Entrance to the school by cards. This year, all schools will introduce a system of passage and meals on cards

As part of the government transfer program public services in electronic form among students of GBOU secondary school No. 324 appeared electronic card. With it, students can:

1) go to school through the turnstile (module "PASS"),

2) choose and pay for breakfast, lunch or buffet products in the school cafeteria and receive discounted meals (module "POWER").

An electronic card is a kind of equivalent of a student's business card and a convenient payment tool. With its help, students get the opportunity to use various services on the territory of the school and pay for them without resorting to cash. With an electronic card, students pay for school lunches - their cost is deducted from the personal account on the card. Also, the electronic card allows you to identify and keep records of students who are eligible to receive preferential meals.

The exclusion of cash payments at school is one of the main advantages of this system. The child does not receive money. Funds transferred by parents to the card are stored in the personal account in the form of points. At the same time, you will always know how and on what your child spent them.

Electronic card services

. Organization of passage to the building of an educational organization. The service allows you to provide more high level safety in schools. Where the Pass and Meal system is used, a personal electronic card is required that identifies the incoming, student or school employee. This access mode allows not only to strengthen the security system, but also helps to control school attendance by students. Parents learn about the entrance and exit of the child from school using the method of informing them.

. Providing free meals. With the help of the card, you can control whether the child receives preferential meals. On the MSGU portal you can always find out what your child ate at school (PGU.MOS.RU).

. Providing free meals. The exclusion of cash payments at school is one of the main advantages of this system. The child does not receive money in his hands, which means he cannot spend on unhealthy food. Funds transferred by parents to the card are stored in the personal account in the form of points. Various ways of informing allow you to receive data on the costs of personal account student.

. Informing. Thanks to this system, parents will be able to find out about all the actions of their child: what time he came to school, when he left the building, how much money was left on the card balance after the student paid for breakfast, lunch or buffet products. Notifications can be received in the form of SMS, by e-mail, or you can find out information in the Personal Account on the Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow pgu.mos.ru. Also, through the Public Services Portal, you can quickly and conveniently replenish the balance of an electronic card.

To use the service, you mustto come into the Personal Account of the Public Services Portal orregisterif you don't have a personal account yet.

Instructions on how to make a payment for school meals using a bank card at Sberbank terminals

Instructions on the procedure for making payments for school meals in the Sberbank Online system

The cost and nomenclature of buffet products is posted on the school website.

How much money can parents put into their child's account?

Parents can contribute any amount, the system does not limit anyone in anything. But it is better, of course, to do it within reason. You can deposit money once a month. You can deposit money into your account at any time. Parents and a child can receive certificates of food expenses for any period of time since the start of the system. For this you need to contact

Parents can contribute any amount, the system does not limit anyone in anything. But it is better, of course, to do it within reason. As a rule, parents put money on hot meals once a month. But in principle, you can deposit money into the account at any frequency. Parents and the child can receive certificates of spending at school for any period of time since the start of the system. To do this, you need to apply through the portal of public services in Moscow.

Budget money allocated for subsidized meals is deposited into the sub-account of students automatically at the beginning of the accounting period. Parents, on the other hand, must replenish their children's accounts by making payments through a bank. At present, cooperation has been concluded with the Bank of Moscow, while the Bank of Moscow takes 2.5% from the school catering plant for service. If parents make a payment through the Bank of Moscow, then the amount paid is fully credited to the child's account. If they pay through Sberbank or other banks, then the parents pay the commission.

A unified card of a Petersburger for schoolchildren, what is it? How to get a? Reviews

The unified card of a Petersburger was the result of cooperation between the local authorities of the city on the Neva and Central Bank Russian Federation. It operates in the domestic payment system"WORLD". The new card will be intended for making non-cash payments for the following services:

As for me, this is an extra hemorrhoid. And purely psychologically, the card deprives the student of pocket money - to feel the money, to spend it somewhere, for which it is no longer possible to save up. Of course they give money to children, this is undoubtedly, but not for everyone. Now everything is on the map and controlled by parents.


For social card holders over the age of 14, a banking application is provided. If you lose a social card, if there was money on it, block the bank account of your card as soon as possible so that the one who finds it cannot use the card. To do this, contact the bank that issued the card. Then apply for a new card. The old card will be automatically blocked.

No personal information is stored on the card itself or another Moskvenok identifier. Data on the class or group of the child, his full name, the state of the balance of the personal account and the right to the benefit are stored in the information system "Passage and meals" and are used only on the territory of the school, college and kindergarten.

If your school is already connected to our system, you need to pay a subscription fee for at least one month, and the service will be connected automatically within two days. You can choose a convenient payment method for you in the Payment section. If you have any difficulties at any stage, you can contact our service center for advice by calling the contact number in your city

If you are the director of this school, then simply send us an application for connection (in the Feedback section of the site), if you are the parents of a child who are concerned about safety in your school, then fill out the feedback form, indicating the city and school number, our employees will contact the administration of this schools to discuss connectivity.

New information technologies

The second option for obtaining a card Priority Pass- through a bank. Many banks offer it as an additional bonus to other banking products, for example, when issuing a premium MasterCard Gold, Visa Platinum, Visa Gold card, regardless of whether they are credit or debit. To receive a card in this way, you need to leave an application at the bank. The term of issuance depends on the institution itself and ranges from five days to a month. Together with a custom-made Priority Pass card, the client is given a directory in which you can find all the necessary information about which airports have joined the international Priority program Pass and what services they provide. Can be downloaded electronic version guide to mobile or other electronic media.

For those who fly a lot, a selection of Priority Pass cards will be of interest, giving the right to access to airport business lounges. By premium cards, as a rule, increased cashbacks and insurance for those traveling abroad are also provided. The selection includes only cards with the possibility of free access to business lounges.

Priority Pass card from Sberbank

  • Minimum Program99 per year, $27 per visit to the airport lounge;
  • Classic program249 per year, $ 27 for each arrival at the airport and, while the first 10 visits are bonus;
  • Elite program399 per year, membership without any restrictions, by the number of visits.
  1. Payment is made according to the established tariffs., including visits of accompanying persons;
  2. Priority Pass reserves the right to change pricing at any time to lounges at airports. But at the same time, the client must be notified of the changes made 30 calendar days in advance.
  3. Visiting recreation areas with children, regulated by each specific airport and its charter.
  4. All lounges are owned by airports Therefore, disputes and disagreements will be resolved directly with the administration of the institution.
  5. Free alcoholic drinks are not offered at all airports(charter of the institution) and may be offered by the decision of the administration of the VIP-hall. Otherwise, the owner of the "Priority Pass" is obliged own funds pay for the item you want.
  6. You can often make only local phone calls for free, the rest is offered at the discretion of the administration or paid by a separate account. Payment for all additional services and opportunities is set directly by the operator of the lounge area.
  7. Visiting a special recreation area at airports available only to cardholders and their companions, but on condition that there is a place in the lounge area, as well as a travel ticket for the flight (for a given day of visit) and a plastic card Priority Pass.
  8. Some foreign airlines require a pass to be presented. to departing flights.
  9. In countries Western Europe , access to the special club rooms is restricted to Schengen area travelers only. Lounges are located exclusively in the Schengen areas of the airport.

Security system PERCo-S-20 School

"Verification" allows security officers to identify the student's access card by visually comparing the frames received from video cameras with photographs in the database, and make a decision whether to grant access manually or automatically.

The lesson schedule is entered into the database of the system. Information about the time of arrival and departure of the student is compared with the lesson schedule contained in his personal card. Based on the comparison, you can build an attendance report, identify lateness and absenteeism.

Passage and meals in educational institutions using an electronic card

16 pgu.mos.ru To use the Pass and Meals service, you need to log in to the Personal Account of the Public Services Portal or register if you do not have a Personal Account yet. The registration procedure is simple: enter and confirm your email address and your mobile phone, indicate your last name, first name, patronymic and pension insurance card number (SNILS). Next, select the item "Passage and meals by electronic card" in the menu of electronic services and use the service, following the instructions that the system will offer.

8 SERVICE - REDUCED MEAL single base beneficiaries; Personalized accounting of the consumed subsidized meals based on the actual presence at the school and the receipt of meals in the canteen; Separate modes for junior and senior classes; Automatic accounting of different power schemes; Automation of reporting at all levels.

How to get a pass to school card

It will be possible to replenish an account on school cards through payment terminals and ATMs of Sberbank, the Bank of Moscow, through the terminals of a food supplier and through the Moscow Public Services Portal. There is already a corresponding service on the Public Services Portal, but it is relevant so far only for residents of those districts where the system is already in operation.

Those who already have cards and are valid will not have to receive them again - they will only need to connect these cards to the access control and food accounting system. Schools will tell parents how to do this. New cards will need to be issued to those who do not have them yet (for example, first-graders), when changing the educational institution (since its number is indicated on the card), or if the educational institution itself changes the number (for example, joins the educational complex), as well as in case of damage or loss of the card. Issuing a card in all these cases is free of charge. To do this, you need to provide documents to the school: a birth certificate or passport of the child, his medical insurance policy. The school will fill out an electronic application, send it to Moscow, and after issuing the card, they will deliver it to Zelenograd and issue it at the school point. If earlier such applications were filled out by hand, and they required photographs of the child, now children will be photographed directly at schools, using special equipment. New order card design will be brought to the attention of parents at parent meetings and through websites educational institutions.

Passage and Nutrition - Physics, Computer Science and ICT

When the school is connected to the information system "Access and Meals", each child is issued a service card for access to school and purchases of lunches or buffet products. You can also use the student's social card to receive services at the school. How and where to get social card student and what additional opportunities the student receives can be found at http://soccard.ru/.

With the help of an electronic card, your child can enter and leave school, choose and pay for meals at school, in some cases pay for travel to public transport and receive discounts. Parents can activate the information service and receive information about the entry / exit of the child, the state of his personal account and his purchases. In order to connect the informing service, you must write an appropriate application at the school, in which you indicate the phone number and email address.

27 Jul 2018 369

Since 2011, the School Card project has been launched in many educational institutions. The automated system is aimed at ensuring the safety of students, making life easier for students, their parents and staff of educational organizations.

Prototype bank card allows schoolchildren to pay for lunch using a cashless payment, thanks to this innovation, students have time to eat in the canteen during a short break. Parents, in turn, can monitor the child at a distance in real time.

To date, school cards are used in almost all educational institutions in large cities of Russia. Soon automated system will spread throughout the world. The card allows not only to pay for food, but also serves as a pass to an educational institution, and also performs a number of other functions.

What to do if the card is lost?

Many parents are concerned about the question: how to restore a school card if it is lost? Do not panic and scold the child for inattention. Instead of a lost card, you can get a duplicate. In this case, you should write a statement and give it to the class teacher of the student. The document sets out a request for a duplicate. The backup is released within 7 working days.

Important information: if you lost your school card for the second time, you will need to pay an amount of one hundred rubles for its issue. Payment is made on the manufacturer's official resource in the parent's account or through a mobile application.

If the card is lost, please call hotline or contact the technical support service on the official website. The specialist will temporarily block the card so that it cannot be used by anyone else.

After restoration, the duplicate will contain the amount that remained on the student's lost card.

Order a new card through your personal account

You can order a new school card yourself. For this you need:

  • visit the main page of the official resource;
  • pass authorization;
  • go to the "Additional Services" tab;
  • select the menu item "Restore map";
  • enter the student's personal account number;
  • click "Pay".

50 rubles will be charged from the wallet for issuing a new card. backup will be delivered to the educational institution as soon as it is ready.

If a student has lost a school card or simply forgot it at home, the watchman will let him in educational organization by last name and class number.

Since December, the entrance to the school with pass cards through the turnstiles has been launched in the "pilot" school in Zelenograd - school 1149 (14th microdistrict). Valid and cashless payment meals, so far only in the buffet and for beneficiaries who receive free lunches and breakfasts. Since March, the system is being prepared to be launched in other schools in Zelenograd, most of them have already installed all the necessary equipment.

The morning at school 1149 begins with "high technology": in the lobby there are three new turnstiles and a fence, each student and the school staff have electronic cards that you need to bring for a second to the reader to enter. The guard at his desk keeps order, his computer displays data on incoming: photo and full name of the owner, class, time of passage. At the same moment, an SMS message is sent to parents stating that the child has entered the school.

“The system is already officially working for us, we are the first school in Zelenograd to launch it.. - In some other schools, for example, in school 1151, turnstiles have already been installed, and access to the school is through them. And we also have food payment, but not yet in full. Cards cannot yet be used to pay for paid lunches and breakfasts, but it is already possible to pay at the cafeteria if parents have deposited money into a personal account linked to the student’s electronic card.”

Turnstiles and pass cards at the school are valid from December 16, 2013. Cards were received by 523 students and 92 employees of the school and its preschool departments. So far, these are special cards "Information City" - not the social cards of a Muscovite that some children already have to pay for travel on transport. However, they can already be connected to the system, and in the future it is envisaged that the functions of a pass, an “electronic wallet” for a canteen, a bus pass and a library form will be combined on one card for schoolchildren. The main thing is not to lose all this overnight, "sowing" or breaking the card.

“Children don't really like the new system with turnstiles,” said the grandmother, who brought a girl from elementary school to school. - Cards are broken, lost, forgotten at home. My granddaughter has been losing her card since the beginning of the school year. True, this is not scary - they will let you into the school anyway. Probably, it's a matter of habit, we are still unaccustomed. And for the school, maybe the passes will add security ... "

In other schools in Zelenograd, the Pass and Meal card system is planned to be launched by March. The pilot experience of school 1149 is being discussed with might and main in the city, every week conference calls are held on this topic with the participation of all Zelenograd schools, as well as representatives of the Department of Education and the Department information technologies Moscow.

Welcome or no outsiders allowed

The site’s questions about how the new system works in practice were answered by Dmitry Podyryako, deputy director of school 1149 for security:

Before the start of the first lesson, there are no crowds at the entrance to the school - although at this time, probably 99% of the students enter the school after 15-20?

Yes, it's happening pretty fast. One turnstile, according to the calculations of the developers, passes about 300 people during this period. We have about 500 students and 50-60 employees, which is less than the capacity of our three turnstiles. During installation, their number is determined based on the design capacity of the school building - our school has 850 people.

- During the operation of the system, nothing has broken yet, have there been any failures in the system?

There were, but everything is repaired promptly - malfunctions are eliminated via remote access. This is done by a service organization, the Moscow firm I-Teco, under an agreement with the Department of Information Technologies of Moscow. It is planned that after the introduction of this system in most schools of the district, the repair service will be based directly in Zelenograd.

- How does the system work? There are no photos or names of students on the cards, like social cards…

All cards are linked to personal identification numbers in the server computer - you cannot exchange them, otherwise the system will mark not you, but someone else at the entrance to the school. In general, the system is convenient in that it immediately gives out lists of students by class, in which you can see who came to school today and who did not.

- Do parents already receive SMS-messages?

Yes, when a child enters or leaves school, parents are immediately sent an SMS or email notification. What kind of method to use for communication, the parents indicate in the applications, we all wrote such applications. If a student decides to leave school in the middle of the day, parents will immediately know about it.

- So, to jump out of school, for example, to smoke will not work?

This is where parents find out. We already have one high school student complaining about this to the class teacher - my mother immediately saw him when he left the school after the third lesson, called and asked him: “Where did you go?”

- How did you work with parents before launching the system?

We had parent-teacher meetings, we told our parents about everything, explained everything, gave them special brochures that describe how the system works.

- How can parents go to school now?

We issue temporary cards to parents. First of all, they are received by members of the parent committees. Now every week we are approached with statements by several parents - we make cards for them. We have parents who go to classes, there are those who come to talk to teachers. If the passage to the school is required one-time - from the security post they call me or the director, and we give the command to skip. Everyone who enters the building, even for 5 minutes, is registered in the electronic visitor log, which is in this system, using an identity document (passport or driver's license), and receives a temporary card.

- Temporary cards can be obtained by anyone who wants - does the school have a large stock of them?

The stock, unfortunately, is not very large, but it is needed both for issuing temporary cards and for replacing damaged student cards. To do this, we were given 50 cards, about 10% of the number of students. This number is now planned to be increased to 15% for other schools, based on the experience gained. We have not lost so many cards now, but they also deteriorate, the plastic breaks. There is another way out - for those of the guys who have social cards, we issue a pass for them. In principle, the "Information City" cards that came with the system are, as planned, temporary, and in the future, the system should use full-fledged social cards that some schoolchildren already have.

- And the same social cards can already be connected to the "Pass and Meal" system?

Yes. At the time of system launch, this is not done in order to speed up its start - everyone is simply given the same type of cards. And now we ourselves can connect social cards, at the request of parents. Some parents are worried that then these cards, for example, will stop working as travel cards, but we have not yet encountered this - full compatibility is ensured. There are no difficulties in connecting them, but there are disadvantages: if you lose a social card, it is not so easy to get a new one. It takes about a month to issue a new card, and if the initial issuance of social cards for Zelenograd is done through schools, then the card is restored for Zelenograd residents only through a personal trip of parents to Moscow, to one of the points for issuing cards in the Moscow Metro. I note that Muscovites and primary cards do this only, schools in Moscow do not do this in principle.

So, the problem of using social cards of a Moscow schoolchild is that the responsibility for its loss or breakage increases, and there are much more inconveniences associated with this?

Essentially, yes. When connecting a social card, the "Information City" pass card ceases to be valid.

- And if the child still loses the social card?

Will go to school on a temporary card, which we issue for a sufficiently long period, from the existing reserve of cards.

Is it possible to go to school twice with one card - that is, to transfer it to a classmate, for example, who forgot his card at home?

You can go in, but the guard on the computer will have a second pass in a row with one card in red - although the turnstile will not block his entrance. In addition, the pass system will not mark a person who has entered the wrong card among those present at the school, and the food system will not see him. It turns out that he will not receive food on this day.

How do firefighters and the Ministry of Emergency Situations feel about the introduction of such systems with turnstiles in schools, because they restrict entry and exit from the building?

The project is coordinated with all instances. The fact is that in schools the central entrance is not used for evacuation at all. Emergency exits from the stairs are used, this is where all the main evacuation takes place. In addition, next to the turnstiles, additional passages in the fence (gates) are opened so that more people can be let out if necessary.

- What to do with such a card if someone found it on the street in the city?

Bring to any school. Schools are then exchanged. It is the same with social cards, although in principle the school number and the name of the owner are written on them.

- What else is planned to be added to the system in the future, in addition to the passage, meals and travel cards for transport?

Information will be added to these cards - they are planned to be used for issuing textbooks, books from the library, and linking them to electronic journals so that attendance is recorded there at the same time.

Everything is like in adults: to the buffet with an "electronic wallet"

The cafeteria of school 1149 is practically no different from any other school cafeteria. By the end of the first lesson, the attendants are bustling about there, laying the first breakfasts for that day. At the distribution, the cook lays out porridge, in the buffet for the first buyers, pyramids of buns, juices and pies are waiting. The only innovation is two computer touchscreen monitors that are already installed and connected to the system.

The buffet electronic cash desk operates and completely replaces the usual cash payment. It is enough to present the card, and the barman sees from his side the photo and name of its owner, as well as the balance of money on his personal account, and the buyer will be able to check the shopping list on his screen.

Tatyana Nekh, catering specialist at school 1149, tells more about how cards work in the school canteen.

- Is the system of payment for meals by cards still not fully operational?

Yes, in part - since February 3, we have been testing it. There are terminals in the canteen, and the cafeteria is already ready to accept payment from these cards, and the Moscow Schoolchild catering plant, our supplier, is ready for this. While parents are not very ready, few people already put money on cards. And this can already be done. Each child has a personal account in the system, which is created upon registration personal card. You can follow it through the public services portal - and replenish and control expenses. Parents can put any amount on the card, which will be spent gradually, and set a spending limit for a certain period. You can replenish the balance through terminals and ATMs of Sberbank and the Bank of Moscow, recently Sberbank was connected online. But parents are still afraid to switch to electronic money. Still, giving a child, say, 50 rubles a day for a canteen is still more common, and only three high school students use cards for payments in the canteen.

- Aren't cards still needed for breakfast and lunch?

Paid lunches and breakfasts are not yet connected in the system. Since January, we have launched an electronic system for registering subsidized meals, and beneficiaries are already eating on cards [children from low-income or large families and families of other preferential categories, whose meals are paid from the Moscow budget - website]. Such an electronic system is actually very convenient and transparent. Parents can immediately see that the child has eaten - they also receive SMS messages about this. Electronic system payments for paid breakfasts and lunches will be introduced when we fully understand and settle with the Moscow Schoolchild food factory the algorithm for pre-ordering products and paying for actually received portions.

- What's the problem - pre-ordering portions?

Yes, the difficulty is that the products are ordered three days in advance, and if the child does not come to school, the question is what to do with the ordered ration. After all, our schools have canteens of a pre-cooking type, that is, they receive raw materials and semi-finished products for cooking, and not ready-made packaged portions for warming up [the current contract with the Moscow Schoolchild Plant was concluded from January 2014 to July 2015 for the same form of service - website]. Suppliers don't want to lose money. If it was the so-called "on-board meals", then there portions come in individual packages - they can be returned on the same day. It is impossible for us to do this, and a unified algorithm for calculating schools with the Moscow Schoolchildren has not yet been developed. We still collect money from parents for paid meals and transfer the prepayment to the plant by the 15th day of each month.

- How does the system of issuing breakfasts and lunches for beneficiaries work?

With beneficiaries, everything is flexible: if such a child does not come, we have a “reserve list” of children in each class to whom we can give his portion. As a nutrition manager, I do all the replacements in the system in the morning. For example, today 161 students came instead of 198, and 35 out of 42 beneficiaries - I see their list for each class, I see the guys from the reserve list who came today, I choose someone and give him a free portion. You can transfer portions between classes. Then the canteen receives this data and gives out a certain number of portions to beneficiaries for breakfast and lunch.

- Usually in the dining room, everyone who eats is covered by the attendants - how will this happen now, with cards?

In the future, all children for whom a paid ration is ordered will have to receive their portions by applying cards to the terminal. If the attendants cover the class, this issue may be resolved differently. For example, attendants will collect cards of all the children who eat that day and go with them to the dining room. Or in some other way.

This means that the second half of the system related to nutrition is still being worked out. What questions and comments do you already have about working with her? How are they resolved?

Not everything in the system is technically convenient, and every Friday at the selector we tell the specialists of the Department of Information Technology what difficulties we encountered in the operation of the system. For example, the reports and pivot tables in the system are not exactly what our catering work requires for reporting. So far, according to our comments, nothing has changed in the system. We are told that it is currently in beta and will be further developed by September 2014.

Elena Panasenko

This year, all schools in the city will complete the implementation of the information system "Passage and Meals" ("Moskvenok"). It remains to equip about 80 buildings with this system. Pupils will go to school and buy food in the cafeteria only with the help of electronic media. This is either a student's social card, or a Moskvenok card or bracelet. Such a system allows parents to track online when the child came to school and left there, as well as find out what he had for lunch and what he bought at the buffet. A similar system is being introduced in the buildings of preschool groups.

“By the end of the year, we plan to cover all the remaining schools with the Pass and Meal system, approximately 80 buildings, as well as another 300 buildings for preschool groups, in addition to those already covered. In 2018, the system will work in all buildings of preschool groups, ”the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow explained.

Parents can view the history of school attendance and the history of purchases in the buffet in personal account mos.ru portal or in the Moscow State Services application. You can also set up prompt informing by e-mail or through ush notifications.

With the help of mos.ru, a parent can set an electronic ban on the purchase of certain types of food - for example, chocolate bars, pastries or sandwiches, as well as set a limit on the child's spending at the cafeteria.

To date Information system"Passage and Nutrition" operates in more than 1.7 thousand school buildings, it is used by over 860 thousand students. How to join the system: the first option is to get a Moskvenok electronic card at school for free, which is used only to enter the building and make purchases in the canteen or buffet. Lost card can be blocked, a new one will be released for free, while the money on it will remain. The second is to issue a student's social card through the mos.ru portal free of charge. It, in addition to passage and food, gives the opportunity to travel on public transport and discounts on goods for children. The third option may be to purchase the Moskvenok bracelet. If the school ordered bracelets centrally, they are issued free of charge.

Passage by cards is also being introduced in the buildings of preschool groups. More than 1.8 thousand buildings have already been equipped with the system, this year it will appear in another 300, and by the end of 2018 - in all buildings.

In preschool groups, Moskvenok cards are issued not to kids, but to trusted persons. These are mothers, fathers, grandmothers, nannies and so on. The list of trustees is made up of parents or guardians. With the help of the system, parents will be able to receive online (via the mos.ru portal or the Moscow State Services application) information about when the baby entered the building, as well as who accompanied him.

The electronic card itself is used to enter the buildings of preschool groups. At the same time, a photo of the one who came is displayed on the monitor of the guards. Further, the parent notes on a special information panel which of his children (if there are several) he brought or picks up. Adults can also use the social card of a Muscovite instead of the Moskvyonok card. About 580,000 parents and other trusted persons have already received cards or bracelets.