Methodology for awarding bonuses to medical organizations NHS. Normalized safety stock tfoms

Starting from 2019, the normalized insurance reserve of Terfonds OMS will include funds to combat the shortage of personnel in the primary care. Now it goes to funding medical care provided outside the home region, additional medical education, and the purchase and repair of medical equipment.

The Ministry of Health proposes to form in a different way the normalized insurance stock (NSZ) of the territorial funds of compulsory health insurance(OMS). Now it is intended "for the implementation of territorial CHI programs, payments for medical care provided to insured persons outside the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the compulsory medical insurance policy, organization of additional professional education of medical workers on advanced training programs, acquisition and repair of medical equipment. In 2019-2024, it will also include funds to eliminate the shortage of staff in clinics providing primary medical care. The corresponding draft law, amending Article 51 of the Federal Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation", is published on the website of the Russian government.

Where to get the funds from and how they will be used by medical organizations should be approved by the Ministry of Health in an additional order. , now the standardized insurance reserve of the TFOMS is formed from the budget revenues of the territorial fund (subventions of the FFOMS), money intended to pay for medical care for residents of other regions, as well as part of the funds from penalties imposed on clinics based on the results of inspections.

The government also ordered to submit to the State Duma a draft budget of the Federal CHI fund for the next year and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021. According to it, the formation of the normalized insurance reserve of the FFOMS is planned annually in the amount of 3.1 billion rubles.

For the next year, the income of the MHIF is provided in the amount of 2,098.2 billion rubles, for 2020 - 2,349.9 billion rubles, for 2021 - 2,495.8 billion rubles (2018 budget - 1,887.9 billion rubles). It is assumed that the costs for 2019 will amount to 2,190.4 billion rubles, in 2020 - 2,350.5 billion rubles and in 2021 - 2,501.5 billion rubles (2018 budget - 1,994.1 billion rubles) .

“The Fund's budget deficit in 2019 will amount to 92.3 billion rubles, in 2020 - 0.5 billion rubles, in 2021 - 5.7 billion rubles. The balance of the Fund's budget will be achieved at the expense of carry-over balances at the end of the corresponding financial year," the Cabinet of Ministers said in a decree.

"In them (budgets social funds- Approx. ed.) we have pledged funds that will ensure the necessary level of social protection people, - said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a government meeting on September 20 during the discussion of bills. - The money will be used to further improve the quality of medicine. Including we will include in the base CHI program new types of high-tech care, we will continue to eliminate the shortage of individual specialists in hospitals.”

The Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Fund) in connection with incoming questions on the implementation of the Rules for the use by medical organizations of the funds of the normalized insurance reserve of the territorial fund of compulsory medical insurance for financial support of activities for the organization of additional professional education of medical workers under advanced training programs, as well as on purchase and repair of medical equipment (hereinafter referred to as measures) approved by the Government Decree Russian Federation dated 04/21/2016 N 332, (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), informs.

1. On the formation of an action plan. Clause 8 of the Rules establishes the obligation of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, authorized by the highest executive authority of the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body), upon approval and agreement in in due course of the action plan within a period not exceeding 30 calendar days from the date of entry into force of the Rules (until 06/03/2016), and subsequently - quarterly, before the 1st day of the first month of the next quarter (for the III quarter of 2016 - until 07/01/2016) .

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Rules, funds for financial support of events are provided by the territorial fund of compulsory medical insurance (hereinafter referred to as the territorial fund) to medical organizations within the limits of the normalized insurance reserve (hereinafter referred to as NHA) provided for in the budget of the territorial fund for financial support of events.

Clause 5 of the Procedure for using the funds of the normalized insurance reserve of the territorial fund of compulsory medical insurance, approved by order Federal Fund dated 01.12.2010 N 227, financial support for activities is carried out within the limits of the NHS of the territorial fund, formed in accordance with part 6.3 of Article 26 of the Federal Law of 29.11.2010 N 326-FZ "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law N 326-FZ).

Thus, the amount of necessary funding for activities established by plan measures, is determined based on the actual amount of funds in the NHA of the territorial fund, formed on the date of agreement and approval of the action plan, and the use of funds for these purposes is carried out by the territorial fund only after amendments are made to the law on the budget of the territorial fund, establishing in accordance with part 6.4 of the article 26 of Federal Law N 326-FZ, the size of the NHA and the purpose of its use, including for the financial support of events.

In accordance with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4 of the Rules, the authorized body approves the selection criteria medical organizations for inclusion in the action plan (hereinafter referred to as the selection criteria).

The selection criteria established by the authorized body should ensure the possibility of distributing medical organizations on the basis of their compliance with the specified selection criteria for the subsequent formation of a list of activities based on the NHS funds actually formed in the budget of the territorial fund. These measures will create equal conditions inclusion in the action plan of medical organizations, regardless of their departmental affiliation and organizational and legal form.

Please note that the action plan is approved quarterly on an accrual basis. Thus, the amount of necessary financial support for the action plan based on the results of the current financial year should be established within the limits of the actually formed NHA funds of the territorial fund.

2. On the issues of financial support of contracts concluded for the purpose of implementing activities.

The basis for the conclusion of contracts is the availability of an action plan approved using the selection criteria.

Thus, the financial provision of activities at the expense of the NHA of the territorial fund under contracts concluded before the date of entry into force of the Rules and the approval of the action plan is unlawful.

Based on the norms established by Articles 34 and 42 of the Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" (hereinafter - Law N 44-FZ), the contract is on the terms stipulated by the notice of procurement, which should contain information, including the source of its financial support.

Medical organizations keep separate records of operations with compulsory medical insurance funds (part 6 of Article 15 of Federal Law N 326-FZ), including funds for financial support of events (paragraph 11 of the Rules).

Thus, we consider it possible to provide financial support for agreements (contracts) concluded for the purpose of implementing measures from several sources if these treaties(contracts) the amount of financial security for each source with the subsequent implementation of separate analytical accounting funds received from the NHS of the territorial fund, compulsory medical insurance funds received to pay for medical care (subject to the norms of Part 7 of Article 35 of Federal Law N 326-FZ) and other sources of financial support for agreements (contracts).

Considering the above, the following measures should be taken in the subjects of the Russian Federation:

1. Bring the budgets of territorial funds in line with federal law N 326-FZ in terms of financial support for events.

2. Establish selection criteria that ensure equal conditions for all medical organizations.

3. When approving the action plan, ensure:

Compliance of the amount of its financing with the amount of funds actually formed as part of the NHA of the territorial fund for the financial support of activities;

Compliance with the deadlines established by paragraph 8 of the Rules;

Formation of an action plan on a cumulative basis.

4. Ensure compliance with the requirements of Federal Law N 44-FZ and the Rules when concluding contracts in order to implement activities.

Document overview

Explanations of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of Russia on the implementation of the Rules for the use by medical organizations of the funds of the normalized insurance stock (NSZ) TFOMS for financing activities for additional vocational education of medical workers and the acquisition (repair) of medical equipment are given.

The amount of funding is determined based on the actual amount of funds in the NHA of the territorial fund, formed as of the date of agreement and approval of the action plan. The funds are used by the territorial fund only after amendments are made to the law on the budget of the territorial fund. Therefore, the regions must bring the budgets of funds in line with the law.

The authorized body approves the criteria for selecting medical organizations to be included in the action plan. This will create a level playing field for them.

The plan is approved quarterly on an accrual basis. Therefore, the amount of funds based on the results of the current financial year is set within the limits of the actually formed funds of the NHA fund.

It is impossible to finance activities at the expense of NHA funds under government contracts concluded before the date of entry into force of the rules and approval of the action plan.

Financing of government contracts from several sources is possible if they establish the amount of financial support for each source, followed by separate analytical accounting of funds received from the NHS fund, compulsory medical insurance funds received to pay for medical care and other sources.




In order to implement Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2016 N 332 "On approval of the Rules for the use by medical organizations of the funds of the normalized insurance stock of the TFOMS for financial support of measures to organize additional professional education for medical workers under advanced training programs, as well as to purchase and repair medical equipment" , Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 06.06.2016 N 354n "On approval of the standard form and procedure for concluding an agreement between the TFOMS and a medical organization on financial support for organizing additional professional education for medical workers under advanced training programs, as well as for the acquisition and repair of medical equipment" , Order FFOMS dated 01.12.2010 N 227 "On the Procedure for the use of funds of the normalized insurance reserve TFOMS" I order:

1. Approve:

1.1. The form "Notification of a medical organization about the availability of funds from the NHS TFOMS for financial support for the implementation of measures to organize additional professional education for medical workers in advanced training programs, as well as to purchase and repair medical equipment" (attached).

1.2. Interaction regulation CHI participants on the use by medical organizations of the funds of the NHS TFOMS for financial support of activities for the organization of additional professional education of medical workers in advanced training programs, as well as for the purchase and repair of medical equipment (attached).

2. Heads of structural subdivisions of TFOMS should be guided by the Regulations approved by paragraph 1.2 of this Order.

3. The Department of Information and Technical Support (Sartakov I.M.) to provide the technical capability to account for funds allocated for the financial support of activities for the organization of additional professional education of medical workers in advanced training programs, as well as for the acquisition and repair of medical equipment, in the information analytical system TFOMS.

4. Directors of intermunicipal branches of TFOMS to bring this Order to the attention of the heads of medical organizations operating in the field of compulsory medical insurance.

6. To impose control over the execution of this Order on the first deputy director T.V. Demin.


Application. Notification of a medical organization about the availability of funds from the NHS TFOMS for financial support for the implementation of measures to organize additional professional education for medical workers under advanced training programs, and ..

Head _____________

Notification of a medical organization about the availability of funds from the NHS TFOMS for financial support for the implementation of measures to organize additional professional education for medical workers in advanced training programs, as well as to purchase and repair medical equipment

In order to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

dated April 21, 2016 N 332 "On approval of the Rules for the use of medical

organizations of funds of the normalized insurance stock TFOMS for

financial support for organizing additional

professional education of medical workers according to programs

advanced training, as well as the acquisition and repair

medical equipment", in accordance with the Action Plan,

approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region dated

N ______ "On approval of the Action Plan for the organization

additional professional education of medical workers on

professional development programs, as well as the acquisition and holding

repair of medical equipment", I notify you of the availability of funds

normalized insurance stock TFOMS for financial security

implementation of activities planned for ______________________________,

(name of MO)

in the amount of ________ rubles, including:

event name

amount, in rubles

on the organization of additional professional education of medical workers on advanced training programs

for the purchase of medical equipment

for the repair of medical equipment




1.1. List of abbreviations used in the Regulations:



Information analytical system TFOMS

A medical organization operating in the field of compulsory health insurance, included in the action plan for organizing additional professional education for medical workers in advanced training programs, as well as for purchasing and repairing medical equipment, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region


Measures to organize additional professional education of medical workers under advanced training programs, as well as to purchase and repair medical equipment

Normalized safety stock

Compulsory health insurance

Action plan

Action plan for the organization of additional professional education of medical workers on advanced training programs, as well as for the purchase and repair of medical equipment, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region


Agreement between the TFOMS and a medical organization on financial support for organizing additional professional education for medical workers under advanced training programs, as well as for the purchase and repair of medical equipment (in accordance with the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 06.06.2016 N 354n)

Territorial Fund of Mandatory Medical Insurance of the Sverdlovsk Region

1.2. This Regulation has been developed in order to organize the interaction of MHI participants on the use of NHS TFOMS funds by the Ministry of Defense to financially support activities for the organization of additional professional education of medical workers in advanced training programs, as well as for the purchase and repair of medical equipment on the basis of:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2016 N 332 "On approval of the Rules for the use by medical organizations of the funds of the normalized insurance stock of the TFOMS for financial support of measures to organize additional professional education for medical workers in advanced training programs, as well as to purchase and repair medical equipment";

Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of June 6, 2016 N 354n "On approval of the standard form and procedure for concluding an agreement between the TFOMS and a medical organization on financial support for measures to organize additional professional education for medical workers in advanced training programs, as well as to purchase and repair medical equipment";

Order of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of December 1, 2010 N 227 "On the Procedure for Using the Funds of the Normalized Insurance Reserve of the TFOMS".


2.1. Based on the Notification of the availability of NHA funds, the TFOMS for financial support for the implementation of measures to organize additional professional education for medical workers under advanced training programs, as well as for the purchase and repair of medical equipment, submits to the TFOMS a package of documents with a cover letter:

Draft Agreement signed by the Ministry of Defense (standard forms of Agreements are posted on the TFOMS website in the section "Insurance and medical organizations", "On the use of NHS funds") in two copies;

List of documents required for the conclusion of the Agreement (Appendix 1 to these Regulations);

Documents in accordance with the List of documents.

2.2. Uses the funds received in accordance with the Agreement for the financial support of the Events in compliance with the conditions established by the Agreement.

2.3. When the supplier (executor) fully fulfills the obligations under the agreement (contract), sends a letter to the director of the TFOMS (copy to the branch of the TFOMS) with a notification of the fulfillment of the agreement (contract) (indicating N and the date of the Agreement, N and the date of the agreement (contract )) signed by the head and chief accountant, with certified copies of the relevant acts on the acceptance of goods (works, services).

2.4. Maintains separate analytical accounting of funds for the financial support of the Events. In case of financial security of agreements (contracts) concluded for the purpose of the implementation of the Activities, from several sources, the specified agreements (contracts) establish the amount of financial security for each source, followed by separate analytical accounting of funds.

2.5. Submits reports to the TFOMS on the implementation of activities and the use of funds for the financial support of activities in accordance with the Order of the TFOMS dated 07.07.2016 N 292.

2.6. Returns to the TFOMS budget funds received in accordance with the Agreement, used for other purposes.

2.7. After making settlements with the supplier (executor), sends to the Office accounting and reporting by e-mail a scanned copy of the payment order certified by the chief accountant of the medical organization.



3.1.1. Provides the MoD with methodological assistance in the formation of a package of documents necessary for signing the Agreement.

3.1.2. Interacts with the Ministry of Defense to provide reporting on the implementation of activities and the use of funds for the financial support of activities in accordance with the Order of the TFOMS dated 07.07.2016 N 292.


3.2.1. Ensures the signing of the Agreement in accordance with the Procedure for consideration by the subdivisions of the TFOMS of the draft Agreement, approved by the order of the TFOMS.


3.3.1. Within 5 working days from the date of approval of the action plan, notify the MO in writing of the availability of NHA funds in the TFOMS budget for financial support of the activities.

3.3.2. Forms a financial order in accordance with the schedule for transferring the funds of the Agreement.

3.3.3. Provides a complete and timely reflection of cash flow by means of the function IAS-4 A55 "Cash ID".

3.3.4. Collects and approves reports on the implementation of activities and the use of funds for the financial support of activities in accordance with the Order of the TFOMS dated 07.07.2016 N 292.


3.4.1. On the basis of financial orders prepared by the financial and economic department, transfers to the Ministry of Defense cash for financial support of events in accordance with the Agreement.

3.4.2. Keeps records of payments in accordance with the schedules for the transfer of funds, separate analytical accounting of funds for financial support of the Events.


3.5.1. Carries out control over the implementation of the MO Measures and the use of the funds received for the specified purposes within the framework of the scheduled inspections of the MO.


Annex 1
to the Regulations


MO name

Title of the document

Number of sheets

Draft Agreement of the TFOMS with a medical organization on financial support for organizing additional professional education for medical workers under advanced training programs, as well as on the purchase and repair of medical equipment (according to the form posted on the TFOMS website), in two copies, signed by the Ministry of Defense

Plan of financial and economic activities (amendments in order to implement the Measures)

Documents on the organization of additional professional education of medical workers under advanced training programs

Statement medical worker on referral to additional vocational education under the advanced training program in an organization engaged in educational activities

Agreement on education for training in an additional professional educational program

Documents for the purchase of medical equipment

A document confirming the need for the purchased medical equipment, provided for by the procedure (s) for the provision of medical care approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Documents confirming the qualifications of a medical worker(s) with an appropriate level of education and qualifications to work on the purchased medical equipment

Documents confirming the presence in the Moscow region of the premises for the installation of purchased medical equipment

Contract for the supply of medical equipment

Documents for the repair of medical equipment

A document confirming the need of the Ministry of Defense for the repair of medical equipment provided for by the procedure (s) for the provision of medical care approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Documents confirming that the medical equipment to be repaired is owned (operationally managed) by the Ministry of Defense and accepted for accounting

Registration certificate for a medical device

Act on the commissioning of medical equipment

Document confirming the failure of medical equipment

A document confirming the expiration of the warranty period for medical equipment

Contract for the repair of medical equipment

Head of MO / full name

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 22, 2015 N 493
"On Approval of the Rules for Directing in 2015 the Funds of the Normalized Insurance Reserve of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for Additional Financial Support for the Provision of Specialized Medical Care by Federal State Institutions"

In accordance with Clause 1 of Part 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law "On the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for 2015 and for the planning period of 2016 and 2017", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the attached Rules for the allocation in 2015 of the funds of the normalized insurance reserve of the Federal Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund for additional financial support for the provision of specialized medical care by federal state institutions.

2. Recommend to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to create working groups to develop proposals for additional financial support for the provision of specialized medical care by federal state institutions, including those located in the territories of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for subsequent submission to the commission for the development of territorial programs of compulsory medical insurance created in accordance with the established procedure, including representatives of federal state institutions in the specified working groups.

allocation in 2015 of the funds of the normalized insurance reserve of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for additional financial support for the provision of specialized medical care by federal state institutions
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 22, 2015 N 493)

1. These Rules establish the procedure and conditions for the allocation in 2015 of the funds of the normalized insurance reserve of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for additional financial support for the provision of specialized medical care by federal state institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency and the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations ( hereinafter respectively - the normalized insurance stock, federal state institutions, federal executive bodies).

2. Additional financial support for the provision of specialized medical care by federal state institutions is carried out at the expense of the normalized insurance stock, directed to increase the subventions approved by the Federal Law "On the Budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for 2015 and for the planning period of 2016 and 2017" provided from the budget of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) to the budgets of the territorial compulsory medical insurance funds for financial support of the expenditure obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation arising from the exercise of powers delegated in the field of compulsory medical insurance (hereinafter, respectively, territorial funds, subventions).

3. The Fund decides on the amount of the normalized insurance reserve to be distributed, as well as on the allocation of the normalized insurance reserve to increase subventions based on the data provided by the federal executive authorities and territorial funds on the volume of specialized medical care in stationary conditions provided by federal government agencies.

4. The distribution of the normalized insurance stock is carried out according to the following methodology:

a) the amount of normalized insurance reserve funds allocated to increase subventions provided to the budget of the territorial fund of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation () is determined by the formula:


The volume of reduction in specialized medical care in a hospital setting (number of hospitalizations) provided by federal state institutions located on the territory of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in 2015 compared to 2014;

The volume of specialized inpatient medical care (number of hospitalizations) provided in 2014 by federal state institutions, according to invoices presented for payment by territorial funds at the place of provision of medical assistance to the territorial fund of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation at the place of issue of the compulsory medical insurance policy;

NSZ - the amount of funds of the normalized insurance stock to be distributed;

b) the volume of reduction in specialized inpatient medical care provided by k-th federal state institutions located on the territory of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in 2015 compared to 2014 () is determined by the formula:

The volume of specialized inpatient medical care (number of hospitalizations) provided to insured persons of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation at the expense of compulsory medical insurance under the basic program of compulsory medical insurance in 2014 by k-th federal state institutions located on the territory of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation;

Volume of specialized inpatient medical care (number of hospitalizations) provided by k-th federal state institutions located on the territory of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation in 2014 in accordance with state assignments for rendering public services(performance of works) provided for by the departmental list of public services (works) (hereinafter referred to as the state task);

Planned volumes of high-tech medical care not included in the basic program of compulsory medical insurance, established for the k-th federal state institutions located on the territory of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation, for 2014 (number of patients);

The volume of specialized medical care in inpatient conditions at the expense of compulsory medical insurance within the framework of the basic program of compulsory medical insurance, established for 2015 by the decision of the commission for the development of a territorial program of compulsory medical insurance, created in the subject of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner (hereinafter referred to as the commission), for k-th federal state institutions located on the territory of the i-th subject of the Russian Federation (number of hospitalizations).

If< 0, то значение показателя принимается равным 0.

5. Federal authorities The executive branch within 5 working days from the date of entry into force of these Rules, on the basis of data received from subordinate federal state institutions, submit to the Fund information:

a) on the volume of specialized inpatient medical care provided in 2014 by subordinate federal state institutions in accordance with state assignments, indicating the subject of the Russian Federation in whose territory the corresponding federal state institution is located;

b) on the volume of high-tech medical care provided in 2014 by subordinate federal state institutions in accordance with state assignments, indicating the subject of the Russian Federation in whose territory the corresponding federal state institution is located;

c) on the volume of specialized inpatient medical care provided in 2014 by subordinate federal state institutions at the expense of compulsory medical insurance under the basic program of compulsory medical insurance, including to insured persons who have compulsory medical insurance policies issued on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation, indicating the subject of the Russian Federation in whose territory the corresponding federal state institution is located.

6. Territorial funds within 5 working days from the date of entry into force of these Rules, submit to the Fund information:

a) on the volume of specialized medical care in inpatient conditions at the expense of compulsory medical insurance funds within the framework of the basic program of compulsory medical insurance established for 2015 by decisions of commissions for federal state institutions for each federal state institution;

b) on the volume of specialized inpatient medical care provided in 2014 to insured persons outside the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the compulsory medical insurance policy was issued, by federal state institutions according to invoices presented for payment by territorial funds at the place of provision of such medical care.

7. The conditions for sending the funds of the normalized insurance stock are:

a) the presence in the budget of the Fund of the normalized insurance reserve in the amount to be distributed;

b) submission to the Fund by the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of information on the establishment of a working group to develop proposals for additional financial support for the provision of specialized medical care by federal state institutions, including those located in the territories of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the inclusion of representatives in these working groups relevant federal government agencies.

8. Transfer of funds of the normalized insurance stock to the budgets of territorial funds is carried out by the Fund within 10 working days from the date of its decision on the direction of these funds.

9. The Fund, within 5 working days from the date of transfer of the normalized insurance reserve funds, sends to the territorial funds information on the volumes of reduction in 2015 compared to 2014 in specialized inpatient medical care calculated in accordance with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4 of these Rules, provided by federal government agencies.

10. Territorial funds, within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of funds from the normalized insurance stock in the budgets of territorial funds, submit to the Fund a copy of the decision of the commission on the distribution of additional volumes of specialized medical care among federal state institutions, as well as planned indicators for additional volumes of specialized medical care and planned indicators the amount of funds for settlements for medical care provided to insured persons outside the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the compulsory medical insurance policy was issued, based on the volume of receipt of funds from the normalized insurance reserve.

11. Territorial funds submit monthly reports to the Fund on the expenditure of the normalized insurance reserve in the form and in the manner approved by the Fund.

12. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, together with the Fund, monitors the provision of specialized medical care by federal state institutions in accordance with the forms approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

13. Control over the intended use of the normalized insurance stock is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.