Otp bank is official. OTP bank personal account

License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: No. 2766

About the bank

Bank OTP Bank received a license on March 28, 1994. OTP Bank is a participant in the compulsory deposit insurance system. The organization's fund is created from funds of individuals/legal entities and borrowings from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The head office in Moscow is located at 125171, Moscow, Leningradskoye sh., 16a, building 1. contact number jar: .

During the operation of the bank, its representative offices were opened in different cities of Russia, 14 branches were opened in Moscow, and 18 ATMs were opened in the region.

Bank OTP Bank provides the following services:

17 deposit offers, the maximum rate of which is 9.00. The most popular offers: Profitable Premium (special conditions), Freedom of management, Anniversary.

OTP Bank provides services consumer lending. Total loan programs 9. Minimum interest rate- 6.00. Among the most popular offers are programs 0-0-36 L (0-0-36) + Euroset, 0-0-10 plus + Euroset, Outerwear + Aleph.

At OTP Bank you can issue credit card, choosing the most profitable among 3. Minimum bid- 24.90. Bank clients often choose the following programs: Clear credit card, Big cashback, Molniya credit card.

At the bank you can issue debit card. Among the 11, the most popular are Deposit + card, MasterCard Standard TP Currency, Molodezhnaya. The maximum bet on the balance is 4.00.

Today, the dollar purchase rate at OTP Bank is 55.50, and the sales rate is 59.50. The euro exchange rate when buying is 62.00, and when selling is 66.00.

OTP Bank was included in a number of ratings:
OTP Bank occupies 38th place in the ranking in terms of assets with an amount of 167,976 million rubles.
The bank is in 24th place in the ranking for loans with an amount of 68,456 million rubles. It is in 43rd place in the ranking for deposits with an amount of 45,565 million rubles.

OTP Bankbelongs to the OTP Group financial group and is one of the 50 largest banks in Russia. Has over one and a half million clients.

The key activity of this financial institution- lending and others Banking services for individuals.

OTP Bank ranks 2nd in the POS lending market (FrankResearch Group as of April 1, 2018) and 7th place in the credit card market (Frank Research Group as of April 1, 2018). OTP Bank is a participant in the system compulsory insurance deposits.

Part of OTP Group is international project Touch Bank- retail digital bank providing financial products and services through personal online account and mobile application.

OTP-Bank has repeatedly become the best in various categories of the Financial Olympus and Financial Literacy competitions.

In addition, the bank is a member of the Association of European Businesses, Banks of Russia, and is a member of the deposit insurance system, stock market and other non-profit organizations.

OTP Bank plans to partner with three million satisfied customers and build a long-term mutually beneficial partnership with them. Also, one of the main goals of the bank is to include it in the top twenty highest-rated banks in the country.

The bank has developed dynamically occurs in other countries , including in Ukraine.

As of July 2019, there are 18 branches and 18 ATMs of OTP Bank in Moscow.

If you call the hotline OTP line Bank, the client will hear the informant’s voice menu. It consists of 5 sections. Each section corresponds to a specific key on the phone layout.

  • If you want to quickly connect with an operator and not wait for the informant’s full message, then you need to click figure.
  • Behind number information about bank cards is fixed. In this section, the client will be able to obtain comprehensive information on debit and credit cards, leave a request for release, find out the production date, check the status of consideration, find out the date of the next payment on a credit card or minimum payment etc. By pressing a number in the main menu, the client enters the menu of subsections of the category " Bank cards" Here you can quickly block the plastic card by pressing the number, activate a new card by pressing the number, get a PIN code (number 3), find out any information (number 4). For example, if you want to activate your card, you need to call the OTP hotline and press the following sequence of numbers: 1 - 2.
  • Under number The main menu contains a section with information about loans. It also consists of several subsections. By clicking on a number in this section, the client can receive information about the bank’s POS loans, which are provided for the purchase of goods and services in partner stores.
    The number will connect the client with an operator who will provide comprehensive information about consumer cash loans and non-targeted loans. By clicking on the number, the client will receive information about the conditions for granting and servicing loans at OTP Bank.
  • Section "Deposits" in the main voice menu OTP Bank's contact center is located under the number. When you click on this number, the client is immediately transferred to an operator. There are no subsections here.
  • The last category of the main voice menu of the OTP Bank call center is “Other products and services” under number. There are no subsections here, so there is a direct connection with a contact center employee.

How long does it take to wait for operators to respond?

The OTP bank call center is not so overloaded that users wait 20-30 minutes for an operator to answer them. The usual response time rarely exceeds 1-1.5 minutes. In some cases, delays from 3 to 10 minutes are possible. This happens most often during rush hour. This period lasts daily from 16:00 to 20:00. This often happens on Fridays until late in the evening.

Disadvantages of the OTP contact center

When calling the OTP Bank hotline and subsequent connection with the operator, the system does not inform the client of the approximate waiting time, stating only that phone call The first available operator will answer. In most other banks, the client is informed of at least the approximate waiting time for an employee’s response, and this is much more convenient.

The biggest disadvantage hotline The OTP of the bank is that the client will not be able to return to the previous menu by pressing any key (# or * in other banks). This is simply not provided for in the OTP Bank voice menu.
If the client makes a mistake and selects the wrong button, he will have to make a second call, or wait for an automatic connection with the operator, which will happen if he does not select any of the categories 2 times in a row.

The history of the Russian OTP Bank begins with the creation in March 1994 of the Hermes savings bank, which at that time was part of the concern of the same name. Later, the bank was transformed into JSCB "Bank of Investments and Savings" (abbreviated as Investsberbank). In February 2005, the merger of Investsberbank with the capital Russian Bank was completed General Bank() on the initiative of the latter’s shareholders (co-owners of the Novorossiysk commercial sea port Alexander Ponomarenko and Alexander Skorobogatko). It was believed that Investsberbank had a more recognizable brand in the private deposit market, so the merger of banks took place on its basis, and the RSL license was revoked. The size of the transaction was then estimated at 800 thousand US dollars. In August 2006, the bank also annexed Omsk and Novorossiysk (see “Book of Memory”), which were transformed into the Omsk and Novorossiysk branches, respectively. In October 2006, the Hungarian OTP Bank* completed the acquisition of 96.4% of Investsberbank shares for $477 million. In 2008, Investsberbank switched to the parent brand and was renamed OTP Bank.

As of November 12, 2018, the Hungarian OTP Bank controls 97.90% of the shares of the Russian credit institution, and a further 1.20% stake is owned by the Hungarian closed Joint-Stock Company for investments and property management "MFB Invest". The remaining shares (less than 0.9%) are distributed among other minority shareholders.

The head office of the credit institution is located in Moscow, and in general the financial institution is present in more than 3,700 populated areas RF. The bank's sales network includes six branches (St. Petersburg, Omsk, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Gukovo in the Rostov region, Khabarovsk), 143.6 thousand consumer lending points, 96 credit and cash offices, 134 points customer service. During 2017, in order to optimize operating costs, the bank closed six representative offices in the Russian Federation. The company's own network of ATMs includes about 195 devices, service terminals - 269 devices. The registered number of bank employees as of January 1, 2018 was 1,487 people (a year earlier - 1,520 people).

Private clients of the financial institution are offered a standard set banking products and services, primarily deposits, cash and card loans, consumer loans in stores, car loans. The bank's partners are such retail outlets and networks as the digital supermarket DNS, Svyaznoy, Euroset, Megafon, Expert, Beeline, Media Markt, Lazurit, Mnogo Mebeli, jewelry chain 585, Moskovsky Jewelry Factory", "Adamas", "Aleph", "Snow Queen", "Know-How", "Citylink", "M. video”, etc. The bank’s products for individuals also include cards MasterCard systems(credit, debit, with interest accrued on the balance) and “Mir”, Money transfers (Western Union, « gold Crown"), safe rental, programs voluntary insurance, account servicing, etc.

Bank services and products for corporate clients include settlement and cash services, placing funds on deposits and bills, lending and issuing guarantees, salary projects, remote maintenance, support for export-import operations, factoring, trade finance.

In total, the bank serves more than 3.9 million clients - legal entities and individuals. In the corporate segment, the bank primarily lends to borrowers engaged in trade, construction, real estate transactions, finance and operating leases. Among the bank's clients were such organizations as JSC "Domestic Medicines", PJSC "Rusgrain Holding", LLC "Element Leasing", LLC "MFO "Pedshekhod", OJSC "Melnitsa", PJSC "Impulse", PJSC "Saratovenergo", PJSC Rostelecom, JSC Pharmadis, JSC Ezra, etc.

In the first 10 months of 2018, the net assets of the credit institution increased by 5.2%, amounting to 148.9 billion rubles by November 1, 2018. The growth in liabilities over this period was ensured by client funds (equally retail and corporate clients) and equity capital. In assets, liquidity was directed primarily to the interbank lending market and lending to corporate clients. At the same time, in addition to attracting liabilities, the bank also received a significant part of the funds from the sale of 40% of the bond portfolio in assets.

The structure of the credit institution's liabilities is poorly diversified by sources of attraction and is characterized by an increased dependence on funds from individuals, whose share as of the reporting date amounted to 41.7% of the total liabilities. The second largest source of resources were funds from corporate clients (balances on current accounts and deposits of various maturities) with a share of 21.9% of liabilities. Formed almost as much equity bank, the adequacy of which was more than twice the minimum established level according to the N1.0 standard. The activity of the bank’s client base is low due to its specialization in retail lending, but it is stable: turnover on current/current accounts of clients for recent months during the study period amounted to 150-180 billion rubles.

The main volume of assets of a credit organization falls on the item loan portfolio, which as of the reporting date formed 61.6% of net assets. Issued interbank loans accounted for 20.7%, highly liquid funds (mainly balances in a correspondent account with the Central Bank) - 4.7%, and other assets accounted for another 7.2%.

Since the beginning of 2018, the total volume of the loan portfolio has increased slightly (+3.8%). The main share in its composition is occupied by loans provided individuals, - 80.9%. A significant portion of loans (both retail and corporate) are issued for terms from one to three years, and an impressive volume of retail loans are in the form of overdrafts. During the analyzed period, the level of overdue debt total portfolio decreased slightly, but remains quite noticeable - 13.2%. The provisioning level for the loan portfolio is 19.3%, which fully covers the amount of overdue debt. The level of collateral for the loan portfolio with property collateral due to specialization in retail lending is traditionally low and amounted to 20.6% as of the reporting date (a year earlier - 14.6%).

The credit institution is moderately active in the interbank lending market, regularly working in both directions. Since the beginning of 2018, monthly turnover on placed interbank loans amounted to 25-132 billion rubles, on attracted loans - 10-45 billion rubles. On foreign exchange market The financial institution is also showing moderate activity; turnover on conversion operations for the period since the beginning of 2018 amounted to 100-300 billion rubles.

According to RAS reporting data, for the first ten months of 2018 credit organisation received a net profit of 2.8 billion rubles (the same in the same period a year earlier).

Board of Directors: Zoltan Major (chairman), Adam Szentpeteri, Kummer Agnes Julianna, Ferenc Böhle, Ilya Chizhevsky, Robert Barlai, Sándor Béla, Peter Csányi, Bertalan Wido.

Governing body: Ilya Chizhevsky (president), Sergey Kapustin, Yulia Oreshkina, Alexander Vasiliev, Kirill Dremach, Igor Belomytsev, Muslim Satybaldiev, Gabor Burian-Kozma.

* OTP Bank was founded in 1949 and is currently the largest commercial bank Hungary and the core of the leading Hungarian financial group OTP Group. In addition to the bank, the group includes subsidiaries operating in the field of asset management and pension savings, car leasing, tourism business, rental, management and real estate transactions, factoring, as well as a mortgage bank of the same name.

The total assets of the OTP Group at the end of nine months of 2018 amounted to 30.4 billion US dollars (in terms of the Hungarian forint exchange rate to American dollar as of the reporting date), the volume of customer deposits - 19.9 billion US dollars, net profit- 500.1 million US dollars.

Bank website review

The official website of OTP Bank is located at www.otpbank.ru. Here you have the opportunity to get the information you are interested in, go to the Internet bank, read the news about OTP Bank, fill out an online application for a loan, deposit or credit card, find out the phone numbers of the bank’s support services or go to the bank’s page on social networks.

The main place on the first page of the official website of OTP Bank is reserved for advertising of deposits, loans, etc. This is not surprising, because these products are the three pillars of the products offered by the bank. Therefore, it is logical to assume that the majority of site visitors are interested in information specifically on loans and deposits. Also, a significant place is occupied by the “Office Online” block, which transfers site visitors to filling out applications using services.

The entire left column of the OTP Bank website is dedicated to those clients who are looking for a solution to any problem on the site, be it searching for the most suitable loan, remote service, bank tariffs, renting a safe deposit box or anything else. Even the names of the subsections are formulated in question form.

In the “Branches and Branches” block, the first thing you need to do is select your city. Depending on the choice made, the bank's offices and devices will be sorted by city in advance. That is, if you indicate the city of Chelyabinsk and click on the “Offices” link, then in the search you will only see OTP departments Bank of Chelyabinsk, if you select Samara and click “ATMs”, you will only see OTP Bank ATMs in Samara and so on.

The right column of the first page of the official website of OTP Bank is reserved for links to enter the Internet bank, to the help section, search for bank branches and ATMs, as well as a button to go to exchange rates (they are not displayed on the first page of the site, but have their own address). By clicking on the “Need help?” link, you will be taken to a page with answers to FAQ, and from here you can get to the section with hotline numbers or to the section of OTP Bank’s pages on social networks (the bank is currently represented on Vkontakte, Twitter and Facebook).

Please note that the links for logging into online banking are somewhat small and are not immediately noticeable. Probably, this can be regarded as a serious flaw in the usability of the site, because the OTP Bank website is the only place to enter OTP Direct, unless you already own the direct link and have added the address to your browser bookmarks.

Thus, if we evaluate the official website of OTP Bank as a whole, then this is perhaps the most friendly site for those who came here to answer any question. A separate column with topical questions, divided into sections, a brief and at the same time complete presentation of information lead to minimal time spent in finding an answer to a question of interest to a site visitor.

The address of the official website of OTP Bank is www.otpbank.ru