Where to invest big money. Where to invest money, or the most profitable investments

Description: when free money appears, it is advisable to invest it somewhere so that it works and makes a profit. You need to do this wisely so as not to waste all your money. So that you don't have to wander in the dark, I have compiled a selection of ideas on where to invest money in order to receive a monthly income or make a profit in the long term.
Payment: depends on investment
Requirements: amount for investment (from 1000 rubles), it is advisable to study books on investing.

I’ll say right away - invest only if you have “free” money. You shouldn’t sit on water and bread, expecting to get rich in a month - that’s not how it works. The rules of investing are simple:

  • No risk = little profit.
  • Big risks = big profits (if you're lucky).

Therefore, you should not enter the game if you have to bet your last savings. As a last resort, use the money you have saved for your vacation - in the worst case scenario, you will spend your vacation at home.

If you have no free money at all, try saving 10% of your salary for several months. Once you have some savings, try investing them.

The minimum amount for investment is 100-1000 rubles. This money is enough to try your hand without fear and make your first investment.

Over the years, a set of tips has emerged to help novice investors. Don’t brush aside these “truths” that seem obvious. Listen and do not violate them so as not to lose all your money.

  1. Don't borrow- This is the basic rule of novice investors. Never take out loans to invest money. The risks of losing everything are too great, and there will be nothing to repay the favor from. Rely only on the money you have available.
  2. Don't put your eggs in one basket. In investment circles this is called “risk diversification.” Invest in different areas and companies to increase your chances of making a profit. If the case does not win somewhere, you can earn income and recoup investments elsewhere.
  3. Start gradually so as not to lose all the money you have saved in the first month. Study the issue, invest a little at a time (no more than $1000), and only when you figure it out and start making a profit, increase your investment.
  4. Invest your profit so that the money continues to spin and bring in more money.
  5. Take risks, but in moderation. Be prepared to take risks and lose money. Study offers, analyze and try to find the optimal balance between profit and risk.

With the help of investments and investment, you can create a passive source of income for yourself. But you need to act gradually and be sure to study a couple of books or courses on investing. Preferably from famous people who understand this matter.

Where to invest money
to receive monthly income

Let's look at where you can invest money to make it work. The article provides several options, so it will not be possible to consider each in detail. Here you will find only basic information, and if something interests you, you can study it in more detail on specialized sites/forums.

1. Bank deposit- a popular way to save money and increase it a little. The risks here are minimal, if any, so returns are unlikely to exceed the inflation rate.

Suitable for cases when you have set aside a sum of money for a long-term project (buy an apartment, for a child’s university, etc.), and do not want it to lie idle. In this case, you can be sure of their safety. You won’t see a lot of money, but if you are still afraid of risky areas, this is a good option.

2. Real estate- a classic investment instrument. Everyone knows the rental option, when you receive payment every month for the fact that someone else lives in an apartment/dacha/country house. If you don’t have an apartment, you can consider a cheaper option - a garage. This also includes the option with commercial real estate - people do not live, but work in rented premises.

Commercial real estate brings in more money, but there are many nuances to consider.

It is worth considering that the premises may be damaged, so it is advisable to insure it against various disasters (fire, flood, gas explosion, natural disaster, etc.).

The entry threshold is from 200 thousand rubles and more.

3. Shares on the stock market- this is already a “serious” investment that can bring good profits. It is believed that this is a very complex area and it is contraindicated for beginners to get involved in it. In fact, anyone can understand the nuances and make money from it.

First you need to open an account with a broker (for example, good reviews about the Otkritie Brokerage House). Find a list of suitable stocks that pay dividends, you can look on the Internet or ask your broker. Select suitable stocks and buy them.

If you do not want or are afraid to manage your investments yourself, entrust this task to a trader - a professional manager.

There is another way to make money on stocks - speculation. The principle is similar to the basic principle of trading: buy cheaper, sell more expensive. But you shouldn’t start with this; it’s suitable for experienced “players”.

The entry threshold is 1000 rubles.

4. Mutual funds- mutual investment fund. You can purchase a share in the investment portfolio of such a fund (units). After a certain period of time, you will receive a percentage of income equal to the size of your share. But keep in mind that the value of the share does not always increase - you can work in the red.

You can invest a little at a time in different sectors and sectors of the economy to increase your chances of success.

Keep in mind that payments do not occur every month, but on specified dates. Therefore, you should not count on monthly profits.

The entry threshold is from 1000 rubles.

5. Investments in startups and young projects— this area of ​​investment has been gaining popularity recently. You don’t have to look for projects on your own and work with unknown people. There are special platforms where you can invest in promising projects.

When the project is launched and begins to generate income, you will receive monthly payments as a shared owner. The amounts of payments and their conditions are described on the websites and in the project description.

Keep in mind that not all young startups succeed, and some die before they even get off the ground. Therefore, carefully study the proposals, evaluate the business plan and invest in serious projects.

The entry threshold is from $1.

6. Money on credit- you can act as a banker and lend money to people with interest. You can offer your services to friends and acquaintances so as not to take risks with strangers and not to delve into legal aspects. Or open an organization (which is much more difficult).

Choose an interest rate lower than in other microfinance organizations in order to offer favorable conditions to “clients”. Even if the rate is 0.3% per day, it will be 100% per year. Don't forget about the return guarantee - enter into an agreement or take a valuable item as collateral (like a pawn shop).

Investments in WebMoney- a great way to implement this idea more easily, and not spoil relationships with friends. If you have a small free amount on your balance, you can offer it to someone on credit. Conditions are negotiated, a percentage is assigned, etc. And every month you will receive a percentage of the amount issued (you set it yourself). There are situations when creditors do not return investments, so there are still risks. Read more in the webmoney section Credit exchange.

The entry threshold is from 1000 rubles.

Now you have at least 6 ideas where to invest your money in order to receive monthly income or make a profit in the long term. Follow the basic rules, learn the secrets of investing, and only then start practicing. It is better not to rush in this matter.

Real estate, business.

Bank deposits

This is the simplest, most basic and reliable way of investing. You give yours to the bank under a certain percentage. Bankers “scroll” this money by investing in other financial instruments. For which you receive a pre-agreed percentage of profit.

For example, you invested money in a bank for a year at 10% per annum. Bankers immediately give this money to another client in the form of a loan, but at 20% per annum. As a result, the bank returns your funds to you with accrued interest after a year, and pockets the remaining difference.

The advantage of investing in a bank is that you know exactly how much money you can get after a certain period of time, while other financial instruments cannot boast of this. You can calculate the profitability of a particular deposit using a deposit calculator, and if you need to calculate the amount of overpayment on a particular loan, use a loan calculator.

On the topic of bank deposits, read:

Mutual investment funds (mutual investment funds)

This is the second most popular way of investing. In short, mutual funds are a collective financial instrument when investors’ money is invested in one large pot and then professional managers increase this one large amount of funds using various methods.

The funds of shareholders (as those who have invested their money in a mutual fund are called) are usually invested in stocks, bonds, gold, currency, etc. More precisely, they are not just invested, but managed. Any fool can just buy shares. The task of professional managers is to find stocks that have fallen in price at the time of purchase and are likely to rise further.

In order to determine this probability, technical and fundamental analysis is used, the economic situation is studied both in the world and in a particular region, news is monitored, as well as many other parameters that are too complex for the average person.

This is the essence of mutual funds, to save people who are ignorant in these issues from all these difficulties. If you have free funds and you do not have the opportunity to trade on the stock exchange from morning to evening, then it is easier to transfer this money to those people who are immersed in the topic of investing headlong and have extensive experience behind them. At least at the initial stage.

Next, as your experience in financial matters grows, you can begin to buy stocks, bonds and other investment instruments on your own. We will talk about this in more detail a little later, but for now let’s return to mutual funds.

Compared to other financial instruments, investing in stocks is more profitable in the long term, but at the same time it is also very risky.

Here you need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse, monitor the situation in the markets, so as to prevent the loss of capital in the severe fall of financial markets that occur during various crises.

To more clearly understand what kind of profit you can get from shares, watch the video “How to earn 678% profit on Sberbank shares.”

Video: How to earn 678% profit on Sberbank shares


This financial instrument is designed for people who are risk averse. It is very difficult to make a big profit on it. Typically, the return on bonds is no higher than the return on bank deposits. Therefore, this financial instrument can hardly be called a profitable investment.

However, this does not mean that money should not be invested in bonds. The point is that it is not recommended to “keep all your eggs in one basket.” Experienced and successful investors always distribute their funds across several different instruments in order to reduce their risks.

Imagine, you invested all your money in shares, but after some time there was a crisis in the market and their prices fell. At the same time, the amount of your capital will decrease. To prevent this from happening, you need to invest part of the money in deposits, part of the money in bonds, gold, and so on.

In this case, you will lose on one instrument, but will win on other instruments. But let's get back to bonds:

A bond is a debt security that confirms its owner’s right to receive a certain amount of money from the issuer.

And in order to understand how to correctly distribute funds between various financial instruments in order to reduce risks and increase the profitability of your investments, read these articles:


Forex (Forex, sometimes FX, from English.FOReign EXchange- foreign currency exchange) is a market for interbank currency exchange at free prices.

The essence of Forex is speculation with the currencies of different countries. For example, you bought 100 euros for 90 dollars. And after some time, these 100 euros were sold for 120 dollars. Thus, earning $30 on this transaction.

In Forex, trading always takes place in currency pairs, as in the example above. Changes in the value of currencies occur constantly and depend on many factors. For example, in Greece the economy is not developing, the state is not receiving profit, but the country must be supported somehow. Since Greece is part of the European Union (EU), everything in this country is bought and sold in euros.

Thus, the instability of the economy of one state influenced the attitude of investors towards the entire EU. Investors felt a threat to their capital and urgently began to get rid of the euro. All this led to a fall in the value of the euro relative to the currencies of other countries. It is on such movements that money is made in Forex.

This method of investing can only be called profitable if you trade Forex yourself, when you already have extensive experience, your own strategy for entering and exiting the market, as well as an iron will.

There are only a few people who have made a fortune on Forex. But there are millions of those who tried to get rich from this and went broke. Draw your own conclusions.

Endowment life insurance

This method of investing can hardly be called profitable. As the name implies, this is insurance in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Its difference from conventional insurance is that it is a combination of human life and health insurance with a program for accumulating, preserving and increasing your capital.

If regular insurance simply pays you a certain amount in the event of an insured event, then in this case, if nothing happens during the entire period of the contract, you will be able to receive either the entire amount accumulated over these years, or receive a monthly payment until the end of life.


OFBU stands for General Funds of Banking Management. In essence, these are the same mutual funds, but with broader investment functions. On the one hand, this is a plus, since by investing money in OFBU you have the opportunity to increase profits through wider combinations of investment funds. On the other hand, it is more risky.

There were cases when OFBU showed a profitability of 600% per annum. However, the main problem is that the activities of OFBUs are little regulated by law, which is why they are less subject to control, unlike the same mutual funds.

There are also cases where the short-sighted activities of managers led to the complete collapse of the OFBU.

You can read more about the activities of general banking management funds here:. On my own behalf, I will add that at the moment it is best to invest in OFBU such an amount of money that you will not mind losing if something happens.

Hedge funds

I’ll say right away that in our country this is a relatively new and not sufficiently developed financial instrument, which is available only to wealthy clients.

The minimum entry amount here ranges from several hundred dollars to a million. In the West, hedge funds are extremely popular.

Hedge funds do not have strict regulatory regulation, which allows them to freely choose enrichment strategies and use a wide range of financial instruments when investing money in various markets. The result of the work of hedge funds can be both super-profits and colossal losses.

One of the most striking examples of hedge funds is the Quantum fund, whose founder is the notorious, who was able to make a profit of $1 billion in a day!

Structured (structured) products

A structured financial product is a complex financial instrument, which is issued, as a rule, by commercial and investment banks and is created to meet the specific needs of clients.

This financial instrument became especially popular during the crisis. After all, when you invest money in a growing market and constantly receive good profits, this is one thing, but when the situation in the markets is not stable, especially during crises, many investors try to find reliable ways to invest funds, which will give them greater profits than bank ones deposits.

The essence of a structured product is simple - part of the funds, usually 80-90%, is invested in bank deposits or bonds, but the remaining 10-20% is invested in futures and options.

All this allows, in the worst case scenario, to stay with your money and not lose anything; in the best case, make a profit of about 20-30%. This is not very much, but it is higher than the yield on bank deposits.

Although, again, what to compare with. For example, the most successful investor in the world, Warren Buffett, has provided his clients with about 24% per annum over the past 35 years. 24% per annum doesn’t seem like a lot, but only Buffett and no one else can receive such a profit consistently for many years.

Gold and precious metals

For many people, wealth is associated with a mountain of gold. Since ancient times, this metal was a symbol of wealth and power, so it became the cause of quarrels, robberies, murders and even wars.

Gold should not be considered the most profitable way to invest, despite the fact that it has risen in price in recent years. The fact is that gold most often acts as a refuge for investors in difficult times.

When crises dominate the world, in order to wait them out, investors withdraw their savings from stocks, bonds and other financial products, and then invest in gold.

As soon as the crisis subsides, investors immediately look for more profitable ways to invest their funds. This is what causes gold prices to rise in difficult times. But then, the price of precious metals inevitably falls.

Real estate

Real estate has always been a profitable way of investing. Not only does real estate itself not depreciate in value and, as a rule, only increases in price from year to year. But real estate also allows you to receive passive income from renting it out.

True, there is one serious “but” here, which is the high cost of real estate. Essentially, this is an investment for wealthy people. This is why this method of investment should be considered not at the initial stage, but when you already have big capital and you have the opportunity to invest in various financial instruments.

True, there are exceptions. For example, you can profitable investment to real estate at the stage of its construction. At this time, as a rule, there is no need to pay the full price for housing and you can pay a certain part monthly.

Thus, if you have the opportunity to contribute the required amount and this will not affect the quality of your life, then you can safely look for suitable options. The fact is that at the construction stage, a square meter of housing costs much less than later, when the construction is completed.


Each of the above financial tools, has a certain degree of risk (reliability). Depending on this, the range of possible profits changes. The riskier a financial instrument, the greater the return it can bring. However, as well as a loss.

Each of these financial instruments has its own advantages and disadvantages. And under different life circumstances, it is worth choosing the best ways to invest. But, for myself personally, I have already determined the most profitable way To invest money– this is business!

Why? Because business is unlimited dividends! And they will depend only on you. From your efficiency, imagination, diligence, ingenuity.

Any other financial instruments are not up to you. They depend, for example, on the current market situation, on conditions determined by other people, on the financial results of a particular company, on the actions of speculators, on marketers developing certain financial products.

Creating your own business is entirely yours.

Here you set the rules by which you will play. Here you decide what income you will receive. Of course, business also largely depends on various external circumstances. But, in any case, the last word remains with you, even if you decide to sell it.

In 2007, I opened my own business for the first time. It was a small tanning studio. More precisely, it was a small room in one of the hairdressing salons, in which I installed a solarium, all the necessary accessories, appointed an administrator and began to earn money.

This business has many advantages. I will talk about them in the next issues. For now, I just want to draw your attention to the fact that this business has brought me good dividends. I received more than 100% per annum in a year.

It was a great challenge in which I was able to showcase many of my talents. Organizational skills, management skills, design talents, tested my advertising vision.

I regularly conducted various marketing studies, collected analytical data, conducted negotiations, looked for suitable premises - this is only an incomplete list of those areas in which I applied my knowledge and experience, or mastered new horizons.

When you work for hire, you don't have as much responsibility as in your own business. These are very different measures. Wage labor is someone else's. Your own business is your own. You are your own boss. You decide how and when you work and not work. You don't have to answer to anyone. This is fantastic condition.

By creating your own business, you feel like a creator, artist, poet. You create your own product or service. And only you are responsible for its quality. It was a very interesting period of life, when I had to worry a lot, rejoice, worry, stress, and enjoy what I had done.

Creating your own business is very strengthened my self-confidence. If before this event, I had many complexes, fears, worries, doubts, prejudices, then after I organized my business, they melted away like smoke. I'm stronger. I have become stronger. I've grown up.

Why am I saying this?

In order to convey to you the idea that by investing money in your own business, you receive not only material benefits in unlimited quantities, but also develop in many areas of life, including personal and professional growth.

It is unlikely that you will achieve similar results by investing in deposits, shares, mutual funds. Therefore, if you have Free money And you are looking for where to invest them, then think about starting a business.

If you don’t have free money yet, then urgently start leading in order to collect initial capital. I have a topic on this topic that will help you in the near future accumulate initial capital to create your own business.

Personally, I did not take out any loans from banks, nor did I borrow money from friends and acquaintances. Everything I invested in my own business was the result of my effective management of the family budget.

Now, I am already developing several businesses. It's very interesting and exciting. These projects bring me much more profit than when I was employed. These businesses bring me more money than bank deposits or any other financial instruments.

At the same time, I am completely “violet” about crises and everything that happens in the world.

This doesn't affect my income in any way. This does not mean that I do not work with other financial instruments. Part of my funds is in bank deposits, part of the funds is invested in shares of various companies, and I regularly purchase additional assets that interest me. There are also investments in mutual funds and pamm accounts.

I regularly monitor what is happening in the financial markets and, depending on the situation, make decisions about buying or selling certain products. Investments are a very interesting and large topic in which there are no limits to perfection.

Don’t be afraid to take risks, choose what works best for you, accumulate funds and financial freedom and independence will not keep you waiting long.

P.S. In conclusion, I suggest you relax a little and watch this breathtaking video. You have definitely never seen such stunning beauty before...

Video for dessert: Video that took first place in the world of extreme sports

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A bank deposit (or bank deposit) is money deposited with a credit institution (bank) in order to receive income in the form of interest at the end of the deposit’s validity period.

There are many types and conditions of deposits. There are time deposits and demand deposits. In the first case, the deposit is made for a certain period and can be withdrawn in full without loss of interest only after the expiration of this period. Demand deposits do not have a shelf life and are returned upon the depositor’s first request, but the interest on them is significantly lower.

The deposit is an understandable and relatively reliable investment.

Opening a deposit is easy. You don’t even have to leave home to do this: many banks allow you to open deposits through a mobile application or their website. Of course, to do this, you first need to become a client of this bank.

The main advantage of the deposit as a type of investment of available funds is insurance coverage by the Deposit Insurance Agency in the amount of 1.4 million rubles. Within this amount, you can confidently place your deposit in any bank that has a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. If the bank fails, the state will return the money along with interest on the day the license is revoked. By the way, since 2014, more than 300 banks in Russia have had their licenses revoked, and their depositors certainly suffered.

The disadvantage of the deposit is that, compared to an individual investment account, it provides rather modest opportunities for increasing funds.

Individual investment account

Individual investment account (IIA) is a type of brokerage account or trust account of an individual, opened directly with a broker or with a trustee (for example, in a bank), for which there are two types of tax benefits to choose from and certain restrictions apply.

The concept of “individual investment account” was legislated on January 1, 2015. IIS can be opened by both individuals - citizens of Russia, and people who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, but live on its territory for more than six months a year.

The maximum amount that can be initially deposited into an IIS is 400,000 rubles. During the year, the account can be replenished with an amount not exceeding 1 million rubles.

The big advantage of IIS is the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction.

It is paid in the amount of 13% of the amount invested for the year, but not more than 52,000 rubles. That is, with both 400,000 rubles and 1 million rubles, you can return no more than this amount. This option is suitable for you if you have a permanent job and your employer pays taxes for you. There is another option - to choose tax exemption.

The main disadvantage of IIS is that, unlike a deposit, it is not insured by anyone. However, if you open it in a reliable bank (it has been operating on the market for a long time, is in the top 20 rating of Russian banks, there is no reorganization against it) and choose the right investment strategy, you can earn significantly more. In addition, to take advantage of tax deductions, an investment account must be opened for at least three years, during which you cannot withdraw funds.

How much can you earn on a deposit and IIS?

Let’s compare how much you can earn if you make a deposit of 100,000 rubles and open an individual investment account for the same amount.

Return on investment

The weighted average interest rate on deposits for a period of one to three years in Russia as of September 2017 was 6.83% per annum. If you calculate income based on this interest rate, then after a year it will be 106,830 rubles. By reinvesting this amount, after two years you will receive 114,126.5 rubles, and after three years - 121,921.3 rubles. Net income - 21,921.3 rubles.

Profitability of IIS

Strategy 1: investing in government bonds

Having opened an IIS, you can invest in such a reliable instrument as federal loan bonds (OFZ), the issuer of which is the Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The yield to maturity of OFZ-26205 at the end of November 2017 was about 7.3%. Taking into account a tax deduction of 13%, the return on investment will be 20.3% in the first year. And over three years (the account is opened for a period of at least three years), the average return will be about 11.6%. As a result, in three years you can get 138,504 rubles. Net income - 38,504 rubles.

Strategy 2: investing in corporate bonds

Another reliable and quite profitable strategy is investing in corporate bonds, the yield on which is slightly higher than on OFZ bonds.

For example, these could be bonds of Gazprom Capital and Rosneft. The average yield on the bond portfolio of these companies at the time of writing is 7.97%. If you put 100,000 rubles on an IIS and, as a result, receive a tax deduction for one year, then after three years we will get an average figure of 12.3% per annum. By the end of the third year, the account will already have 141,020 rubles. Net income - 41,020 rubles.

By the way, for individual bond issues of these issuers, coupon income will not be taxed starting from 2018.

Strategy 3: Investing in stocks

The biggest income can come from investing in stocks. However, this is also the most risky instrument for investment, because even if the shares of a company have shown growth over the past periods, this does not mean that this trend will continue in the future. Experienced investors are advised to invest money in several types of shares at once, so that the fall in the shares of one company can be compensated by the growth in the shares of another company. This is called portfolio diversification.

The most proven investment is blue chip stocks - securities of the largest, most liquid and reliable corporations. Among Russian companies, these include shares of Gazprom, Sberbank, Alrosa and others.

If at the beginning of 2016 you had invested 100,000 rubles in equal shares in ordinary shares of three largest Russian corporations - Gazprom, Sberbank and Lukoil, the average return on shares of which at the end of 2016 was 43.93%, then in only one a year you would earn 43,930 rubles. To this amount add a tax deduction of 13,000 rubles. It turns out that in just a year you would earn 56,930 rubles. However, growth over three years is much more difficult to predict.

Bottom line

The deposit is suitable for more conservative and cautious people, probably of the older generation. Opening investment accounts is for riskier people. This is not just a fashion trend, but a good opportunity to make money.

Hello, dear readers of the site! In this article, you will learn where it is profitable to invest money so that you can receive monthly income, what methods of investing money are possible at a high interest rate with a guarantee, and how best to invest funds so that they work and bring profit to the investor.

This article was written based on an analysis of the experience of famous investors, financial advisors, as well as the realities of the modern economy. Plus, the basic principles of investing, possible risks, advantages and disadvantages of each investment strategy are given.

About where you can profitably invest your money in order to receive a monthly income and what options for investing money at a high interest rate with a guarantee exist - read the magazine website

In this section, we'll talk about the dos and don'ts of young investors taking their first steps in investing. Let's look at the rules for effective investing, which will allow you to get a return higher than in a bank, but at the same time almost the same reliability. Why almost? Yes because the main rule of the investor is :

The risks that an investor is willing to take are proportional to the potential profit.

You probably can't wait to get started? Would you like us to reveal the secrets of where it is profitable to invest money in 2019 year at interest to quickly earn even more?

We'll disappoint you a little. The first thing a young, fledgling investor should start with is from investing in yourself, in your knowledge and skills . Believe me, the return on this investment will surprise you!

And only then, when you already understand how a stock differs from a bond, what capitalization of a deposit is, who brokers and traders are, you can move on to practice.

2. 5 golden rules for investing money

Rule 1: Create a safety net

You should not start risky or not very financial transactions without having a reserve for rainy day.

  • How much should you have in stock? According to experts, this should be an amount that will cover your expenses for six months;
  • ? Save from wages or other sources of income;
  • How to calculate the amount of financial reserve? Calculate your expenses for the month. For example, you did it 40 000 rubles Multiply by 6 months, we get 240 000 rubles

This is the reserve that you will not spend when investing. In order to make your first investment, you will need to save a little more.

So it will take an eternity! - you say. It can be done faster if you have something in addition to your salary passive income , that is, monetary resources that you receive without putting much effort into it ( real estate rental, interest on bank deposit etc.).

Thus, If you put a financial reserve on deposit in a bank, you will kill two birds with one stone. You will form a reserve and begin to receive passive income.

Rule 2: Don't put all your eggs in one basket

Please note that you can trade directly in currencies, stocks and cryptocurrencies on the exchange. The main thing is to choose a reliable broker. One of the best is this brokerage company .

To avoid the need to use a financial reserve, you need to wisely distribute your funds in investments. You should not immediately invest all your free money in instruments that promise high returns. The risks that you will lose every penny are too great.

You wouldn't put a hundred fragile eggs in one basket, would you? The likelihood that you will drop it 50 /50 . And the risk that all the eggs will break after a fall is much greater. This can happen to your funds if you decide to invest them all at once. only into one project.

Also, if you distribute your money across different banks, the same thing can happen. Better diversify investments, i.e. invest in different areas. Not only in banking, but also in oil, gas, information, production, etc. In the language of professionals, this is called an investment portfolio.

Investment portfolio- these are several investment instruments combined together, differing in the degree of risk and profitability.

Depending on the chosen investment strategy, 3 types of investment portfolios can be distinguished:

  • Aggressive the portfolio consists primarily of high-risk assets;
  • Passive the portfolio is formed mainly from bank deposits;
  • Moderate the portfolio includes both.

Rule 3. Assess risks in advance

Before counting potential profits and figuring out where you will spend them, assess your possible risks and losses.
Don’t immediately create an aggressive portfolio. You risk losing everything!

Start small. From the amount that you are internally prepared to lose (after all, there is always a risk). And gradually increase your momentum.

Take note! Never use money borrowed from a bank or from friends or relatives for investment. You risk encountering debt collectors and losing the trust and respect of your loved ones.

Rule 4. Choose collective investment

You don't have to invest alone. As your experience grows, you can invest in large projects by attracting co-investors. This will allow you to spread the risks across everyone. And profit accordingly too.

For example, If you have some attractive investment project in mind, but you do not have enough funds for it, then you can invite someone else to participate in it. There will definitely be someone who is ready to cooperate with you on mutually beneficial terms.

If you are not ready to manage your investment instruments yourself, you can use services of a trustee . This is a company that will manage your funds in accordance with your chosen investment strategy. She can use these funds to make a profit, but cannot dispose of them as property. The trustee receives a certain remuneration for his work.

When transferring funds to trust management arrived And losses distributed among investors in proportion to their contributions .

Rule 5. Generate passive income

Investing and growing your capital is great. But do not forget that investments are always risky. Today you have income, but tomorrow you can lose it along with your invested capital. Alas, these are the realities of the modern economy.

10 profitable ways to invest money so that it works and brings monthly income

4. Where can you invest money so that it works and generates income - TOP 10 profitable ways to invest

Today you can find a lot of financial scammers promising easy money and high returns in a short time. They have nothing in common with real investments.

Therefore, we will consider time-tested investment instruments that allow you to get a return on your investment, taking into account reasonable risks. So, Where is it better to invest money to receive monthly income?

Method 1. Bank deposit

A bank deposit is one of the most common investment instruments. True, the profitability of such an instrument rarely covers annual inflation in the country. Therefore, a bank deposit can be attributed more likely to ways to save, not increasing your capital.

Bank deposit is the most popular and easiest way to invest money at interest

Low ↓ return on investment- this is a fair price for your peace of mind, because banking the risks are also small ↓.

And if the amount of your deposit does not exceed 1 400 000 rubles, then you don’t have to worry about anything at all. In accordance with current legislation, in the event of a bank bankruptcy, the state will return all your money to you.

At the moment, the profitability of bank deposits fluctuates within 7 -10% , which is a couple of percent below inflation.

The most popular bank among the population is Sberbank , despite the fact that interest rates on deposits there are lower than the market average. The reliability of the bank, and not the potential profit on the deposit, is crucial for many.

The advantages (+) of bank deposits are as follows:

  • low risks, deposit insurance;
  • the ability to return the money at any time (sometimes even without losing interest);
  • availability (you can start with a small amount, for example in 1 000 rubles).

The disadvantages (−) include:

  • deposit income at best covers inflation;
  • In most banks, if a deposit is closed early, interest is lost.

Method 2. Securities

Securities, unlike bank deposits, usually bring higher profitability . You can try investing in shares or other financial instruments on the securities market, provided that you are ready to take on higher risks . That’s right, there is a detailed article on the website.

Investing in securities (stocks, bonds)

There are different types of securities. Let's look at the most popular: stocks and bonds.

Promotion is a security that confirms your stake in the company and gives you voting rights.

There are promotions ordinary And privileged . The latter have higher percentages, but do not have the opportunity to vote at the general meeting of shareholders. We wrote more about what types of shares there are in one of our articles.

Bond is a security that confirms that you have borrowed a certain amount of money from the company that issued it.

Unlike a stock, it has a certain validity period, after which it must be redeemed. You can own shares for the rest of your life and receive dividends.

Dividend- This is the income on the stock, paid as a percentage of the par value of the security.

In addition, inflation annually “eats” a certain part of the money. Therefore, investing in foreign currency for several years is not very effective. .

You can buy and sell currency on a special market called (from English Foreign Exchange foreign currency exchange). On Forex you can buy and sell almost any freely exchangeable currency. You can buy Chinese yuan for Japanese yen, Canadian dollar for euro, etc.

They work in Forex traders who buy and sell currencies throughout the day. Anyone (with the help of a broker) can buy and sell any currency on Forex. We recommend working only with trusted brokerage companies. Many successful traders trade through this broker.

Many companies offer training in the skills of working in the foreign exchange market. They attract potential investors with high returns. You should be vigilant and remember the main rule of investing: high incomes are associated with high risks!

Yes, on Forex you can increase your capital in a few months. But the risks of losing everything are very high. According to statistics 80 % of beginners lose their invested funds in the first month of working on Forex. Therefore, before you decide, weigh everything carefully!

Pros (+) of working in the foreign exchange market:

  • minimum requirements for initial capital ( from 100 dollars );
  • profitability is higher than the market average;
  • variety of investment instruments (foreign currencies).

Cons (−) of Forex:

  • you need to have special skills and knowledge to invest;
  • significantly high risks.

If you want to learn more about how to lead, read our article.

Method 4. Real estate

This is the second most popular strategy after a bank deposit and a good option for those who are thinking about where to invest money in 2019 year to earn money. Real Estate Investments no less reliable than investments in a bank. The difference is that a much larger size is required initial capital.

Investments in real estate

Thanks to mortgage programs banks, you do not need to save the entire amount to purchase the property you are interested in. Usually , enough 20 -30 % from the original cost. However, buying an apartment or house with a mortgage and paying it off within 20 -30 years at the expense of salary is not the best option for an investor.

We need to make sure that this the property provided you with passive income and covered your mortgage payments.

To do this, you can use the following measures:

  • rent out;
  • if you bought a new building during the construction stage, sell it when the apartment is ready at a higher price;
  • make several studios out of a two- or three-room apartment and rent them out as independent apartments.

This investment strategy requires more time and knowledge, but its profitability is also different.

Pros (+) of investing in real estate:

  • the opportunity to receive passive income through rental payments;
  • the opportunity to make money by reselling an apartment at a higher price;
  • safety and passive increase of capital (real estate, unlike other investment objects, increases in price in the long term).

The disadvantages (−) of this method include:

  • high requirements for starting capital ( from 300 -500 000 rubles);
  • it is difficult to sell quickly if you need to return the money;
  • physically obsolete ( wear, flooding, fires).

Method 5. Own business

This strategy is suitable for those who are not afraid to take risks, are ready to make decisions and take responsibility for them.

Creating your own business

When deciding to open your own business, you must:

  • correctly assess all risks at the initial stage;
  • calculate financial indicators ( payback period, required volume of investment, sales plans, production cost or Ulugi).

If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and some commercial experience, then you can easily cope with this.

Pros (+) of starting your own business:

  • you are your own boss (you independently determine what and how to do);
  • opportunity to attract co-investors ( crowdfunding campaigns, venture funds, other businessmen);
  • It is not necessary to have the entire amount available to start a business (you can use bank loans).

The disadvantages (−) of investing in your own business are:

  • high risks of losing everything;
  • it is difficult to quickly return the invested funds;
  • If co-investors are attracted, you may lose control of the company.

Method 6. Precious metals

Many people consider investing in precious metals to be the most conservative option. Purchasing gold brings serious profits for a huge number of years.

Worth considering! Precious metals are not subject to physical deterioration, and their reserves are limited. This is why the cost of gold, silver, platinum and palladium is constantly growing.

There are several options for investing in precious metals:

  1. Purchase of bullion. In this case, the investor must remember that such transactions are subject to tax, the size of which is 18 % . Moreover, when purchasing bullion, you must receive a certificate. Such investments must be made for the long term. It is important to ensure a profit in an amount exceeding the amount of tax paid;
  2. Purchasing coins made of precious metals. Coins are not subject to tax. Moreover, some of them also have collector's value. But you should understand that you can make a serious profit from coins only a few years after purchasing them;
  3. Opening of metal accounts. A deposit in precious metals is suitable for those investors who want to invest for a short period of time. Since in this case there is no need to buy precious metals, there is no taxation. This option is one of the simplest and safest.. The investor contacts the bank, which recalculates the deposited amount into grams of precious metal. After a certain period of time, the investor closes the deposit, receiving the current value of the metals placed on it;
  4. Purchase of securities of gold mining companies. To do this you will have to become a member. The value of securities does not always increase quickly. Therefore, they should be purchased for the long term.

Method 7. Antiques and works of art

Antiques, works of art, and collectibles are often called the currency of the rich. If you have a large enough amount to invest, experts recommend paying attention to investing in such property.

By choosing this method, important to remember, What Such investments are made only for the long term. In this case, it is better not to count on serious profits even after a year.

However, after a few years, there may be a serious jump in the value of the purchased property. Thus, some paintings by famous artists at the time they were painted were worth literally several hundred dollars, ten years later - tens of thousands, and fifty years later - millions.

For investment purposes, you can purchase the following antiques:

  • antique furniture;
  • books;
  • icons;
  • ancient coins;
  • porcelain;
  • dishes

It is important to understand that these items must be exactly ancient. In art history, these are things made over 50 years ago . Some such items may be of historical value and are protected by the state.

Investing in antiques requires considerable amounts of money. Even 500 000 rubles for this type of investment it is considered a small amount. However, you can start small. So, For example, Tretyakov I managed to assemble my own collection, starting with just a few paintings.

It should be understood that for acquiring truly valuable things you need to be an art critic yourself, or have someone you know. Without the appropriate education, it is almost impossible to understand which items are of real value.

Of course, you can use the services of a consultant. However, this requires additional financial investments. Do not forget that any art critic can only assess the current value of an object, and not its potential profitability. You should contact specialists who understand not only art, but also investment.

Method 8. Franchising

Those who have capital of half a million rubles or more can create their own business by purchasing franchise . In this case, activities are carried out according to the scheme worked out by the seller. We wrote about this in detail in a separate article.

Opening a franchise business

It is important to understand that franchising cannot become passive income. The amount of profit depends primarily on the activity of the businessman.

However, a franchise helps save time, money and effort. This is achieved due to the fact that marketing schemes and all processes in such a business have been worked out.

Among the advantages of a franchise are the following:

  • fairly short payback period - usually from six months to a year;
  • brand awareness ensures the presence of a customer base no additional advertising, franchised goods and services already have their own buyers;
  • the franchisor constantly supports the businessman;
  • the level of competition is minimal, since the franchise provides for a specific number of projects in a certain territory.

However, a franchise-based business also has serious flaws . The main thing is that when purchasing a franchise, a businessman is limited in his actions. He is tied to the developed system and does not have the right to change the algorithm of actions without agreeing with the franchisor.

Method 9. Binary options

Experts say that binary options are the fastest way to generate income from investments. The basis of this option is the ability to take risks, as well as analyze the economic situation in detail.

The task of an investor who has chosen binary options is to correctly predict the value of the asset being used over a certain period of time.

After a specified period, the result is assessed.

  • If the assumption turns out to be correct, the investor will receive profit . It can be around 80 % rate;
  • However, the forecast may not be confirmed and the price will go in the opposite direction. In this case, the account will be recorded lesion , up to 100 % rate.

At first glance, many people think that making money on binary options is the same as playing roulette. However, it is not. A more thorough study of the work on binary options allows you to increase the accuracy of forecasts, and therefore increase your profits.

There are a number of advantages of this investment method:

  1. A large number of trading instruments to choose from. Even a novice investor will be able to work with both currency pairs, so with stocks, oil And precious metals;
  2. The amount of profit, as well as the level of possible loss, are determined in advance. Moreover, some trading platforms allow you to independently determine the ratio of profit and loss;
  3. The trading platform can be accessed at any time from any device. There is no need to install additional software for this. To start the analysis it is enough go to the broker's website;
  4. Binary options trading is carried out 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Therefore, an investor can earn money in any free time;
  5. The trading interface is intuitive even for novice investors. In this case, only the final result of the value of the asset is reflected; intermediate prices are not shown to the user.

There are 2 options for making money on options:

  • Call Up represents purchase deal . It should be used if prices are expected to rise. If the value of assets decreases, a loss will be incurred.
  • Put Down - This sale transaction , profit will be received if the value of the asset decreases.

Despite the large number of advantages, binary options trading also has disadvantages:

  1. A single wrong trade can result in losses of approx. 90 % invested funds. To return them, you will need at least three profitable trades;
  2. When trading binary options, it is impossible to refuse a transaction or close it before it ends. Even in cases where the investor realizes that he has made a mistake, he has no choice but to wait for the option to expire;
  3. Unlike Forex, there are no credit obligations. It turns out that the investor has the opportunity to trade only those funds that he has available.

Binary options allow you not only to save your own funds from the harmful effects of inflation and devaluation, but also to increase them. To do this, it is important to carefully study the market, as well as make the right choice in favor of one of the brokers.

Method 10. Internet projects

The development of modern technologies has led to the fact that the popularity of investing via the Internet has increased significantly.

There are several areas for investment that are suitable for both novice and experienced investors:

  1. Investments in startups, which are special Internet resources created for the purpose of development or their subsequent sale. The owner of the funds must understand all the details of the project and carefully monitor the implementation of the work. The amount of funds that the investor will receive is determined primarily by the degree of development of the resource, as well as its attractiveness to future buyers.
  2. Investing in creating your own website. A successful Internet resource can become the basis of a business and generate regular income. This approach allows you to start your own business even if you have a small amount of money. At the same time, there are no costs for renting commercial real estate or staff salaries. There is an opportunity to offer a product or service to a wide audience. Investments in such a business are less risky, but the amount of profit in any case is determined by the efforts of the entrepreneur.
  3. Investing in online projects that seem most profitable to the investor. You can choose effective Internet projects from specialized online resources. The investor acquires part of the business. Subsequently, he has the right to a percentage of the profit or resale of the share. The relationship between the project owner and the investor is regulated by a special type of agreement. However, it is worth considering, what to predict the effectiveness in advance almost impossible. There are serious risks associated with such investments due to the unpredictability of market behavior.

When choosing an investment method, it is important to conduct a qualitative analysis. This is the only way to understand what the potential profits and risks of the project are.

The surest way to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee is in a bank. And in which bank is it better to invest capital at interest with monthly income - see below in our review

5. Where is it better to invest money at a high interest rate with a risk-free guarantee - review of the TOP 5 banks

You can get a guarantee of income, as well as ensure the safety of your funds, by investing them in a bank.

Important! At the same time, it is worth choosing credit institutions that participate in the deposit insurance system and have a high-quality reputation.

In addition, you should study and compare the conditions for deposits in different banks.

Which bank is better to invest money with interest in 2019?

So let's take a look, Which bank is it profitable to invest money in at a high interest rate with a guarantee (with a monthly income). To avoid wasting time analyzing a large number of banks, you can use expert ratings. Example list of the best banks for investment presented below.

1) Tinkoff Bank

Tinkoff – a unique Russian bank. It does not have a single branch throughout the country. Customer service is carried out completely remotely.

Here you can open a deposit at a rate up to 7% per annum . Accrual is carried out monthly. In this case, the deposit amount must be not less 50 000 rubles.

The depositor has the right to choose the method of interest payment:

  • capitalization;
  • transfer to a separate card account.

The agreement provides for the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds.

2) Sovcombank

Sovcombank has extensive experience in the Russian financial market - it was founded in 1990 year. Today it is one of the twenty largest banks in our country.

The credit institution offers clients to open a deposit at interest up to 7.6% per annum . The minimum amount is 30 000 rubles.

Interest is paid at the end of the contract term. Besides, interest in case of early termination behind 3 months, half a year and full number of years are saved. The deposit can be replenished, but partial withdrawal is not provided.

3) UniCredit Bank

UniCredit Bank is a credit institution based in Europe. This bank came to Russia more than a quarter of a century ago. Today it is the largest credit organization with foreign capital in our country.

Deposit rates depend on the term, method of interest calculation, and amount. Opening a deposit in rubles , available before 8,35 % per annum, in dollars before 3,23 % , In Euro before 0,20 % .

There are 2 options for calculating interest:

  1. with monthly payment;
  2. with capitalization.

To make choosing a deposit easier, you can use the calculator posted on the bank’s website.

4) Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

UBRD is one of the leaders in the Russian banking sector. The credit institution has a wide branch network, which includes more 1 500 branches throughout the country.

Here you can invest at a rate up to 11% per annum . Interest is calculated every 50 days. In this case, income can be capitalized or received.

For those who open a deposit in online mode , UBRD increases its bet by 1 %. Moreover, the bank connects depositors to the Internet banking system for free.

5) Absolut Bank

Absolut Bank operates on the Russian financial market with 1993 of the year. During this time, the credit institution has won recognition not only from clients, but also from world rating agencies.

Clients can receive income on funds invested in this bank in the amount of up to 8.5% per annum . The deposit amount must be no less 30 000 rubles. Interest on this offer is paid only at the end of the contract. Deposits and partial withdrawals are not provided.

For ease of comparison, the main conditions of the deposits presented above are reflected in the table.

Table "Banks with the best conditions for deposits, main parameters of deposits":

Credit organisation Deposit rate Basic conditions
1. Tinkoff Bank Before 7 % per annum The investor chooses to capitalize the interest or receive it monthly on the card

You can replenish and partially withdraw the deposit amount

2. Sovcombank Before 7,6 % per annum Payment of interest at the end of the term

Possibility of replenishment, partial withdrawal is not provided

3. UniCredit Bank Before 8,35 % per annum Interest is accrued monthly - at the depositor's choice by capitalization or payment
4. Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development Before 11 % per annum Capitalization or interest payment

When checking out online, the rate increases by 1 %

5. Absolut Bank Before 8,5 % per annum Interest is paid at the end of the contract

Deposits and partial withdrawals are not provided

4 current options for investing money today at high interest rates

6. Where is it profitable to invest money in 2019 at interest - 4 best ways today

Deposits bring low income. There are investment methods that allow you to get much more big profit.

Choosing the best option, don't forget What As income increases, the risk of losing invested funds also increases.

Let's take a closer look below main methods of investment for the purpose of generating income.

Method 1. Promising startups

Investing in startups attracts investors because The potential income in this method is unlimited. There are a huge number of projects on the Internet in which you can invest. To find them you can use specialized sites.

When choosing, it is important to conduct a thorough analysis and comparison of a large number of projects. It should be remembered that some of them generate profits for several years. Other projects turn out to be unpromising and only cause losses.

Method 2. Private lending (P2P lending)

Private lending has recently become increasingly widespread and developed. This option involves issuing a loan from one individual to another. Using this method, it is important not only to draw up the contract as competently as possible, but also to conduct a thorough analysis of the potential borrower.

Explicit advantage private lending stands high level of profitability . By lending funds even for a short period of time, you can ensure profitability before 50 % per annum.

However, there is also a significant flawhigh profits come with serious risks. There is a possibility that the funds lent will not be returned. It is impossible to guarantee the borrower's honesty even if his characteristics are carefully studied.

Method 3. PAMM accounts

By investing in PAMM accounts, the owner of the funds transfers them to trust management professionals. When receiving money, the manager includes it in circulation and does everything to obtain maximum profit.

The investor can only wait while specialists distribute his funds between exchange-traded and other promising assets in order to generate income.

Thus, PAMM accounts are one of the types of passive income. At the same time, the risks of such investments are relatively low.

To independently make a profit from trading on the stock exchange, you need not only money, but also specialized knowledge. At the same time, to invest in PAMM accounts, it is enough to find a company that provides sufficient profitability and transfer the funds to it for management.

The profitability of such investments is determined primarily by the correct choice of the manager. This process requires significant time, as well as additional knowledge.

Method 4. Mutual Funds (mutual investment funds)

Mutual funds essentially represent collective investment funds. The property of such a fund is divided into parts called share . We wrote more about (mutual investment funds) and how they work in the previous article.

High liquidity of investments in mutual funds is achieved due to the fact that the shares are traded on the market. At the same time, the activities of funds are regulated by law. The relationship between shareholders and the mutual fund is determined by the relevant documents.

An investor buys shares when he expects their value to rise. Once the price reaches the expected value, profit can be recorded by selling it.

When choosing a mutual fund for investment, it is important to consider its type. You can sell a share at any time only if open ended fund. From interval mutual fund you can leave only at predetermined periods of time, and from closed- upon completion of his work.

It is impossible to determine in advance what kind of profitability the fund will show based on the results of its work. Profit can reach 50 % per annum, which exceeds the deposit rate by approximately 6 once. However, on average for the market this figure is about 20 % .

It happens that funds show losses. But don’t be afraid that managers will always produce negative returns. The size of their commission depends on the amount of profitability . Therefore, they make every effort to obtain maximum profitability.

The advantages of mutual funds include the following:

  • availability. This type of investment is available to everyone, since to start investing it is enough 1 000 rubles;
  • high level of liquidity;
  • the activities of mutual funds are regulated by law and is under state control;
  • professional money management.

However, mutual funds also have flaws . The most important of them is no guaranteed profit .

It should be kept in mind that some managers receive income even in cases where their work does not bring profit. This is why some funds show zero profitability and sometimes unprofitability during their work.

There are a huge number of varieties of mutual funds. However, regardless of the choice of the type of mutual fund, experts recommend investing in them only if long-term investments are planned.

It is important to carefully review the pros and cons of different types of investments to choose the best option for you.

7. Where not to invest your money - unsuccessful investment strategies

Many people want to make quick money, not realizing that too high incomes are associated with high risks.

Financial Pyramide is a deliberately unprofitable organization that pays income to investors by attracting funds from new investors.

Financial pyramids were very popular in 90 years in our country. I think everyone has heard about Sergei Mavrodi and him MMM .

But don’t think that all these fraudulent organizations have sunk into oblivion. Every year, thousands of gullible investors suffer from the actions, or rather, the collapse of such pyramids. How to avoid falling into a financial pyramid?

Let us highlight the main signs of a fraudulent scheme:

  • Too high profitability 30 % and higher);
  • Aggressive advertising;
  • Lack of real activity (does not produce or sell anything);
  • The company's legal address is located outside the country (offshore). we wrote in a separate article.

8. Answers to frequently asked questions

The topic of investing funds to generate income is quite extensive. In the process of studying it, a huge number of questions arise. Today we will answer the most popular of them.

Question 1. Is it realistic to invest money at 50 percent for 24 hours?

Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of offers for investing money for a day. However, not everyone knows how real this is.

Allows you to earn money in such a short period of time investment programs of microloan services. This option allows you to invest money for just a day, counting on profitability minimum 8%.

Services that issue microloans allow you to top up your account in a short period of time and start earning money, minimizing the risk of losing funds.

The main advantages of the option under consideration are:

  • high profitability;
  • the opportunity to participate in the investment program with minimal investment;
  • comfort of transactions;
  • ease of withdrawal of funds.

In addition, before investing money in a microfinance company, you should carefully study its reputation.

Question 2. Where to invest money (rubles) so as not to lose it?

We answer the popular question, where to invest money (in rubles or other currencies) so as not to lose it

Storing funds in rubles is not reliable. This is especially true during economic instability. The presence in our country of a fairly high level of inflation, as well as devaluation, leads to the fact that simply storing money in rubles becomes quite unprofitable.

For those who have financial savings, experts recommend investing them. This method of managing funds is more progressive and profitable.

You don't have to be a financial analyst to understand the effects of inflation and devaluation. It is enough to compare prices for certain goods and services over an extended period of time.

There are several reasons why the value of the ruble is decreasing:

  1. reduction↓ in prices for raw materials negatively affects the purchasing power of the Russian currency, since it is clearly linked to oil prices;
  2. sanctions of foreign countries significantly worsen the position of the ruble relative to other currencies.

The described situations lead to the fact that simply storing rubles will lead to the loss of part of the funds. This is especially true for a fairly large sum of money. In fact, the nominal amount of capital does not change, however decreases ↓ purchasing power of assets.

Proper investment will help the investor:

  • exclude impairment of the available amount;
  • with a successful combination of circumstances, even increase capital;
  • partially insure against serious economic shocks that are possible in the future.

The profitability of investing depends on a huge number of factors. First of all, this concerns the size of the amount available. However, regardless of the amount of capital, investment is a better solution than conventional storage .

Investing always involves the risk of losing your funds. However, if the investment is successful, you can provide stable passive income, as well as financial security.

Beginning investors often encounter a number of mistakes that can increase risk:

  • making investment decisions based on emotions;
  • lack of thorough analysis;
  • low level of financial knowledge, as well as reluctance to learn.

Question 3. Where can you invest 100 thousand rubles so that they generate income?

Some people believe that you need to have several million to invest successfully. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Quite successful investments can be made even if you have several thousand, so 100 000 rubles are an excellent amount to start investing.

If it is possible to place capital of at least 3 -x investment areas, you can count on serious insurance against various force majeure circumstances.

In the modern economy, it is better to use the following investment methods, which are quite reliable and promising:

  • investing in online projects such as websites, blogs, online stores;
  • bank deposits;
  • investing in innovation and promising startups;
  • investment in art;
  • purchase of precious metals;
  • investments in securities;
  • acquisition .

The right investment allows, having 100 000 rubles, provide additional income.

If you have a larger amount, for example, a million or more, we recommend watching the video below: