What are the priorities of Russian policy in the economy. What are the policy priorities of the Russian state in the economy? Goals and priorities of the economic policy of the Russian Federation

Goals for studying the topic: In this section, we will consider the content and main priorities of the state’s economic policy, study the problems of structural restructuring of the Russian economy, identify the state’s capabilities to form and support the functioning of the financial and budgetary systems, and the infrastructure of the market economy. Basic concepts and terms: financial policy, budget, tax system, taxation system, monetary policy, structural policy

The economy of any country is a complex system, that is, a set of qualitatively defined subsystems, between which there is a natural connection

1. Financial policy of the state State financial resources are generated through the collection of taxes, customs duties, duties, special payments, the sale of state property, proceeds from the privatization of state property, funds from the sale of the country’s gold reserves, the issue and sale of state securities securities, sales of state blocks of shares, profits from state business activities, receipt of funds on the basis of external and internal borrowing, use of reserve and insurance funds. The impact of public finance on socio-economic processes in society depends largely on the correctly developed financial policy of the state. Financial policy is a set of financial measures carried out by government bodies through the links and elements of the financial system. The main task of financial policy is to achieve macroeconomic equilibrium between aggregate demand and aggregate supply

The information base for making management decisions on the effective use of financial resources is the consolidated balance of the state's financial resources. The purpose of developing a balance is to determine the volume of financial resources of the state for the forecast period, the possibilities of using them to finance economic and social development programs, as well as to establish optimal directions for their distribution and use

According to their functional purpose, the expenditures of the state’s financial resources can be combined into five groups: 1. Financing of public services of general purpose (costs of public administration; maintenance of legislative, executive and judicial bodies; international activities, national defense, ensuring public order and security and etc.); 2. Financing the production of public goods (expenses for science, education, culture and art, healthcare, physical culture and sports, social protection and social security, housing and communal services, media, etc.); 3. Financing of public services related to economic activity (expenses for the development of areas of material production; for increasing the efficiency of economic activities, implementing structural transformations in the economy, creating conditions for economic growth, for the implementation of targeted comprehensive programs, etc.) ; 4. Expenditures of state trust funds

5. Other expenses (interest payments and costs associated with servicing public debt, creating reserve funds, general transfers, etc.)

Ineffective government financial policy leads to the emergence of public debt. Public debt is divided into internal and external

Domestic public debt is the total amount of government debt to the population, owners of government securities, equal to the amount of past budget deficits

2. Budget policy The state budget plays an important role in the social redistribution of resources and is the main link in the state financial systems. The state budget is an annual plan of government expenditures and sources of financial coverage. The budget is prepared according to the budget classification

Budget classification is a unified international system of functional grouping of budget income and expenses according to homogeneous characteristics. It provides the opportunity to compare budget data from different budgets, determine the nature of the state’s regulatory actions to search for revenue sources and directions for using the funds received

Functions of the budget: 1. Fiscal (consists of financial support for the state to perform its main functions). When performing this function, it is necessary to remember that the state budget is considered not only as an estimate of revenues and expenses, but, above all, as a way to ensure macroeconomic balance and economic growth, a financial plan

2. Regulatory (withdrawal of part of the social product in the form of taxes and non-tax revenues to the budget allows you to adjust the use of this product, influencing the volume of aggregate demand and the proportion between consumption and savings in the economy). During the recession stage, budget expenditures increase, compensating for the loss of part of public demand, which revives the economy, but worsens the budget balance. At the stage of economic recovery, the growth of tax revenues improves the budget balance. 3. Strategic (determined by the structure of state consumption and public investment and is realized through the influence of the state on the intersectoral and interregional redistribution of resources within the country in accordance with established priorities). 4. Stimulating (consists in the influence of budget policy measures on the activation of economic processes). The main strategic directions of budget policy: - ensuring the full and timely fulfillment of the state’s financial obligations at all levels of government; - eliminating disincentive elements and strengthening the stimulating functions of budget policy; - reducing the debt burden on the economy

The main stages of the budget process: - drawing up a draft budget; - budget review; - budget approval; - budget execution; - drawing up, reviewing and approving a report on budget implementation

3. Tax regulation Tax policy plays a special role in government regulation. Taxes are one of the most important types of government revenue that the state receives on the basis of its powers. A tax is a mandatory payment that is levied on the budget from legal entities and citizens

There are two main groups of taxes: 1. Direct action. These are taxes on the processes of production and circulation of products - capital, labor and land. Examples are income tax, wages and other labor income, property tax, gift and inheritance tax, land tax, etc. The taxpayer experiences direct tax directly as a loss of income (withdrawal of part of it)

2. Indirect action. The subject of taxation are goods and services. Indirect taxes appear during distribution and consumption; they extend their effect to the consumer and represent taxes on his expenses. Examples are excise taxes on goods and services, VAT, sales tax, customs tariffs, duties and fees for the provision of services. The main functions of taxes: 1. fiscal (consists in receiving and accumulating tax payments and the formation of budget revenues on their basis to finance government expenditures) 2. social (its essence is in maintaining social balance through reducing the large discrepancy in real incomes of individual social groups population) 3. regulating (its essence is that, through tax levers, certain forms of economic activity, production and consumption, industries and regions are stimulated (disincentivized). Tax system - a set of taxes levied by the state in a given country, tax rules and bodies implementing tax functions

The system of tax authorities includes tax collection authorities represented by the tax inspectorate and tax supervision authorities represented by the tax police. The tax system is based on the following principles: 1. Mandatory payment of taxes - development of norms for mandatory payments (taxes) determined based on reliable data about the object of taxation and establishment of liability for evasion of their payment

2. Equality of subjects of taxation is the prevention of any manifestations of tax discrimination. It is ensured by a unified approach to business entities when determining their tax obligations. 3. Social justice - ensuring social support for low-income segments of the population through the introduction of economically sound taxation. This is the establishment of a tax-free minimum, the use of differentiated taxation of income of citizens (enterprises) with different levels of income, etc. 4. Stability – ensuring the stability of taxes and obligatory payments during the budget year

5. Scientific validity - the establishment of new or changes in the amount of existing taxes must be scientifically justified and undergo practical testing. 6. Uniform payment of taxes - determined by establishing deadlines for payment of tax obligations, based on the need to ensure the receipt of funds into the budget

7. Accessibility – ensuring openness of information about types of taxes, amounts and forms. 8. Stimulation - when determining types and sizes, a prerequisite is the degree of their influence on socio-economic development

The tax system is the taxpayers normatively determined by the legislative authorities, their rights and obligations, objects of taxation, types of taxes, fees and other obligatory payments to budgets, contributions to state trust funds, as well as the procedure for collecting established tax payments, fees and contributions. Also, instruments of tax regulation are tax benefits, which are enshrined in regulations as exceptions to the general scheme for calculating a specific type of tax, and relate to the object, rate or other components of taxation

According to the types of rates charged, taxes are classified into three groups: 1. Progressive tax means that a higher percentage is taken from high incomes than from low ones (that is, the tax rate increases as income increases)

2. Proportional tax - the same tax rate is charged, regardless of the amount of income

3. Regressive taxation - the percentage of income withdrawn by taxes decreases as income increases. Introduced to stimulate profit growth. At the same time, with regressive taxes, after-tax income inequality increases. Thus, the sales tax (like all indirect taxes levied on the prices of goods, it is regressive) places a greater burden on individuals with low incomes than on those who receive high incomes. In the case of a progressive tax scale, an increase in income leads to an increase in part of tax payments, which is a kind of “built-in” stabilizer that “cools” the economy. Reducing tax rates and increasing government spending is used as a lever to enhance economic dynamics, while increasing tax rates and reducing costs is one of the ways to prevent “overheating” of the economy. In case of overestimation of rates, a number of negative consequences arise, the most important of which are: o undermining the foundations of normal reproduction and scientific and technical progress, o deformation and inhibition of the production process, o decrease in labor activity, o growth of the “shadow” economy, o massive practice of tax evasion , o reduction in state budget revenues. The main objectives of tax reform are: - reduction and equalization of the tax burden, - strengthening tax control over production costs, - minimizing the costs of implementing and administering tax legislation, - reducing tax rates. The tax system should be simplified as much as possible. It is necessary to significantly increase the taxation of non-productive activities: entertainment business, certain types of mediation, etc.

4. Monetary regulation Monetary policy (MP) is a set of measures in the field of money circulation and credit aimed at regulating economic growth, curbing inflation and ensuring the stability of the monetary unit, ensuring employment and equalization of the balance of payments. State monetary regulation is carried out by the Central Bank. Regulatory instruments are divided into direct and indirect. Indirect instruments of monetary policy: 1. Discount rate policy. The Central Bank acts as the main creditor of all other banks. The rate on such loans is called the discount rate. The difference between the discount rate and the rates of commercial banks is a source of profit for the latter. The Central Bank has the right to change this rate at any time. By increasing it, it limits the demand for borrowed funds on the part of commercial banks, by reducing it, it stimulates this demand. The rate cut also stimulates the private sector to make new investments

2. System of required reserves. The required reserve ratio is the ratio of the amount of the prescribed investment of a commercial bank in the central bank to the current liabilities of this bank. Amounts representing the required minimum reserves of commercial banks are kept with the Central Bank in the form of permanent deposits. If a commercial bank does not comply with this requirement, it has to pay penalty interest. The Central Bank, by increasing the amount of the required reserve, restrains the business activity of commercial banks; by decreasing it, it stimulates it

3. Regulation through transactions with securities on the open market. Administrative measures to regulate the credit and banking system - direct instructions to banks in the form of directives, instructions, as well as the application of sanctions. The Central Bank controls the activities of commercial banks and conducts regular audits of them

5. Structural policy Relationships that reflect the relationships and interdependencies between individual parts of the economy in the process of its development are characterized by the concept of “economic structure”. For state regulation, the following main types of structural relationships are of greatest importance - reproductive, sectoral, social, regional, foreign trade

The reproduction structure is characterized by the following relationships: 1. Between the production of means of production and the production of consumer goods

2. Between reimbursement of used means of production and newly created value

3. Between consumption and accumulation

4. Between production areas and infrastructure

The sectoral structure characterizes the contribution of individual industries, industries, inter-industry complexes to the reproduction of GDP

The regional (territorial) structure of the economy characterizes the contribution of individual regions to the reproduction of GDP. The social structure reflects the distribution of the national economy by organizational and legal forms of economic activity, level of income and life of the population

The structure of foreign trade is a kind of mirror of the state of the economy.

The structural policy of the state is the justification of the goals and nature of structural transformations, the definition of a set of measures to support the development of those elements of the economic system that ensure economic growth and solve pressing problems of the present

There are two types of structural policy: 1. Passive structural policy - the state creates a legal basis for the free flow of capital and labor from one industry to another, but does not directly interfere with these processes. The structure changes only due to changes in profit rates. 2. Active structural policy - the state, with the help of a system of measures and means, influences the acceleration of progressive structural changes. A whole range of measures is possible: stimulating the flow of capital into priority sectors; stimulating the development of industries that accelerate the implementation of scientific and technical progress achievements; protection and provision of financial assistance to industries that are in decline and require a radical reconstruction of the production apparatus; curtailment of some production in depressed industries, etc.

The concept of active structural policy is based on a clear definition of the most effective directions for structural transformation of the economy. At this stage of economic development, the main directions of state structural policy include: 1. Growth of production in industries that provide a significant part of the export of finished products

2. Growth in production in industries that are capable of replacing imported products in the domestic market

3. Development of production of goods competitive on the world market

4. Support for industries that use resource-saving technologies

5. Growth of production in industries that are capable of increasing the scientific and technical level and quality of products

6. Development of competition through restructuring and diversification of production

7. Development of production of raw materials, semi-finished products and components to replace imported ones

Currently in Russia there is a process of structural degradation of industry, expressed in the transformation of the structure towards primary, unskilled workers. less technologically complex industries, which, of course, entails both increased dependence of the national economy on the world market and the subsequent degradation of the country’s scientific and technical potential

When discussing the structural restructuring of the Russian economy, the most important issues remain: 1. conversion of branches of the military-industrial complex; 2. support and development of small businesses. 3. policy of support and development of industries in the real sector of the economy

In the economic reforms carried out in Russia and the restructuring of the management system, an important role is played by the reorganization of the activities of enterprises of the military-industrial complex. Partial or complete reorientation of enterprises (production capacities, scientific and technical potential and labor resources) from military to civilian needs constitutes conversion

The priorities in the field of military-industrial complex conversion are: the formation of national research centers for the most important (breakthrough) technologies; creation of financial and industrial groups, technology parks based on the use of dual-value technologies; the formation of transnational companies, new industries based on breakthrough and competitive technologies as forms of participation in the global division of labor; transition in full to the state contract system of placing orders for the needs of the state; regulatory and legal support of the economic mechanism corresponding to the peculiarities of the organization and economy of the military-industrial complex

The real sector of the economy is a sector of the economy directly related to material production, making profits and filling the budget. The state needs support for the functioning of the real sector of the economy, which is mainly implemented through a mechanism for stimulating investment activity in these areas, as well as creating tax incentives. Control questions: 1. What is the financial policy of the state? What are its main tasks and activities? 2. What is the state budget? What are its functions in the economy? 3. What is the state's tax policy? What are the operating principles of the tax system? 4. What is monetary policy? What are its main tools? 5. What is the structural policy of the state? In what directions and how is it being implemented?

Priorities of Russian state economic policy in 2011-2013

Basic strategic objectives (priorities) of state economic policy for the medium term (2011-2013) were formulated by President D. Medvedev in the budget message for 2011-2013.

Economic and budget policy, as its component part, should be aimed at carrying out a comprehensive modernization of the economy, creating conditions for increasing its efficiency and competitiveness, long-term sustainable development, improving the investment climate, and achieving specific results.

Based on this, it is necessary to solve the following problems.

First. Security macroeconomic stability , which includes, among other things, a balanced budget, a consistent reduction in the budget deficit, predictable inflation parameters, and a reduction in the size of the budget deficit.

In the medium term, it is necessary to limit the use of oil and gas revenues, focusing on ensuring a balanced federal budget with reasonable forecast estimates of the cost of oil.

Second. Coordination long-term strategic and budget planning.

It is necessary to soberly assess the priority of strategic tasks, comparing them with real opportunities. Only an integrated approach to making strategic decisions that fully takes into account the lessons of the crisis, new internal and external conditions for the development of the Russian economy, will make it possible to redistribute resources in favor of effective directions of public policy.

We need clear rules for assessing the volume of existing expenditure obligations and procedures for accepting new expenditure obligations, providing for increased responsibility for the reliability of their financial and economic justification.

Any proposed new solution must be analyzed from the point of view of its financial support and contribution to achieving the strategic development goals of the country.

Third. Ensuring that the budget system is focused on achieving concrete results .

The Government of the Russian Federation has created a set of interrelated measures to improve the efficiency of the entire public administration system. Changes in the legal status of state and municipal institutions are aimed at increasing the accessibility and quality of state and municipal services (to implement these measures, Order No. 1021-dated June 10, 2011 approved the “Concept for reducing administrative barriers and increasing the accessibility of state and municipal services for 2011 - 2013").

The practical implementation of these decisions will make it possible to avoid paying only for the very fact of the institution’s existence, regardless of the results of its work.

Fourth. Development and implementation of tools innovation support .

In the coming years, it is necessary to ensure an integrated approach to the formation of the innovation system and the investment environment as a whole, to create conditions for the full cycle of innovation development, including by ensuring macroeconomic stability, protecting competition and property rights, and eliminating administrative barriers.

It is necessary to develop and implement in practice specific mechanisms for introducing and supporting innovative technologies, primarily within the framework of projects in such areas as energy efficiency, medical technology and pharmaceuticals, space and telecommunications, nuclear technologies, strategic computer technologies and software.

To increase the competitiveness of Russian products on the foreign market, it is necessary to actively use the potential of trade missions, improve the system of providing export credit, export insurance and government guarantees. First of all, this concerns the export of products from high-tech industries, nuclear and power engineering, as well as military equipment.

Fifth. Improving quality human capital .

No modernization is possible without qualified specialists, talented scientists, without quality education and constant professional training. It is necessary to strive to grow the scientific potential of our country, accumulate intellectual property, ensure, for these purposes, the continuity of generations in the field of scientific research and technological development, attract and retain young people in it.

In addition to developing our own scientific schools, attention should be paid to attracting highly qualified foreign specialists, as well as promoting the qualifications of Russian specialists in foreign educational institutions.

Serious attention should be paid to both education and improving the health of citizens, creating a healthy lifestyle, and creating conditions for increasing labor and creative activity.

The economic objectives of each state are largely determined by the far from perfect qualities of a market economy. The democratic mechanism is characterized by a huge number of shortcomings, which determine the relevance of state participation in the economy.

What is Russia's policy aimed at?

Russia is aimed at eliminating the following negative aspects:

What are the policy priorities of the Russian state in the economy?

As a result of the increase in the scale of production, it is necessary to carry out global injections of capital into the economy, which even the largest domestic enterprises are not able to implement. Political control over the economy has a strategic purpose. The country has a huge number of enterprises that provide economic development, but cannot be entrusted to representatives. Examples include nuclear production and biological research. In matters of regulating the economy, it is common for the state to set exclusively global goals. This is not only maintaining macroeconomic balance, but also guaranteeing social production. Goals and priorities tend to change. This will depend solely on what stage of development the country’s economy as a whole is at today.

Economic policy goals

The economic development of Russia can be guaranteed by the goals that the government sets when building its policy. They may change, as mentioned above, but in most situations they come down to a single list. Russian policy is aimed at:

  • Supporting harmony in the sphere of social production.
  • Stimulating growth in production volumes.
  • Guaranteeing full employment of the population.
  • Justified
  • Stabilization of prices on the market.
  • Preventing the process of inflation.
  • Conservation of natural resources.

Quite often, obvious contradictions can form between goals. Most often, the problem becomes achieving a balance between increasing production and protection. The new economy is formed under the influence of state policy, which levels out contradictions, eliminates conflicts and develops effective management methods.

From past to future

When studying the question of what are the policy priorities of the Russian state in the economy, it is worth saying that the role of the government as a regulatory entity that creates optimal conditions for the functioning of economic entities is determined historically. Initially, the government was strict in tax collection. With the development of the economy, the list of tasks has increased. Starting from the 20th century, during the existence of the USSR, the government held the position of a total regulator, which determined the mentality of the country’s inhabitants.

Since 1999, economic priorities have become a prerequisite for limiting exposure. This practice did not catch on, and since 2000 everything has returned to normal. The Russian Ministry of Finance testified that by 2000, half of the economic segment was under government leadership. By 2007, this figure had increased. The transition to state regulation was carried out by companies such as Sibneft and Gazprom. The phenomenon has two sides. On the one hand, the state has taken full responsibility for the development of the economic segment, and on the other, it is practically unable to build a system of effective management.

Long-term policy

The main manifestation indicating the intervention of the Russian government in the economy is the formation of a long-term development plan for the latter. In particular, in 2008, a decree on the concept of social and economic development of Russia for the period until 2020 was legalized. If we study what the priorities of the Russian state's economic policy for this period are, we can talk about increasing the well-being of Russian citizens, ensuring a sufficient level of national security, dynamic economic development and strengthening positions in the world market.

Social priorities

The country's new economy is aimed at achieving high standards in people's well-being. According to preliminary estimates, by 2020, not only the level of income, but also the living conditions of each person should correspond to the indicators characteristic of highly developed countries. We can talk about safety, the availability of educational and health services, cultural benefits, as well as the presence of an environmentally friendly environment.

Leadership and Innovation

The directions of Russian economic policy are aimed at leadership and innovation. In the future, the state will not only have to maintain its position as a leader in the energy segment, as well as in the areas of processing and extraction of raw materials. It should form an economy of knowledge and high technology, which will ensure a high level of competitiveness in the global market. We can say that the government’s plans are to provide high-tech goods and intellectual services on the world market, which by 2020 will account for at least 5-10% of the total number of identical offers.

Based on the priorities of the Russian state’s economic policy today, we can talk about plans aimed at forming new territorial growth centers not only in raw material regions, but also in areas where innovation, industrial and agricultural potentials are concentrated. This will ensure a reduction in regional inequality. On the way to this goal, it is planned to create an extensive transport network, which will become a guarantor of interregional integration and territorial mobility.

Features of economic development shaped by the country's goals and priorities

The peculiarities of the Russian economy, determined by the specifics of the transition to an innovative, socially oriented type, determine the relevance of simultaneous solution of problems of both catching up and advanced development.

Global competition in the world market does not allow achieving prosperity and efficiency without the rapid development of sectors of activity that determine the specifications in the global economic system. New priorities and goals in economic policy are predetermined by the transition to a raw materials-export modification of growth. The latter is based on a balance between business freedom and national competitiveness. An approach to prosperity is impossible without implementing a set of transformations, which are determined by the country’s policies, its priorities and goals in economic development.

Every year, each state is assigned certain economic tasks. First of all, they depend on the qualities of a market economy. The democratic system of government has many disadvantages. This requires timely intervention in the state's economy. This intervention has now undergone a major reorientation. Let's consider what the priorities of the Russian state's economic policy are. We will also try to find answers to the question on what the well-being of citizens and the country as a whole depends.

Socio-economic policy of Russia and its main directions

The state has a significant influence on the economic development of society. Lack of regulation can lead to serious negative consequences. The main function of the state in the country's economy is to use all existing opportunities to ensure economic development. This significantly increases the efficiency of the economy. The state's interest is to ensure the legal reliability of socio-economic activities. This is necessary in order to fully benefit from its results. There are a number of negative aspects in the economy of the Russian Federation, which the socio-economic policy of the Russian Federation is designed to eliminate. These include:

  • The inability of a market economy to conserve limited resources.
  • Failure to adequately protect the environment from the negative consequences of human activity.
  • Lack of regulations governing the use of limited resources available to nature.
  • Lack of incentives to create public goods and services (road construction, etc.).
  • Lack of responsibility for the consequences of government decisions.
  • Inability to guarantee citizens' rights to work.
  • Orientation of the economy to meet the needs of those segments of the population who are willing to pay for goods and services.
  • Instability of the country's development.

The need for the state to carry out socio-economic policy

Since the scale of production increases every year, there is a need for constant global investment injections into the economy. Even the largest domestic enterprises cannot do this. That is why it is extremely important to keep the country’s economy under political control. In the Russian Federation there are currently many enterprises whose activities are controlled by the state. They cannot in any way be transferred to private business. When managing the economy, the state pursues exclusively global goals. This ensures that the macroeconomic balance is maintained at the proper level. In addition, social production is guaranteed, which private business will never provide.

Government policy goals and priorities may change. First of all, they are determined by the features of the country’s economic development in a given period of time. Therefore, correct goal setting is extremely important for the Russian state. This determines its further development.

The Government of the Russian Federation sets itself the following priorities:

  • Providing support for the state’s financial system, creating its resistance to various factors, reducing inflation.
  • Taking measures to increase the flow of investment into the country, reducing pressure on private entrepreneurs, and creating competition.
  • Maintaining the proper level of social development, directing investments in human capital.
  • Improving innovative sectors of the economy.
  • Improving the defense complex.
  • Ensuring balanced development of regions.
  • Economic diversification.
  • Adaptation of the Russian economy in accordance with the requirements of the WTO.

Long-term economic development plan

To ensure the economic growth of the state, it is extremely important to formulate a long-term plan for economic development, as this helps to determine what the policy priorities of the Russian state are in the economy.

The concept providing for measures for the socio-economic development of the state until 2020 is established in the relevant order. The main priorities that it enshrines are:

  • Improving the well-being of Russian citizens.
  • Taking measures to improve the level of national security of the country.
  • High dynamics of economic development.
  • Strengthening the position occupied by the Russian Federation in the world market.

Ensuring the normal development of the state is facilitated by the goals that are set for the Russian government when determining its policy. Strict adherence to these goals will ensure positive dynamics in the development of the state. The following main goals of economic policy can be identified:

  • Formation of the most relevant structure of social production.
  • Stimulating an increase in production volume.
  • Ensuring maximum employment of the population.
  • Proper distribution of income.
  • Maintaining stable prices in the market and creating a flexible pricing policy.
  • Reducing the negative consequences of inflation.
  • Ensuring the safety of natural resources.

Achieving these goals will increase the level of development of the Russian economy, on which the wealth and prosperity of the country depends. However, in this situation, certain contradictions may appear. For example, increasing production volumes can lead to environmental degradation. That is why it is extremely important to determine what the priorities of the Russian state’s economic policy are. This will help eliminate contradictions between goals and help develop the correct methodology for governing the state.

Measures to implement the directions established by the socio-economic policy of Russia

Conducting a review of programs approved by the state, which will help bring them into line with the financial capabilities of the state.

Approval of “road maps” that will help improve business conditions.

Taking measures to improve tax administration, which will help reduce the tax burden on business and attract additional funds for the development of domestic entrepreneurship as investments.

Development of proposals to promote the development of single-industry towns in the complex, liquidation of emergency housing stock.

Taking measures to improve the state debt policy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to improve the employment law.

Forming more cohesive inter-budgetary relations.

Acceleration of the process of adoption of federal laws.

The main strategic objectives that are set for the economic policy of the state

Achieving macroeconomic stability.

Coordination of strategic and budget planning.

Ensure innovation is maintained.

Improving the quality of human capital.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Ensuring macroeconomic stability as one of the main goals of economic policy

This goal involves the creation of a balanced budget, a gradual annual reduction of the budget deficit and minimizing it, and the ability to predict inflation parameters.

In the future, it is planned to limit the use of revenues from oil and gas production, ensuring a balanced budget of the Russian Federation with reasonable forecast indicators for the cost of oil.

Measures to ensure coordination of budgetary and strategic planning in the long term

The strategic objectives of the state must be assessed in accordance with priorities. To do this, they should be compared with the existing real opportunities, on which the wealth and prosperity of the country depends. Only the use of an integrated approach, taking into account all past problems, will make it possible to effectively distribute state resources across areas of economic policy.

Moreover, any decision should be made only after a preliminary analysis of the possibilities of its financial support and how it will affect the achievement of the main strategic goals that the state faces.

Development and implementation of tools necessary to support innovation

The state must necessarily take an integrated approach when creating a favorable investment environment. To do this, it is necessary to ensure macroeconomic stability in the country, increase the competitiveness of domestic products, and also eliminate existing administrative barriers.

Improving the quality of human capital

When implementing modernization, the availability of qualified specialists is extremely important, and therefore the state must pay attention to the quality of education and control the conduct of vocational training.

In addition to education, it is necessary to improve the system of domestic scientific schools and attract foreign specialists to the training process. It is also necessary to direct efforts to create decent working conditions and increase productivity; for this, a number of amendments should be made to the Law on Employment.

Thus, the main priorities of Russia's economic policy are determined by the specifics of the transition period to a new innovative level, which is oriented towards social needs. In order for the Russian state to enter a new stage of development, it is necessary to establish the correct long-term goals and priorities that will determine the entire necessary set of transformations in the state’s economy.