The limit on the Sberbank card has been exceeded, which means. Cash withdrawal through cash desks of other banks

Establishing restrictions on cash withdrawals from bank cards is aimed at stimulating non-cash payments, reducing cash turnover, and curbing illegal cashing operations. Their goal is also to protect banks from, ensuring the security of the client's bank account.

Each owner of a plastic card should be aware of the limit on cash withdrawals from it. Information about this is communicated by the bank to the recipient of the card at the stage of its issuance.

Card Type Restrictions

Limit for currency cards

Most Sberbank cards are issued both in rubles and in dollars and euros.

The monthly cash withdrawal limit in foreign currency varies from $3,000 or EUR 2,500 for Platinum type to $170,000 and EUR 125,000. Withdrawal is free of charge, if the specified limit is exceeded, the commission is 0.5%.

The daily limit for withdrawing cash in euros from a Sberbank card through an ATM is:

  • Momentum - 1200;
  • ordinary MasterCard Standard and Visa Classic, Aeroflot premium debit card - 4,500;
  • Gold class - 9,000;
  • Platinum - 10,000.


Before withdrawing funds, you must clearly understand that your card has a cash withdrawal limit per day. If you need more than the indicated amount, you will have to contact the bank office. Since it is possible to withdraw an amount exceeding the daily limit only through the cash desk, and not an ATM. If you are within the limit, start the transaction through an ATM.

The procedure for withdrawing cash from a Sberbank card through an ATM includes the following simple steps:

  • insert the plastic into the card reader of the device;
  • insert it correctly so that the name of the payment system is at the top left, and the chip is at the top right;
  • on the keyboard we type the pin code (What to do if you forgot the pin code of the Sberbank card, read);
  • a window will appear with the main menu, where we select "Cash withdrawal" or "Receive and deposit cash";
  • indicate or type on the keyboard the desired amount;
  • click "Next", determine whether we need a receipt for the operation;
  • we receive our plastic card, money, check from the device, if we requested it.

Currently, there is such a daily limit for withdrawing cash from a Sberbank card through Sberbank ATMs (the amount is indicated in rubles for each type):

  • Momentum - 50,000;
  • Classic - 150,000;
  • Gold - 300,000;
  • Platinum - 500,000.

Is there a commission?

No commission is charged for withdrawing cash from a Sberbank debit card through a Sberbank ATM. But if you withdraw funds from a credit card, then the fee for withdrawing cash through a Sberbank ATM will be 3% or a minimum amount of 390 rubles.

The commission for cashing out a Sberbank card through an ATM of another bank, as a rule, is 4%.

Cash withdrawal limit through a bank branch

At the Sberbank office, a client can receive amounts that are much larger compared to ATMs. In this case, there is a limitation for a month, and during the day you can get more money than an ATM would give out. But for exceeding the daily limit, you will have to pay a commission in the amount of 0.5 - 0.75% of the amount exceeding the established limit.

There are branches of Sberbank throughout the country and abroad. A lot of income-expenditure transactions are made every day: people pay for utilities, taxes, send money transfers. What limits and restrictions does Sberbank set for different types of transfers? Let's try to figure it out.

Limits on transferring money by wire transfer from card to card of Sberbank in the Russian Federation

In order to use this method and transfer funds, you only need to know your mobile phone number or card number.

If transfers are made between your cards or to a debit card of another client within the same city, no commission fees are charged.

If funds are transferred to a debit card to a client who is located outside the same city, a commission is provided. When transferring through Sberbank Online - 1% of the transferred amount, but more than 1,000 rubles per transaction. Through a branch of Sberbank - 1.5%, but not less than 30 rubles and not more than 1000 rubles per transaction.

Transferring funds from a Sberbank card to cards of other banks by card number: limits

A fast and convenient way that allows you to transfer funds from a Sberbank card to cards of other financial institutions.

Commission fees: when performing a transaction through Sberbank, they are not charged. Through Sberbank Online - 1.5% of the transferred amount, but not less than 30 rubles.

Limits on transferring funds from card to account

Using this service, you can easily transfer money from your card to an account in Sberbank or to the account of any other bank located in Russia.

If the consumer transfers rubles or foreign currency within the same city, no commission fees are charged.

  • When transferring rubles outside one city through a branch of Sberbank, you need to pay 1.5% of the total amount, but not less than 30 and not more than 1,000 rubles for one operation. Through Sberbank Online - 1%, but not more than 1,000 rubles.
  • Foreign currency: through Sberbank - 0.7%, but not more than 100 US dollars, through Sberbank Online - 0.5%, but not more than 50 US dollars.

When transferring from a card to an account in another bank through a branch of Sberbank (rubles): 2%, not less than 50 rubles and not more than 1,500 rubles. Through Sberbank Online: 1%, but not more than 1000 rubles. Foreign currency: through branch: 1%, minimum amount - 15 USD, maximum - 200 USD. Through Sberbank Online: 0.5%, but not more than 150 US dollars.

Cashless transfer from account to account in the Russian Federation: restrictions

Allows you to transfer funds from your account to the account of a user of another bank in Russia.

Commission fees for the transfer of funds within the same city are not charged. Outside the city: through a branch of Sberbank: 1.5%, but not less than 30 rubles and not more than 1,000. Through the Sberbank Online system: 1%, but not more than 1,000 rubles.

Restrictions on transfers from an account to a card in Sberbank

When transferring rubles and foreign currency within the same city, no commission is charged. For the transfer of rubles outside the city through Sberbank: 1.5%, but not less than 30 and not more than 1,000 rubles. Through Sberbank Online: 1%, but not more than 1,000 rubles per transaction. Foreign currency through a branch: outside the same city - 0.7%, the maximum amount is 100 USD. Via Sberbank Online - 0.5%, maximum amount 50 USD.

When transferring funds to a card in another bank through a branch of Sberbank (rubles): 2%, not less than 50 rubles and not more than 1000 rubles. Through Sberbank Online: 1%, but not more than 1000 rubles. Foreign currency: through branch: 1%, minimum amount - 15 USD, maximum - 200 USD. Through Sberbank Online: 0.5%, but not more than 150 US dollars.

Commissions and limits for transferring funds from an account to cash

To receive cash at a branch of Sberbank, you need to pay a commission fee - 1.5%, but not less than 30 and not more than 1000 rubles.

Standard translation

A service that allows you to transfer funds in cash within Russia.

To receive cash, you need to pay 1.75% of the total amount, but not less than 50 rubles and not more than 2000 rubles. If crediting to the account takes place within the city - free of charge, outside - 75% of the total amount, but not less than 50 rubles and not more than 2000 rubles.

You can withdraw money in cash from another bank if you pay a commission fee within the city - 2%, but not less than 50 rubles, outside the city - 2%, but not less than 50 rubles and not more than 2000 rubles. When crediting to the card, a commission of 1.25% is charged, but not less than 30 rubles and not more than 1000 rubles (outside the city).

Urgent translation "Hummingbird"

Allows you to urgently transfer funds abroad without opening an account.

Commission - 1.5% of the total amount, but not less than 150 rubles and not more than 1000.

Information about the transfer status is sent to the phone.

Urgent international cash transfer "Hummingbird"

Commission fees are charged from both the recipient and the sender. The sender pays 1% of the transfer amount, but not less than 150 rubles. / 5 US dollars / 5 euros and no more than 3000 rubles. / 100 USD / 100 EUR. Recipient - 1% of the total transfer amount.

Urgent international transfer MoneyGram

A service that you can use if you need to transfer cash abroad. Allows you to transfer funds to 190 countries.

Commission fees depend on the country where the funds are sent and the amount of the transfer.

To the CIS countries**, Georgia and Israel To non-CIS countries*** To China
Transfer amount Commission Transfer amount Commission Transfer amount Commission
1,00 – 100,00 2 $ 1,00 – 100,00 12 $ 1,00 – 1 000,00 9 $
100,01 – 200,00 3 $ 100,01 – 250,00 20 $ 1 000,01 – 2 000,00 17 $
200,01 – 300,00 5 $ 250,01 – 400,00 24 $ 2 000,01 – 3 000,00 27 $
300,01 – 400,00 6 $ 400,01 – 600,00 32 $ 3 000,01 – 5 000,00 35 $
400,01 – 500,00 8 $ 600,01 – 800,00 40 $ 5 000,01 – 7 000,00 45 $
500,01 – 600,00 10 $ 800,01 – 1 000,00 50 $ 7 000,01 – 9 000,00 60 $
600,01 – 700,00 12 $ 1 000,01 – 1 200,00 60 $ 9 000,01 – 10 000,00 80 $
700,01 – 800,00 14 $ 1 200,01 – 1 800,00 75 $
800,01 – 900,00 15 $ 1 800,01 – 2 500,00 100 $
9 00,01 – 1 000,00 16 $ 2 500,01 – 5 000,00 150 $
1 000,01 – 2 000,00 32 $ 5 000,01 – 7 500,00 225 $
2 000,01 – 3 000,00 48 $ 7 500,01 – 10 000,00 300 $
3 000,01 – 5 000,00 80 $
5 000,01 – 10 000,00 90 $

* The payment method of the transfer may differ from that indicated when making a transfer to some countries.

** CIS countries include: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine.

*** Excludes Israel and China.

International cash transfer

The transfer can be delivered to a bank account or received in cash.

Commission: upon receipt (crediting to the account) in rubles - 2%, but not less than 50 rubles and not more than 2,000 rubles. Upon receipt (crediting to the account) in foreign currency - 1%, but not less than 15 US dollars.

International wire transfer

The commission is charged upon receipt (crediting to the account) in rubles - 2%, but not less than 50 rubles and not more than 2,000 rubles. Upon receipt (crediting to the account) in foreign currency - 1%, but not less than 15 US dollars.

There are other ways to transfer money using the Sberbank Online system. Payments to beneficiaries: Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Tele2, payments for any electronic wallets and mobile phones, as well as transfers from client bank card accounts to bank card accounts of clients of other banks using MasterCard MoneySend and Visa Money Transfer technology are subject to restrictions. It is allowed to transfer no more than 10,000 in one operation.

Sberbank also imposed restrictions on the transfer of funds from client deposits to bank social cards of a client: no more than 1,000,000 rubles and no more than two transactions.

Operations performed by Sberbank Online and confirmed with an SMS password without checking for changing the client's SIM card (IMSI limit) - no more than 80,000.

Quite often, bank customers wonder why they set various limits on payments and transfers made through their personal account.

As bank representatives argue this fact, this is done to increase the security of their clients' funds. At the moment, the situation with network fraud has spread, and attackers and hackers are their main target accounts of payment systems.

Access to funds is achieved through data breaches. To prevent such illegal actions, Sberbank limits the number and amount of amounts during transactions.

Such restrictions prevent an attacker from being able to withdraw a large amount of money from the account of a Sberbank client at a time.

But along with the pluses, these restrictions and limits also have some negative sides. For example, the users themselves will also not be able, if necessary, to withdraw a large amount in the event of such a need, however, if you know some of the features of the existing restrictions, you can significantly facilitate the use of your personal account and increase security when making payments online.

What are the types of restrictions on transfers

Online transfer limit

  • For cards issued by Sberbank, there are restrictions on online transfers in the amount of 100,000 rubles per day.
  • If you use Sberbank terminals or ATMs for transfers, in this case the limit is 300,000 rubles per day.
  • If you use a mobile bank, then your limit will be up to 8,000 rubles per day.

If you use a specific transfer confirmation system, then the limits will also vary.

  • When using one-time passwords from a check, the limit on the amount will be 3,000 rubles.
  • When using SMS confirmation, the limit will be limited to 100,000 rubles and 100 transfers per day.
  • When contacting the contact center to confirm the transfer, the amount can range from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles. You will also need to provide your passport data and a code word.

Restriction on payment of cellular communication and electronic wallets

When making a transaction to pay for cellular services, as well as when using a payment to the account of Yandex Money, WebMoney, and other electronic wallets, the limit is up to 10,000 rubles per day.

A similar restriction also applies when transferring the amount to another financial institution.

What to do if the daily transfer limit is exceeded

When used in your work with money transfers, you may exceed your daily limit. If this happens, then you need to:

  • Call the Sberbank contact center and tell the specialist your contact details.
  • Call support

Operations in the Sberbank online system are divided into the following types:

  • Translation using templates.
  • Transactions through confirmation using the contact center.
  • Operations that can be carried out without confirmation.

How can I increase the available limit for transferring Sberbank Online

  • First, log in to the official website of Sberbank.
  • Go to the Sberbank Online tab.
  • After authorization, click on the Limits menu.
  • If you have a checkmark on the general conditions of limits, and you want to set your own limit, then you need to uncheck this checkbox and set the value of your amount.
  • Confirm your intentions via sms.

Due to such a wide variety of approaches to the protection and ease of use of Sberbank's personal account online, each client can choose the most convenient method for the necessary transfers, as well as increase their limits. All the considered functionality is available from, and allows you to fully manage your savings and payments.

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Like any other financial institution, Sberbank sets its own limits on cash withdrawals from plastic cards.
In order not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation, and to avoid possible disputes with bank employees, you need to know and understand: “What is a limit? How much money can be withdrawn, and what do such restrictions depend on?”

Withdrawal limit - these are the restrictions set by the bank for receiving money using a plastic card. In other words, the user will not be able to withdraw a large amount of money from the card. Only a threshold amount will be available to him.

The maximum level of the limit is set by the Central Bank. However, banking institutions may change the withdrawal limits at their discretion. The main thing is that the amount does not exceed the threshold established by law.

Withdrawals are possible from both debit and credit cards. There are restrictions on both one and the other. The concept of "credit card limit" is a little different. In particular, it means - the maximum amount of money that the bank can issue to the client, as borrowed funds. This amount depends on the solvency of the client, and on his credit history.

The debit card limit is set based on the wishes of the bank itself, and depends on the following factors:

  • A type of plastic card;
  • Cash withdrawal method;

In addition, restrictions on plastic cards may also differ.

The cash withdrawal limit from a Sberbank card is of the following types:

  1. One-time;
  2. Daily;
  3. Monthly.

Based on the names, we can conclude that a one-time limit is the amount that a plastic card user can withdraw in one transaction. Daily limit - the amount available for withdrawal during the day. Monthly limit - the amount available for one month.

What are the withdrawal limits at Sberbank ATMs?

You can withdraw cash from Sberbank plastic cards both at ATMs owned by the bank itself and by third-party banks. There is only one limit on withdrawals from ATMs, and does not depend on belonging to a particular financial institution. However, it is worth remembering that when servicing at other ATMs, the user will be charged a commission in the amount of 1% of the withdrawal amount, but not less than 100 rubles.

The daily cash withdrawal limit at Sberbank ATMs is 50,000 rubles.

More detailed information about withdrawing money through an ATM is presented in the table:

Map type Daily limit for an account in rubles Monthly limit in rubles USD account daily limit Monthly limit in dollars Daily limit for euro account Monthly limit in euro
Visa Gold, 300 000 10 000 000 12 000 400 000 9 000 300 000
Visa Platinum,

Platinum MasterCard

1 000 000 50 000 000 25 000 1 500 000 20 000 1 000 000
Classic card products 150 000

100,000 - for social, student

5 000 000 6 000 200 000 4 500 150 000

What are the restrictions on withdrawals at the cash desks of Sberbank

You can also withdraw cash from a card account through the cash desks of Sberbank. The amount available for withdrawal will be much higher.

It is important to remember that in bank branches, not the daily, but the monthly limit on the Sberbank card will be taken into account.

In order to cash out a large amount of money at Sberbank branches, it is necessary to notify employees in advance of such an intention, and to have not only a card, but also a passport with you.

It should be borne in mind that an additional commission may be charged from the user for such operations, in accordance with the established tariffs of the bank.

The amount of the limit for cash withdrawals at cash desks and ATMs of third-party banks

You can get cash from a Sberbank plastic card at any other bank. Regardless of where the transaction will be carried out through a cash desk or ATM, there are the following limits:

It is important to remember that third-party banks will in any case withhold a commission in accordance with their rates.

As noted above, absolutely all banks set the amount of restrictions in accordance with their rules. For example, VTB 24 Bank has set the following limits:

As you can see from the tables, the amount of the limit can be different. But the fact remains unchanged that the higher the status of the client's card, the more favorable its tariffs and conditions.

Sberbank is the largest financial institution in the country. It serves more than 4 million customers, 85% of them have plastic cards in their hands. In order for each of the clients to trust the bank and be calm about their money, a limit was introduced. It is believed that such restrictions will allow holders to protect themselves from fraudsters. In addition, the withdrawal of large amounts of money is possible only if there is confirmation from the cardholder.

Moreover, the bank is interested in making more non-cash transactions, which allows customers to make a huge number of payments without commissions and without leaving their homes.

When choosing one or another plastic card, it is worth focusing not only on the conditions and opportunities that it provides. It is important to study the restrictions imposed by Sberbank: daily limit on transfers, withdrawals, spending.

For premium card holders, the limit will be higher than for a regular product

The Bank offers its customers a wide range of card products to choose from, which are classified according to a number of criteria:

  1. Type: credit, debit.
  2. Purpose: social, salary, youth, children.
  3. Usage format: domestic, international.
  4. Payment system: Visa, Mastercard.
  5. Product class: unnamed, Classic, Gold, Platinum, Premium.

In addition, there are partner products, such as Aeroflot or Give Life, as well as specific ones - electronic and contactless.

The daily limit for a different type of Sberbank card will differ, as well as the possibilities, conditions and benefits of the products. If plastic is used for large operations, it is better to choose a high and premium level (Gold and above). The limit also varies based on the conditions of cashing out: through a cash register or an ATM.

The structural unit whose service is used for the transaction also matters. In some cases, if you use self-service machines or an operating cash desk of another territorial division of a banking institution (not the one that issued the product), you will need to pay a commission. Similarly, a commission is charged when using the services of other financial institutions, and some types of transactions for certain products cannot be carried out at all. Other requirements are also provided for the withdrawal of funds in subsidiaries abroad, cashing out on the day of Sberbank and commissions there will be less profitable.

Consider what are the limits for plastics of different formats:

  • Platinum Visa, MasterCard: RUB 1 million
  • Gold: 300,000
  • Classic: 150,000.
  • Maestro Momentum, Visa Electron, Social, Student: 100,000.

For foreign currency accounts, the size of the restriction is similar in terms of currency (dollar, euro), taking into account the current exchange rate. These parameters are provided for receiving funds at the operating cash desk and ATM of the department in which the client's product was issued. Similar rates apply when using the services of subsidiaries of the bank and other financial institutions.

All types of plastics have a limit on cash withdrawals

The client will need to pay a commission if the daily limit of Sberbank is exceeded when making a withdrawal operation. It is charged only on the amount of excess, and not on the total amount. It is 0.5% for all types of plastics, except for unnamed (instantaneous).

For Maestro Momentum, Visa Electron, Student and Social, 0.75% is charged when carrying out the procedure at an ATM or branch. For the rest - the collection of payment for the excess occurs only in the branch. If you use an ATM, there is no additional charge. Social and Student cards do not imply the possibility of cashing out money in the currency of a state other than the Russian Federation.

If the client opened an account in a subsidiary outside the Russian Federation, namely in Ukraine, Kazakhstan or Belarus, the commission is charged in any case in the amount of 1%, but there are no restrictions on the transaction. If you use an ATM for the procedure, and not a cash desk in the branch, it will not be charged.

The limit for cashing out funds in Sberbank is similar when using the cash desk of a branch of another financial institution, but the commission parameters differ:

  • Subsidiaries abroad: 0.75% for Maestro Momentum and Visa Electron.
  • Subsidiaries abroad: no commission for other types.
  • Other financial institutions and banks: 1%. At the same time, the minimum amount that the institution charges is 150 rubles. (5 euros or dollars).
  • Other financial institutions do not carry out transactions on Social and Student products.

For instant issue plastics - the most minimal cashing out

If you use ATMs of subsidiaries, the commission is calculated only from instant issuance products in the amount of 0.75%, for all others - the procedure is free. When using ATMs of other banks, a commission is charged from all customers. Its size is 1%, but at the same time there is a minimum mandatory level for payment - 100 rubles (3 dollars or euros). With the Social and Maestro Momentum cards, issuance through ATMs of other banks is not provided.

Basic parameters of the monthly limit

Having decided what the daily withdrawal limit at Sberbank is, it is important to know about the presence of such restrictions on the total operation for the entire month. They are provided for all types of plastics issued by the issuer:

  • Platinum Visa, MasterCard: RUB 50 million
  • Gold: 10 million
  • Classic: 5 million
  • Maestro Momentum, Visa Electron, Social, Student: 5 million

Similar sizes are provided for currency products:

  • Platinum Visa, MasterCard: $1.5 million or €1 million.
  • Gold: $400,000 or €300,000.
  • Classic and others: $200,000 or €150,000.

Since there are differences in cashing out money per day for plastic issued in a subsidiary, there are also nuances regarding the monthly limit. For Maestro and Visa Electron, you cannot withdraw more than 7.5 thousand rubles if the opening was in the branches of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The currency account is limited to $250. For a payment instrument above the average level (Classic, Gold, Platinum), these parameters are greater:

  • 50 thousand rubles to the account in national currency.
  • 2 thousand dollars - for foreign exchange.

Restrictions provided in the online service

Many customers connect the online banking service to conduct transactions remotely, without directly contacting branches. Therefore, it is important to clarify the following parameters: the maximum possible amount of payment, transfer and transfer to other accounts and plastics.

The bank has a wide range of payment instruments

Today, the online service has the following parameters:

  1. Up to 100 thousand rubles: transfers to card accounts of other clients of this bank, organizations and individuals.
  2. Up to 500 thousand rubles: for any types of transfers according to templates, confirmed through the Contact Center and other services.
  3. Up to 10 thousand rubles: payment for a client’s mobile phone and other persons, transfers by phone number to card accounts of clients of this institution, transfers to electronic systems (WebMoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi, Intellect Money, etc.).
  4. Up to 1 million rubles: transfers from deposits to your social cards.
  5. Up to 3 thousand rubles: for any procedures that are confirmed by passwords received through self-service devices (issued on a receipt at an ATM).

As already noted, Sberbank Online has a daily transfer limit, but besides this, there are restrictions on the number of transactions. Such parameters are provided only for a few banking procedures.