Money how to increase it. How to increase and save your money

A person who wants to become successful and have a fortune must do much more than just make money. Such people need to be able to hold equity. And if they already have this skill, then it’s time to learn how to increase their money. And for this you need to start investing.

Why should you invest?

Not everyone understands the benefits that capital investments bring. Reasons why entrepreneurs invest their money in different types of assets:

  1. Increase in wealth. Investing money helps increase their number. Assets such as stocks, certificates of deposit and bonds provide entrepreneurs who invest in them with long-term income.
  2. Saving for retirement. People who work for someone else need to save their money for retirement. Why not simply invest your savings in securities, real estate, businesses or precious metals? The funds received from these investments can provide a person with a dignified old age.
  3. Achieving financial goals. Investing helps people develop their entrepreneurial potential. Profits from investments can be used to achieve major financial goals such as starting your own business, buying real estate, etc.
  4. Preservation of existing funds. Money can lose value at any moment. But by investing in different types of assets, an entrepreneur will be able to retain them and increase their number.

Possible risks

Investments will always involve some risk. Many people have heard stories about entrepreneurs who lost half their wealth during the Great Depression and Great Recession. Everyone knows about the possibility of investors falling into scams. Although a person can never completely eliminate risk, it can still be significantly reduced if one invests money wisely.

Although investments can be risky, it is best to carefully analyze the situation and try your luck, because the income will be much greater than the funds that the entrepreneur is able to lose.

When to start investing?

At what age should you start investing money? The answer is quite simple. The earlier the better.

The word "investment" sounds more intimidating than it actually is. The possibility of losing your fortune will always exist, but a competent approach can significantly reduce the risks.

New activities are always scary, especially when it comes to spending money. But there are tips to help newcomers to investing.

Investing for beginners

Investing is a big system. People who invest their money in assets have different views on this activity. Here are several conditional groups into which entrepreneurs who invest their money in assets can be divided:

  1. The Doomsday Preppers. These people are convinced that financial system should collapse, so they invest all their funds in precious metals and real estate.
  2. The Gambling Traders. These people devote almost every second of their lives to observing what is happening on the stock market. They try to carefully analyze the situation and make the most profitable moves.
  3. The Indexers. These people invest in everything to get a slow and steady increase in overall income.

Not every person will be able to find the money to act as one of these categories of entrepreneurs. However, people who have an open mind and interest in learning simple strategies When investing in assets, you should heed the following advice:

  1. Diversification is not always a good idea. Many investors believe in the importance of diversification. But some people believe that it is intended for people who do not understand investments. Some entrepreneurs diversify their portfolios out of fear that any stock market can absorb it. But this makes it much more difficult for investors to monitor the situation.
  2. You should invest in yourself first. To become successful, you need to develop and gain knowledge. You don't have to spend money on higher education to become an entrepreneur. But spending time on self-development is a prerequisite for achieving success in any field.
  3. Believing in yourself ensures that you achieve the desired result. Many entrepreneurs find it very difficult to trust their investment decisions. But to be a winner, you need to overcome your fears and not pay attention to the words of others. The investor must accumulate knowledge and make decisions independently.
  4. A person should invest only in assets that are understandable to him. Before investing in shares of a company, an entrepreneur needs to analyze it. You need to be aware of how this company makes money and identify what factors influence its industry.

Ways to increase money

There are many types of assets, investing in which will bring stable income. An aspiring entrepreneur must decide for himself which area of ​​investment suits him best by carefully studying each of them.

Real estate investing

A person thinking about how to increase money without risk should pay attention to this method. Some investors with extensive experience believe that buying real estate brings good profits and has an almost zero chance of failure if you approach the matter wisely.

The apartment will cost about two million rubles, being at the stage of constructing the fundamental blocks. In a couple of years, when workers build the walls, the price will almost double. After waiting for the housing to be delivered, you will notice that the cost of it will double in just 3-4 hours. For those who are interested in how to increase money in a fairly short period of time, this method is not suitable.

To avoid all kinds of risks, you need to make a choice in favor of a reliable developer and housing that meets the following requirements:

  1. It is best for the developer to cooperate with leading banking companies.
  2. The purchased apartment must be located in a place with developed infrastructure.
  3. Comments on the Internet about the selected building should be positive.

Regarding investing in real estate, the famous entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki put forward the following strategy: income-generating real estate must be purchased on a loan so that the rent covers the annuity under the loan agreement. This will provide the investor with a positive capital flow.

Investment account

Although in the past investment account Only certain companies could engage in this type of investment, currently this type of investment can be carried out in many banking organizations. There are a huge number of areas for investing money. You need to transfer a certain amount to the company's account and wait several years. Most often, people invest their money in industries such as:

  • medicine;
  • construction;
  • alcohol production.

The timing of income growth can vary between 3-7 years. The main disadvantage of this investment method is that a person will not be able to withdraw his funds if he needs them. If you withdraw the money ahead of schedule, you cannot receive even part of the accumulated profit. Eventually financial condition the person will not improve.

If the investment is approximately 10 million rubles, the company will not be able to return the funds in full if early return money. This condition is clearly stated in the contract and it will not make sense to prove anything.

Purchasing currency and investing in precious metals

Another common way to save and increase money is to purchase currency and precious metals. When choosing between these two investment options, it should be borne in mind that buying currency is a rather risky method of obtaining capital. After all, the state of this market is influenced by many factors, which include the global political situation, which is not particularly stable at the moment.

With certain changes, an entrepreneur may not only not receive any profit, but also lose the money already invested. In Russia, many people convert rubles into dollars and receive income.

Investing in precious metals has already been reliable way making a profit. When using this proven method, the investor will not lose his money even when inflation occurs. You can make an investment as follows:

  1. Buy gold bars.
  2. Buy futures on the stock market.
  3. Place money in impersonal metal accounts.

Investing in antiques

Purchasing antiques that have significant value is profitable, since they are always in demand among people who appreciate art. Such investments can significantly increase capital.

When purchasing a painting or ancient figurine, you must invest financial resources, but it will bring greater profits later. After a couple of decades, antiques return not only the money that was invested in them, but also increase capital.

You can purchase antique items at a special exhibition or auction. An important condition purchasing antiques involves contacting an expert who can evaluate the product and determine its authenticity.

Opening a beauty salon or private clinic

Any person wants to create an attractive image and, as a rule, he will not regret investing his financial resources to fulfill this desire. If you open a beauty salon or private clinic, you can increase your investment. The owner of this business will make a profit, but not in the first year of operation.

In order for owning a salon or clinic to start generating income, it is necessary to invest in advertising campaigns and other components of the business that will ultimately help achieve the desired results.

This investment is not risky, but future investments in goods, equipment and promotional activities to attract customers should be considered.

Binary options trading

This type of money multiplication is quite popular due to its high profitability. However, the main condition for generating income is having knowledge and a proven platform with a good reputation.

The meaning of trade binary options consists in the correct choice of the profitability of an asset over a certain time interval. If you make the right choice, you can get income in the range of 61-91% of the bet size. If there is an error, all invested funds are lost.

This type of profit is quite risky. But despite the fact that anyone here can lose a fortune, it is quite common due to its high profitability.

Investing in shares

All companies offer to buy their shares. The larger and more stable the company's activities, the more expensive its shares are. main feature This type of profit - income must be expected for approximately 5-7 years.

A shareholder can always sell or inherit his securities. It is necessary to take into account that the price of shares will rise only if the enterprise actively develops. If this does not happen, the entrepreneur will lose all his investments. It happens that corporations were engaged in the sale of securities, after which they declared bankruptcy and did not return the money invested to shareholders.

That is why an investor should only buy shares large enterprises, who have proven the stability of their activities for many years.

Investing in Internet projects

This type of money multiplication is suitable only for people who have specialized knowledge and are able to create a website or project on the Internet. Now there are many methods by which you can earn income from your website.

The initial investment when purchasing hosting is approximately 100 rubles per year, when purchasing a domain - about 250 rubles per year, and when ordering articles - from 250 rubles per article.

When opening a project, you must have at least fifty articles. The initial investment can be recouped in about six months. After this, the project owner will begin to receive good income.

Selling goods online

This type of multiplication Money It may not be as profitable as the previous ones, but it also brings in some income. When trading goods on the Internet, it is not even necessary to buy things in bulk and keep them in warehouses so that customers are provided with the items that interest them. You just need to become an intermediary between the seller and the consumer.

The entrepreneur’s task here is to find buyers and then contact sellers. They need to be brought together in order for them to conclude a deal and receive a certain percentage. The level of profitability in this activity depends on the volume of goods sold and the commission paid by sellers. This is the best method for people who do not have large financial resources to invest in a large project.

Endowment life insurance

Many people do not think about what could happen to them due to a sudden accident that will deprive them of the ability to perform work duties and receive wages. As a rule, many citizens believe that they will not encounter anything critical. However, accidents happen at the most inopportune moments.

Therefore, endowment life insurance is becoming increasingly popular. With the help of this agreement, a person can not only protect himself from accidents, but also increase his own wealth.

This method works quite simply:

  1. A person goes to the office of a financial company.
  2. Selects the terms and maximum amount of funds under the contract within which the insurance company will make payments.
  3. Deposits money into the cash register.
  4. Receives a quality product.

Investing in business

When choosing this direction, you need to understand that an entrepreneur can not only open his own business, but also invest money in an already established business in order to begin to receive a stable profit. The second option is suitable for those who do not have special knowledge and experience in this area.

A person with good work experience should try to open his own business. In this case, it is very important to correctly draw up a business plan and calculate the costs that will be encountered in the initial stages.

It is most profitable to invest in a business related to the sale of everyday goods or the provision of services.

If in the first case it is necessary to have premises and engage in constant purchase of goods, then in the second you can simply distribute advertisements and start providing services.

Ways to avoid possible risks

Any type of money growth that involves investing has its own risks. However, their likelihood can be significantly reduced if you follow the following rules:

  1. Planning. Before you invest your funds, you need to think carefully and create a plan. Thanks to a well-drafted plan, the entrepreneur will better understand how he will preserve his capital and receive income from it. This rule will help reduce the likelihood of losses.
  2. Determining the goal. During the planning process, you need to set a goal. When investing money in assets, the main goal is the planned profit. In addition, the entrepreneur must consider whether he wants to receive passive income, or funds are needed to invest in a new project.
  3. Setting deadlines. After setting a goal, you need to determine for what period it is best to invest money. An entrepreneur must determine what type of investment is right for him: long-term or short-term.
  4. Determination of the amount. It is necessary to determine the amount of money to invest. It is very important to understand here that you can invest only that amount, the loss of which will not reduce the investor’s standard of living.
  5. Conducting analysis. All asset options need to be analyzed. An entrepreneur should make a list of the positive and negative aspects of each type of investment.

It is advisable to invest your own savings in areas with which the investor is familiar. For example, if a person works as a car mechanic and has a good client base, he can create a small service and start making a profit.

Only after determining the goal, choosing the timing and amount for investment, should you start investing money. Experienced entrepreneurs take a couple of days to define their goals. Therefore, when resolving these issues, one should not rush. The possibility of making a profit and preserving the initial investment depends on this.

Investing is quite difficult. This activity can both enrich a person and ruin him. By investing your money wisely, you can preserve your financial savings and earn additional profits.

No matter how hard you work, your money can work much better for you if you know how to manage it correctly. Today, investors have a wealth of opportunities open to them, but their eyes are simply wide open: bank deposits, shares of large and small companies, investments in mutual funds, and so on. How to correctly distribute your capital between dozens of sources of profit?

There is a joke in America: making the first million is a million times more difficult than making the second billion. There’s a grain of humor in every joke, but it’s a really difficult task to save and increase your money, even if it’s not a billion yet. However, for people with a good income, from 100,000–150,000 rubles, this is easier to do; they have many opportunities to protect and increase their savings.

Let's assume that you already have good investment capital in the amount of 2.5 million rubles. At first glance, this amount may seem unrealistic, but in five years of work, a commercial director can easily create such capital. According to a study by the Superjob portal, the average wage commercial director, excluding various bonuses and annual bonuses in cities with a population of over a million, is 150,000 rubles. per month. If you have no encumbrances, such as a mortgage or car loan, then without compromising a full and active life, you can save up to 40% (about 70,000 rubles) per month and thus accumulate 840,000 rubles in a year.

Taking into account that you may urgently need part of this amount (for example, a friend or relative is in an unpleasant situation and needs financial help), we reduce the amount of remaining savings to 500,000 rubles. And in five years we receive capital in the amount of 2.5 million rubles.

Financial control

Many people are concerned about the question: why do people lose their savings and why doesn’t everyone manage to not only increase, but at least protect their capital? The reason is banal and simple: all the troubles come from the inability to set a goal, choose a priority and use tools that allow you to get specific income. But before choosing tools and defining goals, you need to put your income and expenses in order.

Answer yourself honestly the question: what do you spend your money on and where do you get these funds from? I would not be surprised if the majority do not immediately remember not only monthly expenses, but also financial receipts. Keep a notebook and note down all your expenses for at least two to three months. Such observation will give a real picture of the structure and volume of your expenses. Then do the same with income. The data obtained will give you a picture of your personal financial condition.

We optimize

Now you can think about how to increase income and cut expenses. When you analyze your spending structure, you will find expenses that you can easily refuse or simply reduce. Most likely, this type of expense will account for 10–15% of total expenses.

In addition, make it a rule to save at least 10% of your regular income and at least 50% of your casual income. For example, even taking into account mortgage loan, which costs about 40% of your salary every month, you can save 15,000 rubles monthly, which will be 180,000 rubles per year. This is how your initial investment capital will be formed.

And if a good one appears promising project, then it will be possible to invest a small amount and see the growth dynamics. By the way, sometimes the amounts for investment are quite impressive, so you may need a microloan in cash, which will allow you to quickly and at minimal cost get the required amount of funds

Defining goals

Before you create a financial plan and determine how to manage your money, it is important to clearly answer the following questions: At what age do you plan to leave your job? what size monthly payments would you like to have? What problems would you like to solve in the next 10–20 years?

To properly manage your money, you need to define your personal financial goals. This could be, for example, investing in starting your own business or saving for targeted spending in the future (paying for a good education for a child, buying an apartment, or other significant acquisitions). Or maybe the task is to increase capital simply to ensure a financially prosperous old age.

For each of these problems, solution conditions must be defined. First: what level of risk are you willing to accept? What is more important to you - profitability, but at the same time risk or reliability, protection of funds, but with low income? Second: for what period, or, as professionals say, investment horizon, will we place our funds? And finally, third: what instruments do we choose - mutual funds, shares, bonds, deposits, real estate, currency? The size of the amount you want to manage also matters: if investments in a bank deposit are possible from a minimum level, literally $300, then investments in the real estate market will require several tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Also, remember not to put all your eggs in one basket. You need to invest in different assets.

Before investing, make sure that you have created the necessary reserves and strengthened your rear, namely:

  • insure life and disability;
  • create an emergency reserve of funds in case of job loss for at least a quarter, and preferably for six months;
  • select and start creating your own pension program.

Bank deposits

One of the traditional ways of saving money is bank deposits. Reliability (especially for an amount not exceeding the state-guaranteed framework for deposit insurance - 700,000 rubles) and a known income in advance - these qualities make deposits an indispensable tool in an investor’s portfolio. With the help of a deposit, you can insure the risks of investing in other assets, for example, invest part of the funds in shares and the other in deposits. Income received from deposits can compensate, at least partially, for losses incurred when the value of securities falls.

The positive side of the deposit can be considered liquidity, that is, the ability to turn the deposit into cash at any time, even if early closure of the deposit entails a loss of interest. Not every instrument allows you to quickly convert an asset into cash. For example, real estate does not have such a property. The deposit well illustrates the rule that the higher the reliability, the lower the profitability.

Often a deposit is treated as a tool for increasing capital. This is fundamentally wrong. A deposit, as a rule, does not cover inflation; it is a tool for savings, accumulation, but in no case for increase. Therefore, if your goal is growth and you are ready for a certain level of risk, then it is wiser to combine the deposit with other, more profitable instruments.

Stock market

Capital increase is the prerogative of the stock market. Behind last year Russian indices showed an increase of more than 20%, in 2009 the indices shot up more than 120%, the profitability indicators of individual securities turned out to be three-digit. Therefore, if you want to increase your capital by investment portfolio In addition to deposits, you can and should include shares.

The portfolio must include “blue chips”, that is, shares of the largest Russian companies that are more predictable and reliable. Otherwise, portfolio construction strategies may vary.

Forming a portfolio

There are several main approaches to forming a financial portfolio. An aggressive strategy involves high risk but also high return and therefore includes large percentage shares - this instrument is characterized by high price fluctuations depending on supply and demand.

A conservative strategy involves a minimum level of risk, choosing low-risk instruments, for example 70–75% bonds and bank deposit and 20-25% of safe blue chip stocks. The low risks of this strategy also imply low income, which allows you not so much to earn money as to protect your money from inflation.

A moderate strategy is a combination of reasonable risk and average return, which implies the inclusion in the portfolio of a large share of shares (up to 50%), not only blue chips, but also shares of second-tier companies. Quite little attention from analysts to a number of second-tier companies and Limited information on these companies creates attractive investment opportunities. The following combination is typical for this strategy: 50–55% are shares, 35–40% are debt instruments, that is, reliable bonds, bank deposits. Of course, the formation of an investment portfolio does not come down to bare recipes “take so much of this and so much of that, shake and don’t stir.”

In addition, depending on the experience and willingness of the investor to take risks, the investment portfolio may include not only stocks, but also so-called derivatives - futures and options, formed on the basis of low-liquid stocks or, for example, corporate bonds.


You can also include other instruments in your portfolio, such as currencies. As a rule, currency makes up about 5–10% of the portfolio, depending on the strategy, and insures the remaining assets. In addition to currency, this function can be performed by debt obligations, for example, Eurobonds of Russian issuers denominated in euros or dollars. Investments in currencies always carry certain risks, and it would be reasonable to insure investments in euros with investments in dollars, creating your own bi-currency basket, for example 55% of euros and 45% of dollars. It is preferable to invest in the currency of the country with the maximum reliability credit rating and the highest refinancing rate. For example, choosing, relatively speaking, between the dollar and the euro, an investor is more likely to give preference to the euro, since the refinancing rate is European Union higher than in the USA.

Precious metals

Investments in precious metals are a traditional way to reduce portfolio risks. There are several ways to invest in precious metals.

The easiest one is buying jewelry. However, as an investment, jewelry makes sense if it is rare or antique and has artistic value. Another way is to buy investment coins, but the bank does not always buy them back at attractive prices. Investments in precious metal bars also have their disadvantages, since when purchasing a gold bar, VAT is added to the cost of the gold bar, and when selling the bar, the bank does not return VAT. In addition, the bank takes a commission for processing the transaction and, when purchasing a bullion, may require an examination - at the expense of the client.

And finally, a method that allows you to invest in precious metals at the lowest cost is to open an impersonal metal account (UMA), when grams of precious metal are credited to the client’s account. In this case, the bank, as a rule, does not charge VAT and commissions for opening, closing and maintaining compulsory medical insurance. If the price of a precious metal increases, the account also increases; if the metal falls in price, then the account also decreases. You can also open a fixed-term compulsory medical insurance, when the account is credited with 1–4% per annum, but there are pitfalls: metal accounts are not covered by the law on deposit insurance, so in the event of a bank bankruptcy, the investor will wait for payments in the general queue.

In general, there are not only good or only bad financial instruments; each of them simply has its own specifics that must be taken into account in the work. But building a portfolio in accordance with an acceptable strategy can be quite a difficult task, so it is better for novice investors to entrust the creation and management of a portfolio to a professional, choosing, for example, an investment method such as a mutual fund, or using a trust management service.

The ruble is once again sliding down, and the currency is soaring in value. Money is taken out from under the mattress so that it is not eaten up by inflation. We will tell you how to increase money without risk by investing it profitably.

How to invest and increase money

In a rather unstable economic situation, more and more people are looking for ways to save and at the same time profitably invest their accumulated money. Let's look at the TOP 10 ways that will help solve this issue.

Savings account

The easiest way to increase money is to transfer it to a separate savings account. The main thing is that it is indefinite, with capitalization and the possibility of replenishment. And, of course, withdrawal of funds without loss of interest.

Such accounts are offered by many banks, including Tinkoff, VTB, Alfa-Bank, FC Otkritie. The rate on them is low, but is compensated by mobility in managing savings.

For interest to accrue, money must be kept in the account for at least one month.

Income card

In fact, this is the same savings account, only for plastic card. You can go to the store with this card, pay on the Internet, and withdraw funds. And interest will be accrued monthly.

Many banks, in addition to this function, also offer cashback. This way you can save on purchases, because from 1% to 5% of the money spent will be returned to your account.

For example, such income cards can be ordered at Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank, Promsvyazbank, Raiffeisenbank, Binbank, FC Otkritie.

Time deposit

The essence of the investment is that you deposit money into an account for a certain period and receive a fixed interest upon its expiration.

Rates vary from bank to bank, and the maximum you can earn is:

  • if you invest money on a deposit under special conditions - for example, Immediately 7 from Alfa-Bank or In the game! from MTS Bank;
  • if you issue an additional product, for example, a policy endowment insurance life;
  • if you open an account online;
  • if you belong to a preferential group of depositors - for example, Sberbank and Rosselkhozbank increase the rate on deposits for pensioners.

The deposit term and amount influence the rate. The more money you invest, the more interest you will receive.

Do not forget that bank deposits are insured for amounts up to 1.4 million rubles - but provided that the bank has membership in the DIA. Otherwise, the deposit does not protect anything, and you can lose your savings if the license is revoked or the institution goes bankrupt.


One of the least risky ways to profitably invest and increase money in the stock market is to purchase bonds federal loan. There is only one risk of losing an asset - the state will default on its obligations. But even in the current difficult economic situation this is unlikely.

The OFZ yield is determined by the offer; on average, it is at the level of 7-8% per annum. You can earn extra money if you buy a bond at a price below par and wait until it matures.

For example, as of August 13, OFZ issue 46020 was sold at a price of 880 rubles. If you buy it and wait for maturity in 2036, then in addition to the coupon income of 8.27%, you can earn another 120 rubles from one bond.

OFZ can be purchased through any Russian broker. They are traded on the Moscow Exchange.


So-called “people's” bonds are distributed only in Sberbank and VTB. Minimum amount purchases – 50 pieces. The cost of OFZ-n is determined by the Ministry of Finance and is usually in the region of 95-98% of the nominal value.

The third issue of OFZ-n provides for a stepwise increase in yield - from 6% to 8.6%. The total coupon income for 3 years will be 219.53 rubles with a face value of 1000 rubles, i.e. the total return on the instrument is 21.9% for three years or 7.3% for one year.

The disadvantages of OFZ-n, as one of the ways to increase money, are limited liquidity and high commissions. The advantages are predictable profitability, the possibility of bequeathing paper and ultra-reliability.

Real estate

“Square meters” have always been considered a particularly reliable way to increase money without risk. And even now, when real estate prices are falling, this asset remains quite valuable and attractive in the eyes of investors. The reason is that the apartment can be used not only for making a profit, but also for personal residence, i.e. it has value in itself.

Now that home prices have fallen and mortgage rates are at historic lows, investing in real estate is one of the... promising directions investments.

You can reduce costs even further if you invest in housing during the construction phase. But this increases the risks: unfinished construction, fraud, increased costs...

Mutual funds

A balanced portfolio of mutual funds is ideal for investors with relatively small capital - literally 50-60 thousand rubles is enough to invest in 5-6 promising mutual funds and increase them.

Mutual funds invest in several securities at once within the same industry or country. This allows you to achieve diversification already at the initial stage. But you can reduce risks if you invest in different mutual funds - bonds, stocks, industry and real estate.

In this case, you will not depend on the value of only one type of asset. For example, when stocks fall, investors flock to bonds and real estate as protective instruments.

If your portfolio contains mutual funds of different directions, then you will be protected from a wide variety of risks.


Exchange investment fund invests in a specific index, for example, the RTS or S&P 500. Unlike mutual funds, ETFs do not involve active management, which allows them to save on maintenance. If in the case of mutual funds you pay 3-5% for management, then for buying and selling ETF shares it is enough to pay a standard brokerage commission.

Since an ETF, when forming the structure of its assets, strives to match the index as closely as possible, its value also depends on the price of the index. As practice shows, indices have been growing over the years - therefore, the price of ETF shares is also increasing.

You can additionally earn money by receiving dividends.

Structured products with capital protection

They consist of two parts:

  • base part – funds are invested in deposits or OFZ;
  • risky – money is invested in a speculative asset.

For example, 95% of funds can be invested in OFZs, and 5% in Coca-Cola shares. If, after the agreed period, the shares rise, the investor will receive a large profit - exactly how much depends on the terms of the contract. If the shares fall, the investor will receive only the planned income - for example, 6% per annum.

The larger the base part, the lower the potential income, the lower the risks. The investor's task is to find a balance between risk and return.

Endowment life insurance

If you are determined to save a tidy sum using a risk-free method, take out an NSJ policy. During its validity you will receive insurance protection from various troubles, including disability or death (the specific set of risks will be determined by agreement).

Part of the funds transferred by you to pay for the policy will be invested by the management company in low-risk assets. If the insurance expires and you never use it, you will get that money back plus income.

An insurance policy is both an investment and insurance in one package. And no risks.


Thus, even in unstable financial times, the market is full of offers on how to invest and increase money without risk. The main thing is to choose what is right for you, based on the minimum entry threshold, potential profitability and your understanding of how exactly this instrument works. With the help of such assets, you can significantly increase your savings without unnecessary risk.

Many citizens of our country believe that only wealthy people who have decent capital can invest money. In fact, there are many ways that allow you to get decent passive income from any financial investments. In this article we will find out how to increase your capital with a small amount of money.

Bank deposit

The easiest way to increase your capital is to open a deposit account in a bank. This investment method is the most popular due to its accessibility.

If you decide to invest your money in a bank, pay attention to the following important points:

  • Deposit term. Before depositing your money into your account, first carefully consider whether you will need to use it urgently;
  • View deposit. There are programs that allow you to do additional contributions or partially withdraw money from the account before the deposit expires. Choose an investment option on the most favorable terms for you;
  • Currency. Pay special attention to interest rate on foreign currency deposits;
  • Selecting a financial and credit organization. Banks offer depositors different deposit programs, from which they need to choose the best option.

A deposit in a bank is the most the best option, them due to inflation. If you are interested, you need to look for another, more profitable investment instrument.

Precious metals

Nowadays, many people are wondering. The most reliable and affordable way is investing money in precious metals. Some banks offer to invest capital in unallocated metal accounts. In this case, you can not only save your money, but also make money on the increase in the value of precious metals.

Novice investors sometimes doubt? During a crisis, the value of this precious metal usually begins to rise, but when the situation stabilizes, the reverse process occurs. Gold is an excellent long-term investment option as the risk of a sharp depreciation of this asset is minimal.

Investment mutual funds

Another very profitable and convenient option on how to increase your small capital- these are mutual funds. This investment instrument works in this way - the investor buys a registered security (share), the price of which, with reasonable management of funds, can increase significantly. It is most profitable to invest in an organization that allows you to sell your share at any time and receive money for it. Closed-end mutual funds exchange shares for money only after the fund ceases operation. Interval mutual funds exchange securities for cash at predetermined periods. This happens several times a year.

Investing in mutual funds is considered a long-term investment. Its profitability largely depends on the economic situation of the country. When choosing, try to pay special attention mutual funds, since their activities are controlled by the state. If the organization goes bankrupt for some reason, the owner of the funds can transfer his share to the management of another mutual fund.

Foreign currency

Many of our compatriots prefer to keep their capital in foreign currency. Basically, if you have little savings and can't decide, you can buy 100 or 1000 dollars.

Foreign currency will most likely increase in value against rubles over time, but sometimes its rate falls, so be careful and prudent. The most important thing is that this does not happen at the moment when you need the deferred amount. Additionally, at times, one currency may depreciate against another. It is also worth noting that sometimes ruble bank deposits in the long term bring more profit than the currency that is stored “under your pillow”. Therefore, if you do not know how to preserve and increase capital, you should not constantly keep money in foreign currency. If financial analysts they are starting to say that the currency may soon fall in price, it is better to sell it and then buy it again, but cheaper. Such manipulations will allow you to make a small profit.

Someone else's business

When it comes to that, it’s worth discussing investing in other people’s business projects separately. Many citizens who have small savings refuse this method of investing money because they are afraid that the project will fail and they will be left with nothing.

If you have $1,000 and are thinking about how to increase your capital, you can consider buying securities as an option. This amount is quite enough to invest in stocks or bonds. This type of investment is suitable for people who are well versed in the stock market and can predict in advance which securities will rise in price in the near future.

The stock market is not stable, so you have to be very careful. The issuing company may go bankrupt, and then you will lose all your funds. However, under favorable conditions, shares can bring good profits. This is one of the most effective ways, how to quickly increase capital, which is successfully used by many experienced investors.

Own business

This is the most difficult, but at the same time, the most interesting option on how to increase capital in 2016. Such an investment instrument is accompanied by a high risk of losing money, but if your enterprise becomes successful, the initial investment will increase significantly.

If you decide to invest your savings in a business, you should remember that your own business will take a lot of your time and effort. In any case, it is worth trying yourself in this field, as you will gain invaluable experience that may be useful in the future.

To get a good profit from such investments, you need to have certain knowledge. A novice businessman must know how to increase the equity capital of an enterprise in order to make it successful and independent of external factors.

PAMM accounts

In our changing times, many people have begun to think about how to increase capital without risk and protect it from inflation. The most popular investment method, which is perfect for novice investors, is the stock market. This investment instrument can be used by anyone, since it does not require special education. If you don’t know anything about this matter, you can use the services of intermediary brokers who have extensive experience in trading securities on the exchange.

To control all processes occurring with your money, use special programs connected to exchange terminals. This will allow you to receive relevant information, analyze it and make informed choices. If you are limited in time and cannot afford to manage your finances on your own, seek professional help. They will select a fund suitable for investment for you and evaluate everything possible risks and roughly calculate future profits.

If you want to minimize risks and increase capital, there can be a variety of ways. One of them is PAMM accounts. This investment tool will allow you to significantly increase your income. By investing money in a PAMM account, you sign an agreement under which your finances are transferred to trust management experienced trader. He manages the investments at his own discretion, and you receive passive income from your investments.

Exchange trading

This is another quite popular way in our time to quickly increase capital. You can invest small amounts of money in stock speculation. You can bid with as little as $10-$20.

This option is great for people who want to get maximum income With small investment. But such an investment instrument is accompanied by high risks. You can make good money or even lose all your savings. In addition, to trade on the stock exchange you will need certain knowledge. Before doing this, it is advisable to take special training courses. This type of investment is suitable for those who are ready to learn own mistakes and lose your money in the process.

Pension funds

This is the most long-term type of investment. Today, various private companies offer their services. pension funds. This type of investment will be of interest to those people who, for some reason, cannot have children who could provide for them in old age.

The level of profitability of such an investment instrument is very vague, since no one can predict the level of inflation, for example, in 20–25 years. Therefore, before investing money in funded pension insurance, you need to think carefully about everything, and also weigh the pros and cons.


If you are wondering how to increase your net worth, there is no need to rush. Of course, this problem can be solved using traditional proven methods, for example, opening a deposit account in a bank or investing money in gold. But in order to quickly get a good result, you need to follow all the changes taking place in the world of finance and use new investment tools.

You go to work every morning, day after day, year after year. And your whole life is more like Groundhog Day. Every day is similar to the previous one. You safely spend all your income received at work on life. The result is a vicious circle. What's next? - you think. Something needs to be changed in this life. One way to break the current situation is to invest.

After all, what is investing?

Investment is investing money today in order to receive it tomorrow, but in larger quantities. Or receiving permanent passive income from funds once invested.

Of course, you won’t be able to find a large amount right away. Most investors start with very modest amounts that they manage to save from their salaries. The main thing here is consistency and time. Taken together with these parameters, any, even insignificant, capital can grow into a fairly decent amount, allowing its owner to receive a very good income that will exceed your current income. Please note that this will be completely passive income, generated with virtually no participation from you.

Beginning investors face many questions, the main one being where to invest. Especially if we are talking about a very small amount of money. It is the limitation on the volume of invested funds that makes its adjustments to possible investments. But nevertheless, even with little money, there are many ways to earn and increase your hard-earned money.

6 ways to invest money for a beginner

Investing in bank deposits

Bank deposits or deposits are the simplest and most reliable type of investment. When you open a bank deposit, you will know in advance. what income you will receive at the end of the term. And most importantly, GUARANTEED INCOME. Deposits are practically the only financial instrument, the profitability of which is known in advance. Other investments do not carry such a guarantee. In them you can both earn and lose. Also, do not forget that the safety of deposits is guaranteed by the state (in the amount of 1.4 million rubles). If the amount exceeds this threshold, then it is better to open several deposits in different banks.

Bank deposits are used mainly as a means of initial capital accumulation. When a certain level of funds in the account is reached, other investment opportunities become available to the investor. Why? The answer is quite simple - very low profitability. Typically, deposit rates are within the inflation rate. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will get rich by investing in deposits.

Currency deposits

In the context of a difficult economic situation in the country, foreign currency deposits again began to gain popularity. The ruble is rapidly losing its position compared to other financial payment systems. And in order to somehow preserve their savings, deposits in foreign currency are used. And although the yield on such deposits is quite modest, around 2-5% per annum, real earnings can exceed the current yield several times. Due to the weakening of the ruble and, accordingly, the strengthening of the currency.

It was foreign currency deposits that were the most profitable over the past 5 years among the main types of investments. Those who opened similar deposits several years ago have already earned more than 230% profit. For comparison, simple ruble deposits for the same period showed a return of 83%.

Investments in mutual funds

  • possibility of investing small amounts
  • tax exemption
  • no need to store at home, exposing the risk of theft
  • can be bought and sold in parts, if necessary

Other possible ways investments in gold (purchase of bullion, gold coins) - have precisely those disadvantages that are advantages of compulsory medical insurance.