What information do you need to get a loan. What documents are needed to apply for a loan at Sberbank? Documents for a consumer loan in Sberbank

Today, banking organizations provide customers with many different types of loans, which differ from each other in terms of requirements for the borrower, features, and also have their own advantages and disadvantages. There are the following types of loans:

  • target - funds are issued for the purchase of a particular product or service;
  • non-targeted - funds are issued for any needs;
  • secured by a vehicle;
  • secured by property;
  • secured by the acquired property (the list of documents can be found on our website);
  • under the guarantee of third parties, etc.

Key Documents

When applying for a loan, regardless of its type, you will need to collect and provide a certain set of papers. The list of required documents for a loan, for example, in Sberbank includes:

  • original and copy of the applicant's passport;
  • a certified copy of the work book or other document that can replace it;
  • certificate of income received by individuals.

A certificate containing information on income received for a certain period of time can be obtained from the accounting department or the personnel department of the institution in which the applicant works. It is worth noting that different banking institutions require the provision of this document for a certain period of time. In order to find out the required period, you need to consult with an employee of your bank.

Additional documents

In addition to the main package, a banking organization may additionally require confirmation of a certain social status. May be required:

  • passport of a foreign type (by the way, how to apply for a new passport, read);
  • TIN certificate;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • copies of valid loan agreements and paid agreements;
  • certificates confirming the absence of existing debts on loans and borrowings;
  • certificates confirming the existence of securities, shares, etc.;
  • copies of diplomas of received education.

Target loans


Some of the money spent on education, you can return in the form of a tax deduction. To do this, you need to collect the necessary documents and contact the tax office. We will talk more about the deduction in. In another article, you can read how to return money for treatment.

To apply for a consumer loan, additional documents are required confirming the expenditure of funds for goods or services for which funds were issued. For example:

  • a loan issued to pay for studies - confirmation of the targeted spending of funds is an agreement concluded with an educational institution;
  • purchase of any equipment - the invoice received in the store is used as confirmation;
  • home loan - confirmation is the purchase agreement, various expense documents, etc.

As you can understand, when using a targeted loan, it is necessary to provide documents that confirm the fact of spending funds on those things for which the bank has provided money on credit.

Additional Documentation Required for a Car Loan

When applying for a loan secured by a vehicle, in addition to the basic set of documentation, most banking organizations also require:

  • agreement for the sale of a car;
  • a certificate or any other document confirming the applicant's ownership of the transport;
  • a certified copy of the technical transport of the car;
  • certificate of registration;
  • insurance contract.

A set of documents required for obtaining a loan secured by real estate

When applying for a loan secured by acquired or owned real estate, you will also need to provide additional papers:

  • a document confirming the applicant's ownership of the collateral;
  • real estate cadastral passport;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate Rights;
  • extended type extract taken from the house book.

Additional documentation for other types of lending

If the bank concludes a loan agreement with individual entrepreneurs, it requires the following additional documents:

  • originals from notarized copies of documents on registration of an individual enterprise;
  • an extract from the bank account of the organization;
  • a copy of the tax return, which is filled out according to the third form of personal income taxes.

What documents are needed to apply for a consumer loan - see the video:

If instead of collateral, the applicant draws up a loan against the guarantee of third parties, then they are required to provide:

  • originals and certified copies of identity documents;
  • certificates, certificates or statements confirming employment;
  • any documents that can confirm financial solvency, etc.

Thus, if you want to borrow money from a bank, it is strongly recommended to find out in advance what documents are needed to apply for a consumer loan. It is important to understand that banking organizations differ from each other, respectively, and the requirements for the documentation provided may also be different. Therefore, before applying, you need to familiarize yourself with the lending rules of your bank.

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In previous publications, we talked about the features of a consumer loan at Sberbank and the interest provided for it. But in addition to the terms of loan repayment, borrowers should also study the list of documents for a consumer loan at Sberbank, without which the application will be rejected. In this article, we will take a closer look at how Sberbank considers a consumer loan, what documents should be provided by payroll clients and borrowers who are not.

Sberbank: consumer loan and what documents are needed for it

The list of documents requested by Sberbank PJSC for a consumer loan always includes an application form and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a registration mark. The Security Council of the Russian Federation also requires certificates from "clients from the street" confirming their ability to pay.

The Security Council of the Russian Federation offers the population two types of consumer unsecured loans - unsecured loans and loans secured by individuals. When applying for a consumer loan with a guarantee at Sberbank, a package of documents is required not only from the borrower, but also from the guarantor.

Income documents required for a Sberbank loan: list

Considering the question of what documents are needed first of all for clients applying for a Sberbank consumer loan, it should be said about income certificates. The standard option for borrowers of the Security Council of the Russian Federation is the 2-NDFL form from the employer (legal entity) that officially pays the salary.

Clients can replace this form with, for example, an employer-certified certificate in the form of a bank or government agency. Pensioners provide a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, individual entrepreneurs - a tax return.

Employment documents for obtaining a loan from the Security Council of the Russian Federation: a list

When applying for a consumer loan at Sberbank, the necessary documents always include a “paper” containing information about the borrower’s employment. Exceptions to this rule are cases where loans are issued to pensioners.

The easiest way for a client is to attach a copy of his work book, certified by the employer, to the documents for obtaining a consumer loan at Sberbank. It can be replaced by an extract or a certificate containing information about the client's places of work for 5 years and his general experience.

Loan according to two documents in Sberbank: online registration

For holders of payroll cards of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, documents for obtaining a consumer loan at Sberbank can be submitted by only one application form filled out and sent via the Internet. A similar situation is possible when a borrower applies for a loan through the Sberbank Online service.

Collecting a package of necessary documents is the first step in obtaining any loan. Depending on the chosen bank and their list may vary: some of them are required without fail, others - only when applying for a certain one. At the same time, the borrower's chances of obtaining a particular loan increase significantly if there are some certificates and references in the credit case. What documents you need to provide to obtain a loan, which of them are mandatory and which are not, and how the packages of documents differ in different banks are described below.

Standard set of documents

Regardless of the selected loan product, the manager will provide the borrower with a list of what documents are needed to obtain a loan. The client undertakes to provide the original passport and photocopies of all its pages, which can be certified by the borrower himself, as well as the signature of the bank manager accepting the documents, and the stamp of the credit institution. Additionally, filling out an application for a loan and a questionnaire is required. Some banks offer customers an application form that combines both forms.

List of standard documents for applying for a loan

Most banks give their customers lists of what documents are needed to obtain a consumer loan and which documents are required to obtain a mortgage. As a rule, you will need:

  1. A copy of the work book certified by the personnel department or any other document that confirms the employment of the client - a certificate from the employer, a contract, an extract from the work book. Such documents must indicate the place of work, position and length of service. Each page of the document must be certified. Seafarers are required to provide a passport, contracts for the last few years and their official translation into Russian.
  2. Income statement. It can be issued in the standard form 2-NDFL or in the form issued by the bank. It is certified by the seal of the employing organization and signed. It should contain information on the amount of income of the borrower for the last six months at least. If, in addition to wages, a bank client has a third-party source of income (from renting out real estate, pensions, etc.), then documents confirming it are provided - such papers can significantly increase the chances of obtaining a loan.
  3. Documents that confirm the fact of the presence of a deferment from military service - a military ID, registration certificate and others. Required only if the borrower is under 27 years of age.

Many financial institutions, in addition to the documents listed above, may require additional ones. What documents are needed to obtain a loan additionally - described below.

Additional documents required by the bank

The documents listed below can be prepared not only at the request of a credit institution, but also on the personal initiative of the borrower. Most of these papers can not only confirm the social status of the borrower, but also positively affect the assessment of its solvency. Such documents can be provided to the bank when applying for both a consumer loan and any other loans and loans secured by property - real estate or a vehicle. What documents are needed to obtain a loan additionally?

  • Vehicle registration certificate or driver's license.
  • Insurance certificate of the pension fund.
  • Passport - if available.
  • All insurance policies - CASCO, OSAGO, CHI and others.
  • Original certificate confirming that the borrower is the owner of the property, or a copy thereof.
  • Bank statements, any documents confirming the existence of these accounts or securities.
  • Photocopies of papers about the education received: certificates, diplomas, certificates, certificates.
  • Account statements, copies of previously issued loan agreements, certificates from credit institutions confirming the absence of debts.
  • Copies and originals of birth certificates of children, marriage or divorce.

A credit institution, when applying for a consumer loan aimed at purchasing goods - for example, household appliances - may require the borrower to provide an invoice from the store; when applying for a loan for education - an agreement concluded with an educational institution, and a copy of its license certifying its right to conduct such activities.

Applying for a loan at Sberbank

To receive money on credit, a potential borrower can apply to one of the most popular banks - Sberbank. What documents are needed to get a loan in it?

If the borrower has never used the services of this credit institution before, then the requirements for it are much stricter than for other clients, and the verification of the received documentation will be carried out many times more carefully.

Required documents

The loan officer must receive the following papers from the borrower:

  • An identity document is a passport.
  • Employment book, contract with the employer or any document confirming the presence of a permanent place of work.
  • The certificate and extract from the USRR are provided by individual entrepreneurs.
  • Help 2-NDFL, tax returns with the stamps of the Federal Tax Service.
  • Documents confirming an additional source of income - for example, from the rental of real estate or third-party part-time work. Notifying the bank about this will increase the chances of obtaining a loan.
  • Men under the age of 27 must provide a military ID in order to prevent delays in loan payments due to military conscription.
  • Persons acting as guarantors should not have any debts to credit institutions. In addition, they are required to provide a similar package of documents to the bank manager.

The borrower may, on his own initiative, present to the bank papers confirming his right to own real estate or any other property. Such certificates will confirm the solvency of the client and increase his chances of obtaining a loan.

Getting a loan from Rosselkhozbank

A standard set of papers required for obtaining a loan is available in each bank; Rosselkhozbank is no exception. What documents are required to obtain a loan from this financial institution?

The loan agreement is drawn up after the submission of the following documents:

  1. Each person involved in the design of a loan product fills out a questionnaire. The application form can either be taken at the institution or found on the official website of Rosselkhozbank.
  2. Identity document. In most cases, a passport is required.
  3. An employment contract or book is a paper confirming the employment of the borrower. Such documents are certified no later than one month before the date of application.
  4. Certificate 2-NDFL or a similar form issued by the bank and confirming the amount of the borrower's income. If the loan is issued for a pensioner, then it is necessary to present an extract on the accrual of a pension.
  5. Military ID.

Listed above are the documents required to obtain a loan. Providing a full package to Rosselkhozbank will help you get a loan and increase your chances of getting it.

Getting a loan from Sovcombank

One of the most successful banks today is Sovcombank. What documents are needed to get a loan in it?

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. The second document confirming the identity of the borrower. It can be any paper - a driver's license, a military ID, a medical policy.
  3. Tax certificate in the form of 2-NDFL or a special document issued by the bank.
  4. Employment contract or work book.

What documents are needed to get a loan for a pensioner?

A pensioner who receives his pension at Sberbank, for example, when applying for a loan, must provide only a passport, since all the necessary package of documents is already stored in a credit institution. If the pension is accrued by one bank, and the loan is issued in another, then it is necessary to take a certificate from the Pension Fund on the amount of the pension.

Drawing up a loan agreement at a bank requires the provision of a certain package of papers. What documents are needed to obtain a loan, and in which specific banks - is described above.

A complete package of documents for obtaining a loan.

Despite the general principles of obtaining loans, commercial banks and microfinance organizations establish their own rules for lending to customers and present their own, different from others, requirements for the package of documents required for issuing loans. At the same time, the number of required documents directly depends on the chosen lending program.

The most loyal lenders who specialize in quick loans usually require any two documents, usually a passport and a military ID or a passport with a driver's license. Lending based on two documents is especially widespread when buying goods on credit in a retail chain, supermarkets and hypermarkets of household appliances.

The list of documents required for a classic loan on standard terms.

  • Written application for a loan;
  • Client Questionnaires;
  • Original and photocopy of the passport;
  • Photocopies of the work book or a certified certificate from the personnel department on the length of service at the last workplace;
  • Certificates of the amount of official wages for the period required by the creditor;
  • Photocopies of a military ID or driver's license upon presentation of the originals of these documents to the bank;
  • When participating in lending programs for pensioners - a pension certificate;
  • Upon registration and receipt - title documents for this property.

Documents for a mortgage loan.

Bankers require documents from their potential clients to make sure that the borrower is trustworthy and has sufficient solvency.

The package of documents that you need to collect to apply for a mortgage in different banks may differ slightly, in addition, it may vary significantly for employees and for entrepreneurs - business owners. In most cases, the borrower is required to:

  • Passport and photocopies of all its pages. The security service of the bank must have reliable data about the borrower and at the same time be able to check all the ins and outs of the client at any time in case of any doubts about his reliability, or find him if he evades paying the resulting debt;
  • Certificate from the main place of work of the borrower in the form 2-NDFL;
  • Photocopies of the pages of the work book certified by the employer. Usually this is the seal of the personnel department of the enterprise with the signature of the responsible employee on each page;
  • Marriage certificate for married couples and divorce certificate for citizens who are divorced;
  • Birth certificates of children who are not yet 18 years old at the time of registration of the loan agreement;
  • A certificate from a doctor from a psycho-neurological dispensary or a driver's license;
  • As additional requirements, certificates of delinquencies and debts from other banks in which the client has already issued loans, receipts for payment of utility bills, education documents, etc. may be required.
The package of necessary documents largely depends on the estimated value and ownership of the mortgage collateral - that is, whether it will be a land plot, a private house, an entire apartment, or just one room. At the same time, the history of the collateral property plays an important role, how it came to the client - by inheritance, transfer agreement, exchange or donation.

Documents for a car loan.

Since car loans are considered the most common form of purchasing vehicles, the question of how to quickly and correctly collect a complete package of documents is the most common among all those related to collecting the necessary documentation for obtaining a loan.

The documents that must be provided to bank managers can practically be divided into the main and additional packages.

Main package of documents:

  • A written application for a loan, usually on the letterhead of the lending bank;
  • Of course, the passport and copies of all pages;
  • Information about the composition of the family;
  • Certificates of salary or other income for the period specified in the contract with the bank;
  • Documents for the car and the contract-purchase and sale;
  • Documents on the estimated value of the vehicle;
  • Contract with an insurance company for registration of CASCO and OSAGO.
Most financial institutions, in order to obtain comprehensive information about the client, and sometimes to improve credit conditions, also recommend providing them with an additional package of documents.

Additional documents:

  • Certificate of salary, or other types of income of all family members of the borrower;
  • Documents of citizens acting as guarantors in car loans;
  • Copy and original of the driver's documents of the borrower;
  • A photocopy of the work book;
  • Documents proving the client's marital status;
  • Military ID;
  • Diplomas, documents on education.
Additional documents are needed in order to assess and characterize the non-financial side of the borrower's life with the help of a scoring program, and accordingly correctly calculate the risks of non-repayment of loan payments in the future.

Do not forget that banks providing loans mainly work only with specific insurance companies accredited by them, which allows additional verification of the reliability and solvency of the client by the insurance company, which has its own customer due diligence mechanisms.

In addition to obtaining a car loan from a bank, there is another, simpler and much more convenient way - applying for a loan directly at a car dealership or from an authorized dealer.

Documents for obtaining a loan in a car dealership:

  • Statement;
  • Customer profile;
  • Russian passport;
  • Driver license.
Even with the naked eye, a significant difference is visible between the package of documents required for submission to a bank or a car dealership. Car dealerships are more loyal to citizens who cannot or do not want to provide unauthorized persons with official data on their income.

Documents for a consumer loan in Sberbank.

Many ordinary people prefer to have their financial affairs and especially credit obligations only with Sberbank of the Russian Federation. To obtain a consumer loan at Sberbank, the borrower is required to:
  • Application and questionnaire of the established form;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • TIN of an individual;
  • Information about the position held, as well as the length of service at the last workplace;
  • Certificate of salary, pension or other types of income;
  • Employment record or a certified copy;
  • Marriage/divorce certificate describing the current marital status of the client.

Documents for obtaining an express loan.

An express loan implies the shortest terms for issuing a loan, so the lender will simply be unable to verify the authenticity of all the client's documents in such an urgent manner. Therefore, the borrower is checked on only two documents - on a passport with local registration and any second generally accepted document, which may be the original pension certificate, any driver's license or even a military ID.

All other information - about the amount of income, the availability of work, the marital status of the client, the lender will find out on the basis of personal data, which can be verified after the issuance of an express loan.

Documents for obtaining a credit card.

Non-cash methods of payment for goods and the wide financial possibilities of credit cards determine the high degree of demand for credit cards among the population.

To get a credit card, it is enough to be over 21 years old and provide the bank with a minimum package of documents:

  • Written application for issuing a credit card and opening a card account;
  • Color photo;
  • Passport;
  • Income statement - salary, pension, social benefits.
The procedure for issuing a credit card for entrepreneurs is somewhat different from issuing credit cards to employees - they also need to provide documents that confirm the legality of their entrepreneurial activities. At the same time, even a relatively small amount of the credit limit is issued only to those who have been successfully working for more than a year and are able to cope with all their financial obligations.

Please note that if a person, even with a high level of income and properly executed documents, has a debt on existing loans or has a corresponding record in the credit history of such cases in the recent past, banks may refuse to issue a credit card or limit the credit limit to a minimum.

When applying for a consumer loan, banks in the list of mandatory requirements include the provision of a certain package of documents. The list may vary. What certificates are needed for a loan, each financial institution determines individually.

The list of documents required for a loan is minimal, basic and extended. It depends on several factors:

  • lending program;
  • amount of credit;
  • whether the applicant is a current client of the bank.

First of all, a financial institution will be interested in documents reflecting personal information, professional activities, sources and amount of income. What documents are needed for a loan at Sberbank or another financial institution can be clarified on our website by going to a specific loan offer, at a branch or by calling the hotline.

During the verification of a potential borrower, the security service has the right to require the provision of additional papers if the standard package of documents is not enough.

The standard package includes documents that in most cases are mandatory for obtaining a loan in all banks.

application form

Application form - a document containing detailed information about the client: personal data, education, marital status, employment and financial status. Some banks have added a section on expenses, including utility bills, food, and monthly payments on existing debt obligations.

Contact information is also provided here. Usually this is the number of the borrower, his employer, and next of kin. The work phone must be fixed - this will increase the chances of obtaining a loan. The more contacts the client provides, the more trustworthy he will look in the eyes of the security service.

An application for a loan is attached to the personal data. It contains information about the loan product, the purpose of the loan, the desired amount and term. The document may contain a clause on consent to participate in the insurance program and on connecting additional paid services. In case of early repayment, a number of banks allow customers to return credit insurance. Before signing the application, these items must be carefully checked.

An application form can be filled out on the bank's website, download a written form there or ask for it at a branch. The document grants the financial institution the right to access the client's personal data. Based on it, a preliminary check is carried out.


Passport - the main document proving the identity of the applicant. It is mandatory when applying for a loan in all banks. The passport number, as well as information about previously issued documents, is used by security officers to check borrowers against databases. They are also needed when making a request to the Credit Bureau.

Passport data confirms the information specified by the client in the questionnaire: age, marital status, presence of children. Registration is checked separately. As a rule, banks in the list of mandatory requirements for the client include the presence of registration in the region of presence of the branch. This makes it easier for the collection service to work if the borrower stops making monthly payments. The conditions for granting a loan at Sberbank allow for temporary registration. In this case, a certificate from the passport office confirming the presence of a residence permit will be added to the documents for a loan at Sberbank for an individual.

When accepting an application for a loan, the specialist checks the authenticity of the passport. In some cases, credit organizations offer to issue a loan on one document, without providing additional information. Such loans are issued at a higher interest rate, as the risk of default increases.

Additional identification documents

The mandatory package for obtaining a loan may include one or more additional documents proving your identity. They are needed to compile a complete picture of the client. In addition, the bank protects itself from fraudulent activities: it is more difficult to forge two documents. Identity documents include:

  1. Certificate of assignment of TIN. With its help, they check whether the applicant has debts to the tax service. TIN is tied to the bank accounts of customers. This is necessary for the formation of reports in the Federal Tax Service.
  2. Driver's license. The document contains data that helps to identify the client: photo, full name, date and place of birth, series, number. You need to check the date of issue and expiration date. Only a valid document is suitable for obtaining a loan.
  3. Medical policy. The CHI form can be used as proof of identity. A self-registered voluntary medical insurance policy will be an indirect confirmation of high incomes. VHI provided by the employer will testify to the reliability of the company.
  4. SNILS. Each citizen has a unique identification number, unlike a driver's license or a foreign passport. Therefore, most often SNILS is added to the package of documents. In addition, it is needed to request a credit history.
  5. Sailor's passport. It is an identity card on a par with the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Some banks provide special loan programs for seafarers, for participation in them this document will be mandatory.
  6. international passport. The document contains a photo and basic personal data of the applicant. The presence of marks on trips abroad will serve as proof of the financial solvency of the client.
  7. Refugee ID. Getting a loan for a person with refugee status is more difficult. In addition to the certificate, additional documents will be required: migration card, temporary residence permit, etc. The bank will carefully check the solvency of such a client. Perhaps they will set limits on the term and amount of the loan.
  8. Military ID. The provision of this document is required from men under 27 years of age. In the absence of it, it can be replaced by a written deferment from military service. This will serve as a guarantee that the borrower will not be drafted into the military at any time and will fulfill his debt obligations in full.

For banks, credit products are highly profitable. But at the same time, lending to individuals carries certain risks. To insure themselves against non-returns, financial institutions thoroughly study the financial situation of the client, because profit depends on this. The package may include the following papers:

  1. Employment document. Most often, borrowers provide a copy of the work book, certified by the employer. It most fully reflects the labor activity. If the work book is located in another region, you can replace it with a certificate from the place of work indicating the position and length of service. Additionally, a copy of the employment contract can be attached to the loan application.
  2. income statement. It is usually provided in the form 2-NDFL and contains data for the last 6 months. If the salary is unofficial, you can use the form of the bank, which is issued at the branch. This information is for internal use. Credit organizations do not transfer data to the tax service.
  3. Pension payments. Banks often launch loan programs for pensioners, as pensions are the most stable source of income. You can confirm receipt of it using an extract from a social card or an account to which payments are credited.
  4. Information about the scholarship. It is more difficult for students to get a loan, as they usually have a small scholarship as their source of income. You can confirm receipt of it with a certificate from an educational institution or an extract from a bank account. Additionally, parental support may be required.
  5. Information about the amount of EDV. Additional income includes a monthly cash payment, which is assigned instead of the required benefits. Issues certificates of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It is desirable to attach an account statement to it.

The more evidence of financial stability the client provides, the lower the interest rate and the larger the loan amount. Banks take into account income from renting a house or a car. For confirmation, you will need registration certificates of ownership and a lease agreement. It is not required to prove financial solvency if the borrower has a deposit in the bank. A passport is all that is needed to get a loan from Sberbank to a salary card holder.

Documents for obtaining a credit card

The package of documents for issuing a credit card depends on the amount of the credit limit. Small loans can only be issued with a passport. If the amount is higher, the bank will accept the following documents as proof of financial solvency:

  • certificate of ownership of the vehicle not older than five years;
  • air tickets confirming travel abroad within the last six months;
  • extract from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

A large credit card limit requires a full package of papers, including a second identity document, income and employment certificates. You can clarify what documents are needed to obtain a loan in a particular organization on the website or when visiting the office.

Documents for a car loan

What documents are needed for a car loan depends on the amount of the down payment. The larger it is, the less paperwork you need for registration. Information about the purchased car is added to the standard package:

  • contract of sale;
  • a copy of the TCP;
  • payment document for making the first installment;
  • invoice for payment of the remaining cost;
  • OSAGO and CASCO policies or an invoice if they are included in the loan;
  • spouse's consent to bail.

A driver's license is not a mandatory document for a car loan. The owner of the vehicle may not have this document, transferring the right to drive to a third party. In this case, it must be included in the insurance policy.

A mortgage loan involves the issuance of a large amount. Therefore, the borrower must prepare the maximum package of standard documents. In addition to them, you will need:

  • certificate of ownership of the acquired property;
  • independent valuation;
  • preliminary contract of sale;
  • an extract from the Registration Chamber on the absence of encumbrances;
  • cadastral passport;
  • insurance policy for the apartment;
  • a full package of documents from co-borrowers, if any;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • spouse's consent.

When it comes to participating in shared construction, you will need to apply for a mortgage:

  • building permit;
  • object data;
  • information about the builder;
  • share agreement.

If the construction company is accredited by the bank, you do not need to provide additional information about it.

When buying a house and a cottage, the documents must be accompanied by a certificate of ownership of the land and a cadastral passport.

Documents for a secured loan

A loan issued on the security of existing property, in addition to the general package for a loan, involves the provision of documents for the property. For real estate it is:

  • certificate of ownership;
  • documents on the basis of which the right of ownership arose;
  • cadastral passport;
  • extract from the register;
  • certificate of family composition from the passport office.

If the car is the collateral, the credit institution will request:

  • vehicle passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate.

In both cases, you will need the opinion of appraisers of the value of the property and the consent of the spouse to issue a pledge.

Documents for guarantors and individual entrepreneurs

It is more difficult for individual entrepreneurs to take out a loan, since their own business can go bankrupt, and the client will lose a source of income. If the bank has such programs, it will require:

  • 3-NDFL or other reporting submitted to the tax authorities for the last period;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • account statements;
  • contracts with customers and suppliers.

Documents for a loan for notaries and lawyers include a lawyer's certificate and a license to conduct notary activities.

In some cases, financial institutions want to receive additional guarantees for the repayment of the loan, so they offer to issue a guarantee. The package of documents for the co-borrower in this case will be the same as for the main applicant.

Thus, the package of documents for a loan depends not only on the chosen bank, but also on the type of product, place of work, availability of additional sources of income and other nuances. The more information and evidence of financial solvency the applicant provides, the higher the probability of obtaining a loan.