Coins by krause. Front side of the bill


Krause catalogue. All coins of the world from 1801 to 1900.

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Year of manufacture: 2007
Colin Bruce, Thomas Michael.
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: Krause
Number of pages: 1248
Description: Standard Krause catalogue. All coins of the world from 1801 to 1900.


Dmitry, Odessa


25-12-2016 21:52:14


Directory catalogue. Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2018 (V.E. Semenov)

ISBN: 978-5-94088-039-4

Author: V.E. Semenov
Year of release: 2018
Genre: Numismatics

Russian language
Number of pages: 94
Description: The Konros catalog-reference book on coins of the USSR and Russia is now in its 45th edition. When describing coins, information about mints, mintages, fineness and weight of coins is indicated, and the diameter is indicated. Contains average market prices, as well as a coin release plan for 2019. Convenient and practical catalog of coins of the USSR and Russia. Coins are divided into types (by denomination and in chronological order) and varieties with...


Directory catalogue. Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2018 (Semyonov V.E.)

ISBN: 978-5-94088-037-0
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Semenov V.E.
Year of release: 2017
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: ZAO Konros, St. Petersburg
Russian language
Number of pages: 94
Description: Due to the unstable situation in the Russian numismatic market, timely updating of current prices for various coin types seems very relevant - which is what was done in this publication. The catalog contains current market prices for all coins of a given period, also indicates an approximate gradation of prices in accordance with the safety of the coin, a plan for the release of coins for the next year by the Central...


Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2016. May 2016. Directory catalog (V. Semenov (ed.))

ISBN: 978-5-94088-035-6

Author: V. Semenov (ed.)
Year of manufacture: 2016
Genre: Collectibles, coins and banknotes
Publisher: Auction house "Konros"
Russian language
Number of pages: 88
Description: The directory includes descriptions and images of regular issue coins, proof coins, local issue coins and commemorative coins made of precious metals and copper-nickel alloy, as well as bimetallic coins and themed sets. When describing coins, information about mints, circulations, fineness of metal and weight of coins is indicated, their...


Catalog-reference book "Konros". Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2012 (edition December 31, 2011)

Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: Konros-Inform
Russian language
Number of pages: 42
Description: “Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2012” includes regular issues, proof coins, local issues, commemorative coins made of precious metals and copper-nickel alloy, as well as bimetallic coins and themed sets. Provides information on mints, mintages, fineness and weight of coins. Contains market prices, as well as the release plan for 2012.


Coins and banknotes of the world No. 1-4

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: Hachette Collections
Russian language
Number of pages: 16
Scan author: Vitautus & Kali
Official website:
Description: Collect coins and banknotes from five continents, learn to decipher their symbols and images to penetrate into the depths of the history of the peoples of the world. Collecting coins and banknotes is one of the most ancient hobbies. This pleasant pastime was first common among emperors, monarchs and aristocrats, and over time it became a public entertainment...


Coins and banknotes of the world No. 01-120

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Year of manufacture: 2013-2015
Genre: Numismatics
Publisher: Hachette collections
Russian language
Number of pages: 28
Description: Would you like to hold a banknote from the reign of Saddam Hussein in your hands? or Afghan banknotes before the Taliban spread in the country? Admire the exoticism of Tanzanian coins, Zambian banknotes or unique Indian coins. The collection of Coins and Banknotes of the World invites you to look into the unexplored corners of our planet and get acquainted with the amazing monetary units of the countries of the world. Scanning and processing: Vitautu...


Complete encyclopedia of world tanks. 1915-2000 (Gennady Kholyavsky)

ISBN: 985-13-8603-0, Military History Library

Compiled by: Gennady Kholyavsky
Year of manufacture: 2006
Genre: Encyclopedia, military history
Publisher: "Harvest". Minsk
Russian language
Number of pages: 601
Description: This book is a reference publication dedicated to the problems of the formation and development of world tank building. For the first time, such extensive factual material has been collected in one book, including information about the history of creation, design features, combat use and evolution of almost all serial tanks produced in the world since the 19th ...


Warships of the world. Heavy cruisers of Italy (1927-1945) (Trubitsyn S. B.)

ISBN: 5-98830-002-2
Series: World Warships
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Trubitsyn S. B.
Year of manufacture: 2004
Genre: Military equipment
Publisher: ANO "Istflot"
Russian language
Number of pages: 71
Description: The book is dedicated to the history of the design, construction and combat service of Italian heavy cruisers. Italy was among the victorious powers of the First World War and took its rightful place at the peace conference in Versailles. In 1923, a program for the development of the Italian armed forces was developed. All Italian heavy cruisers were named after cities received by I...


New catalog of strong earthquakes on the territory of the USSR from ancient times to 1975 (Kondorskaya N.V., Shebalin N.V. (ed.))

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Kondorskaya N.V., Shebalin N.V. (ed.)
Year of manufacture: 1977
Genre: History of earthquakes
Publisher: Nauka
Russian language
Number of pages: 536
Description: The catalog contains the most complete information about strong earthquakes in the USSR. When compiling, a new method of comprehensive data interpretation was used, on the basis of which all the material from macroseismic and instrumental seismological observations was re-processed. All data is presented in a unified form, providing direct coding and input into a computer for solving various seismological, seismic...


Regicide March 11, 1801 (Collection)

Author: Collection
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Historical prose
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Evgeniy Ternovsky
Duration: 16:43:41
Description: The book includes only reliable sources, and not retellings based on rumors and speculation. The purpose of this publication is to contribute to a complete clarification of the truth about the bloody events and the coup of 1801 (the assassination of Emperor Paul I). The book includes the most reliable and important testimony of eyewitnesses of those events, both direct participants in the coup and people close to Emperor Paul, his family...


Russia in the 19th century (1801-1914) (Pushkarev S.G.)

ISBN: no
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Pushkarev S.G.
Year of manufacture: 1956
Genre: history
New York: Chekhov Publishing House
Russian language
Number of pages: 509
Description: The book of the outstanding Russian historian Sergei Germanovich Pushkarev “Russia in the 19th century (1801-1914)” was published by the American publishing house named after Chekhov in 1956. “ all areas of life - in the field of state building, social organization, economic activity and cultural creativity - Russia in the pre-war era quickly and successfully moved forward, overcoming its backwardness and its shortcomings...


All the gold in the world, or Vacation in Zurbagan (Leonid Ostretsov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Leonid Ostretsov
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Contemporary prose
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Irina Vorobyova
Duration: 15:46:47
Description: The exciting, dizzying plot of the novel develops in an amazing country, familiar to everyone from the books of Alexander Greene. There, in an intricacy of plot lines and twists, covering different countries and eras, life plays a bizarre game with the destinies of the heroes. This is the first book by the young author Leonid Ostretsov, and it promises success
Add. information: Read from the publication: M. Vagrius, 2004
Cleared: sky4all Processed...

but I

Jack Ryan Universe 05. All the Fears in the World (Clancy Tom)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Tom Clancy
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Suspense novel
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Duration: 45:21:55
Description: An action-packed novel by the most popular American writer Tom Clancy, written in the form of a political detective story and dedicated to the struggle of the intelligence services of Washington and Moscow against international terrorism and attempts by terrorists to start a third world war. Jack Ryan's Universe 1. Patriot Games 2. The Hunt for Red October 3. The Kremlin Cardinal 4. The Real Threat 5. All the Fears of the World 6. Without Pity 7. Before...


All about the most famous orders of the world. Atlas-reference book (Sergey Afonkin)

ISBN: 978-5-9603-0085-8
Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Sergey Afonkin
Year of manufacture: 2008
Genre: Orders, medals, insignia
Russian language
Number of pages: 208
Description: The book tells about famous orders of the world and, first of all, about the orders of Europe. The most detailed examples are the orders of Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Sweden and Japan. Information about all orders of Russia is provided. The texts tell about the history of the creation of the order, its symbols, the number of degrees and award rules. At the same time, everyone is so very...


The role of the masses in the liberation war of 1648-1654. and the reunification of Ukraine with Russia (Pinchuk Yu.A.)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Pinchuk Yu.A.
Year of manufacture: 1986
Genre: History
Publisher: Naukova Dumka
Russian language
Number of pages: 216 Scanning and processing: GPU3
Description: The monograph covers the Soviet historiography of the liberation war of 1648-1654. and the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. The decisive role of the masses in these events and the degree to which this problem has been studied in historical literature are revealed. The inconsistency and anti-scientific nature of bourgeois-nationalist interpretations of the issues under consideration are shown. For researchers, teachers and students of history...

Catalog-reference book 'Konros' Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russian Federation 1921-2014 (ed. 37) The updated 37th edition of the Directory Catalog “Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russia 1921-2013” ​​includes regular issues, proof coins, local issues and commemorative coins made of precious metals and copper-nickel alloy, as well as bimetallic coins and thematic sets . Provides information on mints, mintages, fineness and weight of coins.

A unique catalog of coins of the British colonies

All coins of the world, minted in the 20th century, with market prices for several degrees of preservation. This is a copy of the official Krause electronic catalog. Text search is available.

All coins of the world minted in the 19th century, with market prices for several states of preservation. This is a copy of the official electronic Krause catalog. The quality is very high, it is possible to enlarge images of coins and text up to 400% without loss of quality.

All coins of the world minted in the 18th century, with market prices for several states of preservation. This is a copy of the official electronic Krause catalog. The quality is very high, it is possible to enlarge images of coins and text up to 400% without loss of quality.

All coins of the world minted in the 17th century, with market prices for several states of preservation. This is a copy of Krause's official electronic catalogue. The quality is very high, it is possible to enlarge images of coins and text up to 400% without loss of quality.

Catalog-reference book 'Konros' Coins of the RSFSR, USSR and Russian Federation 1921-2013 (ed. 35) The directory includes a description and image of coins of regular issues, proof coins, coins of local issues and commemorative coins made of precious metals and copper-nickel alloy, Bimetallic coins and themed sets are also presented.

Supplemented and revised standard catalog of world coins from 2001 to the present, 7th edition. All coins of the world, minted in the 21st century, with market prices for several degrees of preservation. This is a copy of Krause's official electronic catalogue. The quality is very high, it is possible to enlarge images of coins and text up to 400% without loss of quality. Text search available.

The 22nd edition of the famous North American coins & prices catalogue, published by Krause. Images and actual prices of coins of Canada, USA and Mexico.

All monetary units have two sides - it doesn’t matter whether it’s a paper banknote or a simple coin. It is quite difficult for the average person to recognize where the front side of the bill is. And although it is not necessary to know this to purchase goods in stores and other places, for many people this issue is of serious importance.

Banknote face

The obverse is the face of all banknotes and coins. Its name comes from the French "avers" or from the Latin "adversus", which translates as "facing". Today there is no consensus in the world on how to recognize it. Each state has its own design of the front side of the banknote, but, basically, they focus on historical values ​​or symbols of the country.

And although, we repeat, in world practice there is no single point of view on what the front side of a bill should be, there are still some general rules for determining it. Most often the obverse depicts:

  • portrait of a state leader, both current and former;
  • the coat of arms of the state, and it can be depicted on both sides of the bill - in this case, the obverse is determined by the rank of the depicted symbol or size;
  • historical or legendary images that reflect the name of a country or its geographical territory;
  • the name of the bank that issues these banknotes.

Alternative images on the obverse

In rare cases, it also happens that none of the above items are used on banknotes. If you come across this type of banknote, its face can be identified by the serial number, which is usually shown on the obverse.

When it is very difficult to determine the front part, you can look for explanations in the catalog of the issuing country. But this recommendation is more suitable for coins, because due to their small size it is impossible to place all the distinctive signs on them.

New banknotes

Russian-made banknotes, like monetary units from other countries of the world, also have distinctive obverse features, but their front side has undergone many changes. Throughout the history of the country, right up to the emergence of the post-Soviet space, it depicted portraits of tsars, or, after the revolution, the great leader of the proletariat V. I. Lenin.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, it was decided to fundamentally change the obverse of the currency. Since then, new banknotes have been issued with the image of the Kremlin on the front side. This was done so as to no longer be dependent on politicians and their decisions, but to leave only drawings of cities and historical monuments that are always relevant.

1 thousand ruble banknote

The front side of the 1000 ruble bill has undergone a number of changes in recent years. In 1993, it depicted the national flag hoisted on the Senate Tower, but after 2 years it was reissued again. The updated banknote features the top of the rostral column in the form of the ship "Manjur". In this way, the creators immortalized a historically valuable landmark of Vladivostok.

The second image on the front side was dedicated to the port of this city, which is located in a bay called the Golden Horn. This type of banknote existed until 2001, after which the obverse of the new banknote depicted the memorial to Prince Yaroslav the Wise, erected in Yaroslavl. And for the second image, the chapel of Our Lady of Kazan, known throughout the post-Soviet space, was chosen, painted against the backdrop of the Yaroslavl Kremlin.

And although the banknote has been reissued in order to improve its security twice since 2001, to this day it has retained exactly the same front side of the banknotes.

Dollar bills

Basically, all European and Asian banknotes follow the accepted rules, and it is quite easy to find the obverse on them. The same applies to the image printed on dollar bills. On their front side there is a seal of the Ministry of Treasury and the issuing bank, as well as a portrait of one of the American presidents.

In addition, bills issued in the United States contain:

  • on the obverse there is the year of issue and two imprints of the serial number, as well as the bank code, displayed in both letters and numbers. In addition, special control letters are indicated in the corners;
  • on the reverse side there is an image of state monuments and institutions. The most important symbol on this part of the bill is the inscription “In God we trust”, which means “we believe in God”;
  • special offset background images;
  • digital cliche codes on both the back and front.

Authenticity of monetary units

It is the responsibility of each country that produces its own currency to protect its authenticity, as well as to impose severe penalties on counterfeiters.

Basically, on banknotes issued by official issuing banks, distinctive signs are depicted over the entire surface on both sides, but in some cases the bulk of them are located on the obverse. In addition, banknotes are reissued every few years to increase security and remove worn banknotes from circulation.

The main visible security features on banknotes are:

  1. A special part of the banknote with a moire pattern. It has the ability to change color and contains pronounced rainbow stripes.
  2. Latent image or, in other words, kipp effect. Such a pattern can only be seen by looking at the banknote from an acute angle.
  3. Marks that can be seen under infrared light.
  4. Embossed inscriptions, perfect for visually impaired people.
  5. Microperforation. It, like the previous seal of authenticity, is intended for people with poor vision;
  6. Serial number of the banknote.

There is also protection on the back of the bill. There may be special watermarks, microscopic text, magnetic marks and much more.

Monetary units that cannot be replaced in a bank

It is worth noting that even if the banknote is genuine, it can be confiscated without compensation for the damage. Banks can do this based on laws and citing the following reasons:

  • worn beyond recognition and very dilapidated;
  • banknotes out of circulation - after the exchange time has expired;
  • banknotes that have been damaged by mechanical, chemical or thermal effects, if the entire area is less than 55% of the full size of the banknote;
  • if the monetary unit has lost its number or denomination, and the security thread or portrait has been severely damaged;
  • in addition, if the bill was glued together from several parts, it is important that one of them is at least 55%.

The front side of the banknote in each currency is unique, and all countries try to introduce some aspects of their history into its appearance. And, of course, one of the main tasks of any state that issues its banknotes is to protect them from counterfeiting. By the way, in some countries the penalties for counterfeiting currency are particularly severe and even reach the death penalty.

Each monetary sign, be it a coin or a banknote, has its own “face”, or rather, a front and back side. However, it is sometimes very difficult for an ignorant person to understand where the front side of the bill is and where its back is. Of course, in order to pay for a product or service, such knowledge is not needed, but for some people this issue has an important, sometimes even mystical meaning.

Where is the obverse

Obverse is the name given to the front side of a bill or coin, and this name comes from the French word avers or the Latin adversus, which means “facing.”

In general practice and specialized literature, there is no consensus on how exactly to recognize the “face” of a banknote. Each state has the right to independently establish rules in this matter. However, there are some general guidelines for determining the obverse. So, on the front side, as a rule, are depicted:

  • portrait of a ruler, president (current or former), head of state;
  • state emblem or country emblem; sometimes it happens that coats of arms are placed on both sides, then the obverse is considered to be the one on which there is the main symbol of the power, higher in rank or larger in size;
  • legend displaying the name of the state, territory;
  • name of the issuing bank.

And if not the face

Sometimes, however, it happens that the front side of a banknote does not have any of the above features. How to be? In cases where the image placed on the banknote is neither a portrait nor a memorial place, the obverse is usually considered to be the side opposite to the one on which the denomination of the banknote is placed, or the one where the serial number is indicated.

In the most difficult cases, it is worth turning to the national catalog of the country that issued the banknote. However, this rule applies more likely to coins, because they have a much smaller area, on which it can be difficult to place all the insignia.

Why has the “face” of the ruble changed?

Marks also have obverse characteristics that fall under the general rules. Nevertheless, at different times these distinctive features were not the same: portraits of tsars were practically always placed on the front side of Russian banknotes, and in Soviet times they were replaced by a portrait of the leader of the proletariat V.I. Lenin, present on banknotes of any denomination. However, after the 1991 coup, the government, and with it the political course of the state, changed dramatically, and very soon a new currency was needed, on which the portrait of Vladimir Ilyich was quickly replaced by an image of the Kremlin, a symbol of state power, the main fortress of the country. From that time until now, the front side of the Russian banknote has ceased to show portraits, so as not to depend on the political course of the state. Images of cities and cultural monuments do not carry ideological overtones and will be relevant at any time.

Russian hundred

The front side of the 100 ruble banknote of the 1993 model was decorated with the image of the Senate Tower of the Moscow Kremlin and the Russian tricolor placed on the dome of the Senate. Actually, at that time such an image was on the obverse of banknotes of any denomination, but already in 1995 everything changed: new banknotes in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 thousand rubles were put into circulation. But the new “hundredth” appeared a little later - on January 1, 1998.

The front side of the bill, the photo of which is posted below, has an image of a quadriga, a Roman two-wheeled chariot drawn by four horses. This bronze chariot of Apollo adorns the portico of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater.

Initially, the 100,000 ruble banknote had the same image, but after the 1997 redenomination the horses “lost” exactly a thousand times and took their place of honor on the 100 ruble banknote. The hundred still exists in this form, but on October 30, 2013, a new “Olympic” commemorative banknote with a face value of 100 rubles was released. It is symbolic that its release started exactly one hundred days before the opening of the Olympic Games. The front side features an image of a snowboarder competing at the Olympics, and the back side shows a stylized firebird soaring above the Fisht Olympic stadium. The total circulation of the “Olympic Hundred” was 20 million copies, and some of them were released in gift packaging.

thousand bill

The obverse of the thousandth banknote of 1993 also had an image of the national flag on it, and already in 1995 the banknote was reissued again. The obverse side, which went into circulation on September 29, 1995, immortalizes the sights of Vladivostok - the top of the rostral column in the form of the sailing ship "Manjur", which was installed at the entrance to the city in 1982. The second design on the obverse is an image of the seaport of Vladivostok, located in the famous Golden Horn Bay, which itself has a rich history. However, even in this form, the “thousand” did not exist for too long - denomination struck, and again they were needed. On January 1, 2001, a new banknote in denomination of 1000 Russian rubles was released; its obverse was decorated with a monument to Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise, erected in honor of the founder of the city by the residents of Yaroslavl.

The second image on the front side of the banknote is the background for which it serves. In this form, the “thousandth” still exists today. Despite the fact that it was reissued twice, its appearance did not change, only degrees of protection were added.

Signs of authenticity

Each state that issues its own banknotes is simply obliged to take care to protect their authenticity. Of course, it is no secret that counterfeiting banknotes and coins is a criminal offense, but, unfortunately, such knowledge is not able to stop counterfeiters hungry for profit. Most often, the signs of authenticity are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the bill, but in some cases most of them are given to the obverse.

For example, signs of authenticity, most often visible from the front side, are:

  • moire pattern - a special area that changes color and has visible rainbow stripes;
  • kipp effect - a hidden image that can only be seen when viewing a banknote from an acute angle;
  • infrared marks - part of the image is coated with a special compound that tends to glow in infrared radiation;
  • relief inscriptions - made specifically for visually impaired people;
  • microperforation - denomination of a banknote filled with small holes, for people with impaired vision;
  • located in a specific place;
  • drawing an image using color-changing paint.

Of course, there are other features - watermarks, security fibers, magnetic marks, microtext, micropattern, security metallized thread and so on, but they are most often present on the back or in the thickness of the bill itself.

What kind of money will the bank not accept?

Oddly enough, in some cases they will not accept your banknote even if it is real. Banks withdraw from circulation (without refund) the following banknotes:

  • dilapidated, very worn out;
  • withdrawn from circulation (at the end of the voluntary exchange period);
  • parts of banknotes whose area is less than 55% of their original size;
  • banknotes damaged by water, fire, chemicals, if less than 55% of the original area remains together with the damaged areas;
  • They also do not accept banknotes if the back or front side of the bill does not have one of two denominations, numbers, or if they are severely damaged: lack of a security thread, severe damage or replacement of the portrait, change in the denomination of the banknote in the corners;
  • the same applies to banknotes torn, cut into several parts, or glued together, if one of the whole parts belongs to less than 55% of the area.

Money signs

Well, now you know where the front side of the bill is, so it’s time to talk about the most popular and, they say, effective sign associated with the obverse. If you want to always have money in large quantities, you should treat it with respect. There is an opinion that the money in a wallet should be placed strictly with the obverse to its owner, and in a certain order - from largest to smallest, so that when you open the wallet, the largest bills look straight in your face. And under no circumstances should the money lie “upside down” - they might get “offended” and leave. Some people believe in omens, others don’t, but it’s not difficult to turn your money around, so what’s stopping you from trying - what if it works?