Mortgage for pensioners in Sberbank. Mortgage for pensioners in Sberbank Required documents and requirements for borrowers

Lending to pensioners is of a special nature. This category has both its advantages and disadvantages for banks, which is reflected in the terms of the mortgage lending agreement. Benefits for retirees include:

  • Stability of people of retirement age. It is they who tend to pay their debt obligations first and not be scattered on other expenses.
  • Economical lifestyle. As a rule, purchases are limited to the bare necessities; people do not pursue the latest innovations, expensive cars and other material assets.
  • Most pensioners have savings, which in the event of a difficult situation or unforeseen circumstances will help cope with loan obligations.
  • Stable income in the form of a pension provided by the state. Even non-working pensioners with a sufficient level of pension payments will be able to take advantage of mortgage lending.

What distinguishes mortgages for pensioners at Sberbank from other loan products are the conditions in 2019. This is where people of retirement age most often come who have decided to buy an apartment, a dacha, or a private residential house. This is due not only to loyal conditions, but also to the trust in this bank on the part of senior citizens.

Getting a mortgage from Sberbank of Russia is not only possible, but also quite affordable. To apply, you need a minimum package of documents that any pensioner can collect. At the same time, there are special conditions that are separately negotiated and affect the ability to get a loan or purchase a particular residential property. So the minimum amount of borrowed funds is 300 thousand rubles, the loan is issued only in national currency.

In most cases, if you meet Sberbank’s requirements, you will be willing to approve a loan. Retirement age is not an obstacle. When lending, you will be required to insure the property you are buying or building. Life insurance can be done on a voluntary basis. But if you refuse this type of insurance, the interest rate on the loan will increase by 1 percent. In the case of people of retirement age, this may be a justified decision. After all, life insurance will be more expensive for them.

But there are also risks to consider. If an insured event occurs, your heirs will be able to receive the purchased property without paying the remaining loan amount.

Citizens of pre-retirement age, for whom part of the period for paying contributions will fall on retirement age, as well as persons who are already retired can apply for a mortgage. According to the terms of Sberbank, citizens can take out loans up to the age of 75 years. This means you must have paid off your mortgage by these years. The agreement itself can be concluded for a period of no more than 30 years. The older the pensioner, the less likely it is to receive bank approval.

So if you applied for a mortgage at 63 years old, then the maximum contract term for you will be 12 years. This means the monthly payments may be unaffordable for you. The bank will calculate your ability to pay the required amount and make a decision based on your situation. If, in addition to your pension, you have additional income that you can confirm, then it will be easier for you to get approval for a mortgage from Sberbank. This is especially true for pensioners who receive wages on a Sberbank card and can qualify for a reduced interest rate on the loan.

How can a pensioner get a mortgage from Sberbank without a down payment?

When getting a mortgage, retirees need to be prepared to pay a down payment. Its size may vary depending on the purpose of the loan. Mortgages for pensioners in Sberbank under the terms of 2019 offer the following interest rates:

  • So, when purchasing a finished apartment, the amount of the down payment cannot be less than 15% of the value of the real estate. Borrowed funds will amount to a maximum of 85%.
  • The same conditions await the borrower when purchasing an apartment during the construction stage.
  • In case of purchasing a plot of land to build a house and purchase a cottage, the down payment will be from 25%. Which is quite significant for the majority of Russian pensioners.

Is it possible to get borrowed funds from Sberbank without a down payment and if so, how to do it? This question worries many. There are categories of citizens who are supported by the state. In this case, the down payment is paid through government support. Military pensioners and, in some cases, regular bank clients who have earned special trust and have entered into an agreement on individual terms can count on concessions. In general, it will not be possible to avoid the down payment. After all, this is a kind of insurance for the bank.

An interesting issue regarding mortgage lending to retirees is the interest rate. And it can vary in different situations. What interest rates can pensioners expect on a mortgage?

  • Already built apartments can be purchased with a mortgage at a rate of 10% if the transaction is registered electronically, from 11% if the transaction is registered in the usual way.
  • Housing under construction can be purchased at reduced rates. The rate will start from 10% if the conditions are normally met; if the transaction is registered electronically, the interest rate will drop to 9.4%.
  • The bank's rate for special offers starts from 8%; the rate will decrease to 7.4% if the transaction is registered electronically.
  • For the purchase of a country house or land, the mortgage interest rate will be from 10.5 percent.

A special feature of preferential lending for shares from the developer and the bank is the loan term, which cannot exceed 7 years.
How to get a loan for a pensioner from Sberbank of Russia in 2019?

When you are retired, as we have already found out, it is quite possible to get a mortgage. If you have sufficient income to pay monthly payments and have funds for a down payment, then you can safely start applying for a loan. The same conditions apply to non-working pensioners. The bank will correctly calculate your capabilities and allow you to get a mortgage loan if, after paying the monthly payment, you have at least 40% of your income remaining. These funds should be sufficient to ensure the normal living of the pensioner.

Pension funds are a stable income for a citizen and tend to only increase over time. A retired person cannot lose income, and therefore is a reliable borrower. The risk of illness and death of the pensioner is insured, which provides an additional guarantee of loan security. If a citizen refuses life insurance, then an increased interest rate on the loan and real estate collateral will serve as a guarantee.

Initially, applying for a mortgage for pensioners at Sberbank under the terms of 2019 will require a minimum set of documents:

  • A completed application form containing reliable information about the borrower and his solvency.
  • A passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which will not only confirm your identity, but also your citizenship.
  • Certificate of pension amount, which reflects accruals for the last six months. If your pension comes to your Sberbank card, then there is no need for this certificate.
  • Pensioner's ID.

If you are a working pensioner, you can submit salary documents and a copy of your work record book certified by your employer.

After approval of the loan, you will need documents about the property for which funds are needed, and a certificate proving that you have funds for a down payment of at least 15%.

Obviously, preparing a package of documents will not be difficult. It is important that at the time of consideration of the application, you meet the requirements for the borrower and provide reliable information about yourself.

The likelihood of a mortgage loan being approved for a pensioner will increase in the following cases:

  • Your age does not exceed 65 years. Pensioners receiving loan approval at an older age are very rare.
  • Involve guarantors or co-borrowers. After all, you have relatives who will help you obtain a loan for real estate. Get their support.
  • Working pensioners who have a stable additional income, which they can confirm with a certificate, have a better chance of getting approval from the bank.
  • Take out insurance for the property purchased with a mortgage and life insurance. If an insured event occurs, the insurer will ensure payment of your mortgage obligations.
  • Have savings that will help you meet your monthly payments if unexpected circumstances arise.
  • When applying for a mortgage, take advantage of the bank's promotional offers to reduce your interest rate.

Sberbank is one of the reliable and stable partners in the field of providing borrowed funds to various categories of citizens. His offers are for the most part the most profitable, and the conditions are feasible.

People often think about paying off their mortgage early. If previously there might have been problems with this, today no one will be able to prevent you from paying off your debt early, and no one will impose penalties. It is possible to have both partial early repayment of the mortgage and complete closure of the loan. Whether it is profitable or not depends on how the loan is repaid. In most cases, these are annuity payments, which pay primarily interest first. The feasibility of partial early repayment of a mortgage for pensioners at Sberbank under the conditions of 2019 is minimal.

If you decide to repay the loan early, you must notify the bank at least 24 hours in advance. Prepayment funds deposited will be debited on the date your monthly payment is due. After which you will be recalculated a payment schedule in which the loan term will remain the same, but the monthly payment amount will decrease. For early repayment, the amount cannot be less than 15 thousand rubles.

It is not profitable for banks when the client repays the loan ahead of schedule. Therefore, conditions are created under which the client understands that it is also not very profitable for him to close the loan ahead of schedule. As a result, the bank and the client remain in their own interests. Stable monthly payment leads to fruitful long-term cooperation.

Mortgage for pensioners in Sberbank

Few people now dare to save money for decades to buy a house or apartment, and rightly so. Lending is the most realistic way to purchase your own home. The contract specifies the amount to be paid, and this figure will no longer be affected by inflation, economic instability and other factors. Mortgages for pensioners from Sberbank are one of the popular services, thanks to which older people can obtain living space on favorable terms.

Pensioners are a category of citizens for whom mortgage lending is not available at all banks. Despite the stability of monthly payments, many institutions consider older age to be a high risk of loan default. Most banks reduce the level of risk by age restrictions so that at the end of the loan agreement the person is under 65 years old.

Sberbank has crossed this threshold, raising the bar to 75 years on the expiration date of the mortgage agreement. True, a compromise was achieved through parallel life insurance of the client. The likelihood of getting a mortgage also increases if a deposit is opened in the same bank and there are active cards and accounts.

The terms of a mortgage at Sberbank for pensioners are somewhat different from the service for a younger category with a confirmed income:

  • shortened mortgage term;
  • compulsory life insurance of the borrower for the entire period of validity of the loan agreement;
  • the maximum loan amount is less than for employed citizens;
  • The bank may increase the down payment.

For pensioners, an annuity repayment system is provided, that is, monthly payments are equal throughout the entire mortgage period. To obtain a mortgage loan, the bank may make a requirement to attract co-borrowers. To approve a transaction without making an advance or with a small level of income, you will need collateral. The interest rate is calculated according to the selected loan product, but some points may be changed on an individual basis.

Types of mortgage programs

Sberbank provides all options for purchasing a home on credit. The conditions of different mortgage programs differ slightly depending on the purpose and term of the loan. Let's take a closer look at each target group.

Buying ready-made housing

Clients of Sberbank PJSC have the opportunity to rent housing on the primary and secondary markets. Each category has its own advantages: the design of apartments in a new building is more modern, while habitable premises are adjusted to USSR standards. But secondary housing is fully ready for move-in, including an extensive infrastructure, and moving into a new high-rise building is possible only after the sale of most of the apartments in the building.

The purchase of a finished apartment for pensioners is carried out under the following conditions:

  • a down payment is required, the advance amount is from 15% of the appraised value of the apartment;
  • loan currency - Russian rubles only;
  • minimum loan size - 300,000 rubles;
  • remuneration for providing a mortgage - from 8.6% per annum.

You should be prepared for the fact that the actual percentage will be higher, since this will also include insurance fees. The maximum mortgage term is 30 years, but there are age restrictions.

Purchase of real estate under construction

In 2019, Sberbank is providing a loan for the purchase of apartments located in an array of buildings under construction. The product for pensioners provides the following conditions:

  • annual interest rate - from 7.4%;
  • the minimum loan amount is 300,000 rubles;
  • You must make a down payment of at least 15% of the loan amount.

Until the mortgage is paid in full, the property remains collateral. A reduced interest rate is offered to encourage this loan service, since it will be possible to fully move into an apartment only a few years after registration. There is no need to be afraid of deception on the part of the developer, since Sberbank works only with trusted organizations. Some developers offer shares, that is, they pay part of the interest at their own expense. Therefore, before registration, it is advisable to obtain detailed advice on all issues.

Applying for a mortgage on a house or land

A loan for the purchase of a plot outside the city is a common service among pensioners. Borrowed funds allow you to build a cottage or country house for personal use on a selected plot of land. Sberbank PJSC provides such a loan on the following conditions:

  • interest rate - from 9.5% per annum;
  • minimum advance amount - 25%;
  • the loan must exceed 300,000 rubles.

The service is suitable for purchasing on credit or constructing consumer buildings.

Construction of a residential building

A mortgage, in addition to finished or unfinished housing, is also issued for the construction of a house according to your own design. The advantage of a loan is the ability to make your dream of your home a reality. The credit terms are:

  • fixed rate is from 10% per annum;
  • the loan is issued in an amount of at least 300,000 rubles. only in domestic currency;
  • down payment - from 25%.

To take out a mortgage for a pensioner to build a house, it is advisable to provide the bank with other real estate as collateral.

Basic requirements and conditions

The selection of a suitable product is made by a loan specialist. Not only the purpose of the mortgage loan is important, but also the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

  1. Mortgage amount and term. Here we can see the following dependence: the longer the term and the larger the loan amount, the lower the annual interest rate.
  2. Amount of income. The likelihood of getting a mortgage is always higher for the category of working pensioners. Also, unemployed people with a pension that exceeds the average do not have to worry.
  3. Applications for a mortgage will be considered in cases where the basis for the benefit is reaching retirement age or preferential service. If you have a disability pension, be prepared to be refused.

Persons whose benefit is below the average level will have to resort to tricks for a positive outcome of the transaction:

  • attract guarantors with higher income;
  • provide collateral;
  • make a down payment in an amount exceeding the minimum;
  • extend the mortgage term to reduce your monthly financial burden.

The bank has a number of requirements for the borrower:

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation, which is confirmed by a passport.
  2. Registration in the Russian Federation at the place of residence.
  3. Age. As a pensioner or person of pre-retirement age, you can take out a loan for a period of up to 30 years. But this period may be shorter due to the person reaching the age limit of 75 years. That is, the mortgage term is calculated so that the last payment is repaid before this point. If a person took out a loan while being an able-bodied citizen, and a few years later retired, the bank may initiate a recalculation of mortgage payments.
  4. Guarantee. A mandatory condition when applying for a mortgage for persons over 65 years of age.
  5. Sufficient level of income. The monthly confirmed income must be such that, after deducting loan payments, there will be funds for living. If payments take up more than 2/3 of income, the bank will refuse to issue it.
  6. No black spots in your credit history.

Sberbank PJSC welcomes an individual approach to each potential client, so you should try to get a mortgage loan if necessary, even if not all the conditions from this list are met.

Military pensioner

In 2004, a federal law was passed according to which every military personnel can become a participant in the savings and mortgage program. Participants in this system have the right to receive a loan to purchase housing under special conditions:

  • interest rate - 9.5% per annum;
  • mortgage term - no more than 20 years;
  • The loan amount cannot be less than 300,000 rubles.

The benefit of the loan product is that, with the consent of the military personnel, the state transfers funds to a special account. The money can only be used to pay off mortgage debt or as a down payment on a home purchase. Thanks to a kind of subsidy, the debt burden of a military pensioner is reduced.


In order for the application to be reviewed with a positive response, you must provide the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a valid registration;
  • original pension certificate;
  • certificate of the amount of pension benefits for the last 6 months;
  • documentation on the subject of collateral;
  • salary certificate if the pensioner is officially employed;
  • passport and income certificate for each of the guarantors or co-borrowers.

Based on the documents, an application form is filled out, which is then carefully reviewed by the bank. The information must be true, since any attempt to add non-existent income will be considered fraud and will lead to refusal.


The mortgage is issued for a long term, so life insurance of the client and collateral play an important role in making a decision on approving the transaction. Insurance is issued for the entire term of the loan agreement, the amount of insurance premiums is calculated individually for each case.

Several arguments can be made in favor of insurance:

  • the insurance company assumes debt obligations upon the occurrence of an insured event for the entire outstanding amount;
  • If there is an insurance contract, financial responsibility is removed from the borrower's relatives and his guarantors.

Registration of an insurance policy transfers the loan to the protected category, the interest rate is automatically reduced by 1%. Over the entire term of the loan, a considerable overpayment will still accrue, but in fact the bank will not approve a long-term loan to a pensioner without insurance, even if this item is not specified as mandatory.

How does registration work?

If you want to take out a mortgage loan, first evaluate your strengths. You can calculate approximate monthly payments using the loan calculator, which is located on the official website of Sberbank PJSC. If you think that you can pay off the debt without delays, fill out an online form on the Sberbank website. Also collect the necessary documents:

  • general passport and TIN;
  • income certificates;
  • appraisal documentation for collateral, etc.

The application is reviewed within 5-6 days, after which, if the answer is positive, you will be invited to the bank to sign a loan agreement. If a potential borrower does not have Sberbank accounts, cards or other products, the waiting period for a decision may take longer.

We strongly recommend that you come to submit your application in person at a Sberbank branch. This way you can immediately obtain information about available loan products, interest rate changes depending on conditions, the amount of insurance and other nuances. After signing the mortgage agreement, the client is given all the documents, including insurance papers and a repayment schedule.

Underwater rocks

Sberbank is a well-known institution that has earned a good reputation over the years of work. However, surprises can await a person even here. So, what should you be vigilant about:

  1. Interest rate. Any mortgage option for retirees only specifies the annual interest rate. Always check to see if there are additional surcharges for any related services.
  2. Insurance. The loan officer will tell you that life insurance is a must, no matter what. Everyone needs to fulfill the plan for related products. Here you have to choose: get a mortgage with insurance premiums and not think about possible sudden health problems or rely on “maybe”, refuse the service and not overpay.
  3. Amount of insurance premiums. Since age is one of the main risk factors, for pensioners the insurance percentage can reach more than 3% monthly of the mandatory payment amount.
  4. Penya. Do not be late with payment, as penalties for late payments are calculated daily in the amount of 0.3-0.5% of the required payment.
  5. Paid account maintenance. After concluding the agreement, the bank opens an account, which is serviced for a fee. Be prepared for this.
  6. To objectively evaluate the purchased and pledged property, it is necessary to hire a specialist who has the right to perform valuation activities. The services of an appraiser are also not free.

But there will be no problems with repaying a mortgage issued at Sberbank: you can pay through a cash desk or bank terminal, by transfer from another card between accounts. Early repayment is also possible, but you should notify the bank about this in advance and in writing.

Mortgage programs for the purchase of housing at Sberbank are quite transparent, but conditions may change if requirements are met or not met. An extensive network of branches will allow you to contact the bank at any time with questions or for a loan. Here, a pensioner over 65 years of age feels like a full-fledged member of society, since the elderly person is provided with a mortgage and other loans.

In 2017, the conditions for obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank remained unchanged, and the number of pensioners wishing to have time to purchase inexpensive housing during the “crisis window” has increased significantly.

It no longer seems strange to anyone that pensioners are the most solvent citizens. This happens not because they have no problems with money, but because they are responsible for various types of payments: for rent, utilities, telephone, etc. Especially if they have an outstanding loan.

For this reason, banks are constantly developing various offers on favorable terms especially for pensioners, including mortgages, which make it possible to purchase housing even in a new building.

Despite the tempting offers of banks, mortgages are not available to everyone, and there are certain reasons for this:

  • The size of the pension does not allow you to pay off the loan.
  • The bank's requirement is to attract guarantors who have a stable income.
  • Doubts about choosing a suitable bank.

To resolve the problems of pensioners, banks are looking for additional opportunities to attract them to mortgages.

Like all borrowers, pensioners receive money secured by their property. These are the terms of mortgage lending. But, nevertheless, there are some loan features introduced specifically for them:

  • Reduced maximum loan amount.
  • The payment period is shorter than for other citizens - from 10 years.
  • The ability to use a loan up to 75 years of age, given that other banks have limited the age to 65 years.
  • The interest rate has been reduced in the range from 11 to 16%.

There is another important difference specifically for pensioners: interest rates apply only to them.

When applying for a loan at the age of 60/55 (men/women), a payment system is used where the debt is repaid in equal parts.

These advantages when applying for a mortgage loan are provided to citizens of retirement age by Sberbank of Russia. The problem with guarantors in Sberbank has also been regulated: it insures the borrower against a possible risk - death before the end of the mortgage payment.

Thus, a mortgage loan becomes closer to reality for pensioners.

In order to receive the funds necessary to purchase an apartment, you need to provide a package of documents to the bank:

  1. A certificate confirming the fact of retirement.
  2. Certificate of income - about the amount of pension and salary for.

The greater the income, the greater the citizen’s chances that a mortgage loan will be provided without problems.

About mortgages for non-working pensioners

It is logical that the amount of income influences the bank’s decision to issue a loan. Therefore, pensioners receiving pensions and wages can count on a positive decision. Does this mean that unemployed citizens of retirement age have no chance of getting a mortgage loan?

It turns out that Sberbank also offers loans to the unemployed. Each applicant is first carefully checked for solvency.

An individual payment scheme is developed for each citizen depending on the size of the pension and how much free money the borrower has left after mandatory payments.

The pensioner, for his part, needs to carefully weigh his options and find out all the details of providing a mortgage from Sberbank:

  1. Clarify the conditions for issuing it specifically for non-working pensioners.
  2. Calculate the amount of mortgage payments yourself using the virtual calculator on the bank’s website.
  3. Based on the calculations, evaluate your capabilities.

If you really want to, but have doubts, then you need to consult with a credit specialist at the bank itself. With complete absence of doubt and confidence that paying off the mortgage with your own efforts is a reality, you can draw up an agreement.

In what cases do people take out loans? The answer is obvious: in case of shortage of cash. But the reality is that bank loans today are an unbearable burden, especially for pensioners.

Sberbank, as one of the leading banks in the Russian Federation, has developed a lending program for citizens of retirement age. In accordance with it, anyone can borrow money from a bank to purchase housing, since the requirements for repayment are significantly simplified.

A mortgage loan offered by Sberbank has several options:

  1. For the purchase of finished housing on the secondary market.
  2. For housing construction.
  3. For the purchase of suburban housing.

For any type of mortgage, Sberbank provides minimum interest rates and a small down payment. The amount of the contribution depends on the term of the mortgage. The longer the term, the lower the interest rate.

  1. Mandatory down payment. Sberbank offers to contribute it in the amount of 15% of the cost of the apartment.
  2. Interest rate. Sberbank offers pensioners 12%.
  3. The mortgage is issued for a maximum period of 30 years.

Availability of collateral. The collateral can be either a purchased apartment or existing privatized housing. These conditions are offered for the purchase of housing on the secondary market; additional surcharges and commissions are not provided.

A mortgage loan for housing under construction is issued under similar conditions, but with an increased interest rate of up to 13.5% and a minimum down payment amount of 300,000 rubles.

When entering into a contract, you must obtain life and title insurance. This means that if problems arise with the borrower’s health or loss of legal capacity, the insurer takes the problem upon itself. In the event of the client's death before the end of the loan repayment period, the obligations pass to the borrower's children.

When purchasing real estate in the form of a country house, the down payment at Sberbank is 15%, the interest rate is 13%. The minimum amount of monthly payments is 45,000 rubles. The maximum loan amount is 10 million rubles.

About the requirements for the borrower

Despite the fact that Sberbank is interested in issuing mortgage loans to pensioners, certain requirements are imposed on borrowers:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Registration at place of residence.
  • Availability of regular income, which should be enough for living expenses and loan repayments.
  • The borrower's age must not be more than 75 years at the time of completion of payments.

If at least one point of the requirements is not met, Sberbank will refuse to provide a mortgage.

Pensioners in Russia, oddly enough, are one of the most solvent categories of the population. Of course, what is taken into account here is not the amount of monthly income, but the complete stability of its receipt. Thanks to this, almost all the large banks in the country are constantly developing more and more new offers designed specifically for pensioners. Including mortgages, which allow you to purchase housing on the primary or secondary market.

But still, mortgages for pensioners are not available to everyone and not at every financial institution. This is due to the fact that many banks, wanting to insure themselves, require the involvement of guarantors or co-borrowers in the transaction, which can be relatives of clients or simply acquaintances who have documents confirming receipt of a stable income. Not all citizens of retirement age have the opportunity (and also the desire) to entrust their financial affairs to other people, so they simply refrain from taking out a mortgage.

Mortgage in Sberbank for pensioners: no guarantors or co-borrowers

However, if a pensioner cannot find co-borrowers, it is better for him to use the services of Sberbank, which managed to solve this problem in a simpler and more elegant way. The country's main financial institution simply insures an elderly borrower against the only possible risk - death before the end of the contract. So a mortgage on an apartment for pensioners is a very realistic offer.

What do you need to take advantage of this very offer in 2019? Not so much. Of course, you will need a package of documents including the following:

  • document confirming the fact of retirement;
  • certificate of the amount of monthly payments;
  • for still working citizens - a certificate of wages received. This document will significantly increase your chances of getting a loan.

What are the main features of a mortgage for pensioners?

Like all other borrowers, under the terms of mortgage lending, clients of retirement age receive funds secured by the purchased square meters. But still, a mortgage for pensioners has a number of its own features:

  • slightly reduced maximum loan amount;
  • The term for providing funds is also shorter than for other clients. Today it is 10 years. Moreover, all citizens under 75 years of age have the opportunity to take advantage of Sberbank’s offer. In other financial institutions, the age limit is somewhat stricter and reaches only 65 years;
  • The interest rate can fluctuate from 11 to 16%.

In addition, there is another important difference. If the mortgage is taken out before retirement, the amount of monthly payments is calculated according to the classical scheme. That is, if you have not yet retired, you will pay more, and after reaching retirement age, you will pay less. If the loan is issued at the age of 55 years (women) or 60 years (men), the standard annuity system is used today. That is, repaying the debt in equal parts. This rule applies to both civilian and military retirees.

Is it possible for a non-working pensioner to get a loan to purchase housing?

Many banks also issue a mortgage to a pensioner on the condition that he continues to work and has a stable salary. However, they do not consider the pension as income. Unlike such institutions, Sberbank also offers loans to the unemployed. However, in such situations, he prefers to develop individual financial solutions, very carefully checking the potential borrower, his needs and capabilities.

Is it worth getting a mortgage for a pensioner? This is a complex question and depends, again, on the size of your pension, monthly expenses and many other factors. To make the right decision, just follow a few simple steps:

  • clarify whether the banking institutions you are interested in provide loans to pensioners, and also carefully study their conditions;
  • using a loan calculator, which, as a rule, can be found on the official Internet resource of any bank, calculate the amount of payments under both the classical and annuity schemes;
  • weigh your options and either take out a loan or abandon this idea while waiting for better offers.

Mortgages for pensioners in 2017 no longer seem like something special. If banks previously treated this category of citizens with some degree of caution, now the possibility of obtaining a mortgage loan for senior citizens has become a reality.

Conditions for pensioners

Pensioners have shown themselves to be responsible and solvent citizens in recent difficult decades, including during crises.

As credit specialists emphasize, these are the qualities that are important for obtaining loans. In addition, pensions, unlike salaries, are issued on time and are constantly indexed.

Pensions, like salaries, can vary greatly in size, but pensioners still pay utility bills and consumer loans on time. But not all banks offer the purchase of housing in a new building with a mortgage to pensioners. Sberbank is on the list of credit institutions that work with pensioners on special conditions.

  1. It is interesting to compare the basic rules of mortgage lending with the conditions in which pensioners find themselves. Here's what it roughly looks like: Let us remember at what age most Russian citizens retire. Women retire at 55, men at 60. Age restrictions for mortgages vary and depend on the bank, but on average it is 18-65 years. Using simple calculations, we get the figure of 5-10 years of retirement age to repay the loan. This, of course, will not be enough. A shorter period will require significant monthly payments, which most retirees will not be able to afford.
  2. Amount of income. Even with a large pension, an elderly person is unlikely to be able to pay a mortgage, utility bills and housing at the same time. Therefore, banks prefer working pensioners with an active lifestyle. The presence and size of a pension, as well as a job with a spouse, increases the likelihood of obtaining a mortgage.
  3. Insurance. The most delicate problem. The fact is that insurance of the so-called constructive structure (the real estate object itself: an apartment or a house) is included in the mandatory package of paid services when obtaining a mortgage loan from any bank. This right is protected by law. But many banks offer comprehensive insurance: constructive, title, life and health. The fact is that we are not talking about elderly people at all, but about young and healthy people who, while paying off their mortgage, may refuse to make payments due to illness. This is where insurance will help, as it will compensate for the gap. Therefore, you should not be upset if a specialist offers insurance consisting of three types.

But even if all these conditions are met, you should not be surprised if you are denied a loan. Different banks have different requirements for borrowers and there is a high probability that their total amount will not be in your favor.

Lending rules for pensioners at Sberbank

Mortgage lending conditions introduced specifically for pensioners:

But, despite the fact that banks are interested in attracting solvent and responsible clients, they impose certain requirements on all borrowers. The rules at Sberbank are as follows:

  • compulsory Russian citizenship;
  • registration or registration at the place of residence;
  • age must not exceed 75 years when the last amount of the payment schedule is paid;
  • regular income that will correspond to monthly contributions.

A potential borrower must meet all requirements at the same time, otherwise he will be denied a loan. If you meet these wishes, but doubts remain, you should consult with a loan specialist.

Mortgage loans come in several types:

  • to obtain new housing;
  • for the purchase of building materials and hiring labor for housing construction;
  • for the purchase of housing outside the city.

When a mortgage loan agreement is drawn up, it includes the following conditions:

  1. An initial fee. The size of the down payment varies from bank to bank. Sberbank offers to contribute 15 percent of the cost of the property.
  2. The interest rate for pensioners at the Savings Bank of Russia is 12 percent.
  3. The mortgage is issued for 10 years for pensioners. Generally, the term is 30 years.

The collateral is both the existing apartment and the housing you purchase with a mortgage. These conditions are put forward for housing on the secondary real estate market. “Primary” will cost more. The interest rate for a new building will be 13.5%, and the amount of the down payment will be 300,000 rubles.

If a pensioner wants to buy a country house, then the down payment at Sberbank will be the same, 15 percent, and the annual percentage will rise to 13. The maximum loan amount is ten million rubles, and monthly payments will be 45 thousand rubles.

Video about getting a mortgage from Sberbank

If you do not have much time left before reaching retirement age, and a mortgage loan has already been taken out, then the interest is distributed according to your age. Before retirement - at the general rate, after - the terms of the mortgage change.