How to arrange a loan restructuring in VTB 24. Reviews about VTB


When repaying a bank loan, people sometimes face a situation of shortage Money to pay off debt due to difficult financial situation. There is nothing wrong with this, since such a situation is not new. You should not delay payment, thereby forming a debt, but should contact the bank as soon as possible to solve the problem. Loan restructuring at VTB 24 to an individual– an opportunity for bank clients to conclude a new agreement on favorable terms in relation to the existing one.

What is loan restructuring

Changing the terms of an existing loan agreement in order to reduce the financial burden is called restructuring. This concept should not be confused with refinancing, the meaning of which is refinancing through another bank. When restructuring a debt, the bank may offer to change the payment currency, increase the payment period, or even initiate a deferment in repayment of the principal debt.

In order to use the service, you must visit the bank branch where the loan was issued with a request to re-register. However, to do this, you need to convince the department employee that financial circumstances have worsened due to certain factors. Confirmation of this may be a certificate from the employment center, medical certificates and other papers. If a positive decision is made, the individual will be offered new terms of the contract.

Restructuring of loan debt at VTB 24

If the borrower contacts the bank on time, even before the debt arises, employees and management will always meet him halfway in order to prevent delays and avoid legal costs during legal proceedings. VTB 24 Bank, meeting its customers halfway, offers to take advantage of the opportunity to reduce or skip payments. To achieve this, the bank offers services such as:

Which loans are subject to restructuring?

As practice shows, almost all loans received in banking institution, can be restructured. However, according to official information posted on the bank’s website, currently only individuals who have taken out consumer loans can use this service. Among them are the following products:

  • Large;
  • Comfortable;
  • Mortgage bonus.

On the portal you can see that it is possible to change the terms of the car loan agreement, but all questions regarding a reduction in payment or deferment can be resolved by contacting directly the branch that issued the loan. There, after the conversation, they will try to find a compromise. For mortgage loans, there is no information about restructuring at all. The only mention concerns the refinancing of loans received for construction and purchase of real estate from other banks.

Features of the program

The main essence of the Preferential Payment program is that it is possible to reduce payments at the initial stage. To do this, three such operations are allowed. This is achieved due to the fact that all these times only interest on the loans is paid, and the principal debt is not repaid. Payments on it will begin in the month following the end of the offer.

“Credit holidays” are an offer for individuals, which means that the borrower can skip one of the payments every six months. It is proposed to use this option no earlier than 6 months after the loan is issued, but no later than three months before the end of all payments. It is worth understanding that a missed payment does not go away, and the payment period due to this increases by 1 month each time.

The refinancing program allows you not only to reduce payments on previously issued loans from other banks, but also to combine up to 6 existing ones into one, including those issued by VTB 24 (consumer, car loans and mortgages), which is convenient from the point of view of planning financial expenses. In addition, it becomes possible to simultaneously increase the payment term at a reduced rate.

How to restructure a loan at VTB 24

“Preferential payment” is a service that the operator will offer when applying for a cash loan at a bank branch. Restructuring a loan at VTB 24 to an individual in the form of a “Credit Holiday” offer is also included free of charge when concluding a new loan agreement. If the loan was taken out before September 2015, then you need to come to the bank’s office and sign an additional agreement.

Requirements for the borrower

An individual does not need to meet special requirements when restructuring a loan. They are similar to those specified in the rules when receiving a loan - be a citizen of the Russian Federation and have permanent registration where the loan was issued. When restructuring a loan using refinancing, you must provide confirmation of a source of regular income.

What documents are needed

As when receiving a loan from VTB 24, employees will not ask for a large package of documents, but only a passport, which confirms that the client is a citizen of Russia (you can also provide a foreign passport if a simple one is not available for some reason). In case of refinancing, an individual will need to provide a salary certificate and copies of loan agreements confirming the presence of outstanding debts.

Application for loan restructuring

When choosing the services “Deferred payment” and “Credit holidays”, you do not have to write any application - the service is activated by individuals when applying for loans. If the loans were issued earlier, then you need to call the call center operators, although no one forbids visiting a bank branch and resolving this issue with the help of a VTB 24 specialist. When refinancing, you can take advantage of the additional opportunity and fill out an application on the website.

Online application

On the bank’s website, you can submit an application only for refinancing with the consolidation of all loans into one. You will need to provide personal information, gender, date of birth. You will be asked to fill in your email address and phone number. In addition, you need to confirm your consent to the processing of personal data. At the next stage, you will have to note the place of work, if possible, the TIN number, the name of the organization, if the person works, and the level of income minus income tax(13%), which then must be documented on a bank form or in free form.

Is it possible to submit an application not using the bank form?

No one forbids a person to compose and write a letter addressed to the head of VTB 24 with a request to consider his situation. There you need to reflect the essence of the problem and it is advisable to document the difficult financial position. This will facilitate the process of mutual understanding. If a positive decision is made on the issue, the specialist will offer to fill out certain papers and individually inform you about an option that, in the opinion of the employees, should help resolve the issue of the inability to pay off the debt.

Loan restructuring at VTB 24 – conditions

Depending on the terms of the previously issued loan and the grounds on which the client refers to the request to restructure the loan, the possibility of the procedure will be considered. As a rule, the bank does not refuse in such a situation; the main thing is to apply before the debt is formed, otherwise the employee may consider the borrower unreliable.

You can refinance secured and unsecured loans. A prerequisite for them is that they must be issued to individuals in rubles and if until the end full repayment The loan has at least 3 months left, but payments have been made for at least the last six months without delays. On this moment The client must not have any overdue debt.

Interest rate

In exceptional cases, banks resort to proposals such as revising and reducing the interest rate to the minimum possible value. This option can be used if the client borrowed money a long time ago and under large percentage. Then you will be asked to take advantage of the bank’s current offer and take out loans under the terms of new agreements in order to repay the previously issued loan. Having resorted to refinancing and combining all loans into one, you should expect 14.5–17%.

Restructuring term

If you take advantage of the “Credit Holidays” offer, then you can use the deferment every six months, and if you choose the “Preferential Payment” product from VTB, you can pay only interest for 3 months. When refinancing and consolidating loans, the lending period for individuals will be offered in the range from 6 months to 5 years. It should be noted that the longer the time during which the debt is paid, the greater the overpayment will be, despite the fact that monthly payment there will be less.

Amount of credit

The amount of money that a client can count on when contacting VTB 24 for loan restructuring directly depends on the amount of debt on previous loans and monthly income. Here the main bet will be placed on the term of the loan in order to reduce the credit burden due to the complex financial situation. The borrower comes to the bank not for a new loan (unless it is used to pay off the existing debt), but for the opportunity to reduce the monthly payment, because this is what restructuring at VTB 24 is all about.

Repayment terms

For VTB 24, like any other bank, it is important that the client repays the debt in a timely manner, and does not hide the problem and try to hide from responsibility. Such a history entails an increase in the principal amount of the debt, since not only interest will be accrued, but also penalties, fines, commissions, etc. Subsequently, the pledged property of an individual may be seized, if such is specified in the agreement.

If we analyze all the proposals, the repayment options may be different: with the possibility of deferring payment, increasing the term of using the loan, or on the terms of a newly issued loan. To pay off debt, there are options for depositing funds through:

  • bank cash desks;
  • ATMs and self-service devices;
  • Internet;
  • post offices;
  • Golden Crown network.

What to do if your loan restructuring is rejected

If the bank refuses to restructure the debt, you can re-write the application, collecting the missing documents. It is also recommended to receive a written response stating the position of the institution and the reasons for the refusal. With this copy it will be possible in the future to go to court for a decision controversial issue. For the judge, this will be direct evidence that the client tried to solve the problem. In addition, you can use the services of other banks and refinance an existing loan on favorable terms there.

Many borrowers very often face the need to defer their payments on bills because, due to objective and compelling reasons, they find themselves temporarily insolvent. That is why modern banks implement flexible and convenient debt restructuring programs in their activities.

In particular, one of the largest and most reliable banks in Russia, VTB 24, has for several years already had a convenient and transparent mechanism for revising loan agreements with clients in the event of unfavorable circumstances. It makes sense for borrowers experiencing financial difficulties to pay attention to such programs.

The essence of the restructuring process

It is advisable for all debtors to adopt the following rule: if there is even the slightest likelihood that in the near future there may be insufficient funds to pay interest and the principal amount of the debt, then it is best to immediately visit any branch of VTB 24 Bank and discuss this issue with its specialists. It is impossible to accurately determine whether the bank will allow a loan restructuring or not, since this issue is always resolved on a purely individual basis. However, the basic nuances of the process are still worth knowing.

Loan restructuring at VTB 24 is offered to individuals under car loan programs, as well as in the direction of issue consumer loans on bank cards. Although recently there have also been cases of mortgage restructuring. At the same time, the banking commission considers in detail the applications of only those borrowers who, before the onset of unfavorable circumstances, regularly made payments, both on the principal amount of the loan and on interest. For all other requests, a justified written refusal is immediately formed.

Currently, the bank has developed and widely used methods to reduce pressure on the borrower, such as:

  • Reducing the amount of regular payments by half for up to 12 months;
  • Allowing the borrower to pay only interest for six months without affecting the principal amount of the debt;
  • Extension of the loan term for up to 10 years;
  • Converting lending currencies from euros and dollars to rubles.

In other words, VTB 24 practices a very loyal policy towards borrowers in financial difficulties, which allows them to gradually repay their obligations without going to court.

Calculator for calculating refinancing conditions

In order to take full advantage of a deferment or relaxation of loan payment terms, it is important to provide the banking commission with evidence of a temporary deterioration in your financial situation, as well as a description of the possibilities of how it will be corrected in the near future.

The Banking Commission reviews the debtor's application and documents within 2-5 working days, after which it invites him to an individual conversation or issues a written refusal.

It is worth noting that most often, for VTB 24 clients, a prolongation procedure is used, which, although it provides an installment plan, extends the loan over a longer period, which increases the time for paying interest. This point should also be kept in mind, since the longer the loan remains unclosed, the greater the total amount the borrower will ultimately pay.

Restructuring procedure

A borrower who has firmly decided to use the loan restructuring procedure at VTB 24 will have to take care of collecting the following package of documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which must contain a mark of registration in the region where the corresponding bank branch is located;
  2. Certificate of employment confirming continuous employment over the last 12 months;
  3. A document confirming the presence of a permanent source of income.

The client attaches a statement to the documents, the form of which can be taken directly from the bank or downloaded from its official website. It is important to describe in detail the reasons for the inability to pay the debt, since the bank’s decision largely depends on this. The borrower must be between 21 and 70 years old at the time of application.

If accepted bank commission After a positive decision, after 2-5 days the client is invited to the bank branch. Here the terms of the loan agreement are reviewed and the parties sign a new version of it.

Most often, currently restructured loans at VTB 24 are repaid at a minimum rate of 13.95%. It depends on how long the borrower has been a client of the bank and what products he uses. Of course, participants in salary projects receive more favorable conditions.

It should be especially emphasized that even in the case of a loan extension, the bank does not exclude the possibility of a loan from the debtor. For this, he does not charge additional fees, only requires full payment of all interest and principal.

Thus, the conditions for restructuring loans by VTB 24 Bank are very convenient and transparent. They allow clients of a financial institution to overcome financial difficulties and then fully repay their loan debt. This approach helps to maintain a good credit history of the borrower, and also, if all conditions are met, does not entail costly litigation.

Loan restructuring at VTB 24 is one of the most pressing issues for modern society and the second most popular after the question of loan restructuring at Sberbank. This is understandable - times are hard, and VTB 24 is the largest bank in terms of lending volumes after Sberbank of Russia.

VTB 24 is the trading brand of the bank of the company ZAO Vneshtorgbank Retail Services. A brand with a clearly defined marketing strategy and target audience - lending to individuals and small businesses, accepting deposits, as well as settlement and cash services legal entities

As of January 2015, the bank's assets amount to 2,497 billion rubles, of which equity 171 billion rubles.

For the average person, these numbers don’t say anything except that the amounts are mega large and that’s all.

In fact, if you sit down and carefully, with knowledge of the matter, read VTB’s reports for recent years, you will find out that VTB24 is a bankrupt bank, like all other banks in Russia. Visual proof of this can be the fact that Mr. Kostin (Chairman of the Board of Directors) regularly during the end of 2014/beginning of 2015 “dipped” to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin for state support for the bank. We are talking about billions of dollars.

Why did we make such an introduction?

So that you understand that banking system The Russian Federation has always been unprofitable (for one reason or another), VTB24 is no exception. These problems especially worsened during the next crisis of 2014.

Do you think it is possible to have an honest debt restructuring on a VTB 24 loan? Will banks help you with your late payments when they themselves have such a problem? The answer is probably obvious.

No, all banks, without exception, need your money more than ever, and preferably right now, to pay off their own debt. In such conditions, no one will forgive anyone anything.

It must be said that earlier, when times were calmer, and banks gave out loans even to the homeless (in order to fulfill the management plan), even then banks approved only up to 50% of applications for loan restructuring. Now the approval rate has dropped to a minimum.

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Loan restructuring at VTB 24, concept

Restructuring a loan at VTB 24 to an individual is an ordinary, classic restructuring aimed at easing the credit burden on the borrower in order to ensure further full payment of loan obligations, as well as to avoid his default.

Despite the fact that the procedure is quite standard, VTB 24 has its own vision of this issue. Let's take a closer look at it.


Before we directly move on to considering the process of loan restructuring at VTB 24, on what conditions it is carried out and what is needed for this, we will immediately talk about general features loan restructuring, as well as how the situation at VTB differs from other banks.

Common features for all banks:

  • loan restructuring is the bank’s personal domain, no one regulates this process, and there are no regulations other than those of the bank itself
  • Each bank “invents” the conditions, requirements and methods of restructuring for itself, but still focuses on the general trends of the banking market
  • bureaucratic structure of the bank

By the bureaucratic structure of the bank, among other things, we understand the duplicity in the behavior of bank employees. At the same time, board members develop client-oriented internal standards (everything for the client); at another time, they themselves or lower levels give orders to the most junior employees to do something completely different. Have you encountered this? Probably anywhere and everywhere.

Therefore, if you submit an application for loan restructuring to VTB24, then you automatically begin to deal with just such a bureaucracy. As a result, time passes, the delay grows, and there is still no response to the application.

Features of VTB 24:

  • loan restructuring at VTB 24 is possible only with overdue payments of at least 3 months
  • prefer to ignore applications or refuse restructuring
  • require compliance with the terms of the loan agreement, otherwise they sell the debt to collectors or sue

Application for restructuring VTB loan 24, sample

Restructuring a loan at VTB 24 is not possible without submitting an application for this very restructuring. What do you need to know for this?

To begin with, you must have everything in order with your documents, they must be complete. But the most important thing is that you must have a compelling and officially confirmed reason for debt restructuring, which is described in more detail in the section “VTB 24, requirements for the borrower.”

But that's not all! In addition to this, you must have a correctly completed application for VTB 24 loan restructuring, a sample of which we will provide below.

Documents for restructuring a loan from VTB 24 to an individual:

  • Russian passport
  • employment history
  • certificate from the labor exchange
  • certificate from the hospital
  • certificate of disability
  • death certificate
  • other documents proving deterioration financial condition borrower
  • application for restructuring of VTB 24 loan

An application for restructuring a VTB 24 loan is written in free form on a blank sheet of A4 paper in two copies. The application can be written either by hand or printed on a computer - it doesn’t really matter. The main thing is that the statement reflects the main points.

Key points of the application for restructuring a VTB 24 loan, sample:

  • full name of the bank and details specified in your loan agreement
  • the most complete description of the contract: number, when it was concluded, under what conditions
  • a full description of your situation that caused the delays
  • start date of delays
  • your proposals for restructuring

Be sure to make sure that your sample application for VTB 24 loan restructuring is stamped and marked by a bank employee with the date the application was accepted - this will be serious evidence that you actually submitted an application for VTB 24 loan restructuring.



Debt restructuring is a procedure for amending a loan agreement. It implies its complete revision based on the financial difficulties encountered by the debtor. It is worth remembering that loan restructuring is a complex operation that requires certain skills and a full understanding of one’s own financial capabilities.

Loan restructuring is most often resorted to as a last resort when it is impossible to repay the loan in accordance with the standard schedule. Since it is generally not beneficial for the borrower, before you start changing the agreement, it is worth considering other options for getting out of the “debt hole”.

What can restructuring give to a bank client?

  • Creating an individual debt repayment plan. This is an almost ideal restructuring option, creating extremely comfortable and simple payment conditions for the borrower. Getting an individual plan is quite difficult: credit history the borrower must be clean, and the debtor himself must warn the bank about financial difficulties in advance, without waiting for the first fines to accrue;
  • Changing the payment schedule. The most common practice is to reduce the cost of monthly installments with an increase in the total duration of the loan agreement. This is the most customer-friendly approach on the part of the lender. The borrower gets the opportunity to give a smaller part of his earnings to pay off debts, and the bank ultimately makes a larger profit from interest;
  • Changing the schedule and interest rate for the purpose of refinancing. Refinancing is a very convenient and popular operation that allows the borrower to reissue an old loan by issuing a new one. However, not all banks are ready to provide refinancing of some loans. Therefore, debt restructuring may create more favorable conditions for its refinancing;
  • Small deferment of payments. When restructuring, the client usually has several days to reconsider his financial situation and take a more sober look at his financial difficulties. If you requested refinancing, but during subsequent proceedings it turned out that everything was not so bad, then you don’t have to sign a new agreement.

How is restructuring beneficial for the bank?

The answer to this question is very simple - almost everyone. It not only allows you to get rid of underpayments (provided that the client nevertheless began to repay the loan in accordance with the new plan), but also significantly increases the bank’s profit from the loan by increasing the duration of the loan agreement.

It even happens that the bank itself offers its clients a restructuring proposal. Most often, this is done to help the debtor get his debts in order, since possible litigation and delays are not always convenient and beneficial for the bank?

How is restructuring beneficial for a bank client?

Although the total amount of payment during restructuring increases, the new conditions after amendments to the contract can be very comfortable. The borrower receives a more comfortable schedule and can pay off old delays. At the same time, restructuring is one of the the best ways avoid court or meetings with debt collectors. However, loan restructuring should be approached responsibly - many banks prohibit renegotiation of the loan agreement even for clients with a clean credit history.

How to arrange a restructuring?

  1. Talk to credit specialist your bank, find out the exact procedure and the required package of papers;
  2. Collect all the necessary documents, write an application and submit it to the loan specialist. It would be a good idea to contact a lending lawyer - he will point out all the possible difficulties and subtleties, help you determine the requirements and competently draw up an application.
  3. Wait for the bank to review your application. This process usually takes no more than a week;
  4. Read the new terms and conditions and sign the agreement if you are completely satisfied with it.

Voluntary loan restructuring will not have any negative consequences for your credit history. However, it must be completed in advance to avoid delays in payments and fines. A forced restructuring can put an end to your credit history and ruin it completely.

Can a bank restructure a loan without the borrower’s consent?

In no case! This operation is a direct violation of the law. Russian Federation. Such gross interference with the contract may become the basis for legal proceedings. In most cases, the court will be on the side of the borrower.

Loan restructuring at VTB 24. Features and procedure

VTB 24 Bank is one of the most customer-loyal banks. It is not as demanding and strict as Sberbank, most often offers an individual payment plan for the borrower, is ready to offer a comfortable schedule and is less likely to enter into conflict. However, the general interest rate it's a little higher.

If you are VTB client 24 and you have a clean credit history, then you can count on favorable conditions when changing the loan agreement. However, if your history is spoiled, then at VTB 24 you will find far from the most convenient interest rates.

To restructure a loan at VTB 24, you will need a minimum package of documents:

  • Passport;
  • Statement;
  • Certificate of income.

The application is written directly at the bank on a special form.

The entire procedure is almost completely standard:

  • VTB 24 client submits papers and application to lending specialist
  • The credit department reviews the application and creates a payment schedule (this process also lasts about a week)
  • The client either agrees to the new terms and signs the contract, or returns to the old payment schedule.

As you can see, VTB 24 is practically no different from other banks. The only exception is a more individual approach to the client.