Budgetary financing of social protection of the population. Main sources of financing social protection of the population in Russia

The sources of financing for social protection of the population are state extra-budgetary social funds: Fund social insurance, Pension Fund, State Employment Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation - a specialized financial and credit institution under the Government of the Russian Federation. The main task of the Social Insurance Fund is to provide state-guaranteed benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, at the birth of a child, for child care until the age of one and a half years, for burial, for sanatorium treatment and health improvement of workers and members of their families.

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation formed by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated December 22, 1990 for the purpose of state management of pension finances in the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund of Russia is an independent financial and credit institution and is under the authority of the Government of the Russian Federation and is accountable to it. Funds of the Russian Pension Fund are formed from:

  • employers' insurance contributions;
  • insurance premiums of citizens engaged in individual entrepreneurial activities;
  • insurance contributions of other categories of working citizens;
  • allocations from the federal budget, etc.

The tariff for insurance contributions to the Russian Pension Fund is determined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation.

Employment Fund - state extra-budgetary fund of the Russian Federation, intended to finance activities related to the development and implementation of state employment policy.

The Employment Fund is not a legal entity and is under the operational management and disposal of the employment service authorities.

The employment fund is formed from the following revenues:

  • mandatory insurance contributions from employers;
  • compulsory insurance contributions from the earnings of workers;

Allocations from the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

The Employment Fund funds are allocated to activities for career guidance, vocational training and retraining of unemployed citizens; organization of public works; payment of unemployment benefits, compensation; providing material and other assistance.

Compulsory Health Insurance Fund is a system of compulsory health insurance funds, consisting of federal and territorial Funds compulsory health insurance in the constituent entities of the Federation. These funds were created to implement the Law of the Russian Federation “On Medical Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation” and to implement state policy in the field of compulsory medical insurance as an integral part of state social insurance.

The insurance rate of contributions for compulsory health insurance paid by employers and other payers is determined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation.

Funds for social support of the population- This is one of the sources of financial resources for carrying out social services for the population.

These are independent government institutions created with the aim of generating financial sources of social support for the most needy citizens and providing targeted social protection to low-income groups of the population.

The system of social support funds for the population consists of Republican (Federal) and territorial funds.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development determines the main directions for spending this fund. On the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Population Support Funds operate under the leadership of executive authorities and social protection authorities.

The right to receive assistance from the Social Support Fund is granted to particularly needy pensioners, disabled people, persons with dependents, and other disabled citizens whose total average per capita income does not exceed the minimum established at the regional level.

Funds from the Social Support Funds are spent on additional (over-budget) financing of activities in the following areas:

  • provision of in-kind assistance in the form of basic necessities (food, clothing, shoes) free of charge or at reduced prices;
  • provision of social services, including at home;
  • organization of free meals;
  • provision of subsidies for the purchase of medicines, prosthetic and orthopedic products, for payment of utilities and household services;
  • providing night accommodation for homeless citizens;
  • Creation own enterprises;
  • assistance in providing loans, etc.

The Government of the Russian Federation promotes the development

non-state pension systems. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Non-State Pension Funds”, a non-state pension fund is a social and financial non-profit organization that carries out activities to form assets by attracting voluntary targeted cash contributions from legal entities and individuals, transferring these funds to a company for managing the assets of a non-state pension fund, implementation of lifelong or long-term regular payments to citizens in cash, as well as other actions to fulfill social obligations to citizens.

Non-state pension funds operate independently of the state pension system. Payments from these funds are carried out along with payments of state pensions. The transfer of funds by employers and employees to non-state pension funds does not relieve them of the obligation to make mandatory contributions to the state Pension Fund and other extra-budgetary funds.

The amount, conditions and procedure for making contributions and making payments are determined by an agreement between the non-state pension fund and the policyholder.


The main federal executive body pursuing state policy and management in the field of healthcare and social protection of the population is the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry carries out its activities in cooperation with other federal authorities executive power, executive power bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public and other associations. In accordance with the tasks assigned to the ministry, it builds its work in various directions and carries out its functions in the following areas: solving complex problems of social development; increasing the standard of living and income of the population; salary; labor conditions and safety; social partnership in labor relations; population; employment; development of human resources; social insurance; pension provision; social protection of the population; social services for the population; public service; legislation on labor, employment and social protection of the population; international partnership.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation is headed by a minister, who is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development and the implementation of its functions.

2.1.1. Sources of financing for social protection of the population. Non-state pension funds.

The sources of financing for social protection of the population are state off-budget social funds: Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, State Employment Fund, Mandatory Health Insurance Fund.

The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation is a specialized financial and credit institution under the Government of the Russian Federation. The main task of the Social Insurance Fund is to provide state-guaranteed benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, at the birth of a child, for child care until the age of one and a half years, for burial, for sanatorium treatment and health improvement of workers and members of their families.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was formed by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated December 22, 1990 for the purpose of state financial management of pension provision in the Russian Federation. The Pension Fund of Russia is an independent financial and credit institution and is under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation and is accountable to it. Funds of the Russian Pension Fund are formed from:

employers' insurance contributions;

insurance premiums of citizens engaged in individual entrepreneurial activities;

insurance contributions of other categories of working citizens;

allocations from the federal budget, etc.

The tariff for insurance contributions to the Russian Pension Fund is determined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation.

The Employment Fund is a state extra-budgetary fund of the Russian Federation intended to finance activities related to the development and implementation of state employment policy.

The Employment Fund is not a legal entity and is under the operational management and disposal of the employment service authorities.

The employment fund is formed from the following revenues:

mandatory insurance contributions from employers;

compulsory insurance contributions from the earnings of workers;

allocations from the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

The Employment Fund funds are allocated to activities for career guidance, vocational training and retraining of unemployed citizens; organization of public works; you pay unemployment benefits, compensation; provision of material and other assistance.

The Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund is a system of compulsory medical insurance funds, consisting of federal and territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Funds in the constituent entities of the Federation. These funds were created to implement the Law of the Russian Federation “On Medical Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation” and to implement state policy in the field of compulsory medical insurance as an integral part of state social insurance.

The insurance rate of contributions for compulsory health insurance paid by employers and other payers is determined by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation.

Funds for social support of the population are one of the sources of financial resources for carrying out activities for social services to the population.

These are independent government institutions created with the aim of creating financial sources of social support for the most needy citizens and providing targeted social protection to low-income groups of the population.

The system of social support funds for the population consists of Republican (Federal) and territorial funds.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development determines the main directions for spending this fund. On the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Population Support Funds operate under the leadership of executive authorities and social protection authorities.

The right to receive assistance from the Social Support Fund is granted to particularly needy pensioners, disabled people, persons with dependents, and other disabled citizens whose total average per capita income does not exceed the minimum established at the regional level.

Funds from the Social Support Funds are spent on additional (over-budget) financing of activities in the following areas:

provision of in-kind assistance in the form of basic necessities (food, clothing, shoes) free of charge or at reduced prices;

provision of social services, including at home;

organization of free meals;

provision of subsidies for the purchase of medicines, prosthetic and orthopedic products, for payment of utilities and household services;

providing night accommodation for homeless citizens;

creation of own enterprises;

assistance in providing loans, etc.

The Government of the Russian Federation promotes the development of non-state pension systems. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On non-state pension funds”, a non-state pension fund is a social and financial non-profit organization that carries out activities to form assets by attracting voluntary targeted cash contributions from legal entities and individuals, transferring these funds of the company for managing the assets of a non-state pension fund, making lifelong or long-term regular payments to citizens in cash, as well as other actions to fulfill social obligations to citizens.

Non-state pension funds operate independently of the state pension system. Payments from these funds are carried out along with payments of state pensions. The transfer of funds by employers and employees to non-state pension funds does not relieve them of the obligation to make mandatory contributions to the state Pension Fund and other extra-budgetary funds.

The amount, conditions and procedure for making contributions and making payments are determined by an agreement between the non-state pension fund and the policyholder.

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480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

240 rub. | 75 UAH | $3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 ( Moscow time), except Sunday

Alekseeva Yulia Vladimirovna. Financing the social protection system in the transitional Russian economy: Dis. ...cand. econ. Sciences: 08.00.10: Moscow, 1997 149 p. RSL OD, 61:98-8/15-9


Chapter 1. General characteristics of the social protection system and its economic basis

1.1. The concept of a social protection system 7

1.2. Social assistance in the social protection system: implementation mechanism 19

1.3. Social insurance in the social protection system; analysis and ways to improve 33

Chapter 2. Financial support of the social protection system

2.1 Formation of a financial system for social protection of the population 46

2.2. Extra-budgetary funds as one of the main sources

financing the social protection system 61

2.3. Problems of improving financial support

systems of social protection of the population in the transitional Russian

economy (using the example of the Republic of Buryatia) 93

Conclusion 114

Bibliographic list of used literature 118

Applications 128

Introduction to the work

The transition of the Russian economy to market relations necessarily raised the problem of social protection of the population, because The transition period causes the emergence of objective factors of unemployment and rising retail prices, which leads to a deterioration in the situation of the vast majority of the population. Therefore, in a new aspect, the problem of ensuring social protection of the population arises. This requires scientific justification for the practical development of measures to prevent and significantly mitigate the negative phenomena of a market economy. This gives rise to the hypothesis that the justification and implementation of such measures is economically determined: they flow from objective economic processes and are a necessary consequence of their emergence and development.

Currently, the entire mechanism of the social security system that operated in the past has been destroyed. To date, there are practically no methodological developments for creating a social protection system in the period of transition to market relations. Many problems arise regarding the financing of activities related to the social protection of citizens.

All these circumstances raise the problem of social protection of the population to a qualitatively different level and make it especially relevant. There is an urgent need to create a system of social protection of the population that is adequate to market relations. Of particular importance are the issues of searching for a financial model of the social protection system, because the beginning of the process of transition to new forms of management caused a decrease in the ability of the state to provide and maintain social guarantees.

The change in the principles of distribution of the social product deprived the previous system of social guarantees of its main financial source - a stable state budget. In the modern period, new financial sources of the social protection system have appeared, in addition to the state budget. In this regard, the problem of justifying their formation and rational use arises.

The main component of the success of economic reforms is an effective social protection system, because exactly

it is one of the forms of manifestation of the degree of maturity of market relations in society.

Basic purpose dissertation work is to study the mechanism of financial support for the social protection system created in conditions of transition to a market economy, and to develop theoretical and practical proposals for its improvement,

In accordance with the goal, the following main tasks:

Define the concept of a social protection system,
adequate to market relations;

Identify problems arising in the process of financing the system
social protection of the population;

analyze the social insurance system in the Russian Federation and determine the model of its financial support;

develop a mechanism for implementing a system of social assistance to the population in the Russian Federation;

explore the formation process financial resources social protection systems for the population in the period of transition to market relations;

analyze activities off-budget funds social purpose as the main financial source of social protection of the population in the modern period.

Object research is the social protection systems of the population of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Buryatia and their financing. This approach, in our opinion, allows us to identify both general problems that arise in the financing of the social protection system as a whole and in a particular region, and to determine ways to solve them.

Theoretical basis and research methods.

The theoretical basis was work in the field of dialectics of knowledge, methods system analysis. In the process of writing the dissertation, the works of domestic and foreign economists and sociologists were used: I.V. Blauberg, L.A. Drobozina, O. Lange, J.M. Keynes, T.V. Mitshna, A. Muller-Armak, G. B. Polyak, V. M. Rodionova, V. M. Rutgaiser, B. V. Rakitsky, L. S. Rzhanitsina, V. S. Chekhutova and others.

When preparing the dissertation, the laws and regulations on issues of pensions, employment, social and health insurance. Reporting data from the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Buryatia were used.

Scientific novelty dissertation is as follows:

Based on the techniques of system analysis, the concept of social
protection of the population, as a set of relations between economic
subjects regarding the satisfaction of vital social
needs of the population through the use of various means and

depending on the methods of generating financial resources, elements of the social protection system for the population are identified: social assistance and social insurance;

a mechanism for implementing social assistance to the population of the Russian Federation has been identified and justified, consisting of interrelated principles, criteria, forms of social assistance and financial resources;

A model of compulsory social insurance has been developed, in which
financial support is based on three-channel formation
financial resources when most of the load falls on
the employer, and the smaller amount is distributed between employees and the state;

practical proposals for improving regional budget financing on social protection of the population, in particular, it is proposed to change the role and place of financial resources of local budgets through the maximum possible attraction of extra-budgetary sources;

priority measures have been identified for the financial stabilization of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation: firstly, we propose to increase the participation of policyholders themselves in the formation of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by introducing insurance for the self-employed population, employees of small enterprises, entrepreneurs who do not form a legal entity and, secondly, to increase the amount of compulsory insurance contributions from wages workers in those industries National economy who occupy a monopoly position in the market;

A different order of formation and
spending insurance contributions to employment funds;

In order to eliminate insufficient financing of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, proposals were justified to reduce the volume of medical services of the basic compulsory medical insurance program and to increase the rate of insurance contributions from employers.

Provisions of the dissertation submitted for defense:

argumentation of the position that the current system of social protection of the population already consists of the following elements, its components financial side, which act in the form of social assistance and social insurance;

proof of the need for a three-channel formation of compulsory social insurance funds in the Russian Federation;

Development of a mechanism for the implementation of social assistance to the population.
Practical significance of the dissertation.

The dissertation materials can be used in the preparation of relevant lecture topics in the course of general theory of finance.

The proposed measures to improve the activities of extra-budgetary funds for social purposes can be taken as guidelines during the activities of these funds and their branches.

The developed mechanism for the implementation of social assistance to the population can be used to create a system of social protection of the population in the period of transition to market relations.

Approbation of research results.

The main provisions of the dissertation research were presented at the scientific conference "Smirnov Readings" (Moscow, October 1997). Results and practical recommendations were used by the territorial compulsory health insurance fund of the Republic of Buryatia.

The concept of a social protection system

Social protection has existed throughout the history of mankind, passing through successively changing eras of its development.

IN pre-industrial society its significance was small. The emergence of social protection is inextricably linked with the formation of a class of hired workers who are completely dependent on the regular payment of wages - the only source of existence. A diagram of the stages of development of the social protection system in Western Europe was given by the German researcher J. Alber 1 (see diagram 1.1.1.). to a very limited circle of people and resorted to them only in desperate situations. During this period, government policy focused on the problem of maintaining public order rather than on the problem of individual well-being.

At the end of the 19th century, the concept changed radically. In a number of countries, social insurance programs were adopted, and the first attempts were made to solve the problems of poverty of certain categories of the population. So, in 1883-1889 German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck established for the first time in history a system of compensation for loss of earnings due to illness, work injury, disability, natural wear and tear of the labor force due to old age through social insurance compulsory for all industrial workers, which was financed by contributions from entrepreneurs, workers, and also government subsidies.

However, these social assistance programs were selective; the focus remained on the problem of maintaining public order. Before the First World War, spending on social assistance programs in all Western European countries was below 5% of GNP. 2

The new historical era, which began after the Russian October Revolution, demanded that those in power search for new solutions to prevent a revolutionary explosion. Yes, in the majority Western countries a decisive expansion of the theory of the “welfare state” began, the main goal of which was to guarantee economic and social stability to all citizens and to build a highly developed system of social protection of the population. This approach was due to a number of objective reasons. This is, first of all, the industrial revolution, which changed the face of modern society and led to the emergence and expansion of social needs and an increase in material security. This is a political reaction to the process of modernization, taking the form of increasing demands for socio-economic equality, the implementation of which becomes the most important condition approval of social integration in society.

Russia was destined to go through its own special path of development, in general, and to create its own social security system, in particular.

So, social protection has an evolutionary process of development and passes through all periods of development of society. In its movement, it was transformed from primitive forms, reaching modern highly developed ones.

Social protection systems in each economic model have their own features, specific qualities and patterns. With the change in the economic system itself, changes occur in the social protection systems of the population, as one of its components. Therefore, as a result of Russia's transition to market relations, the long-existing socialist social security system underwent changes.

In modern Russian conditions, the socialist social security system turns out to be ineffective, because The transition stage is a special independent period with its own logic and mechanism of development. In this regard, a completely different system of social protection of the population is needed, which can be defined as a mechanism designed to resolve contradictions and social conflicts caused by the destructive forces of modernization.

A construction problem arises theoretical model social protection systems for the population, because market development determines its new understanding.

The creation of a system of social protection of the population, according to the author, should be preceded by the development of its theoretical model using methods of system analysis.

System analysis will allow us to study it as a whole, consisting of elements organized in a certain way and representing their interaction, and will also allow us to further develop and specify the whole, because its properties are not reduced to the sum of the properties of its parts. The use of system analysis for social protection consists in studying it as an organized system, determining its structure, and studying its internal connections.

Social assistance in the social protection system: implementation mechanism

There is always a part of the population in society that needs social assistance, and in order to meet its needs, the state has to force other citizens, who have already provided themselves with the benefits of life, to take part in providing the poor part of society with these benefits. ;In industrialized countries, social assistance is an institution of guardianship and assistance. The main source of government funding social programs is the state budget. These programs are designed to provide targeted support to the most vulnerable groups of the population.

In Russian conditions, almost the entire population needs social assistance. Therefore, it seems important to create an effective mechanism for social assistance to the population that would facilitate the transition to market relations with the least negative social consequences.

After all, the main thing that we need to prepare for and what cannot be allowed, in our opinion, is social stratification into the very poor and the very rich. But this process is now beginning in Russia; There was a sharp stratification of Russians by income level. The average entrepreneurial income was 8-10 times higher than the average salary; 30-40 times the average pension. There is, so to speak, a process of “washing out” the middle-income population. In terms of per capita cash income, the subjects of the Federation now differ by about 6 times. In 1990, this ratio did not exceed 4.11

This is where various social explosions and upheavals begin, since in modern conditions the reduced volume of public goods was divided among people in a completely different way than before, and based on completely different principles. Those who managed to take positions in market structures (and there are such a minority) received from this significantly smaller volume of benefits much more than they had previously. And he received it, based on the new principles, quite deservedly. And the income of the majority, especially employees of state-owned enterprises, organizations and institutions, fell disproportionately low.

In industrialized countries, for example, social stratification is much greater than we currently have, but there are no such major problems. This is due, firstly, to the fact that the lower level is quite high and, secondly, each social stratum has long occupied its own (precisely its own) niche in society, to which it is accustomed and which it is not very keen to leave. After all, the entire struggle (trade union, strike, etc.) is not about moving to another social niche, but for greater comfort in one’s own. And only during the revolution the usual niches begin to collapse, new ones are created, and each person in this turmoil strives to occupy a better niche. Moreover, in Russian society, changes in social guidelines are exacerbated by the loss of guarantees that everyone had. After all, the state guaranteed everyone income, housing, education, healthcare and other benefits in amounts corresponding to a particular niche. Now all this turns into a problem that everyone must solve for themselves.

It is likely that each individual will strive to occupy a more comfortable niche. And here it is important to clearly formulate a mechanism for protecting against socially conflictual transition into these niches.

Before defining this mechanism, it seems that it would be advisable to list the main features of the modern Russian economy in order to identify what the starting conditions for social protection of the population are. So:

1. Supermonopoly. It is characterized not so much by the large size of enterprises as by a certain stereotype of market behavior: the desire to maintain high prices, collusion to pursue a unified policy of “extorting” subsidies, limits, preferential loans and tax breaks, etc.

2. Militarized production structure. Its main component is the military-industrial complex. It was the main consumer of resources; the entire economy worked for its needs. In this regard, human-oriented industries and industries found themselves bare and incapable of self-development.

3. A price system that does not allow one to realistically assess the effectiveness of economic decisions, determine priorities in the global division of labor, organize equivalent exchange and an objective system of incentives, and direct scientific and technological progress.

4. Lack of an economic protection mechanism resource potential countries. As a result, enterprises in their economic activities are focused on the maximum involvement of resources in production, and not on their rational use. In the foreign economic sphere, this creates favorable conditions for squandering Russia's wealth.

5. Low standard of living of the people, the presence of a large number of poor people in need of material support.

6. Weak socio-psychological preparation of the country's population for serious socio-economic transformations.

Formation of a financial system for social protection of the population

The implementation of social protection of the population directly depends on the availability of financial resources.

It is no coincidence that the attention of researchers is drawn to the issues of formation and use of resources used for social protection of the population. In the economic literature of the former USSR, questions of analysis of the formation and use of the country’s resource potential for the implementation of various aspects social policy the state paid significant attention to T.I. Zaslavskaya, V.F. Mayer, Yu.V. Peshekhonov, G.B. Polyak, V.M. Rutgaiser, S.S. Shatalin and many others.

It should be noted that the processes of formation, use and distribution of financial resources constitute the country's financial system. With its change, there are changes in the financial provision of social protection.

So, for example, if the financial system of the former USSR consisted of centralized (state budget, funds from local budgets, etc.) and decentralized (funds of enterprises, organizations, collective farms, etc.) resources, then, naturally, the financing of the social security system was carried out at the expense of all of the above sources.

Financing of social security measures in former USSR was carried out at the expense of the state budget, budgetary state social insurance, centralized social security funds and social insurance of collective farms (see Appendix 2).

The central role in the formation of financial resources belonged to the state budget, through which expenditures for social purposes were carried out. Most of the state budget funds for these purposes were provided for in the state social insurance budget and in the form of subsidies to the centralized Union Fund for the Social Security of Collective Farmers. The forms of participation of the state budget in the formation of financial resources were different. In some cases, the state budget was the only source of social security funds, in others it covered the difference between the amounts of income and expenses of targeted insurance contributions, in others - state budget funds in set amount transferred to the autonomous social security fund.

Costs for social security and social insurance occupied a significant share of state budget expenditures and by the end of the 90s amounted to 37%.16

The state social insurance budget, which was included in the state budget in its revenue and expenditure parts, was independent. This was determined by the nature of his income, the direction of funds in accordance with the intended purpose - material support and services for workers, employees and members of their families, as well as the management system state system social insurance through trade unions.

The state social insurance budget was drawn up annually by the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and executed by trade union bodies. It included estimates for social insurance of local trade union committees, budgetary district, city, regional, regional and republican trade union committees; state social insurance budgets of the Trade Union Councils, the Consolidated budget for state social insurance united all social insurance funds for the entire USSR, including lower-level budgets.

Let us note that the sources of financing for social protection of the population are various state extra-budgetary social funds, such as the Social Insurance Fund, the State Employment Fund, the Pension Fund, and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

For example, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation is a specialized financial and credit institution that belongs to the Government of the Russian Federation. The most important task of the Social Insurance Fund is to provide state-guaranteed benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, at the birth of a child, for child care until the age of one and a half years, for burial, for sanatorium treatment and health improvement of workers and members of their families. Suleymanova, G.V. Social Security Law: Textbook. - ed. Rostov-on-Don, 2013.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was formed for the purpose of state financial management of pension provision in Russia. The Pension Fund of Russia is an independent financial and credit institution and is under the authority of the Government of the Russian Federation and is accountable to it. It should be noted that the funds of the Russian Pension Fund are formed due to the following points:

Various employer insurance contributions;

Insurance premiums of citizens who are engaged in individual entrepreneurial activities;

Insurance premiums for other categories of citizens who work;

Various allocations from the federal budget, etc. Syrovatskaya L.A. Labor law: textbook / Syrovatskaya L.A. - ed. Moscow, 2012.

Please note that the rate of insurance contributions to the Russian Pension Fund is determined by Federal legislation Russian Federation.

Let's consider another body, such as the Employment Fund, which is a state extra-budgetary fund of the Russian Federation, which is intended to finance activities that are related to the development and implementation of a certain state employment policy. The named body is not a legal entity and is directly under the operational management and disposal of the employment service authorities.

The employment fund is formed from certain revenues, such as:

Mandatory insurance contributions from various employers;

Mandatory insurance contributions from the earnings of working citizens;

Various allocations made from the federal budget of Russia. Pashin N.P. Employment and unemployment: textbook / - ed. Moscow, 2010.

The funds received from the Employment Fund are allocated to various activities for career guidance, vocational training and retraining of unemployed citizens; organization of public works; payment of unemployment benefits, compensation; as well as providing material and other assistance.

The Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund is a unified system of compulsory medical insurance funds, which consists of federal and territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Funds located in the constituent entities of the Federation. These funds were created for the direct implementation of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Medical Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation” and the implementation of certain state policies in the field of compulsory medical insurance as a certain component of state social insurance.

We also note that the Funds for Social Support of the Population represent one of the main sources of financial resources for the implementation of a specific type of activity for social services to the population Zushchina, G.M., Sultanova R.M. Employment and unemployment in the Russian labor market: textbook / - ed. Moscow, 2011.

All of these are independent government institutions that were created to create a variety of financial sources of social support for the most needy citizens, as well as to provide targeted social protection to low-income groups of the population. Thus, the system of social support funds for the population consists of Republican and territorial funds.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development determines and determines the most important areas for spending the funds of this fund. On the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, Population Support Funds operate under the leadership of executive authorities and social protection authorities. Machulskaya,.E., Gorbacheva Zh.A. Social security law textbook / Machulskaya, E.E., Gorbacheva Zh.A. - ed. Moscow, 2011.

The direct right to receive assistance from the Social Support Fund is granted to particularly needy categories of Russian citizens, such as, for example, pensioners, disabled people, persons who have dependents, and other disabled citizens whose total average per capita income does not exceed the minimum established at the regional level .

All funds from the Social Support Funds are directly spent on additional financing of activities in the following main areas:

provision of specific in-kind assistance in the form of basic necessities free of charge or at certain preferential prices;

Providing a variety of social services;

Certain free food organization;

Providing various subsidies for the purchase of a variety of medicines, prosthetic and orthopedic products, for paying for utilities and household services;

Providing night accommodation for homeless citizens;

Creation of various own enterprises;

Assistance in providing loans

It should be especially noted that the Government of the Russian Federation purposefully promotes the intensive development of non-state pension systems. Thus, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia "On Non-State Pension Funds", a non-state pension fund is a social and financial non-profit organization that carries out certain activities to form assets by attracting voluntary targeted cash contributions from legal entities and individuals, transferring these funds to an asset management company non-state pension fund, implementation of lifelong or for a sufficiently long period of regular payments to citizens in direct cash, as well as other actions to fulfill social obligations to citizens. Vlasov, V.I. Commentary on the Law of the Russian Federation On Employment in the Russian Federation: textbook Vlasov, V.I. - ed. Moscow, 2010.


1.1. Economic content of sources of financing social protection of the population and their characteristics.

1.2. Social taxation as the main source of financing state social protection of the population.

1.3. Social tax policy abroad.


2.1. Features of the organization and collection of socially oriented tax payments.!".

2.2. Analysis of the provision of income sources of social protection of the population in the context of reform.

2.3. Assessment of the tax burden for socially oriented tax payments.



3.1. Social efficiency of tax rates and tax benefits when taxing personal income."

3.2. Financing social protection of the population and development of social taxation: priorities and prospects.

Recommended list of dissertations in the specialty "Finance, money circulation and credit", 08.00.10 code VAK

  • The concept of reforming the tax system of the Russian Federation, based on the implementation of the principle of fairness and the social function of taxes 2008, Doctor of Economics Shmelev, Yuri Dmitrievich

  • Taxation of wages in the context of reforming the tax system in Russia 2005, Candidate of Economic Sciences Grishin, Alexander Viktorovich

  • Improving the mechanism for collecting and administering the unified social tax in the Russian Federation 2006, Candidate of Economic Sciences Shelemeh, Nadezhda Nikolaevna

  • Unified social tax in the Russian tax system 2006, Candidate of Economic Sciences Pervyakova, Yulia Gennadievna

  • Mechanisms of tax investigations in the field of compulsory social insurance in the system of ensuring economic security 2008, Candidate of Economic Sciences Safokhina, Elena Anatolyevna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Sources of financing social protection of the population in Russia”

Relevance of the topic. Social security of the population of any country is part of the indicators that determine the level of social stability of society. Social protection is part of a multifaceted social policy, which is aimed at implementing social guarantees for the population and includes social security and social insurance, as well as intangible forms of social guarantees provided by national legislation. Forms of social protection include pensions, benefits, payments, tax deductions and benefits and other compensation for various categories of citizens in need of social assistance. In world practice, modern states have been actively taking on the functions of social protection and economic regulation, since without the systematic, state-directed development of the social sphere, science and education, and the introduction of new technologies, dynamic economic development, a high standard of living, social stability and protection of the population are impossible. In the conditions of modern financial crisis, the regulatory and social role of the state has increased immeasurably and is vitally necessary. Without full financial support for the social protection system, it is impossible for the state to fulfill its social and economic tasks.

Economic reforms in Russia have caused a restructuring of sources of financing for the social sector. The reform process today is accompanied by a transition to insurance methods of financing social protection through insurance contributions from employers, voluntary contributions from employers and employees, and indirect financing in the form of tax benefits. Of the numerous sources of financing social protection of the population, one of the most significant stands out - these are socially oriented tax payments and contributions, or, in other words, social taxation. However, its role as a source of income for the budgets of social extra-budgetary funds in Russia is still clearly underestimated. At the same time, social tax payments make up a significant share of total tax revenues in developed countries: in Japan - 38%, in Germany - 37%, in England - 18%, in France - 41%, and in Russia about 8%.

An acute problem today is the decline in values macroeconomic indicators in the country, and, accordingly, the deterioration of the financial situation of the social protection system, which requires an urgent solution. Thus, the growth of social security income, being high in the mid-1990s, has slowed down since 1998 compared to the growth rate of GDP and average wages. Thus, the average annual growth of real wages over the past 5 years was 10%, and GDP - 6-7%. 1

Height purchasing power pensions and benefits did not exceed 2-3% per year, which, according to expert assessments, at the beginning of 2009, purchasing power was approximately 70-75% of the 1989 value.

The regressive taxation scale for the unified social tax, as well as its payment only by employers, also had a significant impact on the formation of financial resources for social protection of the population. As a result of this situation, we are seeing a decrease in the level of social guarantees in the social insurance system and a decrease in the level of social protection of the insured. The practice of reducing the unified social tax and the one that arose in connection with this already in

In 2005, the budget deficit of state extra-budgetary funds actually revived the socialist model of state social security, based on subsidies from the federal budget. Starting from 2005, the federal budget becomes responsible for the financial support of the budgets of the Pension Fund and other extra-budgetary social funds of the Russian Federation. The share of federal funds in the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in 2008 reaches 53%.

The lack of an effective system of Russian social taxation in the context of the deteriorating demographic and social situation in the country, as well as the need to develop specific measures to create an effective mechanism for social taxation as the main source of financing social protection of the population, determine the relevance of the topic and the choice of direction for the dissertation research. The degree of development of the problem. In domestic and foreign literature, the issues of forming sources of financing for social protection of the population have been given great importance in recent years, and the problem of improving social taxation as the main source of financing for social protection of the population has occupied the attention of many economists. The theoretical part of the dissertation is based on the scientific works of such domestic economists as S.B. Barulin, O.V. Vrub-levskaya, M.V. Goncharova, A.I. Goncharov, L.N. Lykova, N.V. Milyakov,

V.P.Morozov, A.P.Pochinok, M.V.Romanovsky, S.D. Shatalov, E.Yu. Shapkova, E.N. Shutyak, D.G. Chernik and others, as well as foreign scientists - A. Beebe, K. Giele, M. Devereux, P. Johnson, M. Leroy, V. Leibfnitz, D. Thompson, F. Schneider, D. Enste, et al.

Regarding the study of certain applied aspects of social taxation as a source of financing social protection of the population, it should be noted that the issues of the functional purpose and principles of social taxation, its impact on the economic burden and efficiency, as well as the functioning of social insurance directly related to it are quite fully discussed in the publications of such authors , as P.E. Vasiliev, I.V. Karavaeva, V.E. Mikhalchuk,

S.M. Nikitin, I.Kh. Ozerov, N.H. Stelmakh, R.G. Samoev, M.P. Sokol, N.I. Sidorova, V.D. Roik, A.I. Fedotov and others.

At the same time, a number of theoretical and applied issues representing the key problems of social taxation as a source of financing social protection of the population are either debatable or require additional research. It is also impossible not to take into account the fact that in Russia the establishment of institutions for social protection of citizens and social taxation is still ongoing. All of them need further reform.

Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to continue research into the problem of providing the Russian social protection system with stable sources of financing. Thus, the relevance and insufficient degree of development of the sought-after problem determined the topic of the dissertation, the purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose and objectives of dissertation research. The purpose of the dissertation research is to rationalize the current system of financial provision of social protection of the population in Russia by developing a theoretical and methodological apparatus, developing a set of measures and mechanisms aimed at improving social taxation as a source of financing social protection.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following problems that determined the logic of the dissertation research and its structure:

Consider the economic content of sources of financing social protection of the population and give their characteristics;

Explore the problems of social taxation as the main source of financing state social protection;

Consider social tax policy abroad;

Identify the features of organizing and collecting socially oriented tax payments;

Conduct an analysis of the provision of income sources for social protection of the population;

Assess the tax burden for socially oriented tax payments;

Analyze the effectiveness of providing sources of financing for social protection of the population;

Develop and justify priorities and prospects for financing social protection of the population and the development of social taxation.

The subject of the study is a set of economic relations that arise in the process of providing sources of financing for social protection of the population.

The object of the study is the current system of financial provision with income sources of social protection of the population in Russia, including social taxation. 1

Methodological basis. During the preparation of the work, such scientific research methods as modeling, grouping, statistical observation, comparative analysis, classification were used, which made it possible to obtain reliable scientific knowledge and most fully organize scientific research to achieve the goal and solve research problems.

The theoretical basis consisted of the works of leading researchers of economic science, fundamental and applied works of domestic and foreign scientists devoted to the formation and development of sources of financing social protection of the population and the problems of improving social taxation as the main source of financing social protection.

The information base for the study was the normative and legislative acts regulating the formation of sources of financing social protection of the population in Russia, reference materials on social tax policy abroad, data from the Federal Statistics Service, reports of social extra-budgetary funds of Russia, materials from the Ministry of Finance of Russia, data from the Federal Tax Service and the department of the Federal Tax Service in the Saratov region, materials of scientific and practical conferences and seminars, scientific publications on the topic, published both in periodicals and on the Internet, as well as personal observations and conclusions of the author obtained during the scientific research.

The most significant scientific results of the study are as follows:

The concept of social protection of the population as a financial category that mediates financial redistribution relations arising in the process of forming centralized and decentralized financial resources used through a special financial mechanism to finance social protection of the population has been clarified;

The content of social taxation as the main source of financing social protection of the population is revealed and the author’s interpretation is proposed; revealed the dual nature of a single social tax, which is the main source of financing social protection of the population; the tax nature (essence) of insurance premiums to be introduced from January 1, 2010 is justified;

It is proposed to use certain elements of the mechanism for providing financial resources for social protection of the population, including the collection social taxes not only from employers, but also from employees, providing a wide range of tax social preferences, bringing tax deductions when taxing personal income closer to the subsistence level;

The conclusion is substantiated that an increase in the burden of social taxes can lead to the growth of the “shadow” economy; through the method of modeling situations, the need to introduce mandatory insurance contributions for workers has been proven, which will help reduce the tax burden on employers and increase the interest of workers in the legalization of wages;

It has been proven that the current system of tax deductions provided for personal income tax (NDFL) is ineffective and formal; it was proposed to increase the amount of the non-taxable minimum for each taxpayer to the current minimum wage; the amount of deduction for child support up to two minimum wages for each child; limit the amount of social deductions to the upper limit of annual income in the amount of 600 thousand rubles, and property deductions - 1200 thousand rubles;

It is proposed to invest funds from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Funds into highly effective national projects and facilities real economy to obtain high investment income;

Introduce a mechanism of progressive income taxation with the right to take into account the family status of the taxpayer and a differentiated rate depending on the source and amount of income (their specific values ​​are proposed and justified).

The theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the dissertation research is aimed at solving an important problem - financial provision of income sources for social protection of the population by improving the mechanism for imposing socially oriented tax payments. The main ideas of the dissertation, its conclusions and recommendations are formulated taking into account the possibilities of their practical use.

The theoretical significance of the work is determined by the fact that the results of the study contribute to the expansion of the theoretical and methodological base necessary for the development and improvement of sources of financing social protection of the population. The theoretical results of the study formed the basis for the author's applied developments and can be used in teaching and studying special financial disciplines.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the author’s proposals can be used to solve problems related to the efficiency and improvement of the process of forming sources of financing for social protection of the population.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions of the dissertation work were presented at scientific and practical conferences held in 2008-2009 at the Saratov State Socio-Economic University.

Certain provisions and developments of the dissertation were used by the Office of the Federal Tax Service for the Saratov Region in preparing proposals for tax reform in the Russian Federation, which is confirmed by a certificate of implementation. The conclusions and developments made during the study also found application in the teaching and study of the disciplines “Taxes and Taxation”, “Extrabudgetary Funds”, “Insurance” at the Department of Finance at the Saratov State Socio-Economic University, which is also confirmed by a certificate of implementation.

Scope and structure of work. The purpose and objectives of the study determined the structure of the dissertation work and applications. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, including eight paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and applications. The list of sources used contains 165 units. The work contains 5 appendices and 19 tables. The volume of the dissertation is 176 pages.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Finance, money circulation and credit”, Shipilova, Natalya Sergeevna


The dissertation research was carried out in the context of three groups of interrelated scientific and practical problems.

The first group of problems is devoted to the theoretical foundations of financing state social protection of the population, including the concept of economic content and characteristics of sources of financing social protection of the population, assessment and definition of social taxation as the main source of financing state social protection of the population, as well as the study of social tax policy abroad.

The dissertation research begins with establishing the conceptual apparatus of social protection of the population and in the course of the work the need for any modern state market type to take on the functions of social protection of the population and economic regulation of the economy. The need for state regulation of social protection of the population is especially acute during times of crisis in the economy, which is clearly confirmed by modern events.

Art. 7 of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation assigns to Russia the status of a social state, which is manifested in the implementation of state social policy that provides social protection to the population. Regarding the definition of social protection of the population in the scientific community, there are different opinions of such scientists as E.H. Shutyak, M.V. Romanovsky, O.V. Vrublevskaya, V.D. Roik, however, taking into account their opinion and the wording of the federal laws “On Veterans” ( dated 12.01. 1995 No. 5 -FZ Art. 13), "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" (dated 24.11. 1995 No. 181 - Federal Law Art. 2), "On social insurance and provision of citizens" the work discusses the essence and the concept of social protection of the population as a system of economic, social and legal guarantees of the state, providing all citizens of the country with equal social conditions and the opportunity to actively participate in public life.

The study established that the social protection system in Russia was formed under the influence of various socio-economic and political factors over many decades, has its own national characteristics and consists of a set of benefits and social payments; benefits and deductions provided to citizens when taxing their income, social assistance to veterans and the poor, which allows the population to be compensated for low wages, poor working conditions, and deficiencies in the pension system, social security and medical care.

Exploring the theoretical foundations of financing state social

1. protection of the population, the study established the existence and emergence of multilateral financial relations between various state social institutions and the population, and proposed to consider social protection of the population as a financial category, since the factors on which the formation and use of sources of financing social protection of the population depend are located in the sphere of distribution and redistribution of society's income, based on the principle of social solidarity.

The study concludes that the sources of financing social protection of the population differ in the specifics of their formation, which consists both in the legally established mandatory redistribution of state (municipal) funds, commercial and non-profit organizations for targeted social insurance contributions, as well as financial resources of households, in terms of payment of socially oriented tax payments and voluntary contributions. Thus, commercial organizations participate in the formation of financial resources for social protection of the population in Russia not only with their own mandatory payments in the form of social contributions to the budget, but also that part of its net profit that is sent to consumption funds spent on solving social problems of the organization’s employees.

Households themselves are also an important link involved in the formation of sources of financing for social protection of the population. On the one hand, by creating income family budget from various sources, one of which for most Russian families today is wages. And on the other hand, due to the subsidies, pensions, allowances and benefits due within the framework of the implementation of state social policy, which in the last decade have increasingly filled the budget Russian family, i.e. precisely those sources of family income that form the very social protection of the population in the state. It is the tax benefits provided for the taxation of income and property to individuals that are an indirect form of social support and protection of citizens by their state.

The study established that of all the above-mentioned sources for the formation of financial resources for social protection of the population, the main ones, undoubtedly, are social taxes and insurance contributions paid by employers, as well as socially oriented tax payments, which together constitute social taxation. Social taxation is represented in any state not only by socially oriented tax payments, but also by a system of tax deductions, benefits, and amounts of tax-free minimum income. According to the international classification of taxes and duties according to the OECD methodology, “Social Security Contributions” and “Wage and Labor Taxes” are combined into one tax group, which makes it possible to establish the level of payroll taxation and coli level in a particular country. cial protection. Thus, through the system of tax benefits, the source of financing the social protection of the population is the personal income tax, which, along with social taxes and insurance contributions, has the same tax base - the employee wage fund, but different sources of payment and tax rates. Other socially oriented taxes levied on individuals also perform a social function. Thus, through the system of tax benefits, deductions, and exemptions for transport, land, and property taxes, the state provides indirect financial social support to disabled people, pensioners, veterans, and large families.

In the course of studying the essence, goals and objectives of social taxation, the concept of social taxation was given as a set of socially oriented tax payments, insurance fees, social preferences (deductions, benefits) that have the intended purpose of financial provision of social protection of the population and legislatively contribute to the improvement of the social situation of citizens.

Exploring the nature of social taxation, the basis of which today is the unified social tax (insurance fee), the author found that in fact the mechanism for collecting the unified social tax (since 2011, insurance premium) by its nature balances between tax and fee. Russian tax legislation considers these categories as very similar in terms of such parameters as establishment, payment, control over compliance with legislation, methods of administration, etc. Highlighting the main definitions of a tax as an individual gratuitous payment, and a fee as a mandatory contribution, the payment of which is one of the conditions for taking actions In the interests of the payer, it should be noted that 1 Russian unified social tax (insurance fee), especially its part aimed at pension insurance (basic, insurance, funded parts) absolutely combines these two concepts. The basic part of pension insurance works on the principle of generational solidarity (working citizens support current pensioners through impersonal tax withdrawals to the budget), and the insurance and funded parts of pension provision contain targeted elements of protection and accumulation in favor of the insured persons, that is, they correspond to the nature of the collection, practically combining both concepts of "tax" and "fee".

The second group of problems under study is related to the practice of social taxation in Russia, which includes problems of reform and features of the organization and collection of socially oriented tax payments, analysis of the provision of income sources for social protection of the population in the conditions of reform and assessment of the tax burden on socially oriented tax payments.

The study found that active perestroika reforms caused changes in the mechanism for forming sources of financing for social protection of the population. In the early 90s. XX century, social insurance and pensions were provided by contributions from employers and employees (1% to the Pension Fund) to extra-budgetary social funds - the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, the Medical Insurance Fund and the Employment Fund - at a general rate of 39.5% of the payment fund labor, which was subsequently replaced by a rate of 35.6% with the abolition of the Employment Fund. Further reform of social taxation continued in 1998 on the initiative of the country's leading financiers, who proposed introducing a social tax with a single tax base instead of insurance contributions and transferring the functions of accounting, analysis and control to the Ministry of Taxes of Russia.

The study found that the characteristics of insurance premiums do not allow limiting them from taxes and fees. The obligation to pay insurance premiums was structured in the same way as the tax obligation. The payment of insurance premiums ensured not only the private interests of the insured, but also public interests associated with the implementation of the principle of social solidarity.

As a result of the study, it was found that during economic reform the unified social tax was consistently reduced and since 2005 the rate was 26%. Undoubtedly, the reduction in the tax burden in terms of social taxation on the economy had a positive impact, however, the reduction in rates led to underfunding of the social sphere and the abandonment of the insurance principles of social security. With the help of taxes, the state redistributed financial pension resources in favor of low-income groups of the population, helping to partially solve the problems of poverty and misery. The proportions of redistribution reached 50% - 70% of the total amount contributed by employers. This undermined the motivation for earning pension rights among middle- and high-income groups of workers. It turned out to be impossible to use insurance pension mechanisms due to the extremely disordered wage system, the high share of the shadow labor market, and the need to transfer the main share financial expenses social sphere for workers with medium and high wages. At the same time, the low level of wages and income for the majority of workers, the 50-fold differentiation between the 10% of the poorest and richest citizens of the country, and the share of shadow wages have negatively affected the formation of pension rights of workers. The introduction of a regressive scale of social taxation in Russia was intended to make wages transparent and ensure a reduction in the risk of occurrence and volumes shadow economy, but these actions did not achieve their goal.

The study analyzed the provision of income sources of social protection of the population in the conditions of reform, which showed that for the period 2005 - 2009, the measures developed to reduce the size of the unified social tax indicate the counterproductive nature of changing the insurance nature of contributions and replacing them with a tax method of generating income for the system social protection, as well as a hasty and unjustified reduction in the size of the unified social tax in 2005. All this has led to the fact that the growth of spending on social protection, being high in the mid-1990s, has slowed down since 1998 compared to the growth rate of GDP and average wages. Thus, the average annual growth of real wages over the past 5 years was 10%, and GDP - 6-7%. The growth in the purchasing power of pensions and benefits did not exceed 2-3% per year, which, according to expert estimates, at the beginning of 2009 in purchasing power was approximately 70-75% of the 1989 value.

The modern transition to payment of insurance premiums at a rate of 34% since 2011 will undoubtedly increase the insurance burden on the employer, which will lead to an increase in the share of the shadow economy. To break the “collusion” regarding “gray” salaries between the employee and the employer, it is proposed to divide the responsibility for paying insurance premiums between them, while simultaneously increasing the employee’s salary by the amount of insurance payments due to him. Modern possibilities for controlling wages (the introduction of a mandatory minimum wage, the work of Labor Commissions on the timely payment of wages, the correspondence of wages to the qualifications of the employee, etc., etc.) will make it possible to actually implement the mechanism for collecting insurance premiums from employees. In turn, the employer will lose the point of hiding real wages in the context of a reduction in the insurance burden.

In addition, the relevance of such a reform is also proven by the investment aspect of financing social protection of the population. In recent years, the Government and the Pension Fund of Russia have been making attempts to increase and stimulate the investment activity of the population in the field of independent social protection through the legalized right to independently choose a non-state pension fund and the implementation of a co-financing program additional pension for the purpose of effectively managing pension savings and ensuring their growth. In turn, the implementation of the state pension co-financing program is aimed at involving citizens’ personal savings in the formation of financial resources for their social protection. In conditions of passivity of the majority of citizens to invest their personal savings in institutions alternative to state pension provision, the obligation to pay insurance premiums will push workers to decide on their effective placement. In turn, reducing the tax burden on the employer will reduce the costs of manufactured products, work and services and make their cost on the market more affordable for the population.

In the course of the study, it was proposed to divide the responsibility for paying insurance premiums between the employer and the employee in the ratio "3: 1. The object of taxation should be part of the reserved wage, which should be quite large in volume - about 30 - 50% of the amount paid to the employee, and formed taking into account the types of social risks and payment periods for them (for pensions this is several decades), as well as the replacement level (the size of pensions and wage benefits), which should be in the range of 50-70% (and not 40% as planned by 2016 .) from the average wage of skilled workers.

In addition, the budgets of social insurance funds, which provide social protection for citizens, can function effectively only if they are autonomous from state budgets at all levels. For this it is necessary to develop legislative framework, allowing the investment of insurance funds in highly efficient projects and objects of the real economy, allowing for an active increase in financial resources in this system, and not just use them, in most cases, as credit resources of pro-state credit institutions. Only in this case is it possible to achieve a stable balance between the fiscal interests of the state, on the one hand, and the size of the tax burden on the employer and employee, on the other hand.

The study established that social tax deductions for personal income tax play a special role in the formation of sources of financing for social protection of the population, especially when implementing programs to improve the demographic situation in the country and support motherhood and childhood. Tax deductions according to personal income tax, which in 2009 underwent changes in the size of standard deductions per child from 600 to 1000 rubles. per month (12 thousand rubles per year) with I limit total income 280,000 rubles, actually provide financial support for a family with one child in the amount of a little more than 1,500 rubles. per year (about 35 euros). For comparison, in Germany in 2008, a deduction per child was made in the amount of more than 7,000 euros, which, within the framework of family income taxation for individuals, allows one to provide significant financial support to a family with children. For the workers themselves in Russia, since 2009, only the amount of total income has been increased to 40 thousand rubles, but the deduction provided remains the same - 400 rubles, i.e. with a salary of 20 thousand rubles. Working citizens will receive a total tax deduction for the year for personal income tax of 104 rubles. (2 months x 400 rubles x 0.13), i.e. a little more than 2 euros. Such amounts of tax deductions for personal income tax hardly prove the status of the Russian state as a socially oriented state.

Calculation of the tax burden on individuals, taking into account the provision of standard tax deductions, carried out by the author as part of his dissertation research showed that:

As the number of children in a family increases, the personal income tax burden falls at any salary level, but decreases as much as possible at a salary of 25 thousand rubles. per month, and at 100 thousand rubles. - it decreases by 0.02 -0.04%.;

In absolute terms, the amount of compensation for personal income tax in a family with 3 children under 18-24 years of age does not exceed 5,000 rubles per year, including standard deductions employee and actually ranges from 4,782 to 4,680 rubles (depending on the salary).

Standard tax deductions have lost their importance both for the state (the cost of deductions is less than 1% of total personal income tax revenues) and for taxpayers (the reduction in burden is less than 0.01%).

The work established that the norms of standard tax deductions established from January 1, 2009 do not have a positive financial impact in the field of social protection of families with children and, therefore, do not solve the problem of improving the demographic situation in the country. Considering that for the middle class of the country's population, whose share at the end of 2008 was 49.2%, and even more so for the 10% of the wealthiest citizens, the topic of standard tax deductions is not of financial interest, since the former cannot take advantage of them due to restrictions based on an annual income of 280,000 rubles. (they do not have such income), and the latter - due to the meager size of their size.

The study established that the lack of economic justification for the amount of deductions (at the beginning of perestroika reforms, the amount of deductions was 300

400 rub. were economically possible for the state), taking into account the cost of living and the real costs of population reproduction, modern standard tax deductions have lost their socio-economic significance and targeting. As part of increasing the efficiency of financing social protection of the population and implementing state demographic policy suggested:

Increase the limit on the maximum amount of annual income per employee to 120 thousand rubles, and for a child to 360 thousand rubles. At the same time, in order to simplify tax administration, it should be uniform for the purposes of providing deductions in accordance with paragraphs. 3 and 4 clauses 1 art. 218 Tax Code of the Russian Federation;

Raise the amount of standard tax deductions for each taxpayer (clause 3, clause 1, article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) to the current minimum wage;

Increase the amount of deductions for child support (clause 4, clause 1, article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) to two minimum wages for each child (for single parents this deduction should double).

These measures will allow standard tax deductions to return to their original meaning in overcoming the disadvantages of a flat scale of income taxation for individuals.

The third group of problems is related to methodological developments aimed at increasing the efficiency of providing sources of financing for social protection of the population in Russia, the social efficiency of tax benefits and tax rates when taxing personal income, as well as priorities and prospects in providing financing for social protection of the population and the development of social taxation. In the course of the study, social taxation highlights special role socially oriented tax payments, which include taxes on individuals based on their importance. Of these, the most common are: income tax, property tax, transport and land taxes. In Russian practice, progressive tax rates are established for the last three specified taxes, i.e. the higher the value of the property, the more powerful the car, the richer the price of the land - the higher the tax paid on these objects and this progression implements the principle of social justice. It is also noted that the distribution function is assigned to the personal income tax. However, operating in Russia flat rate Personal income tax does not allow levying higher taxes on high personal incomes of citizens and does not contribute to their redistribution. In the context of a fifty-fold differentiation of income between the 10% of the lowest paid and highest paid groups of the population, this situation is unacceptable. The flat income tax scale conflicts with the regressive UST scale, and low rate personal income tax contradicts the relatively high income tax rate. Since all taxes are closely related to each other through elements of the tax base, as well as through objects of taxation, violation of this pattern creates conditions for concealment from taxation and the use of various types of schemes that can significantly minimize tax obligations.

In this regard, the dissertation proposes:

Establish a progressive rate for personal income tax, while the upper limit for the progression of the tax rate should be no lower than 20% (corresponding to the income tax rate), set an average rate of 16% for income above 600 thousand rubles, a rate of 10 % set for income less than 280 thousand rubles. and for income from the rental of residential and non-residential premises, from the income of teachers involved in preparing applicants, and other individual labor activities in which there are real difficulties of tax control, as well as provide the right to choose to pay tax, taking into account the family status of the taxpayer;

Legislatively establish in Labor Code that the employer does not have the right to set and pay wages to hired workers below the subsistence level existing in the region;

The study established that the system of social preferences (deductions, benefits) in income taxation also forms a resource-generating institution for the social protection of citizens, which is really intangible, but allows certain categories of people to have big income by reducing tax obligations in labor, civil and administrative relations. Through social preferences, an institution of tax incentives is being formed, which implements a mechanism for indirect financing of households and business entities. Savings on tax payments resulting from the use of tax benefits by individuals and organizations that primarily carry out social expenses either increases the personal income of citizens or remains at the disposal of business entities.

Considering the fact that according to Rosstat data for the first quarter of 2009, the share of the 10% of the country’s poorest population accounted for only 2% of the total amount cash income citizens, and the richest 10% had incomes of 38.6%, then, in the absence of progressive taxation for personal income tax, the system of tax deductions should be an option to reduce the tax burden on the poor.

During the dissertation research, the analysis and assessment of the practice of applying standard tax deductions showed that property deduction, introduced in 2009 in the amount of 2 million rubles. has a social and, at the same time, regulatory orientation. However, this benefit is aimed at the category of persons with high incomes and it is necessary to set a limit on the upper income limit to 1,200 thousand rubles. The deduction for educational needs fulfills its obligations social functions, but at the same time, given the fairly high cost of training, in the author’s opinion, it seems correct to increase the size of such a benefit from January 1, 2009 to 120,000 rubles, but at the same time introduce restrictions on the upper limit of income of individuals up to 600 thousand rubles, to whom this deduction can be provided and only for studying within the country.

All of the above proves that the introduction of progressive taxation for personal income tax and an increase in tax deductions will make it possible to switch to new uniform family-state relationship, taking into account the family status of the taxpayer, who relies on his own strength to obtain sufficient income, while the role of the state is reduced to creating conditions for work, for the possibility of receiving education services, insurance, the possibility of ownership, and, under objective circumstances, the inability to earn and save citizens can count on state assistance as part of social protection.

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