Functional duties of a loan officer. Job description of a credit consultant

The banking system in our country is growing rapidly and gaining momentum, so any specialty related to work in a financial institution is considered prestigious and in demand. After all, it is the well-coordinated work of all bank employees that determines its profit and the level of customer confidence. One of the important employees is loan officers or experts who are entrusted with the most important task banking organization is the issuance of loans. However, let's take a closer look at the issue of what a lending specialist should know, what qualities he should have, his job responsibilities and much more.

The main duties of a loan officer are advising clients and selecting the best lending options for the borrower. That is, in fact, he performs several functions at once: he must attract a client, advise him on the lending services available to the bank, choose the most suitable option that will best satisfy the needs of the client.

If the client is interested in the services of the bank, then the employee of the lending department must calculate for him maximum amount loan, depending on its financial capabilities, calculate the loan term, the amount of the monthly payment and the annual interest rate.

Further, the task of the loan officer is to fill out an application form and analyze the data, assess the creditworthiness of the borrower and the risks of the bank in cooperation with him. Yes, indeed, today the task of assessing solvency is performed by the scoring system, but a lot also depends on the loan officer. After all, among other things, he must collect the borrower's documents, visually assess their authenticity, then transfer them to the bank's security service, the credit committee and other credit departments. financial organization who are responsible for issuing loans, while he must be attentive to the personality of each client.

Working as a loan officer requires an employee to have some knowledge in order to perform the following functions:

  • know the policy of the bank and the principles of granting money loans to private and corporate clients;
  • know well the conditions of lending at the bank in order to provide potential customers with the maximum amount of information and select the optimal conditions for cooperation for each of them;
  • be able to visually assess the authenticity of documents and the reliability of the interlocutor, in particular, his financial situation;
  • how to make decisions and bear financial responsibility for it.

Please note that one of the key tasks of an employee of the lending department is the ability to assess the solvency of the client, that is, in simple words, he must have some knowledge in the field of psychology in order to reveal the intentions of the borrower to pay off the borrowed funds during the conversation.

Personal qualities of a bank employee

Despite the fact that the bank approaches the issue of lending responsibly and first of all evaluates the professional skills of its employees, the personal qualities of employees play an important role. For a loan officer, the main and personal qualities are communication skills, resistance to stress, responsibility and the ability to perform professional duties in strict accordance with the internal regulations of the bank.

In simple words, a loan officer should be, first of all, a reliable partner of a financial institution, and in any situation protect the interests of the bank. That is, he must not only bring a client and conclude a loan agreement with him, but at the same time do the same with trustworthy clients who will bring profit to the bank and pay off the issued loan. By the way, it is worth saying that many banks pay their employees special courses in psychology, this is primarily necessary so that a banking specialist can recognize at the stage of a conversation with a client whether he will be responsible for the circumstances or not.

Professional skills of a bank employee

Do not think that a loan officer should look for clients and bring them to the bank. No, this task is not part of his duties, but he must be able to properly advise the client and interest him in the services of the bank so that he issues loan agreement. Accordingly, a loan officer must know all the products and services of the bank well for this, of course, he must have at least a higher education.

Also, a loan officer should be able to work with documentation, because he will be required to advise his clients on collecting the documents necessary for processing a loan. He must be able to visually assess their authenticity and in the future submit them for consideration to the bank's security service. By the way, the application for extradition loan funds is also filled in by a loan officer, so he must know all the features of filling out these documents.

And, finally, the final stage of the transaction is the signing of a loan agreement and the issuance of borrowed funds. By the way, cash is issued directly by the cashier, and this is not the responsibility of the loan officer, but, nevertheless, he gives the loan agreement for signature and must, if necessary, answer all the questions of the borrower, if they arise when reading the documents.

Important! All loan officers of banks undergo specialized training and education, because work in different financial institutions varies greatly, so management must provide its new employees with complete detailed and reliable information about working with bank documents.

How to get a job as a loan officer

In fact, finding a job as a loan officer is possible and it will not be so difficult to do so. After all, all bank employees have excellent career prospects, which means that the bank periodically recruits new employees for this position. The main requirement for the applicant is a resume, basically, without it it is almost impossible to get a job today. And, therefore, the main task of applicants is to correctly compose a resume for the employer.

What are the responsibilities of a loan officer for a resume should each potential applicant. First of all, the applicant must know the specifics of the job, know the job responsibilities, that is, all the functions that he will need to perform at the new job. Be sure to write in the resume whether you have experience in this position or not. In any case, the task of the applicant is to prove to the employer that he is familiar with the specifics of the work and knows the job responsibilities and accordingly cope with them.

You also need to provide some information about yourself in the application form:

  • surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, address of residence;
  • education: name of higher educational institution, faculty, specialty;
  • work experience: here it is necessary to indicate the previous places of work, the term of work and the reason for dismissal;
  • describe what professional skills you have, exactly those that will be useful to the employer in the position of a loan officer;
  • personal qualities of the applicant, which will be useful directly for the position of a loan officer.

Please note that a loan officer resume template can be found and downloaded online. You can also see a sample of filling out the questionnaire, but it should be borne in mind that in this matter you need to write only reliable information about yourself, because the bank is responsible for the election of employees.

So, the duty of a credit consultant is to increase the profit of the bank and attract as many potential credit customers as possible. The profession is really promising, because employees of the banking sector have excellent career prospects and high level wages. And, by the way, credit specialists occupy not the last place in the banking structure. Therefore, when choosing employees, great attention is paid to the professional and personal skills of the applicant.

Work in the field of investment and finance attracts people with high incomes. Many job seekers start their careers in this field as a loan officer. This profession does not require special education or high qualifications. The specific duties of a loan officer depend on the place of employment.

Citizens and legal entities often require borrowed funds. A loan is needed to purchase expensive goods, open your own business, replenish working capital enterprises and other purposes.

The duties of a loan officer include initial consultation of the client, accepting a loan application, signing loan documentation and much more.

A loan specialist is an employee who advises on the issuance of loans, selection of financial products suitable for the client, calculation of loan rates and execution of contracts. May work in a bank or other financial institution, a household appliance store, a car center, a development company or another legal entity. It is to him that people who want to get a loan turn.

The most preferred option is employment in a bank. Here, the loan officer will provide a wide range of financial services, actively study the work of a financial institution, improve their skills. In other places, the duties of a loan officer are often reduced to informing citizens about current offers and drafting a contract according to a template.

Knowledge and experience will help you move up the career ladder. After working with individuals, an employee may be moved to the corporate client department. Where the volume of loans issued and the average work will be higher.

IN banking Preference is given to own personnel. An experienced employee can count on advanced training with subsequent assignment to a vacant position of a lower-level manager, for example, the head of a sector.

Job candidate requirements

When looking for an employee for the position in question, HR employees pay attention to several factors:

  • sociability and restraint;
  • the ability to quickly analyze information;
  • desire to learn and develop;
  • the ability to negotiate;
  • the ability to remember a large amount of information;
  • desire to be part of a company with its own corporate culture;
  • having relevant experience.

Profile economic Education welcome, but not determinative. The basis necessary for work is given at the preliminary training at the bank.

Personal qualities

When choosing characteristics for a resume, you should focus on the following:

  1. Communication and tact. The duties of a loan officer involve constant communication with people. It is necessary to politely convey to people essential information about the banking product in a form that is understandable to them. And convince them to make a deal. In some situations, it is required to dispel the doubts of a potential client, to refute the prevailing negative image of banks.
  2. Emotional stability. People of different education and social status apply for loans. Some speak impolitely, require special treatment. A bank employee has no right to respond rudely or impolitely. He is obliged to comply with ethical standards in any situation.
  3. Attention to details. Often, employees have to perform several tasks in parallel: answer the questions of the future borrower, draw up a contract, verify the accuracy of the information provided, and assess the client's solvency. In this case, you can not make a mistake when compiling documents.
  4. A sense of responsibility for your work. Interacting with citizens and representatives of organizations, the loan officer is the face of the bank. The impression about the whole company that the client will have after applying for a loan depends on his professionalism.

The loan officer must know the legislation and regulations in the field of lending

Job description of a loan officer

The main document regulating the status of a loan specialist in a bank is a job description. It contains a list of rights, duties and professional requirements for an employee holding a relevant position.

General provisions

The document includes a position on the place of the employee in the hierarchy of the unit. His immediate supervisor and the head of the department are indicated.

Installed qualification requirements to the employee. To occupy the position of a loan officer, a higher financial and economic education or work experience of at least 3 years is required. Requirements are reduced if a person holds the position of assistant specialist or similar.

A bank loan officer should know:

  • fundamentals of legislation in the field of finance: banking code, law on consumer lending, law on mortgage, law on microfinance organizations, etc.;
  • risk assessment methods for lending to clients;
  • factors affecting the solvency of citizens and organizations;
  • financial products offered by the bank;
  • labor protection rules;
  • methods of working with confidential information (personal data of citizens, information classified as commercial secrets);
  • rules for working with specialized software;
  • bases of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Main responsibilities

In the process of work, a loan officer in a bank must comply with:

  • current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • internal documents of the organization (orders of the director, decisions of the board of the bank, job description);
  • standards of business communication with clients.

Functional responsibilities:

  • informing clients about current loan offers;
  • advising potential borrowers on the requirements set by the bank when issuing a loan;
  • acceptance of applications, consideration of submitted documents;
  • analysis of the solvency of customers;
  • registration of credit agreements;
  • support of contracts, control of debt repayment;
  • loan portfolio analysis;
  • preparation of quarterly reports;
  • participation in the development and implementation of new financial products;
  • timely informing the service of work with problem loans about delays under the loan agreement.

Job responsibilities are not limited to the above list. Some specialists defend accepted applications in the bank division that makes decisions for issuing loans. Also, employees are instructed to maintain electronic databases, explanatory and claim work with defaulters.

Some duties include a range of tasks. For example, counseling includes:

  • comparison of several loan products;
  • calculation interest rate;
  • drawing up a loan repayment schedule, taking into account the solvency of the client;
  • calculation of the cost of the loan, which the client must pay to the bank;
  • informing about ways to reduce the interest rate or increase the loan amount - insurance, invitation of a guarantor.

Rights and responsibilities

Job description loan officer includes the following rights:

  • get acquainted with the decisions of the bank's management regarding the work of the employee;
  • improve qualifications;
  • send suggestions to the superior to optimize and improve their work;
  • require other employees of the bank to provide information necessary to perform the assigned tasks.

The employee is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him, for the material damage caused to the bank, for the offenses committed. Limits of liability are established by the current legislation.


The salary of a loan officer depends on the efficiency of work. Almost always, employees have a small fixed salary and a bonus depending on the number of loans issued. The remuneration depends on the number of executed contracts, the absence of complaints from customers, the presence of delays in payments, and other factors.

The average salary of loan officers in banks varies from 50 to 80 thousand rubles. The upper limit is not set. The salary in this case is about 20-25 thousand rubles.

The loan officer must have a high stress resistance

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the profession are the following:

  • low entry threshold;
  • high earnings with effective work;
  • Opportunities for further education and career growth;
  • work in big banks with corporate culture.

The position of a loan officer is suitable for active and purposeful people. Employees who have proven themselves as professionals will be marked by management and transferred to more attractive positions within 2-3 years.

It will be difficult for those who do not know how to deal with stress, who experience difficulties in negotiating. The main task of a loan officer is to issue a loan to a reliable client who will repay the debt on time. This is done in the course of personal communication with people. An inefficient employee will not bring profit to the bank, will receive a low salary and will be forced to quit soon.

The long-term prospects for the profession in question are ambiguous. Thus, German Gref predicted a reduction in Sberbank employees involved in the consideration of applications for loans and execution of contracts for the period until 2025. Their place will be taken by robotic systems.

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Height financial market and the popularity of credit products among the population causes new requests for specialists in the banking sector. The biggest demand in banking institutions for loan officers or loan officers individuals.

The position of a loan officer is the most numerous of the banking professions, because employees work not only in branches and branches of banks, but also in retail outlets, in retail sales offices of banking products, in mortgage and specialized credit centers. The success of the bank and the profitability of the loan portfolio depend on the qualifications and competence of specialists.

Despite the importance of work, even students can apply for a vacancy. Such promiscuity of banks is connected with a shortage of personnel and a regular expansion of the network of points of sale. For novice employees, this position is an excellent start to a career in the bank.

Priority for the vacancy is given to candidates with. After the approval of the application, you will have to undergo a two-week internship at the bank to study the specifics of the work of a loan officer. A more experienced employee will introduce a beginner to special programs, scoring systems, and teach the basics of office work and reporting.

Skills, knowledge, personal qualities and responsibilities

Useful knowledge of basic computer office programs, Internet skills, the ability to handle e-mail and other means of instant communication. During the internship, you will need to carefully study the current offers of the bank and loan products. According to their conditions and features, a test or an exam is arranged for passing a probationary period.

There is a list of individual character traits and personal traits that are necessary for the effective and successful work of a loan officer. These include:

  • Good memory;
  • Ability to express thoughts correctly;
  • Logic and rationality of thinking;
  • The presence of common sense;
  • and the ability to maintain feedback;

The lowest position in the credit department of the bank will help you acquire the skills to work with potential borrowers, understand the specifics domestic policy bank, operating standards and customer service technologies used.

The main duties of a loan officer are to assess possible risks and analyze potential clients. The loan officer should not just sell products, he should offer best option for the client, based on his solvency and security. The profession requires the ability to make quick decisions, analyze the situation and calculate options for the development of events when building long-term relationships with clients.

Career opportunities

You can stay in this position for several years, however, successful employees quickly move up the career ladder. Six months later, there may be opportunities to become a manager or senior loan officer and take on the leadership of ordinary specialists or trainees. To do this, you need a penchant for managerial work and you will have to perfectly study the nuances of lending to individuals, be able to organize the work of subordinates, find a common language with customers and team members, and take initiative.

The next step in a career for an intelligent employee in retail lending will be an appointment to the department of lending to legal entities and corporate clients. Career opportunities for a private sector expert are limited to horizontal advancement, for example from the direction of the mortgage sector. In the corporate lending department, you can grow to an expert in evaluating and analyzing business project financing.

The pinnacle of growth for a loan officer is the position of head of the lending department certain categories clients, or the head of the lending sector in a separate division or regional representative office of the bank. There is another development option - to go to a company that performs the functions of a credit broker, or to create your own company.

If the goal is initially to work in the field of credit brokerage, it is better to work in several banks first, acquire acquaintances and connections in a professional environment in order to simplify further market monitoring and building partnership agreements.

Traditionally, financial workers have high incomes, so vacancies in banking and lending attract more and more job seekers every day. You can start a career in a bank even without special education or special skills, if you get a position as a loan specialist. The list of duties of a loan officer at each specific workplace is different, but there is General requirements which the applicant must meet.

So, for the job? Consider the content of the activity and its inherent conditions.

Loans for individuals and legal entities happens daily. Organizations buy equipment with borrowed funds, engage in advertising and invest in business development or debt repayment. Individuals buy real estate or cars, furniture or appliances with loans. And if you decide to take a loan, then it's time to contact a loan officer. His responsibilities include initial consultation of clients, filling out an application for a loan, monitoring the process of obtaining borrowed money and signing documents. The credit manager must help the client with the choice of a financial product, calculate lending rates and draw up a contract based on the results of oral agreements.

Place of work

The place of work of such a specialist can be not only a bank, but also a large electronics or jewelry store, a car dealership or an apartment sales office.

Important! It is communication with a loan specialist that becomes the first step towards obtaining a loan.

In terms of career growth, it is best to choose a bank as your place of work. Here, a loan specialist will not only be able to provide a client with any banking service from a wide range of financial institutions available in the arsenal, but will also have the opportunity to develop daily in the profession, gaining valuable experience.

In stores and sales offices, the work of a credit manager often comes down to simply advising citizens on the procedure for obtaining a loan, required documents and interest rates.

What qualities do you need to have?

Without experience and special knowledge, career growth in the banking sector is impossible. As a rule, after working with individuals, the specialist is transferred to the corporate client service department, where the volume of lending will increase significantly, as will the income of the credit manager.

The financial sector prefers proven personnel, so an experienced employee should strive for promotion if there is a suitable vacancy.


What qualities, according to staffing agencies, should an applicant for a loan officer position have? Here they are:

  • openness and sociability;
  • literacy and tidiness;
  • modesty and restraint;
  • good learning ability, desire for professional growth;
  • the ability to build a dialogue;
  • the ability to absorb a significant amount of information;
  • the desire to be part of a team and the ability to "fit" into the team;
  • understanding of the norms and rules of corporate culture and ethics;
  • experience is desirable.

Although a specialized economic education will be an undoubted plus, it is not a determining factor in approving the candidacy of a loan officer. The bank provides for mandatory training, during which employees receive the necessary amount of knowledge.

personality traits

When choosing characteristics in the course of writing a resume, pay attention to the qualities that are preferred for bank employees:

  1. Tact and sociability. The work of a loan officer is associated with constant communication, and reporting important information about loans and interest should be in an understandable and polite manner. The manager must have sufficient persuasiveness and good command of oral speech. Sometimes you have to smooth out conflict situations and correct the negative attitude of customers towards banks in general and their staff in particular. Every employee - This is a bank representative.
  2. Emotional stability - useful in the course of communication, because a variety of people borrow funds from the bank. Bank employees often have to deal with rudeness and lack of education from customers. Such situations require special attention from the loan officer, because he cannot afford to be rude in response. One of the responsibilities of bank managers is to maintain ethical standards no matter the situation.
  3. Attention to detail. The fact is that multitasking is the norm in the work of a credit manager. Often he answers the client's questions, searches for the necessary information and draws up a contract at the same time. Moreover, it is impossible to make a mistake when compiling papers, therefore attentiveness occupies one of the most important places in the set of personal qualities important to bank employees.
  4. Responsibility. A loan officer represents a certain bank, so it is he who is responsible for the impression that customers have about this financial institution. The quality of his work depends on the probability of repeated appeals of customers to this bank.

Job description

Job description - This is a basic document that regulates the duties and status of an employee. It contains a complete list of duties and rights, capabilities of the employee and requirements for him. For each specific position: be it a credit expert, a loan consultant or an assistant manager.

General rules

The document specifies the place of the employee in the overall structure of the organization, indicating his head and the head of the unit as a whole.

It clearly states what is required of the employee. So, to fill the vacancy of a loan specialist, you need a higher education in the field of economics and finance, or work experience of at least 3 years. If the applicant is applying for the position of assistant manager, then the requirements are reduced.


What should a loan officer know?

The employee must, one way or another, have a sufficiently deep knowledge of the following phenomena:

  • fundamentals of labor and financial legislation (from the banking code to mortgage and lending laws);
  • the procedure and methods for assessing risks when applying for a loan;
  • what does it mean and what does the solvency of companies and individuals depend on;
  • range of bank offers with a description of each of them;
  • safety and labor protection rules;
  • peculiarities of working with classified information (information constituting a commercial secret or personal data of citizens);
  • software used.


In the course of his work, the credit manager must ensure that:

  • Russian legislation;
  • bank documentation (from the Charter of the enterprise to orders and instructions from the authorities);
  • standards of corporate communication with colleagues and clients.

Main functional responsibilities

Functions of a loan officer:

  • advising clients on current loan offers;
  • informing customers about the requirements the bank imposes on potential borrowers;
  • acceptance of applications and consideration of documents provided in the process of obtaining a loan;
  • verification of the client's solvency;
  • formation and maintenance of credit agreements;
  • debt payment control;
  • loan analysis;
  • generation of quarterly reports;
  • participation in the creation and implementation of new banking products;
  • timely notification of the loan service about the presence of overdue loans.

This is just an approximate list, which each of the bank branches supplements locally. Sometimes it is the duty of loan officers to protect accepted applications at the branch that approves the issuance of loans.

Important! It happens that loan specialists maintain computer databases, as well as conduct explanatory conversations with defaulters. Sometimes they have to combine the positions of insurance agents, sales managers and appraisers.

Moreover, a number of duties implies a wide list of tasks.

For example, counseling includes:

  • comparative analysis of several financial products;
  • calculation of interest on a loan;
  • formation of a repayment schedule that will take into account the interests of the client;
  • calculation of the total final cost of the loan (the client will have to pay this amount to the bank);
  • reporting information on the issues of reducing interest or increasing the amount of the loan (guarantee, insurance).

Responsibility of a specialist and his rights

According to the job description, the credit manager has the right to:

  • obtaining information about the decisions of the authorities related to him;
  • training;
  • development of proposals to improve their own activities, as well as to familiarize the authorities with these developments;
  • demand from colleagues the information necessary for solving official problems.

The specialist bears moral and material responsibility for the poor performance of his direct duties, offenses committed by him or financial damage caused to the bank, in accordance with applicable law.


The amount of earnings of a credit manager is affected by the efficiency of his work. Income is usually made up of salary fixed rate and premiums, which depend on the number of signed contracts. Customer complaints (if any), delays in payments and other factors are also taken into account.

On average, the salary of a loan officer is from 50 to 80 thousand rubles, the share of salary in it - 20 - 25 thousand rubles

Advantages and disadvantages of the position

Among the advantages of the profession, I would like to highlight:

  • minimum skills to start working in the banking sector;
  • high wages with high efficiency;
  • Opportunities for career growth and further education;
  • work in large financial structures with a developed system of corporate bonuses.

The position of a loan specialist suits purposeful and active people who are ready to develop and can communicate with a wide variety of people. And if the employee manages to prove himself from the best side, then within 2 - 3 years is probably his increase.

There are also disadvantages for this vacancy. For example, people who find it difficult to experience stressful situations and do not know how to deal with stress will have a hard time here.

The main goal of a loan officer is to issue a loan to a reliable client who will not have problems with repayment of the loan in the future. It is necessary to recognize a potential defaulter in the course of personal communication, and if this does not work out, then the employee becomes inefficient and will not bring profit to the bank.


With the advent of the first banks in the 18th century, the modern understanding of the position of a loan officer was formed.

Looking at the position of the loan manager in the long term, her future is ambiguous. The head of the Savings Bank of Russia warned of a reduction until 2025 of the staff involved in considering loan applications. Instead of people, this work will be performed by automated systems.

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Credit controller develops credit policy, is engaged in the analysis and management of credit risks, management accounts receivable. This specialist defines credit limits interacts with business units. We present you a sample credit controller job description.

Job description of a credit controller

Surname I.O.________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The credit controller belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The credit controller is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the organization on the proposal of the head of the lending department.
1.3. The Credit Controller reports directly to the Head of the Credit Department.
1.4. During the absence of the credit controller, his rights and obligations are performed by a duly appointed person.
1.5. A person with a higher economic education and work experience of at least a year is appointed to the position of a credit controller.
1.6. The credit controller must know:
- current legislature Russian Federation in the banking sector, the basics of labor and civil legislation;
- structure banking system, banking;
- credit work, methods and techniques financial analysis, analysis of the creditworthiness of small and medium-sized businesses;
- basics accounting and bank statements;
- methods of obtaining, processing and analyzing information;
- office work;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety.
1.7. The credit controller is guided in his activities by:
- Charter of the organization;
- orders, orders of the head of the organization (direct supervisor);
- this job description.

2. Responsibilities of the credit controller

The credit controller performs the following duties:

2.1. Carries out control over documentation and reporting, works with debtors, determines the level of creditworthiness of future customers applying to the bank for a loan.
2.2. Checks financial status.
2.3. Conducts cost-benefit analysis of investment projects.
2.4. Analyzes information and a package of materials for loan application client.
2.5. Conducts legal due diligence of documents.
2.6. Prepares a solution package.
2.7. Provides a package of documents to the underwriter for issuing checklists.
2.8. Prepares documents for issuance, orders to the accounting department.
2.9. Controls the timeliness of collateral insurance and provision of documents.
2.10. Controls the timing of interest payments and the timing of repayment of the principal debt.
2.11. Forms and maintains a credit dossier, including for inspection bodies.
2.12. Maintains electronic databases on the loan portfolio.
2.13. Timely prepares and submits documents to the Troubled Assets Service, Business Assistance Service, Risk Management Service.

3. Rights of the credit controller

The credit controller has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.
3.2. Make suggestions for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.
3.3. Within its competence, report to the immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the activities of the organization (structural unit, individual workers) identified during the execution of their official duties and make suggestions for their elimination.
3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the organization from the departments of the organization and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.
3.5. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties.

4. Responsibility of the credit controller

The Credit Controller is responsible for:

4.1. Improper performance or failure to fulfill their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the performance of their duties.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the head of the organization and the immediate supervisor.
4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees.
4.5. Causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.6. Offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.