Car loan in communication bank calculator. How to get a car loan from a bank

A person who wants to buy a car is not always able to immediately shell out the required amount. In this case, banks come to the rescue, and at Svyaz Bank a car loan can be taken out on terms favorable to the client. Several car loan programs are offered:

  1. "Reliable partner".
  2. Loan under the state program for subsidizing the purchase of cars.
  3. “Your own car Standard.”
  4. "Partner Premium".

For all programs, the rate is reduced by 1% upon provision of documentary evidence of income and employment (except for government subsidies). An additional 0.5% discount is valid for employees of VEB group organizations and partner companies, as well as salary card holders.

Reliable partner

Under the terms of the program, you can buy a car from 100 thousand to 6 million rubles, both new and used, while the price of a used car cannot be lower than 400 thousand rubles. The duration of the contract is from six months to 5 years.

The rate on a car loan depends on the size of the down payment that the client is willing to make when applying:

  • from 30% of the car price and above – 16.5% per annum;
  • from 20% to 30% – the rate increases to 17.5%.

The program applies to:

  • new vehicles included in the list of models and brands approved by Svyaz Bank;
  • used cars from 400 thousand rubles.

Car loan "Reliable partner"

Amount of credit

from 100 thousand rubles to
6 million rubles

loan terms

from 6 months
up to 5 years

loan rate

from 16.5%
per annum

* - a minimum package of documents is required

The above rates apply to clients who present a minimum package of documents: a passport and a second paper.

Loan with government subsidy

The state subsidy program allows you to purchase a car with a cost ranging from 100 thousand to 1 million 160 thousand rubles. The amount of the down payment under the state program is from 20% of the price of the car, the loan term is from 6 months. up to 3 years.

Loan with government subsidy

Amount of credit

from 100 thousand rubles to
1 million 160 thousand rubles

loan terms

from 6 months
up to 3 years

loan rate

from 12.4%
per annum

* - down payment – ​​from 20% of the car price

The loan has a base rate of 12.4%, valid subject to the following conditions:

  • the client received the loan until December 31, 2017 inclusive;
  • the cost of the purchased vehicle is no more than 1,450 thousand;
  • the car is new, produced on Russian territory during 2016-17;
  • the total weight of the vehicle according to the passport is not higher than 3.5 tons;
  • loan up to 36 months.

Your car Standard

The minimum amount is limited to 100 thousand rubles, the maximum is 3 million. The term of this loan is from six months to 60 months, the rate is 19.5% per annum. In this case, a down payment of 30% of the price of the vehicle purchased on credit is required. The general requirements for the vehicle are:

  • belonging to category B according to PTS;
  • vehicle weight not exceeding 3.5 tons.

Loan "Own car Standard"

Amount of credit

from 100 thousand rubles to
3 million rubles

loan terms

from 6 months
up to 5 years

loan rate

from 19.5%
per annum

* - down payment from 30% of the car price

For new cars there are additional conditions:

  • The vehicle has not previously been registered in the Russian Federation;
  • was not in the possession of an individual;
  • the car was produced no earlier than two years before the day the loan was issued.

Premium Partner

The basic range of amounts for this program is from 100 thousand to 6 million. The rate depends on the down payment:

  • 9% if the borrower is willing to pay at least 30% of the price of the car;
  • 5% if you have at least 50% of the amount on hand.

Loan term from 6 to 60 months.

Credit "Partner Premium"

Amount of credit

from 100 thousand rubles to
6 million rubles

loan terms

from 6 months
up to 5 years

loan rate

from 14.5%
per annum*

* - with a down payment of 50% of the cost of the car

Additional terms:

  • a new car under this program should cost from 2.5 million;
  • used – from 2 million;
  • to buy a used car you need to have half of its value for a down payment;
  • purchase is carried out through an official dealer.

Borrower requirements and documents

For clients wishing to obtain a car loan, the following requirements apply:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • age within 21-65 years (65 on the day the loan expires);
  • length of service at the current place of employment of at least 4 months, and total length of service - from 1 year (the conditions of general length of service do not apply to “salary” borrowers);
  • if the client is an individual entrepreneur, his business must have been operating for at least one and a half years;
  • the borrower must provide mobile and work numbers for communication, as well as a landline number at the address of actual residence or registration (you can also indicate the number of the contact person).

Additionally, one of the following conditions must be met:

  • permanent registration in the Russian Federation in one of the regions covered by the presence of Svyaz Bank, or in a region bordering it (for some regions of the country);
  • the employer (or branch of the organization) is located in such a region;
  • the client has a Svyaz Bank card issued as part of the salary project.

The absolute majority of shares are controlled by Vnesheconombank, so the emphasis is on serving corporate clients. However, Svyaz-Bank also works with individuals, providing retail lending. In particular, the bank offers a line of car loans, from which each client can choose the one that best suits his requirements.

Car loans from Svyaz-Bank

"Reliable partner"

The loan is issued for the purchase of both a new and used car at an official dealer. At the same time, the cost of a used car should be above 400,000 rubles.

  • Loan terms range from six months to five years.
  • The amount of the down payment that must be made from your own funds is at least 20%.
  • Rate 16.5% - 17.5% (when making more than 30% of the down payment, the rate is reduced by 1%. Salary clients of the bank can count on a half-percent discount). If you provide a full package of documents, the rate will be lower by another 1%.
  • Loan amount from 100,000 to 6,000,000 rubles (the maximum amount is issued only if there are documents confirming employment and income).
  • A new car necessarily requires a CASCO insurance certificate.
  • A loan can be obtained using just two documents.

"Your own car standard"

You can purchase a new or used car of category “B”, the maximum weight of which does not exceed 3.5 tons. The purchase does not have to be made in the showrooms of official dealers. But then, if the loan amount is over 1.5 million rubles, you will have to provide a full package of documents.

  • Duration – from 6 to 60 months.
  • Amount 100,000 – 3 million rubles.
  • Down payment amount from 30%.
  • Rate from 19.5% (for salary clients – from 19%).

"Partner Premium"

Designed for the purchase of premium cars, new and used, in the showrooms of official dealers. At the same time, the cost of a new car should start from 2.5 million rubles, the cost of a used car – from 2 million rubles.

Other conditions:

  • The down payment amount for a used car is from 50%.
  • CASCO is mandatory.
  • Amount from 100,000 to 6 million rubles.
  • Rate from 14.5% (or 1% less if the borrower provides documents confirming income and employment). Salary clients receive a 0.5% discount on the rate.
  • Loan terms range from six months to 5 years (60 months).

Requirements for borrowers

  • Availability of Russian citizenship.
  • Age 21-65 years.
  • Permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation (either registration or a permanent place of work in the region where the bank operates is allowed. Or - having a bank salary card).
  • Work experience at the current place of work is from 4 months (for individual entrepreneurs - from one and a half years).
  • General experience of 1 year (the requirement does not apply to salary clients of the bank).
  • It is necessary to provide numbers: personal mobile phone, landline work and landline contact.

List of required documents

  • Application form for a loan.
  • Russian Federation passport.
  • The second document of the borrower's choice: driver's license, international passport, SNILS, service ID.
  • For a loan amount of 3 million rubles or more: a certificate of income, a copy of the work record book certified by the employer. The requirement does not apply to salary clients.

Svyaz Bank offers its version of a loan for the purchase of a vehicle. A car loan at Svyaz Bank is suitable for those who want to support their auto industry by purchasing a Russian-made car, as well as for lovers of foreign cars.

Vehicles can be purchased new or used, but only in car dealerships with which Svyaz Bank cooperates.

About the bank

The organization was founded in 1991, its main owner is Vnesheconombank. Having a large sales network, he works with the Russian Post under the Postal Bank program, which sometimes stops. If this program is implemented, the organization will become the largest in the country in terms of the number of offices.

Today there are more than two hundred branches in different Russian cities with an ATM network of half a million devices. The organization issues more than 400 thousand plastic cards. The bank is aimed at developing retail business.


Lending currency Rubles
Car loan rate From 11.5 to 15 percent per year
Car loan amount From 100 thousand rubles to 2 and a half million rubles (from 80,000 rubles to one and a half million rubles for used cars)
An initial fee From 15 percent (foreign), from 20 percent (domestic production)
Lending time From 1 to 5 years (up to 3 years for used cars)
Processing fee Up to 6 thousand rubles
Application review time 3 working days
Early payment Possible from 4 months, further – no commissions
Car insurance Mandatory CASCO, OSAGO

Programs and tariffs

The name of the program Annual rate Down payment Maximum loan size Loan fee
Your own car From 9.9 to 17.5% From 40 percent 3-5 million rubles 5000 rubles
Your own car – Light From 9.9 to 18.5% per year Not less than 15 percent of the car price 3-5 million rubles 5000 rubles
Commercial vehicle From 11.9 to 14.4% per year Determined personally 1.5 million rubles 5000 rubles
Commercial vehicle – Light From 12.9 to 14.9% per year Determined personally depending on the price of the car 1.5 million rubles 5000 rubles
We need a loan to purchase a car From 19% per year Personal 1.5 million rubles No

The “Your Own Car” offer is universal and takes into account the conditions for obtaining a loan for the purchase of both a new and used car, regardless of the manufacturer.

This car loan at Svyaz Bank fits into the range from 9.9 to 17.5% per year: The smallest percentage works when choosing a new foreign car in a deal from 40%. The income must be confirmed by a 2NDFL certificate.

To increase the limit on a car loan, it is permissible to attract a co-borrower. When proving income using a bank form, the rate increases by half a percent, and the largest loan amount is reduced to 3 million rubles.

Video: Automation of testing of banking applications

The rate is also affected by the commission for issuing a loan of 5 thousand rubles. The banking institution gives clients a choice: either paying a commission or increasing the loan rate by half a percent. A car loan can be issued to a borrower over 23 years of age.

The “Own Car – Light” loan offer implies a car lending program on two securities, the interest rate is from 9.9 to 18.5% per annum.

The amount of your funds must be at least 15% of the cost of the car. CASCO can be included in the loan. What’s nice for the Bank’s clients is that they can take out a loan with a minimum number of papers, including for a used car. It is not possible to purchase a used car from a private owner; the organization cooperates only with car dealerships.

Offer “Commercial vehicle” in Svyaz Bank you can get a loan at a rate of 11.9 to 14.4% per year. The car loan itself can include insurance and additional equipment. Lending time is limited to 5 years. The rate is determined individually, depending on the cost of transport and the manufacturer.

There is the same as in car loans for passenger cars, an issuance commission, if waived, the rate increases by half a percent, which affects the overpayment upward more than the size of this commission. The exception is minimum loan amounts for a short time. The application for this proposal will be considered for about a week.

The offer “Commercial Vehicle – Light” provides interest from 12.9 to 14.99% per year, unlike the previous one only in that you do not need to bring extra documents. Enough license and passport.

According to offers for lending commercial vehicles at Svyaz Bank, it is impossible to obtain a loan of more than one and a half million rubles. The late fee is equal to 0.75% per day of the monthly payment due, which is slightly higher than most organizations (0.5%).

Consumer loan for the purchase of a car. Can be issued without a down payment. Consumer lending offers at Svyaz Bank come in many varieties. The usual offer provides a rate of 19 percent per year and a guarantee.

The size of the loan that can be issued under such conditions will reach one and a half million rubles. The bank does not provide any commissions. But if you opt out of life insurance, the rate will increase by 2%.

Requirements for the borrower

Package of documents

It is known that the securities provided affect the size of the loan and the interest rate. The largest loan amount up to 5 million rubles is available under the “4 documents” program, which includes 3 documents and a certificate of income in the Svyaz Bank form or 2 personal income tax.

Documents required to obtain a car loan:

  • passport;
  • rights;
  • a copy of the work book;
  • personal income tax certificate 2;
  • military ID (for guys).

There is also a simplified form of applying for a car loan, which requires the presence of two documents: a passport and a second document - a foreign passport, driving license or pension certificate. Under the “2 documents” program you can get up to 1.5 million rubles.

How to apply for and receive a car loan from Svyaz Bank

Loan processing steps:

  • car selection;
  • collecting papers for a banking organization in order to apply for a loan;
  • submitting an application and waiting for a decision from a credit institution;
  • concluding a purchase agreement with the dealership that has the selected car. After completing the agreement, the dealership must issue the buyer with paperwork for the car to apply for a car loan;
  • signing a loan agreement at a banking institution based on papers received from the seller. After this, the money will be transferred to the car dealership’s account;
  • receiving a vehicle.

Collateral requirements

The following requirements apply to security::

  • collateral in the form of purchased property;
  • guarantor;
  • Presence of penalties: for violation of the time of payment of payments on the main loan or accrued interest (20% per year of the amount of the unfulfilled obligation), for the absence of a transport passport at the appointed time (100 rubles per day of delay), for the absence of papers that indicate concluding contracts on compulsory insurance (100 rubles per day of delay).

It is possible for a co-borrower to participate in the loan to increase the final loan size.

Vehicle requirements

Cars that can be borrowed from Svyaz Bank:

  • New cars of foreign and Russian production;
  • Used cars of foreign and Russian origin (not older than 8 years and 5 years, respectively, at the time of repayment of the car loan).

Transport requirements:

  • car category – “B”;
  • the largest weight is up to 3.5 tons;
  • the car has not previously been registered in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation;
  • transport was not previously owned by an individual;
  • the car was manufactured no earlier than one year before the loan date.

Requirements for used cars:

  • the age of the vehicle is no more than ten years at the time of the planned loan repayment date;
  • foreign-made car;
  • the number of former owners (individuals) of the car is no more than three.
  • The vehicle mileage limit is no more than 150,000 km.
  • presence of the original Transport Passport.

A mandatory requirement of a banking institution is to provide only the original vehicle passport and CASCO insurance.


Requirements for the insurance organization:

  • The insurance organization must be on the list of insurance organizations approved by the banking organization on the date of execution of the loan agreement.

Repayment methods

You can apply for a car loan at Svyaz Bank at a bank branch or on the Internet by submitting an application online. At this bank you can get a car loan under special programs on favorable terms without a down payment with a low annual rate.

But before you take out a loan, always check whether there are any pitfalls in a particular program.