Tips for selling an apartment. Learn how to quickly sell your apartment

It's hard to sell an apartment. This is understood by both experienced realtors and lawyers just starting their journey. What can we say about a person who, only at the cost of his efforts, is ready to decide on this responsible step alone. But nothing is impossible. This article will tell you step by step how to sell an apartment yourself.

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On your own or with a realtor - what is the risk?

Many people ask the question - how to sell an apartment without a realtor? Is it real, is it strong enough? Maybe it's better to transfer all cases to a professional agent and not worry once again? Of course, you can shift all the affairs to a specially hired person, or you can deal with everything personally. Both cases have their obvious pros and cons.

As for the positive aspects, they are obvious. Without attracting extra people, you can get a good monetary benefit.. The seller receives all profits. And either the price of the apartment already includes commissions that a realtor could receive, or the cost is underestimated in the amount of the same percentage, since the savings are already obvious.

In addition, precious time will not be spent looking for the person you need, since you should trust the real estate agent as yourself. Fraudsters may be hiding under the guise of realtors, if there are still doubts about a specialist, then it is better to refuse his services. Suspicions can only be caused by telephone communication, and not in an agency; the first meeting on neutral territory or the absence of positive recommendations. We are gradually approaching the advantages of concluding an agreement with an agent and, accordingly, those negative aspects that are associated with selling an apartment on your own.

Risk, nerves and time - this is perhaps the main thing behind such a step. Time is money, and this expression is more than appropriate. The disadvantages include months or even quarters spent on independent actions. If we talk about excitement, then it is also present in the legal support of the transaction, what can we say about actions alone? In addition, you can not calculate your strength and spend it in a non-optimal way, setting priorities incorrectly.

The danger of refusing a professional lawyer is fraught with an incorrect execution of the transaction or threatens to fall into the hands of scammers.

How much is your apartment worth?

It is necessary to accurately calculate the cost of the apartment, carefully studying the real estate market. It is necessary to consider options for selling similar housing and its cost. Both significant factors and minor nuances can affect the assessment of an apartment.

Footage- the main criterion for evaluating an apartment, it significantly affects the price. A large apartment will always be higher in price. The total area includes living quarters, kitchen, hallway, bathroom. The convenience of planning and the number of rooms will be taken into account.

Apartment location also significantly affects the price. The center and prestigious areas are always more expensive. Outskirts and suburbs are valued less, regardless of the quality of the housing itself. Circumstances such as the presence of a nearby metro, transport accessibility, and urban infrastructure also have an effect.

Repair and decoration are also important factors. But is it necessary to make repairs immediately before selling? According to experts, a recent renovation increases the selling price of an apartment by an average of 10%. It is necessary to clearly calculate whether the costs will pay off. Calculate the cost of materials and services of specialists

It is better to make a spot cosmetic repair, eliminating the main, conspicuous defects (glue peeled wallpaper, erase traces of leaks on the ceiling, paint over rust, etc.).

It will also affect things like technical condition of the house and its type. There will be a significant difference between the cost of an apartment similar in size, located in the old fund and in a new building. After all, in the old house - old communications. Although "Stalinka" some people are valued more than "Khrushchev" because of the high ceilings and large windows.

The floor is important if it is the first and last. Their sale is possible only with a price reduction.

Often the price is affected legal points such as utility bills. Safety, for example, a protected area and the presence of a concierge can be a significant nuance.

An appraisal of an apartment is also possible with the help of an online calculator on many real estate websites. They take into account many factors and determine the average price.

Preparing an apartment for sale

It is important to understand that a potential buyer will take into account not only the apartment itself, but also order in the house. It must be understood that there should be no debris in front of the door to the entrance, the elevator must work and not leave the impression of a dirty corner. The light bulbs on the stairs should be on, and the stairwells should leave a favorable impression.

The apartment must be cleaned, the kitchen must be clean, and the bathroom must work properly and it is desirable not to have a smell. It is better to throw away or sell unnecessary things - an uncluttered apartment looks more spacious. This applies to the balcony and hallway - cluttered, they do not look so presentable. Check the operation of taps, radiators, interior doors, the reliability of switches and cornices. Packing personal and off-season items - this will only help the upcoming move, and the buyer will appreciate the minimum items in the rooms.

Preparation of documents for sale

is a necessary part of the deal. How to sell an apartment without an agency, if the realtor is the best at understanding all the legal intricacies? The collection of title documents falls entirely on the shoulders of the seller:

  • Certificate of registration of the seller's ownership of the apartment with the application of the grounds for the transaction - a contract of sale, donation, etc. Upon receipt of the apartment as a result - a contract of transfer of ownership. These documents are needed in order to make sure that the seller has the right to dispose of his property.
  • Technical passport issued by BTI. It consists of a plan of the premises and data on its inventory. Since 2012, it has been replaced by a technical plan, which displays all the characteristics of the apartment.
  • Cadastral passport with the application of the internal layout of the premises. It contains information about registered redevelopments and the exact size of the rooms.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Rights.
  • An extract from the house book (form No. 9), which reflects information about the number of people registered in the apartment.
  • Documents confirming the absence of debt: a copy of the financial and personal account or a relevant certificate.
  • Written consent of the spouse to the transaction, if the apartment was purchased after the registration of the marriage. It could also be a marriage contract.
  • Permission for the transaction from the guardianship and guardianship authorities, if the owner is a minor.

It is necessary to carefully study the documents, checking all the data with the actual state of affairs.

Proper Advertising

Buyers should inquire about the sale of the apartment. Advertising campaign is limited only by the budget. It could be printing and posting ads, advertising on the Internet, in newspapers and on local TV.

Advertisements in the newspaper should be published regularly, with the same frequency. The information on the websites must be up-to-date and constantly updated.

A professional photographer can take high-quality photos of the apartment. Please note that photographs must be taken from different angles and show all essential details. You can view similar photos or put yourself in the place of the buyer. What might be interesting to him? They will favorably complement a clear and understandable ad, where the points should be spelled out that encourage the buyer to become interested in this particular apartment:

  • data on the number of rooms
  • indication of the total and living area of โ€‹โ€‹the apartment
  • area of โ€‹โ€‹rooms and kitchen
  • information about a shared or combined bathroom
  • the presence of a balcony
  • address and floor
  • nearest metro stations
  • detailed comments
  • Contact details

The announcement should be short, but at the same time stand out from the rest. It is necessary to emphasize positive or non-standard features. Use short phrases and words, avoid unnecessary and incomprehensible abbreviations.

Phone and e-mail are needed for prompt communication. A call or a letter can come at any moment and you need to be ready for communication or correspondence. Know all the necessary data, talk about the pros and not hide the cons of the room.

How to properly demonstrate an apartment

It is necessary to agree on the exact time of the show, since there may be several buyers. When changing plans, take the time to warn visitors ahead of time. Valuable and expensive things, as well as documents, are best hidden. At the first visit of buyers, inspection of the rooms does not take much time. However, many questions may arise to clarify all the necessary details. Answering questions politely and honestly will attract and win over the other side.

Tell us about the features of the apartment, taking into account the personal characteristics of the buyer. For young parents, a nearby kindergarten, school, and clinic will be important. Boys and girls will be interested in entertainment places, transport, parking. Information about neighbors can also be important.

The price can and should be adjusted at the auction. Competitive price won't scare away potential buyers. It is not necessary to sell the apartment to the first buyer, perhaps several people will be interested in a mutually beneficial offer, and you can make a choice. Negotiations are best conducted on a territory that is comfortable for you.

Conclusion of a preliminary contract

A buyer has been found and both parties need to record their intentions. The conclusion of a preliminary contract will confirm serious intentions.

Often the buyer pays a certain amount to secure the deal. This is an important point, because the buyer can find a cheaper option, and the seller can find a better client. Financial calculations must be accompanied by a mandatory receipt.

The advance payment by the buyer does not oblige to conclude a contract. The advance can be returned at any time, and the advance agreement can be terminated. A deposit must be distinguished from an advance.

The deposit agreement is an appendix to the preliminary contract. From a legal point of view, the subsequent refusal to sell the apartment may lead to negative consequences for the seller in the form of payment of an amount in double size. The consequences for the buyer is that he may lose the amount paid to him as a deposit.

It is necessary to prescribe the technical characteristics of the apartment, the exact address, the pre-agreed price. As for the terms, not only the term of the sale itself, but also the actual release of the premises, as well as an extract from it, should be stipulated. It is also necessary to record the condition of the apartment, the property that remains with the buyer, the time the keys were handed over and their total number. In the absence of fixing these essential points in writing, they must be stipulated in all details orally.

Here is a sample pre-purchase agreement that you can recycle and use.

safe deposit box

Settlements with real estate can be carried out both with the help of cash and non-cash payments. It is better to use the most convenient and safe option when making payments between individuals - depository safe deposit box. This is a guarantee that the seller will receive the full amount after the transaction is completed, and the buyer can expect to receive ownership after he transfers the money.

Pawning money in a cell occurs under the control of a bank employee. Immediately before this operation, the seller can count the money and check it for authenticity. The bank itself can also do this. The funds are invested in a special package, the integrity of which is checked by the parties. Having glued the package, the parties put their signatures on it, certifying this fact. After the transaction is completed, the seller takes the money.

Drawing up a contract of sale

After the banking procedure, the paperwork begins. Most often, the sale and purchase agreement is concluded at the notary, and then the documents are submitted for their state registration. The notary checks the compliance of documents with legal norms, certifies the legal capacity and competence of the parties to the transaction, and fixes the authenticity of their signatures.

It is necessary to pay attention to the amounts specified in the contract, the method and term for transferring money, the passport data of the parties, the terms for vacating the apartment. The transaction costs must also be shared between the parties and recorded. An important point is the mention of the procedure and term for the conclusion and signing by the parties of the act of acceptance and transfer of the premises.

We offer, which can be taken as a basis.

From this moment, obligations arise, but not the transfer of ownership. Refusal of the transaction at this stage entails a new agreement or litigation. Prior to the registration of the contract, its cancellation occurs by submitting an appropriate application to the notary, which fixes the change or termination of the contract and notes this in the register.

To register the contract, it is transferred to the registration chamber along with the statements of the seller and the buyer. After registration of ownership, the contract cannot be cancelled. The registration period is about a month. After that, the transaction by making an entry in the Unified State Register rights come into force.

Transfer of the apartment

Step-by-step instructions for self-selling an apartment have come to their logical conclusion. Its last stage will be the direct transfer of the apartment. After receiving a duly registered contract of sale, the housing will be released and deregistered, that is, the actual and legal release of the apartment.

An extract from the apartment takes place with the help of the passport office on the basis of the presented contract of sale. When taking things out of the premises, you should sign the act of acceptance of the transfer. All must be resolved contentious issues utility bills and handed over the keys.

Features of selling an apartment with the simultaneous purchase of another apartment

In a transaction that involves the simultaneous sale of an apartment and the purchase of another dwelling, careful preparation is necessary. Such alternative transactions are very difficult in practice. The first thing to do is to get an advance for your apartment and transfer the advance for the one you are going to buy. Deadlines must be clearly agreed upon and suit both parties.

Often such a scheme is used in mutually beneficial exchanges of a larger area for a smaller area or vice versa, as well as in the resettlement of communal apartments. As a rule, there is a change of area - when exchanging housing of equal value. In the case of an additional payment, the exchange takes place between apartments of fundamentally different footage. The most difficult transactions are those in which two apartments are purchased instead of one or vice versa. The difficulty lies in following the exact order of actions of such a transaction, which can consist of a large number of steps.

So, let's look at the chain in order

  1. Finding a buyer for your apartment. As confirmation of his purchase actions, he pays an advance or deposit. The contract for such cash settlements is usually concluded for a month.
  2. Search for a new home. This can be done already at this stage.
  3. Transfer of an advance or deposit as security for the transaction. The contract specifies the conditions for its return.
  4. Collection of documents for both apartments, their verification, preparation of sales contracts. The details of the transaction are discussed, including its date and place. Specifies the points on registration of the contract of sale.
  5. Calculations must be clearly defined and carried out. The money is put into a bank account. The deposit is made by the buyer of your apartment, and the seller of the other apartment receives it. The required number of cells will be determined by the total number of apartments.
  6. Simultaneously concluded and signed sales contracts are submitted for their registration.
  7. All sellers of apartments can withdraw their money from the cells only after receiving registered sales contracts. Cash transactions between the parties are confirmed by receipts.
  8. The procedure for the transfer of apartments and the signing of acceptance certificates takes place in turn. Terms are agreed in advance in the contracts. The sellers of the last vacant apartment must hand over the premises first.

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine "site"! Today I will tell you how to sell an apartment quickly and profitably without a realtor, I will give step-by-step instructions and advice from experienced realtors, as well as typical mistakes of owners when selling apartments.

From this article you will also learn:

  • How does the sale and purchase of an apartment take place?
  • what you need to sell an apartment (what is the list required documents);
  • How best to sell - on your own or through a real estate agency.

In addition, at the end of the article you will find answers to the most popular questions on the topic.

About how to quickly and profitably sell an apartment without realtors, what tips you need to follow when selling an apartment on your own, as well as what mistakes apartment sellers most often make - read our article.

Not everyone understands, but as in any other business, the sale of an apartment should begin with setting a specific goal. It is she who determines during what period it is necessary to carry out the transaction, what forms of calculation and the amount of the deposit will be acceptable to the owner.

The purpose of the sale may be different, they are determined by the circumstances in the life of the owner:

  • moving to a larger apartment;
  • exit to smaller housing;
  • change of place of residence (for example, moving to another state or locality);
  • desire to change an apartment to a private house;
  • the need for a large sum of money (for example, for education, treatment or a wedding);
  • purchase of an expensive car;
  • the desire to invest in more profitable financial instruments (read about that in our article) .;
  • decision to start your own business.

It is the purpose for which the owner proceeds to sell residential real estate that affects the time required for the transaction.

๐Ÿ‘‰ If, For example, a person decides to move to a private house in order to live โ€œcloser to the earthโ€, the deadlines may not be running out for him. As a result, he can spend several months and even years on the sale of living space.

However, there are situations when an apartment (or other housing) needs to be sold urgently:

๐Ÿ“ƒ For example, the owner found a larger apartment at a bargain price, which he had been dreaming of for a long time. Due to the fact that the option is the best, he decides not to miss the opportunity and make a deposit. Now, in order not to miss an interesting option and not to lose the money transferred as a deposit, the apartment must be sold quickly, within about a month.

The homeowner must remember: the faster he needs to sell the apartment, the more low โ‡“ price will have to be put on it.

That is why, before proceeding with the procedure, it is important to clearly define your goals. In addition to the cost, the list of necessary documents, as well as the conditions for preparation before the sale, will depend on this.

Selling an apartment on your own or with the help of an intermediary - advantages (+) and disadvantages (-)

2. What is the best way to sell an apartment: by yourself without intermediaries or through a realtor (agency)? โš–

Before proceeding with the procedure for selling an apartment, you should decide on one's own make a deal or with the help of a realtor (real estate agency).

Note: both options have their pluses (+) And cons (โˆ’) . To make the right decision, you need to comparative analysis two ways.

Table: "Comparative characteristics of the sale of an apartment on their own and with the involvement of a realtor"

Comparison criterion Selling an apartment on your own Engaging a Realtor
The amount of additional expenses Missing Most often, the realtor has to pay 2 -5 % of the transaction amount
Valuation of a residential property Approximate More accurate
Cost of time and effort Big enough Minimum
Level of legal risk Significant Short
Apartment sale speed Most often low In most cases, the transaction is carried out quickly enough

Looking at the table, it can be seen that the main disadvantage selling an apartment through a realtor is the need to pay commission . Many on initial stage they try to make a deal on their own, and when problems arise, they turn to intermediaries. This option is also quite acceptable.

It is important to choose a reliable real estate agency. You can search for a realtor, including based on the opinions and experience of friends and acquaintances. In any case, do not be afraid to trust professionals if you cannot sell an apartment on your own.

3. What affects the price of an apartment when selling - 16 main factors ๐Ÿ“

The cost of any apartment can vary in the range 10 -15 %. If we translate this run into a monetary equivalent, it becomes clear that hundreds of thousands can be lost on one transaction with residential real estate.

In order not to sell too cheap, the owner of the apartment must correctly evaluate it. It can't be done if you don't know what criteria affect the cost. Below are the main ones.

๐Ÿ–Š 1) Number of available rooms

The number of rooms is one of the most important parameters when calculating the cost of an apartment. It is important not only for the seller. Buyers also analyze the property in terms of this parameter.

  • On the one side, how more rooms, topics expensive Residential Properties.
  • But in other way, there is an inverse relationship between the number of rooms and the cost per square meter. This figure is the highest in odnushki and the lowest in four-room apartments. The reason is pretty simple: for small apartments, the demand is much higher due to their lower costโ†“.

๐Ÿ–Š 2) Area

The area has a direct impact on the price. That is what potential customers immediately pay attention to. How more number of square meters higher price.

๐Ÿ–Š 3) Layout

Even in the case of the same area and number of rooms, a more comfortable layout can lead to an increase in the price of residential real estate by more than 10 %.

The following characteristics are of fundamental importance in planning:

  1. Availability of adjoining rooms that is, those that can only be entered from another room. If they are not, the cost of the apartment will be higher.
  2. The ability to freely view from the corridor what is happening in the rooms and in the kitchen. A layout in which the view for those who enter is limited is valued higher.

๐Ÿ–Š 4) Kitchen area

The area of โ€‹โ€‹the kitchen is of fundamental importance for women, as well as buyers who have a large family. For them, it is often important that the size of this room allows them to gather together at the table.

Layouts in which the kitchen is given less than 9 square meters are now considered obsolete. Therefore, this option can significantly reduce the demand for residential real estate. As a result, you will either have to wait a long time for the buyer, or lower the price โ†“.

๐Ÿ–Š 5) Type of bathroom

The bathroom could be joint or separate . If several people permanently live in the apartment, and the family is also used to receiving guests often, preference is likely to be given to the separate location of the bathroom and toilet. Therefore, for apartments with a separate bathroom, the price is usually higher.

๐Ÿ–Š 6) Type of house, as well as the year it was put into operation

Stone, as well as other houses with a small number of floors, in which there is no elevator, put into operation in the middle of the last century, today are in low demand. Most often, apartments in such houses are too small, and the layout in them is outdated. If, moreover, the house has not been overhauled for a long time, it will not be possible to sell housing expensively.

If we consider apartments built recently, It can be noted that here the price also depends on the material of the house. Brick is valued more than panels. The fact is that this material allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature in the apartments. It is cool here in summer and warm in winter.

๐Ÿ–Š 7) Construction company

The developer company can affect the price if a fairly new apartment is for sale. If the construction firm demonstrates its reliability, the demand for housing higher. As a result, it will be possible to sell the apartment faster, and the cost will not be underestimated.

๐Ÿ–Š 8) The degree of readiness of housing

This item is relevant for primary housing. If you buy an apartment at the stage of excavation, as construction progresses, its value will increase.

๐Ÿ–Š 9) Floors of the house and the location of the apartment in it

It is difficult to say unequivocally how the number of storeys of the house affects the cost of the apartment. Young people are trying to climb higher, where there is less noise, dust, and exhaust gases. Families with children and pensioners, fearing inconvenience when the elevator is turned off, try to buy an apartment on a lower floor.

In any case, if housing is located on the first and last floors, it will be more difficult to sell it. Moreover, in this case, the cost of the apartment will be approximately 10% lowerโ†“.

The location of the house is also of fundamental importance. The apartments located at the corners and at the ends of the house are valued lower. Here it can be colder in winter and hotter in summer than in a dwelling located in the center of the building.

๐Ÿ–Š 10) Availability and quality of a balcony or loggia

If the apartment is located on the first floor, there is usually no balcony or loggia in it. While in higher housing it is.

Balcony represents a ledge on the house, may be unglazed.

Loggia same is niche deepening into the building. By definition, it must be sealed.

In any case, the quality of glazing affects the cost of the apartment. If a tree that has long rotted was used for it, the buyer may demand a reductionโ†“ in the price of the apartment. If the balcony or loggia has been recently renovated using good materials, the cost of housing can be increased by about 5 %.

๐Ÿ–Š 11) Location of the house

In Russia, the cost of apartments located in the center is traditionally higher than on the outskirts, as well as in disadvantaged areas of the city.

Some sellers indicate that the apartment is located in a quiet area to attract the attention of buyers. In fact, the cost of housing increases if it is located in the center, but within the block.

Eg, raising housing cost factors are:

  • the presence of a park near the house;
  • good location of windows - it is desirable that they go to the quiet side.

Decrease โ†“ The cost of housing can be influenced by the following factors:

  • the house is located next to noisy roads;
  • being in close proximity to polluting enterprises.

๐Ÿ–Š 12) The territory adjacent to the house

This option may include:

  • comfortable parking spaces in sufficient quantity;
  • well-groomed yard: the presence of trees, flower beds, benches;
  • availability, size and quality of children's and sports grounds;
  • closed yard.

The presence and high quality of the parameters presented above leads to the fact that the apartment becomes easier to sell. Moreover, its cost becomes higher .

The importance of this parameter is explained simply: people strive for comfortable living with the opportunity to walk with children, park, play sports in the immediate vicinity of the house. But if the apartment is sold to pensioners, they are unlikely to pay attention to such characteristics. For them, it is much more important to save money when buying.

๐Ÿ–Š 13) Infrastructure

The presence within walking distance of public transport stops, metro stations, schools and kindergartens, clinics, pharmacies and other important facilities makes living more comfortable. Such amenities can increase the cost of the apartment.

๐Ÿ–Š 14) Condition of the apartment

When assessing the condition, first of all, the quality of the repair is meant:

  • If it is missing or made a very long time ago, the cost of the apartment will have to be significantly reducedโ†“.
  • In the presence of a fresh high-quality repair it will be possible not only to sell an apartment much faster, but also to increase its price by an average of 10 %. But there is one caveat here: the house must be modern.

A good repair in a housing located in an emergency building is unlikely to help with the sale of an apartment. If the house is built over 20 years ago, the quality of finishing of an apartment can affect the speed of its sale. However, this is unlikely to help increase the price, that is, it is most likely that it will not be possible to return the funds invested in repairs.

๐Ÿ–Š 15) Type of heating

Heating in the apartment can be central or individual . The second option may appeal to many buyers and can increase the cost of housing.

Individual heating allows you to set the temperature in the room that is comfortable for a particular owner. Moreover, it helps to save on utility bills.

Individual heating is useful for those who regularly leave for a long time. It will not be superfluous, and when it is warm outside. Another additional advantage there will be a warm floor in the apartment.

๐Ÿ–Š 16) The amount of payments for housing and communal services

This indicator can have a significant impact on the cost of housing. Often, with equal number of rooms and area, the fee for public utilities may differ several times.

It all depends on the installed meters, the availability of individual heating, as well as individual amounts established by the management company. Lower amounts on receipts compared to other similar housing can play into the hands of the seller.

Thus, a huge number of factors can influence the cost of an apartment.

โ˜ It's important to understand that they should be evaluated together. For example, it makes no sense to increase the price, based on the excellent location of the house, if the renovation of the apartment is in a deplorable state.

Step-by-step guide on how to sell an apartment without the participation of a realtor

4. How to sell an apartment without a realtor (on your own) - step by step instructions ๐Ÿ“‘

Self sale apartment is a rather complicated procedure. To sell real estate as quickly and expensively as possible, you should use the instructions below. It was compiled by professionals and has already helped a large number of sellers.

So, let's look at step by step how to sell an apartment on your own without the help of realtors.

Step 1. Determination of the objectives of the transaction, as well as the timing of implementation

It was noted earlier that it is the definition of the goal that is the first step towards a profitable sale of real estate. Moreover, this step is the most important. It is he who determines how much time it takes to complete a transaction.

It is important that the goal is set correctly. It should be specific, understandable and must be accompanied by numbers.

Examples of goals for an apartment seller might include:

  1. I am selling my two-room apartment for 2,5 million rubles. After that, I buy a Lada Granta car in the salon for 500 thousand. I invest the rest in share building two-room apartment in the Maisky microdistrict from the developer April. Through 1,5 year I will have a car and an apartment worth 2,5 million rubles.
  2. I am selling a four-room apartment for 4 million rubles. After that, I buy a two-room apartment for 2 million and move into it. Behind 1 million I buy a studio for my grown son. Remaining 1 I place a million for a period 3 month. After the expiration of the contract, I invest the amount with interest in my own business.

The optimal term for the sale of an apartment is determined depending on the goal.. However, with a competent calculation of the cost and the correct procedure, it is possible to make a profitable deal within 1 -2 months.

Step 2. Valuation of the property

Evaluating a residential property should be based on the criteria presented earlier. In addition, it is imperative to compare the existing apartment with similar ones presented on several real estate websites or in local media.

In other words, if the cost of several real estate objects changes in a specific range, it is worth relying on these prices when forming the price of your home. However, this naturally raises the question: the cost of the apartment for sale should be tied to the upper or lower limit of the range.

In this case, several characteristics should be carefully analyzed:

  1. apartment area - the larger it is, the higher the price;
  2. house quality - the newer and better equipped it is, the more expensive you can sell the apartment located in it;
  3. location - in the center and some prestigious areas, real estate is more expensive;
  4. housing condition - the newer and better the finish, the higher the cost.

The more criteria that increase the price of housing the apartment corresponds to, the more expensive it can be sold.

Another way to find out the real price of an apartment - analyze the demand for similar real estate objects that has developed on this moment.

It is important to understand: this option for assessing an apartment is much more complicated. It will require a lot of time. However, his advantage is that the resulting data will be more objective.

To assess the demand for housing, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. The apartment is compared with similar options. At the same time, the average market price for such housing is determined.
  2. The price of the apartment for sale can be increased by 5 -15 % above average. After that, active advertising of real estate begins.

๐Ÿ‘‰ It should be noted: Determining the optimal cost based on the average market value requires a lot of time and effort. It can be used to sell an apartment at the best possible price if the seller is willing to wait for a deal for several months or even a year.

Step 3. Promotion of the apartment being sold on the market

To increase the chance of selling an apartment, you should notify the maximum number of potential buyers about its sale. To do this, you need to conduct an effective advertising campaign. It will be easier to do this if you follow the algorithm below.

โœ” 1) Take high-quality and beautiful photos of the apartment

First of all, the apartment should be brought into a marketable condition. To do this, you have to do a general cleaning, to the maximum freeing housing from unnecessary things. Furniture should also be removed if possible. This is especially true for those interior items that are in a deplorable state and spoil the appearance of the room.

๐Ÿ“ธ It is important to take photos with a quality camera. In this case, you should remember a number of rules:

  1. do not take pictures against the light;
  2. turn off the TV, close the toilet;
  3. do not let people and animals into the frame;
  4. you should take a picture not only of the apartment from the inside, but also the entrance, as well as the territory adjacent to the house.

Ultimately, the seller should end up with a portfolio containing about 6 -7 quality photos. An interesting fact is that the most free (preferably completely empty) apartments are sold the fastest. Here the buyer can fully see the available space and the imperfections that may be hidden behind the furniture.

โœ” 2) Write an attractive selling text ad

A well-written selling text of the ad is of great importance for attracting buyers.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment?

For comparison, below are 2 examples of ads:

๐Ÿ“‹ Example 1:

For sale cozy two-roomed flat in an ecologically clean area of โ€‹โ€‹the city. Cozy bright spacious apartment. Square 55 sq. m: hall - 20 sq. m, bedroom 15 sq. m, large kitchen 11 sq. m.

The apartment is located in good home with clean entrances, new elevators. middle floor - 6 from 16 . Permanent decent neighbors. Brick house built in 2000 year. Good technical condition.

Convenient layout. The rooms are isolated, located on both sides of the corridor according to the principle of undershirts. There is a large loggia (access to it from the kitchen and hall). Qualitatively glazed with modern double-glazed windows. The loggia is heated, so it is suitable for decorating a winter garden or an office.

In The Apartment We Leave Built-In Appliances, Kitchen Set. If desired, you can discuss the possibility of leaving all the furniture.

The apartment is located away from noisy roads. At the same time, to the city center - 5 minutes by car or 15 - on public transport. Stop at 2 -uh minutes walk, the metro station can be reached within 5 minutes.

Within walking distance - shops, school and kindergarten. Nearby are children's and adult clinics, dentistry. A 24-hour grocery store and a pharmacy are located directly in the house.

Repair was done 2 years ago. Quality for yourself. Animals were not kept, so the wallpaper and doors were not damaged. The apartment was well taken care of. If it were not for the need to move to another city, they would not have sold for anything.

Price - 2,5 million rubles. Real buyer - a good bargain. Telephone 8-000-000-00-00 (Andrey)

๐Ÿ“‹ Example 2:

Sell 2 -room apartment. Total area - 55 sq. m ( 35 /11 ), glazed loggia.

Floor - 6 from 16 (brick). 5 minutes from the city center, high-quality infrastructure.

Price - 2,5 million rubles.

Telephone 8-000-000-00-00 (Andrey)

Obviously, in the first case, the chance to attract the attention of a large number of potential buyers is much higher. Many will pass by the second ad, barely stopping at it.

๐Ÿ“– It can be concluded that template ads are unattractive. Here, the main characteristics of the apartment are very briefly presented. Such an announcement is no different from thousands of similar ones.

A well-written text contains many adjectives that reflect not only the main characteristics of the property, but also the attitude of the seller towards it.

Sellers can be advised to feel free to write creative and unusual ads. They always stand out from thousands of similar ones. At the same time, it is important to remember the grammatical and spelling rules of the Russian language. If you are not sure, it is better to check the literacy of the ad by resorting to proofreaders or special services.

โœ” 3) Place an ad for the sale of an apartment on the Internet

When the ad is properly designed and verified, you can place it on the Internet.

Where to place an ad for the sale of an apartment?

These can be both popular real estate resources and free ad sites, for example, Avito .

Regardless of the type of site, before adding an ad, you will have to go through the following procedure:

  1. registration of a personal account;
  2. confirmation of contact details;
  3. placement in the "real estate" category of your own ad.

It is necessary to place an ad for the sale of an apartment Not only on all-Russian resources, but also on local ones. Most major metropolitan areas have their own real estate websites. Do not ignore them, because local buyers often study them.

Should be considered: over time, the ad goes down in the search layout lower and lower โ†“, it is replaced by others posted later.

To prevent this from happening, you have to use paid services, raising the post higher. You can also immediately purchase a high status account. Such actions help to achieve the maximum number of views.

โœ” 4) Submit information about the sale of an apartment to real estate agencies

Another way to spread information about the sale of an apartment is to call popular real estate agencies.

The realtor's goal is to find a suitable apartment for his buyer as quickly as possible. Therefore, they always consider all suitable options. This method of advertising can be used if the seller believes that the help of professionals will not be superfluous.

โœ” 5) Spread the word among friends and acquaintances

Another reliable and also free way of advertising is the dissemination of information among friends, relatives and acquaintances. However, it is not at all necessary that they are the buyers.

Often, close people can tell a potential buyer about the apartment. There are many examples when real estate was sold thanks to word of mouth.

Step 4. Preparing the apartment for sale and the seller for negotiations

If you manage to create a high-quality ad, and the cost of the apartment is not overstated, calls from potential buyers will begin in the near future with a request to show the property for sale. However, before you start showing, you should pre-sale preparation of the apartment. It is essential for a successful transaction.

The main activities that should include pre-sale preparation:

  1. Tidying up the entrance and the surrounding area. It is their potential buyer sees in the first place. Even if the seller offers a beautiful apartment with a perfect renovation, with disgusting maintenance of the entrance and the surrounding area, either the buyer will refuse to buy or demand a discount from the price. Of course, this situation is disadvantageous for the owner of the property. Therefore, do not be lazy. To bring the entrance to a presentable appearance, it is enough to wipe the windows that have become opaque, screw in the light bulbs or demand to do so. management company, remove obscene inscriptions and existing garbage.
  2. Cleaning in the apartment itself. In order for a home to make a proper impression on potential buyers, it is important to carry out a general cleaning. First of all, it is necessary to wash the windows and, if possible, take out the furniture. Free apartments are sold much easier. From the point of view of psychology, the buyer already at the inspection stage sees all the subtleties of the room and begins to think about how to arrange his own furniture.
  3. masking major flaws. If the parquet is scratched, there are small holes in the linoleum, wallpaper or other minor flaws, it makes sense to disguise them. If this is not done, they will demonstrate the apartment from not the best angle. A carpet can be laid on a damaged floor, a wall can be masked with a picture. This approach will help to sell real estate faster and at a higher cost. However, it is important to understand that the buyer after the transaction in any case will see these shortcomings. You need to be mentally prepared for this.
  4. Giving the apartment a modern aesthetic look. If the curtains on the windows are faded, yellowed and full of holes, and the furniture was purchased in ancient times and is already falling apart, you should get rid of them. Do not spare money to buy new curtains. You can place inexpensive modern paintings on the walls. All this can be taken away after the transaction. This approach allows you to make housing more modern and aesthetic.
  5. Creating a pleasant aroma. Marketers know that smell is an important selling point. The apartment will seem cozier to the buyer if it smells like freshly brewed coffee or hot bread. . It is important to get rid of pet odors, as well as tobacco smoke. Such an aromatic technique will help persuade a potential buyer to a deal.

๐Ÿ“Œ You should know that in megacities, where a huge number of transactions with apartments are made daily, specialized companies already operate today that offer the service of pre-sale preparation of housing. Approximately for 50 thousand rubles, specialists are able to make a presentable apartment out of an unattractive wreck.

If the real estate is expensive enough, for example, 4 -5 million, the seller may well invest in its preparation for the transaction such an amount. As a result, it will help to increase selling speed, and price real estate.

The next important step on the way to concluding a deal for the sale of an apartment is proper negotiation. When the buyer has appreciated all the charms of the apartment, imbued with sympathy for her, the seller has to convince him to make a positive decision on the acquisition, as well as persuade him to conclude a deal.

The most important skill that will help the seller achieve a positive result is competent negotiation . At the same time, great importance is attached to the correct processing of objections that arise from buyers. The main ones, along with the best answers, are presented in the table below.

Table: "The main objections of potential buyers of an apartment and the correct answers to them by the seller"

Buyer objection Good seller response
The apartment suits me, but it lacks a little (I think that the price is somewhat too high) In general, I can drop the price a little or leave some of the furniture if the deal is concluded within 3 days
We have already sold our apartment and would like to move in tomorrow. How long will it take you to completely vacate the property? I understand your situation. As soon as we sign the deposit agreement, I will proceed to the statement, execution of the transaction and the removal of things
It confuses me (hereinafter referred to as a separate characteristic, for example, kitchen area, old pipes, lack of a playground in the yard). I think there might be a better option. I understand you perfectly. However, ideal options simply do not exist. I suggest that you buy exactly my apartment, because in addition to this, all its other parameters suit you. After all, you yourself said what is more important for you (for example, the presence of a kindergarten in the yard). It is so?

Naturally, this is not all the objections that potential buyers can bring. To dismiss them at the stage of occurrence, it is first of all necessary to speak the language of the client.

Take note! The seller must be attentive to the wishes of the buyer. In this case, you should not immediately agree to the proposed conditions.. After all, in the market everyone is trying to turn the tide in their favor.

In any case, the main goal for the seller is to execute the deposit agreement as soon as possible. Of course, it is important that the terms of the transaction are favorable for him.

Step 5. Conclusion of a preliminary contract of sale

When the buyer and the seller have come to an oral agreement, it is important for the latter to formalize its terms in writing as soon as possible. For this purpose, a preliminary agreement purchase and sale of an apartment. It is often also called deposit agreement.

Deposit agreement- this is an agreement according to which the buyer transfers to the seller a certain amount of money, which acts as a guarantee of the acquisition of the proposed apartment. At the same time, the seller, according to the contract, assumes the obligation to sell real estate to a specific individual at a specified price on time.

In most cases, the amount of the deposit is determined in the range from 2 to 5% of the property value . In the preliminary contract of sale, this amount must be indicated, as well as the final price of the apartment and the time frame in which the seller undertakes to conclude the transaction.

The main idea of โ€‹โ€‹the deposit agreement is the insurance of the seller and the buyer against refusal to conduct a transaction:

  • If the buyer refuses the transaction, the amount of money transferred to the owner of the property as a deposit is not refundable.
  • If the seller refuses to carry out the transaction, he will have to return the deposit to the buyer, as well as pay a penalty, which in most cases is equal to the amount of the deposit.

Thus, the sanctions described above for each party to the transaction act as compensation for moral damage, as well as lost profits in connection with the refusal to conduct it.

* (.docx, 24 Kb)

*Attention: this sample is for reference only. Before signing the MPAP, consultation with a lawyer is required.

Step 6. Extract from the apartment and registration of certificates confirming the absence of debt

When the preliminary contract of sale has been drawn up and the deposit has been received, the seller can begin to draw up certificates confirming the absence of arrears in utility bills.

Besides, if there are registered, the owner must deregister them. For this you need to contact Passport Office either in Multifunctional Center and apply accordingly.

Step 7. Receipt of the main calculation for real estate and transfer of documents to the registration authority

On the day fixed by the deposit agreement, the buyer and seller make an appointment.

The property owner must have the following documents with him:

  • certificate of state registration of ownership of residential real estate (if any) or an extract from the USRN;
  • preliminary contract of sale;
  • certificates confirming the absence of arrears in utility bills;
  • extract from the house book;
  • other necessary documents.

At this stage, the basic contract for the sale of real estate . Such an agreement is made in 3 x copies: one each for the seller, the buyer and the state body responsible for registering the property.

* (.docx, 21 Kb)

*Attention: this sample is for reference only. Before signing the DCT, consultation with a lawyer is necessary.

๐Ÿ‘† It is important to understand how the main calculation is carried out in the process of selling residential real estate.

When the contract for the sale of an apartment is signed, the seller draws up receipt , which confirms the receipt of money from the buyer to pay for the property. This document is given to the buyer and confirms that the seller has received payment from him. Simultaneously with the transfer of the receipt, the transfer of funds and the delivery of documents for registration of the transfer of ownership are carried out.

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When submitting documents for registration, it is mandatory to present a receipt that confirms payment state duty at the rate of 2 thousand rubles . In most cases, all transaction costs are borne by the buyer. Accordingly, in the presence of such an agreement, it is the new owner of the property who pays the fee.

At the end of the period set by the state authorities for the registration procedure, the buyer of the apartment receives extract from the EGRN (Unified State Register of Real Estate) , confirming the ownership of it. The seller can then take away the documents that confirm the sale.

Former property owner should not be ignored obtaining an extract from the USRN. It may be needed to confirm the fact of the transfer of ownership if, for some reason, utility bills are accrued in the name of the seller or some other legally significant events occur.

It is the documents received from the state authorities at the end of the registration of the sale that will help confirm that the seller is no longer the owner of the property and is not involved in the committed actions.

After registration of ownership, the seller hands over the keys to the apartment to the new owner. Ideally, such actions are accompanied by registration act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment . This document confirms that the buyer received the property in the proper form on the terms that were stipulated by the contract and has no claims against the seller.

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In fact, if you go through all the steps described above, the transaction will most likely go through without any problems. The apartment will be sold profitably in the shortest possible time.

Many homeowners decide to sell residential property on their own. At the same time, it is quite natural to want to do this fast And profitable. As a result, the question often arises: how realistic is it to achieve this without contacting a realtor.

In fact, the desire to urgently sell an apartment on your own is quite feasible. However, even before submitting an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, you should heed the advice of professionals. Realtors are constantly selling a large number of apartments and know how to do it faster and more efficiently.

Council number 1. Set the right price for your apartment

In order to maximize the likelihood of selling residential property quickly, it is important to set a fair price for it. It shouldn't be too low or too high. Adequate cost always corresponds to the average on the market for similar housing ( in a similar area, house, on the same floor) .

It is not necessary to use the help of professionals to assess real estate. However, if the seller doubts his own knowledge and strength, it is better to use the help of specialists. They are well versed in the situation prevailing in the market, as well as pricing policy.

Professionals will give quick advice on setting a fair price and will help to give an adequate assessment of real estate.

Worth considering! The seller must be aware Not only the maximum possible cost of your apartment, but also to have information about the minimum that it is advisable to ask for an existing object. Subsequently, this will help to competently maneuver in the process of negotiations with a potential buyer.

Even if there is a need to complete a transaction as quickly as possible, not worth it underpricing too much. Such an approach can alert potential buyers, make them think that something is wrong with the apartment.

With the right approach to setting the price of an apartment, the optimal sale period is about 1 month. If the cost is below โ†“ average, this period can be reduced to 2 - wow weeks. If the price of housing is unreasonably high, its sale may last more than a year. The seller must possess this information without fail even before the moment of establishing the cost for his apartment.

๐Ÿ“‹ Thus, in order to sell an apartment quickly and profitably, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • first of all, it is necessary to calculate the adequate price of real estate, corresponding to its real value;
  • it is necessary to think in advance how to minimize the shortcomings of the apartment, not only when compiling an ad, but also when demonstrating it to a potential buyer;
  • the seller must choose a strategy that will best suit his interests.

Only by observing the rules presented above, you can expect that the transaction for the sale of real estate will be carried out quickly and profitably.

Council number 2. Do not neglect the pre-sale preparation of the apartment

If the apartment is in an acceptable condition, do overhaul won't have to. However, pre-sale preparation is necessary for any property.

Pre-sale preparation requires the owner of the property to:

  1. Eliminate bad odors. When inspecting an apartment, the first thing that potential buyers pay attention to is the smell. Over time, a specific smell develops in any housing, which may be invisible to the owner. However, for an outsider, it may be unpleasant. As a result, when inspecting the apartment, he can immediately decide that it does not suit him. The main absorbers of various odors are curtains, wallpaper, wooden furniture. It makes sense to re-paste the walls, albeit with inexpensive, but fresh and light wallpaper. Before selling, it is mandatory to carry out a general cleaning of the bathroom and bathroom. In addition, it will not be superfluous to thoroughly ventilate the apartment and wash the windows. However, you can not overdo it. A potential buyer may decide that the seller wants to hide from him the consequences of unpleasant events, such as flooding or fire.
  2. Free up as much space as possible. It is worth getting rid of bulky cabinets. They take up a lot of space. As a result, there is a feeling that the area of โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹the rooms is too small. However realtors do not recommend completely eliminating the furniture. Many potential buyers feel uncomfortable in a completely empty room.
  3. Position the client, creating a feeling of comfort and warmth. For this purpose, you can use the aroma of fresh coffee or delicious tea, citrus fruits. Such smells create a feeling of home comfort in the visitor, improve mood. As a result, a potential buyer can be set up for a productive conversation. Creating different flavors is a great way to psychologically influence the client.
  4. Tidy up the driveway. If there is a cleaner, you can ask her to do it. If not, you will have to make your own efforts. Important to remember: inspection of the apartment begins with the local area, the entrance and the elevator. If they cause a feeling of disgust, the first impression can be inevitably spoiled.
  5. Choose the time to show the property based on its location. If the windows in the apartment face the sunny side, you should not show it during the day. Absolutely all the flaws will be visible, and in summer it may seem that the housing is too hot. If the view outside the window is not too attractive, it makes sense to postpone the inspection to the twilight time of the day.
  6. Putting up real estate for sale, be guided by the seasonality of the market. The best time to place an ad is mid-September, when most people have returned from vacation.

Council number 3. Get your paperwork in order and resolve legal issues ahead of time

No buyer of an apartment wants to have any delays during the execution of the transaction. Therefore it is worth in advance take care of putting documents in order and solving other legal nuances.

Buyers are much better disposed to those apartments in which no one is already registered. Realtors recommend, if possible, check out yourself and write out relatives in advance. In addition, it is necessary to resolve issues with potential applicants for an apartment in advance.

Important to remember: if the property has undergone redevelopment, it is worth registering it in accordance with the law.

๐Ÿ“ By the time of the transaction, a package of basic documents must be prepared:

  • passports of property owners;
  • certificate of state registration of ownership (if any) or a fresh extract from the USRN;
  • a document that is the basis for obtaining real estate;
  • extract from the house book;
  • legally competently drawn up contract for the sale of an apartment;
  • if one of the owners is a child or a disabled person, you should obtain permission to sell in advance from the guardianship authorities;
  • notarized consent of the spouse to sell the apartment;
  • technical passport of the object.

Thus, correctly and timely prepared documents are one of the factors for the successful completion of a transaction for the sale of an apartment. If it is available, a potential buyer will have a minimum of questions.

Having studied the above tips before starting the sale of an apartment, the owner can count on a successful outcome of the transaction. If you stick to them, you can avoid a number of mistakes.

How not to sell an apartment: 4 main mistakes

6. Common mistakes when selling an apartment ๐Ÿ“Œ

During the sale of an apartment, a huge number of errors can occur. In order for the transaction to go through as quickly and without problems as possible, you should study the most popular of them in advance and try to avoid them.

Mistake 1. Incorrect property valuation

If the seller sets too high a price for his apartment, waiting for a deal will take too long. Moreover, some owners do not even understand why a large number of well-written ads do not produce results, there are no calls and views.

In the same time, if the owner sets the price too lowโ†“ and the apartment is bought almost immediately, there is no reason to be happy about it. In fact, the seller missed a considerable amount of money, which can be measured in tens and even hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Mistake 2. Neglect of the principles of pre-sale preparation

Selling an apartment that has not undergone pre-sale preparation can be quite difficult. In such a situation, it may happen that no one is interested in real estate. Another option is that during the viewing process, customers will show their disdain in every possible way.

Mistake 3. The property owner is not mentally prepared for negotiations

There are frequent situations when a buyer has been found, and the seller does not know how to negotiate or is not mentally ready for them. As a result, he may unreasonably yield to the buyer in all his requirements. As a result - a lost amount of money due to an unreasonable price reduction and the omission of a number of aspects of the transaction.

The seller should consider in advance all the answers to possible questions and objections of the potential buyer. You can even play with close examples of situations that may arise when showing an apartment. Moreover, the owner of the property must determine in advance the value below which it will not fall during the bargaining process.

Error 4. Violations were made during the execution of documents

If the property documents are drawn up with violations, at best, the transaction will have to be postponed until they are eliminated. In the worst case, there may be financial and legal consequences of such errors.

Don't skimp on the deal. If knowledge is not enough to complete the transaction on your own, it is better to contact professional lawyers whose specialization is real estate transactions.

If the owner of the apartment familiarizes himself with the above errors in advance, he can save a lot of time and effort. It is worth making every effort to avoid them when conducting a transaction.

7. FAQ: answers to frequently asked questions ๐Ÿ’ฌ

When selling an apartment, the owner may have a huge number of questions. So that you do not have to waste time looking for answers, today we answer the most popular ones.

Question 1. How to sell an apartment correctly so that you don't get scammed through a realtor?

Most often, apartment owners who decide to sell them are poorly versed in the intricacies of the real estate market. This is often used by scammers who offer to help in the transaction and, as a result, do not fulfill their obligations. Therefore, it is important to know how to sell residential property through a realtor in such a way as not to be deceived.

First of all, choosing the right company (real estate agency) helps to avoid becoming a victim of a scammer.

๐Ÿ“ข Pay attention to the following points:

  1. Period of activity. Fraudsters never stay long in the real estate market. Information about the unreliability of the company spreads very quickly. As a result, she loses clients and cannot continue to work.

Lawyer. Legal consulting, experience in tax inspection. Date: November 14, 2017. Reading time 8 min.

A seller who wants to sell an apartment on his own must organize the receipt of missing documents, conduct pre-sale preparation of the apartment, place ads on thematic resources, work with buyers, and conclude a preliminary and main contract. Depending on the specifics of the situation (acquisition through a mortgage, the apartment being sold is registered for a child), changes are made to the procedure. In some cases, the seller is required to file a declaration and pay tax.

The services of real estate agencies and private realtors offering their assistance in finding a buyer vary between 4-10% of the value of the property. Often the owner of the premises has to pay the amount before receiving the money, which is unprofitable and expensive.

However, the owner is able to organize the sale of an apartment without a realtor and save a decent amount. The basic rule is to follow established plan.

Selling an apartment is an event that includes many stages and actions. Some of them are performed by an intermediary, but with a personal sale, you will have to plan the deal yourself.

Conventionally, the sale can be divided into two stages:

  • preparatory:
    • collection of documents;
    • redecorating;
    • freeing the premises from things;
    • advertising;
    • showing the apartment to potential buyers.
  • basic:
    • conclusion of a preliminary contract;
    • receiving a deposit;
    • execution of the main contract, its registration;
    • transfer of the apartment and keys;
    • receiving the remaining amount;
    • tax settlements.

Step-by-step instruction

Before selling an apartment without a realtor, the seller needs to give it a marketable appearance and correctly determine the cost. The price should correspond to the market: overpricing reduces the interest of buyers and switches attention to similar, but cheaper offers.

By the beginning of the sales campaign, a list of documents should be ready. Some of them have already been received, and the rest, which have a limited validity period, are recommended to be issued before signing the main contract.

Preparation of documents

Availability complete package documents simplifies and speeds up the execution of the transaction. The list is determined by the characteristics of each object (for example, when investing funds or having), however, in most cases, the securities named in the table are sufficient.

Table 1. Documents required for independent sale of an apartment, by time of receipt

Documents required immediately Documents that have a limited validity period and are obtained before the transaction
Certificate of ownership of the apartment. If the property was purchased after the cancellation of the certificates, an agreement will be required under which the property was transferred to the property, and an extract from the USRN Consent of the guardianship authorities to the sale of the apartment, if the interests of the minor owner are affected
Passport or birth certificate for children under the age of 14 Form 9 Help
Information about settlements with utilities
Technical certificate
Help from tax service about no debt
Consent of the second spouse to the alienation of real estate

Apartment price

The next step in preparing an apartment for sale is to determine its value. Owner's independent work on real estate appraisal consists of the following actions:

  • use of online calculators that determine the price based on the entered parameters;
  • studying the real estate market through viewing and analyzing similar ads for sale.

The objective cost of an apartment depends on its characteristics:

  • area, the size of which is directly proportional to the price: the larger the footage, the higher the cost;
  • the number of rooms and their location relative to each other (adjacent rooms are valued lower than isolated ones);
  • floor (the first and last are in less demand);
  • availability of repairs;
  • house address and area;
  • availability of infrastructure and social facilities (clinics, kindergartens, schools);
  • condition of the house;
  • legal aspects (the presence of unpaid debts or third parties registered in the apartment).

Pre-sale preparation

It consists in the design of the appearance of the apartment. It is not required to make repairs in the room - it is enough to make cosmetic improvements, free the balcony, storage rooms from old things, take out broken furniture, check the sewerage and the condition of pipes, plumbing, and the serviceability of electrical wiring.

It is advisable to immediately free the apartment from unnecessary items that are not for sale, or plan the deal so that there is enough time to remove the furniture.

Realtors advise putting the stairwell in order: screw in the light bulb, wash off the graffiti, change the broken glass. A well-groomed appearance of common areas has a positive effect on the impression of potential buyers.

Client search and presentation

The search for a client is most often carried out through advertising on thematic sales sites. At the same time, an ad can be placed on several resources. As an add-on, paper versions of the offer can be pasted up or advertised in newspapers and magazines.

The ad contains information about the apartment and well-made photographs: high-quality, without unnecessary (personal) things, covering the space as much as possible. Information about the object being sold is provided in such a way that the client does not have any additional questions.

When demonstrating real estate, it is recommended to find out the purpose of the acquisition and, depending on them, focus on the necessary nuances, strengthening the desire to buy. For example, those who plan to rent an apartment are interested in a good repair, the availability of furniture and appliances, which implies their minimum investment. When purchasing for permanent residence, the seller should mention the developed infrastructure, the possibility of zoning the premises.

Making a deal

Purchase and sale involves the conclusion of a preliminary agreement, depositing money or laying it in a cell, signing the main agreement, registering it, transferring the apartment and receiving the remaining amount. In some cases, the list may be supplemented or reduced.

Drawing up a preliminary contract of sale

The preliminary sale and purchase agreement establishes the intention of the parties to conclude a transaction and guarantees that during subsequent preparatory actions there will be no refusal. A security deposit is also made on it, which serves as a guarantee for the conclusion of the main agreement. Of course, the parties have the right to refuse to buy and sell, but in most cases this does not happen.

A similar option is the conclusion of an agreement on or advance payment. The contracts differ, but their essence remains the same: the buyer deposits money, assuring the seller of the intention to purchase an apartment from him, the property owner receives guarantees of the transaction.

According to the advance payment agreement, if the buyer refuses the transaction, he receives the deposited funds in full. The deposit has a different nature: if the buyer refuses, he loses money. If the seller is at fault, he has to return the double amount to the buyer.

To avoid unpleasant consequences and confusion, the parties are advised to either seek advice from a lawyer experienced in real estate or enter into a preliminary sale and purchase agreement using advance payments.

The preliminary agreement contains conditions to be included in the main agreement:

  • the subject of the contract is the apartment, its address, characteristics of the house, floor, number of rooms, total and living area(information must correspond to the cadastral passport);
  • price;
  • payment procedure (one-time payment or);
  • (notary, cell lease agreement, state duty, etc.);
  • the period during which the seller undertakes to vacate the apartment and deregister, if this has not been done;
  • the terms and procedure for the transfer of the apartment and the signing of the act;
  • liability of the parties for breach of obligations.

The amount is paid in cash or by bank transfer. In the first case, the seller draws up a receipt for receiving money from the buyer. When transferring money through a bank, the buyer is issued bank documents that indicate the basis for the transfer (preliminary sale and purchase agreement and its details).

Payments for an apartment

The next step is to pay for the purchase. The practice has included the use of a bank cell as the most reliable and secure method of cash settlements between individuals.

Its essence lies in the fact that the buyer enters into a lease agreement for a bank cell for a period sufficient to carry out registration actions. It specifies the conditions for receiving money.

The laying of money is carried out in the presence of the parties and a bank employee. The money is counted and put into the package. It is sealed and sealed with the signatures of the parties.

After the registration actions, the parties receive a registered contract and an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate Registration, indicating that the transaction has been completed. On the basis of these documents and the act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment, the seller will receive cash.

Similar Shapes cashless payment- letter of credit and payment order.

Note! You can buy and pay for real estate with borrowed funds. Registration of a mortgage involves a cashless payment. The bank transfers money to the personal account of the seller after registration of the transfer of ownership (contract).

Conclusion of a contract for the sale of an apartment and registration of the rights of a new owner

The main contract of sale is drawn up in writing in 3 copies. If sellers or buyers have several or one of the parties to the transaction is a child, then the agreement is drawn up at. In other cases, notarial registration depends on the desire of the parties.

The contract includes the terms on which the preliminary agreement was concluded. The set of documents is supplemented by a receipt for payment of the state duty.

The parties visit the MFC or Rosreestr, where they write an application for the implementation of registration actions.

Table 2. Deadlines for registration actions

Transfer of the apartment and receipt of money

After registering the transaction, the buyer receives a registered contract and an extract from the USRN, indicating that an entry has been made in the register. The seller is given only his copy of the contract.

The next stage is the transfer of the apartment and registration. It is drawn up in two copies, and if the buyer attracts borrowed fundsโ€“ in 3 (+1 for the bank).

On the basis of the registered agreement and the act of acceptance and transfer, the bank provides the seller with access to money. At this stage, the transaction is completed.

Important! After registration, the parties will have tax liabilities. The buyer may apply for a tax deduction, and the seller is obliged to file a declaration and pay tax if he owns an apartment for less than 5 years (Article 217.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Common mistakes when selling your apartment

When selling an apartment on your own, an inexperienced seller can make mistakes. They will affect the speed of the sale and its profitability for the seller himself.

  1. Wrong appraisal. An incorrect determination of the value (overestimation or underestimation) delays the transaction or makes it unprofitable for the seller.
  2. No pre-sales done. The presentation is of great importance and affects the price. Torn wallpapers, leaking pipes, dirty plumbing will not make a proper impression on a potential buyer. Most likely, he will ask for a discount.
  3. Documents are incorrect or missing. This circumstance will delay the conclusion of the contract if the buyer does not refuse the transaction.

Selling an apartment without a realtor is a complicated and voluminous procedure. Following the instructions presented and the deliberate implementation of all stages will help facilitate it and profitably sell real estate.

November 14, 2017 .

Crisis phenomena could not but affect the residential real estate market, and it seems to many that it is already unrealistic to sell an apartment quickly and profitably. However, life dictates its own rules, and there may be such a situation that the urgent sale of real estate is the only way out in conditions of shaken financial stability.

Haste and fussiness can only become an obstacle, it is advisable to act calmly and in accordance with a simple algorithm, but make every effort. In this article, we will talk about how to quickly sell an apartment, as well as some tricks and nuances that can be used for this.

The question of price: do not sell cheap, but do not scare away buyers

The first thing to do- decide on the final price at which the apartment will be sold, while it is worth considering some discount, which should become an additional incentive for the buyer. You should not reduce the price too much, as the excessive attractiveness of the price may seem suspicious - the best option would be the average market option on the day the ad was published.

To understand what price to indicate in an ad, you should focus on the opinion of those whose knowledge can be considered expert , Naturally, in this case we are not talking about half-intuitive knowledge of friends/acquaintances/neighbors who do not encounter the housing market in their professional activities. You can contact realtors, and they will not only calculate the cost, but also help sell housing for this price. Specialized appraisal companies act even more professionally, which will present a report with a full justification of the cost. But, of course, such organizations will require payment for their services.

To determine the average price, you need to write out the contacts of the sellers of such real estate from websites or newspapers, call them all, and talk in person. This will help to exclude from the sample offers with a low price, published, most often, by realtors, who in this way try to influence home sellers. You can also use the services of specialized resources that have online calculators that allow you to find out the approximate price range.

You definitely shouldn't start selling with the maximum price tag either. in the expectation that then it will be possible to gradually reduce the cost. Buyers are also studying the market, and most likely the overestimated rate will scare away those who could quickly buy an apartment, which, in fact, is fundamentally contrary to the task.

Product in all its glory: the photo matters

After the price is determined, it is time to move on to active actions aimed at selling, for which all available resources should be used: specialized sites, social media, periodicals and so on. But first you need to correctly photograph the housing, choosing the most presentable angles. If the property is expensive, it may make sense to invite a professional photographer who will perform high-quality interior photography.

But even when selling a room in a communal apartment, the pictures should be attractive. Experts recommend initially removing everything superfluous - things on chairs, trash in the corners, taking out extra chairs and all old equipment (like a vacuum cleaner lying around). In general, the less cluttered the rooms in the photo, the better.

A detailed description of the property should also be given attention, even if it seems that everything is already visible in the photo. It is important not to forget to indicate the type of house, the number of floors, the parameters of the apartment, the relative position and area, in general - everything that interests the buyer in the first place. Blurry photos and incomplete data are a serious brake on the way to a quick sale.

Proposal Preparation: Seeking Benefits

It is worth thinking about those features of housing that will be perceived by potential buyers as obvious pluses, it is on them that you should focus your attention when communicating with those who are interested in buying. It can be proximity to the metro or to an attractive natural area, an amazing view from the window, a spacious insulated balcony, or, for example, an established air conditioning system. All these advantages must be listed in the ad next to the photo and technical parameters of the apartment (floor, area, number of rooms, price, etc.).

In order for the advantages of the apartment to turn out to be really such upon closer examination, it is worth trying and making housing more attractive in appearance.

You need to look at the apartment through the eyes of the buyer. Sometimes it is enough just to add light to make the apartment look more presentable. Be sure to leave curtains on the windows, even if you are vacating your home in preparation for the move. But dilapidated plumbing and traces of uprooted built-in furniture or appliances are not a pleasant sight, and are unlikely to contribute to a positive impression. Professionals recommend, if not changing, then at least washing and tinting the unpretentious front door, as well as taking care of โ€œdeliciousโ€ aromas or at least the absence of unpleasant odors.

... Any means are good

It is important to take into account the fact that the state of the entrance, the floor area also plays a big role. Of course, no one offers to make repairs on a wretched stairwell, but taking out the trash, washing the floor on the floor and screwing in a few light bulbs is definitely worth it - this will not require much effort and expense, but it will be another plus. Itโ€™s probably not even worth reminding about cleaning in all areas of the apartment - a dirty house cannot be sold dearly.

It is necessary to use the maximum possible number of small tricks that can influence the decision of the buyer. There is no brilliant solution that will help you sell an apartment at a price higher than 30% of the market, but you can find many small tricks, each of which will increase the price. (and, accordingly, the chances of a quick sale) by 1% -3%.

If the apartment is completely in a deplorable state, you can entrust cleaning to a cleaning company, or even make inexpensive cosmetic repairs. A well-maintained apartment in any case โ€œleavesโ€ faster than an untidy property of a similar format, offered at the same price.

Pleasant additions and questions of psychology

An apartment can sell faster if you offer buyers some bonuses. For example, you can leave some of the furniture or household appliances to buyers without asking for an additional fee or offering it at a reduced price.

Practice (in this case, global practice) shows that smiling, hospitable owners, who win over buyers, sell housing much faster. This is not surprising, because it is much more pleasant to make a deal with a person who inspires confidence. Of course, they donโ€™t pay for a smile, but since it works, why not take advice?

At the same time, it is important to properly negotiate with the buyer, having thought over the strategy in advance and assuming how much he wants to reduce the price. It is worth determining how much you can really give in, and then not succumb to manipulation. By the way, the buyer does not need to know about your desire to sell the property as quickly as possible, this is contraindicated. After all, he, at the moment, is the only one interested, so he will almost certainly decide to take advantage of this circumstance and will insist on lowering the price.

The answers to the most common questions should simply be learned, or better, written down.

Most often, buyers are interested in the following:

What is the area of โ€‹โ€‹the premises?

Are all the documents for the apartment available?

Distance to nearest infrastructure facilities (shop, school, pharmacy and so on)

By the way, people often ask about neighbors, in particular, about their character...

It is worth remembering that very often transactions fail when the seller does not have a complete package of documents, the buyer leaves, because, firstly, the lack of documents is somehow suspicious, and secondly, he simply does not want to wait. So before trying to speed up the sales process with some additional ways, you just need to prepare in advance all the documents needed to complete the transaction, additionally making sure that the transaction will be legally clean and the conditions will not arouse suspicion in the potential buyer.

It is critically important to obtain written consent from the other owners, if suddenly, for some reason, this has not yet been done. A technical passport and documents confirming the right to own real estate should be in your hands.

If you need to sell an apartment immediately

Circumstances, however, are different, there is not always time to find a buyer. When there is absolutely no time to wait for a sale at a set price, you can sell an apartment to "investors" who work in the real estate market, while losing up to 30 percent of the value of housing. To do this, you need to contact a more or less large and respected real estate agency, and either the company itself will purchase housing at a reduced price, or it will offer to conclude a deal with one of its clients in the database. Preparation of all documentation full calculation take no more than two weeks.

There is a more interesting option - first you need to find out the price for which you can really sell an apartment (average market value), and reduce it by 10-15%. Realtors report that a buyer in this case can be found in seven to ten days.

Own Auction: Raise Welcome

There is also a somewhat unusual way for our region to sell real estate at a good price, which is suitable for the most interested and at the same time quite patient sellers - sale of housing on the basis of the โ€œprinciple of the best offerยป. To do this, you need to slightly reduce the price and start advertising the apartment in all ways, indicating in the ad that the seller will welcome the best offer from buyers, who, in turn, will be prepared for some increase in price. It turns out a kind of competition among those who liked the apartment. This is a real opportunity to sell housing quickly and in the end without a discount, although you may have to spend money on massive advertising.

The bottom line is that the initially low price indicated immediately highlights the offer from the flow of other ads, and the apartment is on the list of preferred options for the maximum number of possible buyers.Then it remains only to present housing in the most favorable light, find a new owner and receive a deposit from him as a guarantee that he will not change his mind.

With regard to this first installment, it can be taken immediately after a verbal agreement on the sale has been reached. To do this, a special deposit agreement is signed, or a preliminary contract. This document is drawn up in any form with the obligatory indication of the final price and the amount of the deposit, as well as the passport data of the present and future owner of the apartment.

Selling on your own or through a realtor?

In the current conditions, one should not naively trust the assertions that even an excellent apartment in all respects will be sold immediately and without any effort. When preparing to quickly sell an apartment on your own, it should be borne in mind that you will have to diligently study the market, take care of the correct filing of ads and devote maximum time to solving this problem. Under such conditions, it is quite possible to cope without intermediaries. If problems arise at some stage, it is never too late to turn to professionals, and sooner or later the deal will still take place.

When, for any reason, the sale should be almost lightning fast, you should not waste time on amateur performances - professionals who are interested in quickly getting their percentage will do everything much faster.

Conclusion: speed depends on effort

The speed of the sale largely depends on how active the seller himself is - in order to sell the property as quickly as possible, you need to make an effort and use all available methods. In addition, some additional costs may well be justified. So, it is worth remembering that one-room apartments are sold more easily than three-room apartments, which means that when looking for a buyer for a three-ruble note, you should not limit yourself to free bulletin boards and social networks.

You will need active advertising and maximum price loyalty, published ads must be updated regularly, monitoring their status. If time passes, and there are no views, no calls, you may not actually be putting in enough effort or made a critical mistake at the pricing stage.

Igor Vasilenko

Faced with the need to sell our own housing, we begin to look for answers to the questions: is it worth trying to act on our own or is it better to contact a real estate agency, how much to ask the buyer so as not to scare him away? We decided to collect advice from realtors and people who already have experience in selling their own housing, and tell you how to profitably sell an apartment.

Contact a real estate office or sell on your own?

When asked which is better - seek help from professional realtors or try to profitably sell an apartment there is no universal answer. You will have to make your own choice based on your financial position and weighing all the pros and cons. We will only list the pros and cons of each of the possible solutions.

self sale Selling through a realtor
No additional costs: all the money received from the sale will remain with you. You will have to give 2-5% of the money received to the real estate office. Although you can find an agency that takes a commission from the buyer.
Due to the lack of experience and analytical data on the real estate market, you risk misjudging your home. Real estate agents are well versed in prices, so their estimate is always more accurate.
Independent sales require a lot of effort and time, because you will have to compose and place advertisements yourself, meet with potential buyers, and draw up documents. All worries about finding a buyer fall on the shoulders of the realtor. At your request, for an additional fee, he can even carry out pre-sale preparation of the premises.
When selling on your own, you are more likely to stumble upon an unscrupulous buyer or notary. Real estate offices work with trusted notaries and are aware of all the nuances of paperwork, which minimizes legal risks.
Most often, apartments that are sold by the owners themselves do not find a buyer very quickly. Through a realtor-intermediary in 80 cases out of 100 the buyer is found faster.
Selling housing without an intermediary, you do not run the risk of stumbling upon scam realtors. There is a risk of becoming a victim of real estate agents turning fraudulent schemes.

If you decide to sell your apartment through an intermediary, do not try to save money by acting through lone realtors or agencies that lure clients with low commissions. In this case, there is a high probability of falling for the bait of scammers. Choose a real estate agency with a solid reputation. Even better, if you are advised by her friends who have successfully sold their homes with her help.

When is the best time to sell an apartment?

The real estate market has its own "seasonality", which determines the increase and decrease in demand for housing. However, each area has its own. In small towns, apartments are actively sold out in the fall, and private houses in the spring. But in big cities there is no significant difference, although some surge in consumer activity is still observed, and it falls at the end of August - September.

And now we list the periods when the chances of quickly and profitably selling an apartment are significantly reduced:

  • during economic crisis. At this time, most of the population has a sharp drop in income. A decrease in the level purchasing power leads to a fall in real estate prices, and it becomes difficult to get a good sale proceeds;
  • during long holidays. Any realtor will say: the first half of May and the winter holidays are a period of calm in real estate sales. But summer holidays, oddly enough, according to experts, do not affect the level of sales in any way;
  • changes in land and housing legislation affecting the procedure for selling housing, changes in tax rates for these transactions, etc.

Set a goal profitably sell an apartment, consider also the fact that you have a place to move. After all, you may come across a buyer who wishes to move into the newly acquired living space immediately after the completion of the transaction.

The turn of the councils connected directly with the sale has come.

Correct assessment

By setting a high price, you risk not finding a buyer. Therefore, the cost must be calculated based on objective data. The following factors influence the price of an apartment:

  • number of rooms: the more there are, the higher the price;
  • housing area: more spacious apartment - higher cost;
  • layout: separate rooms can increase the price of an apartment by 10%, and adjacent rooms - vice versa;

  • kitchen area: a footage of less than 7 m 2 reduces the cost of an apartment;
  • number of floors: the first and last floors cost ten percent less;
  • age of the building: a new building (it includes buildings whose age does not exceed 20 years) is more expensive than houses built at an earlier time. The same can be said about brick houses when compared with panel ones;
  • balcony and loggia: equipped and glazed, they can also add 1-2% to the price;
  • interior condition: renovated apartment is rated higher;
  • type of heating: apartments with an individual heating system are more expensive than with a central heating system, since they can regulate the temperature regime regardless of the onset of the official heating period;
  • type of bathroom: adjacent is valued lower than separate;
  • location and infrastructure: proximity to the center, good transport interchange, the presence of parking spaces, a cozy courtyard, shops, kindergartens and schools increases the price of the apartment. A tram roaring under the windows, a smoky factory, a wasteland outside the window and a dump in the yard - reduce the cost.

Sell โ€‹โ€‹without furniture

The absence of furniture in the apartment makes it visually more spacious and lighter. In addition, not everyone will want to have second-hand furniture, or the buyer may simply not like it. If there is no way to get rid of interior items, arrange them so as to free up space.

Make repairs

It is not worth doing a major overhaul - it will not pay off, but a cosmetic one will allow you to refresh the apartment and set a higher price for it. When there is no money even for re-pasting wallpaper, at least mask the most unsightly places: cover defects on the floor with a carpet, painted wallpaper with paintings.

Carry out pre-sale preparation

First, remove photographs, souvenirs, and other personal items from shelves and walls. A faceless room creates scope for imagination: the buyer, already during the inspection, can figure out how to fill the empty spaces and thus begin to get used to the idea of โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹purchasing.

Secondly, clean and tidy, especially in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen. Statistics show that tidy housing is more likely to be bought, but dirt and clutter often cause a decrease in the sale value.

Remove traces of the presence of animals

Not everyone loves and keeps pets. Therefore, before the arrival of potential buyers, clean the sofas and carpets and ventilate the rooms, getting rid of the wool and smell that betray the fact that our younger brothers are in the apartment.

Create a feeling of comfort

The aura of comfort is conducive to purchase. Flowers on the windowsills, albeit inexpensive, but fresh curtains on the windows and the smell of coffee or homemade cakes will help to create it.

Take care of the lighting

The more light, the more spacious the room seems. So clean your windows to let the sun in, and screw in any missing light bulbs in case you have visitors in the evening.

Remove the entrance

A dirty entrance will immediately repel a visitor, so try to the best of your ability and ability to put things in order there and screw in the light bulbs.

Tell me about your intention sell an apartment colleagues at work, neighbors, friends and relatives - they can spread your information, conveying it to a potential buyer.

Prepare for the conversation with the customer

To profitably sell an apartment, you need to be prepared for unwanted questions that a buyer can ask. Try to convince him that your apartment has much more advantages than disadvantages. For example, remoteness from the center can be presented as an advantage, because in such areas there is less air pollution and quieter courtyards.

Make a list of such questions in advance and think over the answers to them so that the buyer does not take you by surprise.

How to profitably sell an apartment, located in a mortgage, you will learn from this video:

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