Car loan from Sberbank: required package of documents. How to properly prepare documents for a new car on credit? Documents required to obtain a car loan

The expansion in the number of car loan programs in 2020 is due to both a general decline in the solvency of potential car buyers and a decrease in demand for loan products.

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At the same time, banks are tightening their requirements regarding income level, length of service at the last place of work and general work history.

Thus, lenders seek to insure themselves against unexpected loss of income of the borrower due to dismissal. Other requirements are often relaxed, and the system for assessing the client’s creditworthiness is changed.

Banks tend not to increase volumes loan portfolios, but to pay more attention to improving its quality and reducing reserves.

What materials need to be prepared?

Package of documents that require financial institutions, are very similar.

In order to find out what documents are needed to obtain or other state bank, just contact additional office or to the organization's website.

The standard set of documents varies depending on the type of borrower (“payroll”; current depositor; borrower with a closed or existing loan), as well as whether the borrower is an individual, organization or individual entrepreneur.

For borrowers - individuals

For individuals, the bank will require to provide:

  • identification card (mandatory, regardless of the borrower’s status);
  • any second document necessary for personal identification (this could be a driver’s license, TIN, international passport);
  • a certified copy of the work book (alternatively, the bank can accept the original of the employment contract; the work book is certified by a seal in the employer’s HR department);
  • confirmation of the borrower’s income (there are a lot of options: standard 2-NDFL certificate; a simple written certificate from the employer; simple notification of the bank by indicating the amount of income in the questionnaire; it is possible to provide additional documents– real estate lease agreements, additional agreements To employment contract, statements of current accounts, etc.);
  • confirmation of permanent or temporary registration (depending on the requirements of the bank - in the region where the loan was issued, in the region where the car was purchased; on the territory of the Russian Federation in any subject).

Additionally, payment documents are provided confirming payment of the down payment (if the car is financed under a program with a down payment): receipt orders, cash receipts, etc.

After making a purchase at a car dealership, you will also need to provide your original passport to the bank. vehicle to prepare for signing the pledge agreement. The borrower is provided with a copy of this document certified by the bank.

What documents are needed for a car loan at a car dealership and at a bank?

The set of documents varies depending on who the creditor is and in what order the loan is issued. If the loan is requested by the buyer directly at the car dealership, then the set of documents will be changed, most often in the direction of reducing the number of papers.

At the same time, the issuance procedure is speeding up Money. The convenience of obtaining a loan in this case is compensated by more high rate for the use of borrowed funds.

A new car is purchased from the bank upon provision of a standard package of documents.

Let's consider, as an example, what documents are needed for a car loan at VTB 24 for the purchase of a new car, in addition to the unified set:

  • copies of diplomas or certificates confirming the level of education;
  • documents that indirectly confirm the client’s level of wealth: certificate of ownership of real estate, certificate of registration of another motor vehicle and so on.

To purchase a used car

Used cars can be purchased either at a car dealership or secondhand from the previous owner. Banks only lend for the purchase of a car through a car dealership.

In this case, lending occurs as follows:

  • provision of a complete set of documents to the bank branch, consideration of the application and transfer of loan funds to the car dealership;
  • applying for a loan at a car dealership using 2 or more documents with a shortened review period at increased rates;
  • acquisition of collateral cars that were seized to pay off loan debt from insolvent clients.

In the latter case, the set of documents can be significantly reduced, and the loan is issued at interest rates. Which were in effect at the time the loan was issued to the previous borrower.

Thus, the bank reduces its own losses, sells liquid collateral and receives additional profit in the form of interest. For the client, such a loan is also beneficial - the rate can be significantly lower than the market average.

For preferential lending

Provides for a reduction in interest rates on car loans. The reduction amount is equal to 2/3 of that accepted on the date of loan issuance key rate Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Thus, for the borrower, the loan becomes cheaper by approximately 6-7% per annum, and the overpayment is reduced by almost 1.5 times.

The number of banks that provide loans for preferential terms includes credit institutions with state participation, private banks that have the required level of stability and sufficiency equity, as well as partner banks of car manufacturers.

By program preferential car loans Only the purchase of cars that are assembled in Russia is subsidized.

Each bank has the right to independently change the list of cars included in the program, but all of them must meet the requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Trade specified in the regulatory framework of the program.

The list of documents that lenders require from borrowers is also different.

What documents are needed for the state subsidy program:

  • passport of an adult citizen of Russia who has permanent registration in the region in which the car is purchased;
  • an employment contract or work record book, which indicates the length of service at the last place of work of at least 6 months;
  • proof of income or in free form.

Credit institutions may request additional information about the borrower’s property in order to reduce the interest rate.

For refinancing

By means the issuance of funds on conditions. More acceptable for the borrower, in order to transfer funds to repay a previously issued loan.

Within one bank, refinancing is carried out extremely rarely, since in essence in this case it is a restructuring and has a negative impact on the amount of reserves.

Banks issuing loans for refinancing, in addition to information about the client’s current income, require the following documents:

  • certificate of debt balance on a previously issued loan;
  • confirmation of loan price parameters;
  • certificate of credit history on an existing loan.

All these documents are issued by the creditor bank and must be certified by the seal and signature of the responsible person. It is advisable that the statute of limitations for each certificate does not exceed 2 weeks.

For legal entities

The main buyer of cars for commercial use– enterprises of the small and medium business segment.

Banks are developing a set of programs on favorable terms (for example, developing an individual repayment schedule depending on the seasonality of the company’s activities).

In order to receive a loan for the purchase of transport, a legal entity must provide the following documents:

  • set of title deeds legal documents to open a current account (if it has not been opened previously): orders for the appointment of a director and chief accountant; decision to create a company; protocols and extracts; extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, etc.;
  • an additional set of legal documents for the credit dossier;
  • accounting documents (if the company uses common system taxation – balance sheet and operating and accounting records for the last 2 calendar years, cash flow reports and other documents; for companies on UTII and simplified taxation system - declarations for several reporting periods), as well as statements of accounting accounts at the request of the bank;
  • information from tax office about open current accounts, certificates from banks about the absence or amount of loan debt;
  • information about counterparties, contracts and contacts;
  • business plan, property documents and other documents at the request of the lender.

Additionally, it is required to issue a notarized power of attorney for the employee who will be involved in submitting documents to the bank.

For an individual entrepreneur

Individual entrepreneurs are viewed by creditor banks from a unique perspective:

  • as an organization that profits from commercial activities, the individual entrepreneur must provide extracts from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, contracts and agreements, accounting and financial statements, information about the property of the individual entrepreneur (equipment, commercial real estate).
  • How individual The individual entrepreneur provides a passport, registration information and (if necessary) documents owned by the individual entrepreneur as an individual (apartment, car, etc.).

Pledges and sureties

Car loans are provided against the security of the purchased car; however, banks, in an effort to reduce the risk of non-repayment of the loan, may request additional collateral or a guarantee from a solvent person from the client.

In this case, the following documents are provided:

  • extract from the Unified State Register; cadastral plan; extract from the BTI for real estate;
  • PTS, registration certificate for the car (not the one purchased with loan funds);
  • a complete set of documents, similar to the list for borrowers, is for guarantors.

Moreover, if the borrower of a car loan is an individual entrepreneur or entity, business owners can act as guarantors under this loan agreement, answering for the obligations of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity with their property.

Modern borrowers have access to a wide variety of credit offers.

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Each loan program is different:

  • unique requirements for the borrower to receive funds;
  • a minimum package of documents required for registration;
  • other conditions, among which we can highlight maximum amount, interest rate and acceptable loan terms.

Getting a loan

  • Russian Federation passport;
  • certificate of income;
  • a certified copy of the work book.

Some banks may require additional collateral for the loan, as well as third party guarantees.

Exist Special offers for those who want to get a loan without a certificate of income, but the conditions in such a situation will be less favorable.

Conclusion of an agreement

If we talk about what you need to take out a car loan, then you cannot do without the need to sign a loan agreement. It regulates the rights and obligations of the parties, and also contains detailed information about credit conditions.

Most banks give their borrowers the opportunity to review a sample loan agreement on their website.

Studying the loan agreement will help you avoid problems with the bank at the debt repayment stage.

Debt payment procedure

The borrower must repay the debt every month in equal payments. The amount of the monthly payment and the repayment schedule are specified in the contract.

Most banks allow you to return funds early without overpayment. In such a situation, interest is recalculated taking into account the actual loan period.

Each bank has its own payment methods, but in most cases you can repay the debt in the following ways:

  • at the cash desk of any bank;
  • in self-service terminals;
  • in electronic payment systems;
  • with help money transfer to a credit account.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about what is needed for a car loan, it is also worth mentioning the advantages and disadvantages of such a service.


  • a car loan allows you to split a fairly large purchase price into several affordable payments;
  • a wide variety of loan offers allows you to choose the most suitable one for your needs different categories borrowers;
  • reliable borrowers can get a car loan on the most favorable terms;
  • flexible loan terms.

A car loan is a type of loan that can only be taken out to purchase a vehicle.

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According to statistics, a quarter of the country’s citizens do not have a personal car due to a lack of funds to purchase it. A car loan is precisely aimed at solving such a problem and anyone can take advantage of a variety of loan programs offered by banking institutions.

This type of lending is widespread not only among individuals, but also among legal entities.

Conditions for receiving funds

Annually, banking institutions They are developing new car loan programs to attract demand for this type of service among citizens and legal entities.

At the same time, some of the main steps for obtaining a loan to buy a car are similar to each other.


As a rule, car lending differs from a regular loan in that the interest rate for using the funds received on loan is not too high and ranges from 13 to 20%.

It is necessary to take into account that many credit institutions, as one of the main conditions for obtaining a loan, put forward the payment down payment. Its size ranges from 15% to 40% of the total loan size.

Some credit programs offer options to reduce the rate when purchasing a car of a certain brand or year of manufacture.

For example, VTB 24 Bank offers a car loan with CASCO at an interest rate of 15.5 to 22%, and the Bank of Moscow - from 9.5 to 18%.


The minimum amount of car loans ranges from 50 to 100 thousand rubles; in rare cases, loans are issued for a smaller amount.

The maximum amount that a loan recipient can count on is from 6 to 10 million rubles.

Most banks calculate credit limit individually for each client, based on his financial condition and the terms for which the loan is issued.


Credit institutions, as a rule, issue loans for the purchase of a car for a period of 5 to 7 years. At the same time, the minimum lending period is 6 months, the maximum period is 10 years.

Requirements for the borrower

Primary requirements:

  • age limit – from 18 to 65 years;
  • notarized consent of the spouse, if the borrower is married at the time of applying for the loan (the requirement is not presented at all credit institutions);
  • the borrower's total income must exceed the monthly payment amount by 60-70%;
  • making a down payment when applying for a loan.

It is worth considering that when applying for a loan interest rate will be higher. Almost all banking institutions issue loans only with the mandatory registration of a CASCO policy.

Registration procedure

This insurance option costs approximately 4-6% of the cost of the car. In addition to the CASCO policy, an MTPL policy is also issued.


In order to remove the encumbrance in the form of collateral from the vehicle and close loan agreement, the borrower must make final settlement with the lender bank.

After making the last payment, the borrower must receive a certificate confirming the repayment of the entire debt.

More and more people are taking out loans for large purchases. This is the simplest and surest way to get what you want. Lending in Russia is actively developing. Every year, more and more people turn to banks to receive such services. Loans are taken out for personal needs, for treatment, and for the purchase of apartments. Quite often people agree to such a deal in order to buy a car. Especially when it comes to a new vehicle. But what documents are needed for a car loan? How and where to apply for a car loan? What requirements must the future debtor meet?


To begin with, you should pay attention to the fact that there are two types of car loans. The first is issued at a bank, the second at a car dealership. Depending on the banking organization or the seller of the vehicle, the documents provided in a particular case may differ from each other.

Despite this, some list of papers is still the same under any circumstances. So what documents are needed for a car loan at a car dealership? And who is eligible to receive such a service?

About the borrower

Loans are not available to everyone. There are some restrictions. And they must be taken into account constantly. Therefore, before being interested in the list of papers, you need to understand whether a citizen has the right to a car loan.

On this moment The following requirements are put forward to the borrower:

  1. Citizen's age. It's not enough to be an adult. Car loans can only be obtained after 21 years of age. However, you cannot be a pensioner (60 or 55 years for men and women, respectively).
  2. Income. The borrower must have a job and income. And of certain sizes. It depends directly on the loan amount and the duration of payments.
  3. Citizenship. Only a citizen of the Russian Federation can think about what documents are needed to apply for a car loan. Modern for foreigners Russian banks and car dealerships do not provide loans.
  4. Registration. A citizen who wants to apply for a car loan must be registered in Russian Federation. Moreover, registration or temporary registration is taken into account only in the city where the lending is carried out.


What documents are needed for a car loan at a dealership? The first paper is a statement. It is presented in the form of a questionnaire that the borrower will have to fill out. As a rule, you do not need to bring this paper in advance. A standard form will be provided to the citizen directly at the car dealership or financial institution.

What information is included in the application? Usually this:

  • about the borrower;
  • personal information about the person who applied for the loan;
  • information about the car;
  • loan information;
  • sources of income and their amount;
  • marital status of the citizen.

But this is just the beginning. What other papers are required to be provided in this or that case if it is necessary to obtain a loan for a vehicle? In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. If you prepare in advance, there will be no problems with the list of papers.


The next important document is the citizen's document. It is necessary to provide not only its original, but also copies. All pages that contain at least some information are taken into account.

As a rule, a civil passport is provided as identification. Lenders work only with him. Other identification documents are simply not accepted.

If you don’t have a passport at the moment, you can use it. It’s likely that the loan will be approved. But as practice shows, it is usually rejected. Therefore, it is recommended to wait until you receive a new civil passport.

Copies attached to the ID do not need to be certified. At a car dealership or at a bank, employees themselves will check the compliance of the proposed papers. Therefore, there are usually no problems with this component.

Driver's license

What documents are needed for a car loan? The next item is optional. More precisely, it is missing from the requirements of some financial organizations, as well as car showrooms.

The fact is that a citizen may be asked for copies and originals of his driver’s license. This shouldn't be surprising. After all, banks are unlikely to issue a loan for a vehicle to someone who does not know how to drive. A driver's license is a kind of confirmation of driving skills.

In order to obtain it, you need to undergo training in specialized schools and pass an exam. It consists of practice and theory. Once you have received your driver's license, you can start thinking about getting a car loan. Without this document, as already mentioned, not everyone approves of lending. High probability of failure.

Income and its sources

But that's not all. Now it’s worth paying attention to the most important point. And indeed, any loan? Citizens must provide any proof of their income. And indicate the sources of funds.

This biggest problem for citizens. After all, if the income is insufficient, a person will be denied a loan. And on legal grounds. The following may serve as confirmation of receipt of funds on a regular basis:

  • certificate from work in form 2-NDFL;
  • bank account statement;
  • reporting to the tax office on regular receipt of income;
  • agreement on the rental of property.

In any case, you will have to confirm your income in a certain amount. If the borrower, in addition to salary, receives certain benefits, as well as scholarships, certificates of their accrual are also provided. Moreover, both to a car dealership and to a banking company.

Stability is the key to success

Next you will have to confirm the stability of your earnings. As practice shows, it is necessary to prove the time of work in the same place. Usually it is required that a citizen work for at least 3-6 months continuously in the same organization. Or so that he makes a profit during the specified period on a regular basis.

What documents are needed? You can take out a car loan if the citizen brings with him copies and originals of:

  • work book;
  • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs (if available);
  • rental agreement for a particular property (if any).

Borrowers usually provide work records. You can request them from your employer. At the request of the owner, the document is given without any problems. Thus, the biggest problem is proving sufficient income in the family.

Family status

What documents are needed for a car loan? The following papers are optional, but they are required quite often. We are talking about confirming marital status. A citizen may be asked:

  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • birth certificates of all minor children;
  • consent of the spouse to carry out the transaction.

The last component often brings problems. After all, family money is common property. According to the established rules, a husband or wife can complain and cancel the loan if they did not agree to it in writing. It is for this reason that some banks and car dealerships require written permission from the second spouse to carry out the transaction.

Other papers

What documents are needed to obtain a car loan? The main list of papers is already clear. Additionally you may find it useful:

  • medical VHI policy or compulsory medical insurance;
  • Citizen's TIN;
  • educational documents;
  • student certificates;
  • SNILS;
  • contract for the purchase and sale of a vehicle.

In Sberbank

What should you do if you want to use lending services from Sberbank? The requirements for the borrower remain exactly the same as those listed earlier. Many people are interested in exactly what documents are needed. A car loan at Sberbank is issued if you have:

  • a completed application form of the established form;
  • applicant's passport;
  • certificates and extracts indicating registration (if you have a Russian passport, they are not needed);
  • documents on a citizen's income.

This is the minimum at which a loan is offered for consumer needs. And cars too. It is advisable to bring copies and originals of all previously listed papers. Then you won’t have to think about what documents are needed for a car loan.

Along with the traditional - classic car loan (with interest accrued and the car being pledged to the bank) and express loan (accelerated processing, interest rates are unreasonably high), there are also loans without a down payment.

What documents are required to obtain a car loan?

The key question is, what documents are needed to apply for a car loan? Over 10 years of car loan support from the sales market, leading commercial banks unified the requirements for the borrower of a loan for the purchase of a vehicle.

Car loans can be issued both at a car dealership and directly at banking institutions.

To get a bank loan to buy a car, you need to collect an impressive package of documents. This is confirmation that the person is a citizen of the country, has a permanent job and income, and, therefore, can be responsible for his obligations.

Fewer documents will be required at the car dealership, since many of the papers are completed on site.

The credit institution checks existing debts. Thus, the number of documents required from the borrower increases significantly.

This package can be reduced if the borrower is a regular customer of the bank or receives through this bank wages.

The standard package of documents for obtaining a car loan includes:

  1. Application in the prescribed form.
  2. Passport and a copy of its individual pages.
  3. Other document (driver’s license, foreign passport, etc.);
  4. Registration at the place of actual residence. It appears that the borrower applied to the bank at a location other than his place of registration.
  5. A copy of the work book, which is certified by the head of the organization, and also has the seal of the company.
  6. Income certificate, which presents data for the last six months. This document is signed and certified by the seal of the institution in which the client works.

The list is expanded due to the fact that the applicant submits, in addition to the specified documents, the following:

  1. Vehicle purchase and sale agreement.
  2. CASCO documents, as well as life and disability insurance of a citizen.
  3. Vehicle passport.
  4. In the case of a guarantee - documents from the guarantor, with certified copies of the passport, his income and work record.

Some banks lend to clients only if they have a driver's license. Otherwise this document not required. These include banks VTB24, Raiffeisen and others.


To the number mandatory documents, which the borrower submits to the bank, includes a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Not only its original, but also copies of pages where there are records.

These copies are not certified, as bank employees independently check these papers.

In some cases, when a citizen does not have a passport, it is possible to provide a temporary identity card. But in such situations, a car loan is often not approved.

Documents confirming income

The next important documents for obtaining a car loan are certificates of income received, as well as sources for their receipt.

This point is especially important, since if the client has insufficient funds, he may be denied a loan. In such a case, you can use a guarantee from another person.

Documents confirming the level of income on a regular basis are:

  • Certificate 2-NDFL from the place of work.
  • Statements from bank accounts where funds are available.
  • Tax reporting on profits received.
  • Agreement on the rental of own property.
  • Other income (scholarship, pension, etc., with attached certificates of their accrual).

Please note that confirmation of your own income in certain amounts is a mandatory and important point.

Family status

Identity card and documents confirming income – important points, by which banks can assess the borrower’s creditworthiness. In addition to them, when obtaining a car loan, you may need documents that confirm the person’s marital status:

  • marriage/divorce certificate;
  • birth certificates of children under 18 years of age;
  • consent of the spouse to carry out the transaction.

A particular problem is obtaining consent from the spouse, since the funds received by the husband (wife) are common property families. In case of divorce credit obligations will be divided between spouses.

Therefore, according to the rules of the legislation of the Russian Federation, one of the spouses can appeal the receipt of a loan by the other spouse if he did not give written consent to it.

Procedure for applying for a car loan

Having considered Required documents To purchase a car loan, you should familiarize yourself with the procedure for applying for it.

This procedure consists of several stages:

  1. The borrower selects the car he is going to purchase.
  2. Next, taking into account certain lending conditions, he chooses (or is offered to him at a car dealership) a bank that provides a loan on these conditions.
  3. Submitting an application and collecting a package of necessary documents.
  4. Waiting for the bank's decision to grant or refuse a loan. This stage takes from several hours to 3 days.

After the moment of approval loan application documents for the car are drawn up, documents are transferred to the bank (vehicle passport, purchase and sale agreement), and a down payment is made.

After depositing funds, the borrower receives the keys to the car. The contract is concluded.

Based on the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Chapter 42 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a loan agreement is a consensual transaction, that is, concluded from the moment all essential conditions agreement between the parties.

In some decisions arbitration courts the loan agreement is recognized as a real transaction.

Thus, there is no uniformity in recognizing the contract as concluded, but arbitrage practice comes to the conclusion that it bears the features of both a consensual and a real contract.

Filing an application

The process of applying for a car loan can be carried out in one of the following ways:

  • Visiting a car dealership in person;
  • Submitting an application at the bank;
  • Applying for a loan online on the website of a credit institution.

The client independently chooses the method that is suitable for him.

Are there any benefits?

Given the growing popularity of car loans, there are a number of special government programs. These programs provide reduced interest rates and other terms that make loan payments less costly.

If we consider such programs, then for the borrower they reduce the rate on a car loan by about 6-7%, therefore, the overpayment for them is reduced by one and a half times.

Such support from the state is aimed at the development of the domestic automotive industry.

Preferential lending has existed since 2009, when 5 programs were used. Today there are 2 of them left – “ First car" And " Family car ».

Under the First Car program, the following requirements are imposed on the borrower:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Possession of a driver's license (category B).
  • Do not own a car.

The program applies only to new vehicles.

The Family Car program can be used by young families with at least two minor children. Persons applying for this subsidy must not have any other outstanding loans.

Considering General terms for receipt preferential car loan each credit organisation has the right to develop own requirements. How more quantity funds confirmed by the borrower, the lower the presented interest rate on the loan will be.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of buying a car on credit include:

  • Purchasing a car with a minimum down payment;
  • The right to participate in government subsidies for the purchase of a new car;
  • Established long term for loan repayment

Disadvantages of car loans include:

  • The car is pledged to the bank until the loan is repaid;
  • Compulsory CASCO insurance;
  • Depositing a certain amount to initial stage car loans.

Based on all the pros and cons, a car loan is a fairly popular type of lending in Russia. The most important thing is to choose a reliable bank that provides profitable terms car loans.
