What to invest in. Where to invest small money

Hello! Today we will talk about investing for beginners, because. more and more people are interested in how to increase income.

Today you will learn:

  • What rules exist in the investment market;
  • How to minimize risks;
  • What useful tips do experienced investors give to beginners.

What is investing

Investment It is a way to generate income with minimal labor costs.

This form of passive income does not involve physical labor, allowing you to increase your finances at any time. Well-known economists characterize investing as a contribution to their own prosperous future, which can free them from material problems in the future.

For most people, investing is associated with a complex process, millions of dollars in turnover, in which only large corporations participate.

The most common myths are:

  • Investing is available only to wealthy entrepreneurs. Anyone can become an investor and the contribution has no minimum threshold. Even an amount of 1000 rubles invested in the purchase of foreign currency can bring good interest over time.
  • The investor must have special education and business experience. This type of activity rather requires judgment, the ability to think logically and an understanding of the processes of the economy. If you do not want to delve into the structure of financial pyramids or fluctuations in quotes, you can limit yourself to bank deposits and long-term deposits with minimal risk.
  • All transactions are very risky. In fact, investing has many options, each of which is subject to risk. But any enterprise or also is not insured against ruin, fires or man-made disasters that can bring losses to the owner.

Investing is an interesting way to earn money that has no limits. Start with small amounts and slowly move towards your goal.

Types of investments

For work, economists use the classification of investments according to several criteria.

It depends:

  1. From the chosen form of ownership: private or public. The division denotes who provided the funds for the projects or contribution.
  2. From object: real, financial and speculative. The former involve the purchase of property rights, real estate, patents. Speculative ones are based on changes in the price of assets (fluctuations in currency quotes, the cost of precious metals). Financial means dealing with precious metals, shares or currencies.
  3. From the duration of the investment: short-term (no more than a year), medium-term (no more than 5 years), long-term (more than 5 years).
  4. From the purpose of investment: direct (commercial or Residential Properties), (in the construction of production or raw materials), non-financial (intellectual projects, scientific developments).
  5. By degree of risk: conservative, moderate and aggressive.

For beginner investors, the question often arises: how to distinguish ordinary investments from financial speculation, because they have many common features. Most economists divide them according to the investment period: if it is less than one year, then we are talking about speculation.

financial investments

For a novice private investor, financial investments are of the greatest interest. They are always aimed at obtaining material income. The objects for transactions are securities various kinds, shares and shares in projects. This includes the purchase of shares and debt securities, trade loans and bills.

Profit can be earned in two common ways:

  • Payment of due interest is stable and regular;
  • Income from the sale of a security at an increased price.

A novice investor himself must decide what types of financial investments he will work with. Some people prefer long-term investments and a constant stable income in a small amount. Fans of quick returns choose riskier operations with stocks and bonds.

Novice Investor Dictionary

You should start working with investments by studying the basic terms and concepts that are actively used by specialists in their work.

The most common are:

  • Assets- everything that can bring profit to an investor: company shares, various real estate, precious metals.
  • Dividends- a certain part of the net income of a commercial company, which is distributed among its shareholders. The concept does not apply to profits received in investment projects.
  • Quotation- the price or fixed rate of the asset or financial instrument for which the transaction is planned.
  • Trader- a person who is actively trading in the financial market, operating with investors' money.
  • Exchange– the market of various financial assets (currency, gold or stocks). This entity, which is a kind of intermediary between investors, sellers and buyers and sellers of financial assets.
  • Liquidity- the term refers to the ability of a certain asset to be quickly realized on the market if necessary.
  • Kitcheninvestment company, which does not conduct transactions in the real market, playing against its own clients.
  • Aggressive investors- players who are ready to take any risk for the sake of high profits.
  • trusted manager– during the term of the transaction manages assets for a specified percentage, but the funds remain with the owner.
  • Deposit- a certain amount that is deposited in the bank's depository for safekeeping and can bring income in the form of interest.

In addition to general terms, a novice investor should know narrower names:

  • HYIP projects- specially designed investment programs that can bring a lot of income. The vast majority of investors classify them as risky financial pyramids.
  • pyramid ponzi- a structure in which investors make a profit by attracting new participants. She worked actively in the early 90s, attracting people by making big profits in a short time (the infamous MMM or Khoper-Invest).
  • PAMM account– a special trading account that has a module for managing the percentage distribution of finances between all participants. Its main function is to manage the common capital of several investors and the manager himself. The latter receives a fixed percentage of income, and the total amount of profit is automatically distributed among all depositors.
  • Capital PAMMaccounts- the total amount of all investments accumulated in the open account.
  • Manager's offer- a specially executed agreement with the investor, which stipulates the percentage (or amount) of the income received, the rules for the distribution of profits and other important provisions.
  • Investment funds- specialized companies that are engaged in attracting financial investments with their further placement on PAMM accounts, participation in exchange transactions and other projects.

This is just a minimal set of terms that will be updated as you work with investments. A good help will be additional study of online courses, which are increasingly being conducted by various traders, training centers and investment companies.

Many wealthy entrepreneurs started out with small investments of personal savings.

In autobiographies and useful articles, they willingly share with beginners useful recommendations that can be used on initial stage:

  • Learning the basics of investing. To work in this area, it is not necessary to have an economic education and experience in the stock exchange. But knowledge of the basic terms and methods is necessary to understand the processes, it will help you independently study market news and speak the same language with brokers. To gain knowledge, you can regularly participate in seminars, read articles by famous investors and managers, read books on similar topics.
  • Set a specific goal. After learning the important fundamentals of investing, you need to set a goal: what income should be received? Reaching this threshold stimulates and spurs action. It is better to break a big global goal (to earn a million dollars) into several real steps.
  • Choosing a work style. There is an aggressive and a conservative way of investing. Conservatives are more frugal, trying to invest in low-risk assets. Aggressors are not afraid to take risks for the sake of making big profits. Further tactics of work, assessment of investment risks also depend on the method.
  • Determine the financial limit. You should start investing by counting your own free Money. Do not invest large amounts borrowed at first. It is better to start with small investments that you can part with without much loss. It is necessary to allocate a certain minimum amount for the start, the loss of which will not be global for a novice investor.
  • Looking for a broker. This is an important step that should be taken carefully. Good financial specialist has many references and clients. The end result directly depends on his mobility and ingenuity.
  • Assessing the degree of risk. Any trade in investing will have a percentage of risk. The choice of strategy is directly related to the ultimate goals of the investor: if he wants a quick profit to buy a ticket for the holiday, he will have to pay attention to transactions with a high degree risk. If the task is to collect for retirement additional income, you can limit yourself to working with proven financial assets (long-term deposits in a bank).
  • Choosing a field for activity. At the initial stage, it is better to divide finances and try to work with different types of investments, to purchase currencies, stocks and deposits. After summing up the first results and making a profit, it will be easier for a novice investor to decide on the direction of work.
  • We diversify investments. This is the basic rule of any investor, which is to use several instruments at the same time. Eg, good option will be the opening of long-term deposits, the purchase of precious metals and participation in mutual funds, which will give a profit at different times and provide the investor with a stable income.
  • We review our portfolio more often. Working with several types of financial projects at once, it is necessary to constantly monitor the price level, stock market news. Some securities go down or up in value quickly, so a beginner should keep an eye on their balance sheet.

A novice investor should remember these rules of work and actively use them in all areas: real estate and bank deposits, the foreign exchange market and mutual funds.

The main ways to invest for beginners

Analyzing the work of experienced investors, their level of income and preferences, one can compile a kind of rating of available and simple species investment for beginners.

Bank deposits

This financial instrument is considered the most reliable and affordable, because there are bank branches even in small towns and cities. The positive features include insurance of deposits up to 1.4 million rubles, which almost 100% guarantees the return of invested money. This is the answer to the question: where to invest without risk? The presence of special programs and online accounts for users makes it easier for the investor to track rates and the emergence of new profitable offers.

Of the negative points - no high percent on deposits, which will not bring excess profits. more suitable for long-term investments for the future, which will give a good increase in pension or help raise funds for the purchase of real estate for the family.

Securities in any form

This type of investment requires advanced economic skills. Stocks, bonds or bills are suitable as securities. The choice should be justified and practical, based on market trends, analytical data. Alternatively, you can entrust your investments to professional market players.

Profit from securities does not have a maximum, but this type of investment does not give a 100% guarantee of its receipt. There are many cases when the shares of a little-known enterprise in a few years brought income ten times higher than the initial investment.

Acquisition of real estate

- a popular option among investors of different levels. Housing is always in demand, it can be sold on the secondary market. The main difficulty is the dependence of the price on the state of the economy in the region or country.

In the case of real estate, an investor can receive income in two ways:

  • Active (its implementation);
  • Passive (renting).

Among professionals, there are whole schemes of working with real estate which give a good profit.

For this, apartments and houses are purchased:

  • At the stage of laying the foundation and before the implementation of the entire residential complex, when the price is the lowest;
  • At the time of the maximum price decline in the real estate market due to economic or political circumstances;
  • In a non-residential state, they carry out repairs at minimal cost and sell at a high margin.

Gaining popularity in recent years next view: the investor purchases an apartment on the ground floor of the building, converts it into non-residential premises and rents it out as an office, shop or pharmacy to third parties. This is a very profitable event, because the monthly rent is 3-4 times higher than payments for a residential apartment.

Investments in the Forex market (Forex)

This name is often found by active users on the Internet. Forex is an international financial market where currencies are exchanged at free prices. It is open and accessible to beginners and experienced investors, individuals. There are special training programs that introduce you to the rules of working in the market free of charge. If there is no desire to understand the intricacies currency transactions, you can resort to the services of trusted traders.

precious metals

The purchase of products and ingots made of precious metals can be called the most ancient type of investment on the planet. In addition to gold, platinum, silver and palladium can bring a good income. In the last decade alone, the market value of gold has increased 6 times.

Expensive metals are not subject to deformation and corrosion, they are in stable demand even during the economic crisis. In any situation, they are easy to implement and get money.

In addition to buying scrap and jewelry, there are several other ways to invest:

  • Acquisition of shares or shares in a gold mining company;
  • Purchase of high-quality ingots;
  • Opening ;
  • Opening a special "gold" deposit in the bank.

The last option brings profit the fastest, has minimal risk. Interest on such a deposit can be received in any currency, as with a regular deposit.

Mutual funds

The essence of the activity mutual fund(PIF) - the disposal of assets that are provided by depositors on the basis of an agreement. The fund's experts invest them in profitable commercial projects, corporate securities, receiving interest from the trust management of money. Relations between the parties are regulated by a special agreement.

The positive side of investing in mutual funds:

  • Professionalism of employees who are experienced investors;
  • Availability to any individual;
  • State control over mutual funds;
  • No taxation of income.

Participation in mutual funds brings an average of 20-30% profit, which is much higher than the deposit rates of well-known banks.

Promising startups

Quite a risky way to invest for beginners. Only every 4-5 projects gives a good profit, and you need to have a certain entrepreneurial flair to determine it.

You can find a project for investment on special sites, or by offering your services as an investor to enterprising friends. The choice of direction is unlimited by the type of project or its geography: modern technologies do not require the presence of an investor in the team, so you can invest in domestic or foreign startups.

If you make up comparative analysis of all the listed options for a novice investor, then it will look more clearly in the table:

Investment method Terms of asset placement

Advantages of the method

Bank deposits At least a year

Low risk on deposits

Any securities No clear limits

Profit has no limit

Buying a property More than 3 years

Good asset liquidity, passive income opportunity

Forex Market No restrictions and deadlines

Fast return on investment and small start-up capital

precious metals Over 5 years

Constant price increase, high liquidity

Mutual funds Minimum 3 months

Does not require knowledge and skills, the ability to earn a decent income

Promising startups At least six months

Large selection of interesting and promising projects

A novice investor should not actively engage in unfamiliar types of investment. It is better to give money to the most studied market instrument or to resort to the services of experienced traders, investment funds. Diversifying across multiple options will increase your chances of earning high returns and reduce your risk of loss.

How to avoid investment risks?

Getting a return on investment is almost always accompanied by risk. It is the higher, the greater the expected income from the transaction or contribution.

Absolutely safe financial instruments do not exist, and even a stable bank can go bankrupt in an economic crisis.

Therefore, the task of a novice investor is to learn how to minimize their risks.

Investment experts give some useful tips to help a beginner avoid failures and get the first income:

  • It is necessary to invest amounts that are not intended for the needs of the family (payment for food or housing). It is better to manage "free" finances, the loss of which will not lead to a decrease in the usual standard of living;
  • Remember the rule of diversification: do not invest all free funds in one project, but distribute them into several different options;
  • Withdraw money and income from the project as soon as possible, review the status of all investments in a timely manner;
  • Turn to the help of professionals, select traders based on reviews and recommendations;
  • Do not succumb to emotions and an inner voice that will push you to rash impulsive decisions in the hope of making a quick profit. Each contribution must be considered from all sides.

Like any type of business, investing has pitfalls and secrets that are revealed gradually. The path to success runs through a series of failures and profitable deals, and the experience gained helps to better navigate in future work.

Common mistakes of a novice investor

The main misconception is the need to have a large starting amount for the initial work. Many investors start out by investing small personal savings that come back with income. Any financier will confirm that it is better to put them into circulation than to store them in anticipation of a “rainy day”.

A novice investor can quickly lose money if he makes such mistakes:

  • Do not engage in self-development and neglect the study of the basics of investing. Of great importance is the completeness of information and the ability to analyze it, which will help to reduce risky transactions to a minimum;
  • Fear total collapse. Investing will always be accompanied by the risk of losing part of the capital. A reasonable approach and constant study of trends will help develop a professional flair, quickly navigate the fluctuations in rates;
  • Expect big income. Many investors prefer steel trades with a 10-15% return, which have minimal risk. This helps to increase capital gradually, without losing or being disappointed in the chosen activity;
  • Use credits and loans. The loss of these amounts will lead to a large loss and the need to pay additional interest from your own money;
  • Blindly trust ratings. A novice investor should constantly consider information that helps to choose the best project. But the rating should be supported by personal knowledge, analyzes latest news exchanges or market;
  • be lazy. Those who want to get a big profit from investing should remember that this type of business is for active people. You can attend trainings on, devote more time to motivation and communication with dynamic entrepreneurs, start learning foreign languages.

Investing is a serious and interesting activity that can turn passive savings into a stable income. Perhaps this exciting process will appeal to novice investors who want to make it their main and favorite work.

Hello! Today we'll talk about where to invest money. There is a certain solid amount, and you want to increase it with minimal risks? Where to invest money with maximum benefit? What principles guide experienced investors. You can find out more about all this below. Do not neglect this information, because the best investment is an investment in the form of knowledge.

financial cushion

Where is it profitable to invest money

There are many ways to invest. Among them are not entirely legal methods and projects that are aimed at extracting money from illiterate and gullible investors. How not to get lost in all the variety of offers and not run into a scam.

Let's talk about where is the best place to invest money. Consider traditional investment methods already tested by time and experienced investors. At the same time, the risks are moderate, and the profitability is quite predictable.

Invest in bank deposits

Invest money at interest in a bank- the most common way, but due to high level inflation in the country, it cannot be called super profitable. At best, you can count on keeping your funds at the same level as at the time of the deposit.

The Russian Federation recently adopted a law that guarantees the depositor the payment of 1 million rubles (instead of 700 thousand previously established) in the event of a bank failure. Provided that the bankrupt financial institution has a banking license.

Sberbank is one of the most popular banks in Russia, but it cannot boast of high interest rates on deposits. If you are interested in the question of where to invest money so as not to lose, this option is for you. Here the level of risks is the smallest. After all, this is one of the most reliable and time-tested banks. In addition, there is an opportunity to invest a small amount of money, with almost a full return guarantee.

What are the benefits of investing in a bank?

  1. Little chance of losing money.
  2. You can return funds at any time.
  3. You can start with 1000 rubles.
  4. Simple rules and clearness of the whole process.

The cons are obvious:

  1. perhaps the lowest profitability of all possible ways of investing;
  2. Early withdrawals will forfeit interest.

Bank deposits are divided into several categories depending on the term:

  • Term deposits - funds are kept in the bank for a certain period, when withdrawing money ahead of time, the bank imposes penalties on the depositor. This may be deprivation of part of the interest on the deposit. The contract may establish a period during which the money is returned in case of early termination of obligations.
  • Perpetual deposits - the contract in this case is free from strict mandatory deadlines. You can withdraw money at any time. But a small account balance is expected so that the contract does not terminate. If there is no balance, then the next time you will have to conclude a contract again.
  • Deposits with monthly accruals on the account. In this case, interest is transferred to the depositor every month. Funds can be withdrawn or left and thereby increase the amount on which interest will be charged.
  • Deposits with payment of interest only at the end of the period specified in the agreement. You can conclude a contract for a year and receive interest only after this period, not earlier. Such deposits can be made out for any period - a month, six months, a year or more.

Invest in stock markets

Stock market- the second most popular way of investing. It is based on the acquisition of securities (bonds, stocks and futures).

Allows you to get much more income than from bank deposits. However, relatively significant risks must also be taken into account.

To invest in this area, it is useful to contact special brokerage companies or banks that deal with the stock market and operations on it. To date, the most famous brokerage companies are Aton and Otkritie. These are reliable systems with minimal risks to invest money in Russia.

You can invest for a short time, and then such investors are often called speculators. They are engaged in the sale and purchase of securities in a matter of minutes, a maximum of a week.

Medium-term investors hold stocks from a few weeks to months.

If the shares are bought for several years, then this is a long-term investment.

You can manage funds on your own, or you can contact traders or specialized funds. The latter includes a mutual fund - a mutual investment fund. This organization itself forms an investment portfolio consisting of shares, deposits, bonds and other things. Independently sells these shares, in a different way, shares.

Certain periods are set, after which the investor receives interest in accordance with the size of the contributed share. But the fund can also bring losses if the income is less than the amount of investments.

The main advantages of investing in funds:

  • the percentage of profit is higher than from deposits in banks;
  • you can invest in different instruments - types of securities;
  • you can independently compile an investment portfolio, having studied in detail the ratio of income and risks. In this case, there is a chance to invest money very profitably.

Disadvantages of stock markets:

  • the process is not as simple as bank deposits;
  • the risk of losing funds is increased;
  • if you engage in independent investment, you need special knowledge.

Shares are securities confirming the right to participate in the authorized capital of the company. They bring their owners a part of the profits of the company. This is a chance to invest today in order to get a possible profit in the future. Big profit characteristic such investments, but the risk remains that the company may go bankrupt.

In this case, it is important to learn how to make a forecast and cash out money on time. As soon as the company starts to lose its positions.

Invest money in Forex

I myself learned to trade on stock exchange and got a little hooked on Forex. Believe me, there is nothing to do there without knowledge and trading skills. Before my eyes, 90% of people were losing money, 7% were working for nothing and 3% were making money. True, there are examples of those who earn not decently much on this, but these are few. If you are interested in this activity, then try it!

The world's global currency exchange market - Forex. The whole principle is to exchange almost any monetary unit. Most transactions take place in one day, and investors-speculators earn on them, respectively.

Forex is designed to make money in the shortest possible time. But the risks involved are huge. In the same few days, you can lose all your capital.

Currently, there are special companies - Forex brokers. They offer Forex services.

Here you need to be as careful as possible, because fraudulent companies have appeared. They create special programs that simulate trading on the world market. As a result, the depositor plays some fictitious game on his computer and, of course, loses all his funds.

Before turning to Forex brokers, you need to read reviews about the company, visit the office, and make sure in any other ways of reliability.

Advantages of the Forex market:

  • relatively small initial funds (minimum $100);
  • quick earnings due to high leverage;
  • there are enough investment instruments and they correspond to currency pairs.

The disadvantages are very high risks of losing money in a short time. Investing requires considerable knowledge and skills, which are acquired with great difficulty over many years of hard work. According to statistics, only 2-3% of traders trade in plus. Encouraged by beautiful stories, newcomers always believe that they will definitely fall into this cherished 2-3%. Don't be fooled, they'll get it all out in no time. Only by devoting a lot of time and effort to this business, having learned to control risks and mastering your emotions, you may have a chance to start earning.

Investing in PAMM accounts

Successful traders offer Forex deposit services. Convenient, because you do not need to learn the rules of investing and learn all the intricacies of successful deposits.

You can easily get from 4 to 7% of profit per month. The whole point is to transfer finance to the manager. He, in turn, makes the money work, and the profit is usually divided in half 50 to 50. If you invest a lot of money, the investor can get better conditions. For example, 70 to 30 of the profit in favor of the investor.

It is also always possible to invest money at the expected high percentage if the manager uses aggressive trading strategies. People invest money, often in such managers. But do not forget that your risks of losing funds are also greatly increased. By the way, in Pamm accounts there is an opportunity to invest money on the Internet, it is not necessary to go somewhere.

All money is kept in collection agency, so there is no risk that the manager appropriates all the funds and disappears. He is interested in making a profit. His income depends entirely on how he manages to work for stock market.

A natural question arises, where to invest money so that they work, and where to find an intelligent manager.

There aren't many options.

An easy way to invest if you have enough funds to buy residential space or commercial property. The latter will provide more income, but it will also require certain knowledge and literacy.

Real estate is not only buildings, but also land, quarries, lakes, boats, airplanes.

This is not always a tool to earn, but a good tool not to lose! Real estate is always valuable. Moreover, the price is always going up. Secondly, you can not only buy it and wait for growth, but also actively use it to make money. Can be rented out or used for your own business. In any case, real estate is an excellent investment and not only in 2017-2018.

Moreover, you can buy both residential and commercial, although now I would focus more on commercial real estate. It is also profitable to buy private houses in poor condition in order to build new real estate in this area. In our city, this direction is actively developing and we also partially participate in this;)

Positive sides:

  • opportunity to receive passive income;
  • you can earn money on the difference between the purchase and sale prices;
  • good way saving money and protecting them from inflation;
  • real estate is a tangible asset that can be used for business or for settlement.

Negative sides:

  • you need to have a large initial capital;
  • cannot be sold quickly without losing market value;
  • possible damage to the asset by tenants, flood, fire, and so on. The way out is insurance, which will require additional costs.

You can invest in real estate in Russia. According to statistics, small-sized apartments, but located in a prestigious area, are in great demand. The cost is not so high, and repairs will be inexpensive, you do not need to purchase a lot of furniture. If you rent out such apartments, you can get up to 20% per annum. Payback occurs in 5-10 years.

There is a minus - it is difficult to find permanent tenants. The property owner has to periodically find tenants. If the apartment has a large area and rooms are not rented separately, then such housing will bring up to 7% per annum, the minimum payback period will be 10 years.

When buying and selling real estate, you need to be especially vigilant. Pay attention to the documents on the property and the contract. It is better to contact well-known real estate offices with a good reputation and a notary.

Invest in private lending

Such investments will bring high returns, up to 50% of net profit. Lending in private order today is developing at a rapid pace. But the risk in this case is huge - borrowed funds they just can't be returned. No competent and clear contract and careful selection of applicants gives a big guarantee for a refund with interest. It is most reasonable to engage in microcredit. When sums of money that do not differ in large sizes are issued for short periods.

There is a similar opportunity on the WebMoney website. Loan amounts and terms are small, interest rates are high. If you learn to distinguish a solvent person from a bankrupt or a swindler, then you can make good money. However, online lending is even more risky than conventional lending. Sometimes even the passport of the borrower is unknown.

Another convenient platform for borrowing is the BezBank platform. Conditions for investors are attractive. You just need to register and fill out an application for readiness to provide a loan. People who need money find offers, and the lender dictates his own rules - the size of the interest rate and the terms of the transaction.

The verification of a candidate for a loan is based on two indicators: the rating of activity on the site and the level of trust in the face of other creditors. Situations that are out of control are regulated by the collectors office. It is tied to this project.

Here you can also invest money to make a profit. Even if you invest a little money, there is still an opportunity to earn 50% simply and quickly. For example, if you lend 10,000 rubles, 15,000 are returned in seven days.

For a person with an entrepreneurial streak, there is no better way to invest. Risks, of course, remain, as with any investment. But they can be easily learned to manage. The businessman himself decides where to direct the funds so that they work and make a profit.

I consider investments in myself to be more optimal, maybe because I am not an investor. In my business, I am responsible for my investments, in fact, I invest in myself, and this is a big plus. Of course, there are also disadvantages - you have to work! But I have always invested and will invest in myself and my projects!

  • Cons: You have to work, there is a risk of burnout, this is not quite passive income.
  • Pros: You are in control, there are no income limits.

Almost any business needs start-up capital, if you don’t know where to get it, we advise you to read the following articles:

Effectively invest in ready business which generates income. Additional investment in this case will only increase the already existing profit.

It is much easier to attract co-investors to business projects. Business is easy. These are all positives. But there are also negative ones:

  • the risk is still high;
  • if this is a business project, then there is a risk of losing a share;
  • it is impossible to sell assets in a short time without losing value (goods, equipment).

Investments in precious metals

This is the oldest way of investing. It so happened that banknotes are tied to gold. In the second half of the 20th century, gold ceased to be the guarantor of the currency. But until now, precious metals are able to preserve and increase capital.

There are three common ways to invest money to earn on precious metals:

  • purchase of futures or shares, related funds and companies;
  • contribution to depersonalized metal accounts;
  • purchase of bullion from precious metals.

With the latter method, everything is clear: you need to come to the bank and buy bars there. The remaining 2 options require detailed explanations.

An unallocated metal account is an account that shows how many grams of the metal the client has purchased, but without specifying the sample, serial number and manufacturer.

Futures represent a contract for the supply of metal in a specific quantity. You can buy them on the exchanges. Thus, having bought the contract, the investor becomes the owner of the lot of metal.

This type of investment promises high stability. This is a good way to invest money now to save it and beat inflation.

Contributions to antiques and art

This option is more for those who know a lot about it! And who knows, he will understand. There are always people who are looking for rare things and buy. And this pleasure is worth a lot.

Example. Once my friend bought a GAZ 21 Volga car in good condition. In our city a couple of years ago you could buy a thousand for 50 rubles. He repainted it, installed a BMW engine (not a new one, of course) and an automatic transmission, shamanized the interior, and generally put it in order. He did it for himself, but the other day he was offered 800,000 rubles for it. He googled it and refused because it was also cheap! According to my rough calculations, investments are 300-400 thousand rubles, and the output is 800 tr. If you do this thoroughly, you can earn good money.

This is just a real life example. There may be many options.

To implement this method, considerable free funds are needed. But rare collectibles, paintings are becoming more expensive every year. An antique is considered to be a thing older than 50 years. Not every item can become valuable over the years. It can only be antiques that have artistic and historical value. You can only make a profit from antiques, which are recognized by leading connoisseurs of art and scientists.

You can buy and sell antiques, art and collections at auctions and exhibitions. There are also specialized stores.

There is one significant disadvantage in this type of investment - fakes and scammers. You definitely need an expert with special equipment to distinguish the original from the fake. Before investing in a particular piece of art, it is imperative to make an examination.

Investments in intellectual property

A patent can be obtained for a specific technology or invention. This is done so that other persons cannot use intellectual property without the permission of the author, inventor.

Then, if this invention or technology is introduced by someone into production in order to make a profit, you will receive your percentage in the form of passive income.

This method is beneficial for people who know who may need this or that technology in the future, and to whom it can be offered for use. The same goes for trademarks and brands. All this is called - intangible assets, that is, assets that cannot be touched.

You can earn passive income or make a profit on the resale of a trademark.

There are also risks, you may not find tenants and those who want to use this or that technology, patent, trademark.

Invest in Internet projects and startups

One of the most profitable ways where to invest money. At the same time, it is not necessary to look for Internet projects and invest money in them, giving funds to unknown people. Money can be invested on an investment platform with a license. The whole process is legal.

For example, the Share In Stock exchange, where online business owners present their projects. Investors can invest in these offers and receive income in the form of monthly payments.

The advantages of this type of investment:

  • minimum an initial fee- 1 dollar;
  • the opportunity to make a profit of 50-100% per year;
  • a large selection of projects for investment.

Negative sides:

  • risks, possible bankruptcy of the project;
  • knowledge in the field of marketing and technologies in the network is required and an understanding of whether the project will be of interest to the audience;
  • if there is no certain knowledge, then you need to hire a project manager.

- a project of a commercial orientation, implies a small investment that will pay off in a short time.

Investing in innovative startups is a profitable solution. You can find ideas on a special exchange, where you can also publish your startup. Napartner is the first exchange that brought together thousands of people from all CIS countries. There are many successful people, entrepreneurs, managers, directors and heads of successful companies among the participants. Goals of this project:

  1. help any startup to find funds for their project in the form of contributions;
  2. help the investor place his funds in profitable projects and receive income.

Why is investing in Internet projects so attractive for investors of any category? Because a person who decides to engage in this type of investment is not required to:

  1. Connections with the “right people”;
  2. The presence of large capital to start the construction of the project;
  3. Higher education and professional knowledge in the field of investment.

Investing in the Internet is subject to everyone, regardless of gender, age and social status.

Investments in information sites

Speaking about where you can invest money, do not forget about information sites that are gaining momentum. Good, high-quality sites with an active audience in large quantities are expensive, but they also bring their owners good money from advertising. Here is an example of a site that is sold on the exchange:

As we can see, it brings 31,800 rubles a month, it is sold for 1,281,250 rubles, but its optimal price is 1,050,000 rubles. Payback in 2 years maximum. This despite the fact that it was not even actively monetized. I know the seller of the site. Having bought such 3-5 sites, you can continue to develop them and get good money. In a year or two, the site will pay for itself and will bring net profit and keep rising in value.

I invest in the purchase and development of sites. True, I’m not buying for millions yet, but there were lots for tens and hundreds of thousands.

You can independently engage in PR for the group, or you can invest in special programs or hire a professional in this matter. After a sufficient number of people in the public, you can start placing ads. A day of advertising in groups with a large number of subscribers costs about 2-3 thousand rubles. It is not difficult to calculate the return on such an investment.

Investing in applications for smartphones based on iOS or Android

You can profit from applications that provide services and assistance. It will also bring income contribution to applications where useful information on one topic will be collected. Do not lose sight of the products that sell any product or service.

Contributions to endowment life insurance

This product combines two areas: the accumulation of money and insurance in case of illness, death, accident, survival.

The term of such a contract is usually 10-35 years. This method is good for achieving a goal that costs a lot of money. For example, buying real estate, education and more. It can also be used as a pension payment. By the end of the contract, you can receive the accumulated amount and investment income. But most likely, this income will not increase the funds, but only compensate for the level of inflation.

It is necessary to carefully study the offers from insurance companies and weigh the pros and cons.

Disadvantages of investing in HOA:

  1. insurance protection is valid after the first installment. In other words, the term does not matter if the insured event has already arrived. The entire amount specified in the contract will be paid;
  2. upon the onset insured event, payments are not taxed;
  3. the income received from insurance is not subject to confiscation, division in the event of a divorce, recovery by court decision.

Benefits of investing in HOA:

  1. payments are systematic - once a quarter, month or year;
  2. there is a risk that inflation will eat up all income by the end of the insurance period, or you can even end up in the red. The best solution is insurance pegged to the euro or dollar.
  3. Before the deadline, funds cannot be withdrawn without loss.

The method is well suited for diversifying an investment portfolio with good funds.

Investing in Personal Development

This type of investment assumes profit without loss. Risks are reduced to a minimum value. The benefit is 100%, and everyone can invest in training.

To do this, it is enough to sign up for all possible courses, trainings, seminars to gain knowledge and study foreign languages. It is important to apply all the acquired knowledge for successful professional activity.

It would be nice to choose teachers who are themselves excellent role models, and who are happy to share not only theory, but also their own experience.

Only these people will provide relevant knowledge, and not standard and sometimes outdated schemes. Without competent investment in yourself, other types of investments lose their meaning.

Contribution to health and beauty

Psychology says: beautiful people are much more successful than not beautiful. This is easily explained, because everyone wants to communicate and start any relationship with people with good looks. It is only then that everyone looks into the soul and evaluates mental abilities.

To maintain external and internal beauty, you need to pay great attention to health.

You should not save on food, quality medicines and clothes. If possible, avoid activities that are bad for health and put life and quality of life at risk.

To invest in beauty and health, it is enough to buy subscriptions to a gym, swimming pool, beauty salon, sauna, massages.

This is one of the most useful investments, it can bring profit many times over and for the rest of your life. There are no downsides to this investment method.

Investment in your own name and reputation

In finance and business, people often refer to specific individuals and evaluate them: this person is reliable, and this one has a so-so reputation.

Reputation is the most important asset. After all, people who have a good assessment of others are more likely to be trusted with large sums of money and transferred to serious business projects.

Business people dream of becoming famous. After all, where there is fame, there is money. The name will work for the entrepreneur.

To get a good reputation in a separate company, it is enough to show punctuality, initiative, honesty and attentiveness to others.

So, gradually, such a person will be asked for advice, offered funds for knowledge and invited to speak at events. These are the first signs of the work of a name on a person. If you do not stop, then after a while you can receive money only for one mention of the name.

The only disadvantage of this investment is that if handled poorly, you can instantly lose a good reputation that has been built up over the years.

Investment in your development

Dubious methods of investing

HYIP projects

These are pyramid schemes and they promise investors quick earnings in a short time. Many will say that this is a scam. However, everything is quite legal and if you pick up the deposit on time, you can stay in the black. The more interest a HYIP project offers, the less time it exists, and the higher the risks.

Buying Cryptocurrency

This is an unusual way to invest. Cryptocurrency was invented in the West as an alternative to the usual currency, which was later issued by the state. In Russia, such a currency is considered illegal, therefore, investing in this area is illegal.

They receive such virtual money in the following ways:

  • mining - by calculating blocks. In this case, the video card of the computer is used;
  • exchange of traditional currency for bitcoins.

The exchange of cryptocurrencies (one for another) can be made on special exchanges.

To date, there is no demand for bitcoins, and everyone is selling them cheaply. However, it may also happen that virtual money will come back into fashion. But the risk is very high, so it is reasonable to invest 1-2% of the entire investment portfolio in bitcoins.

Position Contribution

Another, one might say, illegal way of investing. In Russia, the position is one of the most quick ways make a profit in a short time. People buy warm places to enrich themselves illegally.

It is better not to consider such contributions, because it is illegal. But they exist, so let's talk about them in more detail.

What is the purpose of such an investment? There are people who sell positions in government and commercial institutions, and there are people who buy these places and try to recoup their money as quickly as possible. And for this they take bribes, offer services within their competence for a fee, or cut the budget intended for some state project.

Payback comes in the very first days of entering a new position. Negative points for a fraudster are the risk of criminal prosecution, moral anxiety and mental anguish.

Online casino deposits

Online casino advertising on the Internet is enough. You are promised mountains of gold and easy money. There is such a scheme: place a bet, lose, and then the bet will increase, again bet on the same color. Always bet on the same color until a certain martingale law works. As soon as the casino gives you a win, you need to change the color and act again according to the scheme described above.

The main rule of any online casino is to play no more than 2-10 minutes a day. If you play longer, you can merge everything. It is not as easy as it seems, it is sometimes impossible to stop, because the mind overshadows the excitement.

Why you shouldn't invest here

Again, I repeat that I only speak my personal opinion and do not impose it on anyone, otherwise people will appear who will say that I limit your income)) Well, that's it!

I do NOT recommend investing in binary options, in HYIPs, in pyramids, in sports betting, online casinos and other gambling enticements.

Now I'll tell you why I think so. After all, there are people who make good money on this. All these earnings do not depend on you! And I don’t like it when I am only an outside observer, and if my money goes down the drain somewhere, then I can’t do anything about it.

Secondly, I am a webmaster and I know that many who promote these types of earnings earn on YOU. They simply refer you through an affiliate program and earn both for referral and a percentage of the money you spend. Believe me, commissions in such niches are good and affiliate earnings are quite high!

Here is an example in the screenshot, where Alpari affiliate program pays 61 rubles for registration, and 1600 rubles for an active user. Those. as soon as you register on someone's recommendation, replenish your account in the system and start investing, your partner will be paid 1600 rubles for you. But whether you earn or lose there, no one cares.

This is just one example, but there are a lot of them in HYIPs, pyramids, bets, casinos, etc. Some webmasters deliberately invent stories for themselves, how they make good money on it, so that you register using their links. Well, okay, I have nothing against webmasters, but I would not invest in the above.

As for sports betting, here's what I want to say. Although I have a friend who makes good money on this, I still don’t recommend this investment tool, because it drains the same amount later. Although he is a good businessman, everything is in order with his head, but the excitement is addictive. Plus, in this case, the main thing is to find high-quality forecasts, and not forecasts of scammers.

How to make your own savings work, make a profit? And to keep the risks to a minimum. Let's look at the main mistakes of a novice investor.

Haste to make a decision

The investor receives a very favorable offer, quickly agrees and makes a profit. Gets excited, further, thoughtlessly accepts such proposals. As a result, it remains not only without profit, but also without initial capital. Do not quickly agree to the proposals of even the most reliable person. Emotions are out of place here, only cold calculation and strategy.

Inability to accumulate capital and form a portfolio

The first profit is a great joy for a new investor. But it is worth acting wisely and making plans for future investments. It is important to learn how to make a portfolio according to all the rules, and use it to create more and more income from assets.

Someone's mind

Often having a large amount of money, the future investor is afraid to start and listens to the advice of friends or information on the Internet. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to use all available information. But it is much more important to form an opinion based on all the data and build a plan on your own.

How to store money so that it does not depreciate


Someone prefers not to invest money, but at least save it so that it simply does not depreciate. You can invest in foreign currency. Due to the current unstable situation in the country and currency fluctuations back and forth, I keep money in different currencies. Thus, I compensate for the fall of one with the growth of the other. In the end, I always save my money.

I try to keep money in the following percentage: 35% in dollars, 35% in euros, 30% in rubles.

I'm talking about free money that is waiting in the wings to go into circulation.

bank deposit

You can simply invest money in a bank at interest. I use two banks:

  • Sberbank (simple accounts)
  • Tinkoff Bank (money is kept on debit card and interest is also dripping on them without opening a deposit)

Now you know where to invest money, and where it is better not to invest. Successful investment!

Investments are capital investments of money in order to constantly receive from them profit and income in an amount that significantly exceeds the amount spent. A novice investor is unlikely to be able to find a large amount to start participating in a large invested project. The question arises: where can you invest a small amount of money so that you get a return? It is clear that it is not so easy to accumulate your own money, and to spend it by giving it to "the wrong hands" is even more difficult. Let's discuss small cash investments, and most importantly, what, where you can invest money to make it work.

I invest to earn...

Henry Ford said: "The purpose of money is not idleness, but the multiplication of means for useful service." For some reason, many are afraid of investing, convincing themselves that it is too difficult or risky. Do not forget that most investors start investment activity with such sums of money that you can save from your income. They are usually quite small. In this matter, you need to understand that, if systematic, a decent amount can accumulate over time.

This will allow the owner to receive a constant large income, which is considered more passive (receiving profit from the project, investors, as a rule, do not take much part in it). It will be beneficial for the investor if the finances are the result of their own savings in the absence of debts or credit obligations. Otherwise, the investment will not bring stability in income.

What are the investment risks?

It is psychologically difficult for any person to part with those things that have some value for him. A similar analogy can be drawn with money. There are some investment options for the indecisive, when, having left the amount on a bank deposit, a person receives approximately the same amount of money. Under these circumstances, it should be decided what remains a priority: stability or capital growth associated with risk. Before determining the purpose of investments for yourself, it is necessary to calculate the feasibility of opportunities, the timing of investment, as well as indicate the expected returns and predicted risks.

Having convinced that investments are a profitable business, the following question attracts attention: where is it profitable to invest small money? Perhaps the question will lead to a stupor, since it is precisely the limited availability of funds that lead to it, the unavailability of large amounts of investments. However, there are some ways of investing, as a result of which the contribution not only pays off, but also increases. To do this, you must first understand minimum amounts that could be an investment.

What should be the small amounts for investment?

Figuratively, we can say that small amounts of treasury for an investor range from 1,000 to 50,000 rubles. Of course, the starting price can serve as 100 rubles. However, it becomes obvious that it is better to spend such an amount on domestic issues than to try to feel like a businessman. If we run a little ahead and touch on the topic of investment methods, then we can say that banks provide conditions for deposits in the amount of 1,000 rubles or more. The next stage of investment may be an amount with a face value of 5,000 rubles. Then you can already keep an eye on suitable options for starting investments.

Where to invest a small amount of money?

Every novice investor should definitely gain experience in the matter of investment activity. You can be afraid of taking risks while sitting at home and reading millions of books on business literature, but it’s enough to start small and develop gradually. In the future, successful investments will grow.

Finally, we are ready to reveal to you the main question of the topic: where to invest a small amount of money. We start with ways that are less risky, but, accordingly, will bring a smaller amount of income.

I invest money in a bank deposit so that they work

One of the ways, which is unlikely to “burn out” and require only an amount of 1,000 rubles, will be a deposit account in a bank or other banking organization. The deposit amount is insured, so in case of bank failure or other force majeure, the amount will not be lost. If you decide to withdraw investments from the bank, it is possible at any time and at any time. When opening a deposit account, the depositor first of all finds out the amount guaranteed by the bank at the end of the term. However, the fact of the lack of capital growth remains an important point.

Bank deposits are a way of investing that teaches you how to earn on investments. With a certain accumulation, the investor opens up new ways of savings and deposits.

  • it is profitable to open a deposit account for a certain period of 3 months;
  • to invest profitably in such a way that it provides for the possibility of further replenishment and the conversion of interest into capital;
  • in case of opening a deposit on the Internet resources of banks, the interest rate may be higher;
  • you need to carefully study the rules for opening a deposit in the selected bank (perhaps the bank does not have rules on minimum penalties for early withdrawal Money).

Having considered more reliable way investing and making sure that it practically does not multiply capital investments, it may be worth taking a small risk and considering a more difficult option.

precious metal capital

What to invest in if not gold or silver? Is it a good option, let's try to figure it out. If you invest in precious metal, you can use two methods:

  1. Open a metal account. When opening a CHI, income is not taxed. However, with the subsequent exchange of an account for a metal ingot, a tax of 18% will definitely have to be paid. When opening an account, you need to take into account that the metal costs at the internal bank rate. Accordingly, the deposit interest, as well as directly income, depend only on the difference in the exchange rate between banks. This method can bring both profit and loss;
  2. What to invest in the acquired metal? Most likely, it will have to be sold as an owner, setting its own price and conditions. You will have to take into account tax liabilities: pay the VAT tax when buying gold or silver, and if you want to sell the bars again to the bank, the law will require payment income tax in the amount of 13%.

The option of investing in metals creates less risks than more complex investments, since every year the price of capital will only grow with them.

Starting to invest in currencies

Everyone has long come to terms with the constant changes in the economic situation in the country, especially with the fall of the ruble on the world currency market. Currency deposits are gaining popularity, which bring significant income to many. As a beginner in investment activity, you should like this method, since this level allows you to multiply capital several times.

It is advisable to make a deposit in foreign currency for a long time, since many banks may subsequently require payment of a commission for exchange transactions. The question of choosing a foreign currency will be difficult. The first step is to pay attention to high liquidity. This property is possessed by the dollar or the euro.

When choosing a method of investing in foreign currency, we will give an analogy to methods with metal investments, that is, foreign money can either be bought at a banking organization or open a foreign currency deposit. We note right away that it is unprofitable to buy money. Purchased funds will be used to pay the difference and commission fees. Opening a foreign currency deposit may be the best way:

  • do not have to store foreign currency at home;
  • accrue interest on the deposit in accordance with the conditions of the bank.

When choosing a bank, it is very important to study all the conditions for opening a foreign currency deposit, including the interest rate, the duration of the deposit, the possibility of replenishing savings, etc.

Buy earned funds through securities

Perhaps, of all the above methods, this one will be the most profitable for the investor. However, in such a matter, experience is needed, although not significant. If this is not available, you can try to negotiate with a professional broker who is interested in your high income. His payment will consist of your commissions.

The method is attractive in that it is suitable for gambling, ambitious people who are not afraid of risks. Playing on the stock exchange, profit is made as a result of fluctuations in the market value of securities. When trying the exchange, the advantages (the ability to get high income, you can start even with the smallest amounts) and disadvantages (there is a risk of losing everything, when choosing a broker you will have to pay him a commission, the unreliability of the financial market) of such a game should be taken into account.

Bonds - a security for which one party (state or organization) must pay the other party (investor) a certain amount or percentage of its face value.

Securities have many advantages:

  • Reliable, because the state guarantees the return of funds if you are dealing with municipal bonds. In addition, the probability of default in the country is much less likely than the bankruptcy of a banking organization;
  • Choose a deposit - you will be left without profitability, choose bonds - income growth will increase by 30-40%;
  • There is the possibility of buying long-term securities that can provide an interest rate of up to 14% per annum;
  • The bonds are liquid. The yield on bonds is calculated from each day, therefore, by withdrawing the amount at any time, the depositor will not lose anything;
  • There is no tax on such income.

Shares - a security that allows the owner to receive profit from the joint-stock company, participate in the management of the organization, and also acquire part of the property after the liquidation of the company.

The stock market is growing at a significant pace, which means that the purchase of securities is a fairly effective and efficient way of investing. However, do not forget about the experience and knowledge that are necessary for playing on the stock exchanges. If you want to try yourself as a broker, you can start with dividend stocks. This will allow you to get guaranteed passive income.

Mutual investment fund: is it profitable?

A mutual fund is a type of collective investment in which investors own shares of the fund. Having already experience, having tried the previous ways of investing, you can try yourself as a share buyer. Schematically, this type of investment looks like this: the capitalist puts his own money at the disposal of brokers, who must conduct profitable investment activities, receiving a reward for this.

This activity is controlled by the state, which is beneficial for the investor, but there are risks, and they are high.

  • when choosing a mutual fund, it is important to take into account the profitability of the fund, as well as pay attention to the indicators of funds raised;
  • having studied the rating of mutual funds, information about the reliability and guarantee of the fund becomes immediately available.

The traditional advice for beginners is that at the initial stage of investing in mutual funds, it will be most profitable to invest in an index mutual fund. Such a fund shows the highest profitability in the long run.

Do not know, where to invest small money? Invest in yourself!

The purpose of investment is to increase capital. However, this is of no use if you yourself need self-development or urgent expensive treatment. This trend is becoming more and more noticeable, such deposits do not require worries about tomorrow, for tomorrow's economy in the country or for the reliability of the chosen bank.

What to invest in if you want to spend money on yourself?

  • attending trainings and seminars on development and self-realization;
  • professional development or change of profession;
  • obtaining professional education or raising a scientific degree;
  • opening your own business;
  • investment in their own children and their education;
  • investment in real estate;
  • investing in your own image and beauty.

Intrigued? Let's discuss some of the points.

Many will agree that this is a rather complicated, although the most interesting way of investing. You may have to lose a lot, but in exchange for this, tremendous experience and knowledge of owning a business will come, which will help you achieve a higher goal in the future. If successful, the status of an investor in oneself will develop into big businessman. Do not be afraid of risks, loss of time or effort, you just need to prepare for a responsible step and act!

Do you want a modern innovation? Try it with creating a website. The project does not require large investment amounts, but earning a constant profit from it is not a problem. Money will be required to create a web page, to pay for SEO optimization, as well as to register an individual entrepreneur.

Self-education, investment in children

A fairly relevant and highly demanded investment today, since self-development or the development of one's family members is priceless, it is not measured in money. By having the means to realize your goals, you are already becoming happier in front of those who cannot afford it. The main thing is to spend money wisely and do not forget that investments should be useful. Investing in yourself takes a lot of time and effort. Despite the fact that after the investment the capitalist will not receive financial benefits, moral satisfaction, self-esteem increase or profit as a result of his own achievements are provided.

Real estate investment

Real estate is always relevant and irreplaceable. Own square meters can provide you with a steady income without requiring rich knowledge or experience.

Whatever you invest in, you can always enjoy it. The constant growth of profit infects with passion, ambition and positive attitude to achieve more specific goals. Starting small, you can always grow to great!

Greetings! This year cannot be called boring and predictable, neither for Russia nor for the global financial markets. Indices like Russia and the USA have been growing well, over the past 10 months my portfolio has grown by 20 percent.

What's next? How to preserve capital in a situation of high uncertainty? What to invest in in 2019-2020? For convenience, I divided the tools by goals: not to lose, to earn on the growth of the asset and / or and receive income in foreign currency.

Here I took the tools with almost 100% reliability. "Almost" because. All three assets only partially compensate for the losses from inflation!

Bank deposits

If your investment horizon is too short for risky assets, you don't have much of a choice. Ideas will also have to be left, so the only thing left for you is banal bank deposits.

If you need to try to save your capital first of all from your loved one, then it is better to open term deposits, without the right to replenish and withdraw (for example, the “Save” product from Sberbank). These deposits always offer the maximum interest rate. And it is forbidden to withdraw part of the deposit until it is closed.

Most importantly, do not forget about the "limiter" in the form of 1.4 million rubles in one bank. This is how much (and not a penny more) the Deposit Insurance Agency will return in the event of a bank failure.

Reliable bonds

If you have a slightly longer horizon and a slightly higher financial IQ, you will probably be interested in these debt securities. Judge for yourself: the risks of state bankruptcy are much lower than the risks of bankruptcy of any one bank, even a large one. Plus, bond yields are almost always higher than bank deposits.

By the way, do you know that with the money that you leave in the form of a deposit, the bank almost immediately buys bonds and thereby earns the difference in interest without risking anything?

Bonds are the safest federal loan. Their repayment is guaranteed by the government Russian Federation. But it is better to form a bond portfolio from . Fortunately, the symbolic value of the bond (only 1,000 rubles) allows this.

You can advise something specific only knowing specifically your investment plan, so below I will give a couple of interesting papers in my opinion.

For example, OFZ-PK are bonds with a variable coupon. The coupon is linked to the average RUONIA rate and is revised from time to time. OFZ-PD fixes the coupon rate at a constant level (for example, 6-7% per annum) until maturity.

But the most interesting option in 2019, I think. The face value of such bonds is constantly indexed to the level of inflation (calculated by the consumer price index for each day with a lag of three months). For OFZ-IN, the coupon is 2.5% per annum above inflation (CPI).



Unlike bonds, stocks are instruments with potentially high returns. Experts believe that in 2019 the MICEX index will still grow, the Central Bank will continue to reduce the key rate, and oil prices will rise. Against this background, many Russian "giants" have a good growth potential.

To make a profit in the future, today you can invest in the securities of exporting companies: ALROSA (the company's excellent performance over the past year), Protek, NLMK (Rosneft is not on the list of recommended companies). Analysts advise paying attention to shares of LUKOIL and Sberbank, which were undervalued last year (even despite the fact that it grew quite strongly, its p\e is still low).

Some are betting on the rise of the electricity companies that bummed out last year. Of particular interest are the shares of Rosseti and IDGC of the South.

The main idea and advice is to pay attention to companies with the prospect of growth and.

Abroad, the high-tech sector looks more promising than others: Facebook, Alphabet, BYD Company, Google, Amazon, Netflix, NVIDIA and others.

Own business

Owning a business is a profitable, but very risky option. Initial capital is needed from the first day, and the return on investment can be obtained, at best, in six months or a year. Or not get it at all...

In order not to risk large sums, start with a project on the Internet. Firstly, a lot of problems like renting an office, warehouse and logistics disappear. Secondly, the starting amounts here are much more modest than for opening your own.

To earn passive income

Real estate

Real estate brings passive income only when "square meters" are rented out. But you should not count on millions in profits from the delivery of ordinary residential premises.

I cite data for 2016 from the analytical center SRG. The average return on residential real estate in St. Petersburg is 7.7% per year (return on investment is 14 years). In Moscow, the average yield is lower: 5.8% per annum with an object payback of 17 years.

Real estate abroad brings even less - up to 5-6% per annum. In some cases, it is better to transfer the decision of all organizational issues to a professional management company. She will look for tenants, resolve issues with current repairs and payment, etc. For this, she will have to “gift” 15-20% of the rental price. But - a real passive income!

On the other hand, if you have an apartment for rent, you can try to rent it out by the day (through AirBNB, mainly to foreigners) and thereby increase the yield up to 10-12% per annum with a good load.

To receive income in foreign currency

Of course, in order to receive income in foreign currency, you can simply buy shares or. Thus, you partially eliminate the risk of being left with nothing. another collapse ruble. But there are other ways too.


Eurobonds can boast all the advantages of ruble bonds. Plus, they have additional protection against currency risks. After all, they are “euro” for that, which is denominated in foreign currency: dollars, euros, Swiss francs and British pounds sterling.

Today, Eurobonds of such companies as AHML, Alfa-Bank, VTB Bank, Gazprom, LUKOIL, MTS, NLMK, Novatek, Russian Railways, Rosneft, Sberbank, PhosAgro and Uralkali are represented on the Moscow Exchange.

The average yield on Eurobonds is 3-5% per annum (paid twice a year). The minimum face value of a security starts at $1,000. The main problem of such securities is liquidity. But more about that some other time.

unit-linked programs

About unit-linked programs, I already . Let me remind you: a foreign product combines savings, life insurance and investments.

Moreover, you can invest in a bunch of foreign instruments that are not available to private investors from Russia. For example, in the same mutual funds, where entry thresholds through a broker often start at $50,000.

By the way, since 2013, it has been successfully traded on the Moscow Exchange, which cover a fairly large part of the markets that were previously available only through foreign brokers.

For some of them, the average annual return from mid-2014 to mid-2016 (in terms of rubles) was about 50%. For example, FinEx MSCI USA Information Technology UCITS ETF (shares in the US IT sector) grew by 49.8% per year.

But foreign currency deposits today bring mere pennies (up to 2% per annum). And no one is already considered as a serious tool for investing.

In this article, I have given only a part of the tools available to an ordinary investor from Russia. Remember that only by collecting from this kind of assets can you be sure of achieving the challenges you face!

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Many who have available funds are willing to invest money to make them work. At the same time, it is important that the income received exceeds the rate of inflation. At the same time, every investor wants the risk to be minimal. It is impossible to do without studying modern investment options in such a situation.

Before you start analyzing and comparing options for investing money, you should remember a number of rules. They help you make the most of your investment. Here are some expert tips to help you avoid most investment problems.

  1. You can only invest free money. In other words, the amount that can be invested is determined as the remainder of income after payment of basic payments and needs. It is also not worth risking money that is not your own, borrowed or on credit. If you do not follow this rule, you can get into a difficult financial situation. There are cases when the investor's families were left without a livelihood. In addition, there is a risk of losing funds, which will lead to the inability to repay the loan. The result can be a damaged credit history.
  2. You should not expect that you will immediately be able to provide for yourself by receiving passive income. Most likely, at first it will be too small to provide a comfortable existence. Therefore, at first, most of the earned funds will have to be reinvested, that is, sent to increase the invested capital.
  3. It is imperative to draw up an investment plan. It should clearly indicate all the parameters of investing money. First of all, such a plan should fix what investment options and in what proportion will be carried out. At the same time, it must be flexible enough and easily adapt to changing conditions.
  4. In order not to lose all the invested funds, the risks should be diversified. That is, you cannot invest all your capital in one investment project. It is best to choose at least 3 suitable options. The probability that three projects at once will be unprofitable is small. With proper analysis, at least one will bring profit.
  5. It is important to constantly monitor the invested money. Regular monitoring of the situation allows you to make the right decision, as well as adjust the financial plan if necessary.
  6. Do not get involved with dubious projects that promise huge profits. In this case, there is a high probability of encountering scammers, which means losing the invested funds.

These simple tips help even novice investors to competently enter the financial investment market. Do not forget that investment is also work. Without a regular analysis of the situation, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make money.

Top 10 most profitable investments in 2020

The instability of the economic situation leads to the fact that the profitability of investment products is constantly changing. It is important to calculate all possible options and coordinate them with the circumstances prevailing in the country and the world. In search of an answer to the question of where to invest money profitably in 2020, experts have compiled a rating of the best options.

Investments in the development of small businesses (Alfa.Digital platform)

For those who decide to start investing with an amount of 100 thousand or more rubles, investments in small businesses through specialized platforms are great. Most often, such options are offered by large banks. They develop investment products. By investing money in them, the owner of the funds essentially lends to the companies selected by the bank.

Despite the fact that the risk in this case falls entirely on the shoulders of the investor, it can be noted that it is relatively low. This is due to the fact that the money invested is distributed among a large number of organizations.

An excellent example of a site that offers to make a profit in this way is Alfa.Digital, organized by the bank of the same name. The following investment conditions are offered here:

  • yield up to 30% per year;
  • payments are made once a week with accrued interest;
  • the minimum investment amount is from 100 thousand rubles.

Investments in P2P lending

P2P lending service allows you to invest almost any amount. In fact, it is a so-called social loan. Both the borrower and the lender in this case are individuals.

This option is a very profitable investment. The interest on P2P lending is about one and a half percent per day. True, about half of them will have to be paid to the service that performs intermediary services.

Those who are looking for P2P lending services can explore two interesting portals - Vdolg.ru and Loanberry. The first site accepts investments ranging from 4 thousand to 10 million. This amount is enough to invest money and receive a monthly income. Loanberry allows you to start investing in loans to individuals from 1000 rubles with interest from 20-30 percent per annum. Moreover, now there is such a function when, for a fee of 5%, you can connect insurance against default, when the site takes over the payment of the debt in the event of a default of the borrower.

Investments in Forex (currency market)

Many have heard what Forex is. However, not everyone understands that it is not limited to independent trade. To earn on foreign exchange market trading will require a significant amount of serious knowledge. In addition, without experience, it is unlikely that you will be able to make money with independent trading.

However, you should not refuse to invest money in Forex, just choose one of two popular methods:

  1. Pamm accounts are a certain type of transfer of funds to the management of professional traders. In this case, you can invest even a small amount. It is determined solely by the conditions of the selected PAMM account.
  2. Those who dream of entering into Forex transactions on their own can use social trading systems or copy the transactions of professionals. In the first case, based on the opinion of experienced traders, forecasts of market behavior are made that help beginners make the right decision. When copying trades, you should choose a trusted trader in order to find out about all the trades he concludes.

When opening positions with an investor independently more possibilities reduce risk. This is explained by the fact that in the absence of confidence in one or another forecast, you can refuse to conclude a deal. In PAMM accounts, all decisions are made by the manager himself.

Investments in startups

Investing in a startup is a profitable investment that can bring serious profits if successful. A startup in the financial world is a business project or an idea that is at the initial stage of development. It is quite natural that even the best projects need an infusion of funds for their implementation. However, not all idea owners have free funds. Therefore, they are forced to seek help.

It is unlikely that a bank will be able to get a loan for the development of the project. This is due to the lack of confirmation of the profitability of new projects. Investors who prefer to invest in promising projects at the stage of their inception come to the aid of novice businessmen. The main difficulty of investing in startups is that it is very difficult to determine which project will be profitable and which will bring a loss.

Investments in mutual funds

A mutual fund or a mutual investment fund is a promising investment that can be classified as a type of collective investment. Contributors (in this case they are called shareholders) acquire a part of the fund's property, which is called a share, and wait for its value to grow. In fact, such investments should be long-term, in which case the probability of making a profit is the highest. The advantages of a PIF are:

  • high degree of protection from the state;
  • no need to have special knowledge;
  • low entry threshold - the cost of a share starts from two thousand rubles.

The return of a mutual fund depends on the investment strategy it uses. Allocate moderate, conservative and aggressive funds. In the order in which they are listed, profits increase. But do not forget that the risk is directly dependent on it.

Experts recommend that if an investor, in the course of choosing where to invest in 2020 profitably and safely, gave preference to mutual funds, choose funds for investment that invest the collected funds in the field of IT technologies. To date, they are the most promising. In addition, such mutual funds are distinguished by the best combination of profitability and risk.

Investments in investment or endowment insurance

Investment and accumulative insurance are a combination of a profitable financial product with insurance. When drawing up an investment insurance contract, the client receives a number of advantages:

  1. guaranteed profitability of 13% from the state due to a tax deduction;
  2. investment profitability due to the management of your money by an investment or management company;
  3. the opportunity to open a deposit for a longer period than ordinary deposits.
  4. Free life and health insurance;

Cumulative insurance allows you to solve two problems:

  • protect yourself in case of financial problems;
  • accumulate a significant amount of money through effective management cash.

Investing money in securities (Through IIS)

Those who decide to invest in stocks and bonds should open an individual investment account. This can be done by contacting brokers or management company. Most often, investors make money in the stock market in one of two ways:

  1. Independent trading involves opening deals solely on the basis of the knowledge of the investor himself. In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a profit without experience and certain skills.
  2. Copying the strategies of experienced managers. Such profitable investments, for example, are offered by Finam. It is implemented using the Trade center service. It is enough to choose a strategy and connect to it so that all transactions made on the professional account are transferred to the investor's IIS.

Investing money in real estate

This method requires the investor to have a sufficiently large sum of money. The amount of capital depends on the region and the type of property purchased.

In order to make a profit, you can purchase both residential and commercial real estate. There are several options for making a profit with this method of investing:

  1. purchase of real estate for the purpose of subsequent leasing;
  2. purchase for resale.

In the second case, you can increase the amount of income by buying real estate under construction or by acquiring dysfunctional or “grandmother's” apartments and selling them after repair.

It is important to remember that the sale of real estate that has been owned for less than five years leads to an obligation to pay income tax.

Bank deposits

Deposits have recently lost their popularity. This is explained by the decrease in the level of interest rates. However, they deserve attention. Despite the fact that this option is not a real way to make money, if you invest money at interest on a deposit, you can reduce the impact of inflation. Deposits are suitable for those investors who do not have sufficient financial knowledge, as well as large capital.

A deposit can be opened even for small amounts - many banks offer to conclude an agreement for one thousand rubles or even less. For many, the determining factor when choosing a deposit is the interest rate. In connection with the current system of deposit insurance in our country, the choice of a bank faded into the background. In search of where it is more profitable to invest money, you should pay attention to the programs offered Tinkoff Bank. The stakes here are always at a fairly high level.

Investments in MFIs

Investments in MFIs allow you to invest at a high interest rate equity. In this case, you do not need to have any additional knowledge and skills.

However, this option is not for everyone. Most companies set a fairly high minimum entry threshold. Traditionally, it is at the level of one and a half million for individuals and 500 thousand for legal ones.

Thus, there is no universal answer to the question of where it is better to invest money. The decision must be made on a case-by-case basis, based on the available amount, as well as the desired risk and return.