How to defeat employees in uniform together with employees from MDM Bank. Practical recommendations from a former “economic criminal”

Location: Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate, 109029, Moscow, st. Srednyaya Kalitnikovskaya, house 31
Customer: OJSC MDM Bank. Who participated on behalf of the bank as “witnesses”: T.S.N. (former Chairman of the Board of OJSC MDM Bank), T.S.A. (former head of the Financial Markets Department of MDM Bank OJSC, now holds a similar position at Moscow Bank OJSC credit bank"") Af-v S.A. (Head of Security Service of MDM Bank OJSC), K.M.Yu. – Director for work with subsoil users of MDM Bank OJSC. Performers: Head of the Investigative Directorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District - L.M.O., investigator Kh.K.V., investigator O.M.O. Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District at the time the criminal case was opened: P.V.K. – currently holds the post of Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region. (it’s good that my dacha is in another province). The current state of the criminal case: “happily” opened in December 2011 and closed in October 2013 by the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate itself.

I don’t even know where to start my terrible story, having now survived this criminal hell for 667 days, I look at the world differently, I appreciate every day I live, I’m fighting, I was finally hired for a good and interesting job in a normal adequate bank, yes, the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate has not left me alone for three years now, yes, my family has suffered. But! I have been waging an ongoing struggle with the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate and MDM Bank for three years now. Every cloud has a silver lining - I had to study the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure inside and out, learn how to file appeals, cassation in arbitration courts, and even get to the point of supervision with one of the clients of MDM Bank, and even the Prosecutor General's Office woke up and took my side, but about this will come later. But the most important thing is that I broke myself, did not break, stopped being afraid of the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate and the BANK, and I treat them with contempt and irony, pouring out all my legal poison on them in complaints (and read - in outright bullying).

Lawyers say that my case is unique, that the number of acquittals is less than 1%, that the Internal Affairs Directorate was never able to bring the case to court, but closed it themselves and... according to part 1, paragraph 2, article 24 of the Code of Criminal Procedure - rehabilitation and lack of corpus delicti . I and the clients of this bank made a number of terrible mistakes, which later had to be corrected with blood. But first things first.

I worked at MDM Bank for more than 9 years, the bank merged with URSA Bank in 2009, the management was constantly changing, I held on as long as I could. My “trouble”, as the head of one very small but profitable division, consisted of only one thing - we were earning too much (10% of the entire net profit of the entire bank), and the loans issued by the division at the time of my dismissal exceeded $100 million. And then one day my leadership changed, they came - T.S.A. (Head of the Financial Markets Department), K.V. (Head of the Treasury Block of MDM Bank OJSC), T.S.N. (Chairman of the Board), who saw that the loans issued can be..., but first things first. I understood everything then, and quit the bank; naturally, they didn’t let me close the client’s debt. I thought then - I need to go to another bank, refinance the clients’ debt, keep the clients, but that was not the case.

So, in November 2011, a certain employee of the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate called me on my cell phone and introduced himself as detective B.K.S. (it was his “report” that would later form the basis of the criminal case) and asked to come for a pre-investigation check, naming two clients of the bank. Being at that time still a person with naive thinking, with a sense of naive justice in the style of “yes, these clients pay interest, the contracts will be closed only on March 31, 2013, but what about them, and what does the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District have to do with it?” I got ready and went to the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate. They were not interested in my explanations, seeing that the debt of bank clients could be stolen - in December 2012, a criminal case was opened, and against me, case No. 380632. So, in December 2012, I found myself a suspect in criminal case No. 380632 under Art. 201 part 1 “Exceeding official powers.” What? I had a power of attorney, I signed an agreement, there is no affiliation with these companies, why? And then I got angry, studied the Criminal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, etc. and called investigator H.K.A. with the words: “I will come and I am not going to hide.”

Summer 2012 – seizures and searches of bank clients, seizure of documentation. Starting from November 2012, investigator O.M.A. (feminine, at that time she was a major, but now she was given a lieutenant colonel) pestered me with various interrogations - confrontations. December 2012 – the peak of pressure from the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate, an attempt at extortion, threats of arrest, etc. My position is not to run, to prepare a competent legal position.

April 2013 - debt closure by enterprises under pressure from the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District and MDM Bank.
1. Money was transferred from bank clients to the M-o H-ng L-d company (Bahamas), but was not returned to MDM Bank itself, theft of $70 million. The theft scheme has been broken (unfortunately, for the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District for Arbitration Courts, the amount of stolen funds is 70 million US dollars (debt to the bank of the companies CJSC Rn, CJSC R-ii, LLC K-ry. Technologies. Service ", OJSC "R-k "V-lyy", CJSC "Dra-met", LLC "IPK "Dr-met"), the entire scheme of theft is hammered into the definitions of arbitration courts and is publicly available on one website.
2. These companies repaid their debts not to the bank, but to the accounts of companies in offshore jurisdictions, as determined by the Moscow Arbitration Court - determination of Judge Sh.S.N. dated May 20, 2013 in case A40-138990/12, ruling of judge K.I.E. dated April 12, 2013 in case No. A40-52420/12, ruling of judge L.K.V. dated May 16, 2013 in case No. A40-50598/12, ruling by judge K.A.A. dated June 20, 2013 in case No. A40-136780/12-2.
3. Funds for these clients were transferred according to the following scheme - MDM Bank OJSC transferred the debt of Dr-met CJSC to the offshore Cyprus company G-s H-ng L-d, the debt of IPK Dr-met LLC, K-ry LLC . Technologies. Service, OJSC R-k V-th» assigned to M-o H-g L-d (the agreement was signed by S.S.A.).
4. The debt from G-s H-gs L-d and M-o H-g L-d and under assignment agreements No. 1,2,3,5 dated March 27, 2013 was assigned to M-o M-t L-d (Bahamas) - the agreements were created by D.A. K-v (Deputy Head of the Asset Management Unit of MDM Bank). He will then write a letter to the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate stating that “There is no damage to the bank.” The debt under ZAO R-n/R-y was also assigned to M-o M-t L-d and signed by K-vym.
5. The debt from M-o M-t L-d under agreement No. 6 dated March 28, 2013 was assigned to A-t L-d (Seychelles).
6. In accordance with the ruling dated June 24, 2013, Judge K.A.G. (case No. A40-52661/12), A-t company L-d paid M-o company M-t L-d 70,000,000.00 (seventy million dollars) USA, but M-o M-t L-d bought the debt from G-s H-s L-d for 21,150,000.00 (twenty-one million one hundred fifty thousand) rubles.
7. It turns out that the money ultimately did not arrive at the bank, but is in settlement accounts M-o M-t L-d (Bahamas), which bought the debt from G-s for a symbolic 21.15 million rubles. The above companies are not structures affiliated with the bank.
The result is that $70 million was stolen.

Summer 2013 - attempts at extortion in the “give 400” style and we will close it for rehabilitation. May 2014 – a resolution was received to terminate the rehabilitation case without bribes. February 2014 - another criminal case was opened against the company Ev-m, separated from my case (a classic “order”!). May 2014 - regular calls from the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate, sending them to...

I would like to say special thanks to two people from the law enforcement system who at least somehow react and try to put in their place the officers in uniform of the Central Administrative District Internal Affairs Directorate - A.A.V. (Prosecutor's Office of the Central Administrative District of Moscow), I.R.D. (Prosecutor General's Office).

This article reflects the sole opinion of its author.

A series of scandals related to the theft of large deposits from MDM Bank continues. Moreover, as it turned out, MDM Bank employees, for “some” reason, do not stop scammers from stealing their depositors’ money. A version has already spread on the Internet that managers from MDM Bank branches may be in cahoots with criminals.

How dangerous is it to keep your savings in MDM Bank?

As you know, any bank fights for its reputation, and the reputation of a bank is, first of all, the opinion of its depositors about it. So, recently there has been a wave of public outrage on the Internet about how MDM Bank is stealing the savings of its clients.

Secondly, “strangers” closed the deposit ahead of schedule (a month before the end of the deposit period and with a loss of interest on the deposit of almost a million rubles (about $30,000)). Why didn’t the top managers of MDM Bank call Tamara Kostomarova herself and ask if it was true that she authorized “Kobyakov” and “Krylov” to withdraw all the money from her account and refuse interest on a deposit of almost a million rubles?!!

Thirdly, the signatures on both powers of attorney of Tamara Kostomarova were different! This already clearly indicated fraud. But why didn’t MDM Bank employees block the payment and call the police? After all, they had a real chance to detain the second fraudster when he presented a power of attorney with a different signature!!!

It seems that the answer to this question can only be the version that all these thefts occurred with the permission (and with the participation) of the top managers of MDM Bank themselves, who, apparently, “pocketed” these 11 million rubles. After all, there is no more logical explanation for the process of such suspicious “carelessness” of MDM Bank employees during the theft of funds. But the fraud schemes involving a simulated robbery are truly, in their own way, brilliant! It seems that Konstantin Khaitovich has learned all the lessons of Lebedev and Khodorkovsky well!

Thieving top managers of MDM Bank

Unfortunately, the “Tamara Kostomarova case” is far from the only scandal related to the theft of funds from MDM Bank clients. So, for example, MDM Bank VIP client Alexander Tikhonov is trying to get his 12.5 million rubles that were stolen from his account in this bank by none other than the head of the VIP client service sector of MDM Bank Tatyana Burenina !

As it turned out, Tatyana Burenina stole money from clients’ accounts repeatedly over 4 years (!!!) and did it different ways. Including transfers to other accounts, cash withdrawals, forging clients’ signatures on payment orders, receiving clients’ money through the bank’s cash desk, etc. Immediately after this scandal, a version appeared on the Internet that Burenina had been helped to steal all these 4 years by her bosses, who not only “turned a blind eye” to Burenina’s activities, but also, perhaps, received good kickbacks for this.

Another significant incident occurred in Kursk, where an MDM Bank security officer helped a group of fraudsters obtain loans using forged documents. As the media learned, with his help, each of the false borrowers received 300–500 thousand rubles, which were divided among all members of the criminal group. The whole scandal here is that the employee who, in fact, was supposed to fight this theft was stealing from the bank! Of course, this MDM Bank security officer simply could not act alone, which means that he, too, most likely, paid bribes to his superiors!

“Matvey Urin’s schemes” at MDM Bank

However, one should be surprised at how MDM Bank employees deceive depositors and owners of MDM Bank, when the main shareholder of MDM Bank Sergei Popov and the chairman of the board of directors of the bank Oleg Vyugin can be suspected of using the so-called “Matvey Urin schemes” for withdrawal assets!!!

Sergey Popov, main owner of MDM Bank

So earlier, the media had already obtained documents describing the cash flow patterns in the transaction for the sale by MDM Bank structures of Multibank controlled by it to a number of individuals in August 2010. These schemes partly help to understand how Multibank went bankrupt less than a year after the change of owners. Moreover, the circumstances of his bankruptcy are reminiscent of the collapse of the banks of entrepreneur Matvey Urin, who used a whole group of banks for financial fraud and withdrawal of assets.

After all, experts are confident that the actions of the seller of Multibank - the structures of MDM Bank and MDM Bank itself - could have played a significant role in the history of its further collapse! Moreover, experts from the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) were studying the “suspicious movement” of funds during the transaction for the purchase of Multibank. But then, according to the “Urin scheme”, 500 million rubles were “rolled”, which were considered a payment for Multibank.

Then there were rumors that the DIA wanted for MDM Bank, which previously owned Multibank, the fate of Mr. Urin’s assets - namely, the revocation of the banking license!

Oleg Vyugin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MDM Bank

By the way, evil tongues are chattering that in order for the supervisory structures to “lag behind” MDM Bank, so-called “drifts” were carried out to the leadership of the DIA, the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance. And since half a billion was “produced”, then the “drifts” could amount to tens of millions!!!

Of course, the scandal with Multibank could cost the freedom of not only the manager of MDM Bank, but also the owner of the bank, Sergei Popov!

Is MDM Bank being used to transfer budget assets to the USA?

By the way, recently MDM Bank has increasingly attracted the attention of employees of Russian law enforcement agencies, since they have received information that it is through MDM Bank that corrupt Russian officials are withdrawing budget money to the United States!

These suspicions have already been confirmed by the fact that it was through an account at MDM Bank that the now former chief inspector of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Pavel Eremeev, accused of embezzling 30 million rubles from the budget of the Republic of Buryatia, was able to transfer this money to an American company! It all started with the fact that Pavel Eremeev, being an inspector of the joint venture, forced the leadership of Buryatia to enter into a contract with the company TK Krimson LLC for the development and implementation automated system financial planning and procurement management for government needs. This contract cost the republican budget 30 million rubles!

Former chief auditor of the joint venture Pavel Eremeev

In addition, searches were also carried out at the Siberian Coal and Energy Company (SUEK), where both Sergei Popov and his former banking business partner Andrei Melnichenko played an active role. Take, for example, the criminal cases of 2004, when operatives again conducted searches at MDM Bank. Investigators were interested in materials related to the activities of the Siberian Coal and Energy Company (SUEK), controlled by the MDM group. According to media reports, there was talk of a major fraud here. Indeed, in 2002, the Krasnoyarsk Coal Company (KUC), controlled by SUEK, sold shares in coal mines to various companies. However, all these companies were owned by the same SUEK, which was under the control of Popov and his comrades.

By the way, the damage caused to the budget from the actions of the raiders was simply enormous! Rumor has it that then, due to the “machinations of Popov and Melnichenko,” more than 1 billion rubles were not paid to the treasury.

Rumor has it that even then a criminal case should have been opened against Sergei Popov, but experts familiar with that situation financial markets they claim that he allegedly “was able to pay off.”

And then there was a lot more interesting things in Popov’s career! For example, the not entirely friendly takeover of URSA Bank by MDM Bank is more reminiscent of a raider takeover, since the people of the founder of URSA Bank, Igor Kim, were simply kicked out of the merged bank!..

However, now it looks like Sergei Popov will have to answer for everything! After all, according to rumors, due to the fact that he appoints people from MENATEP to key positions, he was suspected not only of sympathizing with Lebedev and Khodorkovsky, but also of secretly sponsoring the Russian opposition.

This means that the arrest of Sergei Popov is virtually inevitable! Obviously, this is why the Russian financial market has recently been literally filled with rumors that Mr. (or already Mister) Popov is now, fearing arrest, secretly withdrawing assets from MDM Bank and preparing to escape to London...

Registered in 1993.

FOUNDERS (as of 1993):

At the beginning of 1997, MDM LLP was transformed into OJSC.

VTO ​​"Baltika", NPO "Spetsvyaz", LLC "Our Participant", JSC "Uralelectromed", LLC "Korner", LLC "First Plant", LLC "Tores".

Tekhsnab-2000 LLC, Agrodortekhsnab, Gaisky GOK JSC, Temporary Operation Department JSC, Sobinbank CB (about 14%), Uralelectromed.

SUPERVISORY BOARD (elected on August 16, 1999):
Pomazkov M.N., Dymov A.P., Melnichenko A.I., Deripaska O.V., Mamut A.L.

In September 1998, MDM fully repaid the targeted syndicated loan in the amount of 12 million German marks, provided to the bank in the spring of 1998 to finance the import of cars. Some of the funds not subject to the moratorium announced on August 17 were returned ahead of schedule, the rest of the funds were returned at the loan repayment period. According to MDM Vice President Levon Israelyan, “the direct targeted use of the loan by MDM Bank made it possible to reduce the cost of imported cars on the Russian market, increase their sales volume and ensure full and timely repayment borrowed money"(RBC).

JSC "Tver Excavator Plant", JSC "Pavlovsky Bus", JSC "MDM-Realty", JSC Investment Company "MDM Invest", KB "Visavi", NPF "Moscow Industrial Pension Fund", LLC "MDM-SOFT", JSC " New exchange technologies".

In June 1996, MDM Bank's shareholders were replenished by: Corporation of Conversion Enterprises, Uralelectromed, Gaisky Mining and Processing Plant, Abakan Branch railway, Cherepovets Iron and Steel Works, Sayanogorsk Aluminum Plant, Kirovograd Copper Smelting Plant, Sayanal JSC, Baltic Shipping Company JSC, Petrovsky Passage JSC. With their entry authorized capital bank increased from 100 to 80 billion rubles.

At this time, Yuri Nosov, the former head of one of the departments of ONEXIM Bank, was elected as the new deputy chairman of the board. The new adviser was Fyodor Panferov, the former deputy head of the main directorate of the Ministry of Defense, and previously the first deputy head of the secretariat of KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov (Segodnya).

In June 1996, he became the manager of the St. Petersburg branch of MDM Bank former chairman of the Board of Directors of BaltONEXIMbank Sergey Medvedev. ("Profile").

MDM Bank is one of the largest importers of dollar cash in Russian market. According to the bank, in January 1996 the bank imported 18% of cash instead of 1-2% at the beginning of 1995 (Kommersant-Daily, 01/25/96).

In 1993, the MDM Group was created. Vyacheslav KOSTIKOV became the President of the MDM Group in December 1996.

At the end of 1995 - beginning of 1996, MDM Bank purchased insurance for the transportation of cash currency within Russia. Since the insurance of Russian insurance companies is not recognized by either the auditors or the bank’s partners, Lloyd’s was recommended to the bank. Since insurance property risks on the territory of Russia in Western companies is prohibited, an intermediary was elected - Moscow Insurance Company"Russia", which must then reinsure the risk with Lloyd's. Payments for insured events will be made directly by Lloyd's (Kommersant-Daily, 2.02.96).

In July 1996, the St. Petersburg branch of MDM Bank was headed by Sergei Medvedev, who was previously the chairman of the board of BaltONEXIMbank, and before that the head of the Main Financial Directorate of the St. Petersburg City Hall. The bank's plans stated its intention to seek rapprochement with the local administration. Shortly before the appointment, the branch issued a loan to the St. Petersburg mayor's office in the amount of 50 billion rubles for the implementation social programs. Part of the loan (15 billion rubles) was provided in the form of a bill of exchange to repay debts to enterprises of the Committee on Economics and Finance, which opened an account with a branch of MDM Bank. In addition, MDM Bank received the status of an authorized dealer for transactions with municipal treasury bonds of St. Petersburg (Kommersant-Daily, 07.17.96).

In July 1996 central bank The Russian Federation included MDM Bank in the list of banks that will be invited to participate in servicing non-residents on the government bond market.

In October 1996, MDM Bank received the status of a bank authorized by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to make cash offsets. In the Arkhangelsk region, a cash offset was carried out in the amount of almost 100 billion rubles, and in the Republic of Khakassia - in the amount of over 50 billion rubles.

At the end of 1996 European Bank reconstruction and development (EBRD) opened a credit line for MDM Bank in the amount of $5 million as part of a development project financial institutions(FIDP). In accordance with the terms of the agreement, the EBRD guaranteed the fulfillment by MDM Bank of payment obligations arising from the latter under letters of credit and guarantees confirmed by Western banks.

In January 1997, the meeting of shareholders decided to transform the bank into an OJSC. It was planned to conduct two issues of shares in the amount of 1 trillion. rubles As a result of the first issue (100 billion rubles), the former shareholders became shareholders - Gaisky GOK, the Temporary Operation Department, Sobinbank and Uralelectromed.

Half of the second issue (450 billion rubles) was planned to be offered to Western banks.

In February 1997, MDM was mentioned in an analytical note signed by the head of the Federal Service for Currency and Export Control O. Popov and addressed to First Deputy Prime Minister V. Potanin. The note included banks violating currency laws (Kommersant-Daily, 02.25.97).

In October 1997, MDM Bank, among 15 banks, won a tender from the Ministry of Finance for the right to participate in servicing operations under the reverse budget offset scheme until the end of 1997. The reverse budget offset scheme consisted in the fact that funds from the budget are transferred to the account of the budget recipient in one of the authorized banks. From these funds, the budget recipient repays debts to his creditor, who, in turn, is a debtor to the budget.

When this operation is carried out, the funds are again credited to the account in authorized bank and transferred to federal budget as tax payments.

In November 1997, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kalmykia selected MDM Bank as an authorized depository and payment agent for the placement of an internal loan - the issuer of bonds. By December 1997, 10 thousand debt discount bonds were placed, the buyers of which were Moscow banks.

In December 1997, MDM Bank, among 8 banks, won the Ministry of Finance competition for the right to provide targeted loans to constituent entities of the Russian Federation secured by government non-market loan bonds (OGNZ).

In December 1997, JSCB MDM received a syndicated loan from a consortium of foreign banks. The organizers of the syndicate were Bayerische Landesbank, London Forfaiting Asia Ltd. and Bank of New York. The loan agreement, signed by the parties on December 22, 1997, provides for the provision of $25 million to MDM Bank for a period of 6 months. at the rate of LIBOR+4.625% with the possibility of extension for the next 6 months.

In June 1998, MDM Bank fully repaid the syndicated loan received in December 1997. According to the deputy chairman of the bank's board, Gleb Kostin, the bank did not exercise the right to extend the loan and decided to return it in full. The management of MDM Bank sent inquiries to the members of the syndicate and received responses from which it followed that 50% were in favor of extending the loan and 50% were in favor of its return. Thus, the management of MDM Bank decided to repay the loan in order to show the market that “it has no problems with liquidity,” said G. Kostin (PRIME-TASS, 07/2/98).

After the victory of the LDPR representative Evgeniy Mikhailov in the gubernatorial elections in the Pskov region in 1996, a branch of MDM Bank was opened there. E. Mikhailov recommended transferring to the branch budgetary organizations from local bank Sberbank of the Russian Federation (“Moscow News”, No. 52, 1997).

In January 1998, MDM Bank announced that it would receive a loan of $10 million from the transnational bank Wells Fargo HSBC Trade Bank guaranteed by U.S. Eximbank (USA). The decision to provide the loan was made on February 22 by the board of directors of U.S. Eximbank. The funds were provided to ensure the supply of equipment by the American company Omnitech International Inc. to the Russian holding "ROSTAR" as part of a project to build a plant for the production of aluminum cans. The total cost of the project, financed by MDM Bank with the support of foreign investors, is estimated at $200 million.

The bank did not suffer much from financial crisis 1998. On August 27, the chairman of the bank’s board, Andrei Melnichenko, said that MDM’s losses amounted to about $20 million. According to him, MDM Bank stopped operations in the external debt market in April, so it did not suffer losses on this market. MDM Bank’s own portfolio of external loan bonds, Melnichenko said, amounted to about $15 million (at the market rate, losses from them amounted to approximately $8 million, the volume of investments in the GKO-OFZ market amounted to approximately $14 million, therefore, provided that funds were not received from this market and the losses will be equal to this amount. MDM Bank actually had no ruble assets, since its main clients are exporters. Thus, according to A. Melnichenko, the current financial losses of MDM Bank amounted to approximately $20 million with an equity capital of $120 million. Thus, the bank retained its capital and did not lose the ability to carry out settlements (PRIME-TASS).

On September 9, 1998, MDM Bank made early repayment of part of its obligations in the amount of $4 million out of the total amount of obligations of $20 million to foreign creditors for trade finance operations. Early repayment obligations were made at the request of some creditors. The bank did not have any obligations that were subject to the announced moratorium.

Since September 9, 1998, JSCB "Moscow Business World" made payments on Visa cards all banks, while the commission was 7-22% depending on the period of issue of funds. By September 14, 1998, MDM Bank had paid over 1 million rubles to the owners Visa cards other banks, while several hundred citizens were able to receive their savings from card accounts (AK&M)

In October 1998, the Board of Directors of Europay decided to grant MDM-Bank the status of a principal member of this payment system and a license to work with all its products. As the vice-president of MDM Bank Oleg Shvetsov emphasized, the bank’s previously existing status as an associated member of the Eurocard/MasterCard system, which implies working through an intermediary bank, was far from consistent with the volume of transactions carried out on bank cards and the bank’s desire to work with payment system directly (RBC)

In November 1998, MDM Bank announced its intention to open a branch in Kemerovo. The branch was created primarily for financial services economic activity a major corporate client of the bank - the Kuzbassrazrezugol company (the world's sixth largest coal company with an annual turnover of over $350 million), as well as a number of chemical industry enterprises (RBC).

In November 1998, the St. Petersburg branch of MDM Bank sold the foreign exchange business along with the five largest hard currency exchange centers and a network of local points. Until 1996, this business brought a large share of the bank's profit: MDM Bank in St. Petersburg accounted for up to 25% of all currency sales in the city. In the fall of 1998, the branch mainly earned income from service fees and was focused on obtaining high profits by increasing the volume of services provided while maintaining tariffs, according to a message from the MDM-Bank branch (PRIME-TASS).

In March 1999, Siberian Aluminum and MDM Bank began jointly implementing long-term programs to finance the foreign trade activities of the group's enterprises, including the Sayanogorsk Aluminum Smelter (SaAZ) and the Samara Metallurgical Plant. The expansion of the scope of cooperation, as noted in a press release from MDM Bank, is due to the fact that in 1999 the Siberian Aluminum group was supposed to significantly increase the volume of products supplied to world markets (RBC).

At the end of March 1999, the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation selected MDM Bank in a competition among 5 banks authorized to accept funds for payment for shares put up for regional and all-Russian special auctions.

In April 1998, based on the results of a diagnostic survey, current reporting and agreement with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, by decision of the Strategic Issues Group of the Financial Institutions Development Project (FIDP), MDM Bank was assigned to the first group of Russian banks accredited to participate in the programs of the World Bank and the EBRD. Banks assigned to this group are recommended for servicing special accounts of WB projects, having received the right to participate in the assignment of existing portfolios of final loans of the Enterprise Support Project.

On June 21, 1999 in London, MDM Bank and KBC Bank NV, London held a joint presentation for Western banks of the first syndicated loan after the August 1999 crisis to finance the export of Russian products. The object of financing was the supply of primary aluminum produced at the Sayan Aluminum Smelter to buyers in Western Europe, the USA and Asia. Revolver amount line of credit is $20 million, the line is provided for 1 year. Each tranche was issued for a period of up to 60 days, depending on the length of the sales cycle. The structure and basic terms of the loan were developed by trade finance specialists from MDM Bank and KBC Bank NV, London, who acted as joint organizers of the syndication. The provision of a syndicated loan takes place within the framework of the first stage of the joint program of MDM Bank and the Siberian Aluminum Group to attract financing for foreign trade contracts of SaAZ and the Samara Metallurgical Plant. MDM Bank reached agreements with a number of foreign banks on financing the export of SMZ products to the USA for a total amount of $20 million and Western Europe- for $5 million.

On July 16, 1999, the Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation and MDM Bank signed an agreement on cooperation in the financial and economic sphere. The main goals of cooperation were management optimization financial resources within the industry. In addition, the agreement provided for a system of settlements between industry enterprises and external counterparties with the involvement of bank specialists, providing industry enterprises with a full range of banking services. The parties also agreed to jointly develop and implement a set of measures aimed at solving the problems of strengthening financial discipline and increasing the manageability of the industry’s financial flows (RBC).

In July 1999, MDM Bank provided the LUKoil-Arctic-Tanker company with a loan in the amount of $16 million to finance the transportation of petroleum products. Cooperation plans include a number of other projects, including financing the construction of new ships. (Finmarket)

The certificate was prepared using materials

The bank was created by Andrey Melnichenko in 1993 on the basis of a network of currency exchange offices. With the participation of oligarchs, famous financiers and large industrialists, who brought their “empires” to be serviced by the bank, by 2001 MDM took a confident position in the top twenty Russian banks. As a result of the division of spheres of influence and restructuring in 2006, former industrialist Sergei Popov from the Northern Energy Management Company and the MDM industrial group received control over the bank. Since 2004, the bank has been a participant in the deposit insurance system.

At the beginning of 2008, negotiations began on the merger of MDM Bank with Ursa Bank, controlled by the famous banker Igor Kim. The crisis only spurred this process, and on August 7, 2009, the merger of banks was officially completed. The merger scheme turned out to be very complex: formally, the new united financial institution began to function on the basis of Ursa Bank - with a “registration” in Novosibirsk and its license No. 323, but at the same time received the name and its business from the capital bank. The “real” MDM, together with the canceled license No. 2361, took its place in.

According to information disclosed on the Central Bank website dated July 1, 2015, the beneficiaries of MDM Bank were Sergey Popov (58.33%), investment company Olivant Investments (No. 1) Ltd. (6.18%), a number of development institutions - “European Bank for Reconstruction and Development” (4.82%), “International financial corporation"(3.33%), German state investment corporation DEG (1.75%); business partner of the main beneficiary Martin Andersson (2.69%); the remaining minority shareholders accounted for 13.02%, another 9.88% was cross-owned, and the total number of shareholders was about 5 thousand.

At the end of June 2015, the BIN group announced the signing of an agreement to acquire Sergei Popov’s stake (58.33%) in MDM Bank by Binbank shareholders Mikail Shishkhanov and Mikhail Gutseriev. Already on July 14, Mikail Shishkhanov headed the board of MDM Bank and announced that the BIN group was also considering the possibility of buying out the shares of the remaining shareholders of MDM Bank, bringing its share in the latter’s capital to 100%. Initially, the transaction amount was estimated at 17 billion rubles, which approximately corresponded to a coefficient of one capital. However, then the media reported that Sergei Popov could have received one and a half times less money from the sale of his stake in the bank’s capital.

Today, Mikhail Gutseriev and his nephew Mikail Shishkhanov control 88.40% of the shares of MDM Bank. Another 9.88% in the capital of the financial institution belongs to the company BIN Engineering LLC (49.00% in this organization is owned by Mikhail Evloev, 31.1% belongs to the company with limited liability Tektum Trading Limited, 19.9% ​​from PJSC B&N Bank). 1.72% for minority shareholders, including Eriskhan Kurazov. In the explanatory information to the financial statements, MDM Bank currently names Mikail Shishkhanov as the ultimate controlling party.

At the end of August and beginning of September 2016, the FAS approved two options for merging MDM Bank and B&N Bank. In the first case, B&N Bank joins MDM Bank, in the second case, MDM Bank joins B&N Bank. In both cases, it is also planned to merge two other subsidiaries of B&N Bank with the banks: B&N Bank Capital (formerly Europlan Bank) and B&N Bank Murmansk. The final merger scheme is planned to be selected at an extraordinary general meeting shareholders of Binbank and MDM Bank in October 2016, and the process of merging the two banks is planned to be completed before the end of 2016. At the same time, regardless of the chosen legal merger scheme, the merged bank will continue to operate under the B&N Bank brand. At the moment, Binbank and MDM Bank are already working within the framework unified system management and a unified product line.

The Board of Directors of MDM Bank is still headed by Oleg Vyugin, known for his work at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Federal service on financial markets and other government agencies.

As of July 1, 2016, the regional network of MDM Bank consisted of 153 divisions across Russia: 13 branches (in addition to the head office), 76 additional and 58 operational offices, 6 operating cash desks outside the cash register. The regional network is located on the territory of 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 90 cities. In June 2016, the bank's representative office in Beijing (China) was closed. According to the latest available data, the average number of personnel was about 6 thousand people. In addition to the wide network of its own ATMs, MDM Bank clients can also preferential terms use ATMs of partner banks - Raiffeisenbank, Alfa-Bank, Russian Standard Bank, Promsvyazbank, Vostochny and Koltso Ural banks, as well as Binbank and Binbank credit cards" In total, MDM Bank serves 3.5 million individuals, as well as 70 thousand corporate clients and small and medium-sized business clients.

The bank offers remote banking services to individuals banking services, line of deposits, bank cards(MasterCard and MIR), Money transfers(including through the system " gold Crown"), cash loans (including for employees of government agencies), payments for utilities and other types of services, cash and non-cash transactions foreign currency, with precious metals, customized bank safes, insurance services, services for travelers (, etc. Direction Private Banking MDM Bank offers wealthy clients an additional range of banking and investment products and services, including financial planning, trust management, legal and tax consulting.

Working with corporate clients is traditionally considered one of the bank's highest priority areas of business. Legal entities The bank offers a wide range of services, including cash settlement services, placement of funds on deposits and bills, trade and structured financing, investment banking services and capital markets services, leasing, brokerage service, trade and Internet acquiring, customs cards, various business packages and much more. Among the bank's corporate clients are the following organizations: Obuv Rossii LLC, Element Leasing LLC, TEN Corporation JSC, Avtodom JSC, Novosibirsk Capacitor Plant PJSC, Omsk Bacon JSC, Siberian Poultry Farm JSC ", JSC "Tyumen Broiler", JSC "Uralgipromez", JSC "Svyazkompleks", JSC "Salavatsteklo", JSC "Moskvichka" and others.

Since the beginning of 2016, the bank’s net assets have lost 5% and as of September 1 amounted to 324.7 billion rubles. During the period under study, the main decrease in liabilities in absolute terms was accounted for by deposits of individuals (-14.7 billion rubles or -8.6%). The funds of enterprises and organizations also decreased noticeably in volume (-10.4 billion rubles or −16.9%) and equity capital (-6.1 billion rubles or −17.8%). Almost all major items in assets decreased: in absolute terms, the corporate loan portfolio lost the most (-17.3 billion rubles), while in relative terms, the largest losses were observed in highly liquid balances (-38.0%). The exception was issued interbank loans, the portfolio of which more than doubled.

Slightly less than half of liabilities credit organization represented by deposits of individuals. A significant portion of funds from the population was raised for periods ranging from six months to three years. Funds of enterprises and organizations account for 15.7% of liabilities. Almost half of the funds from legal entities represent balances on current accounts, a little more than 20% are deposits with a maturity of six months to a year, the remainder of the funds are both short-term (up to 90 days) and long-term (over 3 years) resources (including, subordinated debt obligations). About 9% of liabilities form own funds (capital and reserves). General sufficiency own funds in accordance with the N1.0 standard, it is carried out with a good reserve (12.2% as of September 1, 2016, with a minimum of 8%), however, the stock of fixed capital (not including subordinated loans) according to the N1.2 standard is minimal (6.9 % with a minimum of 6%). The share of attracted interbank loans in liabilities does not exceed 6% - almost all funds were raised for short periods from Russian counterparties.

The change of shareholders of the bank did not affect the payment dynamics of the client base: turnover on client accounts on average consistently exceeds 200 billion rubles monthly. The bank's dependence on individuals' funds is assessed at a very high level. The concentration of the resource base on funds from large clients is relatively small: as of June 30, 2016, the total amount of funds from the ten largest clients was 6% of the total amount of client liabilities (a year earlier, the same figure was 7%).

The structure of net assets is dominated by the loan portfolio with a share of slightly less than 40%, issued interbank loans account for 12.2%, the portfolio valuable papers- 10.2%, highly liquid funds (balances on correspondent accounts and cash) - 6.1%, another almost 18% falls on items of other assets and fixed assets.

Approximately 2/3 loan portfolio represented by loans to enterprises and organizations (including non-resident companies), the remaining third in the form of retail is represented mainly consumer loans. The portfolio's delinquency is reflected at a high level - 18.5% according to RAS, while growing dynamically (15.9% at the beginning of 2016). High level provisions correspond to the share of overdue loans, amounting to 23.3% of the volume of loans; less than 100% of the portfolio is traditionally secured by property collateral (92.6% as of the reporting date). The loan portfolio is predominantly long-term - the bulk of both corporate and retail loans are issued for terms of over 3 years, however, a significant portion of loans to legal entities also have repayment terms of 6-12 months. As of June 30, 2016, the total amount of loans issued to the ten largest borrowers amounted to 38.3% of the total loan portfolio before provisions (a year earlier - only 30%).

The Financial Institute maintains significant activity in the interbank lending market, occupying recent months position as a net borrower, but at the same time placing less significant amounts of liquidity. It is also worth noting the bank’s extremely high activity in the foreign exchange and debt markets.

The securities portfolio largely consists of bonds, of which about half are regularly used in repo transactions to attract liquidity. The remainder of the bonds are mainly Eurobonds. In addition, the bank’s balance sheet contains investments in shares investment funds in the amount of 19.4 billion rubles - almost 6% of net assets as of the reporting date. It should be noted that the bond portfolio traditionally maintains fairly high reserves for possible losses - 23% of the portfolio as of the reporting date.

For January-August 2016, the bank's loss amounted to 944.8 million rubles against a loss of 14.3 billion rubles for the same period in 2015 (27.2 billion rubles of net loss for the entire 2015). It is worth adding that according to the results of the 1st half of 2016, the bank received net profit in the amount of 1.6 billion rubles due to income tax reimbursement.

Board of Directors: Oleg Vyugin (chairman), Mikail Shishkhanov, Sergey Maryin, Anzhelika Anshakova, Galina Danilova, Kirill Lyubentsov, Alexander Filatov.

Governing body: Mikail Shishkhanov (chairman), Petr Morsin, Dmitry Yurin, Kirill Petrov, Maxim Dmitriev.

Management of OJSC MDM Bank

Sergey Timofeev - General Director, Chairman of the Board

Appointed General Director, Chairman of the Management Board in July 2010. Before the invitation to head MDM Bank, he was a member of the board of OJSC RAO Energy Systems of the East and was a deputy general director for Economics and Finance of JSC Far Eastern Energy Management Company" From October 1996 to July 2001, he headed the Client Relations Department and was a member of the board of JSCB Primorye.

In August 2001, he moved to MDM Bank OJSC to the position of Branch Manager in Vladivostok, and in 2008 he headed the management of the bank’s branches in the Urals. To work in banking sector started in 1994 at OJSC Far Eastern Bank.

He graduated from the Pacific State Economic University with a specialization in finance and credit and the Primorsky Institute for Advanced Studies and Training for Civil Service with a specialization in state and municipal management.

Tatyana Pupkova - Deputy General Director, Head of the Operations Unit, Member of the Management Board.

Since January 2009, she has been Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC MDM Bank. In November 2008, she was appointed to the position of head of the Operations Unit. She moved to MDM Bank from Etalonbank, where she held the post of Chairman of the Board since 2006. Before that, she headed Uralvneshtorgbank OJSC, worked at Caspian Bank JSC, and rose from Director of the Operations Department to Deputy Chairman of the Board.

She began her career in banking at the Innovative commercial bank “KRAMDS Bank” (Kazakhstan).

She graduated from the Energy Institute, the Market Institute at the Kazakh State Academy of Management and the Adilet Higher School of Law.

Vadim Sorokin - Deputy General Director, Financial Director, Member of the Management Board

From December 2008, he held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC MDM Bank, and was appointed Chief Financial Officer of MDM Bank in October 2008. From 1997 until moving to MDM Bank, he worked at Deloitte & Touche CIS, where from 2001 Mr. was a partner, head of service practice financial institutions. From 1989 to 1997 he worked as financial director investment company"East European Investment Alliance", Vice President for Finance commercial bank Alba Alliance, chief accountant transport company. He began his professional career at KPMG.

Graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Faculty of Accounting.

Konstantin Leonov - Head of the Direct Investment Block, Member of the Management Board

In March 2009, he was appointed to the position of Managing Director of the Direct Investment Management Department. Since January 2008, he has been a member of the Management Board of OJSC MDM Bank. Since October 2007, he headed the Network Management Unit of the Head Bank of MDM Bank OJSC in Moscow. From November 2001 to October 2007, he held the position of branch manager of MDM Bank in Rostov-on-Don.

From November 1999 until joining MDM Bank, he was deputy manager of the branch of OJSC Vneshtorgbank in Rostov. He began his activities in the banking sector in December 1995 in the Rostov branch of JSB INCOMBANK as a specialist in the securities department. In 1997, he was appointed head of the securities department, and in 1999, branch manager.

In 1994 he graduated from the Rostov Institute National economy(RINH) with a degree in finance, credit and money circulation.

Kirill Nikulin - director Ural Bank, board member

Elected to the Management Board of MDM Bank in August 2009. Prior to this, as Deputy General Director, he oversaw project financing issues at URSA Bank. Since January 2005, he held the position of deputy general director and member of the board at Sibacadembank OJSC. Since 1994, he worked at Uralvneshtorgbank OJSC, progressing from an intern to the head of the international operations department.

In 1994 he graduated from the Ural State Forestry University with a qualification as a “mechanical engineer”, and in 2007 - from the Ural State Forestry University with a degree in “organization manager”.

Oleg Novolodsky - head of the Risks Block, member of the Management Board

Elected to the Management Board of MDM Bank in September 2009. In April 2009, he was appointed to the position of head of the Risks block of MDM Bank OJSC. He came to MDM Bank from URSA Bank, where he oversaw risk management work as Managing Director. In April 2006, he moved to URSA Bank OJSC from the position of Deputy Head of the Main Department Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the Novosibirsk region for the position of Managing Director of OJSC Sibacadembank. In August 2006, he was elected to the board of URSA Bank OJSC. From 1993 to 2006 he worked in the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the Novosibirsk Region.

In 1994 he graduated from Novosibirsk State University with a degree in economic cybernetics.

Konstantin Rogov - Head of the Treasury Block, Member of the Management Board

Since April 2009, he has been a member of the Management Board of MDM Bank. Since March 2009, he headed the newly formed Treasury Block, which included part of the divisions of the Corporate and Investment Block. Since November 2008, he has been Deputy Head of the Corporate and Investment Unit. He joined MDM Bank in 2003 as head of the Treasury Department.

From 1998 until joining MDM Bank, he headed the Treasury of Impex Bank, was involved in organizing the management of liquidity, assets and liabilities, and also took part in the development of the bank’s long-term development strategy. In 1995-1998 worked at the Russian Credit Bank, where he worked his way up from a dealer to the head of the Treasury. Has been working in the banking sector since 1994.

In 1993 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a degree in applied mathematics and physics. In 1997, he received a second higher education at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in finance and credit.

Nikita Ryauzov - Head of the Corporate and Investment Block, Member of the Management Board

Elected to the Management Board of MDM Bank in September 2009. Since March 2010, he has headed the Corporate and Investment Unit. Prior to this appointment, he was the head of the Corporate Finance Department, transformed from the Investment Banking Department. In 2005-2007 was the head of the Department of Debt Capital Markets, and in 2003-2005. - Deputy Head of the Investment Block and Head of the Department for Work with Corporate Clients.

From 1998 until joining MDM Bank, he worked at ZENIT Bank, where in 2002 he headed the Investment Department and became a member of the Management Board. He began his career in the financial sector at Roseximbank.

Graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in finance and credit.