Universal electronic card (PRO100). Sberbank cards PRO100 "Momentum Card in the national payment system pro100

The Sberbank Momentum PRO100 card is a convenient payment instrument with a number of advantages at a low cost of service.

With the Momentum PRO100 card you can pay for purchases and services, withdraw cash from Sberbank ATMs without commission, as well as from ATMs of other banks that are part of the Universal Electronic Card payment system.

Payment system PRO100

The PRO100 banking project includes many organizations providing a full range of financial services. It is believed that this Russian payment system will gradually take over domestic financial flows from Visa and Mastercard.

Advantages of the Momentum PRO100 Card

The Sberbank Momentum PRO100 card has undeniable advantages:
  • completed within fifteen minutes;
  • accessible to many - card maintenance costs 300 rubles per year;
  • the card is equipped with an electronic chip that provides a high level of security;
  • The Momentum PRO100 card provides access to any financial transactions.

The high speed of issuing a card is possible due to the fact that it is not named. The card bears the PRO100 logo and is accepted for payment in all places included in the UEC payment system.

Card expiry date

The Momentum PRO100 card is issued for a period of 3 years. An account can only be opened in rubles. The following additional services can be connected to the card at any time:
  • bonus program Thank you from Sberbank;
  • Internet banking from Sberbank Online;
  • Mobile bank;
  • auto payment for payment of all types of payments, incl. traffic police fines.

How to apply for a card

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 14 and has a permanent place of registration in the country can apply for a Momentum Pro100 card.

However, if there is only temporary registration, then the application for a debit card will be considered individually and for the most part positively.
The Sberbank Momentum PRO100 card is issued at the nearest bank office. The operator will review the application and process it immediately, within fifteen minutes.

Top up your account and withdraw cash from your card

Momentum PRO100 is used in the same way as other debit cards. If any questions arise, they can be resolved at any bank branch.


Sberbank offers the following options for replenishing a card account:
  • through Internet banking system Sberbank Online;
  • through a mobile application of the same system;
  • Mobile bank;
  • through Sberbank ATMs and payment terminals.
You can also deposit cash through payment terminals of other banks or transfer funds from accounts located in other banks.
If you need to make a payment by bank transfer, then you need to have the details of Sberbank of your “native” region, and in the line about the purpose of payment, enter your own last name, first name and patronymic, card and account number.

If we want to top up our account directly at a bank branch, we will need to provide the employee with a passport and indicate the card number.
All information about payments can be obtained:

  • by requesting payment details by email;
  • using SMS notifications to a mobile phone about ongoing financial transactions;
  • you can generate the report yourself in the Sberbank Online system;
  • You can contact the Contact Center regarding this issue.

Card withdrawal limit

The withdrawal limit for PRO100 is set at 50,000 rubles per day. It should be noted that in the Sberbank system the day begins to count from 00 hours to 24 Moscow time.

In this article we will look at a topic that is not yet so common in Russia - the Sberbank Pro 100 Momentum card. In addition to the main question, we will give you information on the following points: how to use the Sberbank Momentum Pro100 card, personal account, Momentum Pro100 card - withdrawal limit, and so on. In general, we will try to fully present this financial product to you so that you can decide for yourself whether you need to have such a card or not. For the convenience of making your decision, we will make a section that will devote to the disadvantages and advantages of the Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card. But first things first.

Sberbank card pro100 momentum

The modern world is becoming more and more integrated, becoming more and more connected. This is a trend in our reality, and probably this is good, because the exchange of information, the establishment of contacts between countries, the conclusion of partnerships have a beneficial effect on all parties and on human progress as a whole. We are now, naturally, considering international relationships. An example of global integration is payment systems. PayPal, Qiwi and others are already tightly integrated into our lives, so much so that we can’t even imagine ourselves without these innovations. The topic that we are raising today also applies to payment systems - the Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card. And undoubtedly, modern man needs to know about it in order to be able to use it if something happens. In addition, the card is issued by the most common bank in the Russian Federation - Sberbank.

Why are we writing about the Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card? The fact is that this card is not so widespread in Russia. And in vain, because in some aspects the Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card is ahead of its competitors. Even if we take the security of financial savings. And here the Sberbank Pro 100 Momentum card finds itself in a winning position. But we will talk about this a little later, in a separate paragraph of our story.

Also, in answer to the question why we are writing about the Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card, we can state the following: this banking product, based on the “Universal Payment Card” payment system, does not depend on the state of relations between the Russian Federation and Western countries. This is perhaps the most significant plus of the Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card, which is still gaining its strength. Everyone knows that Visa and MasterCard are Western companies that control non-cash payments around the world.

Against the backdrop of recent events (we mean the aggravation of the situation in Ukraine, sanctions towards Russia, and so on), our country finds itself in a kind of isolation, which could lead to Visa and MasterCard breaking all agreements and understandings with the Russian Federation

That is why we recommend that you now take a closer look at the “Universal Payment Card” payment system and the Sberbank pro100 Momentum card. But from the introductory part we will now move on to a detailed discussion of our main topic - the Sberbank pro100 momentum card.

Sberbank Momentum Pro100 card - reviews and opinions

If we talk about reviews of this card, you can get absolutely polar opinions. We will not give here quotes from people who use the Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card, because this way you won’t be able to form your own opinion. It’s better that we present the pros and cons of this product so that you can draw your own conclusions based solely on your perception. We will devote the next section to this, but for now let's give information for the uninitiated - some definitions and a little history.

What is Pro100? This is a kind of payment application “attached” to the UEC. UEC is, as we mentioned above, a “universal electronic card”, which is a relatively new payment system on the territory of the Russian Federation. The UEC payment system dates back to 2012, when it was registered among other payment systems approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Currently, this payment system is just beginning to spread in Russia and is still at the stage of refinement and improvement. But in the future, the Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card will have a chip created in the Russian Federation, which will contain information about the Pro100 payment application.

Sberbank Momentum Pro100 card - pros and cons

So, as we promised, let's take a brief review of the Sberbank pro100 momentum card. So, what are the positive aspects of this financial product:

  • As we have already mentioned, this payment system will completely survive new political and financial conflicts between the Russian Federation and the West
  • For companies in the trade and service category using the Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card, commission deductions will be much lower than in the case of Visa and MasterCard cards
  • For a bank, accepting a card from the UEC payment system also represents significant benefits and bonuses: there is no need to purchase new equipment to issue the same cards as the Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card, because the MasterCard platform is suitable for this payment system. Account balances will be significantly increased, the level of non-cash turnover will increase and much more

Now let’s look at the negative aspects of using the Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card, and there is exactly one:

  • You will not be able to use this card in other countries.

Sberbank Momentum Pro100 card - how to use

Now let’s briefly look at some key points of using the Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card. The card is accepted at any Sberbank ATM. By the way, you can get a Sberbank Pro100 Momentum card within fifteen minutes at any nearby branch.

But you need to know the fact that cash cannot be issued to you through the Sberbank payment terminal. For such operations, you need to use, of course, an ATM.

The Russian payment system "PRO100", which is the basis of the universal electronic card (UEC), may soon be cancelled. Officials are inclined to conclude that a citizen’s electronic passport needs to be combined with an international payment system. Additional money will have to be invested in PRO100, which will make the already gigantic project even more expensive. Date of publication of the review - 02/03/2014

The PRO100 payment system was originally created specifically for the Universal Electronic Card project. Its operator is the federal authorized organization OJSC UEK, and the settlement center is Sberbank.

The house of cards is collapsing

It was assumed that PRO100 would be a system closed to Russian territory. This would make it possible to set tariffs lower than those of international operators, and would give Russians a guarantee of the security of their data, “hardwired” in universal electronic cards.
For now, PRO100 is included in the register of payment systems registered by the Bank of Russia. Those few (tens of thousands of pieces) and reduced in functionality (compared to the original project) UEC that are distributed in the regions actually work on its basis.
It is no secret that the beginning of the widespread implementation of UEC in Russia as mandatory cards for all citizens has been postponed for two years in a row (compared to the date determined in the original version of the law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”). During this time, the government came up with the idea of ​​introducing an electronic passport of a Russian (in the form of a special plastic card) and linking all kinds of government services and payment applications to it.
In fact, and this was repeatedly admitted in his interviews (including to the Banki.ru portal) by the President of OJSC UEK Alexey Popov, in such a situation, a universal electronic card in itself loses its meaning. Another thing, Popov noted, is that the UEC and the developments associated with the creation of this card would be correct to make the basis of an electronic passport.

Passport control

The Federal Migration Service (FMS) plans to begin issuing passports on plastic carriers in 2016. The electronic document will include an identification document of a Russian citizen (like a regular paper passport now), a certificate of compulsory pension insurance, a compulsory health insurance policy, access to the government services portal, as well as (at the citizen’s request) a travel document, linking to bank cards, etc.
Alexey Popov said last year that according to the plan, applications to the electronic passport will work on the basis of the “PRO100” system, as the UEC does now. However, as the Banki.ru portal found out, not all officials and heads of organizations with state participation support this idea.
“Calculations are just being made, but it is already clear that such a large-scale project as the Electronic Passport will require large investments from the state. The question will arise about its payback or at least the return of part of the costs. One of the main options is citizens’ transactions with payment applications, essentially with bank cards. This will help to interest credit institutions and involve them in the project as investors,” says a source close to the FMS. - At the same time, both banks and citizens are unlikely to be interested in payment cards that will not be accepted in other countries. The Russian payment system will not provide such an option. We have to do it humanely - with Visa or MasrerCard, whose cards are accepted almost all over the world.”

Don't reinvent the wheel

Sberbank (the main shareholder of UEC OJSC), according to a source close to its management, does not see any point in continuing the development of PRO100. The press service of Sberbank, however, did not confirm this. “Given the need to use the UEC infrastructure in the electronic passport project, we plan to use the opportunity of the PRO100 payment system in the future,” the press service of the largest bank in Russia reported.
A source close to the management of Sberbank, however, stated that OJSC UEK, with the participation of Sber, is negotiating with leading international payment systems about the possibility of joining the project with a universal card, and then an electronic passport. “We have seriously invested in this story (UEC. - Ed.) both financially, technologically, and politically,” says an interlocutor of the Banki.ru portal. - Therefore, we want our developments (UEC. - Ed.) not to be in vain, but to become the basis of electronic passports. To do this, we need to interest the Russian population in UEC as a convenient payment instrument. It’s much easier to do this with a world-renowned payment system than to put people on a new bike.”
Sources in organizations that are currently among the shareholders of UEC OJSC - RTI Microelectronics and Uralsib Bank - agree with these words.
The press service of the Russian division of MasterCard did not answer the question whether relevant negotiations are underway with Sberbank and UEC OJSC. Visa gave a generalized comment, omitting specific details. “Visa has been contributing to the development of non-cash payments in Russia for many years, including working with our partners to implement the most ambitious projects,” said representatives of the Visa press service in Russia. “We continue to participate in the discussion of any initiatives of both the state and individual companies in order to introduce innovative solutions for the Russian consumer.”

The head of the representative office of the Chinese payment system UnionPay (this system is also, according to Banki.ru, interested in participating in projects on UEC and electronic passport) in the CIS, Sasha Fan, declined to comment.

Who gets to decide?

Banki.ru's interlocutors from the shareholder companies of UEC OJSC explained that the issue of including UEC in the electronic passport, as well as the question of the fate of PRO100, should be decided at the level of the Bank of Russia as the regulator of payment systems. Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia Alexey Moiseev speaks about this.

Representatives of the Bank of Russia considered that at this stage the question of what payment system should underlie the UEC and projects created on the basis of this card is primarily technological and infrastructural. Therefore, the decision here is up to UEC OJSC.

The press service of OJSC UEK, in turn, declined to comment, referring all questions on the topic under discussion to Sberbank.

Sberbank clients can issue plastic cards of various payment systems and types. Sberbank PRO100 Momentum cards are a convenient and multifunctional means of non-cash payment for goods and services.

The PRO100 system has been actively implemented in recent years in Russia and in many places has already supplanted well-known international analogues. Sberbank is also directly involved in this process, issuing and promoting plastic cards. PRO100 cardholders have the opportunity to withdraw cash without commission from ATMs of banks included in the “Universal Electronic Card” system

Due to the increasing number of problems with international organizations, large domestic financial companies have decided to develop, implement and promote their own payment system. Today, the project is already supported by hundreds of companies across the country. It is gradually displacing international systems from most areas and will soon become the market leader.

Sberbank cards PRO100 “Momentum”

The PRO100 payment system works with different types of cards. The Momentum series has a number of advantages:

  • the application is processed in 15-20 minutes;
  • costs only 300 rubles annually;
  • cards have a built-in chip, which increases data protection from unauthorized persons;
  • “Momentum” are universal cards for making cashless payments on the Internet and in regular stores, making transfers, paying for services, fines, taxes, loans.

Speed ​​of receipt and a minimum of formalities often play a decisive role when choosing a card.

Thank you reward program on PRO100 cards

Sberbank PRO100 “Momentum” cards participate in the program, which allows you to accumulate points in a special account. These bonuses can then be spent in stores included in the affiliate program.
The card is valid for 3 years. It is indicated on the front of the card. At the end of the term, you should order a reissue of the card at the bank, by phone or via the Internet.

The cards are intended for use in Russia, therefore they work with the national currency - rubles.

Conditions for issuing a Momentum card

  1. The owner must be over 14 years old.
  2. Be a citizen of Russia.
  3. Have a residence permit in the Russian Federation.

If the above conditions are not met, the card can be issued after consideration of the application by the branch management.

To apply for a card, you must take your passport with you. A bank employee will help with writing an application and drawing up a service agreement. The procedure takes up to 20 minutes. Then you are issued a card and a PIN code for it.

How to top up your PRO100 card

Money can be deposited into your account in various ways. Working with Momentum is practically no different from other Sberbank cards.

You can choose one of the available replenishment options:

Sberbank tries not to limit its clients and provides various options. I would also like to remind you that when visiting a bank, you should always take an identification document with you, for example, a passport. You can control the operation of Momentum PRO100 cards through your Personal Account, mobile banking or Contact Center.

Limits on withdrawals from Momentum PRO100 cards

The daily limit is set at 50 thousand rubles. The day ends at 00:00 Moscow time.

Russians are concerned that because of the sanctions, Visa and MasterCard may stop operating in the country. Experts recommend switching to bank cards of the Russian payment system PRO100, created on the basis of UEC.

Back in the summer of 2013, Roman Prokhorov, director of the Central Bank's settlement regulation center, expressed concern that 90% of cards issued by Russian banks belong to the Visa and MasterCard payment systems. “The switch they operate is outside our control,” said R. Prokhorov, “and we would really like domestic Russian non-cash transactions to be processed under the control of Russia.”

By 2013, the country already had at least two “own” payment systems (PS) “Zolotaya Korona” and “PRO100”. The first united several hundred banks of the Russian Federation and the CIS, while the second is owned only by Sberbank.

What is PRO100

PRO100 is a Russian payment system created by OJSC “Universal Electronic Card” (UEC); This is a set of organizations that interact with each other to solve problems of transferring funds among system participants. PRO100 is also called a payment card. Plastic works exactly the same as the familiar Visa and MasterCard. Payment is made by reading a magnetic stripe or chip.

The PRO100 settlement center is managed by Sberbank OJSC. The main Russian bank performs the function of a credit organization - it manages the debiting and crediting of funds from system participants to bank accounts. In mid-2014, Bank of Moscow, RNBK, URALSIB, AB Rossiya and other banks joined the UEC OJSC product - all of them provide issue, issuance and servicing of PRO100 cards.

You can register for PRO100 at any bank participating in the payment system of OJSC UEK. To do this, you just need to present your passport and fill out an application form. The card itself will be ready in 1-2 weeks. Unlike MasterCard and Visa, PRO100 is serviced at lower and “fair” rates. So, for example, Sberbank issues Russian plastic to everyone for free.

PRO100 also works in Crimea

Emission of UEC in Crimea and Sevastopol began in May 2014. At the beginning of 2015, about half a million cards had already been issued here. PRO100 is the only payment system operating in the region. There is no alternative here yet - as you know, as a result of sanctions imposed by the United States, the peninsula recently lost its MasterCard and Visa cards.

You can withdraw money at any of the 1,572 cash points. There are about 240 bank branches and 350 ATMs with PRO100 support on the peninsula; More than 1,500 reprogrammed POS terminals have been installed.

Are the National Payment System and PRO100 the same thing?

In the last year, the Bank of Russia has been increasingly talking about the creation of a National Payment System (NPS). For some time, PRO100 from Sberbank was vying for the role of NPS. But, in April 2014, after amendments were made to Federal Law No. 161, The Central Bank announced that the NPS cannot be created on the basis of existing systems, including the one created by OJSC “Universal Electronic Card”. This is because UEC uses software, the right to which belongs toMasterCard. The existing licensing agreement is a barrier to creating a truly independent product.

Let's clarify about the software. The chips, built in plastic, are produced in Russia. But the PRO100 payment application, written on these chips, is based on MasterCard M/Chip4 standards. This was done for a simple reason: the equipment installed in payment and banking terminals a long time ago works exactly according to MasterCard standards. To ensure compatibility between the “old” equipment and the “new cards,” the developers had to use the standards of a foreign payment system.

What can the PRO100 card do?

  1. PRO100 operates throughout the country, including Crimea and Sevastopol.
  2. Payment cards are issued in different types: debit (or payment), credit, salary, corporate, pension.
  3. With PRO100 you can withdraw cash from more than 100,000 ATMs, top up your bank account, and pay for services at 20,000 information terminals.
  4. The card is accepted in popular stores, for example: Eldorado, MediaMarkt, Detsky Mir. The card is valid in Megafon, Svyaznoy, and Euroset communication stores. With its help you can pay for the purchase of tickets for Aferoflot flights. In total, more than half a million organizations across the country work with PRO100.
  5. At the client’s request, the owner’s electronic signature is placed on the universal payment card with the PRO100 application, which is necessary to carry out many significant transactions.
  6. Holders of universal payment cards and PRO100 cards can pay for housing and communal services, taxes, and fines through online resources (for example: www.ueconline.ru or Sberbank Online).

What the PRO100 card cannot do

  1. PRO100 does not work with both domestic and foreign online stores.
  2. The card cannot be used to pay for the purchase of goods/services abroad.
  3. Despite its “Russian origin”, the product is still dependent on the actions of foreign players due to its adherence to MasterCard standards.
  4. If a retail outlet, payment terminal or financial institution has not reprogrammed its equipment, it will not be possible to pay for goods/services using PRO100.

Why does the PRO100 payment system not work abroad?

Russia does not yet have the necessary infrastructure for the optimal operation of its payment system. Processing centers, software, and equipment are required. There is no industrial production of computers in the country, which means that spare parts and components will have to be purchased abroad. Do we use “bourgeois” equipment? This means that foreign specialists are also needed to set it up. It turns out that the system seems to be “our own”, but it will essentially be made abroad.

The easy way is not an option. The creation of a truly full-fledged payment system will take several years. Experts complain that it may turn out that the standards of our and foreign processing will be different, and therefore the entry of PRO100 to the international level will slow down for some time. So Russians traveling abroad and using the national system will have to open temporary accounts abroad or take cash with them.

Will the PRO100 payment system replace Visa and MasterCard? Not yet. The product from OJSC UEK can only slightly “move” two international systems into domestic Russian settlements. A full-fledged replacement for international payment “pillars” can be the National Payment System, which is still in the draft.