Where can I change my policy? Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy

To exercise the right to free medical services Citizens of the Russian Federation are required to have a compulsory medical insurance policy, previously issued by one of the insurance companies. The policyholder has the right to change the compulsory medical insurance policy to a new policy if the previous version is damaged or other circumstances arise to invalidate it. Information about the procedure, how to change compulsory medical insurance to new sample, is especially important for Russians who have changed their region of residence or personal data in their passport.

In October 2018, a message from the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund with a proposal to rush with a replacement made Russians worry, but later representatives of the fund clarified that the right to medical care under health insurance of previous generations is retained for an unlimited period of time. Medical care is guaranteed to every citizen of the Russian Federation and can be lost only in the event of termination of citizenship. They offered to update their health insurance for those who had lost confidence in the insurer or were dissatisfied with the service provided. Since changing insurers is possible once a year, let’s move on to the issue of switching to a new insurance company You should act responsibly when choosing organizations that have successful experience in interacting with the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

There are no changes in 2020, should it be changed to new form the old insurance is not provided, which means that the rules of service in clinics under compulsory medical insurance remain the same.

If the policy contains up-to-date information about the person, there is no need to change old forms issued before 2011.

It’s another matter if the policyholder has changed his last name and, when contacting a medical institution, presents a new passport and old policy. In such a situation, a citizen new name is obliged to change the passport within 30 days and then all personal papers used constantly (licence, SNILS, medical insurance). According to current regulations, replacement is required in the following circumstances:

    Change of permanent residence address. Changes to personal data that led to the need to replace a passport. Damage or loss of a document.

Even if the form turns out to be invalid, this fact will not become a reason for refusing emergency assistance to the patient.

What is needed for this

The process of getting a new one insurance document requires the presentation of a minimum package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • personal statement with a request for a replacement (you must indicate the reason for the request); information about the SNILS number; the previous form, if it is preserved.

The list is supplemented by a birth certificate if insurance services the child needed. When applying for a replacement for another person who is not the legal representative of a minor, according to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules, you will need to additionally issue a power of attorney. To re-issue the form, it is not necessary to waste time on a visit to a department or branch of the insurer. Many organizations work through electronic services and accept applications online.

Where to change

There are several ways to submit applications and receive an updated form:

    Insurance company office. On the organization’s website, you can find points that work with compulsory medical insurance in your region of residence. Contact the territorial office of the MFC with a package of personal documents. Through the personal account of the insurer’s client. On the mos.ru website, the insurance replacement service has been operating since 2018.

Large Russian insurers offer a convenient format for interaction. In Rosgosstrakh or Alfastrakhovaniye, to obtain a new document, a single visit will be required - for issuance. The application is submitted online from personal account registered user. Offices where the policyholder can exchange the old compulsory medical insurance policy for a new one can be found on the official websites of insurers and you can coordinate receipt at the branch closest to your home.

It is necessary to take into account the production time when planning to contact a medical institution for free help through the MHIF.

Production time

Most policyholders wait 10-15 days from the date of application. However, the issuance may be delayed due to the overload of insurers or the lack of forms. According to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules (clause 50), no more than 30 days pass from the moment of submitting the application to the date of issue. If deadlines are missed, please contact territorial division MHIF and report delays in receiving hotline insurer.

If you change your previous compulsory medical insurance policy at the MFC, 2 days are added to the waiting period, which are required to transfer the application and forward the finished insurance.

Validity period of the new policy

The right to free medical services presupposes the perpetuity of the supporting document, even if 10-20 years have passed since the date of registration. When faced with the refusal of doctors to accept medical insurance under the old compulsory medical insurance policy, you should recall the current provisions Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules, approved by order of the Ministry of Social Health Development No. 158. They speak of the indefinite validity of the document.

Conditions for mandatory replacement

Paragraph 55 of the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance talks about the need to replace insurance if the previous form is damaged. The following are the circumstances when it is necessary to replace the document:

    Loss or damage to a document. Change of surname or other personal data of the policyholder. Change of region of registration. Exchange of the main document proving the identity of the policyholder. Transfer to service to another company. Identification of errors and inaccuracies in the data of the current form.

For update insurance form a 30-day period is allocated during which the citizen must notify the company of the need for replacement. New health insurance is issued free of charge.

Important to know

Children, teenagers (under 14 years old), refugees, and foreigners who arrived in the Russian Federation for permanent residence are in the first line of receiving a new type of policy. For children and adolescents, UEC is issued by parents or legal representatives. The insurer must provide the following documents:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • your passport (or other identity document);
  • SNILS.

Foreigners who arrived in the Russian Federation for permanent residence must present an identity card or a refugee document. Also, the citizen must present SNILS or an equivalent of this document, if the state where he came from supports pension reform.

In conclusion

If you have an old insurance option and there is no reason to change the insurer, there is no need to rush to update the perpetual policy, since the right to free medicine does not depend on the date of issue.

Since 2011, the policy began to be used in Russia compulsory medical insurance uniform sample - plastic card, in which, unlike previous samples, there is a chip with the patient’s personal data. The card also contains a photo and personal signature of the owner, which makes it difficult for unauthorized persons to use it.

As explained in the Moscow City Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, new policy more convenient for health workers if a person goes to a clinic or hospital not at his place of residence.

Do I need to issue a new policy before November 1st?

As reported by the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, all types of policies previously issued in Russia are perpetual, be it a paper document or an old-style plastic card. Medical assistance under compulsory health insurance programs will be provided in full.

There is no time limit for obtaining a new policy. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to exchange old policies for new ones before November 1.

According to the law on compulsory health insurance in Russian Federation, old policy samples are valid until they are replaced with new ones.

In fact, before November 1, you need to change the insurance company if for some reason the citizen is not satisfied with it. After November 1 until January 2019, this cannot be done. Such a pause, in accordance with the law, occurs every year. You can change your insurance company once per calendar year.

In what cases is the policy changed?

A person can change the policy if its format is paper. This will be appropriate, since the barcode located on a piece of paper may be erased, the form itself may become wrinkled, and such a policy cannot be laminated. Plastic card is easier to use (green plastic card the old model can also be replaced).

You can also change your policy together with the insurance company. If the latter does not suit you, you can choose a better organization.

If a citizen’s personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth) or gender has changed, he will have to receive a new policy within a month. In the case of a new place of residence, the policy does not change, but changes are made to the information about the insured person.

If a citizen has lost an insurance document or inaccuracies are found in it, he will also be issued a new policy.

Replacement of the policy is free of charge.

How to get a new type of policy in Moscow

To change your policy, you need to contact the insurance company or the MFC.

An application and the following documents will be required:

Passport (original + copy),

Photo for later placement on the card,

Old policy.

To get a policy for a child, you will need the parent’s passport, the child’s birth certificate and his SNILS. In this case, newborns up to 30 days after registration of birth are covered under the mother’s policy.

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - document confirming registration at the place of residence or stay in Moscow (if available);
  • - fountain pen.


If you have a place of residence (in the old way - registration) or place of stay (in everyday life - temporary registration) in Moscow, you need to go from the district clinic to which the house where you are registered is assigned. Most likely, the necessary information (which insurance company and at what address) will be posted in a prominent place in the lobby or reception window.

Otherwise, contact the registry office or an informant.

In Moscow, compulsory medical insurance policies are issued by such insurance companies as ROSNO, MAX, etc.

The address and opening hours of the division of the insurance company that issues compulsory medical insurance policies are usually indicated on its official website. You are required to come there during working hours with a passport, a certificate of registration at the place of residence (if there is no stamp about it in the passport) or stay and a fountain pen. Just in case, make photocopies of the first two pages of your passport (personal and passport data and registration) and other necessary documents, if available. Most often in such units there is a queue, but it moves relatively quickly.

Insurance company employees will look at your documents and issue necessary papers, which you will immediately fill out and will tell you when to come for the finished policy.

If you are taking out a policy for a newborn, when submitting documents, a birth certificate and a passport of one of the parents who is registered in Moscow at the place of residence or stay will be sufficient (in this case, you will also need a certificate of registration at the place of stay). But upon receipt, confirmation will be required that the baby is registered at the same address: a note on the birth certificate about registration at the place of residence or about registration at the place of stay in the certificate of such registration of one of the parents.

For adults and children who are registered at their place of stay, policies are issued for the period of this registration. After this period, you can first renew the registration, then the policy.

If you are working on employment contract in a company with legal address in Moscow, and Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy If you don’t have one, the employer is obliged to issue it. In this case, no special effort is required from you. The employer will provide necessary documents to fill out, will take the policy where it should be and issue it ready. Most often, these formalities are handled by the HR department or equivalent structure. Sometimes (if there is no HR department) - accounting.

The policy issued through the employer must be handed over to him upon dismissal. And at another place of work you are required to issue a new one.

Video on the topic

Please note

1. Foreign citizens can apply for a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy only at their place of work, even if they have a temporary residence permit or residence permit in the Russian Federation at a Moscow address.
2. Register at your place of stay only at the branches of the Federal Migration Service (FMS). Various companies offering temporary registration services may issue it to you at an address that does not exist. In this case, you risk not only being refused to issue a policy, but also running into accusations of using false documents, or even falsifying them.

Useful advice

A compulsory health insurance policy issued anywhere in the Russian Federation is valid throughout the country. If you are refused service in any place, including Moscow, under the pretext that the policy is “foreign”, it makes sense to file a complaint against misconduct doctors.
You can complain to Roszdravnadzor, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the prosecutor's office, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation or the city of Moscow, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, including through their official websites. Better for everyone at once. They must take action and respond to you within a month.


  • where to get a health insurance policy

Since 2011, people can choose the insurance company that issues compulsory medical insurance. This right is regulated by Law No. 326-FZ. New policies are currently being processed and issued. The old ones will be valid until they are exchanged for new documents. If a citizen has an old policy, then he has absolutely the same rights to receive medical care as everyone else.

Features of the policy

This document began to be issued in 2011. Compulsory medical insurance policies have a single sample; they have high degree protection, they are personalized. Nothing in it can be changed or altered. The policies have an indefinite period not only for those living in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also for foreigners and people without citizenship.

On at the moment insurers have already started issuing electronic policy, which is designed according to a new model. This is a plastic card with a data chip. As a rule, the citizen’s full name, when he was born, where he lives, and which company he is insured with are indicated there. The policy contains a photo of the owner, as well as a sample of his signature.

In what cases is replacement necessary?

To get a policy Compulsory medical insurance electronic sample, you need to submit an application to the insurance company with which the citizen cooperates. Production takes 30 days. The fact that most policies are already electronic does not affect the functioning of already issued documents. They are valid until replaced. This is necessary in cases where:

  • there was a change of surname;
  • place of residence has changed;
  • the insurance company has changed;
  • inaccuracies or errors were identified when filling out the document;
  • loss has occurred;
  • dilapidated state of the document.

For the re-registration procedure, you must write an application for the issuance of a duplicate or for re-registration. It is imperative to have documents on hand that confirm the changes that have occurred.

A duplicate document is issued if:

  1. The policy is dilapidated and unsuitable for use. For example, part of the document is missing, it is torn, or the text has faded.
  2. The citizen lost his policy.

Applications from people to replace their compulsory medical insurance policy are accepted in several forms. You can write by hand or type on the computer.

How does the replacement take place?

The first step towards obtaining a new policy is contacting an insurance agency. But before that, you still need to decide on the CMO. Because the law guarantees the right to free choice. That is, the first stage can be characterized as the choice of a QS.

Submit an application with your insurer. It is written according to the form provided to citizens by the insurance company. In the SMO, a citizen must be identified as an individual, so you need to take your passport with you. In addition, you are required to have SNILS on hand. This is the insurance number of an individual personal account.

If assistance is needed in writing an application, the insurance agent will provide it. After this, he must check whether the information entered corresponds to the information contained in the person’s documents. When filling out the application, you must be careful, as nothing can be corrected in it. The fact that the person’s personal data was entered correctly is confirmed by the signature. The application is signed by the insurance company employee who accepted it.

For minor children the procedure is different. The child’s representatives bring to the CMO:

  • your passport;
  • child's birth document;
  • SNILS (if available).

It is worth noting that changing your insurance agent only possible once a year. But there is an exception to this rule. For example, when a citizen moves to another city or the insurance company with which the client cooperated ceased its activities.

Sample temporary compulsory medical insurance policy

Having left an application, a person must take a temporary document in return. It confirms that the underlying policy is being issued. The temporary document is valid for only one month, starting from the day it was issued. There are compelling reasons for issuing a temporary certificate. There are two of them:

  1. According to the law, a citizen is allowed to have only one document guaranteeing the right to receive medical care. Of course, the first priority of the insurance company is to find out whether other structures have already completed the document. This is a typical inspection and takes about 10 days. There are cases when insurance companies discover that a citizen already owns a policy. Therefore, he will be denied a new one. This information is voiced by the insurance agent, issuing a temporary document for the person.
  2. When a policy is first issued, it is preceded by an inspection. And then, an application for the production of the document is submitted. This is what he does Federal Fund. It takes time to produce and deliver new policies to the regions.

Experts believe that it is quite possible to go through all stages of applying for a policy in a month. As for receiving medical care, it will be provided to the person in any case, since he has a temporary document. There is a basic compulsory medical insurance program, under which assistance is provided both at the place of residence and in other regions of the country.

After the policy is issued, the person will be notified. You will need to come and pick it up.

Since a temporary document, as well as a policy, are documents strict reporting, then upon receiving them the citizen will be required to sign in a special journal. This will be proof that they have been received.

Where to change your compulsory medical insurance policy

In order to change your insurance policy, you must select an insurance company. Moscow residents can do this online. On the website of the Moscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund there is a form through which you can find out the exact address, number and work schedule of the insurance organization. Go to the site: http://www.mgfoms.ru/spravochniki/punkti-vidachi

Required documents

  1. If the policy is issued for a child (0-14 years old). Then you need to have a certificate, parent’s passport, SNILS.
  2. When the child is already 14, he brings his passport and SNILS.
  3. Refugees present a document confirming their status.
  4. Foreigners who live in the Russian Federation. They bring with them a passport, a document confirming their presence in Russia and SNILS.
  5. If a person does not have citizenship, but he permanently lives on the territory of the Russian Federation. Then you need a residence permit, SNILS, as well as a civil passport.
  6. Foreigners temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation. They bring SNILS and passport.


In the case where the policy was issued before November 1, 2018, it is valid until it is replaced. There are several situations when a document requires replacement:

  • when the surname changes (marriage);
  • when the name or patronymic changes;
  • a citizen changes his place of residence.

Regarding the last point, it applies when a person moves to another territorial object.

The document is being reissued:

  • if the date of birth/place has changed;
  • Errors were found in the document.

A citizen must notify his insurance agent within a month if he experiences the circumstances described above.

Where to contact in Moscow

To obtain a new policy, you should go to the insurance company with which the citizen cooperates. After writing the application, the document is prepared within a month.

You can obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy in Moscow by contacting the following addresses:

  1. VAO. Veshnyakovskaya str., 23, office No. 127.
  2. JSC Zelenograd, building 814, 2nd floor.
  3. JSC st. Ramenki, 29.
  4. Northern Administrative District, Vucheticha St., 21.
  5. Central Administrative District Leninsky Prospekt, 10, building 10, room 207.

These are examples of addresses; there are more than a dozen of them in each district.

How to get a new policy

This new stage began in 2017. At the moment it is a plastic card with a chip and a person’s photo.

The electronic version is prepared in the same way as the paper version. That is, you first need to come to the insurance company and write an application to receive it. Have with you necessary documents. After checking the information entered, it takes about 30 days to issue the policy. During this time, the information provided by the citizen is verified. When the policy is issued, the insurance company will notify the citizen.

How to replace online

While it is impossible to carry out this procedure through the State Services portal, the project is still being developed. But there you can choose an insurance company that will take care of the compulsory medical insurance policy.

There is another option when a citizen leaves an electronic application on the insurance company’s website. It contains all the necessary information and attaches copies of documents. After this, the application is processed. If the insurer has questions, he can resolve them with the client over the phone. After the policy is issued, you need to go to the insurance company’s office to pick it up.

It is worth noting that applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy is a free procedure. There is a list of insurance agencies accredited for this work. If they try to take money from a citizen, then most likely it is a fraudulent organization.

How to change insurance company

You can change your current insurance company only once every 12 months. The application deadline is November. If the paper was submitted later, then the insurance company can be replaced only after January 1 of the next year. There are situations that require an urgent replacement of an insurance agent:

  • problems with the insurance company;
  • loss of compulsory medical insurance;
  • changes in surname;
  • relocation of the insured person;
  • errors in the document.

In order to change the company, you need to write an application to the new one. In addition, provide a set of documents (copies):

  • passport;
  • SNILS.

The application must indicate the current address of residence. After this, the procedure for issuing and registering a policy is identical. Issued first temporary policy, and then, after 30 working days, the citizen can pick up a new compulsory medical insurance policy. A person has the right not to inform the previous company. The new insurance agent will do this for him.