What does a consumer loan without collateral mean? Take out a consumer loan without collateral Consumer loan without collateral who is responsible.

Consumer lending has long been part of the standard set financial instruments modern man. Since a cash loan is a serious financial obligation, banks additionally insure the borrower’s liability using methods established by civil law and establish one or more types of collateral for the loan. However, the trend in recent years has shown that increasingly financial institutions are ready to lend to individuals without additional burden. What is loan collateral, who is responsible in case of failure to fulfill obligations under an unsecured loan and how to obtain profitable terms, we'll talk about it in this article.

Unsecured loan - what does it mean?

To understand what an unsecured loan is, let’s briefly consider the concept itself.

According to civil code, security is a way to protect the property interests of the creditor.

Simply put, if the borrower does not fulfill his obligations, the collateral serves as an additional source from which the lender can get what he expected.

Typically, collateral is required when borrowing significant amounts (from 3 million rubles and above).

Among existing species to secure obligations, when applying for a consumer loan in cash, banks use only some of them. In particular, according to the terms of Sberbank, guarantees from individuals and legal entities and different types of collateral:

  • Real estate or vehicle;
  • Ingots precious metals or securities;
  • Property rights claims under contracts.

The first two types of security are the most common.

It is important to know that under the terms of the law, guarantors are jointly and severally liable (if the guarantee agreement does not stipulate subsidiary liability).

This means that the bank has the right to demand that the guarantor fulfill the debtor’s obligation according to the same rules as those established for the borrower, and the guarantor will be responsible for the obligation until it is fulfilled properly.

If a collateral serves as collateral for a consumer cash loan, an agreement must be drawn up for it.

In banks it has a standard form. It describes the subject of the pledge, its essential features, and fixes the size and deadline for fulfilling the obligation that this pledge secures.

Often, the agreement specifies the procedure for foreclosure and the procedure for the sale of property that serves as collateral for the loan.

It is not difficult to understand that if, when applying for a consumer loan, the bank does not require either collateral or a guarantor from you, then such a loan is provided without collateral.

Sometimes banks use extra-legal security for a loan, requiring the potential borrower to have a deposit or salary card at the bank.

Clients are attracted through reduced rates for these types of unsecured loans. And although the law does not name the debtor’s funds placed on a deposit or salary card as types of security for the fulfillment of obligations, the facts of their existence provide the bank with additional arguments when restoring the violated right through the court.

Consumer loan at Sberbank

Now in almost every bank you can take out a consumer loan without collateral. A large market share in the lending sector is occupied by top banks, one of which is Sberbank.

Terms and interest rates

In total, Sberbank has five loan programs, the simplest and most accessible of which is standard non-targeted loan cash, which does not require collateral or a guarantor. A loan is provided for a period from 3 months to 60, and credit limit reaches 3 million rubles.

After signing the agreement, credit funds are credited to the account and can be withdrawn at in cash. Repayment is carried out using annuity payments without additional fees.

There are plenty of ways to repay a loan for free - through Internet banking or mobile app by transferring funds between accounts, in cash - through terminals and ATMs using a card or transfer.

According to the conditions, the application is considered within a couple of hours (for paying clients) or up to two working days (for other categories of citizens) from the date of submission necessary documents. The validity period of the approved application is one month.

Early repayment is carried out without commissions and penalties upon written application individual.

Please note that if you want to repay the principal amount, you only need to fill out an application through Sberbank online. If you wish to use the funds to repay the loan term, the application is accepted only at the branches of the financial institution.

It is important to understand that the date of debiting funds for early repayment is the date specified in the application, and not the date of debiting the regular payment. At the same time, you can specify any day of the week, including weekends.

Interest rates are set in the following ranges:

Requirements for the borrower

Sberbank imposes standard requirements for individuals wishing to take out a consumer loan in cash:

  • Age from 21 to 65 (at the time of debt repayment);
  • Six months of continuous work in the last place and at least a year in the last five years. For users receiving wages Sberbank provides loyal conditions - 3 months of employment at the time of application and six months of total experience.
  • Registration (at place of residence or stay).

Of course, each requirement is confirmed by copies official documents(work book, income certificate, passport).

How to take out an unsecured cash loan

When considering how to take out an unsecured loan, it is enough to understand if you have a regular income with the ability to officially confirm it, and make sure that credit history not spoiled. In this case, there should be no problems with registration.

Fundamentally, only interest rates differ between banks. The remaining requirements are for the borrower, documents and General terms(for loan repayment in cash, transfer credit funds, methods of repayment) differ little from each other.

  • It is definitely worth noting that the end of this year is one of the most favorable periods for obtaining a consumer loan over the past couple of years. central bank promises to once again reduce the refinancing interest rate, and this will certainly entail a decrease in similar banking indicators.
  • If you are already a client of a financial and credit institution, pay attention to individual (pre-approved) offers from your bank. They save time - there is no need to wait for the application to be reviewed. In addition, banks often offer more favorable rates to their regular customers.
  • Before taking out a consumer loan in cash without collateral, submit at least three to four applications for consideration. As banks set essential conditions individually, only with the help of an application will you be able to assess how adequate the conditions of a particular financial institution are.

Please note that every bank offers to fill out an online application, but not everyone is ready to accept it without additional clarification from the client. Sometimes, after completing an application, the bank schedules face-to-face negotiations. If your time is limited, choose those banks where you can immediately upload a package of documents (for example, Sberbank or Alfa-Bank).

Who is responsible for non-payment of debt

As we already understood, if security is not provided for the loan, responsibility for non-payment of the debt lies entirely with the borrower himself. There can be no options here. Any penalty applies only to the property of the individual who committed the offense.


From the above, it is not difficult to understand that an unsecured loan means that responsibility for violating the payment schedule rests entirely with the offender. It is easy to take out such a loan, since most of the loans issued are now unsecured. According to customer reviews, the most profitable loan will be the one offered to the user at his own bank.

Credit is a popular financial product that allows people and businesses to solve emerging needs and problems now, and not when funds become available. The classification of loans is huge: car loan, mortgage, online loan and others. It all depends on why the money was taken from the bank, who took it, and for how long. But then we will talk about this type of loan, such as an unsecured consumer loan, discuss the conditions for obtaining it, and also highlight the main advantages and disadvantages.

What does "unsecured" mean?

Everyone understands perfectly well that banks and microfinance organizations give money to the borrower for a reason, but at interest. For such financial service need to pay. But if you carefully analyze the lending conditions and compare the same interest rates, it turns out that each loan has completely different conditions. What does this depend on?

It all depends on how risky this type of loan is for the financial institution itself. The bank checks the borrower's solvency, his credit history, the ability to provide collateral, etc. The institution issuing the product must receive a guarantee of their return. But everyone understands perfectly well that anything can happen in life: a company can go bankrupt, an individual can get sick, lose a job, etc. And in this case, the risks of non-refund of funds are enormous.

An unsecured loan is issued to the borrower upon confirmation of his solvency

For a better understanding, let’s look at the concept of “secured loan” and what it means. In order to protect himself and his money, the lender asks the borrower himself to provide either collateral or a guarantor. If the loan is secured, for example, a mortgage, where the purchased property is always the object of collateral, then in the event of a risky event the apartment will be seized from the borrower and sold. The debt will be closed. The situation is similar with a guarantee, when obligations to creditors are covered not by the borrower himself, but by his guarantors who have signed the relevant agreement. Thus, the bank insured its risks and itself from losses.

But what does an unsecured loan mean? This means that the financial company is confident in its client, and also considers this type of lending the least risky.

Then a completely logical question: who is responsible for such obligations if there is not even a guarantee? In this case, only the borrower is responsible. If he does not pay off his debt, there will be a trial and prosecution.

Features of an unsecured loan

Such loans do not have some of the features that are characteristic of secured loans. They have their own specifics. Specific features of an unsecured loan:

  1. Small loan amount. As a rule, within the framework of such loan programs, clients are given small amounts, which can cover only current needs, no more;
  2. Short term. Since the value is initially not large, the period of provision is not calculated in decades. You can rent it for a couple of months, or for a year, no more;
  3. Possibility of registration without providing a large package of documents. Since the amounts are small, the risks are also minimal, so banks take the clients’ position and provide the opportunity to issue such a financial product only with a passport.

Perhaps this is the top main specific feature of such loans. If we are talking specifically about a consumer loan, not encumbered with a guarantee or collateral, then it can be provided in several forms:

  • in the form of a consumer loan in non-cash form. This is the most common form, when in some chain of stores a client formalizes the purchase of equipment, furniture or other material assets at the expense of the bank. He does not receive money in cash, but simply signs an agreement and fulfills his obligations in equal parts;
  • credit card. An equally common form of use. And if anyone thinks that this is not a loan, then they are greatly mistaken. The principle of operation is similar: you use a limit, pay a monthly minimum fee and at the end of the month pay interest for using such a limit;
  • cash form. It is not often used in practice, since people applying for the service in most cases need a large amount of money to solve problems: for treatment, recreation, education, etc., so the institution cannot simply give out money. In this case, the bank insures itself and requires at least one type of security. If he still takes a risk, then he will raise the bet itself. For example, Sberbank issues money in cash with a guarantee and collateral at 10-11%, and without it at 14%.

How do you know which type to choose? It all depends on the situation. For a modern person, having a credit card is a necessary attribute, everything else is as needed. But if possible, it is better to take a consumer loan rather than cash. For the first type, the rates are lower than for the second.

Credit cards are often issued without collateral

Where can I get a loan without collateral?

Let's start by noting: a loan without financial collateral can be obtained from both a bank and an microfinance organization. The latter option is now quite popular, since such organizations work in online mode and give money to almost everyone. At least that's how they position themselves.

On the one hand, the MFO option is suitable for those who want to get funds at their disposal very quickly, without waiting and collecting the necessary documents. But there are many disadvantages of such companies, and the biggest one is the very high interest rate.

Please note: MFOs have a rate of 1-2%, but only per day, and not per month or year, as most citizens think.

If you carry out calculations, it turns out that the actual percentage of overpayment can range from 365 to 730% per year. This is a huge amount. Therefore, it is always necessary to compare possible benefits and risks.

When to apply for money from an MFO:

  • when you have a bad credit history;
  • when there is no official place of work;
  • there are other outstanding loans;
  • there is no compliance with banking requirements imposed on the borrower;
  • there is an operational need.

If you have not found yourself in at least one of these situations, then it is better to consider the option of bank lending.

An unsecured loan can be obtained from a bank or microfinance organization

Requirements for the borrower

Requirements for the borrower from banks:

  1. Availability of registration on the territory Russian Federation. In this case, preference is given to permanent rather than temporary registration;
  2. Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  3. Permanent place of work. It must be official and last for at least six months at the last place of official employment;
  4. Must have work experience. Moreover, each institution requires its own length of experience. For example, in Sberbank it is necessary that a person has worked for at least 1 year in the last 5 years;
  5. Good credit history;
  6. Age from 21 to 65 years.

This is the basis by which a potential client is checked for compliance. During the verification process, a person is also assessed for solvency. What does such a check mean? This means that company employees compare its level monthly income with the amount of the monthly loan payment.

According to standards, each borrower should spend no more than 50% of their income to pay off obligations.

If compliance is met, then good, but if not, then there can be no talk of any loan.

But there is also a nuance here. A person can receive about 16 thousand rubles, and give 8 thousand according to his obligations. A completely logical question is: will the remaining 8 thousand rubles be enough for him? for accommodation? For the bank, the answer is unequivocal - no, it won’t be enough, so it evaluates the client as follows: after paying the loan every month, the individual should have funds at his disposal, the amount of which will be equal to or greater living wage for this region. For example, if you need to pay 8 thousand a month, and since May the minimum wage is about 11 thousand, then a person cannot earn less than 19 thousand in order to obtain such a loan.

If we are talking about individual entrepreneur or another business entity, then, of course, there are completely different requirements: it is checked financial statements organizations and scoring is carried out. The decision will depend on how many points the client collects: whether to issue money or not.

Scoring is carried out according to such indicators as liquidity, profitability, autonomy.

When assessing solvency, the borrower should spend no more than 50% of his income to repay the loan

Required documents

In order to register such a product, it is necessary to provide the manager with a package of necessary documents. Please note that each bank may have a different package, so you always need to check. We provide an approximate list of required documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Any other identification document. This could be a foreign passport, military ID, SNILS, driver's license.
  3. A copy of the work book, an extract from it, or any other certificate confirming your work experience.
  4. Certificate in form 2-personal income tax or another form about the client’s financial well-being. In some places a certificate is needed for the last 12 months, and in others it is enough for the last six months.
  5. Application (issued directly during registration or you can download it yourself from the website of the selected bank and fill it out at home).

It is worth noting that there are lending programs where you only need a passport and any other document. But in such programs the conditions are not always favorable, or, on the contrary, they are valid only for regular customers (Sberbank has very favorable conditions for participants in salary and pension programs).

Thus, it is possible to take out a consumer loan without collateral and almost every financial institution provides such a service; another thing is that you must meet a number of criteria. But you shouldn’t count on a large amount and a small rate; the lender has no guarantees of return, so he insures himself increased interest rates and a small amount. If you can’t get a loan from a bank, you can always contact an MFO. The main thing is to carefully consider his choice.

There are often times in life when money is needed urgently, and collateral property out of stock. And given the fact that almost every citizen in our country has at least one loan, finding a guarantor seems almost hopeless. In such a situation, there is only one option left - applying to a bank for a consumer loan without collateral. What does it mean? In this article we will talk about the features, conditions, as well as the extent of responsibility for non-repayment of loan funds.

Basic Concepts

Consumer lending that does not require collateral involves a loan without collateral or guarantors. For what purposes can they be issued? cash under such conditions? This money can be used for any purpose: repairs, purchase of household items, furniture or equipment. This option is suitable when money is needed urgently. Such credit products include: credit card, cash loan or transfer to a current account, an unsecured loan intended for the purchase of equipment or other goods. The terms of a consumer loan without collateral are of interest to many.


Banking institutions have a number of requirements for borrowers:

  • permanent registration in the region where lending will be carried out (some financial institutions may accommodate and allow issuance under temporary registration);
  • The client's age can range from 18 to 70 years (the older potential borrower, the higher the likelihood that the bank may require collateral);
  • availability of a permanent place of work (work experience in general must be one year, and at the last place of work - at least 6 months).

How to take out a consumer loan without collateral can be found out at a specific bank.

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity may be required to have a military ID. You may also need another phone number as an additional communication channel. If the loan is assumed to take into account the income of the family as a whole, then the requirements for the husband or wife will be similar.


What documents are needed for a consumer loan without collateral (we explained what this means)? Of course, the list of documents in different financial institutions may differ, but basically it is a standard set. Application for a credit loan, a document confirming your identity, a second document with which you can verify your identity (SNILS, foreign passport, driver’s license), Taxpayer Identification Number, copy of the work book, 2-NDFL certificate. Some banks may request documents such as a certificate from pension fund, bank account statement, tax return(for legal entities), and in some financial institutions only a passport and income certificate is enough, but in this case you should not count on a large amount.

Terms of consumer loan without collateral

Terms of issue borrowed money may vary significantly from bank to bank. For example, with a good credit history and participation in salary project Bank you can get fairly favorable conditions for providing a loan without collateral. This may be a minimum interest rate, a longer loan period, or a maximum amount. But the bank can soften the conditions in some other cases. For example, the interest rate can be reduced if you take out insurance against an accident or dismissal from your workplace. Let's look at what the conditions for providing an unsecured loan look like. Size minimum amount maybe 15,000 rubles. The maximum possible amount in this case is no more than RUB 1,500 million. Owners salary cards and clients with a clean credit history may be offered larger amounts. Who is responsible for an unsecured consumer loan? More on this later.

Interest rate

The interest rate is calculated individually, depending on the amount and term of the loan. When you take out insurance for a consumer loan without collateral, the interest rate will drop a little more. The minimum term is 3 months, and the maximum possible loan duration in this case can be 60 months. In very rare cases, under special conditions, the loan term can be 7 years. Where is the interest rate on a consumer loan lower? This frequently asked question. Let's find out below.

Extra options

Additional parameters include: no additional fees for servicing and issuing a loan; the application review period is usually several days, depending on the bank. Clients need to be prepared for the fact that bank employees may consider a loan application very carefully and make quite a lot of demands on their future clients. If any doubts arise, bank employees will most likely refuse to obtain an unsecured loan. There are financial institutions that practice an informal type of collateral, when the collateral presented is subject to accounting, but does not affect the terms of the loan. This option is practiced if the value of the collateral is small, and the guarantor for some parameters does not meet the bank’s conditions.

Now we know what this means - a consumer loan without collateral. But where to go?

Review of loan products from different banks

The review consists of a description of the loan products of the largest and most well-known banks. Sberbank provides an unsecured loan on the following terms: amount from 15,000 to 1.5 million rubles, term from 3 months to 5 years, interest rate from 14.5%. At VTB 24 bank the conditions are as follows: from 50,000 rubles. up to 3 million rubles, term from 6 to 60 months, interest rate - from 18%. "Gazprombank" - amount from 30,000 rubles. up to 1.2 million rubles, term from 6 to 60 months, interest rate - from 16.5%. This short overview allows you to understand what an unsecured consumer loan is. Sberbank offers a good amount for a good term, but the minimum interest rate is set only salary clients who must submit the maximum package of documents. Other banks have higher interest rates due to the fact that the loan is issued without collateral. And yet, this method of obtaining a loan has a number of advantages for both clients and banking organizations.

Advantages and disadvantages for clients

What does a consumer loan without guarantors mean? bank client? Let's look at the pros and cons. Among the positive factors the following can be noted:

  • in order to take out this type of loan, you do not need to provide collateral and look for a guarantor;
  • minimum number of required documents;
  • quick turnaround time for document review;
  • simple form of the loan agreement itself;
  • The bank does not control the spending of borrowed funds.

The following are usually noted as negative aspects:

  • the interest rate on an unsecured loan is much higher;
  • the presence of high fines and penalties for failure to fulfill loan obligations;
  • the size of a loan without collateral is slightly lower than with it;
  • the bank has the right to reduce the loan term at its discretion;
  • a client who has taken out a loan without collateral is liable for his obligations to the bank with all his property.

Borrower's insolvency, according to Russian legislation, is a reason for the bank to apply to the judicial authorities with statement of claim for the client to be declared bankrupt. In this case, all valuable property may be confiscated to cover the cost of debt obligations.

How does the bank win?

What does it mean for a bank to provide a loan without collateral? Of course, one of the advantages of selling such loan products is their popularity among clients, high income from the loan itself and a simplified system for reviewing loan applications. Consumer loan without collateral in Sberbank, according to reviews, it is very popular.

The disadvantages are usually high risks and a complex debt collection scheme if the client refuses to fulfill his obligations. However, these credit products arise on financial market only for the reason that they are beneficial to banks. For clients, these lending programs are convenient if there is an urgent need for money, but there is nowhere to get it. The advantages for clients are not only that these applications are quickly reviewed, but also the opportunity early repayment loan by increasing the monthly payment. Who is responsible for an unsecured consumer loan? Of course, the borrower himself.

In general, clients are satisfied and say that in some life situations this is a convenient tool that can be used if you correctly calculate your strength beforehand. Negative reviews are usually expressed by those clients who were unable to repay the debt in good faith, clients whose credit history was damaged, or borrowers who were unable to provide any document to obtain a loan.

Use of intermediaries

What other way can you get a consumer loan without guarantors?

IN financial environment When discussing lending issues, you can often hear about such a person as a credit broker. These people promise to find you loan offer on the most favorable terms, having studied all offers on the market. How can such cooperation end for the average citizen? If you are lucky and you have met a real specialist, he will find the most advantageous offer for the client. If not, then the situation may turn out to be very dire for you. There are certain nuances in dealing with such scammers that should alert you:


Therefore, if you have a need to use the services credit broker, it is worth carefully analyzing the offers available on the market and choosing a broker who has been working successfully in this area for a long time, who can help you and not aggravate the situation.

We looked at a consumer loan without collateral; what this means is now clear.

Unsecured consumer loan – what does it mean? This question is asked by all people who have at least once applied to lenders for a loan. This type of loan involves no collateral. That is, when concluding a contractual relationship, no collateral obligation is required from the client. The direction of spending the amount received is decided exclusively client side who received it.

You can get a consumer loan without collateral from almost any bank

Unsecured consumer loan: what does it mean and why is it necessary?

There are several advantages of this type of lending:

  • there is no need to own expensive property assets to enter into a transaction with a banking organization;
  • the risks of losing property are reduced to zero, even if financial difficulties arise;
  • To receive money you do not need to comply with a large number of formalities.

"Pitfalls" of an unsecured loan:

  • an unsecured loan can only be issued at interest rates that are higher than the rates offered under other conditions;
  • issuance sums of money carried out for a short period of time, and they are small in size, all this also has a relationship with probable risks;
  • it is necessary to provide an impressive package of documents to obtain approval.

A common type of loan without collateral is a card loan, issued if a card from a certain bank is available.

Is it worth taking out such a loan?

So, we looked at the concept of this type of loan, and what motives it carries. Now it remains to study whether there is a need to obtain such a loan if there are others on the financial market advantageous offers. In fact, it is worth taking out such a loan only in two situations:

  1. If the bank where you plan to get a loan, you have a salary plastic card. In such a situation, you can count on ordinary, not high interest rates, as well as long loan terms and rational conditions. This is due to the fact that the bank is aware of all your current financial transactions and has full confidence in the client’s solvency.
  2. In case of urgent need for funds. That is, if you need money suddenly, you can go to the bank and get urgent loan. But keep in mind that the interest rate will be higher, and the funds will be issued for a short period of time.

In other situations, it is worth paying attention to other areas of credit.

Key requirements for clients

Banking structures have a certain set of requirements for the potential circle of people who want to receive a loan:

  • availability of permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation; sometimes temporary paper may be sufficient;
  • The borrower's age is from 18 years, and the maximum is 70 years;
  • mandatory presence of income;
  • having a minimum work experience of about 2-6 months;
  • men who have not yet reached 27 years of age must provide a military ID;
  • Having a permanently accessible cell phone.

These are the conditions under which the loan will be issued. If the points are not followed, there is a risk of refusal.

What is it customer credit without collateral?

List of required papers

We have studied what a secured loan means, it remains to consider its features regarding the loan application:

  1. Application in the form of a questionnaire, completed in accordance with specific banking requirements.
  2. Identification(we are talking about a civil passport of a resident of the Russian Federation).
  3. Additional document which is requested not by all, but by some banks. We are talking about TIN, VU, VB, insurance type certificate.
  4. Income documents certificates and statements, declarations and certificates.

In different banking organizations this list may vary. And some companies are even ready to provide a loan on the basis of two documents.

General terms

If the client has a set of necessary documents and the credit history is not damaged, banks are ready to offer the most flexible list of conditions:

  • fairly low interest rate;
  • long loan terms;
  • promotion maximum size loan.

If we consider these details in specifics, we can summarize the following:

  1. Loan amount– a consumer loan can be taken in the amount of 15,000 rubles. up to 500,000 rub. or 1,000,000 rub. If the credit history is good and the salary is transferred to the card through the same bank, this amount increases.
  2. Interest rate. This parameter depends on the term, amount and other features of the loan. When an insurance contract is concluded, the rate is reduced to 3 points. If the client has a salary in this establishment, the rate is also reduced.
  3. Submission deadlines. Most often, the maximum threshold is up to 5 years, but there are categories of clients for whom this value can be extended. Minimum period – 3 months.
  4. Additional elements. Due to the nature of this loan, no collateral is required.

The duration during which the application is reviewed is several hours, with a maximum of 5 working days.

Remember that the absence of collateral implies a closer consideration of the borrower's situation by the bank. If there are any doubts, there is a possibility of calling for a surety or collateral transaction, but this is rare. Sometimes the provision may be informal, but present. All the nuances of the case must be taken into account. This is what a secured loan means.

Advantages and weaknesses for a financial institution

Among the positive aspects, several points can be highlighted: which the issuance of such a loan implies:

  • efficiency of the solution;
  • high profitability parameter;
  • the demand for this program.

If we talk about the negative sides, then among them we can also highlight the following features:

  • increased riskiness;
  • difficulties in collecting money in the event of a client’s loan delinquency.

Despite these potential problems, banks are happy to issue loans without collateral because the service is in demand. And the profitability for this type of loan is always higher.

How to choose a consumer loan

Most common offers

There are several popular organizations that are ready to provide loan funds without collateral on the most favorable terms:

  1. Sberbank offers to take out a loan at a rate of 14.5%, from three months. up to 5 years in the amount starting from 15,000 rubles.
  2. VTB– the company strives to provide favorable conditions for loans and offers loans at 18% for a period of 6 months. from 50,000 rubles.
  3. Gazprombank offers rates from 16.5%. The term ranges from 6 to 60 months, and the maximum possible amount is RUB 1,200,000. Wherein minimum size loans – 30,000 rub.
  4. Alfa Bank offers loans from 16.99% annual interest. The loan period is from 12 months, the amount is from 50,000 rubles, and the maximum threshold value is 2,000,000 rubles.
  5. Bank opening. Offers a rate of 19.9%. The term is from 6 months, the amount is equal to 25,000 rubles.
  6. Raiffeisenbank. Offers conditions at rates over 17.9%. Loan term – from six months, limits – from 91 thousand rubles. up to 1,500 thousand rubles

So, we have studied what an unsecured consumer loan is. Despite the stakes, this direction is quite convenient and in demand, and also has many positive aspects compared to key programs. But before making a final decision, you should carefully choose a bank and credit program, this will avoid further difficulties and prevent possible uncertainties.

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Secured loans are loans whose repayment is guaranteed by additional collateral. This could be a collateral or the support of a guarantor. Unsecured loans are loans that are issued without additional guarantees. They are less profitable for the borrower because they are issued under more stringent conditions.

Secured loans and their benefits

The bank wants to obtain guarantees of the client's solvency. If he is able to provide a loan, he can receive more favorable terms of cooperation and a large loan amount.

Having a high income is not a good guarantee of repayment. The client may lose his job at any time. As for collateral, it covers the lender's risks if it is sufficiently liquid.

Secured loans can take the form of secured loans or loans with a guarantee. In the first case, the borrower provides his property as collateral (apartment, car, securities etc.). When involved in a credit transaction, he shares the borrower’s responsibility to the bank. When calculating the permissible loan amount, the income of a third party (guarantor) is taken into account. Thereby you can significantly increase the loan size.

Loans without collateral

Without providing the bank with additional guarantees, the borrower can take out a small cash loan, a loan for plastic card, overdraft, express loan. Financial institution won't take risks and provide the client with a significant amount of funds if he does not back it up with collateral or a surety.

Features of unsecured loans are short loan terms and high stakes. The bank compensates for the risks by increasing the loan fee. The lender divides the amount of possible losses in advance among all borrowers. This explains the disadvantages for the client without collateral.

The advantage of unsecured loans is the ability to quickly and without unnecessary documents receive funds in your hands (or to your account). For example, cash loans without collateral can be issued on the day the borrower applies. It will take much longer to get a secured loan. The bank will need to evaluate the collateral, check the guarantor, and the borrower will need to collect necessary documents, take out insurance, etc.

Secured and unsecured loans have their pros and cons. When choosing a loan option that is acceptable to you, evaluate the terms of the program. Don’t forget to check the information about the terms of the loan and the total amount of overpayments.