What happens if a child drank a mole. Esophageal Surgery for a Child Who Swallowed a Battery: ER Medical Blog

A 2-year-old child drank sewer cleaning fluid. This was reported to the Crimean News Agency at the Public Relations Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

According to the DSP, the oral cavity, larynx, esophagus and stomach - everything turned into a continuous chemical burn. When a two-year-old baby was brought in an ambulance to the Pervomaisky district hospital late at night, the doctors were horrified - the boy was suffocating from terrible internal burns. His condition was extremely difficult. Through the air ambulance, the child was immediately taken to the intensive care unit of the Republican Children's Hospital in Simferopol. As it turned out, the baby after he drank the "Mole", for several hours they tried to "treat" at home with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. An ambulance was called only when Misha began to turn blue and suffocate.

“The child's condition was extremely difficult - the upper and lower respiratory tract were affected,” says Aleksey Slobodyanik, head of the department of anesthesiology and intensive care at the Republican Children's Hospital. – The mucous membrane of the larynx was so swollen that it was impossible to carry out fibrogastroscopy (examination of the esophagus and stomach using special apparatus- approx. author). The oral cavity, larynx, esophagus and stomach - everything was a continuous chemical burn. The esophagus itself was perforated (mucous membrane damaged to holes). In addition, all this led to a serious complication - mediastinitis. It turned out that the child's grandmother, when she saw that her granddaughter had swallowed caustic alkali, washed his stomach with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Which made the burn even worse. After a person has drunk such a poison, doctors have only half an hour to save the victim from disability. The doctors did everything they could to save the baby's life. The suffering that this little boy endured is unimaginable. In order not to disturb the tormented esophagus, Misha was inserted into a tube through which he is fed. Now the boy's condition has stabilized, although it remains serious. Six months later, the child will need a major reconstructive operation - a new esophagus, which will be formed from part of the intestine. Such an operation is done only in Kyiv. And it is extremely expensive. Perhaps the operation will be financed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, but the boy's parents will have to buy expensive medicines. The baby's family, as they said in the hospital, is low-income, dysfunctional. Money for medicines, when trouble happened, was collected by the entire Pervomaisky district.

The TsOs emphasized that in case of alkali poisoning it is forbidden: Give activated charcoal. Urgent endoscopy is often required to check the integrity of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Activated charcoal smears along the esophagus, interfering with diagnosis. Drinking acidic drinks causes a chemical reaction, corroding the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Burnt with vinegar essence If the child can swallow, then a few cups of water or milk will help relieve the pain a little before the doctor arrives. Before the ambulance arrives, put the baby on the left side - this is a comfortable position for the exhausted stomach.

In a house where there is children under the age of 5 and stored aggressive liquids, small household items, tablets, toys purchased out of age are at great risk to the health of babies. One day, not just “trouble” can happen - a catastrophe.

At least, about two hundred children become disabled during the year due to adult negligence. Every year in Children's Surgical Center from 200 to 300 small patients from all over the republic get. Many remain attached to the treatment facility for many years. But, unfortunately, none modern methods emergency care and treatment are not able to restore the health of the gastrointestinal tract. A swallowed battery or a drunk "Mole" is an instant disability.

While the mother "for a minute" ran into the kitchen, 2-year-old Lesha found a way to try the contents from a beautiful bottle of "Fanta" ... How do kids know that mothers can store liquids containing ammonia in such (or approximately such) bottles, slaked and quicklime, "liquid" glass, caustic soda, sewer cleaners, window cleaners, washing powders and paint thinners? ..

While the mother of 3.5-year-old Varvara started talking on the phone, the girl swallowed small disc batteries from a Chinese toy cell phone. Baby got severe burn of the esophagus. In general, disk batteries, 2 cm in diameter, quite often do not enter the stomach, but linger in the esophagus. Here they are very quickly baked to the mucosa and cause severe electrochemical burn, burn through the esophagus, and in some cases, the trachea close to it. Children with such injuries undergo complex, many hours and multi-stage operations with artificial circulation, but they cannot return to their former health ...

According to Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Belarusian State Medical University, Candidate of Medical Sciences Yuri Grinevich if the family has a child under the age of 5, in the apartment in general there should be no aggressive chemistry and toys not for age. « Moms believe that if they tightly closed the closet, hid dangerous "chemistry" away, then they protected the child from trouble. But medical practice shows that sooner or later the baby will find an attractive bottle with a poisonous substance and will certainly taste it, since the main way to familiarize kids with new products is a tooth test.».

Aggressive alkalis, the same "Mole", and a number of other chemistry must be produced in small packages so that they do not have to be stored for a single day, - he says and shows creepy photos of mucosal burns in young patients, head of the admissions department of the Children's Surgical Center Olga Zagalskaya. - But for some reason, no one raises this issue with manufacturers of household chemicals ... Moreover, such liquids as "Mole" should be produced in such a container that it can be seen with the "naked eye" and that this container does not open so easily like dishwashing detergent...

The second important point is parental responsibility. There are children who either pour boiling water over them, or drink poison, or swallow a needle. But should we really blame them for this?.. We have children who have undergone more than one operation, but they will no longer breathe, eat, drink, live as before ... And all because parents do not look after children, do not show a certain alertness, and the worst thing is that they do not bear any responsibility for making a healthy invalid ...

It must be borne in mind that if the baby "ate" small, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, regular object (except for batteries), then after 3-4, maximum 10 days, he will come out on its own. If the foreign body has edges that can damage the mucosa, it is required urgent hospitalization and medical supervision. Interestingly, pointed bodies ( regular needles, for example) in the vast majority of cases have all chances of coming out naturally. The stomach and intestines are able to contract and, as it were, “avoid” injections, which contributes to turning the needle blunt end forward.

If independent exit is not possible, deletion occurs endoscopically. « Under general anesthesia, a probe equipped with a light guide is inserted through the oral cavity, which allows us to see all parts of the gastrointestinal tract up to the duodenum,- explains the doctor of the admission department of the DCC Sergei Puninsky. - The probe allows you to grasp the foreign body and pull it out. Coins, balls are simply removed, and nothing more is required of us. However, if we are talking about batteries, which cause a burn of the mucous membrane, then one removal is not enough here. The fact is that a rough scar is always formed at the site of the burn. Our task, with the help of special preparations, is to ensure that the scar becomes as elastic as possible and narrows or blocks the esophagus as little as possible, because otherwise food will not be able to pass through it ... In severe cases, we also perform such an operation as bougienage when using an elastic probe we forcibly expand the passage of the esophagus. This procedure can be repeated many times over several years. Sometimes this is not enough to achieve a stable expansion. Then gastrostomy- abdominal operation with the installation of a probe, through which food will be sent immediately to the stomach, bypassing the esophagus.

There is another method that we were the first to introduce in the post-Soviet space - installation of a biodegradable stent. Made from a special fiber, the stent not only expands the passage, but over time it dissolves. The rarest method is to execute colonoplasty, transplantation of a piece of the colon, which completely replaces the esophagus ... All these are complex and very expensive ways to provide assistance. One operation to install a stent costs an average of 5-10 thousand euros, colonoplasty - 40 thousand euros ...»

Everyone swallows, everyone swallows

In medical practice, there are cases deliberate introduction of foreign bodies into the gastrointestinal tract people who smuggle illegal drugs, drugs, jewelry, or other prohibited and valuable items. An increased risk of falling into such situations also exists among those who use low-quality dentures, among old people with reduced intelligence, certain diseases, including mental ones, as well as people who abuse alcohol, sedatives and sleeping pills. The “risk group” also includes adolescents who commit suicide attempts using the same drugs ... However, the greatest concern among physicians is caused by situations where children under the age of 5 are left without proper supervision and get into trouble.

First aid if a child has swallowed something dangerous

  • If a child drank some "chemo" immediately call an ambulance. While she is driving, give the child as much liquid as he can drink. You can give water or milk. In no case should you induce vomiting: this will provoke a repeated traumatic effect on the esophageal mucosa.
  • If a child swallowed the pills immediately call an ambulance. Many drugs begin to dissolve and be absorbed even in the oral cavity under the influence of saliva. Before the arrival of doctors, you can give milk - a universal antidote.
  • If the child has bitten off the tip glass thermometer then no medical intervention is required. Mercury itself is not toxic, its vapors are toxic. Getting into the gastrointestinal tract, it does not cause much harm to the body. And the glass tip usually comes out on its own.

Now Crimean doctors are fighting for the life of a three-year-old baby again

The tragedy that happened to little Misha Kabaev is now known not only in his native village of Pervomayskoye, but throughout the Crimea. It's no joke, a child who drank Krot pipe cleaner last January ended up in a hospital bed again. This time, the kid with the burned esophagus swallowed ½ of kerosene. Misha was again taken to the intensive care unit of the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital in Simferopol.

“The first chemical burn received by the boy was aggravated by relatives, washing his stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate”

The body of the three-year-old Mishenka Kabaev is more like a skeleton. The suffering of the baby is unimaginable: the child's esophagus is completely burned, he is fed through a tube removed from the stomach. The hole in the tummy, which, apparently, was poorly processed at home, turned into a wound. Added to this was pneumonia.

The situation with this baby is quite complicated, - says the chief medical officer of the hospital, Konstantin Telesnyuk. - The first time the boy came to us with a chemical burn of the esophagus: he drank the Krot plumbing care product. This is a powerful lye. The burn was aggravated by the boy's relatives, washing his stomach with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, which also corrodes tissues. An ambulance was called only when the child began to choke and turn blue.

Then the doctors of the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital did everything imaginable and unthinkable to save the boy. He spent several months in a hospital bed.

Alkali, unlike acid, which gives superficial burns, on the contrary, penetrates deeply and causes more severe disorders and disorders in the walls of the esophagus, in soft tissues, leads to necrosis, - explains the chief medical officer. - Spreading necrosis - tissue necrosis - is almost impossible to stop. Everything that remains alive in the esophagus after an alkali burn is then scarred. Therefore, the child does not have its own esophagus, as such. A year ago, we performed an operation on him in order to feed the baby through a gastrostomy (a hole in the stomach) with special liquid mixtures that contain the required amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The mixture is injected directly into the stomach, and then enters the duodenum and is absorbed by the body. The mother was taught how to take care of the child, then they were sent to Kyiv, to Okhmatdet, so that the baby could have a plastic surgery of the esophagus - a fragment of the large intestine was sewn up. After the operation, rejection occurred, and the child again had to be fed through a gastrostomy. We planned to send the baby to Kyiv soon to have a second plastic surgery of the esophagus, taking the graft already from the small intestine. But then trouble happened again - the child swallowed kerosene!

“Misha actually no longer has an esophagus - and all the kerosene went into the lungs”

In my memory, this is the first time that a baby has drunk such aggressive chemical liquids twice within a year, - Konstantin Telesnyuk continues. - I don’t know what kind of family there is, but, obviously, the child was watched inadequately. And since Misha does not have his own esophagus, all the kerosene he swallowed went into his lungs. Toxic aspiration pneumonia developed. And now, with great, very great difficulty, we are pulling the child out. A miracle would have to happen for him to survive. We give him the most modern drugs. Misha's treatment requires about 600-700 hryvnia per day. It is clear that his family does not have that kind of money. Thank you that the world is not without good people.

The operation in Kyiv was done for the boy free of charge. The journey to the capital was financed by the Pervomaisky District State Administration. How the Crimean rescuers perceived Misha's misfortune. They again organized a fundraising among employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the treatment of the child.

We have become so attached to this baby that for all of us he is like a native, - says Vladimir Ivanov, assistant head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine in Crimea.

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations really provided invaluable assistance, - says Alexander Astakhov, head physician of the Republican Clinical Hospital. - They purchased and donated very expensive medicines for Misha's treatment. I am also glad that the hospital's settlement account continues to receive funds not only from our rescuers who took patronage over the child, but also from all those Crimeans who were not left indifferent to the fate of the boy. To be honest, this incident shocked us, as they say, who have seen everything. Yes, children who swallowed bones, nuts, and toy parts were admitted to the hospital. But the situation with Misha Kabaev is special When they brought him to us, he was like a skeleton covered with a cloth. Unfortunately, even with the most successful outcome of the case, the child will remain a severely disabled person. But the worst thing is that all this happened only because of the inattention of the elders. Be careful - that's the whole prevention of trouble. Dangerous liquids - clean up! Medicines - hide! Lock cabinets! Close nightstands! Do not leave children alone in the apartment!

The sight of Mishenka in intensive care brings tears to the eyes of the nurses.

We remembered Misha from last year, after he, having drunk Krot, came to us for the first time. But when it was brought a second time - we were horrified! He's lost so much weight! And he doesn't smile at all! We try to please him with something, show him toys, play with him, but nothing amuses him. He turns away and doesn't want to talk to anyone. The only thing he can say is that it hurts - the women sigh.

“We are trying to force the mother to take care of the child”

The state of health of Misha Kabaev today is monitored not only by doctors and employees of the juvenile affairs service at the district state administration, but also by law enforcement agencies. On the fact of repeated poisoning of the child, the police and the prosecutor's office are conducting a joint check. Moreover, the prosecutor took the boy's family, which is considered dysfunctional, under personal control.

After the child drank the Mole chemical, we did not start a criminal case, because we proceeded from the fact that cases when children swallow pills, balls, buttons often happen in prosperous families, - says Sergey Volynkin, prosecutor of the Pervomaisky district. - And to argue that the mother or someone else from the adults was to blame for the fact that this happened to Misha, we could not then.

Less than a year later, Misha's life is in danger again. And there is no criminal case

It will be initiated if there are any consequences, as they say, pah-pah-pah, - the prosecutor knocks on the table. - We are trying to force the mother (probably, you can’t say otherwise) to take care of her son, to purchase the necessary medicines. After all, the boy just needs to see her. We do not want to injure the child with the fact that his mother can be deprived of parental rights. I have been working in the prosecutor's office for 20 years and from personal experience I know that it is the children who suffer and cry in such cases. Naturally, when, after all that had happened, I called the mother of Misha Kabaev, she swore that she loved her children. She has an older daughter, a second grader. By the way, the girl is a good student, the teachers have no comments about her mother. So, the mother claims that kerosene appeared before Misha’s eyes because the family kindles the stove with it, since the firewood is damp

Does the boy's mother work?

Neither the mother nor the grandmother, who is still a few years away from retirement, are not working anywhere. The average monthly family income is about 900 hryvnia. This amount includes the allowance for a single mother, "disabled" for Misha and the state allowance for caring for a disabled person.

For rural areas, this is not such a small amount Nevertheless, doctors note that the child was admitted to the hospital in an emaciated state

There was a question about not giving the mother an allowance and thus stopping drinking in the house. But for now, we decided to take control of the spending of this money. Here is a list of what my mother bought this month, - shows the prosecutor. - Napkins, diapers, cream, a blender for grinding food for Misha I warned my mother and grandmother that now their family would be checked at any time of the day or night, naturally, without violating their constitutional rights. They will look to see if they drink, in what conditions the children are, how they eat In a word, the mother knows that in case of anything she will bear not only moral, but also criminal responsibility. Testimony of neighbors has already been collected, there is a memorandum signed by the district pediatrician, the district doctor, the head of the children's department of the district polyclinic. “The family is dysfunctional. He is regularly patronized by a doctor and a nurse » I think that doctors are responsible for their words. “Last inspection November 23, 2006” That is, shortly before the child drank kerosene. “On November 29, 2006, the child was admitted to the hospital in serious condition, dehydrated, with signs of dystrophy. Mother and grandmother, according to neighbors, drink alcohol. They react negatively to visits to the doctor and medical staff.”

Misha Kabaev was constantly under the supervision of doctors, - says Tatyana Tekuchenko, head of the department of medical and preventive care of the Ministry of Health of Crimea. - Health workers all this time offered not to give out the so-called children's money to the mother, but to transfer them to the child's account. Misha will need them when he grows up. But local social services considered it illegal. Now, in our opinion, the only way to save the boy is to deprive the mother of parental rights.

In a small private house located on one of the central streets of Pervomaisky, they clearly prepared for the arrival of the FACTOV correspondent. It turns out that Misha Kabaev's mother Natalya and grandmother Galina Mikhailovna were warned about this at the prosecutor's office.

Come into the house, Natasha and Anya (daughter. - Auth.) Will come soon, - invites Galina Mikhailovna. We moved here after my father died. It's cold in the apartment, but here you fire up the stove - and in half an hour it's warm. We have food, our own garden, potatoes, we buy sweet water every day, - points to a bottle of lemonade on the table.

Furniture, iron beds, an old refrigerator, homespun runners and other utensils seem to have been inherited by the family from their grandfather.

That day in the morning we collected Anechka for school. It was at the beginning of the eighth, - my grandmother recalls. - I went outside on my own business, and Natasha washed Anina's boots in the yard. Then the granddaughter runs out: "Misha is bad!" We - in the house, it turns out, he took a sip of kerosene. I let's wash his neck with boiled water. It was when he drank the Mole, I didn’t know and washed his stomach with potassium permanganate. Natasha ran to call an ambulance. Thank you arrived quickly

"My son is strong, everything will be fine"

We think it was Anya who gave Misha kerosene to drink, - Galina Mikhailovna wipes her tears. - Already later, when we her, as they say In a word, she admitted that she also gave the “Mole” to her brother to drink. Misha ran after his sister to the bathroom (we were still living in an apartment at the time), Anya unrolled a bottle of liquid and gave it to him. He himself could not have opened the cork, he was still quite small Anya is not a bad girl, she studies well, but she is terribly jealous of us for Misha. We may pay more attention to him, but we love both of them equally Because of childhood jealousy, such a misfortune happened

Half an hour later, Natalya and Anya came.

Take off your boots, I cleaned yesterday, - 32-year-old Natalya reminds her daughter.

The girl said hello, went to another room to change into home clothes. Then she went into the kitchen, silently took a bottle of lemonade and began to drink from the bottle.

Anechka, did you give Misha kerosene? - I dare to ask the girl directly. She stands with her eyes downcast.

Well, tell me, don’t be afraid, they won’t scold you, - mother and grandmother persuade Anya.

But the girl is silent.

For Misha, I was always calm, - says Natalia. - He never takes anything without permission, he knows that he should not eat anything. And now we have been disgraced throughout Crimea, this is what they wrote in local newspapers. Like, the child is unkempt, he wanted to drink, so he took kerosene. They didn’t come, they didn’t ask how everything was. We even wanted them in sue They wrote that I did not visit Misha. But we were waiting for "children's" money: there was nothing to go to Simferopol. Thanks to Lyudmila Vladimirovna from the prosecutor's office, she helped to “knock out” the allowance. As soon as I received the money, I immediately went to Misha and took the last bus. True, I had to pay 30 hryvnia for an apartment in order to spend the night in Simferopol, after all, not in summer, but in the morning - immediately to my son. When he saw me, he began to smile, took my hand.

Doctors say only a miracle can save Misha

He is a strong boy, everything will be fine.

A resident of Samara demands a million rubles from a large hypermarket. On New Year's Eve, a young man took a pipe-cleaner from a juice shelf, mistaking it for a soft drink, and took a few sips. As a result, he “burned” his esophagus. Now the victim insists that the store employees are to blame for the situation. Representatives of the hypermarket, in turn, are sure that the reason for the incident is the indiscretion of the buyer.

How many and what kind of operations the Samara citizen underwent and why the Auchan employees do not admit their guilt, see the video commentary from the process.

The incident occurred on December 31, 2013 in the Auchan hypermarket at 30 Dybenko Street in Samara. Pavel Ruban with his friend went to the store to buy gifts for relatives and food for the festive table. First they went to the textile department, then they went for liquor, and then they went for soft drinks. According to young people, in the juice department they collected several drinks in bright packages at once in a cart, without focusing on brands. After some time, Pavel became thirsty, took the first bottle he came across from his cart, opened it and drank. Literally immediately, the young man felt a burning sensation in the esophagus, after a few seconds he began to vomit blood. It turned out that Pavel took a long sip from a bottle that contained Krot pipe cleaning fluid. A friend came to his aid first.

“He gave me milk to drink, but the vomiting continued. Then a store health worker came up to me, took me to the back room, and gave me a drink of water. Then an ambulance came and took me to the hospital. He then spent about three weeks in the hospital. In almost two years, I was hospitalized five times, and each time I had some kind of operation..

Now the young man has recovered a little, returned to work and found the strength to seek justice. “I demand a million rubles from the store, as my health has been seriously harmed. How could a bottle of pipe cleaner end up on the juice shelf? After all, anyone could take it - the liquid in a bright package, opened effortlessly and smelled of orange. In general, the packaging looked like juice drinks in 0.33-liter plastic bottles,” said Pavel Ruban.

Miraculously, the number of victims of this ridiculous situation did not increase. “After Pavel drank from the bottle, he handed it to me. I took a small sip, felt a burning sensation, spat out the liquid and then read the label on the package that I held in my hands. Then I saw that my friend was already sick of blood. The doctors offered me to go to the hospital and undergo treatment, but I refused, ”I recalled the events of December 31, 2013 friend of Pavel Ruban Stanislav K.

The lawsuit is being processed at the Industrial district court. Representatives of the hypermarket do not recognize the fault of the store employees in the incident. “We continue to insist that Pavel Ruban neglected his health and showed inattention,” said the representative of Auchan at the last meeting. “Furthermore, it is not allowed to consume food before purchasing it on the sales floor of our store.”

On Friday, October 16, Pavel Ruban's lawyer came out with a motion to bring to justice not only the hypermarket, but also the company that insured the trading facility against various accidents - from pallets with goods falling on the head of buyers to heels getting stuck in the bars on the floor. However, the lawyer has not yet found out whether the story of his client is an insured event. Including on this occasion, the trial was extended. “The next meeting will be held on October 28. By this time, the plaintiff should clarify his requirements for the defendants,” said judge Oleg Osipov.