How to open a dollar or euro currency card in a savings bank. Which bank's currency card is best? Debit card in foreign currency

Modern travelers do not keep large sums of money in their wallets. Why risk it if you can order the best currency debit cards of 2019 from Russian banks. A lost card is easily blocked, and the funds remain in the client’s account.

Debit card MasterCard Standard from Sberbank

Debit card in dollars, euros per 750 rubles in year? This is a real offer from Sberbank. Starting from the second year of using MasterCard Standard, the service fee is reduced to 450 rubles. Card validity period – 3 years. Sberbank carries out re-issuance (including extraordinary) free of charge.

If you lose your debit copy or PIN code, the issue fee will be 150 rubles.

Bankers have set the following restrictions on the card:

  • to withdraw money from Sberbank - 150 thousand daily limit, a million and a half– monthly;
  • daily limit for cash withdrawals in other banks – 50 thousand;
  • for replenishment - maximum 10 million per day.

Receiving account statements from ATMs – 15 rubles. The document is issued free of charge at bank branches.

Currency option MasterCard Black Edition from Alfa-Bank

Like Sberbank, Alfa-Bank offers clients to receive a foreign currency debit copy - a MasterCard Black Edition card with the “Maximum” service package. Using such a copy allows a citizen to withdraw funds from ATMs of foreign banks free of charge.

The advantages of this offer from Alfa-Bank are:

  • There is no fee for withdrawing money in the Russian Federation from ATMs of partner banks;
  • participation in loyalty programs;
  • if the interbank transfer is made through the online functionality of Alfa-Bank, there is no fee;
  • personalized service;
  • maximum translation – 5 million;
  • can be connected 5 additional cards;
  • daily withdrawal limit – 600 thousand;
  • a million and a half;
  • urgent release - three days.

The issue and scheduled re-issue of a debit copy is free of charge. Issue of a new card to replace the lost one – 270 rubles.

Rosselkhozbank offer Personal VISA Instant Issue card

The minimum validity period for a currency copy from Rosselkhozbank is 2 years. The applicant decides in which currency to open an account. VISA Instant Issue holders participate in the Urozhay Bank loyalty program automatically. For every hundred spent, bankers award one and a half bonuses.

The client can open an account in dollars, euros or the national currency of the Russian Federation.

Nuances when using currency debit cards:

  • possibility of issuing additional variants;
  • maintenance of the main/additional instance – 150 rubles;
  • cashing out - free of charge at Rosselkhozbank and partner banks, at other banking institutions - 1% ;
  • monthly cash withdrawal limit – 2 million;
  • SMS notification – 59 rubles;
  • blocking - free;
  • certificate of remaining funds – 150 rubles.

Debit currency option "Gazprombank-MIR" Classic from Gazprombank

Gazprombank also offers debit cards in foreign currency. Let's consider the conditions for using the Gazprombank-MIR Classic card. On the official website, bankers indicated all tariffs in the national currency of the Russian Federation.

When the card is issued in dollars, the banking structure also charges commissions in dollars. The payment amount will be equivalent to the ruble tariff indicator.

Key points of using Gazprombank-MIR Classic:

  • two-year validity period;
  • release of the main, additional version - one thousand;
  • re-issuance costs fluctuate from 150 rubles to 1 thousand and depends on the reason for the reissue;
  • replenishment is free;
  • intrabank transfers are free of charge;
  • interbank transfers – 0,5% from the amount, to cards of partner banks - free;
  • account statement is provided free of charge, certificate - 50 rubles.

Currency Visa Gold from Mezhtopenergobank

Using a Visa Gold debit card with the “Standard” tariff plan from Mezhtopenergobank promises many benefits to the client:

  • opening foreign currency accounts;
  • release is free of charge;
  • accrual of interest on the balance – 2% in Russian currency, 0,5% - in dollars/euros;
  • cashback for any purchases – 0,25% , including those purchased for dollars;
  • free account statements;
  • withdrawal of money from ATMs of Mezhtopenergobank, PJSC "Bank Uralsib" - up to 150 thousand free per month, if more – 1% from the amount withdrawn;
  • cash withdrawal from ATMs of other banking structures – 1% .

There is no fee for scheduled card reissue. If Visa Gold is lost, stolen, or the PIN code is lost, then the cost of issuing a new copy will be 600 rubles for the main option and 250 for extra.

For expedited card issuance, a commission of one and a half thousand is charged. Gold card service fee (per year):

  • one and a half thousand– main;
  • 1100 rubles– additional.

Currency debit option Visa Signature Easy Europe from Raiffeisenbank

With Visa Signature Easy Europe from Raiffeisenbank, travelers will feel comfortable in any country.

The advantages of such a currency card are:

  • free SMS Banking, Internet Banking;
  • free withdrawal of money (dollars, euros) from ATMs of other countries;
  • possibility of connecting additional cards;
  • renting a safe deposit box on preferential terms;
  • insuring the client for travel in Europe;
  • daily spending limit – 3 million;
  • daily limit for cash withdrawal/replenishment/transfers – half a million(including dollars and euros).

There are no fees for emergency issuance of money if the card is lost.

Debit currency cards are not very popular in Russia. Nevertheless, most large banks have these offers in their arsenal. Payment cards with accounts in dollars and euros are more in demand among VIP clients, although there are also offers for the mass segment.

If we take into account preferences in terms of card account currencies, then the popularity of the euro and dollar is the same in a 50 to 50 ratio. The overwhelming share of clients who issue cards in foreign currencies use them when traveling abroad. This allows you to avoid declaring the export of currency and reduce the amount of commissions for conversion, which is convenient, safe and greatly simplifies travel.

On average, about 10-15% of all bank debit cards are currency cards. Moreover, some of them account for multi-currency offers (if any at the bank), the peculiarity of which is the simultaneous opening of three accounts at once - in rubles, in euros and in US dollars.

Debit cards in foreign currency

Today you can get a classic and premium debit card in dollars or euros for free. A fairly quick way to become the owner of a currency card is to get instant-issue plastic.

Unnamed plastic may refer to the VISA or MasterCard payment system. It has limited capabilities, which affects ease of use, but the cost of servicing such cards is several times lower. A minimum level card holder will have difficulty using the Internet and making payments abroad. Also, instant cards do not provide any benefits to the holder (for example, emergency cash or concierge service).

The cards from the classic series look much more attractive. The annual service for them will be slightly higher (within 1-8 thousand rubles), but there will also be more advantages: higher limits on cash withdrawals, privileges from payment systems are available.

The most significant offers in the section of currency payment cards are premium class cards. They are expensive to maintain, the cost can reach tens of thousands of rubles per year. But they have many advantages that are not available with other products:

  • high limits on cash withdrawals;
  • privileges from payment systems;
  • preferential exchange rates;
  • individual support, concierge services;
  • cash issuance if a card is lost, etc.

A separate line includes multicurrency cards that allow you to operate multiple currency accounts.

Multicurrency cards

The operating scheme of multi-currency (dual-currency) cards allows you to simultaneously keep money in the main account in rubles and auxiliary accounts: euros and dollars. During transactions, money is debited from the card account in the currency in which the payment is made. If there are not enough funds in the required currency, then an attempt to write off occurs according to the following scheme: first rubles, then US dollars and only then euros.

If the transaction currency is different from the ruble/euro/dollar, then the write-off will occur first in the currency that corresponds to the payment system, then converted into the settlement currency. Conversion is carried out at the bank exchange rate at the time of the transaction.

In an example it looks like this: Let’s say the card is serviced by a payment system. The card account contains 10,000 rubles, 1,000 $ and 1,000 EUR.

  • You need to make a payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles. In this case, 5,000 rubles will be debited from the ruble account. There will be 5,000 rubles left on the card and 1,000 in foreign currency.
  • If the payment is for 15,000 rubles, then 10,000 rubles will be debited first, then the remaining 5,000 rubles will be converted from the dollar account. At a rate of, for example, 60 rubles to 1 dollar, this will be $83.34. The total amount left on the accounts will be: 0 rubles, 916.66 $ and 1,000 euros.
  • If the payment is 1300 dollars, then the card will be debited in the following order: 1000 dollars, after that 15,000 rubles will be converted into 250 dollars and written off, then the balance of 50 dollars will be converted from the euro account (for example, the rate is 68 rubles for 1 ruble ), which will be 44 euros. Thus, the account will remain 0 rubles, 0 dollars and 956 euros.

Each of the three accounts on the multicurrency card has its own number and balances. In this case, the client can use money from any of the accounts. The limit on transactions is often set in rubles, which sometimes results in minor discrepancies between the payment amount in foreign currency when converted to rubles. The reason for this is the difference in rates.

The advantages of multicurrency cards are:

  • savings on maintenance, since instead of three cards the holder has only one;
  • simultaneous access to three currencies;
  • the ability to quickly exchange in online banking or other remote customer service services;
  • automatic debiting of funds from all accounts if there is not enough payment currency.

Profitability of currency cards

Today, it makes no sense to use currency debit cards as income cards. The rates on them are low and range from 0.1% to 1.5% per year. Traditionally, charges on the euro are less than on the dollar.

The most profitable are cards in euros and dollars from regional small banks. The highest rate as of mid-October 2017 at Loko-Bank on the “Maximum Income” card: from 1% to 1.75% per year in euros and dollars, subject to a daily account balance of at least 1,000 dollars/euro or with turnover from 1,000 dollars or euros per day.

Well-known banks such as Tinkoff and Svyaz-Bank offer rates of 0.1% per year. Sberbank cards do not charge interest at all.

That is why debit cards with foreign currency accounts are most often used to save money with free access and for payments.

Cashback, bonuses on currency cards

Banks provide currency cards with bonus accumulation and cashback functions. This is an additional advantage that allows you to effectively use the card for payments, including on the Internet and abroad.

In particular, there are cashback offers in:

  • Tinkoff Bank using the Tinkoff Black card. The holder can return from 1% to 30% of the purchase amount, depending on the category of spending;
  • Svyaz-Bank in the “JCB Payment” card line of the Asian JCB payment system with 1% cashback on payments abroad and on foreign websites;
  • Raiffeisenbank on the “Gold Package” card with a 5% return on spending in certain categories, which are periodically changed by the bank;
  • Ural Bank of Reconstruction and Development returns 0.5% of online purchases at the Basic Platinum card tariff.

And offers with bonus programs:

  • Sberbank, under the Thank you program, awards bonuses on all its currency cards;
  • Rosselkhozbank offers holders of currency cards discount, bonus and loyalty programs, within which they can purchase goods from a special catalogue;
  • Russian Standard for cards of the American Express payment system implements the Membership Rewards bonus program, which allows you to accumulate points and use them to pay for hotels, vacations or purchase electronics.

Risks and commissions when using currency cards

Financial expert Mikhail Steinbok believes that any cards, regardless of the account currency, carry certain risks for the holder. Plastic may be lost or hacked by scammers. Therefore, he recommends using accounts or deposits to store money. And for card products, withdraw funds as needed and apply them for current and immediate expenses.

Issuing currency cards is advisable in the following cases:

  • receiving regular income in foreign currency;
  • regular trips abroad;
  • avoiding declaration when crossing the border.

Another disadvantage of a currency card is conversion in foreign countries whose national currency is different from the euro and dollar. For example, when making payments with a MasterCard card with a dollar account in Norway, dollars will first be exchanged for euros, and then euros into Norwegian kroner. The same applies to other countries where the currency of the card does not match the currency of the country. In this case, the costs of double conversion are borne by the holder.

Also, the final size of the conversion is affected by additional commissions that are imposed by the bank and the payment system. The first, called OIF (Optional Issuer Fee), is a commission that should compensate the bank for exchange rate fluctuations. Often it is small. The second is the issuing and settlement commission, which the bank pays to the payment system in cases where the currencies of the account and payment do not match. For example, Visa may charge 2% of the amount for a transaction, but with MasterCard the same transaction will be free. This financial burden is ultimately also borne by the cardholder.

In addition, an ISA (International Service Assessment Fee) commission may be established. It is charged for the very fact of using the card abroad.

You can minimize commissions and additional financial losses. To do this, you should issue a card in the currency needed for the duration of the trip.

A little about insurance

Money on debit cards is insured. However, reimbursement for foreign currency accounts has its own characteristics. If an insured event occurs, the client is reimbursed an amount of no more than 1 million 400 thousand rubles and only in national currency, regardless of the currency of the card account and at the exchange rate on the day the insured event occurred.

Reviews of debit cards with foreign currency accounts

Today there are more than 400 cards with accounts in foreign currency on the market. The most interesting and, most importantly, reliable are the offers of large banks.

Cards in dollars and euros

Home Credit Bank

Home Credit Bank offers cards from global payment systems Visa and MasterCard with accounts in euros and US dollars:

  • “Good News” income card with a card account in dollars and euros, an issue cost of 25 dollars/euro and free annual maintenance;
  • free to issue and maintain the “Key (foreign currency)” card with conversions at the issuer’s rate without additional commission. There is an option with instant issuance of the “Key”.

The use of cards is available abroad and in online stores. Registration takes one day; all you need to do is come to the office with your passport. The “Good News” card is profitable, brings 0.5% per year on the dollar balance on the card account and 0.2% on the euro.


Here you can issue Payment cards in euros or US dollars for free, including one non-personal instant issue:

  • “Payment” – the classic version of a debit currency card, with an annual service of 20 dollars/euro;
  • “Payment Gold”, a card with increased withdrawal limits and connected bonus programs from the bank. Service will cost 95 dollars/euro;
  • “Payment non-personalized” – entry-level card for 5 dollars/euro per year, issued from 14 years of age. Suitable for small expenses.

The card has a limit on cash withdrawals per day. Exceeding the limit will incur a fee of 0.5% of the amount, and an unauthorized overdraft will incur a fee of 36.5% per annum.

Currency conversion is carried out at the bank rate. When conducting a transaction abroad using a Visa card in a currency other than the euro or dollar, the commission will be 2%.

Tinkoff Bank

Agropromcredit Bank

“Multi-currency” card with accounts in rubles/US dollars/euro, Visa or MasterCard payment systems, Gold category. Registration is free, annual maintenance is 4,00 rubles. It is necessary to make an initial deposit to the card account in the amount of 45,000 rubles. Annual rate:

  • in rubles 1%;
  • in foreign currency 0.1%.

Cash withdrawal from ATMs and cash desks of the issuer - 1% of the amount, from third-party banks 1%, min. 90 rub. / 3 dollars / 2 euros. The withdrawal limit is 300,000 rubles. Conversion is carried out at the bank's exchange rate. SMS notification 30 rubles per month.

VTB 24

A more interesting offer for “Multicard” at VTB 24:

  • the issue is free;
  • service for the Multicard package is 249 rubles per month. When you activate the package on the bank's website, the service is free. The monthly payment is refunded if the average monthly card balance or turnover is at least 15,000 rubles;
  • 0.01% per annum;
  • cash withdrawals at the issuer's cash desks and ATMs are free, at third-party banks 1%, but not less than 6 dollars/euro, free with a turnover of 5,000 rubles per month;
  • limit on transactions on all debit cards of the holder: up to 350 thousand rubles per day and no more than 2 million rubles per month (in equivalent);
  • conversion at the bank rate.

Free registration of up to 5 additional cards is provided.

With a minimum purchase amount of 5,000 rubles, the card will accrue:

  • cashback from 1% to 10% depending on the connected category;
  • bonuses for the “Collection” and “Travel” options.

Cards in Japanese yen

JCB payment cards, Standard/Gold/Platinum categories with an account in yen are offered at Svyaz-Bank. Registration in the office is free. Annual maintenance from ¥2,100 to ¥25,000, depending on the plastic category. It is not possible to obtain cash in yen from the issuer's ATMs. When receiving abroad, the bank commission will be 1%, minimum ¥650. The daily limit is from ¥300,000 to ¥1,200,000, depending on the card category. When making payments abroad and via the Internet on foreign websites, the bank will return 1% of the purchase price.

You can also issue cards in yen at Gazprombank.

In addition to the products reviewed, all major banks have currency cards: Raiffeisen, UniCredit, Rosselkhoz and others. There are many offers, the choice for a potential holder is difficult, and he must proceed from his individual requirements.

There are two constant rules that should be followed: issuing cards in euros for eurozone countries and issuing cards in dollars for America, Africa, and Asia. At the same time, Multicard allows you to “kill two birds with one stone” with one stone. In any case, a wide selection and competition among banks make it possible to choose a debit currency card for both middle-segment clients and VIP clients.

Staying abroad, various purchases, and paying for a hotel are obligatory expenses for travelers. But how many risks and formalities are associated with transporting cash! The Sberbank currency debit card is an excellent solution offered by the bank for compatriots.

The card is issued to any citizen of Russia, subject to simple requirements. Far from home, having a financial reserve, you can look to the future with confidence.

Types of Sberbank currency cards: what is common?

For the convenience of payments and the safety of savings, Sberbank offers currency cards for individuals, which are divided into three groups: classic, gold and premium class (platinum). Debit accounts are opened for them in any of three currencies: Russian rubles, US dollars, euros or a multicurrency account.

The type of plastic carrier determines the terms of receipt, level of service and capabilities provided to the holder.

The conditions for issuing cards are quite simple: Russian citizenship, permanent or temporary registration in the country. According to the official website of Sberbank, the age limit has been set: 18 years for the holder of the main card.

An additional card is opened for young citizens from 7 years old, with the consent of a parent or guardian. For premium class owners, the age limit is 65 years.

The cardholder has access to the account 24 hours a day. For comfortable work and payment control, special online access programs are used, as well as remote service channels.

You can deposit or withdraw money from your account at any bank branch, ATM or through self-service devices.

Most debit currency cards give you the right to become a participant in the “Thank you from Sberbank” bonus program, for activation of which there is a special service. Accumulated reward points can be exchanged for a discount from the bank’s partners, which are retail and online sales companies, travel agencies, and organizers of entertainment events. Bonuses can be donated to charity.

All types of cards have the same payment methods:

  • contact, when the card is touched to the reader;
  • using contactless services that ensure high security of banking transactions.

With the exception of instant issuance cards, Sberbank debit cards are protected by a chip, a special stripe, and on the front side the owner’s last name and first name are embossed in Latin, the spelling of which must correspond to the international passport.

Making personalized plastic takes about 2 weeks. Re-issuance of cards due to the end of the circulation period is carried out by the bank free of charge.

Classic from Sberbank


Visa Classic standard - a classic type card issued for 3 years. The cost of service in the first year will be by type of currency card: 750 rubles / $25 / 25 euros, in subsequent years - 450 rubles / $15 / 15 euros.

Maintenance of additional media will cost the same amount. For an individual design you will have to pay an additional 500 rubles. The bonus program provides for the accrual of a standard amount of incentives: 0.5% bonuses for purchases in the retail network and up to 20% bonuses from partner structures.

The classic group includes Momentum cards: Visa and MasterCard Standard, which can be obtained at any bank branch within 10 minutes. Designed to pay for any purchases online. Issued to the client free of charge, there is no annual maintenance fee.

When issuing instant cards, Sberbank gives preference to borrowers who have a foreign currency credit account.

A classic for air travellers.

Visa Aeroflot

For travelers, Sberbank has provided two types of classic cards, the opening of which is carried out based on the same requirements for the client’s age. The cost of card servicing in the first year is 900 rubles / $35 / 35 euros, in subsequent years - 600 rubles / $20 / 20 euros.

Visa under the Aeroflot program gives you the opportunity to get a discount when purchasing air tickets. Payment for tickets, purchases of goods and services is accompanied by the accrual of bonus “miles”, at the rate of 1-3 bonus miles for every 60 rubles / $1 / 1 euro of paid purchases.

Having collected a sufficient number of “miles”, a traveler can use bonuses to purchase a ticket, upgrade the class of service on a flight, or pay for a hotel room reservation in another city. The program partner is Aeroflot airline together with Sky Team.

There is also an offer for those who constantly use public transport: a classic MasterCard card with the Troika transport application, valid for 5 years. This service will be especially interesting for young people: contactless payment for transport services, and the “Thank You” incentive program.

"Premium" plastic

Gold Visa and MasterCard

Visa and MasterCard gold cards are open to holders over 18 years of age; the cost of annual card maintenance is 3000 rubles / $100 / 100 euros. The “Thank you” program from Sberbank gives owners of “golden” plastic a larger “premium” amount:

  • 5% when paying in cafes and restaurants;
  • 1% when making purchases in supermarkets;
  • 0.5% - for other types of purchases.

The accumulated bonuses can be used to pay for air travel, for taxi services, and to pay for tickets to concerts and show programs.

Visa Platinum

The owner of a Visa Platinum is served at Sberbank without waiting in line, and in any country in the world receives privileges: restaurant reservations, discounts on hotel reservations and accommodation, and medical insurance. Using the card provides for the addition of the bonus program described above:

  • 10% bonuses when paying at gas stations;
  • from 5% to 20% bonuses from Sberbank partners;
  • 20% discounts when paying for business class taxis, car rentals, baggage packing for air travel;
  • 10% discounts when paying for accommodation in the AZIMUT hotel chain.

The cost of servicing the plastic annually is 4900 rubles / $100 / 100 euros.

Features of currency cards

You can open each type of debit card in one of the selected currencies: Russian rubles, dollars, euros. Then, payments in Russia are made with a card issued in rubles, in the USA - with a Sberbank dollar card, in European countries - opened in euros. Let's consider how convenient this is for the client:

  • it is required to monitor the safety of three cards;
  • Each will require an annual maintenance fee;
  • the user needs to remember the PIN code of each carrier, access codes for mobile or remote banking;
  • In addition to the main ones, additional cards are opened for family members, which will also require control.

In other words, it is extremely inconvenient to maintain plastic that is open to different currencies.

But there is a way out - a multi-currency Sberbank card, which allows you to “combine” three types of currencies and foreign currency accounts. The choice of means of payment for the transaction occurs automatically: depending on the country where it is carried out. In the European Union, money will be debited from a euro account, in Russia - from a ruble account, in the USA - from a dollar account.

How does currency conversion work?

According to the bank's rules, a base currency is assigned for transactions, which is the Russian ruble; followed by the dollar. If the base account does not cover upcoming expenses, the missing amount will be debited from another account, subject to conversion. Financial transactions are carried out using the global payment systems Visa and MasterCard.

We will show you how to pay a commission in the amount of 900 rubles if the balance on your multicurrency account is:

  • 300 rub.;
  • 5 usd;
  • 100 euro.

Exchange rate for the sale of currencies on the transaction date, for example:

  • 55.19 rubles per $1;
  • 68.89 rubles for 1 euro.

In the described situation, first of all, the ruble balance will be written off.

Let's calculate how much you need to convert into euros: (900 - 575.95) / 68.89 = 4.70 euros.

After completion of the operation, account balances: 0 rubles; $0; 95.30 euro.

It happens that the owner of the plastic card is located in a country where the currency in circulation is different from that available on the card. For example, our carrier with the same account balances needs to pay for a hotel stay in a small UK town in the amount of 40 pounds sterling.

The main payment currency in this situation will be the dollar. We convert the amount into dollar equivalent: 40 gbr * 1.4445 (ratio 1 gbr / $1) = $57.78.

Currency conversion via card: missing amount ($57.78 - $5) = $52.78. We turn to the account in euros, the ratio is 1 euro / $1 = 1.24; we need $52.78 / 1.24 = 42.56 euro.

Remaining on the accounts: ruble - 300, dollar - zero and 57.44 euro.

How to open a foreign currency account

Opening a foreign currency account with Sberbank involves a minimum of formalities. First of all, you need to submit an application. To do this, contact the nearest Sberbank branch, or act on-line through the official website. For security reasons, we strongly recommend not to use other third-party resources to submit your application.

The main document for opening an account for an individual is a passport, which indicates the place of registration of residence in the country. Registration can be permanent or temporary. The bank makes decisions on non-residents on an individual basis. The time required to issue a card is 2 weeks.

The client receives an SMS message that the card is ready. When opening a foreign currency account, the client enters into a banking service agreement and deposits a small amount into the account: 10 rubles or $5.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “open an account” and “open a card”. The account is opened for persons over 18 years of age. A Sberbank currency debit card can be issued to minors with the consent of the person representing the interests of the child. The age of carriers of “gold” plastic also starts at 18, and for “platinum” it is limited to 65 years.

For legal entities, the package of documents is somewhat wider. It includes: notarized copies of constituent documents, a certificate of state registration of the enterprise, documents confirming the authority of the person opening the account.

Before submitting documents, the head of the structure is recommended to consult with a bank employee how profitable and convenient it will be to use a foreign currency account in business activities.

How to close a foreign currency account

The rules for closing an account for individuals were developed by the bank on the basis of civil legislation and current instructions of the Central Bank. The operation is carried out on the basis of:

  • the decision of the account owner, about which he personally notifies the bank by submitting an application in the established form;
  • expiration of the banking service agreement.

Sberbank informs the account owner about the closure by sending him a notice. After this, incoming and outgoing transactions on the account are stopped; incoming money is returned to the sender in full. Currency cards whose circulation period has not expired are handed over to the bank for destruction.

Within seven days, the remaining foreign currency money is issued to the owner based on the passport. The client can, by application, inform the bank where to transfer the debit balance. If funds are not claimed, after 60 days after notification they are credited by Sberbank to a special account opened in the Bank of Russia system.

How to withdraw rubles, dollars, euros from a debit card

Many people ask the question: how to withdraw dollars from a Sberbank card? We'll tell you the rules and features.

The owner of the plastic card has the right to make money transfers using cards or withdraw cash from an ATM.

Transaction limits for 2018 are presented in the tables*:

Cash withdrawal
Restrictions on transfers

*excerpt from Section III of the Bank's Tariff Album

Please note that cash withdrawals at the cash desk or through an ATM in the network of Sberbank and related structures within the daily limit are free of charge; if the limit amount is exceeded, half a percent of the excess funds is charged.

It will not be possible to withdraw money through other banks without a commission: its size will be 1% of the amount, but not less than 100 rubles.

There are no restrictions on the amount of money transfers made through a bank branch. But transfers in foreign currency are not carried out using remote methods.

How to put dollars or euros on a card

The debit card is designed to store the owner’s own funds, so there are no restrictions on the amounts for crediting. But you need to know: a ruble card is replenished only in rubles, a card in dollars, a euro card - in the corresponding currency. It is currently impossible to deposit currency through an ATM.

To top up your account in foreign currency, contact a Sberbank branch or its subsidiary with a passport and cash in rubles. The cashier-operator will convert Russian rubles into the required currency at the current rate and deposit it into your foreign currency account. There is no bank commission for the transaction, but the exchange rate difference from the exchange transaction will become the bank's income.

In case of replenishing the account through other structures, in addition to exchange rate differences, they pay a commission in the amount of 1.25% of the amount, 30 rubles. minimum, but not more than 1000 rubles.

Video: traveling abroad with a bank card


The comfort of staying abroad is impossible without financial costs. The promotion of business goals is accompanied by meetings and receptions. Rest - shopping, paying for hotel accommodation, study - daily expenses. The Sberbank currency card is one of the most convenient and profitable tools for resolving financial issues abroad.

In principle, a normal bank... or more, probably, a broker - it seems that they want to force all clients to become investors)) I just use the card, the bonuses are not bad, there is cashback - everything is like with people. If it weren’t for the constant calls and letters with offers to “think about investing,” everything would be normal... Oh, and the exchange rate is good. But I don’t want to be a trader, and I’m tired of persuasion.

Sergey Perlov, Moscow

Refund of funds, the ATM did not dispense cash upon withdrawal due to a technical fault

Credit Bank of Moscow

On February 13, 2019, I withdrew cash from an ATM of PJSC MKB in the Kuntsevo Plaza shopping center, located at: Moscow, st. Yartsevskaya, 19 (hereinafter referred to as the ATM), in the amount of 8,000.00 (Eight thousand) rubles. The ATM did not dispense cash; the cash withdrawal operation was carried out using my current account statement. By telephone, MKB PJSC was informed that the ATM had a technical error status and was then transferred to...

Vera, Moscow

About reliability and convenience

I have been a client of the bank since the beginning of the 2000s (since Investsberbank, since 2008 - OTP). I met branches of the parent bank in completely different European countries, incl. in the post-Soviet space. I used ATMs there and paid for purchases and services with a card. During this time, I did not encounter any difficulties when interacting with the Bank, changing cards according to the expiration date, making deposits (by the way...

Mikhail, Moscow

A new Tinkof Bank card to replace the lost one.

Tinkoff Bank

I thank your company for the efficiency and free card. When I lost my old one yesterday, I was upset, because that was the only one I used. You made me feel almost no discomfort from the loss. And the representative quickly found my location outside the countryside in the private sector, and completed everything clearly and quickly. Everything you do is awesome👍👍👍 my husband and I are pleased to be your clients!

Daria Detkina, Moscow

For translations

I met them with polite service, which is so rare in Russian banks; in general, there are few well-mannered people left. I was trying to get a regular debit card for transfers. I didn’t want to do it online, it’s more reliable and simpler, and it’s easier because you can ask all the questions at once. Well, everything, as expected, two weeks later I received the card in my hands and linked my phone. It is important to me that a person who...

Evgeny Korzhevsky, Moscow

Very comfortably. Thank you


Our accountant is an aunt of the old school and, it seems, she is eternal. She put us all on the World and in the very bank where you can even breathe according to an agreed schedule. I won’t describe the inconveniences and what I generally think about this card and bank, since Russian literary speech is required here. Irina, a manager from Lyublinskaya, was able to defeat our accounting titan and helped get me the right to receive a salary...

Alexander, Moscow

Criterias of choice

Today, there are more than a dozen banks operating on the market, each with a ton of offers of different types of cards. When choosing, I recommend considering the following criteria:

Apply for an AllAirlines card

Which card is better - in dollars or euros

I can’t give a definite answer here, and no one can. It all depends on Where are you planning to go and in what currency purchases of goods/payment for services will be made. Also important billing currency, that is, in what currency the bank will settle with the payment system. If you select a card unsuccessfully, you will lose on double conversion + the bank will charge you a percentage for the cross-border payment.

I briefly I'll consider all options.

Ruble plastic

  • If you need to pay in any currency except dollars/euros/rubles. The conversion will be double - rubles - dollars, then dollars to the desired currency.
  • For dollars and euros– conversion single. By euro ( MasterCard) conversion will be at the bank rate, for dollars ( Visa) – at the rate of the payment system. There is no particular difference for the client, the rates are comparable.

For dollar cards

  • Upon payment in dollars no additional interest is charged and there is no conversion;
  • Upon payment In Euro the conversion takes place only once. Visa – conversion at the rate of the payment system, MasterCard – at the bank rate;
  • Any other currency– one conversion.

Please note that in the question of how to top up a dollar card, there are no strict restrictions on the currency in which you will top it up. It can be done online, simply by transferring money, for example, from a ruble card or through a bank branch. Losses will be due to the conversion rate; for most banks it differs from the Central Bank rate and, of course, is not in favor of the client.

Cards in euros

  • Upon payment In Euro no conversion;
  • Dollars– depends on the type of card. MasterCard more profitable, there will be no conversion at all, but Visa will require 2 conversions: euros to dollars, then dollars to euros;
  • Any other currency– 2 conversions.

So a dollar bank card is suitable for the USA and countries where the dollar is used. For the eurozone, it is better to have the option of having euros in your account - you will save on currency conversions. The percentage of losses seems small, but what's the point of losing money if you can just choose the right card type And calculate everything in advance?

Which banks should you pay attention to?

Below I will mention only those banks in which I personally opened the map. There were no problems with withdrawing cash or paying for purchases abroad, so if you are planning to get a card, you can take a closer look at them.

Tinkoff debit card

Offered 12 types of debit cards, they can be divided into several categories:

  • For traveling. The main feature is that bonus points are awarded for purchases in the form of miles. These miles can then be used to pay for, for example, a train/plane ticket/other types of transport.
  • For games. All Games, increased cashback for game purchases;
  • Cards for purchasing equipment;
  • For purchases on world famous online sites ( eBay, AliExpress).

Since we are talking primarily about travel, I will dwell on this type of Tinkoff cards in more detail. I have experience with OneTwoTrip– the offer is aimed at those who spend a lot of time abroad. Allows you to pay for hotel stays tripcoins(bonus points).

The conditions are as follows:

  • The bonus is awarded for booking a hotel room through the OneTwoTrip website ( 5% ). I enjoyed mobile application OneTwoTrip, and the bonus was awarded in the amount 7% of the amount spent. If you buy air tickets, you will receive 2% and 3% on your bonus account, respectively. For regular purchases, 1% of the amount spent is credited as tripcoins. You can get up to 30% of expenses if you make a purchase through Internet banking using special offer partner.
  • The bonus is also credited to the account balance, 7% for amounts up to RUB 300,000. and 3% on everything above this value, but only if you make a purchase using the card for the billing period.
  • Service will cost 299 rub./month, and if the account balance is more than 30,000 rubles, it goes into the “ with free service»;
  • Replenishment and withdrawal of funds from the card for free subject to withdrawal of more than RUB 3,000. If the limit of 150 thousand is exceeded, then a commission of 2% of the amount is introduced.
  • If you need to top up your plastic card, for amounts up to RUB 300,000. There will be no commission for this. If this value is exceeded, an additional 2% will be charged.

This card is the best value if you need to book a hotel. A good percentage of bonus points will allow you to quickly accumulate an amount sufficient to pay for the same hotel or ticket.

Apply for a OneTwoTrip card

If you also need an option for payments abroad, I recommend looking away AllAirlines, we will consider it in the next section.

Tinkoff Airlines credit card

Why you need credit cards abroad will be discussed below. For now I'll stop at working conditions with this card:

  • Limit up to RUB 700,000.;
  • Grace period up to 55 days;
  • Minimum payment from 8%(can be set individually for the borrower);
  • Service per year will cost 1890 rub.;
  • When withdrawing cash from an ATM, the client is charged RUB 390;
  • For purchases, the percentage will be 18.9-29.9% per year, for cash withdrawals it will increase to 29.9-39.9%;
  • The main feature of the credit card is bonus miles accrual. If you book a car or hotel rooms through, the bank will credit the bonus account with 10% of the money spent; for other purchases on the same site they will give 5%. For purchasing plane tickets through other platforms they give a 3% refund, for other purchases – 2%. Maximum bonus 30%– you can only get it for special offers on the Internet and mobile banking.

This credit card is interesting because of its favorable offer regarding bonuses and payment for tickets/hotels with their help. In terms of the payment grace period, there are even more profitable options. is entirely devoted to this issue.

When converting currencies, the rate is approximately 2% higher than the Central Bank rate.

Apply for an AllAirlines card

Rocket Bank

This bank has debit cards only, the conditions are also good, there are only 2 tariffs. I will give a comparison in the table.

Cozy spaceAll inclusive

Maintenance, rub.

0 290

Accrual on account balance, %

6,5 6,5
For expenses in “favorite” establishments and stores it reaches 10%, in other cases – 1%

Cost of transfers to cards of other banks and within Rocket Bank

All transfers within the bank are free, 5 free transfers per month to cards of other banks. If the limit is reached, the transfer fee will be 1.5% (from 50 rubles)The limit for free transfers to cards of other banks is 10 per month. For transfers in the amount of 100,000 rubles. translation is free

Replenishment cost

Only when using terminals/ICB is equal to 0.5% of the amount. In other cases, replenishment is freeFree regardless of the method you choose

Cash withdrawal conditions

5 free withdrawals are available at any ATM/cashier in the world. From the 6th, the commission is 1.5% (from 50 rubles)10 times a month for free at any ATM/cashier in the world. Then the commission is 1.5%

What attracts me most about this bank is the possibility of free withdrawal of money from any ATM in the world. The quantity is limited, but practice shows that 5-10 times a month is enough. These cards can also be used to pay for purchases abroad, and will help you understand how to pay for purchases more profitably.

Rocket debit card

Alfa Bank – Miles debit card

The following currencies are available: ruble/dollar/euro. I recommend the Miles card to travelers; it has a bonus system in the form of accruing miles for paying for goods/services. An increased bonus is given for paying for tickets.

Eat several tariffs, let's compare them in a convenient tabular form.

Package of services

ClassicSignature LightSignature

Cost of service, rub. in year

599 in the “Optimum” package3500 in the “Comfort” packageFree annual maintenance. If an additional card, its maintenance will cost 3500

Bonus accrual

1 Alpha mile for 30 RUR/1$/1€1.5 Alpha miles for 30 RUR/1$/1€1.75 Alpha miles for 30 RUR/1$/1€

Welcome miles

500 1000 1000

Additional features

NoneTravel insuranceInsurance, free cash withdrawal abroad. You can instantly link an account in another currency to the card

Alfa-miles the best dollar debit card in my opinion. The convenient thing is that if bonus miles are not enough to pay for a ticket, you can purchase more.

Ruble debit Corn

Available to choose from 4 types of cards Corn. All of them relate to the payment system Mastercard. They interested me because when paying abroad conversion takes place at the Central Bank rate.

The withdrawal fee is zero, but only if the client activates the service " Interest on balance" It is also not charged when cashing out in the range from 5 to 50 thousand rubles.

I’d like to highlight that you can use it at any ATM that has a MasterCard icon, and rubles will be converted into dollars at the Central Bank rate. In addition, you can connect a credit limit and use it as a credit card. remember, that jokes with credit cards are bad, I devoted a separate article to the question.

Select card Corn

What to pay attention to when using cards abroad

  • If the first card is lost/stolen, you promptly block it, and before that, transfer the money to the reserve one;
  • If you plan to travel to several countries, it is advisable to have it on plastic both euros and dollars. Above, I already discussed an example in which I showed how the conversion occurs depending on the currency on the plastic, the billing currency.
  • Reserve credit card will give you room to maneuver if you plan on the spot rent a vehicle. Almost all companies allow you to reserve the required amount from a customer card. For example, $2000 is reserved on your credit card, you use the car for a week, then return it and get the money back. Since you manage to do this during the grace period, interest for the use of borrowed funds will not be credited.

If you only have a ruble card, then before traveling abroad it’s easy to open a dollar (or euro) card necessary. Conversion losses and fees for cross-border payments are small at first glance, but they can be reduce to a minimum.

Dollar cards with interest accrual are more profitable compared to ruble cards due to the higher interest that the bank accrues on the account balance. So if you are saving for a vacation abroad, it is better to immediately put aside your savings in euros/dollars for plastic. If you remember, what happened to the ruble in the last 2-3 years, so you protect your savings from sharp exchange rate fluctuations.


All of the listed cards claim to be “ the best"in its category, but peculiarities Everyone has a suggestion. For example, Corn good opportunity to withdraw funds for free at any ATM in the world, Tinkoff And Miles from Alfabank - bonus miles and the ability to pay for tickets, hotel rooms, plastic cards at their expense Rocket free to service.

I recommend Don't leave the choice until the last minute and select 2-3 cards from different banks in advance in order to have the best option for each situation. Their maintenance is not particularly expensive, so it won’t hurt your pocket.

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