Failure of housing for a Russian family. Complete failure of the housing program for Russian families

04/17/2017 admin

The Accounts Chamber of Russia stated the complete failure of the state target program “Housing for the Russian Family”: over three years, this socially important project was completed only 3.3%. The Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) explained that the program was not in demand by market participants.

The “Housing for the Russian Family” program intended to provide citizens with affordable and comfortable housing. The main goal is to commission at least 25 million square meters of economy class housing by the end of 2017.

The Accounts Chamber analyzed data for 70 regions, and the audit showed that the program actually represents a “declaration of intent”, the implementation of which is not ensured by effective measures.

“As of January 1, 2017, 0.8 million square meters were put into operation. meters of economy class housing, or 3.3% of the volume provided for by the State Program. At the same time, the program itself is only 77.6% complete,” the auditors stated and noted that the number of families who purchased economy-class housing was 26.3 thousand, or 5.7%.

However, as it turned out during the audit, only 56 land plots, or 7.7% of the total, were provided for the construction of economy-class housing within the program. The analysis showed that all selected land plots did not meet the selection criteria and were not provided for the implementation of the program.

“In 2016, AHML JSC abandoned 277 land plots and is preparing proposals to abandon 54 land plots with a total area of ​​5.3 thousand hectares (26.9%). At the same time, the expenses of the Federal Fund for Assistance to the Development of Housing Construction for their involvement in turnover amounted to 64.7 million rubles,” the Accounts Chamber emphasized.

At the same time, as the auditors stated, the lack of proper preparation for the implementation of the program, control over selection in the regions and development of the effective use of support mechanisms from the Russian Ministry of Construction and AHML JSC did not allow reducing the cost of housing by 20%.

“The main goal of the Program was not implemented by the Russian Ministry of Construction within the established time frame and scope. As a result, the previous target for the construction of economic housing was excluded from the main conditions for the implementation of the Program due to the difficult economic situation and a decrease in the solvency of the population,” the auditors noted.

The audit also showed that the Russian government did not send interbudgetary transfers to the regions in 2016 for the construction of engineering, technical, social and road infrastructure, which were planned in the amount of 20 billion rubles.

“The agreements on the implementation of program activities concluded between the Ministry of Construction of Russia, JSC AHML and the regions were in fact of a formal nature, including the planned annual values ​​for the volume of commissioning of economy-class housing were not established, which did not allow for proper monitoring of the achievement of indicators program,” said auditor Yuri Roslyak.

The Accounts Chamber also conducted an audit of the activities of AHML JSC in implementing the Strategy for the Development of Housing Mortgage Lending until 2020. As it turned out, none of the Agency's projects were completed on time. In particular, the planned value of the indicators “the volume of housing built for rent, financed by AHML for 2014 and 2015, amounted to only 22.7% of the plan.

As a result, in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2017, the “Housing for the Russian Family” program was excluded from the State Program.

The Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) responded to this criticism from the Accounts Chamber and stated that the “Housing for the Russian Family” program “turned out to be unclaimed by market participants.”

“In the changed economic conditions, new mechanisms for comprehensive support for the housing construction sector were required. The program was launched at the beginning of 2014, but at the end of that year macroeconomic conditions changed significantly - the ruble devalued, the key rate rose to 17%, inflation sharply increased, real wages and incomes began to decline. Mortgage rates in new buildings have actually risen to prohibitive 15-18%, and a real threat has arisen for housing construction in general,” the Agency’s comment says.

It also notes that in these conditions, the Russian government made a prompt decision to support not the construction of houses for certain categories of citizens, but all housing construction in general. At the end of March 2015, a program was launched to subsidize interest rates for the purchase of housing in new buildings.

AHML also drew attention to the fact that budget funds planned for the construction of engineering, social and transport infrastructure during the implementation of projects for the integrated development of territories within the framework of the Iron and Steel Works program were redistributed for the implementation of the subsidy program.

“The construction sector received support and the opportunity to complete the construction of houses started in 2013-2014. Thanks to this, a record volume of housing was commissioned in Russia in 2015 - more than 85 million square meters. The subsidy program has become one of the most effective anti-crisis measures - a total of 11.9 billion rubles were allocated to pay subsidies.

Each ruble of budget funds attracted 124 rubles of extra-budgetary investments into housing construction, of which 46 rubles were funds from the population. As part of the program, 25.7 million square meters were purchased. meters of housing on the primary market is more than was planned to be introduced under the iron ore raw materials program. Moreover, the goal was achieved by stimulating demand and using market mechanisms,” AHML justified itself.

Anastasia Smirnova, RIA “New Day”

The government initiative, launched in 2014, has been implemented by only 3.3%. The state, obviously, will not be able to put into operation 25 million square meters of economy-class housing by the end of this year. At the proposal of the Ministry of Construction, it was decided to close the program, but its functions could well be fulfilled by other government projects that were already planned during the crisis, market participants believe.

The Accounts Chamber decided to check how things are going with the implementation of the program several months before its end. “The audit showed that the program is not a system of activities and resources interconnected in terms of goals and objectives and, in fact, represents a “declaration of intent,” says the report of the control agency.

“Housing for the Russian family” is only part of a larger state program “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation.” Auditors of the Accounts Chamber Andrei Perchyan and Yuri Roslyak noted in their report that in fact, in the “big” state program, additional indicators only appeared, “the implementation of which is not ensured by effective measures.”

According to the terms of the program, the price of apartments should not exceed 80% of the market average. Russians between the ages of 25 and 40 who have a regular income and need improved conditions can apply for housing. They can take advantage of a preferential loan at the expense of the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency (AHML) or receive a targeted subsidy from the state in another way.

As of the beginning of 2017, only 0.8 million square meters of housing were put into operation (or that same 3.3% of the total volume). Moreover, the program is not even fully formed - but only 77.6%. In two regions where inspectors visited in person - in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan - things are a little better: 4.2% and 7% of housing were delivered there, respectively.

The indicators for the number of families involved in the program are also far from the plans. Of the expected 463 thousand, 74 thousand families (16%) received the right to purchase housing on preferential terms. Only 26,300 families (5.7%) were able to use it.

In 2016, as it turned out during the audit, the government did not allocate 20 billion rubles in interbudgetary transfers, which should have been used to create engineering, technical, social and road infrastructure. AHML, in turn, provided only 12.4 billion rubles for the allocation of preferential loans, another 5.7 billion were returned by the banks - they simply failed to properly negotiate with the developers.

In addition, AHML had to refuse many proposed sites due to the fact that they did not meet the selection criteria. All this led to the fact that the original target indicators had to be reduced. “The main goal of the program [to achieve a price reduction of 20% compared to the market price] was not implemented by the Russian Ministry of Construction within the established time frame and volume,” state the auditors of the Accounts Chamber.

All agreements between the Ministry of Construction, AHML and regional leadership were of a formal nature. In particular, they did not contain planned annual indicators for the commissioning of housing, the report says.

Representatives of the Ministry of Construction who heard him proposed to exclude the “Housing for Russian Families” program from the “big” state program. In their opinion, it is still impossible to implement it in a crisis. The government listened to officials and issued a corresponding resolution.

However, the problem of shortage of economy class housing in the country still remains. The Ministry of Construction and AHML are going to solve it with the help of another government initiative - the priority project “Mortgage and Rental Housing”. As part of it, by the end of the year, 33 regions should receive 20 billion rubles.

And this may well bring success, says Fedor Vylomov, head of the project management group of the Rating Agency for the Construction Industry (RAKS). According to him, the main reason for the failure of Housing for the Russian Family is that it started before the crisis, in the old economic conditions. “All target indicators were also relevant in 2014. But, as you know, a year later the crisis began, and the entire economy faced high volatility of indicators - the key rate alone increased to 17%,” Vylomov noted in a conversation with Profile.

After this, the state began to look for other ways to maintain demand. “And not only from certain, so-called social groups of citizens, but also from all demand in general. The very projects that it was decided to switch to were launched: a program for subsidizing mortgages, a program for building infrastructure at state expense. And they are carried out much more successfully. The first has already provided about 40% of the total volume of mortgage transactions,” says a RASK representative.

The “Housing for the Russian Family” (ZhRS) program itself was, in fact, a response to a state request: everyone understands that there are “holy tablets” of the May presidential decrees, they need to be implemented and reported once a quarter. The main document for the implementation of the “May” covenants was the state program “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation,” designed until 2020, with a funding volume of almost 578 billion rubles. It also included iron ore. The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation launched it in the summer of 2014, intending to build about 25 million square meters in the regions by 2017. meters of economy class housing.

The state program “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities to citizens of the Russian Federation” is designed until 2020, with a funding volume of almost 578 billion rubles.

The program assumes that the price of housing should be no more than 80% of the average market price in the region, but should not exceed 35 thousand rubles per square meter. At the same time, AHML has provided a mechanism for purchasing utility networks: developers build the networks themselves, and then the funds are returned to them at the rate of 4 thousand rubles for each square meter. meter of housing built as a result. Total cost of 1 sq. meter in iron ore is thus 39 thousand rubles.

The department deviated from the plan already at the start: the Ministry of Construction managed to sign agreements with the regions only for 19 million square meters. meters of housing, and in the first year, 2015, the regions had to transfer about 5 million square meters to beneficiaries, the lists of which were formed by the subjects. meters of economy class housing. However, the first year of the program ended in a fiasco: instead of 5 million, the subjects managed to build only 240 thousand square meters. meters, instead of 92 thousand families received new apartments several thousand.

Even then, experts began to make cautious forecasts that it would be impossible to implement these measures on time. Sensing something was wrong, the state program began to be feverishly revived: first, the authorities, under pressure from builders, increased the maximum price per square meter in housing built under the program from 30 to 35 thousand rubles, then expanded the list of categories of citizens eligible to participate in the program, again to increase demand.

Even at the beginning of 2016, the Ministry of Construction believed in its strength: at RISF-2016, the head of AHML Alexander Plutnik said that the program was going at least, in 2016 the authorities hoped to receive 3.3 million sq. m. meters of housing and allocate money.

The office of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev also tried to forcibly involve regions that refused to participate in the program, and introduced responsibility for officials for failure to achieve indicators. The program was promised annual funding limits of 20 billion rubles. The authorities promised to issue long-term loans to Rosseti to connect “programmed” residential buildings to the power grid, and to exempt developers from paying rent for federal land. Well, at the end of this agony, already in 2016, the Ministry of Construction announced its readiness to reduce the minimum housing standard and extend the program until 2020.

Even at the beginning of 2016, the Ministry of Construction believed in its strength: at RISF-2016, the head of AHML Alexander Plutnik said that the program was going at least, in 2016 the authorities hoped to receive 3.3 million sq. m. meters of housing and allocate money. There were no clear sources of funds at that time, but AHML promised, we quote, “some money” to find.

It was all the more curious to hear a year later the public statement of the same Mr. Plutnik: “The Housing for the Russian Family program failed because it was deprived of all funding.” Note that this is said by the head of AHML, who was responsible for state subsidies for engineering training.

The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation finally buried the program, citing sad statistics: in three years, 800 thousand square meters were built under the program. meters of housing (3.3% of the plan), and 26.3 thousand families were able to improve their living conditions - only 5.7% of the planned number.

Anatomy of failure

It is curious that all sides of the process explain the collapse of the state program differently. For example, auditors of the Accounts Chamber say in the report that the Ministry of Construction and AHML were unable to select sites for construction - all sites did not meet the stated requirements. In addition, during the construction of houses, the government did not purchase utility networks and did not resolve issues of providing housing with schools, kindergartens and other social infrastructure facilities. It was planned to allocate 20 billion rubles for these purposes in 2016, but in the end the money was not used.

Auditors of the Accounts Chamber say in the report that the Ministry of Construction and AHML were unable to select sites for construction - all sites did not meet the stated requirements.

The Ministry of Construction says that they immediately realized the futility of the program and directed these funds to subsidies within the framework of mortgages with state support.

And what about the developers?.. Listing the claims of real program participants could take another whole article. Here's just a summary: the price per square meter is too low, in most regions 39 thousand is 15-20% below the market price; even if they sell at this price, there is guaranteed demand, that is, the lists of beneficiaries were never formed by the regional authorities in full: 300-500 people on the waiting list from the region did not particularly please the builders. The program was drawn up harshly, clumsily, without regard to the real economic and demographic situation on the ground. The requirement for projects under the program is to commission at least 10 thousand square meters. meters. For many regional developers these are too large volumes.

And finally, the main problem is infrastructure. It is known that the authorities do not accept housing without networks, roads and social services. But local budgets did not plan expenses for this infrastructure under the program - and everything fell on the shoulders of developers. The announced repurchase of networks through AHML did not work either - the mechanism for repurchasing engineering infrastructure turned out to be incomprehensible to both developers and network specialists.

Discordant District

All of the above problems manifested themselves in the Northwestern Federal District, which first bravely announced 1.3 million square meters to the program. meters of housing, having actually built less than 100 thousand square meters. meters.

The Leningrad region, where, given its proximity to the Northern capital, 35 thousand per square meter is clearly not enough, was not particularly eager to participate in the program and was one of the last to enter it. The municipalities have compiled a list of only 200 people for whom Argo-Invest LLC will build 10 thousand square meters by 2018. meters in Kirovsk. The same number will be built by 2020. In the future, similar projects will be launched in Shcheglovo, Gatchina and Tosno.

Problems also appeared in the Northwestern Federal District, which at first bravely announced 1.3 million sq. m. to the program. meters of housing, having actually built less than 100 thousand square meters. meters.

The Komi Republic also entered the program late - at the end of April 2016. Considering the average cost per square meter is 61 thousand rubles, it took a very long time to find developers and sites. Two projects announced their readiness: the housing microdistrict Pichipashnya in the village of Vylgort, Syktyvdinsky district, and the construction of a new microdistrict “Yugyd Choy” near Syktyvkar. But over the past year not a single house has been built there.

Pskov included the Borisov Ruchey-1 project for 10 thousand square meters into the program. meters. But so far not a single meter of housing has been built there and, of course, not a single apartment has been sold. The situation is the same with the second project - residential development in Sokolitsy. Instead of answering the question - why, the journalist was sent to Moscow - where this program was invented. The only successful project is that of the developer OJSC Pskovzhilstroy (controlled by the regional government - Ed.). In the Baltic Cascade residential complex in Borisovichi, only 5 apartments were sold in two years.

In Karelia, on the contrary, there was a rush: Consol-S LLC was supposed to put into operation 12 thousand square meters by July 1, 2016. meters. By the summer of 2016, it turned out that 285 applications had been submitted to the program - thus, the number of participants exceeded the expected number. In Kaliningrad, 6 construction sites were identified as part of the project. Of these, two are in Kaliningrad itself and 4 more are in the Guryevsky district. Initially it was planned to introduce 50 thousand sq. meters. However, then a regression began: almost all developers participating in the program began to declare on record a reduction in construction volumes, and KPD Montazh LLC withdrew from the project altogether.

The Novgorod region also lost its participants. One of the largest developers was SU-5 LLC, which planned to build housing on the lands of the RHD Foundation. However, the company later discovered that the Foundation's lands were simply not suitable for development, and urgently withdrew from the program.

In Pomorie, the Ministry of Construction approved an application from Arkhangelsk for the construction of 27 thousand square meters. meters of housing. The first auction under the Housing for Russian Family program at the end of 2015 was won by Construction and Restoration Management LLC, registered in Moscow. An agreement was concluded to carry out engineering surveys at construction sites, but at this stage construction was frozen.

Moscow. 14th of April. INTERFAX-REAL ESTATE - The state program "Housing for the Russian Family" (ZhRS) was implemented at 3.3% of the originally planned volume, the Accounts Chamber reported following an audit.

“The audit showed that the program is not a system of activities interconnected in terms of goals and objectives, and in fact represents a “declaration of intent,” the statement says.

The iron ore work subprogram is implemented within the framework of the state program “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utility services to citizens of the Russian Federation,” approved by the government on April 15, 2014. The main goal of the ZhRS subprogram is to commission at least 25 million square meters of economic class housing by the end of 2017.

The Accounts Chamber analyzed data for 70 regions. The audit showed that, as of January 1, 2017, 0.8 million square meters of economy class housing were put into operation, or 3.3% of the volume provided for by the state program. At the same time, the program itself is only 77.6% complete.

“The lack of proper preparation for the implementation of the program, control over selection in the regions and development of the effective use of support mechanisms from the Ministry of Construction of Russia and JSC AHML did not allow reducing the cost of housing by 20%. The main goal of the program was not implemented by the Ministry of Construction of Russia within the established time frame and volumes.” , says the report.

The document also states that financial resources to support developers in the form of preferential lending within the framework of the AHML JSC program (Stimul program) were provided by AHML JSC to banks in the amount of 12.4 billion rubles for the sale of only 4.6% projects within the program. At the same time, 5.7 billion rubles (45.9%) were returned by banks to JSC AHML due to the lack of proper preliminary consideration of lending issues with developers.

In addition, the construction of infrastructure at the expense of developers was practically not carried out due to the lack of buyback guarantees.

As reported, in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2017, the subprogram “Housing for the Russian Family” was excluded from the state program. The Ministry of Construction and AHML plan to solve the problem of increasing the volume of housing construction as part of the implementation of the priority project “Mortgage and rental housing” through the allocation of subsidies to the regions (including 33 regions in the amount of 20 billion rubles in 2017) for the construction of road, social and engineering infrastructure.

Earlier, the head of AHML, Alexander Plutnik, said that the iron ore program was a failure. At the same time, he noted that “it is necessary to return to it, to see what to replace it with in order to provide real support to builders and real support to citizens.”

AHML told Interfax that the Housing for Russian Family program turned out to be unclaimed by market participants, since changing economic conditions required new mechanisms to support the housing construction sector. Under these conditions, at the end of March 2015, a program was launched to subsidize interest rates for the purchase of housing in new buildings. Budget funds planned for the construction of engineering, social and transport infrastructure during the implementation of projects for the integrated development of territories within the framework of the Iron and Steel Works program were redistributed for the implementation of the subsidy program. As part of the program, 25.7 million square meters were purchased. meters of housing on the primary market is more than was planned to be introduced under the iron ore raw materials program.

The message also notes that, following an inspection by the Accounts Chamber, AHML received an information letter with recommendations on including the number of mortgage loans issued to socially priority categories of the population in the AHML target indicators and on the return to the Russian Ministry of Finance of state guarantees for bond issues purchased on the agency’s balance sheet . The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation has not recorded any violations of the law or misuse or ineffective use of funds by AHML, AHML emphasizes.