Who will help to sell the apartment quickly. How to sell an apartment faster? Folk omens and beliefs

Every person during his life at least once faced with the need to sell an apartment. Selling real estate is a rather difficult and troublesome business, which, moreover, can take several months, especially if you want to get real value for it. But if you know all the subtleties of this process, you can meet the deadline from 2 weeks to a month. So, let's figure out how to quickly and profitably sell an apartment.

How to sell an apartment: the main ways

There are two main ways to sell real estate:

  1. through a realtor;
  2. self sale.

Selling through a realtor. Most often, people resort to the help of professionals - specialized real estate agencies. In most cases, realtors take on the main chores: they put the object up for sale, prepare and execute all documents, organize viewings and accompany the transaction from beginning to end. In addition, realtors guarantee the security of the transaction.

Along with the pluses, selling through realtors has its drawbacks, which include the risk of running into scammers, as well as the need to pay for services - usually from 1% to 5% of the cost of the apartment. Given the high cost of square meters, this is quite an impressive amount.

self sale. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to sell an apartment without a realtor. Yes, you can, and when selling an apartment, there are less risks than when buying. In doing so, you need to be prepared:

  1. Independently advertise the sale of an apartment;
  2. show the apartment to potential buyers;
  3. carefully read the contract of sale (read more about the conclusion of the contract below);
  4. independently prepare all the necessary package of documents (list here);
  5. independently organize a purchase and sale transaction, as well as make settlements with the buyer.

But if you are confident in your abilities and do not want to overpay, then you can organize the whole process yourself, especially since the sales scheme has long been worked out.

There is another option for a quick sale - an urgent buyout. You can sell an apartment to an agency, but at the same time you will receive 20-30% less than its real market value.

Let's look at the main rules of a quick sale.

First rule. Study the ads and statistics of the sale of apartments in your area.

This will help you determine the price, as well as understand how long it can be realized. You can go even further and go see these apartments as a potential buyer. Usually the most liquid objects are modern odnushki.

Second rule: how to set a price

First of all, you need to understand exactly how much your apartment is really worth (many owners initially overestimate its value). Remember that the price of an apartment is inversely proportional to the speed of sale. If you are in a hurry, you can reduce the price by 5-10%. Another option is to put the average market price, but indicate the possibility of bargaining. Measure the number of calls before and after the price cut to see if there is demand.

The following factors affect the price of an apartment:

  • footage (this is the main factor);
  • a new building or an old fund (new buildings with repairs are valued more expensively. An exception may be "stalinka"). If housing is sold on the secondary market, the type of house and its technical condition matter;
  • district (center or outskirts, prestigious or not);
  • the condition of the apartment/renovation (not all people are ready to make repairs from scratch, so having a livable repair will be a plus. However, it’s not worth it to make repairs on purpose before selling);
  • which floor (the first and last cost 10-15% cheaper).

These are the five main factors that affect the price. The presence of a protected area, concierge, parking can increase the price. The easiest way is to check the price with realtors (preferably several) and see the price in similar ads.

Third rule. Advertise your apartment

Do not spare time and money for this: remember that your ad should be seen by as many people as possible. If you are selling a home with a realtor, he will include your property in his database, but nothing prevents you from giving additional advertising. It is important that your ad is seen by as many people as possible. Use all message boards, as well as paid features (VIP, raising / highlighting an ad, etc.)

How and where to submit an ad, read here.

Fourth rule. Create a smart sale ad

We will talk about this in detail below, but remember the main rules - the ad must contain several photos and as much information as possible, with an emphasis on the merits of the apartment.

Fifth rule. Connect word of mouth

Despite all the possibilities of the Internet, buyers can be found among your friends' acquaintances.

Sixth rule. Don't gloss over flaws

You don’t need to focus on them, but you shouldn’t completely ignore them either. If you have an apartment on the top floor, or the view from the window is not very good, or there is a sitting bath in the bathroom - write about it. Otherwise, potential buyers will be disappointed when viewing and are more likely to abandon the purchase.

Seventh rule. Looking for someone who wants to buy an apartment

People place ads not only for sale, but also for purchase. Look for your buyer!

Eighth rule. Make pre-sale preparation

The first impression matters a lot. There is a very popular direction - homestaging, or homestyling, in other words - the process of preparing real estate for sale. This is not about a full-fledged repair, but about simple things that, nevertheless, can significantly increase the chances of a sale:

  • spring-cleaning;
  • getting rid of all old unnecessary things and unpleasant odors (in other words, the apartment should not look cluttered. The more free space, the better);
  • minor repairs (cover up cracks and cracks, glue wallpaper, put plumbing in order, lubricate hinges on doors, etc.).

Bright and clean apartments sell best, with little or no furniture and personal belongings of the owner. By the way, not only the condition of the apartment matters, but also the condition of the entrance. If the entrance is dirty, this will significantly reduce your chances. It is better to arrange in advance with the cleaning lady so that she does the cleaning on the eve of the viewing.

Ninth rule. Make a smart presentation

You must be polite and friendly, and not embarrassed, answer tricky questions.

  • "Who are the neighbors?"
  • Why are you selling your home?
  • Are the documents ready?

Offer customers tea or coffee. Focus on the benefits of the apartment. Tell couples with children about kindergartens and schools, tell older buyers about how calm your area is.

Tenth rule. Prepare documents in advance

If you are selling without a realtor, you will have to take care of this yourself. Don't wait until you find a buyer - get your sled ready in the summer. It may well be that the buyer wants to immediately conclude an agreement, and the lack of documents will delay the process or even force him to refuse the transaction. Prepare in advance and keep on hand:

  1. certificate of registration of ownership of the apartment (this document must be kept by you);
  2. an agreement or other document on the basis of which you are the owner;
  3. technical plan (ordered at Rosreestr or BTI, term - several days, price - from 1200 rubles);
  4. extract from the USRN (ordered at Rosreestr or MFC, cost - 250 rubles for the electronic version and 400 rubles for the paper version, term - 3 working days, can be ordered online on the Rosreestr website);
  5. extract from the house book (issued to the owner at the passport office free of charge, usually on the same day, but its validity period is up to 30 days)
  6. certificates of no rent arrears (taken from the Criminal Code or HOA, immediately and free of charge).

If you have a spouse, prepare his consent to the transaction in advance. And if one of the owners is a child, you need the consent of the guardianship authorities. Even if you do not have time to prepare the entire package of documents for the first show, at least make sure that there will be no problems and delays in receiving the papers.

Where to sell an apartment

In the twenty-first century, people are increasingly buying and selling online. There are many websites and free classifieds boards where you can post an advertisement for the sale of an apartment. Let's look at the main ones:

How to sell an apartment on Avito

Avito is the most famous free classifieds board in Russia. She does not specialize specifically in real estate, but has a huge audience reach.

Some of the ads on Avito are paid, but if you are not a realtor, but are selling your own apartment, then in most regions you can submit one ad per month for free.

Also on the site you can view all the ads on the request "buy an apartment" in your region and contact the buyer yourself

You can also use the additional paid features of Avito to highlight your ad.

How to sell an apartment on Domofond

On this site you can find many useful information about real estate- articles, reviews and advice. You can also view ads for properties for sale and submit your own. However, if you have already submitted an ad on Avito, then it will automatically go to the Domofond website within 24 hours, subject to the rules of this site.

How to sell an apartment on Yandex Real Estate

Another of the popular services - Yandex Real Estate, also makes it possible to advertise the sale of an apartment for free and use paid services.

There are dozens of other free boards and websites where you can advertise your apartment for sale. We have considered only the most popular of them.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment

A good ad significantly increases the chances of selling an apartment. Let's look at the main rules for its compilation.

  1. First of all, review the rules of the service where you will place an ad, as well as examples of similar ads on this resource.
  2. Add an ad and upload photos. They sell as well as text!
  • It is best to order a photo from a professional
  • In no case should the photo be a mess or rubbish!

  • There should be a lot of photos, and they should show the whole apartment, preferably from different angles.

  • If you have a beautiful entrance and / or a good view from the window, do not forget to take a picture of them too.

  • Avoid mistakes such as photographing in front of a window during the daytime, as well as cropped photos

3. Carefully fill in all the required fields of the ad

4. Make a beautiful description with an emphasis on the merits of the apartment.

  • Indicate all the advantages of the area, the house and the apartment itself.
  • Do not shorten words and feel free to use epithets (but do not overdo it!). Your description should not be dry.
  • If the apartment has obvious flaws, point them out.
  • You can't lie in an ad! Your goal is to tell the truth, but present it in a very “tasty” and presentable way. You can use ideas from similar ads, but don't copy them.

5. Consider paid placement options. As a rule, they are not too expensive, but they can significantly increase the chances of your ad.

With the help of these tips, you can easily sell an apartment within a month and get a real market price for it or even more.

How to conclude a contract for the sale of an apartment

When a buyer is found, a contract must be concluded with him. Usually, a preliminary contract is first concluded, and the buyer leaves a deposit. A little later, they sign the final contract of sale.

The conclusion of the contract is a very slippery moment for the seller, but especially for the buyer. In the event that something goes wrong, it will be possible to get back the money (or apartment) only through the court, where you will need to present a contract of sale. And the decision of the court will largely depend on what exactly is spelled out in the contract. That is why both the seller and, first of all, the buyer should try to protect themselves as much as possible.

What must be included in a pre-purchase agreement:

  1. Full name of the buyer and seller, their passport data.
  2. Confirmation of the seller that he is capable, and the apartment has no encumbrances.
  3. The exact address and all the characteristics of the object being sold (area, number of rooms, cadastral number, etc.).
  4. The total amount of the transaction in rubles.
  5. Deposit amount.
  6. The condition that the deposit is not returned if the buyer refuses the transaction without good justified reasons.
  7. The term for the conclusion of the contract of sale.
  8. The deadline for the current owner to vacate the property.
  9. Responsibility of the parties for violation of the terms of the contract.
  10. It is possible to prescribe who bears additional expenses (rental of safe deposit boxes in a bank, state fees, payment for registering a transaction, etc.).
  11. Date of conclusion
  12. Signatures of the parties.

Here is a sample pre-purchase agreement:

After the set time has elapsed, the parties sign a contract of sale, which confirms the transfer of ownership. It is drawn up in the same way as the preliminary contract, with the exception of paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 - instead of them, the term and procedure for final payments for the apartment are prescribed.

An example of a contract can be seen here:

A contract for the sale of real estate can be registered with a notary, but this is not necessary (with the exception of some cases stipulated by law, such as the sale of a share in an apartment, the sale of an apartment owned by a minor or a person with limited legal capacity, as well as a sale under a life dependent agreement). The buyer can insist on registering the contract with a notary - as a party that is more at risk when making a transaction. In this case, he pays for the services of a notary.

How to get money for an apartment

Getting money is the second slippery moment when selling an apartment. At what point should the seller receive the full payment? This usually happens not at the time of signing the contract of sale, but immediately after the registration of the transaction.

This can happen in 2 ways:

  • through a bank account;
  • through special letters of credit.

Let's look at both options. In the first case, the buyer puts money in a cell in the presence of the seller and bank employees, after which he does not have access to this cell. Only the seller can get access, but after he shows the contract of sale registered with Rosreestr. The controlling third party is the bank, as well as realtors (if the transaction is made through them).

Letters of credit are analogous to a bank cell. The buyer transfers money there and loses access to them, and the seller can receive the entire amount after the transaction is registered. Everything is the same, only payments are made by bank transfer. This method is considered more civilized.

Be sure to consider the moment of transferring money to protect you.

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The presence of a deposit guarantees the conclusion of a full-fledged agreement, since if the transaction is disrupted by the buyer, he will lose the deposit, if the transaction is disrupted by the seller, he will have to return the amount received in double size.

Among other conditions, the contract must include a clause, setting the final date for the fulfillment of obligations. If you need to sell an apartment urgently, then you need to set a deadline.

Usually 1 month is enough to go from a preliminary contract to a full-fledged one. If the buyer breaks the deal, the seller will have time to find new customers.

How to quickly sell an apartment - tips from a professional realtor:

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3 thoughts on How to urgently sell your apartment: 6 main rules

  1. Tatiana

    I have a slightly off-topic question, but it concerns the sale of an apartment in which my husband, me and our daughter are registered. Our mother-in-law decided to sell the apartment, as she urgently needs money. Therefore, we must check out of the apartment. She found a place to register, but we did not. I know that she can discharge me and my husband without our consent through the court. But does she have the right to discharge the child from the apartment if there is nowhere to register him, since we also remain, as they say, on the street? And is it possible to discharge a minor child without the consent of the parents at all, if this is the only place of residence.

  2. Sergey

    Hello, I have a question that concerns the sale not of the whole apartment, but of its part: my wife and child are registered with her mother, that is, with my mother-in-law. The situation is this: the wife’s father died a long time ago and left 1/3 of the apartment to her as an inheritance and we want to sell this part, since we cannot get along with the mother-in-law together, but she does not agree to exchange it. How can we do this correctly, what documents do we need to collect and in general where should we start? Thank you.

  3. Zemfira

    Hello. The question is. I want to sell the apartment I bought before marriage and use the proceeds to buy another with the addition of money taken on credit with my spouse. But since the spouse will be the main borrower, and I am the co-borrower, it turns out that the apartment will be issued to the spouse, and not to me. And I didn’t want the main funds from the sale of the old apartment to be divided in half with the spouse’s children from the first marriage, in case something happens to one of us, since I also have children from the first marriage, and I didn’t want my children were left with nothing. Please tell me how to do it better so that the main part of the apartment is left to my children as a legacy.

Are you selling an apartment? Do you want to earn as much as possible from the sale? This can be done using several methods. The buyer, without bargaining, will lay out the money, and will be happy that he made such a good deal. How much your apartment is actually worth, only you will know.

Three Rules of Selling

Have you seen how women put on makeup? First, they look at themselves in the mirror, see all the shortcomings, and then they begin to turn into candy - they hide minor flaws, and turn large ones into virtues. They go out into the street and carry themselves with such dignity as if they were a work of art. You need to do the same with your product, even if it is real estate.

So 3 rules:

  1. Know exactly everything about the shortcomings of the apartment for sale, the house in which it is located and the surrounding area.
  2. Turn all the shortcomings into virtues, keep silent about some.
  3. Display the product in such a way that the buyer understands how lucky he is, what a great fellow he is that he found such a wonderful apartment - a dream home.

Important! In preparation for the sale, call real estate companies and find out for yourself the average cost of the same apartments in a similar area. Find out how much such housing costs with repairs, without it.

Increase the cost in the price range of the cost of housing of this class.

A few more generally accepted rules that should not be forgotten so that the price does not fall:

Neatness Dirty apartment drops in price:

Be sure to wash everything, especially the bathroom and toilet and kitchen. Everything should shine.

Yellow-brown wallpaper from cigarette smoke, the smell of alcohol and dirt - an occasion to make cosmetic repairs and change the wallpaper.

If you don't, the price will drop sharply.

Smells Any unpleasant smell, cigarettes, cats, plumbing, the smell in the entrance - you need to get rid of them.
Old utensils, furniture, dishes Throw away anything that is no longer functional, torn, won't wash, has no antique value, or can't be used in a vintage style (don't forget to remove or change the rug).
Excessive interest No need to be like the father of an old maid, to whom they finally wooed and fall at the feet of those who came with the words: “Thank you, you are our deliverer!”

Simply and with dignity in moderation praise, sell your product.

Don't scold your neighbors All the neighbors are wonderful decent people and you are proud that you know them (if there are no very obvious shortcomings).
Get your apartment paperwork in order The legal cleanliness of the apartment, legal redevelopment and other issues, for example, with people registered in the apartment, must be resolved by you.
Calculate exactly how many minutes from your apartment to transport stops, where you can park, how far are shops, schools, kindergarten, sections, etc. You must know the infrastructure of the microdistrict in order to answer any question of the buyer.

In addition to the simple rules that everyone applies (even if they don’t know, the buyer will still look at everything and ask about everything), there are other, psychological points that affect the buyer’s decision.

For example, the color scheme of the apartment, the feeling of comfort.

What will raise the value of the apartment

What is the buyer paying for? Do you think it's just for the room? No. The price may increase by 50,000 - 100 thousand rubles. for an economy class apartment for:

  • convenient layout;
  • glazed loggia with heating (additional full-fledged living room);
  • for the balcony, loggia;
  • apartments on the 3rd - 6th floors are always more expensive than on the first or last;
  • beautiful view from the windows;
  • well-developed infrastructure, everything is within walking distance (this is a prerequisite for elite housing);
  • parking space near the house, convenient check-in (for elite housing, guarded parking near the house or underground is unconditional);
  • clean entrance. Some sellers, before showing the apartment, not only clean and wash everything in the apartment, but also do the same in the entrance. In addition, they put flower pots on the landing (in an elite house, concierge and cleanliness are always present).

The cost of elite housing can be increased by 300 - 500 thousand rubles. due to:

  • expensive repair;
  • natural wood parquet, expensive interior;
  • prominent neighbors (so many citizens will pay a high price to live next door to famous people, pop stars, movies, politicians, etc.);
  • the prestige of the area of ​​the city.

The price is necessarily higher if the buyer wants to buy this particular apartment. For example, a daughter wants to live on the same landing with her elderly mother. Or a person decides to return to his childhood home and buys a home in this house. There can be many reasons. But the essence is the same - people are ready to pay much more than the apartment costs, if only their wish is fulfilled, and the seller agrees to sell the dream apartment.

What else affects the cost of the apartment

To sell housing more expensive, you need to give it a marketable appearance. That's what repairs are for. Remember that apartments of a certain class always have their own potential buyers. For example, a luxurious renovation in an economy-class housing is a loss for the seller. The layout itself, the district, the apartment building do not imply that new tenants will have big money. And vice versa, luxury housing implies modern fashionable renovation from expensive materials and the involvement of a designer. Such an apartment will increase in price.

Room color

Real estate companies in the United States of America conducted statistical observations, compared the sales ratings of houses with white walls compared to other colors, and concluded that houses with blue and blue bathrooms, blue and blue-gray living rooms and kitchens sell best. For example, Americans pay $5,400 more if the front doors are blue. And in Russian villages there are white houses with blue shutters and doors. And it's considered old fashioned.

These statistical results are not suitable for Russia. Our compatriots are probably more temperamental, endowed with great optimism and sincerity. Therefore, despite fashion trends, the most favorite colors for common rooms and living rooms among Russians are warm peach, apricot, beige - a trend of French styles. These shades are suitable for every taste of every member of the family.

bedroom color, which will appeal to a particular buyer, you can not guess. Therefore, use pastel colors, soft, unobtrusive. Most buyers prefer to redecorate to their liking and get the home furnished with new furniture. Pastel-colored walls are easy to repaint (if it's matting), but usually, people like a quiet bedroom.

Kitchen. The color scheme of the kitchen depends on the level of illumination. No matter how the new owner remakes it, it is necessary that the first feeling when examining the apartment is associated with cleanliness, spaciousness, and comfort.

Toilet and bathroom should always be distinguished by brilliance and purity. Now there are a lot of household chemicals - you can remove any pollution. The main thing is that nothing leaks anywhere, there is no mold, the drain tank is in good condition.

The fact is that the buyer accurately imagines how his new home will look like. And your task is to help him see his dream in the apartment you are selling.

How to write an ad

After you fully prepare the apartment for inspection, compose and publish an ad. The first thing the reader sees is the title and photos. How to write an ad correctly is, of course, a science, but there is a main rule: praise the apartment for the benefit of the buyer. For example, you have installed new double-glazed windows (plastic windows) and are very glad that the apartment has become warmer, there is less noise from the street. Would you like to put it into words? Say that the residents will be warm and comfortable due to modern double-glazed windows.

Do not write that the kitchen is small - say that it is cozy.

If public transport is located far from home, write that you are in an ecologically clean area, the children will be completely safe. Use the “glass half full rather than empty” method, remember that every coin has two sides and you can always find a bunch of pluses for one minus.

Important! The very first impression and penultimate words are remembered! Lead the buyer to the idea that he received the Jackpot in the form of this apartment and wants to buy it.

Photos for the announcement

It is very important to present the photos correctly. Do you know how many women get married based on photos, just because they are taken by professionals? In life, these ladies look much, to put it mildly, more modest. But the memory remains a beautiful photo. If you want to sell an apartment at a higher price, take a picture of it from the right angle. For example, the north side, poor light, so take a photo shoot at night with artificial lighting. The rooms are small - choose the right angle and expand the space. You need to put 10 - 12 photos. You can invite a photographer.


We will collect in the table all the nuances that affect the cost of selling an apartment:

Cleanliness and odor free It takes a minimum of material costs, but you need to allocate time
Cleanliness at the entrance Make an exception and put things in order on the flights of stairs and the landing in front of the apartment
Repair Depending on the class of the apartment. Remember that too expensive repairs for apartments of average and lower prices will practically not pay off - invest at a reasonable minimum
Space in the apartment Remove unnecessary things, furniture. Make the apartment seem more spacious
polish Look at a couple of design solutions, hang curtains temporarily, put vases of flowers where necessary. Make the apartment seem as attractive as possible
Inviting announcement All words must be precise and sentences short. Attract a buyer. Let him want to see
Good interior photos Photos of rooms should be beautiful.
Pleasant but businesslike experience on the phone Only your voice, words and intonations will be heard on the phone. Therefore, practice so that you want to talk about the apartment in person.
Neutral wallpapers, colors that everyone loves Do not stick floral wallpaper if you are doing a facelift. Not everyone likes this solution. Most families want something trendy
Prepared documents for the apartment, forms of the contract of sale If you do everything in advance, then the probability of making a mistake will be minimal. Everything must be ready
Convenient entry, parking, playgrounds, landscaping, infrastructure, city area Due to this, you can raise the cost, but a little.
Famous neighbors, historical significance of the house Prestige at the expense of neighbors, residents, past

All these factors will help you sell the apartment for more than what is offered for it “as is”.

Advice. Don't set outrageous prices. The real estate market is full of offers. The high cost will delay the search for a client.

Self-sale of an apartment allows the seller to personally control each stage of the sale, from finding a buyer to the process of completing the transaction, and significantly save on the services of a realtor.

However, at the same time, selling a home on your own is a rather laborious process that takes a lot of time and requires knowledge of the basics of the legislation relating to the sale of real estate, and the observance of certain precautions.

Otherwise, the sale of the apartment may be delayed or even lead to adverse consequences for the owner of this dwelling. Therefore, it is first recommended to evaluate your knowledge and strength and weigh the pros and cons of self-selling.

If you still decide to sell housing on your own, then you need to approach this process with maximum responsibility in order to avoid problems in the future.

So, what do you need to do to sell an apartment yourself?

Step 1. Preparing the apartment and all necessary documents for sale

Very often, it is the preparation of documents for sale that is the most time-consuming process that takes a lot of time. However, the owner of the apartment, who has a set of documents ready for sale, will be able to draw up a deal for the sale of housing as soon as possible. That is why the collection of documents must be taken with all responsibility.

Not only the speed of sale and execution, but also the legal purity of the transaction, and, possibly, even the price of the apartment, will depend on the correctness and completeness of the set of documents required to complete a transaction for the sale of residential premises. Not all buyers will agree to wait a few weeks until the seller collects all the necessary documents for the apartment.

To collect a complete set of documents, it is better to contact a lawyer or a registration authority. Competent specialists will help to compile a complete list of all documents for the sale of an apartment, so that nothing is forgotten, and the seller does not have to collect additional documents in the future.

The correctness of the preparation of all documentation is also of great importance, as an incorrectly executed document can lead to a refusal to register a sale and purchase transaction, and, ultimately, significantly increase the time for selling an apartment. Therefore, again, it would be better to first clarify the requirements of the registering authority for a particular document.

In addition, you should carefully check the correctness of filling in all documents. All data specified in the technical documentation for the apartment and other documents must be fully consistent with reality. Documents that will be further submitted to the registration authority must contain only reliable data, be filled out legibly, without corrections and blots.

Required set of documents

1. Certificate of registration of the right to the apartment for sale or other document of title confirming the owner's right to housing.

2. Passports or other identification documents all apartment owners, including birth certificates of minor children who do not yet have a passport.

3. Cadastral passport from BTI(or technical passport) for an apartment.

4. Marriage certificate and spouse's consent(or spouse) for the sale of the apartment, certified by a notary. This consent is not required if the apartment is not legally joint property of the spouses.

5. Permission from guardianship authorities if the owner of the apartment being sold is a minor.

6. Extract from the house book, reflecting information about all persons registered in the apartment. This extract is valid for a fairly short period, so it does not make sense to take it in advance. This document can be obtained immediately before the registration of the rights of the new owner, when a buyer is found, and all other documents will be on hand. The same applies to a certificate of the absence of arrears in utility bills, which will also be required when selling an apartment.

Depending on the specifics of a particular sale and purchase transaction, other documents may be required, the list of which is better to clarify in advance.

Preparing an apartment for sale involves not only improving the presentation of the housing for sale, but also releasing it from residents. It is much easier and faster to sell an apartment from which all residents have already been discharged, since they will still have to be discharged before the sale of the apartment. Free apartments are more valued in the housing market.

Step 2. Finding a Buyer

At this stage, the owner of the apartment will have to evaluate his apartment, having previously studied the real estate market, and find a buyer.

Step 3. Drawing up a preliminary contract of sale

A preliminary sale and purchase agreement gives the seller a certain guarantee that the buyer will not change his mind about buying an apartment, and the buyer - that the owner will not sell it to someone else. At the same time, the seller receives an advance payment or deposit for the apartment from the buyer, which is also fixed in the preliminary agreement.

A deposit agreement or an advance payment agreement, which can be concluded instead of a preliminary sale and purchase agreement, when the seller and the buyer come to an agreement on all the conditions of the main transaction, has a similar legal force.

When compiling these documents, the seller should keep in mind that there are significant differences between the advance payment and the deposit in civil law. Therefore, it is very important to use the correct legal terminology in a contract or agreement in order to avoid certain difficulties in the future. In the event that the sale of an apartment is canceled for any reason, the advance payment is fully returned to the buyer.

If the parties have agreed to make a deposit, a unilateral refusal to complete the transaction will lead to the payment of penalties by the guilty party. If the seller refuses to sell the apartment, he is obliged to return the deposit to the buyer in double size. If the purchase and sale transaction did not take place due to the fault of the buyer, then the deposit remains with the seller.

A preliminary contract for the sale of a property is drawn up in any form. The contract specifies the passport details of both parties (or legal details if the contract is concluded with a legal entity), the addresses of the parties, the description and address of the apartment being sold, the term of obligations, the amount of the advance or deposit. The contract is dated and signed by the parties.

Step 3. Payments for the apartment

When making a transaction for the sale of real estate, settlements can be made at the time of the conclusion of the transaction or at the time of signing the act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment, both using cash and non-cash payments.

However, it is much safer and more reasonable, especially when an individual sells an apartment on his own, to make payments for an apartment through a depository bank cell.

This operation is a guarantee that the seller, after the completion of the transaction, will receive the agreed amount for the apartment, and the buyer will be able to exercise his ownership of the purchased apartment after the transfer of funds.

Money under the control of a bank employee is deposited by the buyer into a bank cell. Before putting money into a cell in a special room, the seller can count and check the money. You can also check the authenticity of money in the bank itself for a fee.

After verification, the money is placed in a special bag and sealed. At the place of gluing, the signatures of both parties are affixed. This procedure guarantees the integrity of the package while the money is in the bank.

After completing the transaction for the sale of housing and registering the buyer's ownership of the apartment that is the object of the transaction, the seller will be able to receive money from the bank.

Step 4. Conclusion of a contract for the sale of an apartment and registration of the rights of a new owner

The contract is drawn up in a simple written form or certified by a notary. If you have never dealt with the preparation of legal documentation, then, of course, it would be wiser to draw up a contract with a notary or at least seek the advice of a professional lawyer.

In any case, when drawing up the contract, please note that in addition to the mandatory details of the parties, the contract must correctly indicate:

  • apartment price;
  • the address and technical description of the apartment, which completely coincides with the data of the cadastral passport;
  • method and term of transfer of money to the seller;
  • allocation of transaction costs;
  • the period during which the seller must vacate the apartment and transfer it to the buyer;
  • the terms and procedure for signing the act of acceptance and transfer of the sold apartment.

After signing the contract by both parties, you need to contact the registration authority at the location of the apartment and go through the mandatory registration procedure.

Last update: 04-01-2020

Before setting a high price, calculate what losses a simple apartment will cost at least 6 months.

Ways to assess the value of an apartment before selling

  • Request an estimate The service costs several thousand rubles. It makes sense to do if you do not have a typical housing.
  • See for yourself for what they sell in your area and apartment house, put the same amount. Important! The apartments should be similar in terms of parameters: condition, area, location, etc.
  • Type in the search “intercom appraisal of the apartment”- you will see a service with which you can see the average price for an apartment in your house based on ad statistics.

If apartments in your area cost an average of 2 million rubles, then you can sell at a higher price only if your apartment is something that stands out, has some advantage. As a rule, this is its condition, repair, and only then the side of the location, the floor.

An example is the pros and cons of my apartment.

  • 1-room apartment on the 2nd floor - convenient for pensioners and families with small children
  • south-east facing overlooking a hillock with trees
  • in summer it is not hot and far from the road, you do not look into the windows of a neighboring house as in neighboring houses
  • convenient layout - large room and kitchen, bathroom. the node is separate and also large
  • new brick house
  • BUT, a huge downside.– partially renovated in the rooms and completely need to change everything in the bathroom

With all its merits, lack of repair in a dignity. node outweighs the pros. In terms of money, repairs will cost 60,000 - 100,000 rubles + several months of work.

Eventually, with an average price of 1,900,000 rubles, it was easier to throw off 100-200 thousand than to spend almost a year and lose money on other expenses.

Important clarificationAll these calculations are for you. to understand at what price it will be profitable to sell an apartment and what discount you can make. If your apartment benefits significantly according to its parameters (repair, location) in front of other options, then you should not set the price lower.

Place your ad first about the sale above the amount that was calculated, as people come to you for viewings and it becomes clear how attractive the apartment is - adjust the ad.

How to prepare an apartment to sell quickly and expensively?

The next step is to prepare the apartment for sale. It doesn't matter if you live in it, rent it out or it's empty.

Tip number 1 - Things need to be removed to the maximum

It is better to get them after viewing than they will distract attention and create a feeling of clutter in the apartment of potential buyers. The most illustrative example- this is a crowded balcony, loggia. As a rule, this space turns into a warehouse.

The photo below is a good example of a cluttered loggia.

Of course, everyone understands that after the sale of the apartment, all this will be removed, but the first impression will be spoiled.

Tip number 2 - Fix all visible flaws

Wash windows and fixtures. If there is mold in the bathroom, then remove it. Glue wallpaper. Locks should open the first time without jamming.

It would seem little things, but these little things can greatly influence purchase decisions.

And you won't even know when an unwashed window gave the impression that the apartment was dark. Therefore, the buyer decided to look at other options.

This is what the apartment looked like. after we moved out and started to make repairs in it. It is clear that it is not worth showing in such a state.

After all the wallpaper was removed, the kitchen changed a little, but there were still many questions. After several months of showings, they decided to stick the wallpaper anyway.

I think if they had glued the wallpaper right away, they would have sold the apartment faster. It was also necessary to leave the old kitchen set so that it was not completely empty.

Tip #3 - Clean up the landing

The first thing that catches your eye is the condition of the entrance. It's one thing when you enter a bright and clean entrance, and quite another when the walls are covered with writing and one dim light is on. Replacing the lamp will cost 50-200 rubles, but it can bring you 1000 times more with a successful sale.

An example from personal experience.

We looked at an apartment with my wife, the repair was good, expensive. But while climbing the stairs, we saw scribbled walls, heaps of garbage, alarms on the doors.

I think it is clear what conclusion we have made. We went to look at the apartments further, in another house and area.

Scribbled walls can also be painted over at your own expense, negotiated with the management company or the HOA. A can of paint will cost a couple of hundred rubles. I have already described above why it is more profitable than showing everything as it is.

What do you pay attention to when viewing an apartment?

Below are the main points to look at, what they are interested in. Sellers should also pay attention to this.

  1. Bathroom- this room requires the most time and money for repairs. If there is no tile or it needs to be changed, then this is a huge minus. The same applies to plumbing, at least everything needs to be washed to a shine.
  2. Kitchen- if you leave headsets and household appliances, then this is a plus, since it ranks second in terms of expenses in home improvement.
  3. Ceilings, wallpapers, floors- they look at it, but not so closely + you can always mask the flaws. Yes Yes- precisely to disguise, in the future they will still remake it for themselves.
  4. Layout, r location and infrastructure - elongated, uncomfortable rooms; small kitchen; combined room and kitchen; narrow corridor; the windows face north and the apartment is dark; location next to a noisy road, etc. All this also influences decision making. There are not many ways to fix this: make redevelopment, place furniture in such a way as to compensate for the shortcomings, do not show the apartment during the day.
  5. Apartment ready for sale- documents, paid utility bills, discharged tenants. All this will be a separate plus, it will show you as a responsible seller and inspire more confidence, for many it is important.

For some, a good repair is decisive and the location of the house is not important. For some, the main thing is the layout of the apartment, and repairs will still be done for themselves. Although such buyers are much less.


  • Since the apartment is on the second floor, it was mostly elderly people who went. But as soon as they saw that the bathroom needed repairs, they either started to drop the price a lot, or just left to think.
  • A lot of questions about the documents were asked by buyers who eventually purchased an apartment. As it turned out, once they were already burned when buying.
  • I sold the kitchen sets immediately, but as it turned out later, it would be better to leave them. Firstly: an empty kitchen looks much smaller; Secondly: many for the first time would not mind buying an already equipped apartment.

All of the above factors affect the price. Either it will match the apartment, or you will look for a buyer for a long time.

What is the best way to sell an apartment, on your own or with the help of a realtor?

The next step is to decide how you will sell.

2 options:

  1. do everything on your own
  2. pay money to a realtor, real estate agency

If you decide to sell yourself, it is important to understand that you will have to spend time on shows, go in the evenings, usually at rush hour. If you still live in an apartment, this makes the process a lot easier, but be sure to get everything in order.

If you decide to use the services of a realtor , then you need to choose very carefully who you give the keys to, since there are a lot of ways to manipulate (I’ll talk about this later). It will depend on this person to sell the apartment quickly and without problems in the future, or waste time and money in vain.

If to sum up, then selling an apartment through realtors makes sense in the following cases:

  • if your time is worth more
  • there is no way to sell in person
  • complex transaction, many nuances

Self-sale would save about 15,000 - 35,000 rubles, but subject to a quick sale and you do not have loans on which you have to pay interest.

Where to place ads for the sale of an apartment and what to write?

I give a comparison of options for placing an ad for the sale of an apartment, the pros and cons.


Now everyone can place an ad on their own. It is worth choosing popular sites such as avito, cyan, domofond (to find sites, just enter the given name in the search). It is also desirable to publish on local, city sites and forums.

In the future, many real estate agencies will post this information on their websites and will periodically call to check the relevance.

Of the minuses, there is a lot of competition and you need to somehow attract the attention of the buyer. As a rule, the first few days the ad is located in a conspicuous place, and then it is replaced by others. You will have to pay for advertising if you want to return the ad to a prominent place.

A couple of tips:

  1. As a rule, in the first days of publication they give a discount on paid placement, I recommend using it, it's cheaper by 30-50%.
  2. Set the ad lifetime to be shorter, when it expires, you can re-publish and stand out for free.
  3. On some sites, you can periodically change the description and in this way raise the ad to the top. The only thing is, it’s better to change the photo or description, moderators may not miss minor edits.
  4. It is better to leave a non-primary phone number, especially buy a SIM card for ads. You will understand that they are calling specifically for the sale of an apartment, and it is safer this way (now many have Internet banks attached to the main numbers).
  5. When placing an ad, be sure to register - this will allow you to change and update the information in the ads if necessary. If you post without registering, then you won't be able to do anything later.
  6. Be sure to write down where you post ads for the sale of an apartment.

Apartment windows

You can do it like this. If the apartment is not high, then you can write on sheets of A4 format at least by hand, one letter at a time, your phone number and the word “sell”. Stick on windows.

If the floor is high, then either order a print, or take a white cloth and write with paint.

Calls usually come from people who live nearby relatives or friends. Pensioners often came to watch, they wanted to buy an apartment closer to their children and grandchildren.

Another option is to simply like the area or house. When they go to look at neighboring apartments and see an ad on the windows, they call back later.

You can duplicate it on the bulletin board in your house and neighboring ones, you just have to periodically glue new leaves, as they will be torn off.

Newspapers, magazines and other useless places

I did not use newspapers, magazines, I think that they have already outlived their usefulness. The Internet successfully replaces. There are no pluses.

Real estate agencies

As I wrote above, if you place an ad on the Internet on popular sites, then realtors themselves will use your ad and offer it to buyers. It is beneficial for them, the more options they offer, the more likely it is to earn, if not on the seller, then at least on the buyer.

To sum it up, 80% came to watch through an ad on the Internet, 20% - through an ad on the windows. Didn't find any other options.

Bargain or not when selling an apartment? How to do it?

During the sales process, I had to communicate with various people and absolutely everyone is bargaining and counting on a discount.

Therefore, you can go two ways:

  1. set a minimum price and give a small discount
  2. inflate the price and reduce during the auction to the optimal for you

In the first case every time you have to justify that the price is already minimal, for many buyers bargaining is an integral part of the process of buying an apartment and without it they can just leave.

In the second case you will have a maneuver, you can always start to drop the price a little and eventually reach the minimum, and if you are lucky, then sell at a higher price. But you also need to understand that with a higher price you cut off a part of potential buyers who, having a certain budget, will not look at your apartment. This, in turn, can increase the terms of the sale, which will lead to additional costs, waste of time.

An example from personal experience.

First put up an apartment for 2150 thousand rubles, I waited a couple of weeks, but there were no shows. I lowered the price to 2070 thousand rubles, there were several views, but to no avail, the bargain was not big. Started lowering the price, put up for 1900 thousand rubles - people began to look at the apartment more often, but left because the bathroom had not been properly renovated.

There was one suggestion about the purchase for 1850 thousand rubles, but refused it. The buyers did not have the money for a down payment and needed a price increase to secure a mortgage. There is such a scheme, I will write in more detail below in the paragraph on security when selling an apartment.

last try, put up for 1800 thousand rubles, but in the end threw off up to 1700 thousand rubles during the auction. I sold it for this price, I didn’t wait any longer because 6 months had already passed since the start of sales, and the longer the apartment was not sold, the more money I lost. Communal + mortgage interest + personal time + lost profits (rent, deposit).

The following is important:

  1. The price must be adequate. Now it is much easier to find and compare different options, so it is unlikely that you will be able to sell an apartment with an economy class renovation if an apartment that is much better is offered in the next entrance for the same money.
  2. Will bargain, but you should not lay too much money on top - this will increase the term for the sale of the apartment. Although, if your losses are minimal, then why not wait.
  3. Be sure to think everything that you will tell about the apartment, both pros and cons.
  4. Bargaining only makes sense if a person has real intentions to buy, and not when asked out of curiosity.
  5. Better to the buyer named the price first.

As for the question “how to bargain”, in this case there may be different approaches. Too many nuances.

  1. Perhaps you have a good apartment, which, even at a higher price, will leave in a month and you have no where to rush - this is one option.
  2. Or you urgently need money, and it would not hurt to update the apartment in the apartment - here you are already in a weaker position during the bargaining.

The only advice if you have absolutely no idea how to bargain, go to the market and practice, feel what it is like.

What kind of people come to see the apartment?

Depending on who came to you, you should build your behavior. Much depends on the level of wealth and needs. Buyers who are looking for an apartment for 2 million rubles will differ from buyers who are willing to spend 5 million rubles.

Here are some observations regarding those who are looking for an apartment for 2 million rubles, although I do not exclude differences.

  1. pensioners. They are looking at apartments on the lower floors, with a ready repair. Since I was selling an apartment on the 2nd floor, then 60% were pensioners. Watched for yourself, parents or children. As a result, a man bought an apartment for his parents.
  2. young families. If with children, then the presence of an elevator is required, or look at the lower floors. If the mortgage, there are children, then you need an apartment only with repairs. If there are no children and not a lot of money, then they can sacrifice repairs for a good discount.
  3. Parents are looking for children. In this case, everyone is different, you need to look directly when communicating. Although the low price and good repair will always be considered a plus for everyone.
  4. Realtors. They look quickly, they can take a photo, they themselves know what to look at and what to tell customers about.
  5. Familiar buyers. Not particularly interested, take a photo and that's it. Nothing special to expect here.

Think in advance about what you will tell buyers during the showing of the apartment. You will have some time to make a good impression. Make a list of pros and answers to questions you may have.

How to protect yourself when selling an apartment?

We are selling not some trinket for a couple of thousand rubles, which is not scary to lose even with money. We are selling an apartment for the purchase of which more than one year of life is spent. Therefore, you need to take security, both legal and personal, seriously.

The rules that must be observed are useful for both the seller and the buyer to know:

  1. At least superficially imagine how the process of buying and selling real estate goes.
  2. If there are any nuances, difficult moments, it is better to contact lawyers. Eg, the apartment was bought with the help of maternity capital, several owners, it was sold several times in a short period, etc.
  3. If you are in a hurry to make a deal, then you need to be doubly careful. It is better to miss the opportunity than to lose money/apartment or both.
  4. The contract must take into account all the nuances, a standard contract is a template that can and should be edited, but edited with skill.
  5. Don't skimp on safety. It is better to pay for the services of a lawyer or a bank for a letter of credit than to run around the courts later.
  6. Personal safety is also important. Running around the city with a bag of cash is not the best option.
  7. Do not rely on lawyers, you can do the minimum steps to verify the buyer / seller yourself. Lawyers and realtors with whom you plan to work should also be checked, at least according to reviews on the Internet.

There are a lot of fraudulent schemes, and there are also a lot of ways to lose money and time on related services (although the amounts will be less).

Selling in contrast is a harmless variant of deception.

You have an apartment with a bad repair, you can’t sell for a long time and decide to turn to realtors. At the expense of your apartment, others will sell, with better repairs. Of course, there will be shows, but with a known result. You will pay money and you will not be able to control it in any way. Of course, in the above example, the apartment will also be shown to those who are interested in it.

Overpriced sale.

The buyer does not have money for the down payment. You put the price higher and write a receipt that you received part of the money. The bank gives the missing amount (of course, they don’t know about it there).

Let's say you sell an apartment for 2 million rubles, and the bank requires a down payment of 15%. Then the bank is informed that the apartment costs 2.4 million rubles, and the receipt indicates that you received 400 thousand rubles. The bank gives the seller 2 million rubles as it was originally supposed.

In this case, both parties bear the risk. The buyer sends false information to the bank, the seller contributes to this. What happens if the deal falls through and someone goes to court.

How to draw up a document to insure both parties? If you know - write in the comments, I did not find the answer and therefore refused this option.

Read the article what are and what points to pay attention to in order to protect yourself.

How does the sale and purchase of an apartment go?

Previously described the whole process of buying an apartment in a mortgage through the eyes of the buyer

Below is the sequence from the seller's side:

  1. The apartment is being prepared for sale (cleaning, minor repairs, repayment of all debts, preparation and collection of documents). Old debts for a communal apartment after the change of ownership do not pass to the new owner.
  2. Photos are taken and ads are placed on various sites (Internet, balcony of the house)
  3. Show the apartment. In the process of communicating with potential buyers, you analyze what they look at, what they like and what they don’t. Adjust the conditions.
  4. The buyer is found, you conclude a preliminary contract of sale, take a deposit so that the deal does not fail. Click here for an example of a contract
  5. If mortgage lenders come, then prepare documents for the bank (assessment, contract in the form of a bank) - it takes from 2 to 3 weeks. If you came with cash, then a sales contract is being prepared - it takes a couple of days.
  6. Agree on a deal date. You go either to the bank (if electronic registration costs 5,000 rubles), or to the MFC. You sign contracts.
  7. If you have a mortgage, you will receive part of the money at the time of signing the contract, the rest after the transfer of ownership. If cash - you signed an agreement and immediately receive money, there is another option to arrange a deal through a cell or a letter of credit to protect yourself.
  8. Received the money - give the keys and everything that is written in the contract. It will not be superfluous to draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment, so that there are no disputes in the future.
  9. Call the companies that provided any services in the old apartment and turn off (alarm, internet, etc.), the new owner will re-register everything for himself.
  10. Do not forget to pay the property tax on time and file a declaration with the Federal Tax Service.

This is where all worries end. It remains to find the right use of the money received after the sale of the apartment.

An example from personal experience.

The very transaction of purchase and sale of the apartment was executed through the MFC, on the part of the buyer, a real estate agency participated. The money was transferred through Sberbank, they have a new service “Safe transaction”. This is a kind of letter of credit, but no one needs to run around with documents after registration, they themselves track the transfer of ownership, and then transfer money within 24 hours. Comfortable although it adds 1 week from the moment of signing the contract until the moment of receiving the full amount. We still put the money together with the buyer in the bank branch to the account, although it was possible to get it right away. But it seemed safer for everyone, in case the deal fell through. The service cost 2000 rubles, divided equally.

I left some furniture in the apartment, an old stove. A seal was broken on one of the counters - it was changed before paperwork. I paid the entire communal apartment for the last month and gave the checks to the buyer.

After receiving the money gave the keys. The money received paid off most of the mortgage.

If you have any questions about the sale of the apartment or some points have not been touched upon, write in the comments, I will try to answer in more detail, supplement this article.