If you lost your health insurance. What to do if you have lost your compulsory medical insurance or voluntary medical insurance policy? Policy restoration for different categories of clients

A medical insurance policy is one of the most important documents in the Russian Federation, since it is on its basis that you can undergo diagnostic and treatment measures free of charge. In Russia, many citizens still use paper documentation, which can only gradually be replaced by electronic format. In order to restore paper policies, it is necessary to successfully and promptly perform a number of certain actions.

What to do if you lose your policy?

A prerequisite is to contact a reputable insurance organization. Thus, the documentary issue cannot be resolved in simple firms. Insurance organizations resolve issues related to the mandatory receipt of protection.

When wondering what to do if your health insurance policy is lost, you need to understand that it is extremely important to contact the employees of the same institution. The name of the organization can be found on the back of the form of the received policy, or rather in the upper right corner. In this regard, you need to call a specific contact number or visit the office center of the required organization. It is recommended to remember the most important information or rewrite it for further resolution of the existing issue.

If the policy is lost and the name of the insurer is forgotten, it is possible to contact another institution. In this case, you need to take care of writing an application for an insurance policy. Acting according to this scheme, you should count on the cancellation of the lost policy and the full execution of a new document that will have the necessary legal force.

Principles of policy restoration

Reinstatement of a compulsory health insurance policy is carried out only according to a certain scheme. Taking into account existing aspects allows us to count on a successful resolution of the issue related to the current document. So, what to do if a new type of health insurance policy is lost:

  1. The easiest option involves contacting your insurance company. To submit an application, you need to use the available contact phone number to pre-register for a consultation at the main office. However, customer service is provided only during business hours. Even if contact details are initially forgotten, they can be found using the official website of the insurance organization.
  2. At the next stage, you need to contact the central office, making sure you have a passport. You need to tell a specialist about your problem and get an application form from him to apply for reinstatement of your insurance policy.
  3. The written application is given to the employee, after which he receives a temporary certificate. As a result, a Russian citizen can use all necessary medical services until he receives a valid policy. Obtaining a temporary certificate does not mean a successful solution to the existing problem, but allows you to count on free medical care.
  4. It takes one working month to produce an insurance policy. After successful production of the document, the organization’s employees will notify you by phone or mail.
  5. There's only one thing left to do - you need to take out your health insurance policy. This also remains possible only during the organization's business hours.

The scheme changes if it is not known which institution issued the policy. The list of accredited organizations can be found on the MHIF website. It is important to note that the institutions themselves do not have any fundamental differences, since the list of available services is the same and the policy can be obtained for free.

  • experience in the existing market;
  • availability of reviews and reputation;
  • territoriality of work activities and the possibility of successful interaction with the client.

Obtaining a new policy in the future occurs according to the traditional algorithm. Thus, only one change is made to the existing scheme: the need to select an institution for further cooperation. Then you should come to the office during company office hours, fill out an application, receive a temporary certificate and wait for the completed form. The service of restoring a lost policy or issuing a new document is absolutely free, and the absence of penalties is established at the legislative level.

Possibilities of medical care without a policy

Without an insurance policy, no medical institution can provide its services to patients free of charge. If you have a policy, you can worry about guaranteed savings when visiting a clinic or highly specialized medical center. It is important to note that recently it is not necessary to carry a paper form with you, since employees of medical institutions can carry out verification activities using a special database.

Despite the information available in the database, you should be concerned about the prompt restoration of the insurance policy. Modern technologies do not always allow successful and quick verification to provide free services. For this reason, if your compulsory health insurance policy is lost, it is important to know what to do.

You can contact the insurance organization on almost any working day and take care of obtaining a temporary document. In the future, holding the event will also require a minimum of time. The received policy is valid for an unlimited period of time, so re-application to the insurance organization is not required.

Policy restoration for different categories of clients

The procedure for reinstating the policy depends on the category of the client. First of all, you need to take into account the client’s age, because additional requirements apply for adults.

For a child

If a compulsory health insurance policy issued for a child is lost, restoration is carried out with the participation of representatives of the minor. For this, the following documents are required:

  • passport of the representative who applies to the insurance organization;
  • child's birth certificate or passport after reaching 14 years of age;
  • SNILS.

A duplicate of the policy can be made regardless of the age of the child. To complete this task, only documentary evidence of the possibility of representing the interests of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation is required.

For an adult

The list of required documents differs in each situation, so it is recommended to take additional advice. The main documents that are required are as follows:

  • passport;
  • documents confirming registration;
  • SNILS.

The application must be written only to the insurance company. At the same time, the application confirms the intention to obtain a new medical policy.

The documentary package is expanding for foreigners, as they must confirm the right to territorial residence in Russia. In addition, a medical policy in this case is issued only for a certain period of time, which can be carried out by a foreigner in the Russian Federation.

The procedure is easy, but you still need to be patient. It will take from two weeks to one month to restore the document. In the future, the issued policy will be valid throughout Russia.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is one of the important personal documents that you should always have with you. It is necessary in order to use free medical services throughout the Russian Federation. Its new format is a compact and convenient plastic card, but dropping it is easy. You will find out below how to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy if it is lost and whether it is possible.

Is it possible and how to quickly restore a compulsory medical insurance policy if you have lost it?

Of course, the compulsory health insurance policy is subject to restoration if it is lost. This is regulated by clause 55 of section IV of the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance. The procedure for applying for it is similar to obtaining new compulsory medical insurance. If you lose your policy, you must collect a package of documents and apply for a replacement. Reinstatement of health insurance is carried out free of charge.

It is worth noting that obtaining a new document is not only possible, but necessary as soon as possible. The fact is that without a compulsory medical insurance policy, medical care may be denied, and you will have to pay for visiting a doctor out of your own pocket. If the document cannot be presented to a health care worker, in some situations the patient can only count on emergency assistance.

How long will this procedure take?

Documents for reinstatement of compulsory medical insurance are reviewed and accepted on the day of application. Thus, in order to sort out all the issues, you will have to spend 2 days submitting an application and receiving ready-made insurance.

The production time for a new policy is 30 working days. During this time, the document must be prepared and handed over to the owner, since the temporary insurance certificate expires. When 30 days have passed, the insurer undertakes to either issue a new temporary policy and justify it, or issue a ready-made permanent document. According to reviews, re-registration takes no more than 14 days.

Where to contact

Restoring your insurance certificate will not take much time and effort. To obtain a new compulsory medical insurance policy, you must contact the following authorities:

  • to your insurance company. If there is no information about who the insurer is, you can contact the district clinic and find out this issue there. As a result of contacting your insurer’s office, a duplicate of the lost policy is issued;
  • to any insurance company. According to the law, it is allowed to change the insurer no more than once a year until November 1 of the current year. So, if it was planned in advance to change the insurance company or the thought suddenly came to you, this can be done right after the loss. The only difference is that in the office of the new insurer you will need to write an application for a new health insurance, and not for issuing a duplicate;
  • in any branch of the MFC. Multifunctional centers provide intermediary services in paperwork. We can say that this is an additional link connecting the applicant and the authority. The operator accepts the documents and application, transfers them to the insurer, and the latter prepares and sends the policy back to the MFC;
  • At work. Many organizations practice corporate health insurance, so they themselves send documents for policy renewal and monitor its readiness. The loss must be reported to the HR department, and appropriate measures will be taken there;
  • online. Most recently, a service for issuing a compulsory health insurance policy was available on the government services portal, but it is currently being finalized and is temporarily unavailable. Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg can apply for insurance restoration through the portal of the mayor of Moscow and on the public services portal of St. Petersburg.

On a note! The policy in the form of a plastic card is not issued at all branches of the insurance company, so you need to inquire in advance about where the issuance takes place, by telephone or during a personal visit.

How to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy if lost

Reinstatement of an insurance policy after loss occurs in the following scheme:

  1. Collection of documents. At this stage, there is no need to obtain any additional papers - it is enough to collect a minimum package of personal documents. The only thing is that if another person is acting on behalf of the insured, a written power of attorney will be required.
  2. Visit the relevant authority or submit an application on the Internet portal. If the policy is not issued through the employer, you will have to independently take the package of documents to the insurance company or to the MFC branch.
  3. Obtaining a temporary certificate of insurance - it has the same force as a lost contract. With him you can receive medical services within the framework of the basic program throughout the Russian Federation while a permanent contract is being prepared.
  4. Obtaining a policy. You must come for the finished document at the appointed time, no later than 30 working days.

Important! If the insurance policy is stolen, it will have to be restored using a slightly different procedure. In this case, the insured must write a statement to the police and, if the case is allowed to proceed, wait for its outcome. All this time you will have to carry a temporary certificate, renewing it monthly.

It makes sense to contact the regional police department only if other valuables and documents have disappeared along with the compulsory medical insurance agreement. Therefore, if insurance is the only thing that the criminals got, you should not contact law enforcement agencies. It will only take time and energy.

Fears that stolen insurance may be used are unfounded, because when a new document is issued, the data on the lost will be deleted from the unified system. Accordingly, it will become unusable. However, you need to apply for a new document as soon as possible.

List of documents

The list of documents that must be collected to restore the policy includes:

  • identification document (in the vast majority of cases, a civil passport is provided, and for minors, a birth certificate);
  • SNILS;
  • application for restoration of lost insurance.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is issued immediately after birth, therefore, when re-issuing a loss document for a child, the documents are submitted by a parent, guardian or other representative by law. The representative is required to present a civil passport. Anyone can be an accompanying person, but subject to a written power of attorney. If SNILS has not yet been issued for the child, then it may not be provided.

Good to know! If a foreigner has lost the policy, he provides the insurer with temporary registration, a document confirming his right to stay in the territory of the Russian Federation, and his national passport.

After reviewing the documents, the manager of the insurance company or the operator of the MFC removes information about the lost insurance from the database. Then he opens a new application, fills in the data and issues a temporary certificate. If the date of issue is not agreed upon in advance, the insured will receive an SMS notification indicating the date and time of receipt of the permanent insurance contract.

Compulsory medical insurance policy and how to fill it out

To restore a lost compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to fill out the appropriate application. The following information is entered into it:

  • format for issuing the policy - paper or electronic, new or duplicate, as well as the reason for its renewal;
  • information about the insured person - full name, category, place of birth, citizenship, address, SNILS data, etc.;
  • information about the representative of the insured: full name, passport;
  • signatures of the applicant and those who accepted the documents and the date of submission of the application.


Losing your compulsory medical insurance policy is not a reason to panic, since restoring your insurance will not be difficult. Firstly, this will require a minimum package of documents, which everyone has. Secondly, this can be done at any insurance company - you don’t have to contact your insurer specifically. The maximum registration period takes 30 days, and during this time the lost person will be issued a temporary insurance certificate.

You will learn more about what it provides and the features of its use in the following article.

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A compulsory health insurance policy is one of those documents that almost every citizen of the Russian Federation has. When you go to a hospital or clinic, otherwise you simply will not be able to provide qualified medical care. This happens because without a compulsory medical insurance policy, a medical institution will not be able to bill the insurance company for services provided.

But documents have one property that irritates quite a lot of people - they can get lost. What to do in a situation where your compulsory health insurance policy is lost? In our article we will tell you exactly how to restore a medical policy if it is lost.

Old and new document samples

At the moment, there are two models of medical policies in Russia. They differ greatly from each other, and one of them may not yet be accepted in all medical institutions.

Old sample

Almost everyone is familiar with it. The old sample is a small paper in a standard blue shade. It contains information about both the insurance company that services the policy and the owner himself. The document has a number, as well as various identification marks indicating its authenticity.

This document is issued once, since its validity is unlimited. It needs to be replaced only in the event of a change in personal data (which also applies to other citizen documents) or simple wear and tear.

New sample

This document is already a plastic chip card. The front side of the policy contains its number and a special chip, which contains all the necessary information in electronic form. The back side of the policy contains the owner’s signature, his photograph, as well as his full name, gender and date of birth.

A distinctive feature of such a document is its wear resistance. Plus, on the back of the compulsory medical insurance policy, its validity period is indicated. However, the new policy model is not yet accepted in all medical institutions due to the fact that the necessary reading devices are not available everywhere.

Where can I get it again?

You can contact both the MFC and the insurance company. To contact the insurance company, you will first need to find out which organization was indicated in the lost document. However, today the most convenient way is the Multifunctional Center. It offers citizens an extremely wide range of services, flexible work hours and a good customer service system. You can apply either at your place of registration or at any other center which will give you more

After submitting all the required documents, you will be issued a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy. It will be valid for a relatively short time - only for the period of production of the main document. The maximum validity period of such a policy is on average thirty days. As soon as a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy has been issued, employees of the MFC or insurance company will contact you and invite you to pick it up.

List of required documents

In order to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy, you will need to have with you:

  • Russian passport or other identification document;
  • Documentation, evidence of the place of permanent registration. If you provide a passport, this document is not required;
  • SNILS.

An application form for reinstatement of the compulsory medical insurance policy will be provided to you at the place of application.

Separately, it is worth noting the fact that during the restoration of the compulsory medical insurance policy you are given a choice. That is, you can independently mark which sample you need to receive. If we talk about which one is most recommended to have, then ideally you should have both the old and new models.

If your child's policy is lost

It will be somewhat more difficult to restore than for an adult. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that the restoration should be carried out by one of the child’s parents or guardians. Applications from other persons will simply not be accepted, even if all the necessary documents are available.

The list of required papers itself is somewhat different from the set for a standard restoration by a citizen and includes:

  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Applicant's passport(parent or guardian);
  • child's SNILS, and in some cases, his representative (parent or guardian);
  • Child's passport if he has already received this document.

In the latter case, if the child has already received a passport, then he will be able to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy on his own. In all other cases, the insurance policy is issued personally to the applicant. In addition to receiving it, a child over 14 years old can apply for reinstatement himself.

If the document is lost by a foreign citizen

Those who have lost their medical insurance, the difference will be in the list of required documents. Otherwise, they can contact the insurance company or MFC in the same way.

When applying, a foreign citizen will need to provide:

The compulsory medical insurance policy (compulsory health insurance) is the main basis for providing assistance to the insured person. Thanks to compulsory medical insurance, you will be able to undergo treatment for free, reimburse the costs of diagnostics, therapy and some operations (the list of free operations and medications depends on the region - please check). It works as follows: when contacting a healthcare institution, a citizen submits a policy to the registry, the document data is entered into an electronic database, after which the invoice for the service is issued not to you, but to the insurance organization. Read more about how to get compulsory medical insurance, how long it is valid, and what to do and how to restore it if lost.

When is a compulsory health insurance policy issued?

Compulsory state compulsory medical insurance is a centralized system of federal protection of citizens in the field of health care. guarantees every person, regardless of social indicators (age, gender, etc.), qualified assistance and confirms that payment for services will be made by the organization that issued it.

An insured citizen can have one policy.

Compulsory medical insurance is issued to Russian citizens free of charge; its registration is carried out in person or through a representative. It is drawn up according to a single template and is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation, stateless persons and foreigners who plan to use medical services in Russia in the future.

The rules for the provision of medical care within the compulsory state insurance system are the same for all regions.

Policy validity period

Initially, each region of the Russian Federation issued its own policies, which differed in the form of registration and validity period. In 2011, a program for transition to a unified system was launched, resulting in a new document. This policy has no restrictions on the validity period. Old compulsory medical insurance insurance is replaced as planned along with the production of a new passport, as a result of loss, damage to the main identification document (i.e. passport), or change of surname.

Theoretically, an expired compulsory medical insurance policy is not a reason to refuse medical care. But in practice, different situations happen, so it would be better to replace documents issued before 2007 with new ones.

How to apply for a new policy

Lost new compulsory medical insurance policy: where to go and what to do

Without a compulsory medical insurance policy, you will not be provided with free services in Russian clinics. If you have lost a document:

  1. Contact your insurance company(either the one that issued the policy, or another at its discretion).
  2. Prepare an application requesting a duplicate or new insurance(if you are applying to an old or new company, respectively). Insurance can only be changed until November 1st.
  3. Provide a package of documents(more on him later).
  4. Get temporary insurance valid for 30 days.

That's all - all you have to do is pick up the finished document on the specified day. "Temporary" is issued completely free of charge.

Read more about where to change your medical policy.

When restoring a lost policy, you can change the insurer, but you cannot do this more than once a year.

List of documents to restore the insurance policy and make a duplicate

To restore a lost compulsory medical insurance policy, an adult must provide the following documents to the insurance company:

  • passport;

How to get new child insurance

When applying for new insurance for a child, the guardian or parent brings to the company:

Every person, not just a child, can make a duplicate through a representative.

If a parent or guardian is submitting a child's documents, notarization is not required because they are the legal representatives of the minor. In situations where a new policy is issued through an intermediary for an adult, it is mandatory to provide.

Terms for reinstating the policy in case of loss

There are no fines for the loss of compulsory medical insurance policies; the new document will have the same number as the old one. While waiting, a person can request a certificate regarding the status of the created application. The maximum period for preparing a new policy is 30 days from the date of filing an application for its restoration. Since the insurance company issues you a temporary document, you will be able to use free medical services without restrictions. After one calendar month or at the specified time, you can come and pick up the finished policy.

Officially working citizens of the Russian Federation usually take out a policy at work, and the rest apply to the insurance company on their own.



If you lose your old compulsory health insurance policy, you can issue a duplicate of it. To do this, submit an application, passport and SNILS to the insurance company, receive a temporary document and wait for the production of a new permanent compulsory medical insurance no more than 30 days. Read more about where you can get a medical insurance policy. Insurance for a child can be restored by his legal representative (guardian or parent) - in this case, a power of attorney from a notary, as when obtaining a policy through a third party for an adult, is not required. The procedure for making a duplicate is free, it will have the same number as the first document. If desired, the insurance company can be changed when applying for a new policy.

They ask us for a compulsory medical insurance policy in our clinics when making an appointment with a doctor, the most important medical procedures are carried out under compulsory insurance, they are admitted to the hospital... But what to do if you have lost your medical insurance policy? Don't worry - you can restore it quickly and for free.

Lost medical insurance: what to do?

Let's find out right away who issues the policies. This is not done by ordinary insurance companies (as is the case with VHI), but by HMOs – medical insurance organizations. These organizations are in charge only of issues of compulsory health insurance - they are not entitled to provide any other services.

You can restore a lost medical policy from the health insurance company that issued it to you. You will find its name on the back of the policy form - in the upper right corner, the CMO employee puts a stamp indicating the name, address and telephone number.

If you no longer have a policy and you don’t remember the name of your CMO, it doesn’t matter. You can contact any other organization and apply for a new insurance certificate. In this case, the lost policy will be canceled, and the new one will take effect immediately after issue.

Now let's talk about the recovery procedure in more detail.

How to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy: subtleties and nuances

The action plan is:

  1. If you know the name of your CMO, find its contact number, call and check working hours, break times and head office address. The number is always indicated on the insert with the compulsory medical insurance rules, which is attached to the policy. No insert? Just enter the name of the organization into Yandex or Google. You will definitely find contact information.
  2. Take your passport with you and come to the CMO office. There, explain the situation to the employee and ask them to give you an application form to reinstate the policy.
  3. The employee will accept the completed application and issue you a temporary certificate. This is not a policy yet, but with a certificate you can also receive free medical care.
  4. The policy will be ready within a month. When it is produced, the CMO will notify you by phone or mail. All you have to do is come and pick it up.

If you do not know which CMO issued the policy, choose any other. A list of medical insurance organizations operating in your region is available on the website of the local Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (MHIF). Fundamentally, they are no different: the list of compulsory medical insurance services is the same everywhere, and the policy itself is free. However, you can pay attention to the following points:

  • how long has the insurance company been operating in the insurance market;
  • what reviews do insured citizens leave about it (does the organization help in solving problems with medical institutions, are its specialists competent);
  • How many regions of the country does it work in?

Obtaining a new policy follows the same algorithm as restoring a lost one. You come to the office, submit an application, receive a temporary certificate and wait for the familiar bluish form to be issued. The service of restoring a lost policy or issuing a new one is free, and the insurance rules do not provide for fines or other sanctions.

Medical care without insurance

Without compulsory medical insurance, clinics, hospitals and other medical institutions are not obliged to serve patients free of charge. On the other hand, the number of each policy is entered into an electronic database. Even if you don’t have the form on hand, you can ask the staff of the medical institution to check the number in the database - this is enough for the clinic or hospital to issue an invoice for the services provided to your health care provider. And emergency ambulance services are available to everyone, regardless of whether they have a certificate.

But it’s better not to tempt fate and restore your lost medical policy. Medical workers are not always willing to meet you halfway. What if you need to make an appointment with a doctor or undergo a medical procedure, and they refuse to understand your situation? They have enough other worries too. Take a couple of hours, go to the CMO and forget about problems with insurance. The policy is valid for an indefinite period, and if nothing happens to it, you will not need to contact the insurance company again.