Where better to invest 1000000 rubles. Where to invest a million rubles to earn

We are a married couple from St. Petersburg. Having calculated the savings, we found that we were approaching a million rubles. At the same time, we do not have an apartment, a car and children. We live in a hostel. The question arose of where to invest in order to at least save money, but rather increase it.

You can't buy an apartment in our city for that amount. There is no desire to climb into a mortgage, and the housing issue is not on fire yet. Does it make sense to buy a room in a communal apartment and rent it out? Or does it make no sense to invest in real estate such an amount? Or try your hand at investing in securities?

Dear T-Zh, tell me where to invest a million!

Konstantin and Catherine

Before investing money, you need to understand what you want to achieve with your investment. It is important to determine your financial goals in order to invest in the instruments that are right for you or buy what you need.

Evgeny Shepelev

private investor

Reserve fund and financial plan

If I were you, I would first allocate a financial reserve from the available money. It should be enough for at least three months of expenses at your usual standard of living, and better - for six months.

How to make an "airbag" and where to store it, I wrote in articles:

A financial reserve is a reserve of money in case of emergency, it does not need to be invested anywhere. You just have it on deposits or cards with interest on the balance, and that's good.

After that, you can already think about what to do with the rest of the money - and a financial plan will help with this. It should write down how much capital you have, what you want to receive, how much it costs, when it needs to be acquired. This will make it clearer what your needs and capabilities are.

You should not spend all the accumulated money on fancy gadgets or a car. But paying if it will increase your income can be useful. You can still think about buying a home in advance, because it is most likely that sooner or later you will want to live in your apartment.

Here is an example of a simple financial plan:

Monthly income for two: 95,000 R.

Expenses: 50 000 R.

Set aside every month: 45,000 R.

There is an airbag for 4 months of life: 200,000 R.

Loans and debts: 0 Р.

This option can be called an estimate of the main goals. Dates, amounts, ways of investing in the table are just an example, not a guide to action.

List of financial goals

List of financial goals

TargetSumdateWayProgress as of 11/12/2018
120 000 R10.10.2019 Monthly 5000 R for a replenished deposit57 600 R = 48%
5 000 000 RFall 2025
With an increase in income, increase contributions to IIS
400 100 R = 8%
Pension15 000 000 R on deposits and in valuable papers Oh2040Once every six months 150,000 R to a brokerage account: 80% - ETF for foreign shares, 20% - OFZ. Reinvest coupons.
When income increases, increase contributions to the brokerage account
531 700 R = 3.5%

Travel to Mexico for two, hot tour

120 000 R

Monthly 5000 R for a replenished deposit


57 600 R = 48%

One-room apartment in a new building

5 000 000 R

Fall 2025

Monthly 20,000 R on IIS: 90% - OFZ, 10% - dividend shares. Deduction, coupons, dividends to reinvest.
With an increase in income, increase contributions to IIS


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Investing is the only sure way to make money work. Even having a million rubles, it is quite likely to receive passive income and regularly increase it, subject to the rules of safe investment. There are many options where you can invest a million.

Why it is better to invest free funds in rubles rather than keep them

Owners of savings in rubles prefer not to keep money, but to invest it. The key reasons are the devaluation of the national currency and the unstable situation in the oil and gas market, which affect the value of the ruble. In such conditions, the need for rational management of money and their profitable investment is obvious.

A few years ago, the Russian economy was growing steadily, domestic and foreign investors were interested in real estate. Now the cost per square meter has fallen in all cities of the Russian Federation and even in Moscow, where investors, although they buy housing and commercial premises, do it very carefully.

Client Relations Director management company Promsvyaz Pavel Vasiliev argues that the growth in the cost of domestic housing can not be expected in the next few years, and therefore, most likely, it will not work to make money on real estate in 2019. This form of investment can only be long-term, until a noticeable positive change in the market situation.

Despite the stagnation of the domestic real estate market, exotic investments in works of art, antiques, shares of foreign companies and much more are available to Russians. But with only a million rubles, there are not too many investment options, especially given the depreciation of the ruble and the difference in rates from foreign currencies, such as the euro and the US dollar. Potential investors need to consider the degree of profitability of investments and possible risks.

High and low risk investments

Before investing a million in any assets, you need to carefully analyze their potential profitability. For example, if we are talking about the acquisition of real estate, then it is necessary to study the development prospects of the area in which it is located, the proximity of industrial enterprises, the availability of infrastructure and other factors. When purchasing shares, you will have to carefully analyze the pace of development of the company and the industry in which it operates, assess the demand for services and the level of inflation.

Analysis of profitability and risks is a routine process necessary to eliminate unprofitable or inefficient investments.

Low-risk investments are a good investment option for the long term. Their disadvantage is low profitability, so it is important to choose the appropriate type of investment. For investors who are not afraid to take risks, there are many options for investing money and making a profit in the short term.

How to manage a million rubles

By urgency, investments can be:

  • short-term - up to 12 months;
  • medium-term - from 1 to 5 years;
  • long-term - from 5 years.

When investing in Russia, one can follow a certain trend, according to which the majority prefers the first type, striving to make a profit in the shortest possible time. However, in practice, long-term investments give the best results, but require a thorough approach and in-depth analysis of the chosen market niche.

Yield table financial assets in Russia for 10 years


It is advisable to have a deposit regardless of whether there are ready investment plans or just want to feel financially secure. A deposit account will be a good investment for the short and medium term.

savings account

Classic savings accounts involve the owner's free access to money and their withdrawal at any time for payment by check, debit card or electronic transfer. The annual interest rate varies depending on the term of the deposit, its size and placement conditions, and averages from 6 to 8% per annum on the minimum account balance. Demand accounts and replenished deposits have the lowest rate, since the bank is forced to keep a reserve amount in case it is necessary to issue it to the client.

Term deposit

It has a period of placement from several months to several years. Due to the urgency, the bank offers higher interest rates than you can get on savings deposits. But the investor cannot partially withdraw money or supplement the deposit amount before the end of the retention period. The average interest on a term deposit in Russian banks is 3-6%, while the deposit amount starts from 30,000 rubles. Better offers can be found in regional banks.

For example, the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development offers 7.5-8.5% for a deposit of 10,000 rubles, while VTB is ready to offer only up to 7.15% per annum. But it should be borne in mind that the risk of bankruptcy of a large bank is several times lower than that of a regional one.

Currency deposits

To invest a million rubles in foreign currency, you need knowledge of the financial market and the ability to navigate in a rapidly changing environment. The currency deposit is short-term - 3-6 months. The most popular currencies to buy are:

  • U.S. $
  • GBP
  • yuan.

The main nuance of investing in currency is the difficulty of forecasting the market. But in 2019, we can say with confidence that it is more profitable to keep savings in US dollars than in rubles, given the fall in the value of the Russian currency against the US and the high inflation rate, which is ahead of the world average.

Shares, bonds

Bonds are debt, while stocks are ownership interests in a company. When a company is in need of investment, it issues a limited number of shares to the public, implying ownership of some of its shares. Investors can trade their shares on the stock market or sell them to others to make a profit at any time.

A shareholder's ownership is determined by the number of shares he owns in relation to all placed securities. For example, if a company issues 10,000 shares and an investor buys 1,000 shares, he owns 10% of the company's assets. Shares work at the expense of nominal yield, which expresses net profit or investment losses. On average, stocks return about 10% annually, compared to 5-6% from bonds.

Taking into account the specifics stock market Stocks are often risky in the short term, but in the long term they can be considered a more valuable investment than bonds. But bonds are often purchased at fixed interest rates and have low volatility, which allows the depositor to consistently earn returns over a specified period. In addition, a potential investor needs to take into account that stocks and bonds are sold differently.

Shares can be bought on various global stock exchanges. For example, in the United States, they are traded on exchanges such as the Nasdaq, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), or the American Stock Exchange (AMEX). All of these markets are regulated and supervised by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Bonds, on the other hand, are usually not traded on central exchanges, but rather through over-the-counter (OTC) transactions.

Experts advise diversifying your portfolio, that is, investing in both stocks and bonds, in order to balance short-term and long-term risks and rewards.

Preference shares

Such financial instruments include shares with special rights and personal restrictions. Their value is 2-3% higher than that of ordinary shares, and they can be sold at any time and without penalties. Investors should look for stocks with an AA or A+ rating assigned by one of the reputable rating agencies Standard & Poor's or Moody's.

Direct investments

Direct investment involves investment Money into production and future income. As a result, the investor receives a share of at least 10% in the authorized capital of the company. For investments to be profitable, a thorough analysis of the market and the selection of promising objects from among domestic or foreign companies are required.

If the authorized capital of a company exceeds one billion rubles, it is sufficient serious player on the market and it can be considered potentially profitable for investment. A million rubles is best used for medium-term and long-term investments for a period of 3 to 10 years, where the profit can be from 20% per annum and above.

Gold, art and antiques

Investing in precious metals is a long-term investment with a guaranteed growth in value. Gold can be bought in the form of bars, coins and finished goods, but then it is important to choose products from well-known brands. For example, Rand Refinery, C-Hafner and Valcambi gold bars, Perth Mint and Münze Österreich coins are highly valued. The State Bank of Russia is also engaged in the production of gold coins and ingots, and you can buy them at Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Sovcombank and others.

Investing in jewelry is not as profitable as buying gold bars, because they are subject to 23% VAT. In addition, you need to take into account the demand for a particular type of product and the name of the jeweler who created the jewelry. Jewelry can be a form of investment in the long run, as can stocks of gold that can be bought through brokers.

Theoretically, the price of gold should not fall below the cost of its production, because then mining companies will begin to limit production. A decrease in supply with some constant demand from the jewelry and technology industries will automatically return the price of gold to a minimum level according to the law of supply and demand.

Currently, there are signs of a slowdown in the global economy, which means that many investors are considering options to move capital into "safe assets" such as precious metals. This should lead to an increase in gold prices, as it was before the last crisis in 2009-2011. For example, in early 2000, gold was worth about $300. That is, an investor who invested in the precious metal at that time would now receive an income of 313% (approximately 24% per annum).

With objects of art and antiques, the situation is slightly different. Their value changes regardless of what is happening in the financial markets and is regulated by the internal art market, the prices of which are set by reputable auction houses, collectors, and gallery owners. If you want to invest in assets of this type, you should contact an art dealer who will tell you which artists will rise in price, which antiques will rise in price in the short and long term.

Real estate and land

Investing in real estate has remained popular over the years because this form of investment generates a continuous cash flow in the form of rental income or capital gains in the form of sales profits. Unlike currency deposits or assets in precious metals, real estate does not require constant monitoring financial changes because the real estate market is not as volatile as the stock market.

It is also profitable to invest in real estate because there is almost always a demand for it, especially when it comes to renting objects. When buying a property for subsequent rental, it is worth considering the costs associated with it - public utilities, repairs, administrator salary, insurance, property taxes and others.

When buying an apartment for quick resale, it is the speed of the subsequent transaction that is decisive. This method of investing in real estate involves buying below the market price and reselling it at a higher price. The cost of square meters increases most often due to the renovation or refurbishment of space for specific purposes, such as a filming studio or office.

The return on investment depends on many factors, including the price of the transaction and the amount of rent for real estate or land. The owner of an apartment in Moscow receives an average of 4-6% of its value per year. But the capital is not even in the top 10 cities in terms of rental income and commercial real estate.

Mutual funds and trust management

Collective investment in Russia has about a dozen areas, including:

  • securities:
  • industry and index funds;
  • real estate funds;
  • commodity market and others.

The presence of a contribution in a mutual investment fund (UIF) allows the investor to receive a profit of 15-25%. According to the degree of protection, mutual funds are equated to deposits and have a low entry threshold - from 1000 rubles. Deposits are managed by professional analysts and managers. They follow market events, analyze financial condition issuers whose securities belong to the fund, the situation in the economic and financial market in the country and in the world.

When choosing a mutual fund, you should pay attention to whether it invests funds in a particular region or around the world and what are the rules for distributing investor funds - division investment portfolio between different financial instruments or their selection for investment within each group of assets.

The disadvantage of investing in mutual funds is commissions. Funds charge several types of funds, the main of which is management fees. The size ranges from 0.2 to 5%. Another type of commission is the fee for the acquisition of fund units, which is 1-2%. In addition, profits earned by investment funds are taxed at a rate of 19%. But there is a plus - it is single tax. When an investor withdraws money from the fund, he does not need to worry about filling out a pile of tax documents - the specialists of the mutual fund will do it for him.

Deciding to invest in mutual funds, you need to understand that a team of analysts and managers of a mutual fund can also be wrong in their forecasts regarding the behavior of certain assets on the market. As a result, the investor may not earn as much as he expected, and even lose some of his money. This is the essence investment risk, which is desirable to minimize. To do this, you need to be present in several markets at the same time, and not invest in only one fund or one type of asset.

Creation and purchase of a ready-made business

This can include both buying or investing in an existing enterprise, and creating your own business from scratch. Considering that, according to statistics, almost 90% of new enterprises have an initial loss of more than 20 months and a high risk of closure due to competition or an incorrectly drawn up plan financial development, profitable to invest in already ready business. To do this, there are different options, from obtaining a share of ownership to buying a franchise. By investing in an already operating business, an investor can calculate the risks and evaluate its profitability, which on average ranges from 5 to 50% or more, depending on the share of participation.

For a long time, the leading position in terms of investment returns in Russia was occupied by the construction sector - an industry in which huge amounts are invested annually. In some cases, the efficiency reaches 56% per month. In second place are rural and forestry, fishing, as well as services related to this activity. Here the income is about 6.2% per month.

However, it is not easy to occupy a profitable niche in business. To do this, it is necessary to invest large sums for development in the long term. There is always a risk of losing investments due to the bankruptcy of an enterprise, problems with the supply of goods from abroad, and an increase in the interest rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on business loans.
For investors with a million rubles, the best option is to invest in assets with both low and high risks in order to make a profit in the short and long term. Before investing such a large amount in a business, the investor needs to carefully study the legal side of the issue and draw up a business plan that will allow you to look at the project from the outside, analyze its strengths and weaknesses, and assess possible financial risks.

Risk diversification

This is a set of measures aimed at minimizing the impact of one investment on the entire capital. In other words, the investor distributes his assets in different sectors of the economy, chooses different types of assets and financial instruments, so that in case of a loss from one investment, he can cover it with profit from another.

Graph of profitability of Russian assets 2003-2018

Risk diversification should begin with the division of investments into short-term and long-term, as well as low- and high-risk. An investor should first consider placing some of their funds in interest-bearing savings accounts or term deposits. This is not a quick profit, but it is of great importance - a consistent increase in savings. Safe long-term investments - in government bonds and shares investment funds. Without much experience in investing, it is worth investing in more stable assets, and not in corporate stocks - they bring quick profits, but come with a lot of risk.

Investing a million rubles is a good opportunity to increase your personal capital by choosing the right financial instrument for investment. At the same time, it is important to take into account the risks and diversify them, using the advice of investment experts.

Investing in a crisis requires a careful and thoughtful approach. Investment planning is especially important if you need to invest a million Russian rubles.

One million rubles is the minimum amount for many truly profitable financial instruments. Before moving on to developing an investment strategy, investors need to first set goals and consider possible risks.

Where in Russia to invest a million rubles when you have your own business?

Cash savings of one or more million rubles are not something special for Russians. This amount does not allow full use of all the most profitable financial instruments.

Unfortunately in 2018 National currency subject to significant exchange rate fluctuations due to:

  • unstable world situation;
  • inflation;
  • sanctions pressure from Western countries.

Having your own stable income allows investors to invest in assets that bring good income only in the long run.

The most relevant options for investing one million rubles for businessmen are:

  • real estate agency;
  • Chinese products;
  • advertising agency.

Invest 1 million rubles in real estate

The most obvious ways to invest funds are real estate and bank deposits. The first option of assets provides for high liquidity and retains its value, regardless of internal economic factors.

Of course, one million rubles will not be enough to buy a full-fledged apartment in such megacities as Moscow or St. Petersburg, but you can buy commercial premises or rooms.

Owning real estate allows you to receive two types of income:

  • from renting an apartment or premises;
  • income from resale at a higher price.

There are several options for buying real estate:

  1. Acquisition of an apartment or room at a price below the market.
    After the value of real estate grows up, you should sell the apartment and make a profit depending on the price difference.
  2. Buying an apartment in a broken state and subsequent repairs.
    Sometimes very dilapidated apartments can cost significantly less than apartments in normal condition. The simplest repair can seriously increase the liquidity of real estate and earn good money on its resale.
  3. Acquisition of housing space at the stage of building a house.
    An excellent option for investment, giving the opportunity to buy an apartment for 30-50% cheaper, depending on the stage of construction. The risk of this strategy is that the developer company may go bankrupt and never complete the residential building.

Rental investments

Buying a home and then renting it out is one of the most reliable ways to save money. This practice makes it possible to receive a stable passive income without worrying about the invested capital.

The key advantages of renting an apartment are:

  • regular rental payments from tenants;
  • safety of capital;
  • the property remains in the ownership of the lessor;
  • the ability to carry out repairs in the apartment by the hands of the tenant.

According to a statistical study by Becar Apartments, the yield from renting an apartment reaches 8-9% per annum of the property value.

Purchase of commercial premises

The acquisition of premises for subsequent leasing is also a good option for investing one million Russian rubles.

For successful earnings you need to buy:

  • large storage facilities;
  • real estate in crowded places to create a store;
  • premises with powerful communications for leasing as industrial real estate.

Currently, all commercial premises can be divided into four types:

  • trading;
  • office;
  • warehouse;
  • production.

Each species has its own infrastructure and location requirements.

Urgent purchase of real estate

Urgent purchase of real estate allows you to save a large amount. As a rule, citizens who want to quickly sell real estate set a low price.

You can take advantage of this and quickly buy an apartment or room, and then simply resell it at a higher price.

Real estate agency

One of the rather profitable options for investing a million rubles is to open your own real estate agency.

The company allows you to earn on the services of such a plan:

  • long-term lease of real estate;
  • buying and selling apartments;
  • work with commercial real estate;
  • equity participation in the construction of houses.

The main disadvantage of this kind of business is the complexity of registration and promotion.

In the simplest case, the creation of an agency is carried out in seven stages:

  • filing an application for opening a company;
  • receipt of an application for the assignment of a TIN;
  • obtaining an insurance certificate;
  • payment of state duty;
  • order and production of the seal of the organization;
  • rent of office space;
  • hiring staff.

The first steps to set up the work of the company should be:

  • purchase of furniture and computer equipment;
  • organization of telephone communication by means of its own mini-automatic telephone exchange;
  • initial recruitment of 5-6 people;
  • creation of a website with the details of the company's work.

The key advantages of owning a real estate agency are obvious:

  • high profitability;
  • small depreciation of equipment;
  • possibility of remote control;
  • good help for expansion.

Trade in goods from China

A relatively new direction of investment, which consists in the acquisition of goods abroad and subsequent resale in Russia. Chinese goods are in great demand among Russians due to their low price, relatively good quality and good consumer characteristics.

An investment of one million Russian rubles in the purchase of goods in China can allow:

  • significantly increase capital;
  • create your own trading network;
  • expand throughout Russia.

The obvious difficulties of this kind of business can be called:

  • the difficulty of delivering goods from China to Russia;
  • limited duty-free import threshold;
  • the need to independently travel to China to conclude contracts with supplier firms;
  • unstable prices for goods from China.

Advertising agency for 1 million rubles

The main areas of marketing agencies are:

  • mailings to regular and e-mail;
  • organization of fairs and conferences;
  • corporate events;
  • Promotions;
  • Internet advertising.

For the full-fledged work of the agency, the investor will have to invest:

  1. 20 thousand rubles for company registration.
  2. 10 thousand rubles for each employee. In total, no more than 10 employees will be required.
  3. 35 thousand rubles for rent and utility bills.
  4. 50 thousand for the purchase of equipment, furniture and communications.
  5. 50 thousand for the purchase of specialized software.

Emphasis on quality

Any investment option must be of high quality.

In no case should you buy low-quality goods in China for resale, do bad repairs in an apartment for sale, provide illiterate real estate advice, or give ineffective advertising in a marketing agency. Poor quality adversely affects the reputation of the company and significantly reduces the flow of customers.

Where to invest 1,000,000 rubles to earn if you are employed?

Investments in the amount of one million Russian rubles allow you to decently increase your monthly income and open up new options for making money.

The most relevant options for investing a million today are:

  • acquisition of cryptocurrencies and equipment for their mining;
  • bank deposits;
  • backing.

How to invest 1,000,000 in cryptocurrency?

There are several options for acquiring digital assets:

  • buying coins directly on the exchange;
  • extraction of currencies using special equipment;
  • payment for cloud mining.

The first option, namely the purchase of cryptocurrencies, the best option for those who like to play on the stock exchange.

You can buy popular assets at large centralized trading floors, For example:

  • Poloniex;
  • Bittrex;
  • Kraken.

The above resources allow you to buy or sell currencies only after confirming the user's identity.

This is not always convenient, so you can use more modest sites:

  • EXMO;
  • Yobit;
  • BTC trade;
  • TradeOgre.

The first two exchanges allow you to purchase cryptocurrency assets directly from your bank card.

Investing 1,000,000 rubles in Asiki

Due to a serious drop in the cost of all cryptocurrencies, buying an ASIC is absolutely inappropriate today.

The key advantages of using ASICs for cryptocurrency mining are:

  • passive income;
  • the possibility of mining different coins on the same algorithm.

The disadvantages of devices include:

  • high consumption of electrical energy;
  • overpriced;
  • low liquidity.

1,000,000 rubles and cloud mining

Cloud mining is a lease of power from a crypto-mining company. The main seller of capacity at the moment is the Nicehash service.

Here, investors have the opportunity to purchase a certain amount of hashrate for a specific period.

Investments in bank deposits

An obvious investment option. Bank deposits are considered the safest asset.

The disadvantages of bank deposits include:

  • low profitability;
  • impossibility of quick withdrawal of money;
  • absorption of profits by inflation.

Investing money in PAMM accounts

The Forex stock exchange is a fairly popular platform for investing money. You can earn on Forex by investing in a PAMM account of an experienced trader.

Money managers trading in a conservative strategy promise profits of up to 15% per annum.

Pilot investment in Becking

Staking is the transfer of money to the management of a trader, poker player or any other person.

Backing funds can offer returns ranging from 35 to 100% per annum, depending on the financial instruments used. Investing one and a half million in such assets should be done with great care.

Where to invest 2 million rubles?

1,500,000 rubles, 2,000,000, 3,000,000 or more can be profitably invested in:

  • stock;
  • debt papers;
  • cryptocurrencies;
  • real estate;
  • own business.

Where can I invest 10 million rubles?

10 million is a fairly serious amount of contribution, for which you can try to buy real estate in large metropolitan areas.

In addition, you can invest 10 million:

  • in real estate in Italy or Spain;
  • in ETF funds;
  • into government bonds;
  • to a bank deposit;
  • into your own business of any kind.

Where to invest a billion?

People who have managed to earn a billion hardly need the advice of others.

However, such a large capital can be invested anywhere, and it will bring huge profits.

Minimizing risks: how to protect large capital?

In order to minimize risks, it is imperative to study in detail each priority asset. Before buying bonds, stocks, cryptocurrencies or other financial instruments, you need to carefully weigh all the risks and make an informed decision.

The first rule of an investor is to diversify your investments. In order to significantly reduce the likelihood of a complete loss of funds, you should invest in several unrelated assets. It doesn’t matter what kind of capital you have: 2 million, 3 million or a billion rubles, you can’t invest everything in one financial instrument in any case.

Risk is the first rule of an experienced investor. Don't put all your eggs in one basket and you won't risk losing everything.

In the end: how to dispose of a million?

A million rubles is minimum size capital that can be multiplied many times with proper investment.

Ruble millionaires are offered a large number of profitable financial assets, ranging from real estate to cryptographic currencies. With the growth of investment capital, the list of possible areas for opening your own profitable business increases.

In this material:

Where to invest 1000000 rubles to earn? For most Russians, a million is an impressive amount. Of course, this does not apply to experienced businessmen who run a successful business, but to average citizens who are employed. Often a miracle happens in their life, and a large amount appears from somewhere. There are a lot of options: inheritance, winnings, successful sale of property. What to do in this case and where to invest that same million rubles in order to earn?

"Keep your money in a savings bank"

The first thing that comes to mind is to put funds into a bank account so as not to worry about their safety. But in an unstable economic situation, this is not the most obvious way out. Banks are suitable as a means of reliable saving money; you won’t be able to earn a lot in this way. When receiving a large amount, you need to determine the priority of what you want in the future - to earn or keep what you have.

There are a lot of methods that allow you to invest money, that they “worked” and brought income, the main thing is to choose what is suitable and acceptable in a particular case.

A popular means of holding a large amount of money with interest is a deposit bank account. If you cannot decide where to invest 1 million rubles, feel free to go to study offers from banks. On average you will be offered interest rate 8% per annum, that is, by investing your million, in a year you can get 80,000 rubles. Despite the apparent simplicity and reliability of the system, this method of preserving and increasing capital has its own nuances. You need to carefully collect information about the bank you plan to apply to.

Recently, there has been a trend towards the revocation of licenses, so it is worth binding yourself with relations only with large banks that are not in danger of bankruptcy or closure. You should pay attention to deposit insurance - this will protect your money from unforeseen situations. The selected organization must necessarily be part of the insurance system, then the depositors will be entitled to compensation if force majeure occurs.

Usually, the amount insured is less than the amount invested by the depositor. For example, by depositing one million into the account, in the event of an insured event, you will receive no more than 700,000 rubles. You will inevitably lose some of the money if the bank closes. But if you approach the choice responsibly, cooperate with large and popular organizations, the risks are minimized.

The maximum benefit is usually voiced in their proposals by new banks that are trying to attract depositors. The pros and cons of working with such organizations should be thought through and carefully weighed. Don't be surprised that big banks not so generous with a percentage of profit from deposits.

How to make money on the stock exchange

Many young people start earning their capital on exchanges, such as Forex. If you are looking for how to invest one million to earn money, the exchange is perfect. Of course, without preparation or at least special knowledge, no success can be achieved, but, as they say, who does not take risks does not drink champagne. In order to make money on Forex, an understanding of rates and indices is required. If you wish, you can attend master classes and seminars where you will be taught the basics of activity. You can use the services of stock brokers. Specialists, having your million available, will put the money into circulation and will be able to get a good benefit. Experienced brokers say that if you stick to the stability strategy and take minimal risks, then the monthly profit will be 5-7%.

A feature of PAMM accounts is a wide range of benefits, from the minimum 5% to 150% per annum. Experts believe that working with the stock exchange, with all the risks and dangers, can give the highest income from the possible options for investing money. To insure, it is recommended to invest not in one manager, but in several at once.

When choosing where to invest a million, you should think about securities: stocks and bonds. The disadvantages of the method include the need to study the securities market and the nuances. You can only make a profit when you are dealing with a large profitable company. The top positions include gas producing and oil industry. It is worth contacting mining companies.

The average Russian cannot afford to buy shares in such enterprises, but with one million on hand, you can try to collect a good portfolio of securities that will bring a stable income. It should be understood that where there are high profits, there are also risks. If you do not want to collect and analyze information yourself, you can contact specialists who will provide a consultation for a small fee.


Investing in securities requires expert advice. In case of independent actions, pay attention to some nuances and follow the algorithm:

  1. Follow the graph of the rise and fall of the stock of the selected company.
  2. Choose stocks that have a slow but steady growth.
  3. Exclude companies whose stocks jump in price.
  4. Do not choose companies where there are sharp ups and downs.

For the global securities market, a certain number of force majeure associated with the political situation, change of government, leadership, scandals, emergencies is considered normal. Without it, unfortunately, nowhere. Therefore, it is necessary to invest money in securities carefully, carefully assessing the company's position in the market.

Expert brokers will help you navigate, many banks provide similar services, but the conditions are different for everyone. In one bank minimum amount for investments above a million, in another less than 50,000 rubles. Choose what suits your case, based on the goals and objectives of investing.

Bonds are considered profitable, as they mean that you are buying a share in the property of an organization that needs urgent financial injections. The bonds can then be sold at a higher price, and the return on a positive outcome is quite high, so this method of investing money is popular. However, taxes are imposed on dividends, you will have to pay the state.

Among Russians, it is still popular to invest a large amount in real estate. Of course, it is impossible to buy housing in the center of a large city for one million. There remains the option of buying real estate on a mortgage with an initial million contribution or purchasing cheap housing at the construction stage on the outskirts, then you can meet the million. The relevance of this method is questionable, since you will be able to save money rather than make money on such an apartment. Before you start renting or selling an apartment, you will have to make repairs.

It should be borne in mind that when selling a new building in the first 3 years, you will be required to pay an additional tax. Apartments older than 3 years are not subject to any additional taxes, but in order to profitably sell a new building, you have to wait.

The advantage of investing in real estate is that you are guaranteed nothing to lose. The property will remain your property and will not go anywhere. However, renting out is an activity that requires your attention. Even if you do not look for tenants yourself, but do it through an agency, there is always a risk of getting an inadequate tenant who floods neighbors, damages property, causes disturbance, delays payment, or runs away without paying. Agencies can do little to help in this case.

When choosing where to invest one million rubles in order to make a profit, it is worth remembering the risk-reward ratio. Spend a few months studying the stock market, stock exchange, real estate. Don't be afraid to work with experts. Sometimes the timely advice received will help to invest profitably. There is no right answer to the question of where to invest.

Investments: From 320,000 rubles. up to 2,500,000 rubles

The federal network of shops and bars "Foam Guild" originates from the first own store, built in 2014 in Moscow. On October 1, 2017, a trademark was registered and a franchise was launched - we began to share our experience in running the beer business and build turnkey stores for everyone all over Russia. For not so long...

Investments: Investments 3 350 000 - 5 500 000 ₽

New Chicken is new project restaurant holding BCA, behind which the experience of opening more than 150 establishments in 8 countries. The company is actively growing, developing new directions and knows what the consumer needs tomorrow. The company promotes a network of establishments on a franchising model. Description of the franchise The franchise package includes: production / trade / assembly equipment, furniture The New Chicken franchise has…

Investments: Investments 2 200 000 - 5 000 000 ₽

The first and only personal protection service in Russia available in your smartphone. Personal Security ARMADA We met with the co-owner of Armada.Vip Alexander Aliev to find out why it is important to be able to call a bodyguard within an hour, in what situations it may be needed and how the market for such services is developing in Russia. Why did you decide to go into business with...

Investments: Investments 450,000 - 600,000 ₽

URAL-STROY has been operating in the construction services market since 2008. The company is engaged in private housing construction. Ural-Stroy adheres to the "Quality and openness to the client" strategy, thanks to which it leads the cottage construction market. We build modern, comfortable turnkey houses. Our Goal: To become a developer - No. 1 in the Russian Federation in the segment low-rise construction. Join us and together we can develop...

Investments: Investments 550,000 - 1,000,000 ₽

COMPANY DESCRIPTION The network of laser hair removal studios Laser Love was founded in 2018 in Novosibirsk. The group of companies has a distribution company responsible for the supply of equipment directly from the manufacturer. The company has all quality certificates for equipment - a certificate of conformity and the European Union. Own line of equipment under the DF-Laser brand guarantees the quality of the procedure from the first visit. Own marketing agency in…

Investments: Investments 3 800 000 - 5 000 000 ₽

G.Bar is the largest chain of beauty bars in the world, serving more than 60,000 clients and providing more than 140,000 services annually. The G.Bar network includes 6 own beauty bars (Kyiv, Moscow) and 21 franchised ones in the world, including Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Cyprus, and the USA. The company was founded in 2015 and provides…

Investments: Investments 100 000 ₽

AWS - Provides self-storage warehouses for private and corporate customers. Warehouse terminals are located in all districts of Moscow and the region. AWS is an investment offering with franchise elements. Description of the AWS Franchise - Provides self-storage warehouses for private customers and businesses. Concept: Minimal risk, profitable business while saving resources and time for the formation of service standards,…

Investments: Investments 370,000 - 1,000,000 ₽

Pyrolysis boilers Tundra - An alternative to gas! You will be a manufacturer and not an intermediary. Our pyrolysis boilers replace gas. This is the most profitable way heat the room after the main gas. 1st place in terms of cheapness is occupied by main gas (0.5 kopecks per kW) 2nd place pyrolysis boilers (0.8 kopecks per kW) 3rd place is waste oil (1.83 kopecks per kW) 4 ...

Investments: Investments 1 350 000 - 6 500 000 ₽

VodaTeplo® - sales, design, installation, warranty and service maintenance of heating systems, water supply, water treatment, sewerage, smoke removal, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical security, video surveillance, "smart home" systems. As well as sanitary ware, equipment for baths and saunas, fireplaces, bath accessories, equipment for fonts and pools, chemicals for pools and much more. WaterHeat® - engineering systems. The most recognizable brand in our field!!!…

Investments: Investments 300 000 ₽

YAGE was founded in 2017. The founder is Dmitry Kalinkovich, who has 10 years of experience in creating and developing a franchising business, the founder of the first online driving school in Russia. Direction of activity - automation of preparation for the Unified State Examination / OGE. The main goal of the company is to increase the overall level of passing exams and the result in points using an accessible online service. Development plans include…

Investments: Investments 1 400 000 - 1 800 000 ₽

The Krown® brand was founded in 1986 in Canada. Currently, more than 1000 integrated corrosion protection stations are successfully operating in the world. The unique product T40, which was specially developed by the company's engineers, allows you to comprehensively protect vehicles from the harmful effects of the environment. The composition of the inhibitor is protected by a patent, production is organized only at the Krown® company factory in Canada. Every year more than 1,000,000 vehicles…

Experts say that money should work. For this reason, a person with a large amount should think about where to invest 1,000,000 rubles in order to earn money? There are many ways to increase capital. All of them have different levels of risk and return. To choose the appropriate method of multiplying money, a person must carefully study each available method.

How to invest correctly

If a person is able to understand where to invest a million rubles in order to earn money, he will be able to secure a comfortable life for himself for several years to come. The amount is quite enough for the profit from its use to completely cover the current costs. Large investments allow you to receive high interest.

Choosing an object for investment is a responsible process that must be approached carefully. It is not necessary to transfer all the funds to one organization - this is fraught with a possible loss of capital. The amount must be divided into several parts and invested in the activities of different companies. There are a number of other rules that should be observed when making capital transactions:

  1. Determine the ratio of risk to income. Investing money comes with risks. A profitable investment is one in which the amount of profit greatly exceeds the probability of losing capital.
  2. Only free capital can be invested. You do not need to use for investment funds that were intended to pay for monthly needs. Having performed such an operation, a person risks being in an unpleasant position.
  3. Investment decisions should not be dictated by emotions or intuition. To perform actions with capital, it is required to analyze the current situation. A reasonable approach guarantees a stable profit.
  4. Engage consultants. Professional opinion on controversial issue will allow you to make the right decision.
  5. Decisions should not be made under pressure. A person should listen to the opinions of others, but all decisions should be made by him independently.

In order to competently make an investment, a person must decide in advance on the purpose of the contribution. The terms of the operation and the choice of the object for the transfer of funds depend on it.

Bank deposits

Transferring money to a bank is a classic scheme for earning money on investments. A person who decides to start cooperation with a credit institution must be ready in advance to transfer funds for a long period. To understand the principle of the method, it is not required to have specific knowledge in the field of finance. By investing money, a person gives the bank the opportunity to dispose of them for a certain period of time. A credit institution can use the amount to issue a consumer loan. Part of the interest from the transaction is sent to pay income to the owner of the deposit, and part remains in the bank.

In order for the deposit to bring significant income, you need to choose a tariff that implies capitalization of interest. In this case, the income accrued on the deposit will be added to the total amount of the deposit. Interest for the following periods will be calculated taking into account capitalization. As a result, the user will be able to receive income that will be significantly higher than with the monthly withdrawal of accruals or the payment of money to a separate account.

When making a deposit for a long period, a person should be prepared that in case of early withdrawal of funds, the bank will greatly reduce the user's income.

Real estate transactions

Real estate is always in high demand, because the availability of housing is one of the basic human needs. The cost of an apartment in small towns starts from 500,000 rubles. You can earn on real estate:

  • renting out housing;
  • doing resale.

If the owner of the capital has purchased an apartment and decided to rent it out, he will be able to receive monthly passive income. Property rights are not transferable. Its value in the market is gradually increasing. If necessary, the apartment can be sold at any time. The owner's income will consist of the rental price and the difference between the purchase and sale prices.

There are a number of other ways to earn income from real estate. These include:

  • acquisition of an apartment at a low price and sale after a period of time at a higher one;
  • purchase of dilapidated housing, repair and sale of real estate at a cost that exceeds the cost of acquiring and restoring;
  • acquisition of real estate under construction and further sale at a higher price.

Despite a number of advantages, housing transactions also have negative sides. During economic downturns, the value of objects is significantly reduced. The property owner will not be able to receive income. In order not to lose profit, the period must be waited out. Earnings during recessions can be obtained from the rental of housing.

Business creation

If a person is looking for the most profitable way to invest 1,000,000 rubles, he should think about creating his own business. If the business is successful, within 1 year the owner of the capital will be able to increase the amount of start-up funds several times.

However there is a danger of creating a failed enterprise. Practice shows that 90% of unprofitable organizations became such at the launch stage. To minimize risks, it is necessary to start a business in the area in which a person feels himself an expert. The chances of successful promotion will increase significantly.

Today, the current directions for creating your own business are:

  1. Building a car wash. Despite the large number of car services, the owners Vehicle often have to stand in line to use the services. The number of vehicles is constantly growing. For this reason, organizing your own business in this area will be a successful investment if the company is properly organized.
  2. Opening of a mini-hotel. The proposal will be popular in large cities where the problem of affordable housing for visitors is relevant. If a person creates a business in the middle price category, he will be able to recoup the investment in 3-6 months.
  3. Organization of a small bakery. The demand for bakery products is always at high level. An entrepreneur can organize not only the sale of bread, but also make cakes to order. Named or figured pastries are highly priced and in demand. If a person is able to establish distribution channels, the profitability of the enterprise can reach 100%.
  4. Creation of an online store. The World Wide Web is one of the most profitable places where a person can start his own business. The business does not require large investments. For 1,000,000 rubles, a person will be able to create a store and fill it with popular goods.

Regardless of the chosen method, contributions to your own business must be treated wisely. There is a risk of burning out. However, the profitability of the method is many times superior to others.

Investments in precious metals

If the owner of funds makes an investment in gold, he will be able to count on an annual increase in investments. in the amount of 5-10%. Metals are not subject to aging and corrosion. For this reason, they will be able to reliably save and increase the owner's funds.

Gold mining in Russia

There are several types of deposits:

  • purchase of gold bullion;
  • acquisition of shares in enterprises specializing in the extraction of precious metals;
  • opening a gold deposit in a bank;
  • purchase of coins.

The most interesting investment is investing in a gold bank account. The method of earning money is similar to the classic deposit. The difference is that a person does not just transfer money to a credit institution, but acquires virtual gold. He won't be able to get his hands on the metal. However, the size of the invested funds changes along with the price of gold. The account holder will be able to make transactions with metals, depending on the situation on the market.

Investments can bring high returns. However, a person must understand the processes that affect the cost of the metal, and be able to predict price changes.

Acquisition of shares of foreign companies

If a person decides to start cooperation with foreign companies, he will be able to receive up to 60% per annum. However, there is a risk of losing investment. To reduce it, a person must hire a specialist. He will select a suitable company for deposits and independently perform all operations. However, professionals demand a share of the profits from the operation.

Today, promising organizations for deposits are:

  • Tokyo Investment Company;
  • shareinstock;
  • Malta Private Investment.

The entrepreneur must differentiate capital and make investments in different niches. This will increase profits and reduce the risk of losing money.

Where not to invest

Not all investment properties are equally profitable. Experts do not advise making deposits in:

  • cars;
  • currency.

Cars are getting cheaper these days. Experts say that the vehicle will soon be available to everyone. For this reason, you should not buy vehicles in order to earn money. An exception may be setting up a delivery or taxi business.

Investments in foreign currency can bring significant profit. However, there is a high risk of losing money. Due to the current situation in the currency market, experts do not recommend making currency transactions in order to earn money. If a person nevertheless dares to invest in the funds of another country, he must carefully analyze the expected movement of the exchange rate.