Geoinformation system integration. GIS as an integrated system

As noted in 1.1, a topographic map can be published not only on paper, but also in electronic form. For the publication and use of electronic topographic maps used in the organization and conduct of military operations, geographic information systems for military purposes are used.

Geographic information system for military purposes is an automated system designed for collecting, processing, analyzing, modeling and displaying data, solving information and calculation problems using digital cartographic, analog and text information about the Earth.

The topographic service is engaged in the creation and updating of electronic maps for military purposes. To create and promptly update electronic maps based on space and aerial photography in military units and organizations of the topographic service, the Panorama geoinformation system is used.

To work with electronic maps in the troops, including in units and subunits of the missile forces and artillery, the geographical information system "Integration" is used, which allows:

visualize electronic maps on monitors for personal and collective use in conventional signs adopted for topographic maps;

use electronic maps to solve applied problems of determining geodetic and rectangular coordinates of contour points, calculating terrain profiles and visibility zones;

perform calculation operations to determine the area, length, perimeter, build cut-off zones, maintain statistics on the characteristics of objects;

control the scale of the map;

stitch separate nomenclature sheets of electronic maps into the areas of work;

to manage the electronic map object structure, to plot the tactical situation on the map and to print fragments of work areas.

In addition, the geoinformation system allows the formation and use of spatial terrain models for the combat area.

For normal work with the "Integration" system, you must have:

processor no worse than a Pentium II with a clock speed of 700 MHz;

at least 32MB of RAM;

Windows NT,2000 or Windows XP.

What's new:

  1. Added new vector layer editing tools. "Split objects" - division of multi-objects into simple objects. "Build polygons" - construction of polygons in a polygonal layer based on selected lines in a linear layer. "Extract Vertices" - construction of point objects from the vertices of polygonal or linear objects.
  2. Added new utilities. "Splitting SHP/DBF files" allows you to split a shapefile into several by a given property. "Changing the DBF structure by template" allows you to bring the structure of the attribute table to the selected template.
  3. Tools for operations on entire objects became available on the editing panel in the modes of entering objects and editing vertices.
  4. Enhanced features for capturing objects when editing vector layers.
  5. Added the ability to group objects in the Legend+ layer.
  6. Added the ability to automatically offset dynamic labels.
  7. Hotkeys added:
    • Ctrl+q = select object
    • Ctrl+w = remove object from selection
    • Ctrl+e = zoom to entire selection
    • Ctrl+f = full extent
    • Ctrl+i = identification
    • Ctrl+delete = delete object
Update 03 June 2019

What's new:

  1. The mechanism of dynamic signatures has been completely updated. It allows you to create a composite signature from several fields, create different signature classes in one signature layer, create multiple signature layers for one data layer.
  2. Entering and editing geological symbols in VSEGEI format using a visual text editor.
  3. Loading vector data in other GIS formats (*.sxf, *.tab, *.mif, *.dxf, *.e00, *.json, *.gen, *.geojson, *.gpx, *.gml, *. kml, *.sqlite, *.sp1, *.uko, *.ukooa).
  4. Import delimited text files in formats: pgrid, shp, dbf.
  5. Adding a table with the coordinates of the vertices of the layer object to the map layout.
  6. Fixed technical errors.

What's new:

  1. Possibility to select the display order of layers on the "Scene Editor" panel: direct or reverse.
  2. Adding object coordinates from the clipboard in the "Object coordinates" window, as well as changing the order of the vertices.
  3. Improved editing tools: added capture of vertex coordinates of layers reprojected on the fly and a tool for cutting with a ready-made object of the current or another layer.
  4. Editable layers are set to read-only for other users. Improved raster tracing mechanism.
  5. Added the ability to save layer binding options: a set of control points and information about the projection in which they were created are saved.
  6. When placing control points, you can use the capture of layer objects that are open for editing.
  7. Added the ability to bind vector layers to the current map view area.
  8. Added the ability to save and reset projection parameters in internal tags of GeoTIFF files.
  9. The "Generate overview images for rasters" option has been moved to the GIS project settings.
  10. *.gdb reading capabilities have been extended: reading tables, forming and viewing a selection in the "Selected objects" window.
  11. Added the ability to measure the areas and lengths of the component parts of multi-objects.

What's new:

  1. Grouping layers.
  2. Copying selected layers/groups between scenes and projects.
  3. Ability to create many-to-many relationships between tables.
  4. Layer design by several attributes (for example, filling by one attribute field, specks by another).
  5. Ability to set reverse mouse wheel scroll direction for zooming.
  6. Added right click context menu for active layer.
  7. Added context menu by clicking the right mouse button while editing vector data.
  8. Arbitrary rotation of the map in the layout.
  9. Updated EBZ.
  10. Possibility to sign ordinal numbers of object vertices.

What's new:

  1. 30-day "keyless" trial period in full functionality.
  2. Loading and visualization of layers based on geodatabase (gdb, ArcGIS).
  3. Improved tools for interactive selection of objects on the map, spatial selection of layer objects.
  4. Functionality for working with raster images: fragmenting and changing the resolution without breaking the raster cartographic reference.

Geoinformation system "Integration"

The development of the modern army, as well as the development of modern society as a whole, is based on the introduction of information technology. The most important component of most technologies is the means of processing digital information about the terrain in conjunction with diverse data about the enemy and friendly troops.

On July 15, 2009, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation signed Order No. 722 on the acceptance of the GIS "Map 2005" for the supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Geoinformation system "Map 2005" is a universal geoinformation system that has tools for creating and editing electronic maps, remote sensing data (RSD), performing various measurements and calculations, overlay operations, building 3D models, processing raster data, tools for preparing graphic documents in electronic and printed form, as well as tools for working with databases.

GIS "Map 2005" allows you to plot the operational situation, maintain duty maps, generate standard electronic and graphic documents (commander's decision, flight missions, etc.), conduct command and staff training and exercises, analyze the location and predict enemy subsequent actions.

For more than ten years, the headquarters of our Armed Forces have been using electronic maps of the terrain of various scales. All of them are represented by sets of files that reproduce separate sheets of paper topographic maps of the appropriate scale. Being appropriately “glued” (which is done with the help of special software), these files (sheets) form a certain area used by the headquarters as a topographic base, on which various combat graphic documents are worked out - decisions, plans, etc.

Every decision of a commander of any level is associated with a spatial arrangement. The need to understand the terrain has always been essential to military commanders. Historically, such decisions, both at the strategic and tactical levels, have been supported by paper maps, and mapping agencies have focused their efforts on collecting spatial data, displaying it as cartographic products, producing and distributing maps to theaters of war. However, now the situation has changed significantly.

Files of electronic maps of the geoinformation system "Map 2005" *.SXF format are exact copies of their paper counterparts - topographic maps published by the General Staff. Both in terms of nomenclature and scale, and in terms of the degree of detail of the displayed objects, as well as the year of publication (updating).

Digital battlefield or electronic battlefield - a new term that has appeared recently, covers digital cartographic information directly on the battlefield and the means of its operation in the form of the GIS itself. The electronic battlefield is a serious qualitative leap in terms of the use of GIS for tactical operations. However, one cannot say that there is a complete replacement of paper maps with digital information, we are only talking about their joint use and addition. Paper maps will be in demand for the foreseeable future, but both low-level and middle-level commanders and command and control agencies will have additional sources of spatial decision support previously available only to commanders and strategic areas. For example, these can be high-resolution satellite images or other additional information. A complete replacement of paper maps can occur with the full integration of GIS at all levels of command.

The function of any military map is to represent the real world (in the narrow focus of a particular battlefield) for interpretation by the user. Card production is a very expensive and extremely time-consuming process, taking into account the needs of all users. Any paper map is a kind of compromise in terms of presenting the information needed by users, and is not an ideal product for solving a specific problem.

GIS makes it possible to create information products that display information that exactly matches the needs of the user. In addition, one cannot ignore the fact that GIS systems provide new opportunities for 3D visualization of cartographic information that are not available for paper maps. A three-dimensional representation of the terrain from a specific point of the observer's location or a virtual flight over the terrain with a plotted combat situation will give a more complete picture to the commander of any link than just a paper map with objects drawn on it.

One of the main requirements for a map for the military is to support situational display. All commanders and their subordinates must understand the situation. The map acts as a spatial structure on which the situational display is superimposed. A paper map is not able to quickly reflect the situation. GIS saves the day by transmitting over communication channels only overlay layers with the current situation. Moreover, this can be not only a list of coordinates that describe the status of the location of objects, but also elements that have a complex spatial structure and spatial relationships (axis of movement in the form of a spatial graph, boundaries with topology, routes, minefields, etc.).

When placing military units on the ground, they need a detailed understanding of the landscape in order to conduct successful operations. The ideal option is to have an up-to-date digital map around the world, but the relevant information is not always available.

The tasks of determining the optimal land, air and sea routes of movement are associated with complex problems of placing personnel, equipment, various services, and material objects in the right place at the right time. To solve these problems, GIS is a necessary technology.

The most important areas of GIS application are:

planning the movement of equipment, taking into account the specific combat situation, the state of the terrain, stealth, time of day, the characteristics of specific military equipment, etc.;

planning flights of aviation and unmanned aerial vehicles for the purpose of delivering strikes, transporting goods and personnel, conducting reconnaissance;

optimization of the schedule and routes of movement;

· determination of the most possible routes of movement of the enemy and planning the deployment of countermeasures.

GIS as an integrated information system

Having considered information systems with spatial data localization, he will move on to the study of geographic information systems, which appeared as a practical need to generalize such systems on the basis of integration.

This approach makes it possible to define GIS as a multidimensional AIIS with spatial data localization. GIS generalizes in itself the general properties of information systems of this class and is the development of such systems.

In connection with the fuzzy terminology used by a number of authors, and first of all, geographers, some concepts should be clarified.

When studying geographic information systems, one should not confuse two series of related concepts. The first series of concepts forms general terms related to geoinformatics and GIS: geoinformatics, geoinformation system, geoinformation technology, geoinformation modeling, geoinformation object, geoinformation data.

The second series of concepts forms terms related to geography: geography, geographic information system, geographic technology, geographic modeling, geographic feature, geographic data.

These two series of concepts are not equivalent. Replacing the concepts of geoinformatics with geographical terms is erroneous. In some cases, these concepts are close, but they also have differences. For example, a geographic information system (GIS) is a more general concept in relation to a geographic information system (GIS). A geographic information system is generally an integrated system aimed at decision support in various subject areas.

GIS as a geographic information system is a specialized system. It is functionally aimed at solving problems in the field of geography.

GIS as a geographic information system is a generalization of automated information systems with spatial data localization, most of which have nothing to do with geography and cartography.

A distinction should be made between a GIS system and a GIS technology. GIS technology is an information processing technology that includes the use of systems that are not related to GIS. The scope of GIS technologies is wider than GIS systems. This is due to the fact that GIS as an instrumental system works with unified data, and GIS technologies include the collection of non-unified heterogeneous data, their primary processing, unification, subsequent processing and presentation using GIS systems.

In table. 2.1 shows the technologies and methods that served as the basis for the organization of technological processes in GIS.

Table 2.1

Connection of technologies of automated systems with GIS technologies

AC name

Source Technology

Generated GIS technology

Automated collection of primary data

Automated collection of primary data and their processing for the purpose of unification

"End-to-End Technologies" of data collection in the field

Construction of spatial objects based on set-theoretic relations between objects

Construction of spatial objects based on combination of objects

Graphical editing of objects to create new or update

Decomposition of a graphic object by thematic features into thematic layers

Decomposition of a graphic object by thematic features into layers

Decomposition of a graphical object by topological features into layers (point, vector, polygonal)

Object Composition in Project View

Composition of a map or digital model as a project

Decomposition of a graphical object into basic graphical primitives

Using Symbol Libraries to Display Point Elements on a Map

Creation, modification of text styles, lines, polygons for visualization of graphics

Using the coordinate grid mechanism to snap objects and determine their relative position

Using the Geographic Grid Mechanism to Snap Objects and Determine Their Relative Position

Using Object Attributes to Change Visualization When Zooming

Using feature attributes to generalize cartographic features when zooming

Building thematic pivot tables based on queries

Building thematic maps based on queries

Application of business graphics methods for visualization of statistical data on maps

Assigning attributes of one table to attributes of another table based on a comparison of similar columns


Using the ODBC interface to communicate with remote databases

Using the ODBC Interface to Connect a GIS to an External Database

Encoding information in the form of a quadrotomy tree

Bitmap vectorization

Automated recognition of linear objects

Automated tracing of linear and areal objects

Application of business graphics methods to visualize statistical data

Application of business graphics methods for visualization of statistical data on thematic maps

Grouping and ungrouping objects

Geogrouping of objects

Apply additional parameters to form new objects based on existing ones

Building buffer zones

Application of a set of forms for the formation of reporting documentation

Creation and application of a set of forms for the formation of reporting documentation

Combining economic information with positional data for spatial analysis and optimization of economic problems

Decision-making based on the optimization of analytical solutions to economic and managerial problems

Decision support based on the optimization of analytical decisions, supplemented by a visual presentation of information in the form of maps and business graphics

Solving marketing problems based on the use of geographic information systems.

Solving marketing problems based on automated information systems

Solution of marketing tasks based on additional possibilities of geoinformation modeling. Geomarketing

Development of classifiers for ordering stored information

Application of methods of statistical analysis of tabular data

Limited use of methods of statistical analysis of tabular data

Wide use of databases

Limited use of databases

Abbreviations mean:

Automated systems

Automated research systems

Computer-Aided Design Systems

Automated systems for processing economic information

Automated control systems

Marketing Information Systems

Computer graphics systems

Statistical information systems

Database management systems

Imaging systems

As the comparative analysis in Table. 2.1 most GIS technologies and methods are borrowed in whole or in part from others

technologies or are the development of already existing technologies of other systems with spatial data localization.

Analysis of the table. 2.1 confirms that GIS is a modern generalization of AIMS with spatial data localization.

The largest number of the most important GIS technologies are borrowed from CAD (see Table 2.1). This gives grounds to assert that the basis for integrating technologies into GIS is CAD technology.

The basis of communication between GIS objects is positioning in the coordinate system of the earth's surface. This gives reason to say that geographic coordinates are the basis for GIS data integration.

One of the main differences between GIS and other AS with spatial localization should be considered the use of graph theory to create the topology of linear and areal objects and the use of curvilinear coordinate systems and map projections to link spatial objects with points on the earth's surface.

“The site was developed by me to publish information about the latest developments in the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Currently, I work in the field of GIS application and I will post materials on the implementation and use of GIS in management systems on the site pages. Anyone wishing to publish their materials on this topic on the site page can do this after registration.

Sincerely, Ivanov Vasily!

The most famous GIS

ArcInfo- development of the American Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI);

Arc View GIS- specialized software package developed by ESRI;

Inter Graph- developed by InterGraph (USA);

map info- development of the company of the same name;

ArcCAD- ESRI development, which is a fusion of CAD and GIS in a single software product;

Geo Draw- development of a geoinformation research center of the Institute of Geography (Russian Federation);

Win GIS- a multifunctional complex developed by the Austrian company PRO CIS;

TALKA - Neva- development of the Military Topographic Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

KIKS- a software package for interactive data structuring developed by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;

Map- built in a cartographic projection, a reduced, generalized image of the Earth's surface or its part, showing the location, condition and relationships of natural and artificial objects and phenomena in a certain system of conventional signs.

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a modern computer technology for mapping and analyzing real world objects.

Topographic maps are compiled on the basis of the results of surveys of the territory and differ in the detail of the image of the area. The layout of topographic maps is based on a sheet of scale 1:1000000. For such maps, the image of the earth's surface is divided into 60 columns, starting from Greenwich through 6 degrees. Each column is numbered from 1 to 60 (from west to east from 180 degrees).

By parallels after 4 degrees, the surface is divided into rows, which are numbered by letters of the Latin alphabet (from the equator). For example, a sheet showing the city of Moscow has the nomenclature N-37 (latitude 52-56 and longitude 36-42).

Digital Terrain Model (DTM) - representation (model) of the territory in the form of a set of integral spatial objects connected by spatial topological relations and connections, represented in a computer.

An object is a means of structuring reality that has the following properties:

An object consists of interrelated elements (parts). The connections of the parts of an object with each other are stronger than the connections with other objects - external in relation to the given one;

Elements of an object cannot have a "lifetime" independent of each other, i.e. they are created and destroyed simultaneously, except in cases of object restructuring that do not violate its integrity;

The object is addressed as a whole, and not by individually addressing its individual parts;

Valid conversion types are associated with an object, preventing the subject from performing operations of another type on it.

Digital Card (CC) - display of DTM in computer memory at a certain representation scale using some symbolic language. One DSM can correspond to a set of CCs of some scale series.

The general requirements for the Central Committee are.

Within the framework of GIS technology, the same layer of objects can form objects consisting of any geometric primitives and their sets;

The vector objects of the Central Committee must be displayed in accordance with the requirements of Roskartografiya for "paper" maps;

The error in the position of the contours of objects on the CC relative to the original geographical material should not exceed 0.2 mm;

All raster images on the CC must be combined into a single raster field;

Coordinates on the CC must have values ​​in the local coordinate system;

Object layers must correspond to object classes, in accordance with the "Conventional signs for topographic plans" scale M 1:2000 and M 1:500, as well as in accordance with the "Classifier of objects on the Central Committee".

GIS "Panorama"

Panorama- a system developed by the Military Topographic Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation together with the 29th Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense.

Allows to process: vector maps;

raster images of the area (raster maps);

matrix data about the area.

Geographic information system designed for creating and editing electronic maps, solving typical applied problems and developing specialized GIS applications in the environmentWindows.

Support for various projections, coordinate systems, multilayer maps;

Import data from exchange formats - SXF, DXF/DBF, MIF/MID, Shape, S57/S52, GRD, TIFF, PCX, BMP and others;

Development of applied tasks in C, C++, Pascal;

Source texts of the system, documentation for the developer;

- support for multi-user work on the network with one copy of the cards, transaction logging;

GIS Integration - developed on the basis of the "Panorama" system in the rocket and space corporation "Energy" named after. S.P. Queen.

The representation of the electronic map on the display is multi-layered and can be created by combining a raster representation of maps and photographic material, a vector representation of terrain objects, a matrix representation of various terrain properties (elevation matrix, a matrix of environmentally hazardous terrain, a terrain patency matrix, etc.) and user data displayed on the map by means of the interface Windows.

User tasks can be solved in the system in the following ways:

With the use of only one software package GIS "Integration" for solving information and reference and calculation problems, including using various relational DBMS and Windows application programs;

By expanding the functionality of GIS through the development of new components based on C and C++ programming environments;

With the use of individual system components implemented as dynamic libraries (DLL) to expand the functionality of existing application systems, including those based on various DBMS, spreadsheets, computer-aided design systems, graphic editors, etc.

GIS "Map 2005", developed by KB "Panorama", was accepted for supply to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation N 722 of July 15, 2009. The new version of the GIS, developed in KB "Panorama" - "Map 2011" is a specialized application that, as part of a network-centric control system, provides processing of data from various sources.


Means for processing data from GPS and GLONASS navigation devices;

The most modern and high-precision Russian-designed equipment can be connected using the GEO-RTK complex developed by the Russian Institute of Radio Navigation and Time;

Means for processing data from unmanned aerial vehicles; primary data processing is performed in the Photomod complex developed by Rakurs;

Data from geodetic instruments for various purposes;

Digital maps, Earth images, elevation matrices hosted on remote spatial data servers controlled by GIS Server (developed by KB “Panorama”);

Internet resources of maps, images, matrices published on the websites of Google, Yandex, Digital Globe, OpenStreet using specialized http protocols;

- digital maps, Earth images, DEMs available through web services according to OGC WMS, WFS, WCS standards

To implement a distributed GIS, each node must have a GIS Server installed on a Windows, Linux or Solaris platform on processors with 32 or 64-bit architecture. GIS Server allows you to establish any number of connections.

On a computer with Windows XP and 4 GB of memory provides simultaneous connection of about 1,000 clients. Stationary clients can use computers on platformsWindows or linux(MS VS and others) and GIS "Map 2011". Mobile clients can use any platform that supports the work web browsers, or the operation of Mobile GIS , which works with offline maps with the transfer of only navigation data.

For personal navigation devices developed in the R&D "Map" and R&D "Perspektiva-V", navigation maps are recorded on a 250 MB flash card with a road graph, routes, target points and other data.


"Formation of graphic operational (combat) documents developed in military command and control bodies"


It is intended for drawing the operational (tactical) situation on electronic maps, its maintenance, editing, saving, reproduction, as well as the exchange of graphic and textual information on a single cartographic background in the link unit - formation - association (military unit) in real time.

processor - Pentium 700 MHz;

RAM - 256 MB;

Monitor with 800 x 600 resolution;

Hard disk drive with a capacity of 80 GB;

LAN Access Tools

OS Windows.

As a "GIS" in the internal troops, a graphic editor began to be used Corel Draw . The environment was applied on separate layers on the scanned or rendered substrate. This set the standard for map design.

GIS "Harmony" is designed to provide the implementation of the functions of a graphical interface for maintaining the operational situation on electronic maps, to create integrated systems such as GIS + DBMS based on the interaction between the graphic data of electronic maps and attribute data contained in external databases, as well as for documenting cartographic information and operational environment.

The external format of electronic maps for the program is the VTU GSh SXF 4.0 exchange format, which uses the cartographic information classifier approved by the VTU GSh (Moscow-1999).

Atlas form (extension.fra). This is a file that describes the composition of the atlas, classifiers, characteristics of the atlas, stores the binding to the grid of coordinates, the frame of the atlas, etc. To load the atlas of electronic maps, the user selects exactly this file from the disk.
Nomenclature sheet of the electronic map (extension.dim). This file contains the metrics, semantics and description of the cartographic objects of the electronic map sheet.
Classifier of electronic charts (extension.cls). This file contains a description of the composition of possible objects of EC sheets and their characteristics, the rules for their display.
Operational situation sheet (extension.dim). This file contains metrics, semantics, and descriptions of operational environment objects.
Operational environment classifier (extension.cls). This file contains a description of the composition of possible objects of the operational environment and their characteristics, the rules for their display.

Automated information system EMERCOM of Russia

AIS MES is designed to maintain the operational situation and reference information in the automated information system of the EMERCOM of Russia based on the use of Web technology and maps of the current situation.

Implemented as a 3-level hierarchical system of Web-slides, which are maps of the current situation and presentation, translated into html format and linked into a structured system using hyperlinks.

The developer is the All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergencies (VNII GOChS).

Geoinformation system "Extremum" is designed to solve problems of prevention and liquidation of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature on a global scale.

On the basis of GIS "Extremum" created:

Territorially distributed system for receiving and processing aerospace information;

Operational Dispatch Service System (OCHODU);

System for monitoring and forecasting emergencies.

There are several blocks in the GIS. The database block combines cartographic and semantic data in the form of various maps. There is a block of mathematical models, with their help they predict the situation, assess the dangers of natural or man-made impacts, calculate the fields of this impact, the damage from it, and finally develop a plan of specific actions. The system contains blocks for assessing the consequences, designed to optimize measures for an effective response, and a block for output data and documentation. The created models make it possible to assess the consequences of earthquakes, floods, forest fires, accidents at nuclear power plants, emissions of chemically and radiation hazardous, as well as pollutants, destruction of dams and breakthroughs of oil pipelines.

GIS "Operator"

A new geographic information system for military purposes "Operator" has been introduced in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The system is designed to study and assess the properties of the terrain, provide information support for exercises and command and staff training, maintain on-duty and operational maps and diagrams, automate command and control processes, create virtual 3D terrain models, provide information support for the combat use of high-precision weapons, navigation support for vehicles and other special tasks.

Schematic maps of the entire planet from the companyGoogle.A set of applications built on the basis of a free mapping service and technologies provided by the companyGoogle.

Google Maps is the leading mapping service. At first, the American company had to endure fierce criticism from the secret services of many countries of the world, who were dissatisfied with the appearance of satellite images in the public domain. There is a kind hybrid" = satellite image with labels

Photo video (street view) from the side of the road, 360 degree rotation, tilt down, up. High-resolution satellite images, their rotation, inclination into perspective (very interesting - bird's-eye view, but - in Google Chrome), ease of scaling (by rotating the "wheel" of the mouse). Does not copy directly. Works on tablet type Samsung GT-P 7500 Galaxy Tab 10.1 16GB 3G Black , but without "bird's eye view" and "street view" works!

"Yandex maps"

Competitive mapping service, without which many Runet users simply cannotto do - it is so convenient and functional. For a PC, any modern Internet browser can be used as a client - there are no special technical requirements. Satellite images up to a scale of 10 m.There is a kind hybrid" = photo with captions

Software WebMap - © CJSC "Resident" (

Satellite data: ), Includes IRS Data © ANTRIX Corporation Ltd., Includes material © European Space Imaging GmBH. © DigitalGlobe Inc.

processing © ScanEx RDC LLC ( ), Includes "WorldView-2" Data © DigitalGlobe, Inc.://www. bing. com/maps/

Bing Maps or Bing Maps is an online mapping service provided by the companyMicrosoft. On the maps Bing Maps users can find and view topographic maps of many countries and cities in the world. The presented maps include information about important objects of the city and much more.

standard application protocols geospatial data exchange are protocols developed by the international organization OGC and adopted as international standards of the ISO 19100 series:
Web Map Service (WMS) is a specification for a web service interface that provides raster images of the terrain to a client application.
Web Feature Service (WFS) is a specification of a web service interface that returns a set of vector objects. This gives the client application the ability to edit objects and their characteristics.
Web Coverage Service (WCS) is a web service interface specification focused on the transfer of "coverages" - continuous distributions of some feature in space. It allows you to add new types of layers to WMS images. For example, terrain data, terrain camouflage properties, terrain patency for various types of equipment, visibility zones, and so on.

Geoinformation mapping. Electronic card system. Electronic topographic maps. General requirements
GOSTs about GIS

Additionally and in detail, "Geo-information systems for military purposes" could be viewed at , including about GIS Integration, solving measurement problems, determining visibility zones and other terrain characteristics, building a visibility zone using a matrix of heights in the form of a raster image, a three-dimensional image of the terrain.

Thus, the review shows that we have quite competitive GIS that meet most modern requirements, for example, the GIS "Map 2011", and at the same time there is something to improve and how. The main thing, it seems to me, is to separate them from hardware dependence and make them cross-platform, including, in fact, acting on platforms Windows And linux(MS VS).