Otp bank JSC otp bank. Reviews about otp bank

reference Information

Registration number: 2766

Date of registration by the Bank of Russia: 28.03.1994

BIC: 044525311

Main state registration number: 1027739176563 (11.09.2002)

Authorized capital: RUB 2,797,887,853.10

License (date of issue/last replacement) Banks with a basic license are banks that have a license whose name contains the word “basic”. Other operating banks are banks with a universal license:
License to attract deposits and placement precious metals (27.11.2014)
General license to operate banking operations (27.11.2014)

Participation in the deposit insurance system: Yes

About OTP Bank

OTP Bank was founded in 1998 and today it is still a member OTP Group in Hungary. I must say that this group occupies a leading position in the market banking services Central and Eastern Europe, which is a fairly stable indicator. OTP Bank has been specializing in services provided to legal and individuals, is a member of the Association of Russian Banks, a participant in the system compulsory insurance deposit and in terms of the volume of assets is classified as group 1. OTP Bank has the status of a universal credit organization, due to the fact that it offers all major financial services and products to its customers. Among these OTP services The bank is listed as individuals and small businesses, at retail outlets, opening accounts, renting safes, Money transfers, operations with plastic cards, modern remote maintenance.

OTP Bank has its own ATMs, branches and branches in 3,700 populated areas Russian Federation. This allows the bank to serve clients exclusively through its network. According to the latest information, OTP Bank's customer base is more than 3.9 million people.

Zhanna Loan refinancing Rating: No

Good afternoon. There is no limit to my indignation. In October 2019, I restructured OTP Bank. They gave me a payment schedule, I downloaded the OTP loan application to my phone to pay and track the loan, I made the payment in November according to the schedule, in December I paid on the same day as in the payment schedule, in January I paid on January 10, 2020 10 days earlier, but for some reason reasons why I am in debt. What does it have to do with personal account The amount received was penny for penny, the fine was 505 rubles, it’s not clear why.

I'm calling on hotline 07-07, the operator replies there that you have a debt and we don’t see your data, call the department...
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Maria Credit Cards Rating: No

I've been using the card for about two years and have paid regularly. I made the payment in December and I sit quietly, I paid on 12/13/19 although I should pay on the 20th. I’m sitting confident that everything is fine, but I receive an SMS saying that I allegedly have a debt.

I call the operator and the operator answers: there is no debt, it’s just that the bank recommends paying for the month of January, I ask what’s the matter? The bank is not sure that you will be able to pay in January.

So I’ve been paying for 2 years, but now I can’t, and then it started, they called all my relatives, telling them that I had a debt, I was receiving calls, SMS, an answering machine, just a nightmare.

Good afternoon
So that we can understand the situation, please send us an email [email protected] Your full name, date of birth, phone number, and also write more details.
We will return with a response based on the results of the review.

Olga Cash loans Rating: 3

Terrible. There has never been a delay on the loan. I found out about the amount minimum payment through the contact center. This month they gave incorrect information - the payment turned out to be less than necessary. And they fined me.

Who's to blame? I? But I got this information from them. This begs the question. Why does the bank do this?

Maybe I'm not the only one.

Good afternoon
To conduct an inspection regarding the situation described to you, please notify us at [email protected] Your full name, date of birth, phone number, as well as details of the employee who advised you.
We will look into the issue and come back with an answer.
Department for handling customer requests "OTP Bank"

I paid off the debt, the balance was 1075 rubles, I came to close the balance in 10 days, the balance grew to 1240 rubles, it turns out 6% in 10 days, and in a year it turns out to be more than 200%.

Alexander Cash loans Rating: No

I have never met such scammers before. I paid off the debt, the balance was 1075 rubles, I came to close the balance in 10 days, the balance grew to 1240 rubles, it turns out 6% in 10 days, and in a year it turns out to be more than 200%. Vore.

Good afternoon
We are sorry about your negative experience visiting our bank. Write to us by email [email protected], telling more about the current situation. We will check.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Department for handling customer requests "OTP Bank"

Svetlana Cash loans Rating: 1

A loan was issued for studying at a language school. They imposed insurance against job loss and “purchase protection”, and this is not a lot, not a little, but 11,600 together. The bank specialist assured me that I could easily cancel the insurance after 3 months. Not only was it fraudulently issued, but the tuition costs 50,452 credits, along with insurance, it is written in the application that it is 62,052.

In fact, for early repayment with interest, you need to pay about 66,000. So, moreover, if I don’t make early repayment in half a year, my loan turns into 81180! Tricky, well done! So let's get back to insurance.

Three months ago my ordeal with insurance began. In the bank...
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Good afternoon
We would like to understand the situation and help with a solution. For full check please notify by email [email protected] Your full name, date of birth, phone number.
Department for handling customer requests "OTP Bank"

Svetlana Bank collectors Rating: 1

Hello. Disgusting bank. Scammers! They call every day and ask, do I know such and such a person? At first I explained for 2 weeks in a row that I didn’t know this person.

But then it started to become very annoying, because every day, several times a day, every operator promises that he will make a note that I don’t know this person, but in the morning the calls start again with the same question.

Bank division
Credit and cash office Chelyabinsk, Lenin Avenue, 55 A

Good afternoon
Please send by email [email protected] the telephone number to which calls are received and your last name, first name and patronymic, so that we can help you resolve the issue.
We hope for cooperation and a speedy resolution of the problem.
Department for handling customer requests "OTP Bank"

Alexander M Credit cards Rating: 2

OTP Bank milks its clients, they give money or a card at one interest rate, they see that people pay then after 3-6 months they slowly raise minimum payment, and as a result, the person cannot pay, and the amount grows. My opinion is an office for SUCKERS and IDIOTS...!

Since September 11th I have not been able to get a statement from them. OTP loan bank, and they blatantly lie that she was deported on September 16th.

Yuri Services for individuals Rating: 1

Sucks bank!!! Since September 11th I have not been able to get a loan statement from them and they are blatantly lying that it was sent on September 16th.

I asked OTP Bank for a loan statement for refinancing - they didn’t send it, and they even lied that they sent it. I will not do business with this bank again.

Yuri Services for individuals Rating: No

Bad* bank! I requested a loan statement for refinancing - they didn’t send me, and they lied about what they sent. I will not do business with this bank again and do not recommend it to others!!!

Olesya Credit for goods Rating: No

Feedback on the work of employees of the credit department of OTP Bank in Michurinsk, Tambov Region, on the street. International furniture in the Union. My mother took out a loan of 20,000 from the bank, and the employee informed her about the overpayment of 4,000, she agreed.

But in fact it turned out that the actual overpayment was 10,000, that is, from 20,000 the overpayment was 10,000. Then my mother decided to close this super favorable loan, to which we were told that we needed to pay 24,800, I asked what was included, which the employee couldn’t even immediately say, I spent about 20 minutes looking for something on the computer.

Finally we found out that we need to pay % for this month (this is understandable) and...
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It is impossible to contact an OTP Bank specialist. I took out loans from this bank many times and everything was fine, but the last time was just terrible... I will never contact this bank again.

Anastasia Services for individuals Rating: 1

Terrible service(((it’s impossible to even contact a specialist(((((I took out loans from this bank many times and everything was fine... And the last time was just terrible... I will never contact this bank again.

Anonymous Credit Cards Rating: 1

Good afternoon, I had a better opinion about the bank... You actually deposit money, but the amount does not decrease. By calling the operator. Before I knew that there would be problems with payment and to clarify if there was any option with freezing the account or simply suspending interest. I was refused a solution to this problem.

They just nicely, silently accrued interest, and as soon as you started paying after half a year, they immediately showed up. Yes, and even with threats. Even the most well-known microfinance companies have loyalty programs.

I know that reviews are erased and a refutation is written. But good bank fights for the client and reputation, and does not lose them... I wish everyone good luck!

Galina Services for individuals Rating: No

I PAID THE LOAN, agreement number 2903766524 dated August 11, 2019. Loan amount 5,950 rub. On September 5, the payment was sent through Sberbank Online, but the last name was entered incorrectly. On September 9, Sberbank employees made a correction and sent you message TYPE 399 to the bank.

It’s impossible to get through to your bank employees, and even if you get through once, they don’t even want to listen. But I keep calling every now and then about the fact that the payment on my part has not been completed. I ended up having to pay another amount of 5950 rubles on September 12. But Sberbank employees themselves sent the payment.

Galina, hello!
You can contact the OTP Bank support service on the page https://www.otpbank.ru/retail/contacts/ - there is a feedback form there.

Editorial Board of Topbanki.ru

Tatyana Contributions Rating: 1

In September 2019, I decided to open a deposit in OTP Bank on the street. Lunocharsky. I was unpleasantly surprised by the incompetence of the OTP bank operator: I “killed” two evenings to open a deposit, sitting for more than an hour each time, so that the operator could issue a card (1st evening), and then an agreement (2nd evening).

Moreover, other tellers also tried to help her. They don’t know the terms of deposits, they use the program poorly, the computer hangs. Are they all so unprepared?
As a result, the deposit is not processed, time is wasted, the mood is spoiled, as is the impression of the bank.

They didn't even apologize afterwards. I don't recommend going there. Low level of training.

They issued a borrower's policy for 43,642 rubles, but they cannot provide a receipt for where the money went. The bottom line is that in order to take out a loan from OTP Bank, you need to give away part of it for nothing.

Alexander Cash loans Rating: No

I took out a loan from OTP Bank on Mendeleev Street, Omsk. They issued a borrower's policy for 43,642 rubles, but they cannot provide a receipt for where the money went. The result is that in order to take out a loan, you need to give part of it to the bank just like that. I don't go there anymore and don't recommend it to anyone...

Services for individuals Rating: 1

When you call, they don’t pick up the phone or they answer and hang up, the employees do whatever you want, it’s important for them when they call you to answer. They offer some kind of G, but when you want to find out from them and call, they completely ignore you.

It’s not known what you don’t want to go for and it’s not possible to find out over the phone what offer is due to the fact that the workers have given up on everyone when they need to be tortured*. They don't answer the phone when you need it. G-bank.

Bank division
Department Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, st. Voroshilova, 10

Lily Product credit Rating: 1

I took out the goods on credit in July in Revenge, I said 2500 for 6 months, but they issued 1809 rubles for 9 months. The girl in Revanche said that you can pay for six months as is more convenient. I paid 2500 for 2 months. I looked in my personal account. OTP office 3rd repayment payment to pay about 11t.

People, don't take a loan and don't go there. Bad bank scammer, scammer. You need to go to court. I DO NOT ADVISE OTP to ANYONE.

Why is it impossible to contact a live operator at OTP Bank?

Natalya Question Rating: No

Why can’t you contact a live operator at your bank?

Natalya, hello!

Perhaps this page will help you https://www.otpbank.ru/retail/contacts/ - there is a feedback form and additional telephone numbers and answers to FAQ. Your question is purely rhetorical, since we are not able to influence the channels of communication with the bank.

Editorial Board of Topbanki.ru

Natalia Services for individuals Rating: 1

Horror! They made the payment by mistake, they made it a second time - I want to call the bank, ask what to do if it doesn’t arrive on time - there’s not even a hint of a connection with the operator anywhere, they tortured me with their SMS reminders and calls (this is not the first time we take it, we always pay on time!!!).

At the same time, there is no way to contact a living person, the office in the city is closed (Voronezh) - we discovered the problem on Friday evening, it is now Saturday, there should be a write-off on Monday.

Skype is not online, none of the phones available on the Internet answers, 0707 only answering machines, there is no connection option in the menu. The first and last contacted this pseudo bank. TP is very appropriate in their name.

The amount to pay at the terminal is not equal to the actual amount owed. Is this right?

Irina Services for individuals Rating: No

Hello! Terrible bank. The amount to pay at the terminal is not equal to the actual amount owed. Is this right?

Elena Service at the branch Rating: 2

Service at the branch at Omsk st. Zaozernaya 28. Today I had to contact this bank branch. Because my deceased mother had a deposit there and my father had to inherit the deposit.

The girl spoke rudely. Dissatisfied that her investors disturbed her. Asking again what kind of notary did the documents. Although everything was done legally... she said she would send everything for inspection. When should I take my father again? Unclear...

My father is 75. He is disabled group 3, after a heart attack... and such a rude attitude is unacceptable for such a small department. We were thinking about opening savings deposit in the department. We decided that the % is probably not as important as the ratio.

Galina Cash loans Rating: No

The loan was overdue for 2 months. I couldn’t pay and went to work in the taiga. There was no communication in the taiga, only satellite communication. I called the bank in advance to warn that I was leaving, but the hotline said that I still had to pay. How can I pay in the taiga?! She said that I would come and pay for everything.

As soon as I got in touch, calls from family and friends began, everyone was in shock. It is unclear where they got the numbers from. While I was in the taiga, this bank called all my friends, colleagues, and even came to my institute!!

I paid off the overdue payment today. I demand an apology!

Galina, hello!
I’m afraid you won’t get an apology from OTP Bank, or from any other bank. According to the terms and conditions signed by you loan agreement, payments towards the loan must be made within strictly established periods, usually once a month and strictly before a certain date.

In case of delay (even by 1 day), the bank will call all contact numbers left by you when applying for a loan and reminding you of the need to pay the loan. In addition, the bank has already entered the fact of delay into your credit history and it will be more difficult for you to get new loans from this or another bank.

A trip to the taiga will not serve as a reason for not paying the loan; you could ask your family or friends to pay for you during your absence. Or put 2 months' worth of money into your credit account at once.

Editorial Board of Topbanki.ru

Sergey Question Rating: No

I didn’t find a fee for closing an account in the tariffs.

Sergey, hello!
Unfortunately, it is not clear what tariffs we are talking about? Account for a consumer loan, credit card or other service?

Editorial Board of Topbanki.ru

On January 24, 2019, I took out a loan from OTP Bank for the product I needed. The product did not suit me even after 2
day - 01/26/2019 I returned the goods and returned the entire loan amount. I'm not in the store
They warned me that I needed to go to the bank to close the loan. After that on
for a whole year no one notified me that there was money in my account
the debt that arose during the 5 days that the money reached the bank.
A year later I receive a message that my debt to the bank is 7878
rubles In other words, the bank, of course, saw that I had returned the amount
109 thousand rubles almost immediately after the purchase, but made a conscious choice
failure to inform their client about the debt, which ultimately allowed them to form
an amount of almost 8 thousand rubles. I would like to know if this is intentional
bank strategy in order to extract additional profit from creditors. Also
It remains unclear to me how this amount reached such proportions, if
The term of using the loan was 2 days (agreement number: 2875648893). I
I wrote an appeal to the bank, which was registered. Review period is 30 days,
Meanwhile, the bank sent another message because I did not repay early
loan, I need to pay an additional amount of 1675 rubles 88 kopecks.

29.01.2020 23:02

Your card is ready for issue! We are waiting for you with your passport at the branch at Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street, building 1-3. JSC OTP Bank - 3 messages in a row came with this content. After I left a request on the website and spoke with a bank employee by phone and agreed on all the nuances.

I came to pick up the card, as agreed at the address, without violating the period until which it was stored at the address. It was not close to the bank. The employees at the department were not very pleasant to communicate with and said that there was no card and they did not know where it was. I called the hotline, where they already informed me that they would now transfer me to a specialist. I waited half an hour for translation. In the end, a person answered, clearly not an expert. I asked stupid questions, in the end, when he realized what my problem was the 3rd time, he grinned and said that he could only advise me to order the card again. He didn’t even try to find this card or clarify any information about me at all. I asked to apologize for the mistake with the card, to which I heard that he was not going to apologize for other people. I sent him 3 letters out of anger, he hung up. Here's the story.

I cooperate with 10 banks for sure, I decided to become a client of OTP Bank, but apparently now I will never become and will not recommend it to anyone. I have not observed such an attitude towards the client in other banks. Thank you for your attention.

29.01.2020 22:58

Today I wanted to open a deposit in OTP Bank. I chose the “Profitable Plus” deposit. The terms of the deposit are very confusing: to get 7% per annum you need to fulfill a number of conditions...such as: 1- open debit card with a minimum balance of 15% of the deposit amount...2- spend at least 5,000 rubles on the card. per month... Everything would have been fine, but only when I started calling the bank (you can listen to recordings of my conversations with bank employees over the past weeks) and find out in more detail about all the conditions... I was constantly given ambiguous information, positioning this deposit very profitable: both for card transactions - cashback and for 15% of the amount of the deposit up to 6% per annum and free service cards... well, all benefits.. Although, upon careful consideration of this contribution interest rate decreases to 6.5%, because The amount on the card is considerable and the interest rate on it is only 5% per annum, on the deposit - 7%, and even then, unless you accidentally spend the minimum balance. In general, eye and eye. The bank employee with whom I spoke for a very long time could not find this deposit at all... then she began to tell me about deposits with 5% per annum... then, when I immediately started communicating by phone with the client support, she still found the deposit I was interested in and told me that I had to pay for the issue of the card and today they would not issue it to me, and therefore the deposit would not be opened, although I asked everything earlier on the phone and they gave me completely different answers.. in general. this contribution is a complete scam, because... It is very difficult to fulfill the terms of this deposit, especially since the employees themselves know them by hearsay... The result of my visit to the bank was that I took my money and left. I also want to add that in this department they tried to misinform me before, either because the employees are inattentive, or because the employees have an attitude to discourage depositors! By the way, imposing investment products on top level! In general, leaders, something needs to be done about this!

This was my first time contacting this bank and I won’t make the same mistake again!!! Designed consumer loan for a fur coat on 12/05/19, and was immediately faced with the deception of an employee. The girl who applied for the loan said that you can cancel the insurance only after 2 months. Then I contacted the hotline to clarify this issue, they said that I could immediately write a refusal. On 12/06/19 I wrote an application to refuse insurance from another employee. I waited 30 days (since the review period is 30 days), the insurance was not turned off. Then I contacted the hotline, but ran into the problem that no one was responsible for anything, neither for the employees, nor for the shutdown. I didn’t stop there, I went to the bank branch, unfortunately there I also heard the answer that no one was responsible for anything. I filed a claim, but didn’t get my insurance turned off. Terrible attitude!!!

Registration number: 2766

Date of registration by the Bank of Russia: 28.03.1994

BIC: 044525311

Main state registration number: 1027739176563 (11.09.2002)

Authorized capital: RUB 2,797,887,853.10

License (date of issue/last replacement) Banks with a basic license are banks that have a license whose name contains the word “basic”. All other operating banks are banks with a universal license:
License for attraction of deposits and placement of precious metals (11/27/2014)
General license for banking operations (11/27/2014)

Participation in the deposit insurance system: Yes

OTP Bank in Moscow offers a wide range of services. On our website you can find out where to open a deposit and apply for a credit card. There is separate information on loans and addresses OTP branches Bank in Moscow.

For those who have not yet decided on a bank, we suggest comparing the rating with other popular institutions in terms of assets, loans, assets and deposits. Using the service you can find out where the nearest OTP ATMs Bank in Moscow. Users can also choose a branch that offers a range of services to serve legal entities.