What is jetswap? What is JetSwap: reviews and how much you can earn

Wandering around the Internet, users sometimes come across advertisements for unusual services that offer money for viewing sites manually or automatically. The most prominent representative of such resources in the Russian-language segment of the Internet is the service jetswap.com

What is JetSwap?

"JetSwap" is a service for increasing website traffic that uses views from users' real computers, paying them money for it. The site has its own special currency - loans. The rate of loans to real money is not constant, which gave rise to JetSwap’s own mini-exchange for buying and selling them.

"JetsSwap", as already mentioned, provides a service for boosting traffic statistics. And these services are often used by representatives of not the most honest professions on the Internet. Advertising customers in JetSwap usually increase clicks on Google AdSense ad units, and in order to avoid getting banned from the contextual advertising system, they dilute the statistics of their site with a large number of visitors. JetSwap provides them with such a service at a price of 70 cents per thousand visitors.

JetSwap: how much you can earn

For the user, however, this is not a violation of any rules, much less laws. Therefore, you can make money on jetswap.com. The earning process for a user may look different:

  1. - the user installs the program on his PC and after a while simply receives income.
  2. Manual surfing - a person views a tab in the browser with an advertising site in a frame, then enters a captcha and receives funds.

The first method seems very tempting, but you need to understand that it is very easy to catch a computer virus on your PC. Therefore, it is advisable to secure work with such a program by working with it through a virtual machine.

How to organize your work with JetSwap

Undoubtedly, the leader in the field of autosurfing sites is JetSwap. Reviews online testify to this. But don’t think that once you install the autosurf program, you will start receiving tons of money automatically. Rather, this could be a good additional income to cover the costs of mobile communications and Internet services. It all depends on the number of advertiser orders at the current time in JetSwap. Reviews, for example, say that the number of orders is very variable and has its peaks and troughs on the chart.

Advanced JetSwap users always look further than just getting loans, selling at the current rate and calling it a day. Analyzing the reviews available on JetSwap, you understand that to make good money you need to learn how to create several virtual machines, install several copies of the autosurf program with a dedicated proxy server on each of them, and regularly restart certain parts of this mechanism. After all, proxies will regularly fall off, virtual hosts will constantly catch viruses, and so on. Therefore, before you start autosurfing thoroughly, consider whether you are ready to waste your time on JetSwap.

Internet users constantly need services with which they can make money and increase website traffic.

Such systems have already been created especially for beginners, and there are quite a few of them. They are ideal for this, but specialized projects can also be used.

Website promotion and earning money is an excellent option for both a novice webmaster and a money maker.

This system has been operating since 2003, over 160,000 users are registered in it and more than 30,000 sites are advertised. Making money here is as easy as ordering free site visits.

Order visitors to your website with Jetswap

After completing the usual registration, you can simply top up your balance and order transfers to the site. If you don’t want to spend money, use surfing and get credits so you can later spend them on orders.

First of all, after registration, add your site, to do this you need to select the “Advertising” section and proceed to adding a site:

Under the form where you need to enter the site URL, there are settings; you can leave them alone, just scroll down the page and click “Save”. After this, a new entry will appear in the “Site Management” section:

In order for people to start viewing the site, you need to transfer credits to the task. To do this, click on the account, and a page with the transfer of funds will appear:

Here you just need to indicate the number of credits and click “Run”. After completing these steps, people will start visiting your site, and you will be able to earn credits and periodically replenish the task balance.

How to earn credits on Jetswap?

There are several types of surfing available in this system, some of the types are available only to webmasters. You can see the complete list and descriptions of all types of surfing in your personal account:

For example, if you use IFrame surfing, you will need to place a special code on your website. A frame will appear on the site where various sites will be displayed.

This is a kind of exchange of visitors, but it is better not to use such methods, as this has a negative effect on the promotion of the site.

The best option for earning credits is simply visiting other people’s resources (this can also be used to earn money). Go to manual or automatic surfing and start browsing the available sites.

There are not always many sites there, so it is better to go to the “SafeSurf” section and install a special program:

Turn on autosurfing and click “Start” to automatically perform transitions from your computer. Check all the boxes in the “Allow” section to get maximum profit. Alternatively, you can even set the program to start at the same time as Windows starts so that it always works.

How to withdraw loans from Jetswap?

You will be awarded credits for the work you perform on the site. It is impossible to withdraw them, so you will first have to exchange them for money. This is done through a special exchange (menu section Account>Credit Exchange):

Find the right number of credits to sell and choose the best price. Check the box and press the sell button. Money is immediately credited to the balance, so again open the Account section and proceed to withdrawing money.

These are completely new methods and services in the field of exchange of visitors and advertising of Internet resources.
This system is the most effective way to solve the problem of visiting your resources.
This system is an exchange of visits 1:2 By viewing 1 site, you get 2 visits!

When registering, you are assigned 100 credits + 1000 banner impressions + you can receive bonuses for completing tasks!

Unique protection against cheating. Control the loading of the advertiser's website.
Manual and Automatic surfing, a special program for safe surfing.
Web Surfing, Popup Surfing, Task Surfing - let your visitors work for you!

Each webmaster who comes through a referral link brings you a percentage of his earnings.
Opportunity to buy, rent, sell, lease referrals.

A unique referral program - your rate from referrals is 5%, but you can increase it unlimitedly! You can earn even more than the referrals themselves!

And many many others…

And so let’s look at several ways on how to earn more credits in the JetSwap system

The first way is naturally to surf with an open program or in a browser (or both) for which I pay a 100% bonus to what you see

The second method is based on the rules of the system itself. The system does not prohibit you from viewing sites simultaneously from several IP addresses using one account. For example, if you have a computer at home and at work, you can simultaneously run the program both there and here, as well as on a couple of neighbors and a dozen computers you know. The main thing is that they have a different IP address. It is clear that you probably have a large number of places where you can run the program. However, a third method follows from this method.

The third way is to use a proxy. Most providers have a proxy (look in the settings guide), which means you can view sites using two IP addresses - yours and the proxy. In this case, you launch the program or browser as usual, and configure one browser to work through a proxy and launch a second surfing thread in it.

For ease of use, I recommend that you download the portable version of the browser firefox. It differs from the standard one in that it does not require installation on a computer and can be launched from any media. At the same time, it does not in any way change the settings of the browser already installed on your system, which allows you to customize this particular copy as you find convenient. At the same time, as you yourself understand, you can use several copies at the same time, setting each of them to its own proxy.

Create a special folder on your computer and call it “Surf”.
In this folder we create more folders "surf0", "surf1", "surf2". . . "surf10".

Unpack the downloaded archive and copy its content files one by one into each of the folders: "surf0", "surf1", "surf2". . . "surf10".

Let's move on to setting up Firefox for surfing through a proxy.

There is no need to configure Firefox from the "surf0" folder. We just launch it (the FirefoxPortable.exe file), go to the site, log in and start autosurfing.

We configure all subsequent copies of the browser according to the following scheme:

"Tools" tab --> "Settings" item

"Advanced" --> "Network" --> "Configure"

Place the button on the item “Manual configuration of proxy service”. In the "HTTP Proxy" window we enter the IP address of the proxy server, and in the "Port" window we enter the port.

If errors like: "Problems connecting..." or "IP is already in use" occur, you need to change the proxy server.

Important points about work

1. The number of copies of Firefox created is limited by the RAM of your computer. With a volume of 2GB, you can run 10-12 copies.

2. To earn even more credits, use “Manual surfing”.

3. To protect yourself while autosurfing, use a good antivirus, such as NOD32.

4. Firefox works well with proxy addresses on ports 8080 and 3128 (thus, we select IP addresses with these ports from the found addresses).

Instructions for finding free IP addresses

In our work, we will constantly need new working IP addresses.

This is due to the fact that free IPs “die” very quickly and become inoperative, or do not satisfy the work in terms of low speed and a large number of errors.

In this manual, I will teach you how to quickly find a large number of working IPs needed in your work.

We will need the Proxy Finder program.

Download program ProxyFinder.rar

After downloading and unpacking the archive, run the program. An Internet connection is required for it to work.

In the top menu, click the Find button. The search begins and displays free IP addresses.

Even without waiting for the end of scanning, you can save the results displayed on the screen to a text file by clicking the Save button in the top menu.

The fourth method is suitable for those who have a page on the Internet. The jet swap system itself has the ability to display banners. Well, the impressions that you earn can be converted into system credits. There can be up to 5 types of banners (of different sizes) on one page. 486 and 100 are recommended because the rest are not shown enough and you will stand out against this background. If you are developing your page where the thread is in autosurfing, you can also show banners at the same time, let it drip

The fifth method is again suitable for those who have their own website on the Internet. This is Web surfing and iFrame surfing of the system itself. Essentially, on your website you will show the websites of other participants in the system, for which you will receive credits. The method is good (especially since sites for such surfing are perfectly checked for the presence of all sorts of nasty things), but it has the disadvantage of a long time for counting. The fact is that the sites that are shown there must be shown for at least 30 seconds of time, which requires that a person be on the page for more than this time (in reality it takes 35-40 seconds).

The sixth method is again suitable for those who have their own website or can place a simple page anywhere. There are a number of autosurfs that have a long site display time. You can use this. We create a special page on which we place one system banner and one of the types of surfing, after which we feed such a page into such an autosurf. The page will appear to someone while surfing, and if this person himself does not view sites on a jet and the display “fits in” in time, then you will receive your legal credit for displaying such a page.

The seventh method is affiliate link. These are the ones that offer you links to place everywhere so that people click. They work simply. You place a link somewhere (forums, websites, message boards, comments on websites). A person clicks on the link and is taken to an advertising page. After that, on this page he clicks “next” and gets to the link where he originally went. During your stay on this advertising page, you will get money. There are affiliate programs for links, for pictures, for downloading files. All you have to do is teach the jet to follow such links. You post a link somewhere, click on it, and get paid.

8. Credit exchange
All earned credits can be sold/purchased on the exchange. The cost of loans changes periodically. At the beginning of 2010, the cost of 1000 credits was $0.06. At the end of June 2010, the cost was already $0.1 per 1000 credits, that is, the cost increased by almost 50%. Active users either did not sell loans at the time (if they managed to see an upward trend), and some of the most successful even bought loans. Investment income from the purchase of such loans amounted to approximately 50% in 5-6 months.
Of course, you shouldn’t thoughtlessly buy loans, expecting to instantly make a profit, but if you see that the price of loans is increasing from week to week, then it may make sense to hold off and not sell the already accumulated loans.

9. Referral Exchange
Gradually over time, you should receive referrals. Without this, you will of course receive income, but it will not be much less than from the work of your referrals.
If your percentage of earnings from referrals is not very high, then it makes sense to rent out your referrals on the exchange. In your account, in the “Referral Management” section, you can see the statistics of the work of each of your referrals... Take the average number of sites viewed per day by a referral, multiply by 30 and list the referral on the exchange at this cost.

Regardless of your referral percentage, it makes sense to rent out referrals! To do this, go to the Referrals - Referral Management section. Opposite each referral you will see the average number of sites viewed per day.

If your referral percentage is less than 70%, then rent out referrals according to the following scheme: rental cost = average number of sites viewed * 30
EXAMPLE: your referral has an average number of sites viewed = 400. Therefore, the recommended rental rate = 400 * 30 = 12,000 credits

If your referral percentage is higher than 70%, then the recommended formula for calculating the rental rate = (Your referral percentage + 50%) * 30 * average number of sites viewed
EXAMPLE: your referral has an average number of sites viewed = 400. Your referral percentage = 70%. Therefore, recommended rental rate = (70% + 50%) * 30 * 400 = 14,400 credits

In addition, you can rent referrals or buy them on a local credit exchange or system. I’ll get ahead and say that the system makes sense to buy referrals if your referral percentage is 300% or higher, if the percentage is lower, then the system makes no sense to buy referrals!
To calculate the feasibility of purchasing a referral or renting it from other users. You need to sort through all the referrals and select only those who have been active in the last two days! There is no point in paying attention to other referrals! Although sometimes it becomes advisable to rent or buy absolute beginners. In this case, they will have poor activity statistics; therefore, after renting such a referral, contact him via internal mail and tell him how to install the SafeSurf surfing program.

If the referral is not a beginner, then it makes sense to rent it if you apply the following calculation:
average number of sites viewed by a referral over the last two days * 30 days. * Your referral percentage. The amount received should be at least one and a half to two times higher than the cost of renting a referral. This formula is applied with an average referral activity of more than 300 sites. If there are less than 300 sites, then divide the resulting amount by 2

Example 1: You found a referral who viewed 300 sites during the current day, and 450 sites during the previous day. Referral rental cost = 15,000 credits. Your referral percentage = 100%. The question is, does it make sense to rent such a referral?
CALCULATION: (450 + 300) / 2 * 30 * 100% = 11250. Therefore, in a month this referral can earn you 11250 credits, and the cost of renting this referral = 15000 credits. It is not advisable to rent this referral.

Example 2: You found a referral who viewed 300 sites during the current day, and 250 sites during the previous day. Referral rental cost = 2,000 credits. Your referral percentage = 70%. The question is, does it make sense to rent such a referral?
CALCULATION: (300 + 250) / 2 / 2 * 30 * 70% = 2887. Therefore, in a month this referral can earn you 2887 credits, and the cost of renting this referral = 2,000 credits. It is advisable to rent this referral, but it is best to provide him with a bonus for active work

Below are some tricks, using which you can increase the profitability of your work on the JetSwap project several times!

1. What is better, autosurfing in the SafeSurf program or through the web interface?
Of course, surfing (browsing sites) through the SafeSurf program is much more profitable than through the web interface, because the web interface shows approximately 50 sites per day, and the SafeSurf program approximately 600 sites. Moreover, due to restrictions, sites with iFrame scripts, porn sites, sounds, and sites with redirects are not shown in the web interface. Let me remind you that for each of these items there is a 10% premium for viewing!!! Those. if for a 30-second website in the web interface you will receive a maximum of 1 credit (if you have Superactive status), then in the program you will receive a maximum of 1.4 credits, because perhaps the site will contain all of the listed restrictions.

2. Tell us more about the user’s statuses. What it is?
Statuses are described in detail on this page. That is, if you are just starting to work, then you have Normal status, under which you will receive 0.5 credits on autosurfing. If you view more than 300 sites a day, then your status will be Super Active. At the same time, your earnings increase by 2 times! You understand that in the web interface you cannot get this status for free, but you can purchase it for money.

3. Are there ways to increase your earnings using the SafeSurf program?
YES. There are such ways.
Firstly, you can enable the program on different computers. It is not prohibited. The main thing is that the IP address is different. Therefore, you can include at least two, at least three, at least a hundred copies of the SafeSurf program.
Secondly, you can do manual surfing instead of autosurfing, and in this case your earnings are twice as high!

4. I surf manually in the SafeSurf program, but the sites periodically end and the timer ticks for 150 seconds. This is long, is it possible to shorten this time somewhere in the settings?
YES. There is such a way. If you run out of sites during manual surfing (or autosurfing), the timer starts counting down for 150 seconds, after which the SafeSurf program updates its browser and looks to see if there are new sites to view. So these 150 seconds can be shortened. To do this, press STOP in the program, and then immediately START. If there are no sites, press STOP again and then START again. Do this until the sites appear. As a rule, it only takes 4-5 clicks for new sites to appear. This takes 10-15 seconds. This will greatly increase the number of sites viewed in manual surfing.

5. I earned credits, what should I do with them?
In the ACCOUNT - CREDIT EXCHANGE section you can instantly sell your accumulated credits. In order for this to be profitable for you, do not sell credits in small quantities (less than 2,000 - 3,000 credits), because For each application, the exchange will charge you a certain fee: A commission for using the exchange is charged to the seller of loans in the amount of 0.01 USD. + 2% of the bet value. There is no commission charged to the loan buyer. I recommend adding a bid to the loan sales section so that your application is one of the highest. This will be more beneficial for you.

6. Are there any legal ways to increase the percentage from referrals?
Yes. There is a way! For each referral with an activity indicator of more than 50 sites per day, you receive an additional 1%. But such an additional increase will not exceed 20%. EXAMPLE. You get 70% from referrals. You attracted 5 referrals with an activity indicator of more than 50 and rented 3 referrals with an activity indicator of more than 50. Thus, your referral rate increases to 70 + 5 + 3 = 78% OF ALL REFERRALS!!! The rate is reduced if any of the referrals drops to less than 50 sites per day.

7. Tell us more about displaying the banner of the JetSwap website, or more precisely, are there any secrets here?
Yes, there are secrets! On your account page in the BANNERS section, you will see the following line: Total impressions of all networks: 1000.00. You can convert these impressions into credits. To do this, select NETWORK 88, then click: Convert impressions. As a result of this operation, you will instantly receive 33 credits to your account.
Let me remind you of the banner link code that you can place on your website if you have one: