How much money does oxymiron receive for a concert. Oxxxymiron, Purulent and "millions of rubles"

Miron Fedorov is 31 years old. In a week, on January 31, he will turn 32 (don't forget to congratulate!).

How much Oksimiron earns is hard to say. The last time infa about his income appeared in 2012 - they wrote that he requires 180 thousand for a concert. Now - silence.

Let's count ourselves

Since there are no exact figures, we will calculate for ourselves. In 2016, the rapper performed in 30 cities, at the end of November he gave two major concerts in Moscow (each for 4,000 people) and one in St. Petersburg (a hall for 7,000 people). On the day of the concert, it was impossible to buy tickets for any of the venues.

In the summer of 2016, he signed a contract with Reebok and became the face of the autumn-winter collection and the “first ambassador” of the brand in Russia. In 2017, Oxy will release his own collaboration.

Tickets for a concert at the Olympic in Moscow and Ice in St. Petersburg began to sell a year in advance. So far, the price varies from 700 to 70,000 rubles in St. Petersburg and from 400 to 5,500 rubles in Moscow. And then there is OXXXYSHOP, which releases various merchandise and sells it at every concert. That is, the exact numbers cannot be found, but Oxy definitely has no problems with money, agree?)

While looking for information about Oksimiron's income, we stumbled upon his rider of the 2012 model. In general, nothing special - a hotel room, 15 liters of drinking water, three meals a day, etc. From the interesting: three clean white terry towels 60 × 40 (why exactly this size and exactly three ??), nuts and oriental sweets, a can of Nutella (hahaha), a liter bottle of whiskey (Chivas or Jack Daniels), a two-liter bottle of Coca-Cola (not light).

So much for you: “Give me a warm blanket and a hood, wipe your ass with napkins, and everything is marked “good.” However, maybe the situation has changed and there is no more Nutella on the list?

How much do rappers earn abroad

Well, a little about the situation abroad. There rappers earn much more than ours. The richest are Puff Daddy and Jay-Z. Their fortune is estimated at 750 million and 610 million dollars, respectively. The main income they receive through entrepreneurial activity, not creativity.

So, Puff Daddy owns the Revolt television network and the Sean John music label. Jay-Z owns Roc-A-Fella Records, about 40 fitness clubs in New York, the 40/40 Club sports bar, the Brooklyn Nets basketball club, the Rocawear label and the Roc Nation entertainment company, etc. The list doesn't end there.

We are waiting for Oksimiron to grow up to the western comrades.

Hip-hop artist Oxxxymiron. Photo: Sergey Fadeichev / TASS

A rap battle is a competition between two participants standing in a circle of spectators in who will insult the opponent more sophisticatedly. For some battles, participants prepare for months. There are different styles, for example, classic battles always start with the entry “your mom”, after which there is a joke - punch, as rappers call it. That is why many cannot watch even three minutes of the battle - jokes about moms sound so disgusting.

But there are no taboos in this culture. It can evoke different emotions, but battle rap today is the most popular hobby for Russian youth. Moreover, no battle site in the world collects such a number of views on YouTube as the Russian battle league Versus. The battle between Oxxxymiron and Purulent, about which almost all Russian media wrote, gained 7.5 million views in less than a day. That's a lot, says BadComedian, a popular millionaire blogger.

Evgeny Bazhenov video blogger BadComedian“All this is akin to the trailers of some major films. Not Marvel, of course, but some movie trailers don't get that much, to say the least. It's a very successful show."

BadComedian was one of those who judged the sensational battle. Oxxxymiron is such a popular rapper that he plans to assemble Olimpiysky in the fall. Purulent is a battle rapper known in narrower circles. For the general public, Purulent, aka Slava CPSU, is a no-name that got its piece of fame, or, as rappers and bloggers say, hype, mainly due to the fact that a year ago, during another battle, Oxxxymiron challenged, and he accepted it, which Oxxxymiron repeatedly reminded his opponent about in the battle.

“I am a promotion master. You stumbled upon a casting and immediately pull off your panties: “Are you really a producer?” Yes, I'm a real producer. I will make you son. You are corny in slavery, call me Fadeev Maxim.

Oxxxymiron made battle rap popular in Russia. His performances break records in terms of views - there are tens of millions of them, and he did not lose a single battle - before meeting with Purulent. Judicial decision - 5:0. Purulent built his rounds on Oxxxymiron overestimating his talent too much.

“The father of battle rap in Russian, you are churning out dubious stuff. “Antihype” is a social service, I am depriving you of parental rights.”

In some battles, there is not so much swearing and dirt. There are references to history, serious literature, works of art. After the “Oxxxymiron vs Purulent” battle, RIA Novosti even asked the literary critic Oleg Lekmanov to evaluate their rounds. “The participants speak the word quite professionally and, perhaps, they are even too sophisticated performers for this genre,” the expert said.

The scale of the phenomenon is 7.5 million views in less than a day and, of course, money. Battle sites have sponsors: bookmakers, energy producers, mobile application developers. Even the Tinkoff bank invested in organizing the battle of the year, says Daria Ermolina, marketing director of the institution.

Daria Ermolina Marketing Director of Tinkoff Bank“We do not disclose the cost of the contract with Versus, but we can name some order. Such partnerships can cost several million rubles.”

The organizer of Versus Restaurateur, in an interview with Yuri Dudyu, said that at the beginning of this year he worked as the director of an iPhone store. Already in March, the host of the rap battle was waiting for the BMW of the seventh series worth more than 5 million rubles to be brought to him. A few months ago, the Restaurateur could hardly even imagine that Business FM would ask him for a comment. The editors, all the more, did not imagine such a thing, but it happened, and he refused, admitting at the same time that this was his favorite radio station.

Business newspapers wrote about the battle, Alexei Navalny and Mikhail Khodorkovsky commented on it. Even Gennady Onishchenko could not resist. He called for the punishment of state media reporting on the battles. “They must also answer in front of the Old Square, where there are relevant curators,” said the former chief sanitary doctor. I bet that these lines will form the basis of a huge number of punches in future battles. And after these words, Onishchenko forgot to add: “Round!”

To foreign rappers, ours, frankly, is still far away in all respects. Even the top resident of Black Star in terms of income cannot compete with some Busta Rhimes. In fairness, among Western rappers, few can outrun Rhimes.

Our guys open burgers, sign contracts with sportswear companies and advertise rates, and we watch, sigh, and start counting other people's money again.


Income: 201.7 million rubles

Over the past year, Timati has earned over 200 million rubles, and most of this amount is not income from concerts, but income from companies he co-owns, in particular from a burger.

Things are going well for him: a large metropolitan demand for burgers from Timati and good revenue have become a reason to open restaurants in other cities of Russia. So very soon it will be possible to stand in kilometer-long queues for a roll and black gloves not only in Moscow.


Income: 189.7 million rubles

Music is not Basta's only source of income: he not only gives concerts at major venues in Russia, but also produces other guys, acts in films and tries himself as a director. Apparently, things are going well: Basta's income is about to break through the mark of 200 million rubles.


Income: 115.8 million rubles


Income: 113.5 million rubles

The wave of hype that Miron rode on his board a few years ago put him on the list of the richest rappers in Russia.

Fully sold out tickets for his concerts across the country, income from the sale of merchandise and a contract with Reebok - and bam, Oksimiron's income has exceeded 100 million. Here you are, grandmother, and the city under the sole.

Rap is one of the most popular youth musical trends. It has firmly entered Russian culture since the late 80s - early 90s of the last century.

It's no secret that the most famous foreign artists of this style, such as Eminem, 50 Cent, Dr. Dre, Diddy, Jay-Z, earn tens of millions of dollars a year, and, far from always, directly from their musical activities.

But what are the annual earnings of domestic rappers? Let's look into this issue.

Most of all, among Russian rappers, of course, Timati (Timur Yunusov) earns, probably the most promoted and well-known domestic rap artist to the mass public, moreover, to the public, even very far from this musical style.

In 2014, he earned $1.5 million, which, however, is a whole million dollars less than the previous year.

In addition to the proceeds from concerts and sales of discs, he also has income from his own production center. Although not all rap fans consider Timati a real rapper, arguing that for the right to be called that, he has too pop repertoire.

The next largest income for Timati is the rapper Basta, aka Vasily Vakulenko, aka Noggano, aka N1NT3ND0.

But not only on rap you can earn money today. There are many effective ways and described in detail.

As for the fact that Basta is a 100% rapper, no one has any doubts. In 2013, he earned $ 2 million, which is 500 thousand less than Timati's earnings. Basta, like Timati, in addition to performing rap, is engaged in production activities.

He also takes part in the filming of films, both as an actor and acting as a director, producer and screenwriter.

Sufficiently high popularity among fans of Russian rap, and, accordingly, high earnings from their activities, have such performers and groups as Guf (Alexey Dolmatov), ​​"Casta", "CENTR", "Krec", but their exact annual income, unfortunately, is not known.

On the other hand, we can look at the approximate amounts that Russian musicians and bands performing rap songs receive for one concert.

  • Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) - 300,000 rubles.
  • Guf (Alexey Dolmatov) - 300,000 rubles.
  • "Casta" - 240,000 rubles.
  • "Krec" - 200,000 rubles.
  • Noize MC (Ivan Alekseev) - 170,000 rubles.
  • "CENTR" - 160,000 rubles.
  • "AK-47" - 120,000 rubles.
  • Smokey Mo (Alexander Tsikhov) - 100,000 rubles.
  • "Bad Balance" - 100,000 rubles.

As you can see, the amount of earnings for one ordinary concert of Russian rappers does not exceed 300 thousand rubles. Although, of course, there are exceptions, when the amount of the fee can reach 500 thousand or more.

For comparison, let's take a look at the annual income of the leading foreign rappers. So, Dr. Dre (Andre Young) earns $620 million, Jay-Z (Sean Corey Carter) and Diddy (Sean John Combs) each earn $60 million, and Eminem (Marshall Bruce Mathers III) earns $18 million a year.

If we talk about fees for one concert, then, for example, the famous American rapper 50 Cent (Curtis Jackson) has at least $ 250,000 for one performance.

That is, foreign rappers earn tens and hundreds of times more than domestic ones.

Of course, there are objective explanations for this. Firstly, the culture of rap in the West, and more precisely in the USA, is much more developed than ours, and has deep roots. Secondly, the American market is much larger and more saturated than the Russian one, and much more significant amounts of money are turned around there.

Nevertheless, the rapper movement in Russia is gaining momentum, and the leading Russian rappers are quite wealthy, and one might even say rich people, although in terms of income they are still significantly behind their overseas counterparts. But time does not stand still, and it is quite possible that a period will come when the situation will change dramatically.