied.

It is worth noting: children under the age of 14 can also get a personal policy, but it is worth knowing that they can also receive assistance under the parent's policy.

If you get to medical institution problematic, to obtain a compulsory health insurance policy, you should contact the points of issue of insurance companies. Specialists will help fill out the application, accept it from you, and then inform you about the date of production.

The addresses of each company can be clarified on the Internet or by calling insurance companies.

What is the difference between the old and the new policy

The format of the compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) is constantly changing. Previously, they were of a bookish type of small size. Then the policy began to have a sheet format of a fairly large size. More recently, the policy has become plastic.

This was due to the fact that many people began to apply to insurance companies for a replacement of this document, as they constantly wrinkled and became unusable. This served as the new format.

Note: new policy look like bank card, it is very convenient to store it, you can put it in your wallet, it does not wrinkle or deteriorate.

In addition, with the release plastic cards, special terminals appeared, with the help of which you can make an appointment with a doctor without queues at the registry. For those who are not used to using the terminal, it became possible to apply to medical institutions without a passport. Since such a policy has a photograph of a person, which allows him to be identified by one document.

By the way, it is not necessary to issue a policy for a newborn. The baby will be able to get medical help under your policy.

Which companies provide services for issuing CHI policies

There are a lot of insurance companies in Russia that issue these documents. It cannot be said that a certain company has a number of advantages or disadvantages. All of them have approximately the same conditions. Someone prefers a company that is closer to home, someone gets a policy where his car is insured.

The largest companies include:

  • "Max-M";
  • Alpha Insurance;
  • ROSNO.

Note: getting a policy in Moscow in our time is quite simple and easy. To do this, it is enough to have two documents: a passport and an insurance certificate.

Registration takes place very quickly, a temporary policy is issued immediately, but an indefinite policy is received in 2-4 weeks. You can get a policy for free.

Watch the video in which experts answer questions: where can I get a new policy, how long will the old CHI policy be valid, and what should I pay attention to when choosing an insurance company:

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Many readers are wondering: where to get a CHI policy? In our material, we decided not only to answer the question of where to get the compulsory medical insurance policy, but also how to do it, what documents are required and whether it is necessary to reissue the old compulsory medical insurance policy.

OMS policy. Where to get?

To receive medical services, citizens need OMS policy. Where to get this document will tell you the main regulations regulating the procedure for the provision of services for the issuance of CHI policies.

Where can I get a medical policy?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation in Article 41 proclaims the rule according to which Russian citizens have the right to free medicine. To ensure its implementation, a system of compulsory medical insurance was adopted, which received legislative consolidation in the Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ.

Within the framework of this system, there is a rule according to which every citizen must have a CHI policy. Where to get this policy, he can find out on the official website of the state institution that provides insurance.

A policy is a legal document that fixes information about a citizen, which gives him the right to free help provided in a medical facility.

It is possible to issue an MHI policy in relation to the following persons:

  • Citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Persons permanently residing within the Russian Federation.
  • A refugee in Russia.

A person who applies to an insurance company with a question about where to get a CHI policy will be provided with a list of policy issuing offices. Usually, insurance companies have several points of issue of documents in different settlements Russia.

Get insurance medical policy in the branches of insurance institutions it is possible if you visit them on the established days of reception of citizens. It is worthwhile to clarify the time of reception in advance, this can be done by contacting the company's website or in the form of a phone call to its territorial division.

The period of validity of the document will directly depend on the status of its owner. Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners who have registered the right to permanent residence in Russia can obtain a policy without limitation of its validity period. Foreigners and refugees receive a policy for the duration of their temporary stay in the country.

How to get a medical policy?

Having learned about where to get a medical insurance policy, citizens should get acquainted with the procedure for issuing a document. To begin with, a citizen will need to fill out a standard application, in which he indicates the need to obtain a document.

Don't know your rights?

Application forms can be obtained when visiting an insurance organization or downloaded from the official website of the institution. Some organizations accept applications submitted electronically.

Required documents

After receiving the application, authorized employees of the organization will ask the applicant, who is a Russian citizen, to present the following package of documents:

  • Citizen's passport or temporary identity card.
  • SNILS.
  • Birth certificate (required if the policy is issued for a minor under 14 years of age).

Foreign citizens will be required to:

  1. Refugee certificate or application for one.
  2. Passport foreign citizen.
  3. Resident card.
  4. SNILS.

If a citizen cannot personally visit the branch of the insurance company, then a representative can do this for him. The authority of the representative must be confirmed by a simple written power of attorney.

When the application is accepted, the authorized person will issue to the citizen a temporary certificate of execution of the policy. This document is valid for 30 days, during which the company will issue a CHI policy. After 30 days from the date of application, the citizen will be provided with an insurance policy.

When should the policy be renewed?

The policy is subject to replacement under the following circumstances:

  • Change by the insured person of his full name, gender, date or place of birth.
  • When establishing inaccurate information or errors that were made to the current policy.

A duplicate of the compulsory health insurance policy is issued to such persons who:

  • Lost a previously issued document.
  • They declared that the document was in an unusable condition.

Individuals who are about to go through the process of obtaining a health insurance policy should remember that:

  1. There is no need to change the insurance policy for citizens who have changed jobs. A similar rule should be followed when changing the place of residence, however, it is worth considering the need for the immutability of the insurance company. If the insurance company remains the same, you just need to notify its representatives about the move.

    If on the territory of the citizen's new place of residence there is no branch of the company that issued the policy to him in another region of Russia, then he is recommended to obtain a new compulsory medical insurance policy at a local insurance institution.

  2. A citizen who is not satisfied with the level of service of an insurance company and a medical institution may refuse their services and choose other organizations that provide similar services.
  3. The policy can be obtained by a citizen at the place of his actual residence, that is, if he is registered in another subject of the Russian Federation, he will not have to go to the place of registration to draw up a document.
  4. Any restrictions in obtaining medical care, which are based on the ownership of the CHI policy by a particular insurance company, are a violation Russian legislation. An insurance medical policy of the established form is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of its execution and the organization that issued the document.

Thus, citizens should be aware that free medical care can be provided to them only if they have a policy drawn up in accordance with legal requirements in an insurance institution. The paperwork takes 1 month. In order to start this procedure, a citizen will have to fill out a standard application and provide a number of title documents.

The procedure for replacing the OMS policy with a new model policy started several years ago. Get a policy oms new a sample will help a personal appeal to a company specializing in health insurance, or to the MFC. Alternatively, it can be ordered through a trustee. Be sure to indicate the preferred form of the received document, which is available for:

  • people with Russian citizenship;
  • people who are citizens of other states but reside in Russia on a permanent or temporary basis;
  • refugees;
  • persons without citizenship.

It is required to provide its owner with medical care without payment throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, giving the right to choose a medical institution, urging polyclinics, hospitals, medical centers to work efficiently and efficiently.

What does he look like?

A new policy can be obtained at:

  • in the usual form - a paper document with data placed on both sides;
  • compact form of a plastic card;
  • as part of a universal electronic card (prospective option).

What does a new OMS policy look like in paper form? The format of the new document is A5, it is not recommended to bend it, and it is strictly forbidden to laminate it. The only thing that can be done is photocopies on both sides, which will help extend the life of the original. On the front side there is information about the owner (name, date, month and year of birth), date of receipt, a unique barcode. On the reverse side, information about the place of residence, the insurance company and its coordinates is printed.

The electronic form is similar to a bank card. All data about who issued it is stored on the CHIP, for this reason, owners of plastic insurance should remember the name of their insurance company in order to provide information at hospitals and clinics. There is also a unique number here. On the reverse side there is a photograph and signature of the owner, the date until which the card is valid. The answer to the question of where to get a new type of OMS plastic policy requires additional preparation related to calling organizations whose activities are related to health insurance. The reason is that not everyone has the technical ability to issue a plastic version.

You can check the authenticity of the paper or plastic version of the policy issued to you on the official resource by entering a unique number in a special search bar. You will need to turn the document face to face, where the OMS policy number of the new sample is printed, regardless of whether it is made on paper or plastic.

List of documents

The documents for obtaining a new OMS policy are, in principle, the same for everyone:

  • a correctly executed application to an organization whose specialization is medical insurance;
  • a certified copy of a document by which you can unambiguously verify your identity;
  • certified copy of SNILS (if available).
  • a certified copy of a document confirming the status of "refugee" (certificate of consideration of the application on this issue), residence permit, identity document of a stateless person, where there is a mark confirming the legality of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens, refugees and stateless people respectively.

By submitting an application for a medical insurance document of a single sample, the applicant receives a certificate in his hands that replaces the policy and gives the right to receive medical assistance until the registration procedure is completed. This certificate can be used no longer than thirty working days, after which the original medical insurance document in the form chosen by the applicant must be received in hand.

Regardless of whether you are a citizen of the Russian Federation or not, getting a new OMS policy is quite simple and fast.

Do I need to renew or order a reissue

First of all, it should be emphasized that all medical insurance documents received on hand, dated January 1, 2011 and earlier, are required to be accepted by any medical institution. Whether or not to change the old version is the business of its owner.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that having received a new document in your hands, you will not find an expiration date on it. Therefore, to the question: “Do I need to renew the OMS policy of a new sample?” the answer will be negative with some caveats:

  • there are no restrictions on the validity of this document for citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • for people who have received the status of "refugee", the policy will be valid until the person leaves the country;
  • for people who have a temporary residence permit on the territory of the Russian Federation, he will help to receive medical care free of charge as long as the permit is valid.


A single OMS policy of a new sample is valid on the territory of all subjects of the Russian Federation, regardless of the residence permit or registration of the owner. For this reason, on any trip within Russia, you must take it with you. A single OMS policy of a new sample gives the right to choose not only a doctor who provides medical services, but also a medical institution.

Nuances of obtaining a new sample document

As in any case started by the Russian authorities, when obtaining a single policy that guarantees medical care, there are a number of nuances that you need to prepare for.

You can change the insurance company once during the calendar year and strictly until November 1. The exception is the owner's new registration address.

Insurance is carried out by one organization at a time. Accordingly, a person can be the owner of one policy.

If the plastic format was lost or damaged, then only its paper counterpart can be issued to replace it.

The plans of the government of the country over time to move massively to the universal electronic map, which will replace policies (not only old, but also new ones), acting as an identity card, pension insurance certificate, etc., opening up access to many state and municipal services in any region of the Russian Federation without payment.

  • all citizens of Russia, with the exception of military personnel and persons equated to them in the organization of the provision of medical care;
  • foreign citizens permanently or temporarily residing in Russia, stateless persons, with the exception of highly qualified specialists and members of their families in accordance with the law "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation"
  • persons entitled to medical care under the Refugee Law
  • temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union, signed in Astana on May 29, 2014 (hereinafter - the agreement on the EAEU), working foreign citizens of the EAEU member states (hereinafter - the worker of the EAEU member state), as well as members of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) working in the Russian Federation, officials (citizens of the EAEU member states appointed to the positions of directors of departments of the Eurasian Economic Commission and deputy directors of departments of the said commission), employees of the EAEU bodies located on the territory of the Russian Federation (citizens of the EAEU member states on the basis of employment agreements (contracts) concluded with them and who are not officials) (hereinafter respectively - a member of the Board of the Commission, an official, an employee of the EAEU body).

Thus, it does not matter whether you work or not, this does not affect the conditions for the provision and volume of free medical care.

What are the deadlines for the validity of the CHI policy?

    The policy is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation

    Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation are issued paper policy without expiration date

    Persons entitled to receive medical assistance in accordance with the Federal Law "On Refugees" are issued a paper policy with a validity period of until the end of the calendar year, but not more than the period of stay specified in the documents

    Foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily residing on the territory of the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy with a validity period until the end of the calendar year, but no more than the period of validity of the temporary residence permit

    Workers of the EAEU member states temporarily staying in the Russian Federation are issued a paper policy valid until the end of the calendar year, but not more than the term of the employment contract concluded with the worker of the EAEU member state

    Foreign citizens temporarily staying in the Russian Federation, belonging to the category of members of the Board of the Commission, officials and employees of the EAEU bodies, are issued a paper policy with a validity period before the end of the calendar year, but no more than the period of execution of their respective powers

How to choose or change insurance medical company?

Any person who has reached the age of 18 (or has NOT reached the age of majority, but is capable) can replace or choose an insurance medical organization (HIO). In this case, the choice of HMOs is carried out from the list of organizations published by the territorial CHI fund either on the official website or in other available sources.

Mandatory health insurance children from the date of birth until the expiration of thirty days from the date state registration births are performed by HIOs in which their mothers or other legal representatives are insured. After thirty days from the date of state registration of the birth of a child and until he reaches the age of majority or until he acquires legal capacity in full, compulsory medical insurance is provided by HMOs chosen by one of his parents or another legal representative.

The application can be submitted personally or through your representative, and the representative must complete. No power of attorney is required for your legal representative (parents, guardians).

The following documents or their certified copies shall be attached to the application for the choice (replacement) of an insurance medical organization:

For children

After state registration of birth and up to fourteen years of age, who are citizens of the Russian Federation: birth certificate; identity document of the legal representative of the child, SNILS (if available).

For citizens of the Russian Federation aged fourteen years and older

Identity document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued for the period of issuing a passport), SNILS.

For persons entitled to medical care in accordance with the Federal Law "On Refugees"

A refugee certificate or a certificate of consideration of the application for recognition as a refugee on the merits, or a copy of the complaint against the decision to deprive the refugee status to the Federal Migration Service with a mark on its acceptance for consideration, or a certificate of temporary asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation.

For foreign citizens permanently residing in the Russian Federation

Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established federal law or recognized in accordance with international treaty Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen, residence permit, SNILS (if available).

For stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation

A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a stateless person, residence permit, SNILS (if any).

For foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation

Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, SNILS (if any).

For stateless persons temporarily residing in the Russian Federation

A document recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a stateless person, with a mark on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, or a document of the established form issued in the Russian Federation to a stateless person who does not have an identity document, SNILS (in the presence of).

For the representative of the insured person

Identification document, power of attorney for registration as an insured person in the selected insurance medical organization drawn up in accordance with Article 185 of the first part Civil Code RF.

For the legal representative of the insured person

An identity document and (or) a document confirming the authority of the legal representative.

For persons not identified during the treatment period

The medical organization submits an application for the identification of the insured person, containing the expected information about the insured person (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), gender, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, place of residence), information about the applicant organization (name, Contact Information, surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the representative, seal), name territorial fund. If a medical organization submits an application for identification of the insured person, the territorial fund shall, within five working days from the date of receipt of the application, check for the presence of the insured person current policy V single register insured persons. The territorial fund submits the results of the check to the medical organization within three working days.

For workers of the EAEU member states temporarily staying in the Russian Federation

Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen; SNILS; employment contract a working state - a member of the EAEU; a detachable part of the form of notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen or stateless person at the place of stay or a copy of it indicating the place and duration of stay.

For foreign citizens belonging to the category of members of the Board of the Commission, officials and employees of the EAEU bodies located on the territory of the Russian Federation

Passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen; SNILS; a document confirming the relationship of a person to the category of officials, employees of the EAEU bodies.

In what cases is the policy subject to replacement?

The policy is subject to mandatory re-issuance in cases of changes in full name, gender, date and place of birth, of which the insured person is obliged to notify the CMO within one month from the day these changes occurred. In case of loss or damage to the policy, you must obtain a duplicate of it. The renewal of the policy and the issuance of its duplicate is carried out on the basis of statements of the insured person submitted to the SMO. When submitting this application, it is also mandatory to provide all of the above documents (originals or certified copies).

If you are not satisfied with the actions of the employees of the insurance medical organization in issuing compulsory medical insurance policies, you can file a verbal or written complaint with the regional or federal leadership of the HMO. You can find out how this is done in the document "Procedure for Appeal of Decisions, Actions and Omissions of CMOs Carried out in the Course of Providing Policy Issuance Services".

What you need to know about the CHI policy
  • The compulsory medical insurance policy certifies your right to free medical care throughout the Russian Federation upon the occurrence of insured event in the amount provided for by the basic CHI program, and on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the policy was issued - in the amount established by the territorial program of compulsory medical insurance
  • Under the CHI policy, you have the right to receive medical care at the place of residence and at the place of temporary residence only in those medical organizations that participate in the implementation of the territorial CHI program. The register of medical organizations can be found on the website of the territorial CHI fund or on the website of the health insurance organization that operates in your area. Information on all medical organizations in the regions of our activity is available here.
  • The insured person is entitled to have only one policy. The policy is in the hands of the insured person and is valid throughout the Russian Federation.
  • Since May 2011, the issuance of CHI policies of a single sample has begun. The policies held by the insured persons, which are valid until December 31, 2010, continue to be valid in full until they are replaced by policies of a single sample.
  • There is data on the CHI policy contact phone and CMO address.
  • When issuing a policy, the HMO is obliged to familiarize you with the rules of the CHI, the CHI program, the obligations of the HMO and the medical organization in relation to the insured persons, and the rights and obligations of the insured persons.