Penalties for late payment on a bank loan. A loan at OTP Bank with a bad credit history - will they give it? At the branch of OTP Bank

I never complained, but today it’s already too much! I have two cards in otp, I pay 3000 for each monthly. There were a couple of delays, but by the next payment I pay everything with interest without problems. Already 4 years with this bank, three loans, one repaid completely. But for a delay of several days, a half-deaf lady calls me and starts just running into me ... threatening me with a blacklist, putting me in a strict framework, and finally, affectionately threatened not to allow delays in the future. It became very unpleasant ... And today the girl with bank, I didn’t have enough 500 rubles for the last payment, well, I think I’ll run in and dozakin in the near future, and then she ... by her tone, I realized that I was an insignificant insect ... thanks, at least I didn’t swear. I wanted to complain on the bank’s website, but nowhere and no one there. I pay off the loan and forget forever about the existence of this bank Terrible bank!!! My father took a loan, died a year later.

OTP bank ruined credit history due to a couple of days of delay

Banking Law Delay Otp Bank Banks 2 votes 2 answers Mom has 4 contracts in the otp bank total debt of 350 thousand rubles of delay today the operator called and said if until the 16th day under the contract under which the delay is 4 months, then the visiting group will arrive, I ask who she said collectors I I say they are not legal, she said that they are legal, they represent ... Banks Banking Law Delay Otp Bank 3 votes 3 answers I have 6 months delay from the bank what to do. Delay OTP Bank Banking Law Banks 0 votes 2 answers What should we do, how to be, Today I received a call from OTP Bank, I have a big delay there due to loss of work, the girl said that if we don’t deposit 40 thousand by tomorrow, they will transfer the documents to the collection …

Overdue loan in otp bank

Now they call and bark boorishly, They say incomprehensible conditions, they say that they don’t know what they told me at the bank where I got the loan, but I did everything wrong and I had to call them to find out, write some kind of statement. In general, they carry what a heresy and boorish to me! I do not recommend this bank. Two years ago, my wife died. I took a loan from OTP Bank (activated a credit card). The loan was repaid in full. However, the bank always requires payment for loan maintenance.

He threatens to send a special team. We paid the required amount several times, the last time we overpaid on purpose, nevertheless, the calls continue to come. We did not enter into inheritance rights, due to its absence, we are not guarantors, and we knew about the loan only from the words of our wife. Tell me what to do. Dear bank employees, with your attitude you scare away all customers!!! And it's not about being rude...

Otp bank - loan repayment


The inclusion in the contract of conditions that infringe on the rights of the consumer established by law - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles; on legal entities- from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles. 3. Failure to provide the consumer with benefits and advantages established by law - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of five hundred to one thousand roubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles. Article 333 Civil Code Russian Federation.

Reducing the penalty If the penalty to be paid is clearly disproportionate to the consequences of the breach of the obligation, the court has the right to reduce the penalty.

Delay in otp bank: fines and consequences

They said to pay 6 ooo to 28, and today 10700 are not written in the contract such ... Otp Bank delay 2 votes 2 answers Mom has 4 contracts in otp bank total debt of 350 thousand rubles of delay today the operator called and said if until the 16th day under the contract under which the delay is 4 month, then a traveling group will arrive, I ask who she said collectors, I say they are not legal, she said that they are legal, they represent ...

Delay from the bank - questions and answers

There, too, they suggested an error, asked not to worry and promised to sort it out within a week. At the same time, they suggested that I take a certificate of no debt for complacency. I called the bank a week later (May 29). They answered me in a boorish tone that the contract was closed and if you have any questions, please contact me in writing.


On the question of how I got to the collectors, they did not answer. Meanwhile, they admitted that they put me on the list of unscrupulous clients, because of which I may have problems obtaining a loan from other banks (and I felt these problems last month when I was refused by two banks). The agency "Pristav" said that they had no complaints against me, because.

The bank withdrew a dossier on me. A disgusting bank with impudent employees and complete chaos, in which the client is footballed from one phone to another.

What happens if you don't pay the bank

Officials of the UFSSP of Russia (Bailiffs) can enforce the decision of the Court, and this is still far away, but if it comes to court, they can not seize all property in accordance with Article 446 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. For information: Article 14.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses. Violation of other rights of consumers 1. Violation of the consumer's right to receive the necessary and reliable information about the goods (work, service) being sold, about the manufacturer, about the seller, about the performer and about the mode of their work - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles. 2.


Dear forum users. My girlfriend took out a loan from a bank. The amount is small. But problems have already begun. It was worth a little overdue, and the case was transferred to a collection agency. She paid off her debt and is paying well. And still they call her and constantly demand payment.

After reading the reviews about this bank I am a little shocked. Maybe someone has already contacted? Who did what? Increase karma 0 Reduce karma Maxzoni, google it on the Internet, there are a lot of recordings of conversations between OTP-bank clients and collectors on YouTube, it's pretty cool, in fact collection services are illegal, listen to the recordings, you will learn a lot for yourself. Increase karma 0 Reduce karma I have been using the services of this bank for the third year, no problems.

Moreover, three times allowed delay in payments. Still no problem. Increase karma 0 Reduce karma is also no problem.

Otp bank overdue over 10 days what is the problem

All the checks in my hands went to court, they said to take a certified paper where the debts were written, but the bank did not give anything except a handwritten piece of paper. I asked if it could be extended for another year, they said no. In general, one step before a nervous breakdown. Please think twice before joining this bank. Increase karma 0 Reduce karma Julia, sue them with all the checks, which indicate the fact of transferring money to the bank.

Go to a lawyer, they will determine how legal it all is, if not, hire a lawyer, win the case .... Increase karma 0 Reduce karma Julia, You need to figure out how the bank made write-offs from the loan account. Do not go to a fortuneteller, the order of write-off is den. Wed-in in case of insufficiency of payment is diametrically opposed to that provided for in Art.

319 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (it seems that there is no time to check). You need to get an extract and make your own calculation.

I contacted the insurance company and she paid the bank EVERYTHING!!! The loan had to be closed. but after a while they call me and tell me to pay the loan and fines. It turns out that the bank did not know that the insurance company had paid the loan, since it was necessary to write an application for early repayment of the loan. the body of the loan has been paid but the interest for use is still accrued!!! In addition, the employees can't put two words together!!! Terrible bank!!! My father took a loan, died a year later. I contacted the insurance company and she paid the bank EVERYTHING!!! The loan had to be closed.

but after a while they call me and tell me to pay the loan and fines. It turns out that the bank did not know that the insurance company had paid the loan, since it was necessary to write an application for early repayment of the loan.
My YouTube channel: Thank you very much for the detailed and understandable answer! Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking on the button Reply Related questions My loan is overdue for more than 90 days! They call from the bank and say that they will arrive tomorrow bailiffs describe property! The amount of debt is 14,000 rubles. My husband's loan is in arrears. They called my phone from the bank and said that they would charge him the full cost of the loan. I also have a loan from the same bank. I have a delay on the loan for 105 days at home. There is no money loan because the child was born, they call and threaten what to do? My loan is 29 days past due.
Today my daughter received a call from the bank and was told that a criminal case was being opened against me for fraud. Is it legal? My loan is 10 days past due.

No one is immune from an accident, job loss, sudden illness and other problems that invariably worsen the financial situation of a family. But if it is enough for ordinary people to simply put up with it and wait it out, then borrowers should not forget about paying off the debt - otherwise the FKU will threaten with fines, court and collectors.

In order not to get bogged down in a debt hole, you need to know how to act in case of a delay on a loan at OTP Bank. What you should prepare for, whether it is possible to resolve the issue peacefully and how to avoid payments - we will tell you in detail in the article.

If the borrower does not receive payments on the loan for two months in a row, then the bank does not think for a long time what to do, but immediately tries to contact the defaulter. First, personal contacts are used, then they call the relatives indicated in the questionnaire, and lastly they contact the client’s place of work. You should be prepared for the fact that FKU employees will persistently demand the return of the debt through calls and SMS messages.

First of all, OTP Bank contacts the debtor and tries to find out the reason for the delay.

It does not matter what kind of loan was issued and what is the amount of the debt. In any case, the FCU will inform the debtor and will by all legal means encourage him to pay off the debt that has arisen. But this will not cancel the accrual of fines and forfeits stipulated by the agreement - for every day of overdue payment, OTP Bank will take “its own”. The amount of additional write-off varies depending on the type of loan.

Due to fines and forfeit with each day of delay, the total debt increases. The longer the borrower “pulls” with the answer, the more the FKU “earns”. But if the debtor still ignores the fact of non-payment, OTP Bank goes further, choosing one of the options:

  • filing a lawsuit;
  • selling debt to a collection agency.

The involvement of an intermediary in the person of the court or collectors does not bode well for the debtor - you still have to pay, but at an inflated rate. So, when the FKU applies to the court, the total amount of debt with the “body” of the loan, accrued interest and penalties will be calculated and a corresponding claim will be filed. It is almost impossible to refute the fact of delay and avoid responsibility: practice shows that judges take the side of banks.

In court, you can challenge the amount of the claim, avoiding unfair fines and penalties, but you will have to pay the “body” of the loan.

After winning in court OTP The bank will receive performance list, which will start enforcement from the unpaid debt. Now bailiffs are involved in the case, who have the right to claim movable and real estate defaulter. Employees of the FSSP will come to the place of registration of the borrower and describe the available household appliances, furniture, dishes, electrical appliances, fur products, vehicles and jewelry. Everything confiscated is put up for auction, and the money received from the sale is sent to the creditor. The issue of real estate is resolved separately and after an independent assessment of specialists. At the same time, bank accounts are being seized. The “persecution” will continue until the full fulfillment of debt obligations.

The collector option is no better. The bank sells the debt to the agency, losing some of the amount, and now the headache with the return of the money goes to the "private traders". Unlike bailiffs, they operate outside the law, they can threaten, intimidate, call in the middle of the night and use other prohibited psychological methods. But it should be understood that such companies have no right to anything other than verbal persuasion, so you will have to be patient, be careful, record a clear violation of personal freedoms and contact the prosecutor's office.

The bank, seeking to quickly return their money, can go to court and sell the debt to collectors at the same time.

If you just stop making monthly payments on account of the loan, then the bank will demand its own calls, collectors and the court. You still have to pay, so it’s better not to rely on the FKU’s negligence, but to try to negotiate peacefully. When the reason for the delay is not in the desire to deceive, but in real financial difficulties, then OTP Bank tries to meet the needs of its customers.

Is it possible to negotiate without conflict?

It is almost always possible to negotiate with a bank without involving courts and collectors. Two parties are interested in a peaceful solution of the issue: the borrower is released from additional costs and restrictions, and FKU fully repay the debt without losing profits. For credit institution business reputation is also important, so more often debtors are met halfway.

Loan delinquency can be avoided through restructuring and refinancing.

The main thing is to contact OTP Bank in a timely manner, report any difficulties that have arisen and write an application for debt restructuring. It is better to do this before the delay in order to avoid fines and penalties. Then the FCU will consider the application and offer the borrower several options to reduce the monthly financial burden:

  • reduction of the total annual rate on the loan;
  • delay in repayment of the "body" of the loan, which will allow you to pay only accrued interest;
  • increase in the loan term with a decrease in the monthly payment.

Borrowers with a consumer loan are also offered a refinancing program - obtaining a new loan on more favorable terms with the simultaneous repayment of the old debt. In each of the proposed options, the FCU, at the initiative of the client, revises the loan agreement, which significantly reduces the financial burden on the debtor and his family.

If you stop paying?

It's one thing if the borrower is late with a payment for a couple of days, and another when he doesn't want to pay at all. Theoretically, it is possible to avoid paying in full, but to an individual will have to declare bankruptcy. This procedure is carried out through the court and is regulated by the relevant law of the Russian Federation. It takes a long time to register an individual as a bankrupt, it requires a lot of money and entails negative consequences for the debtor.

There is another option - to pretend to be bankrupt and personally confront bailiffs and collectors. Then you have to take the following steps:

  • hide all purchased and expensive property (appliances, dishes, furs);
  • “Rewrite” real estate and cars to relatives and friends;
  • cash out all bank accounts.

Then it remains to wait and play the role of a beggar before the envoys from the creditor. As soon as collectors and bailiffs despair of returning all the money, they will offer to buy the debt for a penny. So, some debtors managed to buy "freedom" by paying only 15-20% of the real cost of the loan.

Those who have a loan debt are prohibited from traveling outside the Russian Federation.

But this is an exception to the rule. It is better not to take risks and not to indulge yourself with hopes, but to act according to the law and conscience, without bringing the matter to court and collectors. Hiding from payment in extreme cases.

Client's opinion

Svetlana, Naberezhnye Chelny

With a delay of 5 days, a fine of 1500 rubles was calculated. I have never noticed such sanctions before, and I don’t understand what these rules are. Today, the manager from the bank called and categorically stated that I had delayed the payment of the loan for 5 days and should immediately make the monthly missed payment, plus pay the next and additional commission of 1,500 rubles.

Where the last sum came from, I do not understand. Even the predatory "Ezaem" did not accrue such fines to me. Not to mention the system of "double payment", which is valid for each delay. Now also extra. payments announced! As if the bank's management is urgently saving up money for champagne for the New Year!

Please explain where these fines come from. At the same time, tell us about the need to pay two payments at once!

OTP Bank enables its clients to obtain a consumer loan on favorable terms, without guarantors and with a minimum package of documents. Having issued a loan, it is important not to forget about the payment schedule, because a delay on a loan is fraught with penalties for the borrower.

How to find out the debt and payment schedule?

To make a payment against a repayment credit loan, you need to find out the exact information: the current amount of active debt and the nearest date, according to the payment schedule. Today, customers can get the information they need in several ways.

Internet bank

To receive information via Internet banking, you must follow the active link. Then, in the data entry fields, indicate the secret data received during the execution of the loan agreement: login and password. IN personal account the borrower can obtain an account statement with the necessary data.

Mobile bank

To receive information through mobile banking, OTP customers must first download the application of the same name on mobile phone or tablet through the App Store or Play Market. Authorization in the application occurs using a username and password. In the mobile application, the client can receive a loan statement, find out loan details, and use the OTPcredit loan assistant, which allows you to track all transactions on an active loan.

SMS bank

You can also specify the payment schedule and find out the amount of debt using the SMS service. To receive the necessary information, it is enough to send a special text to the short number: 5927. The text of the message may contain the following code words:

  • CREDIT - in response to this request, the system will send data with the nearest payment date, as well as the balance of the debt.
  • REQ - in response to this request, the system will send details for making a payment.
  • HELP - in response to this request, the system will send an auxiliary list of commands.

To use the service, it is necessary to contact the bank employees in advance, informing them of the desire to activate the service.

bank branch

The easiest way to get information and make a payment on account of repayment credit debt- This is an appeal to a branch of the bank. To find the nearest branch and get acquainted with its work schedule, you need to use the online map. By clicking on the link, borrowers can also select the “Loan repayment points” tab to view the points of such partner payment systems: “ Gold Crown»; "Post office"; "Kiwi"; Eleksnet and Megafon. When contacting the bank, you must have your passport with you.


In addition to the methods listed above, customers can get the information they need by calling 24/7 customer support. Operator hotline will clarify the information by the contract number after passing the identification procedure.

How does delay occur?

Loan delinquency may occur when the borrower does not make regular payments according to the established schedule. In order not to receive a penalty for late payment, it is recommended to pay in advance cash and take into account the time for the transaction.

What happens if you miss a loan payment?

Having missed a payment, the borrower must understand: he is expected to collect a fine. In addition, this information will be reflected in the client's credit history, which may complicate the process of issuing a new loan in the future. In the event of temporary difficulties and the inability to make a payment on time, it is recommended to be proactive and notify the bank yourself about this.

In a difficult financial situation, the client can apply to a bank branch with a request to restructure the debt. This operation provides for a decrease in the monthly installment, and also suspends the payment of debt for a certain period with an increase in the term for the final return of funds.

It is very important not to ignore calls from bank employees. In the absence of feedback, a situation often arises in which OTP representatives call relatives and friends of debtors, which leaves an imprint on the personal reputation of the borrower.

Can I change the payment date?

Borrowers who for some reason are no longer satisfied with the date of payment (according to the established schedule) can write and submit an application to OTP Bank with a request to amend the existing schedule. In case of a favorable decision, the bank employee will write out a new schedule for crediting funds, taking into account the wishes of customers about the desired days.

What to do if the payment is made, but the money did not come to the bank?

When making a payment to repay a loan, it is important to consider that the transaction can take up to seven business days. Only after the expiration of this period does it make sense to contact the credit department to clarify the circumstances.

The most common reason why money is not credited to the account is errors made when filling out bank details. If an error was found when checking the payment receipt, it is recommended to contact the OTP office with a passport to write a free-form application with a request to transfer money to the desired account.

How to find details

When signing a loan agreement, the bank operator provides the borrower with the details for paying the loan. In case of loss of this data, the client can clarify the information in the personal account of Internet banking or using mobile application. You can also find out the details for repaying the debt at the branch of OTP Bank or by calling the hotline.

Thus, it is important to remember that a delay in a loan is fraught with penalties. In case of temporary financial difficulties, it is necessary to contact the bank and seek debt restructuring.

Failure to repay the loan from OTP Bank invariably leads to the accrual of a penalty. The terms of penalties are specified in the contract, which the client signed when receiving a loan. If you open the loan documentation, you will find a clause with liability for violation of the payment schedule. What are the penalties for overdue loans in OTP Bank and what do they threaten?

OTP Bank has various loan products that are in high demand due to their availability and favorable conditions. However, not all bank customers adequately assess their financial capabilities. As a result, they go into delay, the penalties for which only increase the amount of debt. What are the consequences of missing a loan payment for a customer?

  • The next day, the bank applies penalties. The debt is considered overdue immediately after the non-payment of money according to the payment schedule.
  • The penalty for overdue debt is 20% of the amount. If you overdue payment on a consumer loan in a large amount, then the accrued penalties will hit your pocket hard.
  • Credit card payment involves a monthly deposit minimum payment, the amount of which is announced in advance by the bank. It includes the principal debt and interest on the expired billing period. If money for a credit card is not received on time, a penalty begins to drip. Its value depends on the terms of the loan agreement.

Important! Penalty for late payment is charged only on the amount of overdue debt.

When you put money into a loan account or, the bank will first write off the funds for penalties, then interest, and only after that the main debt. Therefore, before replenishment, you should find out the exact amount of debt. If you do not pay it in full, fines will continue to accrue.

What if the bank sues?

If the creditor threatens to take the case to court, do not worry. The fact is that resorting to justice can even be beneficial for the client. The borrower may benefit from the following reasons:

  • from the moment the case is brought to court, the accrual of a penalty for overdue debts is terminated. In effect, your credit is frozen while the claim is pending;
  • if you have evidence of deterioration financial position, you can demand the removal of fines and penalties. You can also ask for a refund insurance policy and deferral of recovery after the entry into force of the court decision;
  • if there are reasons for that, the defendant may also be released from paying part of the debt. Most often, borrowers are awarded to repay only principal and interest.

Particular attention should be paid to Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which refers to the procedure for recalculating the punishment in the form of a fine. A tenth of all debtors receive partial exemption from payment, because this right is guaranteed to them by law. In most cases, it is penalties and fines that make up the bulk of the debt declared by the bank.

Of course, the appeal of the bank to the court will bring trouble. If you work officially, up to 50% will be deducted from your salary. If you have property, it can be seized and sold under the hammer to pay off the loan.

The bank reputation of the client will also be damaged. When you decide to reapply for a loan or credit card, you will most likely be denied. Negative information about judicial recovery will be available to all potential lenders.

The bank has the right to apply directly to the world court without meetings. If claim satisfied court order immediately goes to enforcement proceedings. The debt is then forcibly written off from the borrower.

Note! To resolve the situation, it is best to immediately contact a qualified lawyer.

This variant of the development of events greatly facilitates the position of the bank, but is unprofitable for the borrower. In the course of the consideration of the case, the defendant would have the right to declare his grave financial condition. However, the order of the world court can be appealed to a higher court, so do not immediately give up.

Should we be afraid of enforcement proceedings?

After the court has issued a decision, it goes to the service of bailiffs. The demand for payment of the debt is first sent to the debtor by mail. You need to respond to this letter, otherwise the bailiffs will move on to more active actions.

If the decision was made by a magistrate's court, you have the right to delay its execution. To do this, you must submit an application for a deferral of collection. Also, as part of this appeal, it is allowed to ask for an installment payment of debt on a loan or credit card. Often, the court goes to meet the borrower if he is really unable to pay the debt.

In no case do not ignore letters from bailiffs, otherwise the punishment will be tougher. If you do not respond to the demand to pay the debt, the executors of the court decision have the right to seize your property and sell it to pay off the loan. It is best to voluntarily make deductions from the salary, thereby gradually paying off the debt to the bank.

If your income is credited to a bank account, in financial institution there will be a request to block it. Up to half of the proceeds will be deducted from it monthly wages. The debtor's deposit accounts will also be arrested.

If you owe the bank a large amount, a decision may be made to seize the property. For example, an apartment, a car, luxury goods, etc. By law, the only housing of the borrower cannot be taken away, but mortgage apartments This rule does not apply to mortgages. If you don't pay off your home loan, you could end up homeless.

We can all get into an unforeseen situation when we pay according to credit just nothing. An unexpected serious illness, dismissal from work - these are just a few reasons for the insolvency of clients. So what do people who find themselves in a difficult life situation? OTP bank does not leave its borrowers to the mercy of fate and helps them find a way out of the current situation.

If borrower understands that to pay further contributions on loan agreement he cannot, and he has already gone into delays in payments, then he needs to first of all report this to bank. Otherwise, when the client starts hiding from the bank representatives, they will start to disturb him with calls and visits home. Calls can follow and all his relatives and friends, whom the defaulter indicated in the application for a loan. In addition, the debt will snowball, and fines and penalties will be added to the amount every day. Due to fines, the debt will increase even more. If calls to the client do not lead to anything, then further:

  • a lawsuit will be filed;

  • The debt will be sold to collectors.

If the bank decides go to court and transfer the debt to collectors, then for the debtor it will not end in anything good. He will have to pay the debt anyway, but the “rates” will already be completely different. It will be almost impossible for the client to refute the fact of delays, and avoid paying all penalties. Practice shows that the courts always take the side of the banks.

OTP bank a writ of execution will be issued, according to which the borrower will be forced to urgently repay the debt and all penalties. Now bailiffs will take over the case, who will have the right to dispose of the property and real estate of the defaulter. If the amount of the debt is large, then they have the right to sell his housing and use it to pay off the debt to the bank, fines and legal costs. Banks collect debts on loans according to the law, but collectors are private campaigns, they use any methods in their work. Collectors can pester the debtor and his family with round-the-clock calls, threaten them and even intimidate them.

Peaceful way to resolve the situation

If you allowed loan delay, then it is better to solve the problem with the bank peacefully. Two parties are interested in a peaceful resolution of the conflict - the bank and the borrower. The client wants to get support in paying off the debt without damaging the credit history, and the bank wants to get the money back without any problems. So, you need to go to the nearest branch of the OTP Bank and inform its employees about your problem. Lenders will check with the borrower the reason why he can't repay debt, and, starting from it, they will offer a solution. It can be debt restructuring or refinancing.

If you have already gone arrears on loans, then the main thing is to contact the lender in a timely manner. You need to come to the office with a contract, a passport and write a statement about the complex financial situation. You also need to confirm your difficult situation documents. This may be a certificate of illness from medical institution or a work book with a mark of dismissal at the initiative of the employer. After reviewing the application, OTP bank They offer several ways to solve the problem:

  • decrease in the interest rate;

  • postponing the payment of the "body" loan for several months;

  • increasing the repayment period and reducing the amount of monthly payments.

For customers with overdue consumer loans there is an opportunity to get refinancing. This service involves the issuance of a new loan on more favorable terms, which fully repays the existing back-breaking loan. In each case, the bank makes a decision individually and allows borrowers to reduce their financial burden.

If you went delay payment under credit card, then you need to deposit to her account minimum payment. In most banks, it is 500 rubles or 5% of the amount. By depositing 500 rubles every month, you will avoid paying fines, they will not work for you delays and you won't ruin your credit history. Of course, the principal debt will not be repaid, since this is too small an amount that will be spent on interest, but at least this will save you in a difficult financial situation. “Getting on your feet”, you will close the debt with larger payments.

Now you know what are the consequences for delays in loan in OTP bank. If you have nothing to pay, it is better to immediately inform the lender about this. It will reduce your payments or come up with another solution to the problem.

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