The departure of the “serial banker” Andrei Vdovin from business life could collapse the credit system of the Far East. ​Co-owner of ATB Andrey Vdovin is facing personal bankruptcy Vdovin is the former chairman of the board of ATB Bank

Co-owner of the Asia-Pacific Bank who fled the country Andrey Vdovin arrested in absentia for the theft of $13 million received by the bank in the form of loans. This is not the first lawsuit in which the banker and part-time president is involved. Golf Association Russia. Previously, the structures of Roman Abramovich and Alexander Abramov took away 34% of the Azbuka Vkusa retailer from Vdovin for debts. Vdovin was also suspected of withdrawing money through the M2M bank; his share has now been seized by the Latvian authorities. Finprombank demands that Vdovin be declared bankrupt due to an outstanding debt of $11 million.

The petition of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow to arrest the banker was considered yesterday by the Tver Court. The preventive measure was chosen in absentia, since the financier himself is now not in Russia - since the fall of 2017, Vdovin moved to Germany for permanent residence. It was this circumstance that the representative of the investigation pointed out as one of the arguments in favor of granting the petition in court. According to him, law enforcement officers have been unable to establish the exact location of the banker for quite some time - he did not respond to subpoenas, and they also could not find Mr. Vdovin at his place of residence. Therefore, the representative of the Main Investigative Directorate noted, Andrey Vdovin was charged with especially large-scale fraud (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) in absentia, and he himself was put on the federal and then international wanted list. Let us note that arrest in absentia is necessary for law enforcement agencies in order to send materials regarding Mr. Vdovin to Interpol .

Insisting on the arrest, the representative of the investigation noted that, being at large, the banker could coordinate his actions with as yet unidentified accomplices.

According to investigators, Mr. Vdovin was an accomplice in two episodes of fraudulent theft of money totaling $13 million. As law enforcement officers established, the bank took out two loans from offshore companies, and Mr. Vdovin acted as a guarantor for them. However, the money was not returned to the creditors.

For his part, the banker’s lawyer Stanislav Akimov argued that we are talking about civil transactions concluded in the field of entrepreneurship. At the same time, according to the defense lawyer, the co-owner of the bank himself had no direct relationship with them - none of the documents bear his signature - however, he did not refuse his obligations. The defense lawyer asked to choose a preventive measure not related to detention, Kommersant reports. He also added that he appealed the order to search for the banker.

However, the judge sided with the investigation. “We satisfy the investigation’s request and choose a preventive measure against Vdovin in the form of detention,” presiding judge Elena Bulgakova decided.

Previously, Andrey Vdovin owned 22.5% of the shares Asia-Pacific Bank, but in May 2017 after the collapse of ATB M2M Private Bank, Central Bank ordered him to reduce his share to 10%. The Asia-Pacific Bank was created by the founders of the gold mining company Petropavlovsk​ Plc, Peter Hambro and Alexey Maslovsky, as well as their partner Andrey Vdovin.

The Central Bank announced the reorganization of the Asia-Pacific Bank

On the night of April 26, the Central Bank announced the reorganization of the Asian-Pacific Bank (ATB), it will be transferred Banking Sector Consolidation Fund(FCBS), controlled by the regulator. The functions of the temporary administration are assigned to the management company FCBS; a moratorium on satisfying creditors’ claims is not imposed, the Central Bank said in a statement. The regulator does not disclose the reasons for the bank’s reorganization.

Vedomosti was told that ATB could be sanitized by a person close to the bank, a person who knew this from Central Bank employees, as well as one of its counterparties. They pointed out the bank's problems with capital, as well as the fact that the Central Bank demanded a change in the owner of the bank.

ATB's problems have been going on since the end of 2016, when the Central Bank revoked the license of its subsidiary M2M private bank“- ATB issued him a loan and had to create a 100% reserve for it. However, the Central Bank provided ATB with an installment plan for a year, it expired by the beginning of 2018. ATB did not manage to create all reserves on time, said two people close to the bank, its counterparty and a person who knew this from Central Bank employees. According to two Vedomosti interlocutors, over the past year the bank created reserves for approximately 80% of the loan.

At the beginning of the year, ATB asked to extend the deferment, and in mid-March the regulator agreed, but gave a very short period - until the beginning of April. However, by mid-March, Central Bank employees had already prepared a document listing the reasons why ATB should be sanitized, said a person who knows this from regulator employees. Creating a reserve required the bank to replenish capital, and the regulator also insisted on this. In addition, the bank completed an inspection of the Central Bank in the spring, and additional reserves, in addition to M2M, would have led to a violation of the standards, Vedomosti’s interlocutors said. The bank still had to create at least 1.56 billion rubles. according to M2M, then the N1.2 standard fell from 7.8 to 6.5%, considered the leading methodologist of Expert RA, Yuri Belikov. “In such a scenario, without additional capital injections or curtailment of profitable assets, the bank will be critically sensitive to any stress,” he pointed out.

Uncertainty about additional reserves affects the bank's standards; another risk factor is the possible actions of the Central Bank in relation to ATB, all of which may raise "significant doubts about the bank's ability to continue its activities as a going concern," ATB said in its annual report. Yesterday, a representative of ATB assured that M2M reserves were fully formed.

Another requirement that the Central Bank also insisted on was a change of shareholders, the largest of which was Andrei Vdovin, the former co-owner of Azbuka Vkusa. The Central Bank sent an order to reduce the share to no more than 10% to the bank and shareholders also after the license was revoked from M2M. In December 2017, the bank complied with it, but only formally. Instead of Vdovin, Alexey Maslovsky and Peter Hambro, who each controlled 22.5% of the bank’s shares, other persons appeared on the list of ATB shareholders in December 2017. Shelmer Holding Ltd (British Virgin Islands, owns 31.8% of ATB) is owned by Riga resident Maxim Chernavin, the bank’s documents say. A person with the same name and surname gave comments to the portal in March last year as an expert at Bank M2M Europe. Bank M2M Europe operates in Latvia and was owned by Vdovin, but was sold in September last year. It is now called Signet Bank AS and is owned by 11 shareholders. Vdovin, Maslovsky and Hambro retained shares in the bank through the PPFIN Region company, but it reduced its participation in the bank to 8.24%. The regulator wanted to see a “new face” who could recapitalize the bank, said a person who knew this from Central Bank employees. For the past year, the bank has been looking for a new investor, but to no avail.

The main feature of an enterprising businessman is to withdraw money from banks abroad, ruin them, lend to his own business, and not repay debts.

The film describes in detail why bankers like Andrei Vdovin arise, and what needs to be done so that the Bank of Russia is much more careful in its supervisory responsibilities, and does not allow unscrupulous businessmen to manage banks.

The history of Andrei Vdovin as a banker consists entirely of fraud or illegal transactions. In the first years of work, Vdovin did not stand out much, he learned all the intricacies of banking. For the first time they started talking loudly about the banker in 2001, when law enforcement agencies established that money was laundered through Vdovin’s bank - Expobank. The influential business newspaper Vedomosti even called the bank “laundromat number one” - this was the first public case of catching money laundering structures.

Over the next seven years, Andrei. Vdovin managed to pump up Espobank with assets and attract large clients to service it. All this was done to present Espobank as a high-quality, healthy bank that could be sold. A buyer was also found - the British group Barclays. In 2008, this deal was loudly heard in all Russian media, because Expobank was sold at 4 times capital, that is, it was valued very expensively. However, very soon Barclays realized that the Russian bank was bringing in continuous losses instead of profits: low-quality assets, expensive deposits. They ended up selling the bank and recording a loss of $500 million.

The banker himself, having got rid of one bank, acquired two at once. One in the Far East is the Asian-Pacific Bank, the second in Moscow is the National Development Bank (later renamed M2M Private Bank). And if ATB mainly served individuals and companies (including lending to the gold mining company Petropavlovsk), then M2M was engaged in servicing VIP clients. As a rule, to work with wealthy people, you need banks in Europe, and Vdovin decided to buy Vdovin decided to buy a bank in Latvia - it was called Bank M2M Europe. Only the Latvian bank was mainly needed for the illegal withdrawal of money from the country.

The scale of suspicious transactions was so large that the Bank of Russia at the beginning of 2016 prohibited M2M from transferring client money to foreign accounts, and limited M2M’s operations to $10 million. By the summer of 2016, the situation with M2M began to deteriorate sharply, and in order to save it, Vdovin decided to carry out a deal - ATB buys M2M. And the Bank of Russia allowed him to do this.

In parallel with this, Andrei Vdovin appeared in court on a claim of non-repayment of a loan taken from Baikal Bank in the amount of 204 million rubles. It turns out that Vdovin simply decided not to give it up. In November, the Khamovnichesky District Court in Moscow ruled that Vdovin must repay the loan. But the banker had no time for that. M2M's problems have become so widespread that they have become known to the media. Vdovin became a frequent visitor to the Bank of Russia on Neglinnaya Street. He promised to resolve M2M problems in a matter of days, and the Bank of Russia believed him. However, in early December, the Central Bank had to revoke the license. At M2M.

But the main thing is that Vdovin, who brought one bank to bankruptcy, remained to manage and own ATB, which is among the top 50 largest banks in the country. At the same time, Vdovin became involved in another legal proceeding: in Cyprus, he was sued by the structures of Russian businessmen Roman Abramovich and Alexander Abramov. It turns out that Vdovin did not repay the loan to them - $150 million, which the banker took to purchase shares in Azbuka Vkusa.

It is logical that with such an owner, ATB began to have problems: the international agency Fitch downgraded the bank's rating to pre-default; the bank was exposed to a huge volume of loans issued to M2M - 6.5 billion rubles (they are now virtually non-repayable). The Sakhalin Region Development Corporation, which intended to enter the capital of ATB, canceled its plans after the scandals with Vdovin.

All this takes place with the active participation of the Bank of Russia. It is the supervisory authorities that coordinate the purchase and sale transactions of banks; it is they who are responsible for the cleanliness of bankers and their reputation. The Central Bank has repeatedly stated publicly that bankers who brought one bank to insolvency do not have the right to manage (own) other banks (they are blacklisted). But for some reason, in relation to Andrei Vdovin, the Bank of Russia is showing unforgivable myopia. He turns a blind eye to the fact that ATB is managed by a banker who appears in two legal proceedings, bankrupted M2M, and sold a “dummy” to the British Barclays.

It’s time to introduce responsibility for employees of the Central Bank of Russia, otherwise the state will increasingly pay with budget money for errors in banking supervision.

All of them were not included in the list of candidates for the new board of directors, which will be elected at an extraordinary meeting of ATB shareholders on March 3. The powers of the current council will be terminated early.

Vdovin and Safonov were on the board of directors of ATB’s subsidiary, M2M Private Bank, whose license was revoked by the Central Bank in December 2016. In such a situation, as a rule, the Central Bank insists that members of the board of directors of the collapsed bank not cooperate with other players. ATB also received the corresponding requirement from the regulator, a person close to the bank knows. The ATB representative said that he does not comment on relations with the Central Bank, and changes in the composition of the board of directors are dictated by the requirements of the law “for candidates who can be nominated to this management body.”

In July 2016, ex-deputy chairman of the Central Bank Sergei Golubev left the board of directors of ATB. He explained to Vedomosti that the reason for his departure was that he did not want the bank to bear reputational risks due to his participation in the board of directors of Interkommerts Bank, whose license was revoked.

Directors with reputation

Of the eight candidates for the new board of directors of ATB, only three are on the current composition: senior adviser to East Capital Private Equity Margot Jacobs, member of the board of directors of Sanymon Corporation (owns ABC of Taste) Mark van der Plas, first vice president of ATB Rinat Dosmukhamedov.

The representative of the Central Bank recalled that the regulator maintains a database of persons whose activities, to one degree or another, negatively affected the functioning of the bank.

On the day the license was revoked from M2M, the press service of the Central Bank reported that in the event of revocation, the business reputation of the members of the board of directors and managers of the bank is considered unsatisfactory (business reputation criteria also apply to shareholders with a stake of more than 10%. - Vedomosti). If these individuals hold positions on the boards of other banks or own large shares, they should leave these positions and reduce their shares to no more than 10%.

Vdovin, through PPFIN Region, controls about 23% of ATB. A representative of the bank indicated that questions about changes in the composition or shares of shareholders would not be considered at the meeting. Vdovin himself does not answer the phone; his receptionist reports that he is “not in Moscow.”

Even if Vdovin does not join the board of directors of ATB, he will still be able to control the bank’s activities, so this does not fundamentally change anything, says Fitch analyst Alexander Danilov. But this could create an additional negative background around the bank after the situation had already begun to calm down after the license was revoked from M2M, where ATB had placed more than 6 billion rubles, Danilov concluded. To support ATB, the Central Bank gave the bank an annual installment plan to create additional reserves, two people familiar with the terms of the agreement told Vedomosti.


He received his higher education at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, from which he graduated in 1993 with a degree in Finance, Credit and Money Circulation.

Labor activity

He has more than 25 years of experience in the banking industry.

Started working in 1988. He held the position of category II economist in the settlement and loan operations department of the Housing and Social Bank of the USSR, then was the chief accountant of the Aviabank branch, and later headed the Moscow branch of Asia-Trust JSCB with the rank of director.

Since 1996, he has been an employee of Expobank CB. In 2003-2006, he was Chairman of the Board of Expobank. As a co-owner of a credit institution, in 2008 he and his partners completed a deal to sell Expobank to the largest British holding company, Barclays Bank PLC.

In 2001-2002 worked at JSCB "Moscow Business World", LLC "European-Asian Credit Bank".

After the successful sale of Expobank, he continued his career as a banker at M2M Private Bank OJSC. From July 2009 to October 2010, he headed the board of directors of the bank, and at the time of revocation of the license from this credit institution in December 2016, he headed the board of directors.

Headed the board and was a key shareholder

From June 2013 to December 2014 he was president of the Russian Golf Association (RGA).

Until the beginning of March 2017, he served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Asian-Pacific Bank, of which he is currently a shareholder (through PPFIN Region he controls about 23% of ATB).

Today, together with Russian and British partners, the banker owns shares of several international companies and financial institutions, including: Asia-Pacific Bank, luxury supermarket chain Azbuka Vkusa, IC M2M Asset Management, IC Helios, leasing company EXPO -leasing" and factoring company "FTK".

In May 2017, he signed an agreement to sell shares of Bank M2M Europe, previously owned by him and his family. As a result of this transaction, Signet Global Investors Ltd owns 25% of the bank's shares, SIA Hansalink - 22.3%, and SIA - 8.79%. The credit institution was renamed Signet Bank.

On August 18, 2017, RAPSI reported that the Latvian authorities authorized the arrest of a stake in M2M Europe Bank based on a decision of the High Court of London to recover about 7.6 million euros in favor of the president of the Russian Transcontinental Media Company, Alexander Mitroshenkov. At the same time, it became known that Andrei Vdovin, co-owner of the Asia-Pacific Bank, could be declared bankrupt.

At the end of December 2017, it became known that the largest shareholders of ATB, the main one of whom was a businessman, reduced their shares to 10%.

The court arrested the co-owner of the Asia-Pacific Bank in absentia ... . According to the prosecution representative, Vdovin can establish contact with accomplices in the crime and jointly oppose the investigation. ​ Lawyer Vdovina Stanislav Akimov asked the court to appoint... added that the banker's wanted notice had already been appealed in court. Vdovin together with the founder of gold miner Petropavlovsk Peter Hambro and the son of ex... The Asia-Pacific Bank expressed doubts about the continuity of its work ... was Andrey Vdovin, minority shareholder of the Azbuka Vkusa supermarket chain. Together with the founder of gold miner Petropavlovsk Peter Hambro and the son of former senator Pavel Maslovsky Alexey Vdovin... Central Bank, with the termination of control over the bank by the majority owners Vdovina, Maslovsky and Hambro, the ATB report states. The bank will have... ...belonging Andrey Vdovin Vdovina Vdovin Latvia has seized the assets of the shareholder of ABC of Taste ...belonging Andrey Vdovin stake in Bank M2M Europe. Latvian authorities have seized a stake in Andrey, the largest shareholder of Bank M2M Europe Vdovina, reports... €7.658 million in favor of the President of the Transcontinental Media Company Alexander Mitroshenkov. Vdovin, shareholder of the Asia-Pacific Bank and minority shareholder of the ABC of Taste supermarket chain... Vdovina. ​ In 2014 Vdovin VdovinaAndrey Vdovin The structures of Abramovich and Abramov filed a lawsuit against the shareholder of ABC of Taste ... structures of Abramovich and Abramov with a stake in Andrey's ABC of Taste Vdovina. ​ In 2014 Vdovin and his partners - Alexey Maslovsky and Peter Hambro... all businessmen, but in the end only the package remained as collateral Vdovina“says a source close to the partners of the retail chain. The funds raised could... confirmed a source close to one of the plaintiffs. According to him, " Andrey Vdovin was ready to transfer the pledged package of “ABC of Taste” into actual possession...

The new chairman of the board of OJSC "Asian-Pacific Bank" may become Andrey Vdovin. As stated in the statement of the credit institution, his candidacy by the board of directors... tactical decisions for successful business development,” the bank said in a statement. Andrey Vdovin currently a member of the board of directors of M2M Private Bank...