Pbu 19 02 accounting of financial investments consultant. Accounting for financial investments

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation establishes the rules for the formation in accounting and financial statements information about the financial investments of the organization. Organization is hereinafter referred to as entity by law Russian Federation(excluding credit organizations and state (municipal) institutions).
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2010 N 132n)

This Regulation is applied when establishing the features of accounting financial investments For professional participants securities market, insurance organizations, non-state pension funds.

2. For the purposes of this Regulation for adoption to accounting assets as financial investments, one-time fulfillment of the following conditions is necessary:

  • the presence of properly executed documents confirming the existence of the organization's right to financial investments and to receive Money or other assets arising from this right;
  • transition to the organization of financial risks associated with financial investments (the risk of price changes, the risk of the debtor's insolvency, liquidity risk, etc.);
  • the ability to bring economic benefits (income) to the organization in the future in the form of interest, dividends or an increase in their value (in the form of the difference between the sale (repayment) price of a financial investment and its purchase value as a result of its exchange, use to pay off the obligations of the organization, increase in the current market value and so on.).

3. Financial investments of the organization include: state and municipal securities, securities of other organizations, including debt securities, in which the date and cost of redemption is determined (bonds, promissory notes); contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations (including subsidiaries and affiliates); loans granted to other organizations, deposits in credit institutions, receivables acquired on the basis of the assignment of the right to claim, etc.

For the purposes of this Regulation, financial investments also include the contributions of a partner organization under a simple partnership agreement.

The financial investments of the organization do not include:

  • treasury shares joint stock company from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation;
  • bills of exchange issued by the organization-drawer to the organization-seller in settlements for goods sold, products, work performed, services rendered;
  • investments of the organization in real estate and other property having a material form, provided by the organization for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) in order to generate income;
  • precious metals, jewelry, works of art and other similar valuables not acquired for common species activities.

4. Intangible assets such as fixed assets, inventories, and intangible assets are not financial investments.

5. The accounting unit of financial investments is chosen by the organization independently in such a way as to ensure the formation of complete and reliable information about these investments, as well as proper control over their presence and movement. Depending on the nature of financial investments, the procedure for their acquisition and use, a series, batch, etc. can be a unit of financial investments. homogeneous set of financial investments.

6. The organization maintains analytical accounting of financial investments in such a way as to provide information on accounting units of financial investments and organizations in which these investments are made (issuers of securities, other organizations in which the organization is a participant, borrowing organizations, etc.) .

For government securities and securities of other organizations accepted for accounting, at least the following information must be formed in analytical accounting: the name of the issuer and the name of the security, number, series, etc., nominal price, purchase price, expenses associated with acquisition of securities, total quantity, date of purchase, date of sale or other disposal, place of storage.

The organization can form in analytical accounting additional information about the financial investments of the organization, including in the context of their groups (types).

7. Peculiarities of evaluation and additional rules for disclosing information on financial investments in dependent business companies in financial statements are established separately. normative act on accounting.

II. Initial assessment of financial investments

8. Financial investments are accepted for accounting at their original cost.

9. The initial cost of financial investments purchased for a fee is the amount of the organization's actual costs for their acquisition, except for value added tax and other refundable taxes (except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees).

The actual costs of acquiring assets as financial investments are:

  • amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the seller;
  • amounts paid to organizations and other persons for information and consulting services related to the acquisition of these assets. If an organization is provided with information and consulting services related to making a decision on the acquisition of financial investments, and the organization does not make a decision on such an acquisition, the cost of these services is charged to financial results commercial organization(as part of other expenses) or increase in expenses non-profit organization the reporting period when it was decided not to purchase financial investments;
  • remuneration paid to an intermediary organization or other person through which assets are acquired as financial investments;
  • other costs directly related to the acquisition of assets as financial investments.

When acquiring financial investments at the expense of borrowed money the costs of loans and borrowings received are accounted for in accordance with the Accounting Regulation "Expenses of the organization" PBU 10/99, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of May 6, 1999 N 33n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 31, 1999, registration N 1790), and the Accounting Regulation "Accounting for loans and credits and the costs of servicing them" PBU 15/01, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2001 N 60n (according to the letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of September 7 2001 N 07/8985-YUD The order does not need state registration).

General business and other similar expenses are not included in the actual costs of acquiring financial investments, unless they are directly related to the acquisition of financial investments.

10. Excluded. - Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 156n.

11. If the amount of costs (except for the amounts paid in accordance with the agreement to the seller) for the acquisition of such financial investments as securities is insignificant in comparison with the amount paid in accordance with the agreement to the seller, the organization has the right to recognize such costs as other expenses of the organization, including the reporting period in which the specified securities were accepted for accounting.
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n)

12. The initial cost of financial investments made as a contribution to the authorized (reserve) capital of an organization is their monetary value, agreed by the founders (participants) of the organization, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. The initial cost of financial investments received by the organization free of charge, such as securities, is recognized:

  • their current market value on the date of acceptance for accounting. For the purposes of these Regulations, the current market value of securities means their market price calculated in in due course an organizer of trading in the securities market;
  • the amount of money that can be received as a result of the sale of received securities as of the date of their acceptance for accounting - for securities for which the market price is not calculated by the trade organizer on the securities market.

14. The initial cost of financial investments acquired under agreements providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) in non-monetary means is the cost of assets transferred or to be transferred by an organization. Assets transferred or to be transferred by an entity are valued at the price at which the entity would normally charge similar assets in comparable circumstances.

If it is impossible to establish the value of the assets transferred or to be transferred by the organization, the cost of financial investments received by the organization under agreements providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) in non-monetary funds is determined based on the cost at which similar financial investments are acquired in comparable circumstances.

15. The initial cost of financial investments made on account of the contribution of a partner organization under a simple partnership agreement is their monetary value agreed upon by the partners in the simple partnership agreement.

16. Excluded. - Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 156n.

17. Securities that do not belong to the organization on the basis of the right of ownership, economic management or operational management, but are in its use or disposal in accordance with the terms of the agreement, are accepted for accounting in the assessment provided for in the agreement.

III. Subsequent evaluation of financial investments

18. The initial cost of financial investments, at which they are accepted for accounting, may change in cases established by law and these Regulations.

19. For the purposes of subsequent assessment, financial investments are divided into two groups: financial investments, for which the current market value can be determined in accordance with the procedure established by these Regulations, and financial investments, for which their current market value cannot be determined.

Small business entities, with the exception of issuers of publicly placed securities, are entitled to carry out a subsequent assessment of all financial investments in the manner prescribed by this Regulation for financial investments for which their current market value is not determined.
(the paragraph was introduced by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2010 N 144n)

20. Financial investments, for which the current market value can be determined in accordance with the established procedure, are reflected in the financial statements at the end of the reporting year at the current market value by adjusting their valuation for the previous reporting date. This adjustment can be made monthly or quarterly.

The difference between the assessment of financial investments at the current market value as of the reporting date and the previous assessment of financial investments is credited to the financial results of a commercial organization (as part of other income or expenses) or an increase in income or expenses of a non-profit organization in correspondence with the financial investment account.
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n)

21. Financial investments, for which the current market value is not determined, are subject to reflection in accounting and in financial statements as of the reporting date at their original cost.

22. For debt securities for which the current market value is not determined, the organization is allowed the difference between the initial cost and face value during the period of their circulation evenly, to the extent of the income due on them in accordance with the terms of issue, to attribute to the financial results of a commercial organization (as part of other income or expenses) or a decrease or increase in the expenses of a non-profit organization.
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n)

23. For debt securities and loans granted, an organization may calculate their valuation at a present value. In this case, no accounting entries are made.

The organization shall provide support for the reasonableness of this calculation.

24. Financial investments are reflected in the balance sheet as of the reporting date at a cost determined based on the requirements of this Regulation.

If the current market value of a financial investment object, previously valued at the current market value, is not determined as of the reporting date, such financial investment object is reflected in the financial statements at the cost of its last valuation.

IV. Disposal of financial investments

25. The disposal of financial investments is recognized in the accounting of the organization on the date of the one-time termination of the conditions for accepting them for accounting, given in clause 2 of this Regulation.

The disposal of financial investments takes place in cases of redemption, sale, gratuitous transfer, transfer in the form of a contribution to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations, transfer on account of a contribution under a simple partnership agreement, etc.

26. Upon disposal of an asset accepted for accounting as financial investments, for which the current market value is not determined, its value is determined based on an assessment determined by one of the following methods:

  • at the initial cost of each accounting unit of financial investments;
  • at the average initial cost;
  • at the initial cost of the first acquisition of financial investments (FIFO method).

The application of one of the specified methods for a group (type) of financial investments is based on the assumption of the sequence of application of the accounting policy.

27. Contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations (except for shares of joint-stock companies), loans granted to other organizations, deposits in credit organizations, accounts receivable acquired on the basis of an assignment of the right to claim, are valued at the initial cost of each accounting unit withdrawn from the above accounting units. accounting for financial investments.

28. Securities may be valued by the organization upon disposal at the average initial cost, which is determined for each type of securities as the quotient of dividing the initial value of the type of securities by their number, which are formed respectively from the initial cost and the amount of the balance at the beginning of the month and received securities in during this month.

29. Evaluation at historical cost of the first in terms of acquisition of financial investments (FIFO method) is based on the assumption that securities are written off within a month or another period in the sequence of their acquisition (receipt), i.e. the securities that are the first to be written off must be valued at the historical cost of the securities of the first acquisitions, taking into account the initial value of the securities listed at the beginning of the month. When applying this method, the assessment of securities remaining at the end of the month is made at the initial cost of the latest acquisitions, and the value of the earliest acquisitions is taken into account in the value of securities sold.

30. Upon disposal of assets accepted for accounting as financial investments, for which the current market value is determined, their value is determined by the organization based on the latest assessment.

31. For each group (type) of financial investments, one assessment method is applied during the reporting year.

32. Evaluation of financial investments at the end of the reporting period is carried out depending on the accepted method of evaluating financial investments upon their disposal, i.e. at the current market value, at the initial cost of each accounting unit of financial investments, at the average initial cost, at the initial cost of the first financial investments acquired in time (FIFO method).

33. Examples of the use of valuation methods for the disposal of financial investments are given in the appendix to this Regulation.

V. Income and expenses on financial investments

34. Income from financial investments is recognized as income from ordinary activities or other income in accordance with the Accounting Regulation "Income of the organization" PBU 9/99, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of May 6, 1999 N 32n (registered with the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation May 31, 1999, registration number 1791).

35. Expenses related to the provision of loans by the organization to other organizations are recognized as other expenses of the organization.
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n)

36. Expenses related to servicing financial investments of an organization, such as payment for the services of a bank and/or a depository for keeping financial investments, provision of a depo account statement, etc., are recognized as other expenses of an organization.
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n)

VI. Impairment of financial investments

37. A steady significant decline in the value of financial investments, for which their current market value is not determined, below the amount of economic benefits that the organization expects to receive from these financial investments in the normal course of its activities, is recognized as depreciation of financial investments. In this case, based on the calculation of the organization, the estimated value of financial investments is determined, which is equal to the difference between their value, at which they are reflected in accounting (accounting value), and the amount of such a decrease.

A steady decline in the cost of financial investments is characterized by the simultaneous presence of the following conditions:

  • at the reporting date and at the previous reporting date, the carrying amount is significantly higher than their estimated cost;
  • during the reporting year, the estimated value of financial investments changed significantly only in the direction of its decrease;
  • As of the reporting date, there is no evidence that a significant increase in the estimated value of these financial investments is possible in the future.

Examples of situations in which impairment of financial investments may occur are:

  • the emergence of signs of bankruptcy in the issuing organization of securities owned by the organization, or in its debtor under a loan agreement, or declaring it bankrupt;
  • making a significant number of transactions in the securities market with similar securities at a price significantly lower than their book value;
  • absence or significant decrease in income from financial investments in the form of interest or dividends with a high probability of a further decrease in these income in the future, etc.

38. In the event of a situation in which impairment of financial investments may occur, the entity should check whether conditions for a sustainable decrease in the value of financial investments exist.

The specified check is carried out on all financial investments of the organization specified in paragraph 37 of these Regulations, for which there are signs of their impairment.

In the event that an impairment test confirms a sustained significant decline in the value of financial investments, the organization forms a reserve for the depreciation of financial investments by the amount of the difference between the book value and the estimated value of such financial investments.

A commercial organization forms the specified reserve at the expense of the financial results of the organization (as part of other expenses), and a non-profit organization - by increasing expenses.
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n)

In the financial statements, the value of such financial investments is shown at book value minus the amount of the formed reserve for their depreciation.

Checking for depreciation of financial investments is carried out at least once a year as of December 31 of the reporting year if there are signs of depreciation. The organization has the right to carry out the specified check on the reporting dates of the interim financial statements.

The organization shall provide confirmation of the results of this verification.

39. If, based on the results of the audit for depreciation of financial investments, a further decrease in their estimated value is revealed, then the amount of the previously created reserve for depreciation of financial investments is adjusted towards its increase and decrease in the financial result of a commercial organization (as part of other expenses) or an increase in expenses of a non-profit organization .
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n)

If, based on the results of the check for depreciation of financial investments, an increase in their estimated value is revealed, then the amount of the previously created reserve for the depreciation of financial investments is adjusted towards its decrease and an increase in the financial result of a commercial organization (as part of other income) or a decrease in expenses of a non-profit organization.
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n)

40. If, on the basis of available information, the organization concludes that a financial investment no longer meets the criteria for a sustainable significant decrease in value, as well as in the event of disposal of financial investments, the estimated value of which was included in the calculation of the provision for depreciation of financial investments, the amount of the previously created provision for depreciation for the specified financial investments is attributed to the financial results of a commercial organization (as part of other income) or a decrease in expenses of a non-profit organization at the end of the year or the reporting period when the said financial investments were disposed of.
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n)

VII. Disclosure of information in financial statements

41. In the financial statements, financial investments should be presented with a unit, depending on the term of circulation (repayment) for short-term and long-term.

42. Accounting statements are subject to disclosure, taking into account the requirement of materiality, at least the following information:

  • methods for evaluating financial investments upon their disposal by groups (types);
  • the consequences of changes in the methods of valuation of financial investments upon their disposal;
  • the cost of financial investments for which the current market value can be determined, and financial investments for which the current market value cannot be determined;
  • the difference between the current market value as of the reporting date and the previous valuation of financial investments for which the current market value was determined;
  • for debt securities for which the current market value was not determined - the difference between the initial cost and the nominal value during the period of their circulation, accrued in accordance with the procedure established by paragraph 22 of this Regulation;
  • the value and types of securities and other financial investments encumbered with collateral;
  • the value and types of retired securities and other financial investments transferred to other organizations or persons (except for sale);
  • data on the reserve for the depreciation of financial investments, indicating: the type of financial investments, the amount of the reserve created in reporting year, the amount of the reserve recognized as other income of the reporting period; reserve amounts used in the reporting year;
    (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n)
  • for debt securities and loans granted - data on their valuation at a discounted value, on the amount of their discounted value, on the methods of discounting used (disclosed in the notes to balance sheet and income statement).

(as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2006 N 116n, of November 27, 2006 N 156n)

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation establishes the rules for the formation in accounting and financial statements of information on financial investments of the organization. An organization is hereinafter understood as a legal entity under the laws of the Russian Federation (except for credit institutions and budget institutions). This Regulation is applied when establishing the features of accounting for financial investments for professional participants in the securities market, insurance organizations, non-state pension funds.

2. For the purposes of this Regulation, in order to accept assets as financial investments for accounting, the following conditions must be met at a time:

  • the presence of properly executed documents confirming the existence of the organization's right to financial investments and to receive funds or other assets arising from this right;
  • transition to the organization of financial risks associated with financial investments (the risk of price changes, the risk of the debtor's insolvency, liquidity risk, etc.);
  • the ability to bring economic benefits (income) to the organization in the future in the form of interest, dividends or an increase in their value (in the form of the difference between the sale (repayment) price of a financial investment and its purchase value as a result of its exchange, use to pay off the obligations of the organization, increase in the current market value and so on.).

3. Financial investments of the organization include: state and municipal securities, securities of other organizations, including debt securities, in which the date and cost of redemption is determined (bonds, promissory notes); contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations (including subsidiaries and affiliates); loans granted to other organizations, deposits in credit institutions, receivables acquired on the basis of assignment of the right to claim, etc.
For the purposes of this Regulation, financial investments also include the contributions of a partner organization under a simple partnership agreement.
The financial investments of the organization do not include:

  • own shares redeemed by the joint-stock company from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation;
  • bills of exchange issued by the organization-drawer to the organization-seller in settlements for goods sold, products, work performed, services rendered;
  • investments of the organization in real estate and other property having a material form, provided by the organization for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) in order to generate income;
  • precious metals, jewellery, works of art and other similar valuables not acquired for normal activities.

4. Intangible assets such as fixed assets, inventories, and intangible assets are not financial investments.

5. The accounting unit of financial investments is chosen by the organization independently in such a way as to ensure the formation of complete and reliable information about these investments, as well as proper control over their presence and movement. Depending on the nature of financial investments, the procedure for their acquisition and use, a series, batch, etc. can be a unit of financial investments. homogeneous set of financial investments.

6. The organization maintains analytical accounting of financial investments in such a way as to provide information on accounting units of financial investments and organizations in which these investments are made (issuers of securities, other organizations in which the organization is a participant, borrowing organizations, etc.) .
For government securities and securities of other organizations accepted for accounting, at least the following information must be formed in analytical accounting: the name of the issuer and the name of the security, number, series, etc., nominal price, purchase price, expenses associated with acquisition of securities, total quantity, date of purchase, date of sale or other disposal, place of storage.
The organization can form in analytical accounting additional information about the financial investments of the organization, including in the context of their groups (types).

7. Peculiarities of valuation and additional rules for disclosing information on financial investments in dependent economic companies in financial statements are established by a separate regulatory act on accounting.

II. Initial assessment of financial investments

8. Financial investments are accepted for accounting at their original cost.

9. The initial cost of financial investments purchased for a fee is the amount of the organization's actual costs for their acquisition, except for value added tax and other refundable taxes (except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees).
The actual costs of acquiring assets as financial investments are:

  • amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the seller;
  • amounts paid to organizations and other persons for information and consulting services related to the acquisition of these assets. If an organization is provided with information and consulting services related to making a decision on the acquisition of financial investments, and the organization does not make a decision on such an acquisition, the cost of these services is charged to the financial results of a commercial organization (as part of other expenses) or an increase in the expenses of a non-profit organization of that the reporting period when it was decided not to purchase financial investments;
  • remuneration paid to an intermediary organization or other person through which assets are acquired as financial investments;
  • other costs directly related to the acquisition of assets as financial investments.

When acquiring financial investments at the expense of borrowed funds, the costs of loans and borrowings received are taken into account in accordance with the Accounting Regulation “Organization Expenses” PBU 10/99, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of May 6, 1999 N 33n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 31, 1999, registration N 1790), and the Accounting Regulation “Accounting for loans and credits and the costs of servicing them” PBU 15/01, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2001 N 60n (according to letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated September 7, 2001 N 07/8985-YUD The order does not need state registration).
General business and other similar expenses are not included in the actual costs of acquiring financial investments, unless they are directly related to the acquisition of financial investments.

10. Excluded. - Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 156n.

11. If the amount of costs (except for the amounts paid in accordance with the agreement to the seller) for the acquisition of such financial investments as securities is insignificant in comparison with the amount paid in accordance with the agreement to the seller, the organization has the right to recognize such costs as other expenses of the organization, including the reporting period in which the specified securities were accepted for accounting.

12. The initial cost of financial investments made as a contribution to the authorized (reserve) capital of an organization is their monetary value, agreed by the founders (participants) of the organization, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. The initial cost of financial investments received by the organization free of charge, such as securities, is recognized:

  • their current market value on the date of acceptance for accounting. For the purposes of this Regulation, the current market value of securities means their market price calculated in accordance with the established procedure by the organizer of trading on the securities market;
  • the amount of money that can be received as a result of the sale of received securities as of the date of their acceptance for accounting - for securities for which the market price is not calculated by the trade organizer on the securities market.

14. The initial cost of financial investments acquired under agreements providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) in non-monetary means is the cost of assets transferred or to be transferred by an organization. Assets transferred or to be transferred by an entity are valued at the price at which the entity would normally charge similar assets in comparable circumstances.
If it is impossible to establish the value of the assets transferred or to be transferred by the organization, the cost of financial investments received by the organization under agreements providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) in non-monetary funds is determined based on the cost at which similar financial investments are acquired in comparable circumstances.

15. The initial cost of financial investments made on account of the contribution of a partner organization under a simple partnership agreement is their monetary value agreed upon by the partners in the simple partnership agreement.

16. Excluded. - Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 156n.

17. Securities that do not belong to the organization on the basis of the right of ownership, economic management or operational management, but are in its use or disposal in accordance with the terms of the agreement, are accepted for accounting in the assessment provided for in the agreement.

III. Subsequent evaluation of financial investments

18. The initial cost of financial investments, at which they are accepted for accounting, may change in cases established by law and these Regulations.

19. For the purposes of subsequent assessment, financial investments are divided into two groups: financial investments, for which the current market value can be determined in accordance with the procedure established by these Regulations, and financial investments, for which their current market value cannot be determined.

20. Financial investments, for which the current market value can be determined in accordance with the established procedure, are reflected in the financial statements at the end of the reporting year at the current market value by adjusting their valuation for the previous reporting date. This adjustment can be made monthly or quarterly.
The difference between the assessment of financial investments at the current market value as of the reporting date and the previous assessment of financial investments is credited to the financial results of a commercial organization (as part of other income or expenses) or an increase in income or expenses of a non-profit organization in correspondence with the financial investment account.

21. Financial investments, for which the current market value is not determined, are subject to reflection in accounting and in financial statements as of the reporting date at their original cost.

22. For debt securities for which the current market value is not determined, the organization is allowed to attribute the difference between the initial cost and the nominal value during the period of their circulation evenly, to the extent of the income due on them in accordance with the terms of issue, to be attributed to the financial results of a commercial organization ( as part of other income or expenses) or a decrease or increase in the expenses of a non-profit organization.

23. For debt securities and loans granted, an organization may calculate their valuation at a present value. In this case, no accounting entries are made.
The organization shall provide support for the reasonableness of this calculation.

24. Financial investments are reflected in the balance sheet as of the reporting date at a cost determined based on the requirements of this Regulation.
If the current market value of a financial investment object, previously valued at the current market value, is not determined as of the reporting date, such financial investment object is reflected in the financial statements at the cost of its last valuation.

IV. Disposal of financial investments

25. The disposal of financial investments is recognized in the accounting of the organization on the date of the one-time termination of the conditions for accepting them for accounting, given in clause 2 of this Regulation.
The disposal of financial investments takes place in cases of redemption, sale, gratuitous transfer, transfer in the form of a contribution to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations, transfer on account of a contribution under a simple partnership agreement, etc.

26. Upon disposal of an asset accepted for accounting as financial investments, for which the current market value is not determined, its value is determined based on an assessment determined by one of the following methods:

  • at the initial cost of each accounting unit of financial investments;
  • at the average initial cost;
  • at the initial cost of the first acquisition of financial investments (FIFO method).

The application of one of the specified methods for a group (type) of financial investments is based on the assumption of the sequence of application of the accounting policy.

27. Contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations (except for shares of joint-stock companies), loans granted to other organizations, deposits in credit organizations, accounts receivable acquired on the basis of an assignment of the right to claim, are valued at the initial cost of each accounting unit withdrawn from the above accounting units. accounting for financial investments.

28. Securities may be valued by the organization upon disposal at the average initial cost, which is determined for each type of securities as the quotient of dividing the initial value of the type of securities by their number, which are formed respectively from the initial cost and the amount of the balance at the beginning of the month and received securities in during this month.

29. Evaluation at historical cost of the first in terms of acquisition of financial investments (FIFO method) is based on the assumption that securities are written off within a month or another period in the sequence of their acquisition (receipt), i.e. the securities that are the first to be written off must be valued at the historical cost of the securities of the first acquisitions, taking into account the initial value of the securities listed at the beginning of the month. When applying this method, the assessment of securities remaining at the end of the month is made at the initial cost of the latest acquisitions, and the value of the earliest acquisitions is taken into account in the value of securities sold.

30. Upon disposal of assets accepted for accounting as financial investments, for which the current market value is determined, their value is determined by the organization based on the latest assessment.

31. For each group (type) of financial investments, one assessment method is applied during the reporting year.

32. Evaluation of financial investments at the end of the reporting period is carried out depending on the accepted method of evaluating financial investments upon their disposal, i.e. at the current market value, at the initial cost of each accounting unit of financial investments, at the average initial cost, at the initial cost of the first financial investments acquired in time (FIFO method).

33. Examples of the use of valuation methods for the disposal of financial investments are given in the appendix to this Regulation.

V. Income and expenses on financial investments

34. Income from financial investments is recognized as income from ordinary activities or other receipts in accordance with the Accounting Regulation "Income of the organization" PBU 9/99, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of May 6, 1999 N 32n (registered with the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation May 31, 1999, registration number 1791).

35. Expenses related to the provision of loans by the organization to other organizations are recognized as other expenses of the organization.

36. Expenses related to servicing financial investments of an organization, such as payment for the services of a bank and/or a depository for keeping financial investments, provision of a depo account statement, etc., are recognized as other expenses of an organization.

VI. Impairment of financial investments

37. A steady significant decline in the value of financial investments, for which their current market value is not determined, below the amount of economic benefits that the organization expects to receive from these financial investments in the normal course of its activities, is recognized as depreciation of financial investments. In this case, based on the calculation of the organization, the estimated value of financial investments is determined, which is equal to the difference between their value, at which they are reflected in accounting (accounting value), and the amount of such a decrease.
A steady decline in the cost of financial investments is characterized by the simultaneous presence of the following conditions:

  • at the reporting date and at the previous reporting date, the carrying amount is significantly higher than their estimated cost;
  • during the reporting year, the estimated value of financial investments changed significantly only in the direction of its decrease;
  • As of the reporting date, there is no evidence that a significant increase in the estimated value of these financial investments is possible in the future.

Examples of situations in which impairment of financial investments may occur are:

  • the emergence of signs of bankruptcy in the issuing organization of securities owned by the organization, or in its debtor under a loan agreement, or declaring it bankrupt;
  • making a significant number of transactions in the securities market with similar securities at a price significantly lower than their book value;
  • absence or significant decrease in income from financial investments in the form of interest or dividends with a high probability of a further decrease in these income in the future, etc.

38. In the event of a situation in which impairment of financial investments may occur, the entity should check whether conditions for a sustainable decrease in the value of financial investments exist.
The specified check is carried out on all financial investments of the organization specified in paragraph 37 of these Regulations, for which there are signs of their impairment.
In the event that an impairment test confirms a sustained significant decline in the value of financial investments, the organization forms a reserve for the depreciation of financial investments by the amount of the difference between the book value and the estimated value of such financial investments.
A commercial organization forms the specified reserve at the expense of the financial results of the organization (as part of other expenses), and a non-profit organization - at the expense of an increase in expenses.
In the financial statements, the value of such financial investments is shown at book value minus the amount of the formed reserve for their depreciation.
Checking for depreciation of financial investments is carried out at least once a year as of December 31 of the reporting year if there are signs of depreciation. The organization has the right to carry out the specified check on the reporting dates of the interim financial statements.
The organization shall provide confirmation of the results of this verification.

39. If, based on the results of the audit for depreciation of financial investments, a further decrease in their estimated value is revealed, then the amount of the previously created reserve for depreciation of financial investments is adjusted towards its increase and decrease in the financial result of a commercial organization (as part of other expenses) or an increase in expenses of a non-profit organization .
If, based on the results of the check for depreciation of financial investments, an increase in their estimated value is revealed, then the amount of the previously created reserve for the depreciation of financial investments is adjusted towards its decrease and an increase in the financial result of a commercial organization (as part of other income) or a decrease in expenses of a non-profit organization.

40. If, on the basis of available information, the organization concludes that a financial investment no longer meets the criteria for a sustainable significant decrease in value, as well as in the event of disposal of financial investments, the estimated value of which was included in the calculation of the provision for depreciation of financial investments, the amount of the previously created provision for depreciation for the specified financial investments is attributed to the financial results of a commercial organization (as part of other income) or a decrease in expenses of a non-profit organization at the end of the year or the reporting period when the said financial investments were disposed of.

VII. Disclosure of information in financial statements

41. In the financial statements, financial investments should be presented with a unit, depending on the term of circulation (repayment) for short-term and long-term.

42. Accounting statements are subject to disclosure, taking into account the requirement of materiality, at least the following information:

  • methods for evaluating financial investments upon their disposal by groups (types);
  • the consequences of changes in the methods of valuation of financial investments upon their disposal;
  • the cost of financial investments for which the current market value can be determined, and financial investments for which the current market value cannot be determined;
  • the difference between the current market value as of the reporting date and the previous valuation of financial investments for which the current market value was determined;
  • for debt securities for which the current market value was not determined - the difference between the initial cost and the nominal value during the period of their circulation, accrued in accordance with the procedure established by paragraph 22 of this Regulation;
  • the value and types of securities and other financial investments encumbered with collateral;
  • the value and types of retired securities and other financial investments transferred to other organizations or persons (except for sale);
  • data on the reserve for depreciation of financial investments, indicating: the type of financial investments, the amount of the reserve created in the reporting year, the amount of the reserve recognized as other income of the reporting period; reserve amounts used in the reporting year;
  • for debt securities and granted loans - data on their valuation at a discounted value, on the amount of their discounted value, on the methods of discounting used (disclosed in the notes to the balance sheet and income statement).

to the Regulations on
“Accounting for financial investments”
PBU 19/02, approved
Order of the Ministry of Finance
Russian Federation
dated December 10, 2002 N 126n

Examples of using valuation methods upon disposal of financial investments

1. The method of valuation at the initial cost of each accounting unit of financial investments

The cost of retiring financial investments is equal in this case to their initial cost.

2. Method of valuation at the average initial cost

The value of securities to be written off is determined by multiplying the number of securities to be disposed of (for example, shares of OAO “S”) by the average initial cost of one security of this type (shares of OAO “S”). The average initial value of one security of a given type is calculated as the quotient of dividing the value of securities of a given type by their number, respectively, consisting of the value and quantity of the balance at the beginning of the month and of the received securities in this month.

Example 1(data are given for one type of securities)

per unit,
thousand roubles.
million rubles
per unit,
thousand roubles.
million rubles
per unit,
thousand roubles.
million rubles
Remaining on the 1st100 100 10,0 100 100 10,0
10th50 100 5,0 60 90
15th60 110 6,6 100 50
20s80 120 9,6 130
Total290 31,2 160 107,6 17,2 130 107,6 14,0

1) Average initial cost of one security:
(10.0 million rubles + 5.0 million rubles + 6.6 million rubles + 9.6 million rubles) / 290 =
= 107.6 thousand rubles.

2) The value of the balance of securities at the end of the month:
130 × 107.6 thousand rubles = 14.0 million rubles

3) Cost of retiring securities:
31.2 million rubles - 14.0 million rubles. = 17.2 million rubles.
160 × 107.6 thousand rubles = 17.2 million rubles.

This method can also be applied during the month for each date of disposal within the month of the securities, using an estimate of the balance of the securities, determined by the average historical cost method, at the date of the previous transaction (the so-called moving average historical cost method).

3. The method of valuation at the initial cost of the first acquisition of financial investments (FIFO method)

The valuation of securities under the FIFO method is based on the assumption that securities are sold within a month in the sequence of their receipt (acquisition), i.e. the securities that were the first to be offered for sale should be valued at the initial cost of the first by the time of acquisition, taking into account the value of the securities listed at the beginning of the month. When applying this method, the assessment of securities remaining at the end of the month is made at the actual cost of the latest in terms of the time of acquisition, and the value of the earliest in time of acquisition is taken into account in the value of the sale (disposal) of securities.

The value of retiring securities is determined by subtracting from the sum of the value of the balance of securities at the beginning of the month and the value of securities received during the month the value of the balance of securities at the end of the month.

Example 2

per unit,
thousand roubles.
million rubles
per unit,
thousand roubles.
million rubles
per unit,
thousand roubles.
million rubles
Remaining on the 1st100 100 10,0 100
10th50 100 5,0 60 90
15th60 110 6,6 100 50
20s80 120 9,6 130
Total290 107,6 31,2 160 100,6 16,1 130 116,2 15,1

1) The value of the balance of securities at the end of the month, based on the value of the latest receipts:
(80 × 120 thousand rubles) + (50 × 110 thousand rubles) = 15.1 million rubles

2) Cost of retiring securities:
31.2 million rubles - 15.1 million rubles. = 16.1 million rubles.

3) Cost per unit of retiring securities:
16.1 million rubles / 160 = 100.6 thousand rubles.

This method can also be applied during the month for each date of disposal within the month of the securities, using the estimate of the balance of the securities, determined by the FIFO method, at the date of the previous transaction (the so-called rolling FIFO method).

RAS 19/02 recognizes assets as financial investments if the following conditions are met simultaneously:

1. The presence of properly executed documents confirming the existence of the organization's right to make financial investments and receive funds or other assets arising from this right.

2. Transition to the organization of financial risks associated with financial investments (risk of price changes, risk of insolvency of the debtor, liquidity risk, etc.)

3. The ability to bring the organization economic benefits in the future in the form of interest, dividends or an increase in their value (in the form of the difference between the sale price and its purchase price)

Financial investments include Does not include financial investments.
State and municipal securities Own shares redeemed by JSC from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation
Securities of other organizations in which the date and cost of redemption is determined (bonds, bills) Promissory notes issued by the drawer organization to the seller organization when paying for goods sold, products, work performed, services rendered)
Contributions to the authorized capital of other organizations (including subsidiaries and affiliates) An organization’s investment in real estate or other property that has a tangible form and is provided by the organization for a fee for temporary possession and use in order to generate income
Loans granted to other organizations Precious metals, jewelry, works of art and other similar valuables acquired for the ordinary course of business
Deposits in credit organizations Assets that have a material form (OS, inventory, etc.)
Accounts receivable acquired on the basis of assignment of the right to claim Intangible assets
Other similar assets

Analytical accounting should provide all the necessary information

By accounting units of financial investments

For organizations in which these investments were made.

The minimum information that must be generated in analytical accounting:

Name of the issuer and name of the security

Number, series

Rated price

Purchase price

Costs associated with the acquisition of securities

Total number of securities

Date of issue

Date of sale or other disposal


Financial investments are accepted for accounting at their original cost, which is determined in different ways, depending on how the assets came to the organization:

Method of entry Determination of the initial cost of the fin. investments Base
Purchasing for a fee Actual acquisition costs, excluding VAT Clause 9 PBU 19/02P. 15 PBU 15/01P.11 PBU 10/99
Making a contribution to authorized capital Financial value fin. investments, agreed with the founders of the organization Clause 12 RAS 19/02
Free receipt Current market value as of the date of their acceptance for accounting P. 13 RAS 19/02
Acquisition under agreements providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) in non-monetary means Established based on the price at which, in comparable circumstances, an entity would normally charge similar assets P. 14 RAS 19/02
Contribution to the contribution of a partner organization under a simple partnership agreement Financial value fin. investments, agreed with partners in the contract P. 15 RAS 19/02
Obtaining without acquiring the right of ownership, economic management or operational management Valuation stipulated in the contract P. 17 RAS 19/02

Financial investments cease to be such and are written off from the accounting records when they are redeemed, sold, donated, etc.

The valuation method chosen by the organization for each type of financial investment and fixed in its accounting policy, should not change during the reporting year.

Financial investments are taken into account on account 58 “Financial investments”.

58-1 Shares and shares

58-2 Debt securities

58-3 "Granted loans"

58-4 "Contributions to the agreement of a simple partnership"


Dt 58 Kt 51,52,50 it.p.

If the contribution to the authorized capital is made in the form of goods and materials or fixed assets, then

Dt 02 Kt 01 Depreciation charges

Dt 91 Kt 01 For the amount of residual value Os

Dt 58 Kt 91 Nasummu, agreed with the founders

Accrual of dividends:

Receiving dividends:

Disposal of financial investments:

Dt 76 Kt 91 Price at which financial investments are sold

Dt 91 Kt 58 book value

Dt 91 Ct 60, 51 additional sales costs

Impairment of financial investments– a sustainable significant reduction in their cost, provided:

What is for this type of fin. investments, their current market value is not determined

That their value has fallen below the economic benefits that the organization can obtain from them in the ordinary course of its activities.

According to paragraph 37 of RAS 19/02, the indicators of the ongoing depreciation of financial investments are:

Appearance of signs of bankruptcy of the issuer of securities held by the organization or its debtor under a loan agreement

Conclusion on the securities market of a significant number of transactions with similar securities at a price significantly lower than their book value

Termination of receipt of interest or dividends from financial investments or a significant decrease in their size with a high probability of a further decrease in these receipts in the future.

If there is any sign, you should create a reserve for the depreciation of investments in securities by the amount of the difference between their book value and estimated value:

Dt 91 Kt 58.

Source: https://StudFiles.net/preview/2203184/page:23/

Accounting for financial investments (PBU 19/02) 1



Financial investments are the assets of an organization intended to receive economic benefits in the future in the form of interest, dividends or an increase in the value of these assets. The increase in value appears as the difference between the purchase price and the sale (redemption) price.

To accept assets as financial investments for accounting, it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of two documents: PBU 19/02 "Accounting for financial investments" and PBU 20/03 "Information on participation in joint activities", and also comply with the following conditions: - availability of properly executed documents , confirming the existence of the organization's right to financial investments and receipt of funds or other assets arising from this right; transition to the organization of financial risks associated with financial investments (the risk of price changes, the risk of the debtor's insolvency, liquidity risk, etc.); the ability to bring economic benefits (income) to the organization in the future in the form of interest, dividends or an increase in their value (in the form of the difference between the sale (repayment) price of a financial investment and its purchase value as a result of its exchange, use in paying off the organization's obligations, increase in the current market value and so on.).

PBU 19/02 PRESENTS A LIST OF ASSETS THAT CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS OF THE ORGANIZATION DEPENDING ON THE TERMS OF PLACEMENT (LONG-TERM FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS - FOR A TERM OF MORE THAN 12 MONTHS; SHORT-TERM - FOR A TERM OF 12 MONTHS inclusive), namely: state and municipal securities; securities of other organizations, including debt securities, in which the date and cost of redemption is determined (bonds, promissory notes); contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations (including subsidiaries and affiliates); loans granted to other organizations; deposits in credit institutions; receivables acquired on the basis of assignment of the right to claim; contributions of the organization - a partner under a simple partnership agreement (joint activity), etc. Financial investments also include financial instruments (these are futures, options, forwards, etc.). Financial instruments are understood as agreements between the parties to transactions that determine their rights and obligations in relation to the subject of the transaction, as well as the procedure for mutual settlements in the future. The subject of the transaction may be foreign currency, securities, property rights, credit resources, etc.

DOES NOT APPLY to financial investments: own shares purchased from shareholders; investments of the organization in real estate and other property that has a material form, provided by the organization for a fee for temporary use in order to generate income; jewellery, precious metals, works of art not acquired for normal activities. The accounting unit of financial investments is chosen by the organization independently. Depending on the nature of financial investments, the procedure for their acquisition and use, a unit of financial investments may be a batch, a series, etc. The organization maintains synthetic and analytical accounting of financial investments in such a way as to provide information on accounting units of financial investments and organizations in which these investments were made (to issuers of securities, to other organizations in which the organization is a member, to borrowing organizations, etc.).

CLASSIFICATION OF FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS 1) by purpose: a) equity - includes shares, shares and contributions to authorized capital; b) debt investments - in government bonds, certificates of deposit, bills of exchange, granted loans; 2) in terms of liquidity, i.e., the ability to easily, in the shortest possible time, turn into cash, allocate: a) easily marketable (at any time); b) other financial investments (these are long-term investments in legally independent organizations); 3) According to the nature of relations with the recipient of financial investments, they distinguish: a) investments in subsidiaries; b) investments in dependent companies; c) other organizations

Financial investments are accepted for accounting at their original cost.

The initial cost of financial investments is the cost of financial investments when they are accepted for accounting, the method of formation of which depends on the order in which financial investments are received by the organization.

The initial cost of financial investments purchased for a fee is the amount of actual costs for their acquisition, except for VAT, excises and other reimbursable taxes.

The actual costs are: amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the seller; amounts for information and consulting services related to the acquisition of financial investments; interest on borrowed funds, if they are involved in the acquisition of these financial investments; remuneration paid to an intermediary organization and other costs associated with the acquisition of assets as financial investments. When acquiring financial investments at the expense of borrowed funds, the costs of loans and borrowings received are taken into account in accordance with PBU 10/99 "Expenses of the organization" and PBU 15/2008 "Accounting for expenses on loans and credits". General business and other similar expenses are not included in the actual costs of acquiring financial investments, unless they are directly related to the acquisition of financial investments.

The initial cost of financial investments is also recognized: for contributions to the authorized capital of an organization - a monetary value agreed by the founders; received free of charge - the market value on the date of acceptance for accounting; securities that do not belong to the organization, but are in its use - in the assessment provided for in the contract. Financial investments are divided into two groups: financial investments, by which the current market value can be determined (securities). The current market value of securities is understood as their market price calculated in accordance with the established procedure by the trade organizer on the securities market; financial investments for which the current market value is not determined (contributions to authorized capital, loans provided). Financial investments, by which the current market value can be determined, are reflected in the financial statements at the end of the reporting year at the current market value by adjusting their valuation for the previous reporting date. These adjustments can be made monthly or quarterly. The difference between the assessment of financial investments at the current market value as of the reporting date and the previous assessment of financial investments is charged to the financial results of a commercial organization (as part of other income or expenses, account 91).

Financial investments, for which the current market value is not determined, are subject to reflection in accounting and in financial statements as of the reporting date at their original cost.

If the current market value of the financial investment object previously valued at the current market value is not determined on the reporting date, such financial investment object is reflected in the financial statements at the cost of its last valuation.

The disposal of financial investments is recognized in the accounting of the organization on the date of the one-time termination of the conditions for accepting them for accounting.

Disposal can be in the following cases: redemption, sale, gratuitous transfer, transfer as a contribution to the authorized capital, etc. When financial investments are disposed of, the organization must write off their value from the balance sheet.

Estimation of the cost of financial investments upon their disposal depends on the type of financial investments being disposed of. Financial investments, according to which the current market value is determined, are evaluated when writing off, based on the latest assessment.

Upon disposal of an asset accepted for accounting as financial investments, for which the current market value is not determined, its value is determined on the basis of an assessment determined by one of three methods (clause

26 PBU 19/02): 1) at the initial cost of each unit of financial investments (contributions to authorized capital (with the exception of shares of JSC), loans provided, etc.

); 2) at the average initial cost (securities apply);

For each type of securities, the average initial cost is determined as the quotient of dividing the initial cost by their number.

At the same time, both indicators - the initial cost and the number of securities - are added up from their balance at the beginning of the month and receipts during this month (PBU 19/02, clause 28). Example 1

Calculation of the average initial cost of a security (for a month) 10 price, rub. amount, thousand rubles qty price sums a qty price sums a Rest.

on the 1st day of the month 1000 100 10th 50 1040 52 70 80 15th 60 1050 63 100 40 25th 90 1100 99 - 130 Total

Calculation of the average initial cost of one security: (100000 + 52000 + 63000 + 99000) : (100 + 50 + 60 + 90) = 1047 rubles. The cost of retired securities \u003d 1047 x 170 \u003d 178,000 rubles. The value of the balance at the end of the month \u003d 1047 (300 - 170) \u003d 136,000 rubles.

3) at the initial cost of the first financial investments in terms of time of acquisition (FIFO method).

The essence of the method is that the securities that are the first to be written off should be valued at the initial cost of the first in terms of the time of acquisition, taking into account the initial value of the securities listed at the beginning of the month.

At the same time, the balance at the end of the month is estimated at the initial cost of the latest acquisitions (clause 28 of PBU 19/02) (for an example, see PBU 19/02). The valuation method is specified in the accounting policy document and should not be changed during the reporting year.

Income from financial investments is recognized as: 1) Income from ordinary activities (reflected on the credit of account 90 "Sales", subaccount "Revenue"; 2) Other income (on the credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", subaccount 1 "Other income").

For example, if the subject of the organization's activity is participation in the authorized capitals of other organizations, then the accrual of income (revenue) is reflected in the Debit of account 76 Credit 90/1.

If the object of the organization's activity is different, then the accrual of income on contributions to the authorized capital is reflected in Debit 76 Credit 91/1.

Expenses also: either as usual on account 90, subaccount 2 "Cost of sales", or on 91/2 "Other expenses" on debit, as other expenses (for example, payment for bank services, loans provided, deposits, etc.).

Analytical accounting of financial investments should provide all the necessary information, both on the accounting units of financial investments, and on the organizations in which these investments were made (issuers of securities, other organizations in which the organization is a member, borrowing organizations, etc. Account is used for accounting 58 "Financial investments" (active, main, inventory) Sub-accounts to it: 1) 58/1 "Shares and shares" - for accounting for investments in shares of OJSC and authorized capital; 2) 58/2 "Debt securities" - for accounting for investments (investments) in state and municipal securities; 3) 58/3 “granted loans” - to account for cash and other loans provided by the organization (for example, bills of exchange), etc.

The debit balance shows the amount of financial investments made at the beginning and end of the period. For debit - transactions for posting securities, deposits in other organizations, the amount of loans provided, etc.

For a loan - operations for the repayment, redemption, sale of securities, the amount of repaid loans, etc.

Postings: 1) D 58 K 51 - securities were purchased for a fee; 2) D 62 K 91/1 - the amount actually due from the buyer for the sold shares; and at the same time the accounting value of the shares being sold is written off in D 91/2 K 58.

Comparison of debit and credit turnovers on account 91 “Other income and expenses” determines the financial result from the sale of securities, for example, shares.

Income or loss from this operation is written off as part of the financial result to account 99 “Profit and Loss”: profit - on credit; loss - debit. 3) if a loan is granted, then the entry: D 58/3 K 51; 4) when repaying a loan: D 51 K 58/3; 5) if they return with%, then the entry: D 76 subaccount K 91/1; 6) D 58/1 K 76 - the contribution to the authorized capital is reflected as part of financial investments; 7) D 76 K 51 (50, 52) - the contribution to the authorized capital has been paid.

1. This Regulation establishes the rules for the formation in accounting and financial statements of information on financial investments of the organization. An organization is hereinafter understood as a legal entity under the laws of the Russian Federation (except for credit institutions and state (municipal) institutions).

This Regulation is applied when establishing the features of accounting for financial investments for professional participants in the securities market, insurance organizations, non-state pension funds.

2. For the purposes of this Regulation, in order to accept assets as financial investments for accounting, the following conditions must be met at a time:

the presence of properly executed documents confirming the existence of the organization's right to financial investments and to receive funds or other assets arising from this right;

transition to the organization of financial risks associated with financial investments (the risk of price changes, the risk of the debtor's insolvency, liquidity risk, etc.);

the ability to bring economic benefits (income) to the organization in the future in the form of interest, dividends or an increase in their value (in the form of the difference between the sale (repayment) price of a financial investment and its purchase value as a result of its exchange, use to pay off the obligations of the organization, increase in the current market value and so on.).

3. Financial investments of the organization include: state and municipal securities, securities of other organizations, including debt securities, in which the date and cost of redemption is determined (bonds, promissory notes); contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations (including subsidiaries and affiliates); loans granted to other organizations, deposits in credit institutions, receivables acquired on the basis of assignment of the right to claim, etc.

For the purposes of this Regulation, financial investments also include the contributions of a partner organization under a simple partnership agreement.

The financial investments of the organization do not include:

own shares redeemed by the joint-stock company from shareholders for subsequent resale or cancellation;

bills of exchange issued by the organization-drawer to the organization-seller in settlements for goods sold, products, work performed, services rendered;

investments of the organization in real estate and other property having a material form, provided by the organization for a fee for temporary use (temporary possession and use) in order to generate income;

precious metals, jewellery, works of art and other similar valuables not acquired for normal activities.

4. Intangible assets such as fixed assets, inventories, and intangible assets are not financial investments.

5. The accounting unit of financial investments is chosen by the organization independently in such a way as to ensure the formation of complete and reliable information about these investments, as well as proper control over their presence and movement. Depending on the nature of financial investments, the procedure for their acquisition and use, a series, batch, etc. can be a unit of financial investments. homogeneous set of financial investments.

6. The organization maintains analytical accounting of financial investments in such a way as to provide information on accounting units of financial investments and organizations in which these investments are made (issuers of securities, other organizations in which the organization is a participant, borrowing organizations, etc.) .

For government securities and securities of other organizations accepted for accounting, at least the following information must be formed in analytical accounting: the name of the issuer and the name of the security, number, series, etc., nominal price, purchase price, expenses associated with acquisition of securities, total quantity, date of purchase, date of sale or other disposal, place of storage.

The organization can form in analytical accounting additional information about the financial investments of the organization, including in the context of their groups (types).

7. Peculiarities of valuation and additional rules for disclosing information on financial investments in dependent economic companies in financial statements are established by a separate regulatory act on accounting.

Today, one of the most important difficulties for the domestic community is the transformation of the existing state accounting and reporting concept into relation to the concept market economy and international standards. Namely, the transformation from the concept of accounting for the purpose of a planned economy to the concept of accounting, which would correspond to the latest needs of domestic companies. Thus, accounting is one of the more significant areas in which in-depth research and training of employees are needed in order to develop an accounting system, which, on the one hand, would correspond to international trends in the formation of accounting, and on the other hand, would exist more efficiently for Russian conditions. In this connection, of no small importance is the study of the skills collected in this area in countries with developed market concepts of management.

In accordance with the Accounting Regulation 19/02 "Accounting for financial investments", the financial investments of the company belong to:

  1. State and municipal securities, securities of other institutions, including debt securities, in which the date and cost of redemption are set (loan capital, bills of exchange);
  2. contributions to the statutory (reserve) finances of other institutions (including subsidiary and subordinate home communities);
  3. loans granted to other firms, deposits in credit institutions, receivables received on the basis of assignment of authority, etc.

International Financial Reporting Standard 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement requires an entity to accept a financial instrument on its balance sheet only if it becomes a contracting party to that financial instrument. An exception to this order are contracts for the traditional purchase and sale of non-financial assets.

In accordance with Russian accounting, financial investments are taken to accounting at their original cost.

The initial cost of financial investments received for payment is the aggregate of the company's actual expenses for their acquisition, excluding value added tax and other reimbursable taxes. The actual costs of acquiring assets as financial investments are:

1. amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the seller;

2. funds paid by firms and others for informative and consulting services associated with the receipt of these assets.

In the event that the company is provided with informative and consulting services associated with the decision to purchase financial investments, and the company does not in any way take the decision on such an acquisition, the cost of these services is transferred to the financial results of the trading company (as part of other expenses) or an increase in costs NCOs of that reporting period, if the decision not to purchase financial investments had been announced.

3. remuneration paid to an intermediary company, or to another person through which the assets are acquired as financial investments;

4. other expenses directly related to the receipt of assets as financial investments.

There are no specialized principles in relation to the establishment of the initial valuation of other types of financial assets, in addition, principles for the valuation of financial liabilities.

IAS 39 requires an entity to measure at fair value on initial recognition of a financial asset or financial liability. If a financial asset or financial liability is not measured at fair value through profit or loss, transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial asset or financial liability are also included in the cost of the financial instrument. .

Loans and receivables in accordance with RAS 19/02 are provided for in accordance with the actual investments made, taking into account impairment. Systematized in connection with the maturity as short-term or long-term.

Not subject to depreciation. Discounts and premiums are written off to financial results simultaneously with the capitalization of assets.

In accordance with IAS 39, loans and receivables are carried at amortized cost.

If it is probable that the entity is unable to collect the full required amount of debt (principal and interest) in accordance with the contractual terms of the loans and accounts receivable provided by the firm, then there is an impairment loss or bad debt. The amount of loss is the difference between the asset's carrying price and the discounted price of estimated future cash flows (excluding future losses that have not yet been incurred due to default), calculated using the financial asset's original effective interest rate (i.e., the effective interest rate calculated at initial recognition).

In this case, the carrying amount of the asset is reduced down to its estimated recoverable amount, directly or using the account valuation reserve due to the prevailing conditions. The amount of the loss must be included in the profit or loss for reporting period.

If there is a subsequent decrease in the amount of an impairment loss on assets or bad debts, and this decrease can be fairly related to an event that occurred after the impairment was recognized, then the recognized impairment loss must be reversed separately or using an allowance account. As a result, the carrying amount of a financial asset should not exceed the amortized cost that would have been recognized at the date of the recovery of the amount of the incomplete write-down made on the cost of the financial asset, if no impairment of the asset had existed. The recovered amount must be included in profit or loss for the reporting period.

The need to prepare financial statements in accordance with international standards appears in the first place among companies working with foreign banks and investors. As practice usually shows, companies reporting according to international standards have every chance to rely on a decrease in interest rate in the presence of financing, since in this case the investor is able to objectively assess the risks included in the loan rate. In this case, domestic standards declare the superiority of form over content, the main task of the International Financial Reporting Standard, in particular, is the acquisition of extremely reliable data on the state of the company, which is necessary for investors in order to correctly assess and form true forecasts.

Differences among domestic and international standards accounting are considered both conceptual, which affect the basic foundations of accounting, and methodological, which are associated with the system of development of individual financial reporting indicators.


  1. Kondrakov N.P. Accounting (financial and managerial): textbook. M.: NITs INFRA-M, 2016. - 584 p.
  2. On approval of the Accounting Regulations "Accounting for financial investments" PBU 19/02: Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2002 N126n (as amended and supplemented) Access from the reference. -legal system"Guarantee".