4000 to each Russian from the Foreign Ministry. Insurance payments under SNILS and “return of pension savings”

MOSCOW, September 20 – RIA Novosti. Deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation introduced a bill to the State Duma on the distribution among Russian citizens of part of the budget revenues from payments received from mining. The document was published in the State Duma database.

The project primarily concerns officially working Russians and pensioners. According to the proposal of the deputies, for the first financial year the authorized bodies will have to distribute 20% of income federal budget from payments received in connection with the extraction of mineral resources from subsoil users. This amount will also include taxes and fees.

It is assumed that for each subsequent year 2% more will be distributed than for the previous one. The Russian government, in turn, must establish a procedure for a citizen to receive a share.

The document also defines the categories of persons who have the right to receive such income. According to the project, people who have worked for at least nine months in the current financial year with this period included in their work experience can apply for a share. Russians who were registered with the employment center but did not receive unemployment benefits can also count on payments. In addition, pensioners with “at least five years of work experience” can receive a share.

The Minister of Ecology told how many years Russia will have enough natural resources At the ongoing Eastern Economic Forum 2017, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Sergei Donskoy told how many years Russia will be able to use its resources.

Government is against

The document received a negative opinion from the government, since the changes go beyond the scope of the subject legal regulation the law on subsoil into which they are included. The Cabinet of Ministers recalled that the distribution of federal budget revenues relates to the regulation of budget legislation.

In addition, part of the funds received from payments for the use of natural resources is spent on ensuring state functions, such as protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, the formation of the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund.

“Thus, the right of every citizen to receive income from the use of natural resources is realized through the listed state expenditures to provide benefits and payments guaranteed by the Constitution of Russia and federal laws", the government concluded.

Growth of budget revenues

In June, the State Duma approved in the first reading amendments to the law on the Russian federal budget for 2017, introducing more positive indicators into the country’s main financial document.

First of all, this concerns GDP of 92.9 trillion rubles, which exceeds previous forecasts by almost six trillion.
Planned treasury revenues, according to the document, will increase by 1.191 trillion rubles and amount to 14.679 trillion.

An additional trillion rubles will be brought into the budget by a higher than predicted oil price, said Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

It is expected that budget revenues will be higher due to economic growth: the department assumes that in 2017, Russian GDP growth will not be 0.6%, as previously predicted, but 2%.

The rumor that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the distribution of 4,000 rubles to everyone has been circulating on social networks and instant messengers for several weeks. And everything would have been fine, but there were a lot, or rather, a lot of Russians who believed in this myth. And the question: “how to get 4,000 rubles from the state?” on numerous forums and answering services it sounds with enviable consistency. So where did the myth come from, and who benefited from starting it?

4000 rubles, 4500 rubles, 30000 rubles...

It is difficult to establish when the news appeared that the Russian authorities decided to distribute 4,000 rubles to Russians. Gradually it spread throughout the entire segment of the Russian Internet. The source of the rumor was dubious Internet sites posing as media, as well as public pages in in social networks. There was active mailing via messengers: WhatsApp and Viber. Even fashionable Instagram came into play. Moreover, the photo used was a screenshot of the program of TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev, behind which Internet craftsmen placed a photo of Putin and the text “Putin ordered 4,000 rubles to be distributed to every Russian.”

Comments on dubious news were usually critical. But there were also those who asked in all seriousness how to get 4,000 rubles from Putin on a bank card.

Having not received sensible answers, Russians began to turn to specialists for help. Lawyers on the Internet were literally inundated with questions about how to get 4,000 rubles from the state. They advise everyone the same thing: don’t fall for the scam of Internet bullies.

Outright scammers have already begun to take advantage of the wave of excitement. For example, an article allegedly posted on a major federal channel claims that there was not enough money in the budget to pay everyone 4,000 rubles, so help was provided by an organization designated as an authorized platform. In fact, this platform is a secret online casino.

Many people know the proverb about free cheese in a mousetrap, but continue to believe in freebies. In 2017, a story already appeared on the RuNet that the country’s authorities would pay each Russian citizen 30,000 rubles. Then they were allegedly talking about residents of the Russian Federation born between 1970 and 1993. Allegedly, a special indication has been signed and the money is about to “fall” on the Russians. They believed in the fake news in the same way as they believed in the fact that Putin ordered 4,000 rubles to be distributed to everyone. Once again, lawyers were forced to upset many Russians by calling all such reports nothing more than a story.

Share and distribute

It was also proposed at the official level to distribute money to ordinary Russians, but such proposals never came from the authorities. In September 2017, deputies of the Communist Party faction in the State Duma introduced into the lower house of parliament a bill on the distribution of a share of income from mining among the population. The communists proposed distributing 20 percent of federal budget revenues from mining to Russians. But not everyone, but those who were either officially employed and worked for at least 9 months a year, or were registered with the employment service and did not receive unemployment benefits. Deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation tentatively calculated that if the document were adopted, every Russian who has the right to receive a payment could count on 10,000 rubles.

The Russian government gave a negative response to the draft law of communist deputies. The conclusion of the Cabinet of Ministers, in particular, stated that “the right of every citizen to receive income from the use of natural resources is being realized.” The point is that part of these funds is spent on protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, the formation of the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund.

4 million rubles each

State Duma deputies also expressed more radical proposals. In 2007, people's representatives Viktor Alksnis and Sergei Baburin introduced a document into the lower house of parliament proposing the distribution of money in the amount of 4 million rubles to each citizen of Russia as compensation for savings lost during privatization in the early 1990s.

Many called the idea populist, because at that time the amount that was proposed to be distributed to Russians in total exceeded the annual budget of the United States. The deputies' proposal received a comment from President Putin. The head of state called him “ good project” and then ironically suggested “give everything away and leave.”

Whatever the size of the amount - 4,000 rubles, 4,500 rubles, 10,000 rubles, 30,000 rubles and even 4,000,000 rubles - know that if we are talking about distributing money without reason or reason, this is a 100 percent myth. It’s good if it’s just an innocent deception, but real fraud and scam may be hidden behind it. In this case, you will not only not receive financial assistance, but also lose your own money.

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The unexpected news that Vladimir Putin ordered the distribution of 4,000 rubles to every Russian citizen became one of the main “hits” on the Internet in the fall of 2017. The message, the first source of which could not be identified, was picked up by online magazines, news sites and groups on social networks, giving birth to a myth that thousands of Russians believed.
Naturally, the news about financial assistance from the state to everyone who wanted it turned out to be a duck! The authorities cannot just take and give away money. It is necessary to develop an appropriate law, adopt it in State Duma, budget expenses. And to pay each citizen of the Russian Federation 4 thousand rubles from the state is a huge amount of money.
For example, more than 200 billion rubles were spent from the budget on a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners in January 2017 - huge money for the budget of the Russian Federation.
Let’s tell you in more detail what’s wrong with the news that the president decided to give everyone 4,000 rubles.

Where did the information come from?
It is no longer possible to establish the source of the duck, it has spread so widely across the RuNet. Online media and social media groups were the first to report on the mythical bill. They even started promoting the news on Instagram. Messengers did not stand aside either; various channels sent out news on WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram.
As confirmation, the media attached a screenshot from D. Kiselev’s TV show. Using Photoshop, they added a photo of the president and text stating that they plan to distribute 4,000 rubles to every Russian. It was not done very professionally, but many believed.

Simultaneously with this news, information began to appear about another amount - already 4,500 rubles. Perhaps the myth was promoted by several organizations at once. Ordinary people, having found no confirmation, turned to lawyers with questions about receiving money. As a result, online legal advice sites were flooded with similar questions, and the news, thanks to such popular rumor, spread even more widely across the World Wide Web.
By the way, in the wake of the news, people appeared who wanted to profit from gullible citizens. When asked how to get 4,000 rubles from Putin, some simply offered to send an advance payment to postage. Others took the more complicated route and designated the online casino as a charity and asked them to register on the site to receive money.
Taught by the bitter experience of MMM and other financial pyramids, Russians should have already learned to be critical of such news. Moreover, in 2017, false information already appeared that the state wanted to distribute 30,000 rubles to everyone who was born in the USSR between 1970 and 1993.

Fraudsters on the Internet promise to return pension savings that were allegedly stolen by private funds and to pay large sums using the SNILS number. Let's figure out why this cannot be true and how not to be deceived.

Back in 2017, a type of fraud such as insurance payments according to SNILS from extra-budgetary funds(infamously known as the Social Fund for Public Support, the Interregional Public Development Fund, the Extra-Budgetary Financial Development Fund, etc.). Of course, all these organizations are fictitious, and as they become “recognized,” scammers come up with more and more new names for “funds” and “departments” offering non-existent services.


So, in April 2019, a scam appeared again, offering citizens of Russia (and even CIS countries) to return their money allegedly stolen by non-state pension funds (NPFs). cash through a non-existent National Department of Refunds of Pension Savings. To make people believe such claims are true, scammers create fake pages state TV channels or other official media with fake news (example of one of the headlines: “Putin instructed to deal with NPFs and pay all funds to citizens”). On such pages all links point to attacker sites, stylized as official websites of government agencies. Naturally, victims are promised the return of pension savings amounting to hundreds of thousands of rubles, but for this it is first proposed pay money to scammers who are in no hurry to transfer the promised huge amount in return. This is a scam!

Citizens were previously repeatedly warned about the danger of the new scam, even on the official website of the Russian Pension Fund. Below is an example of a publication on the Pension Fund website from 2017:

Warning on official website of the Pension Fund

Unfortunately, various deception schemes on the topic “how to get money from the state” have recently been in great demand among the population. Citizens' distrust of the state apparatus and official social institutions creates fertile ground for attackers to spread rumors about various “hidden payments,” which most often conceal deception in order to obtain money from gullible citizens (in other words, fraud or “money scam”).

Payments according to SNILS - what is it?

One version of the scam tells citizens about supposedly government-allocated subsidies for “insurance payments,” which are carried out through unknown “private funds.” In turn, these funds try not to advertise the receipt of non-existent government money “intended directly for payments to citizens” and simply scroll it through commercial banks for the purpose of obtaining personal gain.

However, as the scammers report, any citizen can check on their website using their SNILS number or passport whether they are entitled to an insurance payment from the state, and if an accrual is detected they can be received in cash “at any time and in a convenient form” .

What payments are actually due under SNILS?

SNILS of a citizen- this is the insurance number of his individual personal account in the compulsory pension insurance system. This number is indicated on the insurance certificate (green plastic card), which is issued Pension Fund Russia (PFR) to citizens of all ages, including newborns and children under 18 years of age.

This number is, first of all, necessary for the employer to use it to make contributions to the Pension Fund for compulsory pension insurance of its employees (this is 22% of wages before income tax).


These contributions can be paid to the citizen only in the form of a pension upon the onset of the so-called insured event- this is loss of ability to work due to old age, upon receipt of disability or due to the loss of a breadwinner (then the pension is due to the dependents of a deceased working citizen).

Thus, according to common sense, in fact, “insurance payments under SNILS” are nothing more than:

  • labor (insurance) pension- old age, disability and loss of a breadwinner;
  • funded pension, which can be formed for citizens younger than 1967 along with a regular pension in non-state pension funds (NPF) and which is due to be paid only upon reaching retirement age (or to the heirs of a deceased employee before his retirement).

No other “payments according to SNILS” not provided for by law, that is, in fact, the scammers are offering you to receive your future pension now (although for some reason they themselves write on their website that their offer is in no way connected with the Pension Fund, so supposedly there is no need to go and ask about these payments to the Pension Fund - that’s the right thing to do) !). This cannot happen by definition, because the budget does not provide money for this - now there is not enough money even for those who are already retired (for example, pensions have not been indexed for working pensioners for 2 years)! And in general, where does such generosity come from the state to distribute “money from heaven” to everyone, and for some reason, through some “private insurance funds”?

Checking SNILS payments on the Social Fund for Public Support website

Fraudsters act through many identical sites on the Internet, the number of which already goes into dozens. Some of these sites are blocked and are no longer available, but new ones are constantly appearing. It often turns out that the site that a potential victim of fraud ends up on exists for only a few hours. So there is no point in giving the addresses of these sites here; we will only note some common features.

Scam sites are working on behalf of non-existent organizations, allegedly representing the interests of the population on the issue of providing “insurance payments according to SNILS” or “return of hidden pension savings.” These organizations already have about a dozen names (as they are exposed by scammers, new names are invented). In particular, we are talking about the following names of “extrabudgetary funds”:

  • Social Fund for Public Support;
  • Interregional Public Development Fund;
  • Extra-budgetary financial development fund;
  • Settlement center for payments to the population;
  • National Pension Return Fund, etc.

As a rule, people end up on these sites in the following ways:

  • through advertisements on other sites;
  • through advertising and messages in instant messengers and social networks;
  • through spam emails.


First rule, how to protect yourself from scammers - do not click on dubious links and advertisements at all and do not end up on sites with such content. Second rule- always check dubious information through the search engines Yandex and Google, which promptly filter the sites of attackers (there you can also find people’s reviews about the issue that interests you).

At the top of the scam site an announcement is made, by which you can very easily identify a new scam, regardless of which specific site you find yourself on and on behalf of which organization this scam is provided. Standard ad text: “Check your SNILS in 3 minutes for the presence of cash payments from insurance funds” or “Check your data for hidden savings in non-state funds and receive compensation of up to 500,000 rubles”.

  • according to SNILS- depending on the version of the scam, you must enter either the last 5 digits of the insurance certificate (in the latest version from Social Fund public support), or the entire SNILS number (initially, the attackers required you to enter all 11 digits, which carries certain risks, since in this case you transfer your real personal data to the scammers);
  • according to your passport- you only need to enter the passport number (6 or even the last 4 digits) without specifying the series, which is safer (it is noteworthy that it is proposed to check the passport of any state - not only Russian, but also Ukrainian, Moldavian, etc.).


In fact, it is quite suitable for checking using any of these methods even a fictitious set of numbers(because the whole scam is one big fiction with the exception of real money, which the future victim of deception will pay to the scammers if he does not show sufficient vigilance).

Is it possible to get money from a scam?

After checking every visitor(even if the payments were verified according to the child’s documents) it is proposed to receive a large sum of money in the amount of from several tens to several hundred thousand rubles, supposedly found based on data on “insurance charges” from several insurance companies (in fact, of course, all search results are fictitious and will differ even for the same person checking on two different documents). And such information on the Internet is real Insurance companies never publish!

And then the most interesting thing begins (in general, the very thing for which all this was started). When you click on the “Get Money” button, the following message appears: “For access to databases of private insurers (or NPFs), the Unified Settlement Center (or the National Department for Refunds of Pension Savings) charges a flat fee, which for you will be total... rubles» . At the same time, the amount of “access payment” to non-existent databases of private insurers depends on the method of verification and may vary depending on the version of the scam. In one version of the Social Fund for Public Support, the victim of deception is asked to pay the following amounts:

  • 195 rubles when conducting a check using the SNILS number;
  • 235 rubles when checking insurance payments using your passport.


If a visitor to the attackers’ website agrees to make a payment, he is redirected to a regular payment acceptance service, which works only for accepting money. In this case, depending on the specific payment service, it is proposed to make payment in several ways at once (by bank card, through various electronic wallets and even a mobile phone).

Many people usually stop there, wisely disagreeing with the payment (because people have already heard that This is how only scammers work and this is generally one of the most popular fraud schemes by telephone and via the Internet - first a large sum of money is promised, and then it turns out that in order to receive it you must first pay some kind of commission).

If a person falls into the trap of scammers and transfers money to the criminals, then, of course, he will not receive any insurance payments. do not get! Instead, he is again asked to pay for more and more meaningless services, and at a much higher rate:

  • 530 or 550 rubles (depending on which document was used to search for payments) will be asked to pay for some kind of “personal data verification”;
  • 350 or 450 rubles - for a “security pin code”;
  • 1250 or 1350 rubles - for an “encrypted security key”;
  • 1500 or 1600 rubles - for “operator remuneration”, etc.

And this continues until the victim understands that she is being scammed out of money by scammers! Unfortunately, if we analyze the real

The unexpected news that Vladimir Putin ordered the distribution of 4,000 rubles to every Russian citizen became one of the main “hits” on the Internet in the fall of 2017. The message, the first source of which could not be identified, was picked up by online magazines, news sites and groups on social networks, giving birth to a myth that thousands of Russians believed. And the site’s lawyers were literally inundated with questions about how to cash out the “gift” from Putin.

Naturally, the news about financial assistance from the state to everyone who wanted it turned out to be a hoax! The authorities cannot just take and give away money. It is necessary to develop an appropriate law, adopt it in the State Duma, and budget expenses. And to pay each citizen of the Russian Federation 4 thousand rubles from the state is a huge amount of money.

For example, more than 200 billion rubles were spent from the budget on a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles to pensioners in January 2017—huge money for the Russian budget.

Let’s tell you in more detail what’s wrong with the news that the president decided to give everyone 4,000 rubles.

Where did the information come from?

It is no longer possible to establish the source of the duck, it has spread so widely across the RuNet. Online media and social media groups were the first to report on the mythical bill. They even started promoting the news on Instagram. Messengers did not stand aside either; various channels sent out news on WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram.
As confirmation, the media attached a screenshot from D. Kiselev’s TV show. Using Photoshop, they added a photo of the president and text stating that they plan to distribute 4,000 rubles to every Russian. It was not done very professionally, but many believed.

Simultaneously with this news, information began to appear about another amount - already 4,500 rubles. Perhaps the myth was promoted by several organizations at once. Ordinary people, having found no confirmation, turned to lawyers with questions about receiving money. As a result, online legal advice sites were flooded with similar questions, and the news, thanks to such popular rumor, spread even more widely across the World Wide Web.

By the way, in the wake of the news, people appeared who wanted to profit from gullible citizens. When asked how to get 4,000 rubles from Putin, some simply offered to send an advance payment for postage. Others took the more complicated route and designated the online casino as a charity and asked them to register on the site to receive money.

Taught by the bitter experience of MMM and other financial pyramids, Russians should have already learned to be critical of such news. Moreover, in 2017, false information already appeared that the state wanted to distribute 30,000 rubles to everyone who was born in the USSR between 1970 and 1993.

Payments according to SNILS - a scam or not?

Following the information that the president decided to distribute 4,000 rubles to Russians, another myth appeared. The scammers claimed that any resident of the Russian Federation can receive insurance “payments according to SNILS” from extra-budgetary funds. One could have guessed almost immediately that this was a scam. After all, the website of the fund, which is ready to pay large compensation, asks you to pay for services first - 95-120 rubles. But people believed.

And again, lawyers were inundated with questions: is it true that you can receive payments under SNILS? They are even more interested in how to find the fund’s website in order to indicate personal data there and find out how much insurers owe them.

Let us emphasize once again that this is exactly the same scam as the canard about giving away 4,000 rubles. The government has not issued any regulations or other legal acts in this regard. And sites that do this kind of thing are created by scammers. Moreover, they collect real personal data and can subsequently use it for fraudulent purposes, for example, without the consent of citizens, transfer their pension savings to a non-state pension fund.

What did the deputies propose?

In fact, proposals for unconditional financial assistance were submitted to the State Duma more than once, but the initiative never came from ruling persons. In the fall of 2017, deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation introduced a bill to divide 20% of profits from hydrocarbon production among all residents of Russia. The initiators proposed to pay money to all those working and receiving benefits at the labor exchange.
Then everyone would be able to receive 4,000 rubles from the state, and the average payment would be 10,000 rubles. But the authorities rejected the proposal, pointing out that income from resource extraction already reaches Russians through social payments, protection of rights and the creation of reserve funds.

There were also more utopian projects. In 2007, deputies Sergei Baburin and Viktor Alksnis proposed to distribute 4,000,000 rubles to each citizen! With this amount, the people's representatives wanted to compensate for the population losses in the 1990s. The idea was viewed with skepticism and was called populist and unrealizable.