What is employment? Types and forms of employment, their development in Russia; flexible forms of employment



(employment) 1. Paid work for an employer. 2. Number of employed people with paid work. The employment rate includes both full-time and part-time workers. 3. Employment for the sake of income; in this sense, the number of employed includes both self-employed and wage earners. Full employment means a state where everyone who wants to work and earn an income actually works.

Economy. Explanatory dictionary. - M.: "INFRA-M", Publishing House "Ves Mir". J. Black. General editor: Doctor of Economics Osadchaya I.M.. 2000 .


participation of the population in labor activities, including study, military service, housekeeping, care for children and the elderly. Employment is considered to be the socially useful activity of citizens, which, as a rule, brings them income. The employed include those who are employed, persons who provide themselves with work (entrepreneurs, farmers), and military personnel. The level of employment, that is, involvement in labor processes, depends on the relationship between the number of working-age population and jobs, as well as the correspondence of jobs to the ability of workers to use them, limited by profession, specialization, work experience, knowledge and skill. Full employment means almost complete provision of jobs for the working population. Part-time employment implies the opportunity to get a part-time job for a seasonal period. Underemployment is a source of unemployment.

Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. - 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA-M. 479 pp.. 1999 .

Economic dictionary. 2000 .


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Employment of the population is an important socio-economic category associated with the implementation of the human right “to freely manage one’s ability to work, choose an activity and profession” (Clause 1, Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Employment of the population is the state of its economically active part, which is characterized by the presence of people with work, or legitimate, i.e. profitable occupation that does not contradict current legislation. In other words, employment is the provision of people with socially necessary work that brings them earnings, labor income.

The state of employment is directly related to the concept of “employed,” which has an ambiguous interpretation in official Russian economic practice. Thus, the Law on Employment in the Russian Federation interprets the category of employees more broadly than is defined in the recommendations of the International Labor Organization, which Rosstat follows. The content of this concept and the features of the approach to calculating the size of the population category under consideration are given below.

According to the methodology of the International Labor Organization, employed persons are persons of both sexes aged 16 years and older, as well as persons of younger ages who, during the period under review:

Performed hired work for remuneration on a full or part-time basis, as well as other income-generating work independently or for individual citizens, regardless of the timing of receiving direct payment or income for their activities;

Performed work without pay in a family business;

Temporarily absent from work due to illness or injury, caring for the sick; annual leave or days off; compensatory leave or time off, compensation for overtime work or work on holidays (weekends); work according to a special schedule; being in reserve (when working in transport); statutory maternity leave, childcare leave; training, retraining outside of your own, study leave; leave without pay or with pay at the initiative of the administration; strikes; other similar reasons.

Registered unemployed people performing paid public work received through the employment service, pupils and students performing paid agricultural work in the direction of educational institutions are not included in the workforce.

According to the Law on Employment in the Russian Federation, employed people are citizens:

Those working under (contract), including those performing work for remuneration on a full-time or part-time basis, as well as having other paid work (service), including seasonal, temporary work, with the exception of public works (except for citizens specified in the footnote);

Registered as individual entrepreneurs;

Those employed in auxiliary industries and selling products under contracts;

Performing work under civil law contracts, the subjects of which are the performance of work and the provision of services, including under contracts concluded with individual entrepreneurs, copyright agreements, as well as being members of production (artels);

Elected, appointed or confirmed to a paid position;

Those undergoing military service, alternative civilian service, as well as service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system (according to the methodology of the International Labor Organization, military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the criminal justice system) executive system refers to employees);

Those undergoing full-time courses in general education institutions, institutions of primary vocational and higher vocational education and other educational institutions, including training in the direction of Russian Federation. labor;

Temporarily absent from the workplace due to disability, vacation, retraining, advanced training, suspension of production caused by a strike, conscription for military training, involvement in activities related to preparation for military service (alternative civil service), performance of other government duties or other good reasons.

A comparison of the category “employed” in both sources shows that the Law on Employment in the Russian Federation, in contrast to the recommendations of the International Labor Organization, which Rosstat follows, in addition to various groups of workers and those temporarily absent from the workplace (which, in essence, coincides in the noted documents ) classifies as employed a large group of unemployed people participating in public works, as well as citizens studying full-time in various educational institutions.

As for public works, it is difficult to understand why one part of the unemployed involved in their implementation is classified by the Law on Employment in the Russian Federation as employed, and the other - as unemployed. Why, for example, is an unemployed person who seeks to resume work after a break of more than a year and participates in public works classified as employed, and if such a desire appeared in an unemployed person during a break of less than a year (even for one day), will he be classified as unemployed? Here we can assume some opportunistic considerations, which are quite difficult to guess.

Regarding full-time students, the situation is more clear. In fact, full-time students are busy people, as the Law on Employment in the Russian Federation considers them to be. But it should be understood that in the Rosstat methodology we are talking about the employed as part of the economically active population, and full-time students cannot be classified in this category, since due to the specifics of their activity - full-time education - they must be economically inactive, i.e. . do not work in production or in the service sector for the purpose of earning money.

This seemingly discrepancy is consistent when considering the types and forms of employment. The fact is that the practical needs of population accounting necessitate the identification of different types of employment. Thus, employment is distinguished between productive, socially useful, full-time, rational, effective, hidden, etc. Within these types of employment, forms such as part-time, temporary, flexible employment, etc. are distinguished.

Productive employment is the employment of the population in social production. It is characterized by the number of employed people from among the economically active population, established by Rosstat in accordance with the employment accounting methodology of the International Labor Organization.

Socially useful employment is determined by the number of people not only employed in social production, in military service, alternative civil service, service in internal affairs bodies, but also studying full-time (at working age), engaged in housekeeping, caring for children and sick relatives. This concept is close in its content to the concept of employment given in the Law on Employment in the Russian Federation (with the exception of those employed in the household, caring for children and sick relatives, whom this Law does not consider employed).

Full employment is an economic state of society when everyone who wants to have a paid job has one, there is no cyclical employment, but at the same time its natural level, determined by frictional and structural unemployment, is preserved. Full employment of the population should be distinguished from full employment of workers, which, in contrast to their partial or temporary employment, is characterized by the presence of permanent work with normal working hours.

Rational employment is determined by the ratio of the amount of productive employment to the amount of socially useful employment. The level of rational employment is a hypothetical value that requires scientific justification and has, as can be assumed, for each economic stage a certain optimal value, above and below which the degree of rationality decreases.

Effective employment is a theoretical concept that implies the use of personnel without loss of working time, when the greatest economic result is achieved. In connection with such a concept, it is appropriate to raise the question of the degree of employment efficiency as the ratio of the available working time of the employed to their nominal working time. If rational employment needs to be optimized, then effective employment needs to be maximized.

Hidden employment is the employment of people outside the scope of registration of official bodies in unregistered economic structures that do not pay taxes. This type of employment also includes its informal sector - illegal production of goods, construction work, the sphere of personal services (repair of apartments, household appliances, private lessons, medical services, tailoring, etc.), trade by hand, etc.

Part-time employment is a form of employment characterized by a reduced weekly workload. The normal length of the working week established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is no more than 40 hours. A shorter weekly working time is established for workers under the age of 18, disabled people of group I or II, as well as workers employed in work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions labor. Shortened working hours are established by federal laws for certain categories of workers (teaching, medical, etc.). In all other cases, the shorter duration of an employee’s workload compared to the normal one gives grounds to classify him as part-time.

Temporary employment is a form of employment in which people are employed in production or in the service sector for a period strictly limited by an employment contract, which can range from one day to several years. Temporary workers are used to replace permanent workers for a certain period of time (during illness, maternity leave, vocational training, etc.), to perform one-time, casual and non-prestigious work, work to eliminate production failures, to eliminate accidents, seasonal work, etc. p. Temporary employment can also be used for work that requires highly qualified personnel, for example, for one-time adjustment of complex equipment. The widespread use of temporary employment mitigates the unemployment situation.

Flexible employment is a form of employment with non-standard conditions of employment and work.

Such conditions include:

Non-standard working hours, in which the working hours are less than those established by state regulations. These include part-time work, shortened work weeks, seasonal work;

Non-standard organizational forms of hiring workers in the form of short-term employment contracts for casual work, tripartite agreements between the employment service, the entrepreneur and the temporary worker;

Non-standard ways of working and jobs, for example, home work (carrying out a production task at home), working from a home phone, working on your own vehicle, etc.;

Self-employment of citizens, which is carried out without formalization by them, at their own expense, by performing work independently or with the help of their family members, selling products, etc.

Sometimes flexible forms of employment include flexible working hours (flexible work shifts, flexible work weeks and months, when the start and end times of work can be regulated by the employees themselves), which is not precise enough. If the flexibility of the working time regime is carried out under the conditions of compliance with the standard total working time worked by each employee at a standard workplace, then such regimes have no relation to flexible employment. This will be a regular form of employment, but with a flexible work schedule.

In the statistics of foreign countries one can find the concept of alternative types of employment, which are understood as varieties of non-standard, voluntary, part-time employment of working people agreed with trade unions. These types of employment include: reduced working hours; a workplace occupied by several employees; on-call work; work on weekends; home work and other flexible forms of employment.

Flexible forms of employment consist in adapting the duration of work and place of work to the capabilities and needs of certain categories of workers, such as women with young children, disabled people, pensioners, and students. Such forms of employment contribute to the growth of production efficiency and the satisfaction of the material interests of those categories of citizens who, for various reasons, cannot be employed in standard working conditions. However, flexible employment also has negative aspects due to the lack of collective forms of social protection for workers.

In the economic literature, the concept of excess employment is found, which is interpreted as a feature of the “Russian way” in the field of employment, manifested in the fact that adaptation to ongoing changes in the economy was carried out not so much through a reduction in the number of employees, but through flexibility in remuneration and its duration and intensity. The forms of such specific flexibility were low level, delays in its payment, high differentiation of earnings, widespread use of administrative leave, part-time work, development of secondary employment, etc. This was the price that the Russian economy paid for maintaining a relatively low level of open unemployment .

The current state of employment and use of labor resources in Russia

Market transformations in Russia have led to changes in the level and structure of employment of the population in it. These changes affected all structural elements of employment: the structure of the economically active population, gender, age and sectoral employment structures, etc.

The ratio between the number of people employed in the economy and the country's population was approximately the same at the beginning of market reforms.

There were also changes in employment shares by gender. Employment in the economy among men, like employment among women, decreased, but for men the decrease was slightly greater than for women.

The category “employment” makes it possible to assess the use of resources for labor: the higher the level of employment of the population, the better they are used in terms of extensive characteristics for labor. Extensive - because it reflects only the degree of use of resources for labor in relation to the size of the economically active population, but does not reflect the level of efficiency of use of the employed population in terms of assessing the use of working time, the presence of intra-shift and daily losses.

The emergence of market relations led to the movement of employment from the manufacturing sector to the service sector. However, in order for the level of industrial and construction production to meet the needs of the economy and population, high labor productivity is necessary, and this is not observed in domestic industry and construction.

The number of men exceeded the number of women among heads of management bodies and organizations by 1.6 times, and among workers by 2.3 times. The share of heads of government bodies and institutions, together with specialists of higher and mid-level qualifications, amounted to 39% of the number of people employed in the economy. Workers, which also include workers in commercial agricultural production, accounted for 44.1% of employment in the economy.

To fully characterize the state of employment, it is necessary, in addition to its general indicators, to consider the issues of under- and hidden employment of the population.

Based on materials from sample surveys, it was revealed that from 1.4 to 3.4% of all employees in the Russian economy worked part-time on the initiative of the administration of enterprises and organizations, and from 0.3 to 1.3% of employees were on forced leave , i.e. these workers were effectively underemployed. Every month, over 3 million people worked part-time at large and medium-sized enterprises; in various economic structures, about 2 million people were on leave every month at the initiative of the administration without pay or with partial pay.

The flip side of underemployment, as well as the result of a generally low level of wages, was secondary, or additional, employment aimed at obtaining extra income. According to the materials of statistical reporting of enterprises, in Russia there were more than 1.5 million part-time part-time workers (of which 43% worked in small and 57% in medium and large enterprises) and approximately 1.3 million workers employed under civil contracts. of a legal nature (of which 31% worked in small enterprises and 69% in medium and large enterprises). But it should be understood that, on the one hand, double counting may occur here, since one employee could be a part-time worker at several enterprises, but, on the other hand, the number of part-time workers may be reduced due to the fact that two part-time workers are 0.5 rates are considered to be an employed employee with one full-time rate.

A hidden form of employment appears when employment is not registered. Based on research conducted by the All-Russian Center for Research (VTsIOM), information was obtained that approximately 4-5% of the total number of workers are employed without legal status. Thus, the actual level of employment of the population is approximately 4.25.3% higher than the officially registered level.

Concepts of unemployment and unemployed

Unemployment is a socio-economic phenomenon that appeared along with the advent of wage labor. It is characterized, on the one hand, by the desire of people to work for hire in order to earn income, and on the other hand, by the absence of such work.

By analogy with the concept of employment, unemployment can be defined as the state of the economically active part of the population, which is characterized by the lack of hired work or legitimate, i.e. a profitable occupation that does not contradict current legislation, provided there is a desire to have such a job (occupation) and an active search for it.

In the definitions of the concept of “unemployed”, as well as the concept of “employed”, there are differences between their interpretation by the International Labor Organization (which Rosstat also adheres to) and Russian legislation.

According to the methodology of the International Labor Organization, the unemployed are persons 16 years of age and older who, during the period under review:

Did not have a job (gainful occupation);

We were looking for a job, i.e. contacted a government or commercial employment service, used or placed advertisements in the press, directly contacted the administration of the enterprise (), used personal connections or took steps to organize their own business;

Were ready to get to work;

Studied in the direction of the employment service;

They were pupils, students, pensioners and disabled people looking for work and ready to start it.

The unemployed include persons not engaged in labor activity, registered with the employment service as job seekers, and also recognized as unemployed.

According to the Law on Employment in the Russian Federation, the unemployed are able-bodied citizens who:

They have no job and no income;

Looking for a job;

Ready to start working;

Registered with the employment service in order to find suitable work.

In addition, the Law on Employment in the Russian Federation states that the following citizens cannot be recognized as unemployed:

a) under 16 years of age;

b) who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have been assigned one of the following pensions: old-age labor pension (part of the old-age labor pension), including early; pension (for those who are dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization, reduction in the number or staff of the organization in the absence of the possibility of their employment) for the period until the age entitling them to an old-age labor pension, including an early assigned old-age labor pension, but not earlier than two years before the appropriate age; old age pension and long service pension under state pension provision;

c) who, within 10 days from the date of their registration with the employment service, in order to find a suitable job, refused two options for suitable work, including temporary work, and those seeking work for the first time (who have not previously worked and do not have a profession (specialty) - in in the event of two refusals to receive professional training or an offered paid job, including work of a temporary nature, the same job (vocational training, retraining, advanced training) in the same profession (specialty) cannot be offered twice;

d) who failed to appear without good reason within 10 days from the date of their registration in order to find a suitable job at the employment service authorities to offer them suitable work, and also who failed to appear within the period established by the employment service authorities to register them as unemployed;

e) sentenced by a court decision to correctional labor without imprisonment, as well as to punishment in the form of imprisonment;

f) those who have submitted documents containing deliberately false information about the lack of work and earnings, as well as those who have provided other false data in order to be recognized as unemployed;

g) who are considered employed under the Law on Employment in the Russian Federation.

Thus, the main differences in the interpretation of the concept of “unemployed”:

Firstly, they are that the Law classifies as unemployed only those able-bodied citizens who do not have a job or income, who are looking for work and are ready to start work, who are registered with the employment service;

Secondly, the law does not recognize as unemployed citizens who have been assigned an old-age pension, including early, as well as some other categories of citizens.

Rosstat in accordance with the methodology of the International Labor Organization for the unemployed:

Firstly, it counts all people aged 16 years and older who do not have a job, are looking for it and are ready to start it, regardless of whether the person is registered with the employment service or not, but among the unemployed it singles out those who are registered with the employment service employment services;

Secondly, persons studying under the direction of the employment service authorities, as well as pupils, students, pensioners and disabled people who are looking for work and are ready to start it.

A person is recognized as unemployed not immediately after he contacts the employment service, provides the necessary documents and registers as a person looking for a suitable job, but only if it is impossible to provide him with a suitable job within 10 days from the date of registration. In this case, the person is recognized as unemployed from the day of presentation of the necessary documents. For the first 10 days, the citizen will be listed as registered with the employment service, but not as unemployed. Therefore, in statistical information on the unemployment rate you can find several indicators: the number of unemployed, including those registered with the employment service, of which those recognized as unemployed. In addition, records are kept of those unemployed people who are paid unemployment benefits, since there are categories of unemployed people to whom unemployment benefits are temporarily not paid.

The concepts of “suitable work” and “inappropriate work” require clarification. In accordance with the Law on Employment in the Russian Federation, suitable work is considered to be such work, including temporary work, which corresponds to the professional suitability of the employee, taking into account the level of his professional training, the conditions of the last place of work (with the exception of paid public works), health status, transport accessibility of the workplace.

The law details the concepts of transport accessibility of a workplace and the conditions of the last place of work, since they can be interpreted arbitrarily.

The maximum distance of suitable work from the place of residence of the unemployed should be determined by the authorities, taking into account the development of the public transport network in the area.

Working conditions must comply with labor protection rules and regulations.

The proposed salary must not be lower than the average salary of a citizen calculated over the last three months at the last place of work. But if the average earnings of a citizen registered with the employment service exceeded the subsistence level of the working-age population, calculated in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner, then the concept of “suitable work” includes earnings that will not be lower than the subsistence minimum in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which it is registered (in the republic, territory, region, autonomous region, autonomous district, Moscow and St. Petersburg).

Paid work, including work of a temporary nature, is considered suitable for citizens:

Those looking for work for the first time (who have not previously worked) and at the same time do not have a profession (specialty); dismissed more than once within one year preceding the start of unemployment, for violation of labor discipline and other guilty actions; those who have ceased individual entrepreneurial activity; those seeking to resume work after a long (more than one year) break, as well as those sent by the employment service for training and expelled for guilty actions;

Those who refused to improve (restore) their qualifications in their existing profession (specialty), acquire a related profession or undergo retraining after the first period of payment of unemployment benefits;

Those who have been registered with the employment service for more than 18 months, as well as those who have not worked for more than three years;

Those who contacted the employment service after the end of seasonal work.

The following work is considered unsuitable:

Associated with a change of residence without the consent of the citizen;

Where working conditions do not comply with labor safety standards and regulations;

If the proposed earnings are lower than the average earnings received by a citizen over the last three months at his last place of work, provided that this earnings did not exceed the subsistence level of the working-age population in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. If the average earnings of a citizen exceeded the subsistence level of the working-age population in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a job cannot be considered suitable when the offered earnings are lower than this subsistence level.


Forms of employment - organizational and legal methods, conditions of employment, grouped according to certain criteria (working hours, regularity of work, legitimacy of employment, conditions for organizing the labor process).

Based on the method of participation in social labor, employment can be divided into hired employment and self-employment.

Employment is a relationship that arises between the owners of the means of production and workers who do not have the means of production and sell their labor power in exchange for a certain value in the form of wages.

Self-employment is a relationship (economic, legal, etc.) between people in the process of their participation in socially useful work, based on personal initiative, independence and responsibility, aimed, as a rule, at obtaining labor income and stipulating self-realization and self-affirmation personality.

This employment throughout the world is considered as a social phenomenon that can lead to the integration of the interests of society and the individual in the field of employment, primarily ensuring the realization of the right to work, increasing a person’s social status, and changing attitudes towards work. Self-employment involves the inclusion of unemployed people in the social structure of society by providing them with the opportunity to work in conditions of self-organization. It contributes to the transition of disparate individuals to a new qualitative state, a certain integrity, with its inherent characteristics, a fundamentally new role in the socio-economic system and social structure

According to working hours, it is customary to distinguish full-time employment and part-time employment.

Full-time employment is based on a regulated full-time working day, which in Russia is currently 40 hours per week. The shortened working day provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for certain categories of workers should be considered as a full working day: adolescents under 18 years of age, employed in particularly hazardous working conditions. It is characterized by paid professional work, with the help of which personal and social needs are satisfied and, as a rule, brings earnings, income and a decent existence to citizens.

Part-time (part-time) employment, according to the quantitative characteristics of part-time work, is divided into the following forms:

  • - part-time employment (shortened working week, shortened working day) is the result of a crisis reduction in working hours. This regime allows enterprises to retain qualified and experienced staff and prevent unemployment.
  • - compressed part-time work week - represents the standard length of the work week, distributed over a smaller number of working days (four and a half, four, three), which leads to a longer working day and, accordingly, an increase in the number of jobs compared to the daily work mode in during the week;
  • - job sharing is a regime of crisis reduction of working hours, in which one job is divided between two workers with the simultaneous division of working hours, wages, and social benefits between them. This helps ensure flexibility in employment policies and retain qualified workers;
  • - alternative working hours - this is a mode of using two workers on a part-time basis, it is a division of jobs in which two people work at the same workplace alternately (for example, every other week).

Underemployment as a social phenomenon can be considered in three aspects:

  • - the need for certain groups of the population (women raising children, students, people with reduced ability to work, etc.) to work part-time;
  • - as a macroeconomic policy measure to curb the increase in unemployment;
  • - as an internal management tool that allows you to respond flexibly to changes in the external and internal environment.

The ILO recommendations on labor statistics state that "underemployment occurs when an individual's work is unsatisfactory in terms of specified standards or other possible work, taking into account his qualifications (training and work experience)."

According to the regularity of work activity, employment is divided into permanent, temporary, seasonal and casual.

Permanent (regular) employment implies that the employee must work a certain number of hours every week, less often - every month.

Temporary employment has two types: employment for a certain period (fixed term of the employment contract) and travel employment (through the intermediary of certain companies).

Seasonal employment involves working during a specific season.

Casual employment means performing short-term work of various types in order to receive material remuneration without concluding an employment contract.

Based on the legitimacy of employment, employment is divided into formal and informal.

Formal employment is employment registered in the formal economy.

Informal employment is employment that is not registered in the official economy, and whose source of jobs is the informal sector of the economy and its individual types. In this regard, the ILO adopted special convention No. 169, which states that it is necessary to promote the establishment of additional links between the formal and informal sectors and create conditions for the permanent inclusion of the informal sector in the national economy.

A form of informal employment is the home production system. Its essence is that households buy goods and services, add labor, and in home production bring the purchased product to readiness for final consumption. This activity is called “self-provisioning”. This labor differs from the labor of hired workers, since it is not preceded by entry into the labor market, and at the same time, it is not entrepreneurship, since the goods and services produced do not require sale in the relevant markets.

The communal production system is represented by voluntary organizations, informal partnerships for joint ownership of transport, maintenance of housing, care for children and the sick, etc. Some work from formal production is exported to this sector, since it becomes more profitable for people to receive some services on an informal basis. As a result, demand for products from the formal service sector decreases and unemployment increases.

Employment in personal subsidiary plots (PHS) is of particular importance in the life of the rural population. Private household plot is a farm limited to one family, which is carried out on a small scale. In private household plots, mainly simple tools and manual labor are used.

Informal employment also includes underground, hidden production. This sector of the so-called shadow economy is closest to the official economy, since activities that have analogues in the official economy are carried out here, and they are often carried out at its expense.

In recent years, new types of informal employment have appeared: unregistered employment through advertisements in newspapers (covering all kinds of services) and employment associated with trading - street trading, trading in clothing markets ("economic tourism", "shuttles"), selling newspapers and magazines on transport, etc.

A characteristic feature of modern Russian society is the presence of a fairly wide scale of informal employment, which is beyond “information accessibility”. It is a consequence of the natural process of self-organization of the economic system of changes in human behavior in the conditions of reforming society, multiplied by the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, which has always been expressed in the desire for independence and isolation of interests, caution in government policy.

Informal employment is secondary to the shadow economy. That is, shadow processes go beyond the economy and penetrate into the sphere of employment. Therefore, the behavior patterns that have developed in the shadow economy are beginning to be implemented outside it. As a result of all this, the “shadow space” in the country begins to expand and capture new social entities, new social institutions and organizations.

The consequences of such processes, according to R.V. Ryvkina, are, firstly, the strengthening of the “closedness” of society - people not only know the society in which they live, but also do not particularly strive to get to know it; secondly, the alienation of people from the state and from everything that is called “public interest” is increasing - the more people feel that everything in the country is happening apart from them and does not depend on them, the more they show reluctance to participate in any actions “tops” and, finally, thirdly, the weakening of the effectiveness of the law, the law - with the growing scale of the “shadow” (for example, employment), the sphere of criminal behavior grows.

It can be argued that today informal employment in Russia is nothing more than mass self-employment, but excluded from the sphere of civilized social and labor relations and not using appropriate norms. Its existence means that, on the one hand, a primitive informal sector of the economy is being created, and on the other, there is a deformalization of the official economy, its redistribution into the shadow sphere. The gradual legalization of the informal sector is the main path to social production. According to ILO (International Labor Organization) specialists, the most important condition for this process should be the removal of obstacles to legalization, in particular, ensuring significant benefits from the emergence of entrepreneurship from the “shadow”.

According to the conditions of the organization of labor processes, employment is divided into standard and non-standard. This division is based on the specifics of the organization of the labor process, which takes various forms.

Standard (typical) employment is employment that involves the permanent work of an employee for one employer in his production premises at a standard workload during the day, week, or year.

The absence of any of the listed features of standard employment indicates non-standard or flexible forms of employment (this concept is associated with the concepts of “flexible labor market”, more often with internal labor markets, as well as the secondary market). Non-standard (atypical, flexible) employment includes the following forms:

  • - employment associated with non-standard working hours, such as a flexible working year, compressed working week, flexible working hours, etc.;
  • - employment related to the social status of workers: independent workers, family members helping them;
  • - employment in jobs with non-standard jobs and labor organization: home work, “on-call workers”, rotational and expeditionary employment;
  • - employment in non-standard organizational forms: temporary workers, part-time work.

All atypical forms of employment are characterized by uncertainty and instability. But they are the ones who are crowding out standard employment. At first glance, especially in crisis situations or for certain groups of the population (women with children, students, pensioners, disabled people, for secondary employment), atypical employment has the advantages of individualizing the work schedule, the volume of workload and even the structure of life. But on the other hand, and this is the most important thing, employment guarantees from employers and the state, and finally, from society, are absolutely reduced. If in the 50-60s of the twentieth century the transition to non-standard conditions of employment was, as a rule, voluntary, but today it is a forced form of employment. And this is a general and fairly stable trend for countries with different levels of development of market economies.

Employment of the population is an important socio-economic category associated with the implementation of the human right “to freely manage one’s ability to work, choose an activity and profession” (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 37, paragraph 1).

Employment is the provision of people with socially necessary work that brings them earnings, labor income.

The following citizens are considered employed (Article 2 of the Employment Law):

● those working under an employment contract and having other paid work (service), including temporary, seasonal work;

● self-sufficient workers, including self-employment (excluding farmers, writers, etc.), entrepreneurs, as well as members of production cooperatives;

● elected, confirmed or appointed to a paid position;

● military personnel of any branch of the military serving in internal affairs bodies;

● able-bodied students of any full-time educational institutions, including training in the direction of the employment service;

● temporarily absent from work (vacation, illness, retraining, etc.);

● performing work under civil contracts (contracts).

The following types of employment are distinguished.

Productive employment is employment for the population in social production. It is characterized by the number of employed people from among the economically active population, determined in accordance with the ILO employment accounting methodology and the methodology of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

Socially useful employment is determined by the number of people not only employed in social production, military service, alternative civil service, service in internal affairs bodies, but also studying full-time (at working age), engaged in housekeeping, caring for children and sick relatives. This concept is close in its content to the concept of employment given in the Federal Law on Employment (with the exception of those employed in the household, caring for children, and sick relatives, whom this law does not consider to be employed).

Full employment is an economic state of society when everyone who wants to have a paid job has one, there is no cyclical unemployment, but at the same time its natural level, determined by frictional and structural unemployment, is preserved. Full employment of the population should be distinguished from full employment of workers, which, in contrast to their partial or temporary employment, is characterized by the presence of permanent work with normal working hours.

Rational employment is determined by the ratio of the amount of productive employment to the amount of socially useful employment. The level of rational employment is a hypothetical value that requires scientific justification and has, as can be assumed, for each stage of the country’s economic development a certain optimal value, above and below which the degree of rationality decreases.

Effective employment is a theoretical concept that implies the use of personnel without loss of working time, when the greatest economic result is achieved. In connection with such a concept, it is appropriate to raise the question of the degree of employment efficiency as the ratio of the available working time of the employed to their nominal working time. If rational employment needs to be optimized, then effective employment needs to be maximized.

Hidden employment is the employment of people who are not registered by official bodies in unregistered economic structures that do not pay taxes. This type of employment includes the shadow economy or its informal sector - illegal production of goods, construction work, the sphere of personal services (repair of apartments, household appliances, private lessons, medical services, tailoring, etc.), trade from hand, etc.

Part-time employment is a form of employment characterized by a reduced weekly workload. The normal length of the working week, established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is no more than 40 hours. A shorter weekly working time is established for workers under the age of 18, disabled people of group I or II, and for workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions. Reduced working hours are also established by federal laws for certain categories of workers (teaching, medical and others). In all other cases, a worker’s reduced workload compared to the normal duration gives grounds to classify him as part-time.

Temporary employment is a form of employment in which people are employed in production or in the service sector for a period strictly limited by an employment contract, which can be from one day to several years. Temporary workers are used to replace permanent workers for a certain period of time (during illness, maternity leave, vocational training, etc.), to perform one-time, casual and non-prestigious work, to eliminate work, production failures, to eliminate accidents, to perform seasonal work. works, etc. Temporary employment can also be used for work that requires highly qualified personnel. The widespread use of temporary employment mitigates the unemployment situation.

Flexible employment is a form of employment with non-standard conditions of employment and work, such as:

● non-standard working hours, in which the duration of working hours is less than established by state regulations. These include part-time work, shortened work weeks, seasonal work;

● non-standard organizational forms of hiring workers in the form of short-term employment contracts for casual work, tripartite agreements between the employment service, the entrepreneur and temporary workers;

● non-standard ways of working and jobs, which include home work - performing a production task at home, working from a home phone, working on your own vehicle, etc.;

● self-employment of citizens, which is carried out without them formalizing a formal relationship, at their own expense, by performing work independently or with the help of their family members, selling products, etc.

Flexible forms of employment consist of adapting the duration of work and place of work to the capabilities and needs of certain categories of workers, such as women with young children, disabled people, pensioners, and students.

In the statistics of foreign countries, you can find the concept of alternative types of employment, which are understood as varieties of non-standard, voluntary, part-time employment of working people agreed with trade unions. These types of employment include: reduced working hours; a workplace occupied by several employees; on-call work; work on weekends; home work and other flexible forms of employment.

In the economic literature, the concept of excess employment is found, which is interpreted as a feature of the “Russian path” in the field of employment. The changes that took place in the economy were carried out not so much through a reduction in the number of employees, but through flexibility in remuneration, its duration and intensity. Forms so specific


Unemployment is a socio-economic phenomenon that appeared along with the advent of wage labor. It is characterized, on the one hand, by the desire of people to work for hire in order to generate income, and on the other hand, by the lack of such work. By analogy with the concept of employment, unemployment can be defined as the state of the economically active part of the population, which is characterized by people’s lack of hired work or legitimate income-generating occupation if they have a desire to have such a job.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” provides the following detailed definition of the conditions for recognizing citizens as unemployed.

"Article 3. Procedure and conditions for recognizing citizens as unemployed

1. Unemployed are considered able-bodied citizens who do not have a job or income, are registered with the employment service in order to find suitable work, are looking for work and are ready to start work.

2. The decision to recognize a citizen registered for the purpose of searching for a suitable job as unemployed is made by the employment service authorities at the citizen’s place of residence no later than 11 days from the date of presentation to the employment service authorities of a passport, work book or documents, their
replacement documents, documents certifying his professional qualifications, a certificate of average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work, and for first-time job seekers (who have not previously worked) who do not have a profession (specialty) - a passport and an education document.

3.Citizens cannot be recognized as unemployed:

under 16 years of age;

who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have been assigned an old-age labor pension (part of an old-age labor pension), including early, or an old-age or long-service pension under state pension provision;

who, within 10 days from the date of their registration with the employment service, refused two options for suitable work, including work of a temporary nature, and those seeking work for the first time (have not previously worked) and at the same time do not have a profession (specialty) - in the case of two refusals to obtain a professional training or from offered paid work, including temporary work. A citizen cannot be offered the same job (vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the same profession, specialty) twice;

who did not appear without good reason within 10 days from the date of their registration in order to find a suitable job to the employment service authorities to offer them a suitable job, and also who did not appear within the period established by the employment service authorities to register them as unemployed;

sentenced by a court decision to correctional labor without imprisonment, as well as to punishment in the form of imprisonment;

The duration of unemployment is the period of job search (week, month, year) during which the unemployed person is looking for work using a variety of ways (acquaintances, family connections, advertisements, private, public and government employment institutions, etc.), from the moment of searching for a job before getting a job.

The number of citizens who contacted the state employment service regarding employment issues includes:

A large number of people who lost their jobs for various reasons and turned to employment services during this period for assistance in finding employment;

A significant number of persons supplied by the potential labor market
for economic reasons and who have passed the stage of initial vocational training, as well as students who need to earn money in their free time from study;

A significant number of people employed at work, but wishing to change it
for a more acceptable job or those wishing to have a second job in combination with the first, i.e. have secondary employment, etc.

The number of employed citizens is the total number of people who received work during a given period with the assistance of the state employment service (counted separately from those who found employment without going through the state employment service).

The demand for workers declared by enterprises and organizations is the number of vacancies reported by enterprises and organizations to the state employment service, which, as a rule, is less than the real number of vacancies.

Types of unemployment.

There are several types of unemployment: frictional, structural, cyclical, hidden, stagnant, normal (natural level of unemployment), optimal, institutional, chronic, etc.

One of the reasons for unemployment may be a person’s voluntary leaving a place of work in order to find a more suitable work option. When the search is delayed, a person finds himself unemployed. A person who is looking for work for the first time or looking for a new job after ending a temporary job may also be unemployed.

Unemployment, which was a consequence of the reasons mentioned above, is called frictional; it could be called situational, because it is caused by a situation that forces people to look for another job.

Frictional unemployment is considered inevitable and even in some cases desirable, since the initiative to quit comes from the person himself. As a result of such unemployment, many people find more worthy employment for themselves, solve problems of increasing the level of wages and its content, and greater productivity.

Frictional unemployment can be called normal. This is mainly unemployment and dissatisfaction with the content and working conditions. It is usually short-term - no more than one or two months.

Structural unemployment means that supply and demand for the same types of labor do not match across firms, industries, and regions. It is caused by a change, on the one hand, in consumer demand for goods, and on the other, by a change in the structure of production, which responds to changes in consumer demand.

Structural unemployment is mostly the unemployment of obsolete professions.

The current pace of economic development is associated with the scientific and technological revolution, which is continuously changing the sectoral structure of the economy. New technologies are emerging in all industries, and their share is changing. The number of people employed in agriculture and industry is decreasing, and their number is growing in the service sector, in high-tech industries, etc. Therefore, structural unemployment exists continuously in a modern market economy, its importance within the labor market is increasing and therefore requires the expansion of the system of retraining of workers. There is an urgent need for continuous professional development and retraining of personnel at enterprises.

Cyclical unemployment is a type of unemployment that is constantly changing in scale, duration and composition, associated with the business cycle. Its scale and duration reach a peak during a recession (crisis) in the economy and a minimum during a recovery. It brings the most destructive consequences, caused by uneven economic development, a sharp reduction in production due to cyclical economic downturns and crises. In such conditions, many enterprises wind down or cease operations, ending up bankrupt. With cyclical unemployment, the costs to society of overcoming its negative consequences are very significant.

Cyclical unemployment can be described as unemployment due to insufficient demand for labor causing chaos in the economy.

According to the nature of its manifestation, unemployment is distinguished between open and hidden.

Open b. does not require special comments, it does not hide, does not disguise itself, people publicly declare their desire to work and are actively searching for it.

Hidden unemployment characterizes the condition of people who are employed but:

a) are dissatisfied with the job and are looking for another place of main or additional work;

b) have a high probability of losing their job due to claims from the employer who is dissatisfied with its quality or other circumstances, and therefore are looking for another job;

c) are employed part-time or have been placed on administrative leave without appropriate pay, are looking for and are ready to move to another job.

The level of hidden unemployment is determined by special surveys, as well as expert assessments of managers of large enterprises, government bodies, employment service specialists, and scientists.

By duration, unemployment is divided into short-term, moderate, long-term and stagnant.

Short-term unemployment lasting one to two months is characteristic of its frictional variety.

Moderate lasts up to 12 months.

Long-term unemployment includes the most stable stratum of the unemployed. These are beggars, degenerates, tramps who have lost all hope of work (homeless people), etc. Sometimes, people employed at home are classified as stagnant unemployment on the grounds that this hired labor is seasonal in nature and the workers themselves, for health reasons or family reasons, cannot work at the company’s workplace. However, it is hardly legitimate to classify this part of hired labor as any type of unemployment.

Long-term unemployment got its name due to the long-term existence of a worker as unemployed for 12-18 months, when the time factor has a negative impact on professional performance and skill level, the ability to work intensively throughout the working day. Prolonged inaction leads to the employee’s loss of self-confidence, degradation as a person, complexion and embitterment. This is associated with certain difficulties in returning the employee to normal work activities, requiring assistance from specialists - sociologists and psychologists, as well as the attention of the state employment service in providing him with employment opportunities.

Female unemployment is a type of unemployment associated with the characteristics of the female labor force and the position of women in the labor market, because:

Women play a special role in population reproduction, birth
and raising children, in the household. This is the main reason
the fact that women in working professions tend to have lower
compared to men, level of qualifications;

The unemployment rate for women is higher because women
due to the specific nature of their abilities for hired labor, they cannot compete
with men, to whom employers impose more stringent requirements, and this leads to the dismissal of women first. Therefore on
in the labor market, women are subject to social discrimination despite
Clause 2 of Article 6 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, UN Convention
“On the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women” and a number of ILO conventions.

Institutional unemployment is generated by excessive social payments of unemployment benefits, various types of assistance, which reduce work motivation and cultivate a dependent psychology, reducing the supply of labor in the labor market and contributing to an increase in the unemployment rate. The greater the amount of unemployment benefits, the longer the search for a job that provides earnings in excess of the benefit. This type of unemployment can be caused by a high guaranteed minimum wage, imperfection of the taxation system, if it, by reducing labor income, makes it comparable to social welfare payments. Naturally, this limits the supply of hired labor in the labor market, since some do not see the point in working, and unemployment periods are lengthened.

Full employment in a market economy is achieved at the natural rate of unemployment. This is the essence of the market understanding of employment, which was formulated by J.M. Keynes.

In Keynesian works, full employment is understood as its state at the so-called normal, natural level of unemployment, and by no means its complete elimination. This is a scale of unemployment (approximately 3-6% of the total number of employed) that is sufficient to put pressure on workers' wages, but which, at the same time, does not pose a serious threat to the existence of capitalism.

The natural rate of unemployment is the share of unemployed people that corresponds to the appropriate level of full employment in the economy.

Socio-economic consequences of unemployment and measures to reduce it

Frictional and structural unemployment are natural and do not require the adoption of any significant measures to prevent them, with the exception of the need to organize retraining of personnel in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.

Cyclical unemployment, accompanied by long-term and stagnant forms, is the most destructive for society, it causes significant economic, moral and social damage to the population and requires active government measures to overcome it, prevent stagnant unemployment or reduce its level.

One of the negative consequences of unemployment is unproduced products due to the non-working state of able-bodied citizens who have a desire to work, and, as a consequence, a decrease in the rate of economic growth, a lag in the production volume of the gross national product (GNP). American economist Arthur Okun substantiated and quantitatively expressed the relationship between the unemployment rate and the volume of GNP, according to which an excess of the unemployment rate above its normal natural level by 1% leads to a lag in the production of GNP volume from its potential level by 2.5% (Oken's law).

Prolonged and stagnant unemployment has a negative impact on social values ​​and vital interests of citizens, the physical and moral health of society is undermined: qualifications and practical skills are lost, psychological depression occurs, social tension, cruelty and crime are growing in society, family breakdown is increasing, the number of nervous, mental and heart problems is growing. -vascular diseases, the number of cases of suicide and other negative phenomena increases.

Mass long-term Unemployment has a strong impact on the socio-political situation in countries when, on the wave of general discontent, extremist groups and parties intensify their activities, chauvinism grows, and coups d'etat take place. Therefore, timely and effective measures to prevent or reduce the negative consequences of mass long-term unemployment should be a priority in the socio-economic policy of the state.

It is possible to measure all the costs that employed employees, employers and the state bear on the maintenance of the army of the unemployed and their families, the maintenance of employment agencies and other institutions for social support of the unemployed - these are considerable funds that are spent in addition to the losses from what is not produced by the unemployed themselves, and also relate to the damage that society suffers from unemployment.

Social guarantees for unemployment in countries with developed market economies are established by law. This:

Unemployment benefits;

Unemployment assistance (cash assistance for those without work);

Unemployment figures:

The study of unemployment is based on a system of indicators obtained on the basis of official (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual) statistical materials of the State Statistics Committee. Based on special sample surveys of households on employment issues, which have been conducted since 1992, as well as on the basis of statistical bulletins and other materials.

Among the unemployment indicators, the most common are the following:

The level of officially registered unemployment as the ratio of the number of registered unemployed to the number of economic workers based on statistical data calculated for a certain territory in average monthly, average annual terms or as of a certain date.

UZB year = ZB year /EAN year *100%

where: UZB year is the level of unemployment registered in a certain territory on an average annual basis, %

ZB year – average annual number of registered unemployed, people

EAN year – average annual number of economically active population, people.

The level of general unemployment as the ratio of the total number of unemployed, calculated in a certain territory through sample surveys as of a certain date, to the number of economic workers on this date:

UOBod =Rim / EANod * 100%

where: UOBod is the level of general unemployment in a certain territory as of a certain date, %

Rim – the total number of unemployed, calculated in the territory through sample surveys as of a certain date, people;

The share of registered unemployment in the total number of unemployed as the ratio of the number of unemployed registered on a certain date to the total number of unemployed, calculated in the territory through sample surveys as of a certain date:

BAUD = BAUD / Rim * 100%

The coefficient of tension in the labor market as the ratio of the number of unemployed citizens registered with the employment service to the number of vacancies reported to the employment service, calculated in a certain territory in average monthly, average annual terms or as of a certain date.

NRTod = ZBaud / ZVod.

Related information.

Employment of the population is a necessary condition for its reproduction, since the standard of living of people, the costs of society for the selection, training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, their employment, and material support for the unemployed depend on it. Employment reveals one of the most important aspects of human social development related to the satisfaction of his needs in the world of work and in connection with work.

Employment- this is the activity of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which does not contradict the law and brings them earnings (labor income).

In Russia on April 19, 1991 it was adopted Law “On Employment”(with subsequent additions and changes), which formulates the basic principles of employment that give employment relations a market character.

First principle- ensuring freedom in work and employment, prohibition of forced and compulsory labor. A person has the priority right to choose: to participate or not to participate in social work.

Second principle- creation by the state of conditions to ensure the right to work, to protection from unemployment, to assistance in employment and material support in case of unemployment in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The law established the basic principles of state policy in the field of employment promotion: ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens of Russia, regardless of nationality, gender, age, social status, political beliefs and attitude to religion in the exercise of the right to voluntary work and free choice of employment; workforce development; preventing mass and reducing long-term (more than one year) unemployment; supporting the labor and entrepreneurial initiative of citizens, promoting the development of their abilities for productive, creative work; ensuring social protection in the field of employment, creating special measures for citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work, i.e. assistance to those especially in need of employment; a combination of local measures with centralized ones in the field of employment; encouraging employers to create new jobs and other principles.

Citizens are considered employed(Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation on Employment):

    those working under an employment contract and having other paid work (service), including temporary, seasonal work;

    those who independently provide themselves with work, including individual labor activity (including farmers, writers, etc.), entrepreneurs, as well as members of production cooperatives;

    elected, confirmed or appointed to a paid position;

    military personnel of any branch of the military serving in internal affairs bodies;

    able-bodied students of any full-time educational institutions, including training in the direction of the employment service;

    temporarily absent from work (vacation, illness, retraining, etc.);

    performing work under civil contracts (contracts).

It is important to determine employment status for the economically active population, including the unemployed. Typically, five statuses are distinguished.

1. Employees- these are persons working under a written contract (agreement) or under an oral agreement with the management of the enterprise on the conditions of work, for which they receive the payment agreed upon when hired.

    Individually employed- persons who independently carry out activities that generate income for them, who do not use or use hired workers only for a short period of time.

    Employers- persons who manage their own or are authorized to manage the state, joint-stock company, business partnership, etc. The employer can fully or partially delegate its functions to a hired manager, while retaining responsibility for the well-being of the enterprise.

    Unpaid, family workers- persons working without pay in a family enterprise owned by their relative.

    Persons not classifiable by employment status- these are unemployed people who have not previously been engaged in labor activity that brought them income. This also includes persons who are difficult to classify as one or another employment status.

The practical need for population accounting necessitates the allocation types of employment. Thus, a distinction is made between full, productive and freely chosen employment.

Full employment- this is the provision of professional work that brings income to the individual and a decent existence for him and his family.

Main meaning productive employment boils down to the following. Not any work can be considered socially acceptable, but only one that meets two essential requirements. First, employment must bring workers income that provides living conditions worthy of a person. This implies a direct connection between employment policy and income policy, anti-inflationary actions, etc. Secondly, productive employment is contrasted with formal employment. A special case of the latter - maintaining redundant workers or creating formal jobs to avoid unemployment - state policy should help ensure that the work of each person is economically feasible and maximally productive for society.

Freely chosen employment assumes that the right to dispose of one’s own ability to work (labor power) belongs exclusively to its owner, i.e. to the employee himself. This principle guarantees the right of every employee to choose between employment and non-employment, prohibiting any administrative involvement in work.

Employment is quantitatively characterizedemployment level. It can be calculated in two ways.

1. Share of employed people in the total population

2. Share of employed in the economically active population

Employment relations are determined by economic, demographic and social processes.

Economiccontent employment is expressed in the opportunity for a worker to ensure a decent existence with his work and contribute to the growth of the efficiency of social production, social- in the formation and development of personality. Demographic the content of employment reflects the interdependence of employment with the age and sex characteristics of the population, its structure, etc.