Short-term and long-term loans. Accounting for loans and borrowings in accounting

Account 66 in accounting is used to reflect information about the company's loans. It shows the movement of funds accepted by the organization for a period not exceeding 12 months. Next, accounting advice on this article will be presented.

Reflection of amounts

Funds received by the enterprise for a period of less than 12 months are attributed to account 66 (loan). The following items are debited:

  • "Cash desk" (count 50).
  • "Settlements with contractors/suppliers" (account 60).
  • "R/s" (count 51).
  • "Special accounts" (account 55).
  • "Currency accounts" (account 52).

Movement of amounts on bonds (accounting consultations)

Funds raised by the issue and placement of these securities are reflected separately. If the bond placement price is higher than their nominal value, then the recording is made according to db count. 51. In this case, accounts 66 and 98 are credited. The latter reflects the income of the upcoming periods. Securities at par value are taken into account in Art. "Short-term loans" (account 66). Account 98 reflects the amount of excess of the placement cost over the par value. These funds are written off evenly over the period of circulation of the bonds in the account. 91. The latter shows other expenses/income. When placing securities at a cost less than their nominal value, the difference is added evenly throughout the period of circulation with the CD account. 66 in db sch. 91.

Separate reflection of funds

Interest payable on loans received is transferred to Kd to account 66. Postings are made from the account. 91. Accrued interest is reflected separately. Account 66 in accounting is debited for the amount of repaid obligations. The records include items recording the movement of funds. The amounts on them are reflected according to Kd. Obligations not paid on time are recorded separately. Analytics is carried out by types of loans and credits, financial organizations that provided them.


Settlements with credit companies for the accounting of bills of exchange and other debt obligations, the repayment period of which does not exceed 12 months, are reflected in a separate sub-account. The holder of the bill shows the face value according to Kd. The corresponding account number is 51 or 52 and 91. The first two reflect the amount actually received, the last one shows the interest paid by the organization. The closing of the transaction is carried out on the basis of a notification from the financial company about payment.

The payment amount is transferred in DB to account 66 in accounting. The entry credits items that record accounts receivable. When the holder company returns funds received from financial organization for a discount or other debt obligations, in connection with the failure of the drawer or other payer to fulfill the contractual terms of payment, an entry is made in Db to account 66 in accounting and Kd of articles recording the movement of money. At the same time, unpaid amounts by buyers, customers and other counterparties continue to be reflected. Accounting is carried out according to the relevant items accounts receivable.

Controversial point

Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings within a group of related companies, the activities of which are reported on, are reflected separately. Here, according to a number of experts, there is some inconsistency in the plan's developers. In part financial investments they pooled these investments into one account. As for the funds raised, according to the logic of the developers, they should be divided into debt lasting more than 12 months and less than a year.


The 66th account in accounting is considered very important. It reflects loans and other funds raised. At the same time, the loans themselves are divided into short-term (less than a year) and long-term (more than 12 months). The latter are shown on the account. 67. Account 66 is considered predominantly passive. However, it can form debit balance, if more was deducted than was due for payment. Next, we will describe how accounting is carried out for situations that occur most often in practice.

Traditional case

The receipt of a loan is formalized by crediting funds, or the lender repays the debtor’s existing financial obligations. In the latter case, an assignment agreement is concluded. When funds are normally credited, the account is debited. 50-52, 55. In the second case, funds are credited to DB articles 60, 76. Account 66 is credited in both options for obtaining a loan.

Issue and sale of bonds

The presence of the securities themselves does not affect balance sheet accounts. However, as the bonds are sold, the following entries are made: Db 50, 51 Kd 66.

The instructions for the plan indicate that funds raised by the issue and placement of bonds are recorded separately. Previous recommendations described one option for accounting for sales - at a cost exceeding the face value. The new instructions provide explanations for the situation when the sale is carried out at a lower price. When placing bonds at par, problems, as a rule, do not arise.

The above entry will be considered sufficient. If a bond is sold at a value higher than its nominal value, the difference is recorded in the account. 98.1. This amount must subsequently be written off throughout the entire circulation period of the paper. For this account 98.1 is debited. Corresponding account number – 91.1 (other receipts). When selling bonds at a price below par, the difference is accrued evenly throughout the circulation period. Account 66 is credited, and account 91.2, accordingly, is debited.

Interest payment

It almost always occurs when receiving loans or borrowings. Specifics double entry is that when receiving funds, only the amount received is shown. At the same time, the real amount of debt in some cases is significantly greater than it. This difference arises due to accrued interest on the underlying debt. Experts see a solution to this issue in additional interest accrual at the end of the period in which they are calculated. That is, the following entry is proposed: Db 91.2 Kd 66. Such an entry is made in each reporting period.

Explanations on PBU

The above approach complies with the requirements of the accounting regulations (15/01). It states, in particular, that debt is reflected with the inclusion of interest payable at the end of the period in accordance with contractual terms. In clause 12 of the PBU, expenses on received loans and borrowings are recognized as operating expenses. They relate to the period in which they were actually produced. However, it should be noted that not all of these expenses are operating expenses. For example, this occurs if funds are received and used to form an investment asset or are used for advance payment for work, material assets, services. In addition, expenses related to loans and borrowings include:

  • Interest due on funds received.
  • Bond discount.
  • The difference between the amount indicated in the bill of exchange and the funds actually received/their equivalents when placing the paper.
  • Amount and exchange rate differences that relate to interest payable on loans received in foreign currency or foreign currency. e.
  • Expenses for copying and duplicating work.
  • Costs of consulting and legal services.
  • Expenses for carrying out examinations.
  • Amounts of fees and taxes (in cases provided for by law).
  • Expenses for payment of communication services.
  • Other costs directly related to obtaining credits/loans and placing liabilities.

Additional expenses may be pre-recorded as accounts receivable. Subsequently, these costs will be included in operating costs during the period during which the assumed obligations will be repaid.

Inventory costs

If an enterprise uses borrowed funds to prepay inventories, work, services, or other valuables, then the costs of servicing such loans are included in the increase in accounts receivable. After the organization receives inventories and other objects, the subsequent accrual of interest and other costs are reflected in the financial statements. general rules– with the inclusion of these costs in the borrower’s operating costs.

Loan in foreign currency or currency. e.

When repaying, an exchange rate or amount difference may occur. The previous instructions indicated that analytical accounting is carried out for individual terms and loans. This is not included in the new recommendations. However, this does not mean that a specialist should refuse such accounting. In accordance with the requirements of PBU 15/01, analytics should be organized in the context of overdue and urgent debts. The latter should be understood as obligations whose repayment time has not yet arrived or has been prolonged (extended). An overdue debt is one whose payment term under the contract has expired. Upon expiration of the established period for repayment of obligations, the borrowing company must ensure their transfer from one category to another. The operation to transform urgent debt into overdue is carried out on the date that follows the day on which, according to the conditions loan agreement(loan agreement) the borrower was required to repay the principal amount.

Account 66 reflects information on settlements on interest-bearing and interest-free borrowed funds received with a repayment period of less than a year. This period determines the account indicator 66 in the Balance Sheet. Make no mistake!

Account 66 in accounting

Accounting account 66 is borrowed funds if, as of the date of preparation of the financial statements, their return is planned no more than 12 months later. Borrowed amounts under account 66 include any attracted financing - monetary and non-monetary.

1. Bank loans:

  • issued in money;
  • in the form of an overdraft.
  • interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing;
  • cash and in kind;
  • ruble and foreign currency.

3. Loans from the budget.

4. Issued bills with payment:

  • upon presentation;
  • for a specific date;
  • for a certain period from the date of preparation;
  • for a certain period from the date of presentation.

5. Bonds:

  • interest or discount;
  • convertible or non-convertible;
  • repayable in one lump sum or in installments.

6. Commodity and commercial loans.

In addition, account 66 in accounting is also needed to calculate interest payable on borrowed amounts.

  • Download the form for a certificate confirming the amount of interest.
  • Download an example of a form confirming the amount of interest.

Account 66: correspondence

Account 66 is passive. Credit 66 account shows attraction borrowed money and the accrual of interest on them, that is, an increase in debt to counterparties. In debit 66 of the account, entries are made when repaying borrowed financing and upon payment of interest. See table 1 for counting diagram 66.

Table 1. 66 counts

Interest is calculated using the formula:

Let's show calculations for account 66 using a numerical example.

Example 1. 66 count
On March 11, 2018, Symbol LLC received a loan in the amount of 438,000 rubles at 8% per annum with a repayment period of July 31, 2018 and payment of interest upon repayment of the loan. In addition, on May 1, 2018, Symbol repaid an interest-free loan in the amount of 292,000 rubles received on December 1, 2017.
Interest on the loan "Symbol" accrued in the following amounts:
For March – 1920 rubles (438,000 x 8% / 365 x 20);
For April – 2880 rubles (438,000 x 8% / 365 x 30);
For May - 2976 rubles (438,000 x 8% / 365 x 31);
For June - 2880 rubles (438,000 x 8% / 365 x 30);
For July - 2976 rubles (438,000 x 8% / 365 x 31).
For the first half of 2018, account 66 had the following indicators.
1. Balance at the beginning of 2018 – 292,000 rubles.
2. Loan turnover – 451,632 rubles (438,000 rubles + 1920 rubles + 2880 rubles + 2976 rubles + 2880 rubles + 2976 rubles);
3. Debit turnover – 292,000 rubles;
4. Balance as of June 30, 2018 – 451,632 rubles.

Chart of accounts: 66

Account 66: subaccounts

Since account 66 contains various types of borrowed amounts, it is more convenient to reflect them in subaccounts. For example, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Account 66: subaccounts

Subaccount numbering Subaccount name
66.01 Ruble loan amount
66.02 Interest on a ruble loan
66.03 Ruble loan amount
66.04 Interest on a ruble loan
66.05 Par value of interest-bearing bonds
66.06 Interest on bonds
66.07 Foreign currency loan amount
66.08 Interest on foreign currency loan
66.09 Foreign currency loan amount
66.10 Interest on foreign currency loan
66.11 Denomination of foreign currency bonds

In this case, account 66.03 in the accounting records will reflect the ruble loans received, and account 66.04 in the accounting records will show interest on the ruble loans received.

Attached files

  • Form of certificate confirming the amount of interest.doc
  • An example of a certificate confirming the amount of interest.doc
  • Key rate values.doc

Account 66 is intended to summarize information about credits and loans received by an organization for a period of no more than a year. Let's consider correspondence, subaccounts, as well as standard transactions.

Account 66 in accounting

WITHeven 66 is necessary to reflect information about loans and borrowings received for a period of less than 12 months, including short-term borrowings raised by issuing and placing bonds.

Let's figure out whether count 66 is active or passive. According to the current chart of accounts, it is passive.

The amounts of loans received by the enterprise are reflected in the credit of account 66 and the debit of accounts: 50, 51, 52, 55, 60 and others.

Interest due on loans and borrowings is reflected under credit 66 in correspondence with debit 91. Interest amounts are accounted for separately.

For the amounts of repaid debts, an entry is made in debit 66 in correspondence with the cash accounts.

Overdue loans and borrowings are accounted for separately.

Short-term loans raised through the issue and placement of bonds are accounted for separately. Bonds are issued at a price above or below their face value.

In the first case, you need to make entries in debit 51, etc. in correspondence with accounts 66 (for the par value of bonds) and 98 “Deferred income” (for the amount of excess over the par value). The amount allocated to 98 is written off evenly to 91 “Other income and expenses” during the circulation period of the bonds.

In the second case (placement below the par value), the difference between the placement price and the par value is accrued evenly during the circulation period of the bonds from the credit of account 66 to the debit of account 91.

Accounting 66 in accounting: examples for dummies

The company took out a loan for 1 year in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. Monthly interest - 20%. Upon receipt of funds, an advance payment in the amount of 100 thousand rubles was immediately transferred. Three months later, the company purchased materials in the amount of 800 thousand rubles, and after another 4 months - in the amount of 700 thousand rubles.

We reflect the amount of accrued interest for seven months - it increases the initial assessment of materials. Interest accrued for 8-12 months is taken into account as part of operating expenses.

Interest accrued for the first three months:

1,500 thousand x 20%: 12 x 3 = 75 thousand rubles.

For the next four months the interest will be:

1,500 thousand x 20%: 12 x 4 = 100 thousand rubles.

Interest allocated to materials received in the amount of 800 thousand rubles:

75 thousand: 1,500 thousand x 800 thousand = 40 thousand rubles.

Interest allocated to materials received in the amount of 700 thousand rubles:

75 thousand - 40 thousand + 100 thousand = 135 thousand rubles.

At 66, the following entries will be made in accounting:

Account 66 subaccounts

Analytical accounting should be carried out by types of loans and borrowings, credit institutions and other lenders.

Separate sub-accounts account for settlements with credit institutions for accounting (discounting) of bills and other debt obligations with a maturity of no more than 12 months:

  • 66.01 “Calculations for short-term loans jar";
  • 66.02 “Settlements for short-term loans”;
  • 66.03 “Settlements with credit institutions for accounting (discount) transactions of bills and other debt obligations” and others.

The bill holder reflects the accounting operation (discount) of bills and other debt obligations on credit 66 (face value of the bill) and the debit of accounts 51 or 52 and 91.

The accounting (discount) operation of bills and other debt obligations is closed on the basis of the bank's notification of payment by reflecting the amount of the bill in the debit of account 66 and the credit of the corresponding accounts receivable.

If the holder of the bill returned cash received from a credit institution as a result of discounting (discounting) bills or other debt obligations, due to the failure of the drawer or other payer of the bill to fulfill its payment obligations within the established period, an entry is made in debit 66 in accounting in correspondence with cash accounts. At the same time, debt for settlements with buyers, customers and other debtors, secured by overdue bills of exchange, continues to be recorded in accounts receivable accounts.

Analytical accounting of discounted bills of exchange is carried out for banks that have discounted bills of exchange or other debt obligations, issuers of bills and individual bills of exchange.

Accounting for settlements with credit institutions, lenders and bill drawers within a group of related organizations, the activities of which are compiled financial statements, is carried out separately at 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”.

Posting account 66

Debit 66

Credit 66

Account 66 corresponds to:

By debit By loan
50 Cash register 07 Equipment for installation
51 Current accounts 08 Investments in non-current assets
52 Currency accounts 10 Materials
55 Special bank accounts 11 Animals being raised and fattened

Account 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings” reflects information on the status of loans and borrowings received by the organization for a period of no more than 12 months in Russian or foreign currency.

Amounts received short-term loans and loans are reflected in the credit of account 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings” and the debit of accounts: 50 “Cash”, 51 “Settlement accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts”.

Organizations can enter into a commercial loan agreement with each other, on the basis of which some organizations provide others with a deferred payment of funds for goods sold, work performed, services rendered. Amounts of short-term commercial loans received to pay suppliers' bills are reflected in the credit of account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings" and the debit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors". Fulfillment of the obligation under the loan agreement (payment of the supplier's invoice) is reflected in the borrower's accounting as the debit of account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings" and the credit of account 51 "Settlement accounts". The accounting procedure for the provision of a commercial loan is contained in the comments to subaccount 58-05 “Loans provided”.

When receiving a short-term loan in kind, account 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings” is credited in correspondence with the debit of the accounts of material assets received.

Interest payable on short-term loans and borrowings received is reflected in the credit of account 66 “Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings” in correspondence with the debit of subaccount 91-02 “Other expenses”. When receiving credits and loans for the acquisition of material assets or non-current assets, interest on borrowed funds accrued before the date of capitalization of these assets is included in the actual expenses for their acquisition and is reflected in the credit of account 66 “Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings” in correspondence with asset acquisition accounts. Interest accrued after the date of capitalization of property on the balance sheet relates to operating expenses and is accrued as a debit to subaccount 91-02 “Other expenses”.

For the amounts of repaid short-term loans and borrowings, account 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings” is debited in correspondence with the cash accounts. In case of failure to repay in cash a loan received as security for a bill of exchange, the bank’s retention of the bill of exchange secured for the loan is reflected in the debit of account 66 “Settlements for

short-term loans and borrowings" and the loan of subaccount 91-01 "Other income".

Credits and borrowings not paid on time are accounted for separately.

The following subaccounts can be opened to account 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”: 66-

01 "Settlements on short-term bank loans"; 66-

02 "Settlements for short-term loans"; 66-

03 "Calculations for accounting (discounting) bills of exchange"; 66-

04 "Settlements on bonded loans"; 66-

05 "Settlements with subsidiaries"; 66-

06 "Settlements with dependent companies"; 66-

80 "Other".

Subaccount 66-01 “Settlements on short-term bank loans” is intended to account for settlements with the bank on loans received for a period of no more than 12 months.

Subaccount 66-02 “Settlements on short-term loans” is intended to record settlements with enterprises and organizations on short-term loans received.

Subaccount 66-03 “Settlements on transactions of accounting (discounting) bills of exchange” is intended for accounting of settlements with credit institutions on transactions accounting (discounting) bills of exchange with a maturity of no more than 12 months.

Transactions of accounting (discounting) bills of exchange are reflected in the credit of subaccount 66-03 “Calculations for transactions of accounting (discounting) bills” and the debit of cash accounting accounts (the amount of money actually received) and subaccount 91-02 “Other expenses” ( discount interest, paid to the credit institution).

Accounting (discounting) transactions for bills of exchange are closed on the basis of a notification from the credit institution about payment by reflecting the amount of the bill of exchange in the debit of subaccount 66-03 “Calculations for accounting (discounting) transactions for bills of exchange” and the credit of the corresponding accounts receivable.

When a bill holder organization returns funds received from a credit institution as a result of discounting (discounting) bills or other debt obligations, due to the failure of the drawer or other payer of the bill to fulfill their payment obligations within the established period, an entry is made in the debit of subaccount 66-03 " Calculations for accounting (discounting) bills of exchange transactions" in correspondence with cash accounts.

Subaccount 66-04 “Settlements on bonded loans” is intended to account for short-term loans raised through the issuance and placement of bonds.

Moreover, if bonds are placed at a price exceeding their nominal value, then an entry is made for the amount of the nominal value of the bonds in the debit of cash accounting accounts and in the credit of subaccount 66-04 “Settlements on bond loans”, and for the amount of excess of the bond placement price over their nominal cost - in the debit of cash accounting accounts and the credit of subaccount 98-01 "Income received for deferred periods." The amount allocated to subaccount 98-01 “Income received on account of future periods” is written off evenly during the circulation period of the bonds to subaccount 91-01 “Other income”.

If bonds are placed at a price below their par value, then the difference between the placement price and the par value of the bonds is accrued evenly during the period of circulation of the bonds from the credit of subaccount 66-04 “Settlements on bond loans” to the debit of subaccount 91-02 “Other expenses”.

Interest payable on bonded loans received is reflected in the credit of subaccount 66-04 “Settlements on bonded loans” in correspondence with the debit of subaccount 91 2

"Other expenses".

Subaccounts 66-05 “Settlements with subsidiaries” and 66-06 “Settlements with dependent companies” are used to account for loans received from subsidiaries and dependent companies for a period of less than 12 months.

Analytical accounting of short-term loans and borrowings is carried out by type of loans and borrowings, credit organizations and other lenders who provided them.

Table 6.4. Account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings" corresponds with the accounts On debit On credit 50 "Cash" 07 "Equipment for installation" 51 "Current accounts" 08 "Investments in non-current assets" 52 "Currency accounts" 10 "Materials" 55 " Special accounts in banks" 41 "Goods" 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" 50 "Cash" 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings" 16 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" 51 "Settlements accounts" 91 "Other income and expenses " 52 "Currency accounts" 55 "Special accounts in banks" 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings" 68 "Settlements for taxes and fees" 16 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" 82 "Reserve capital" 91 "Other income and expenses" W.W.W...I.n.e.t.L.i.b:Ru. -

A construction company received a short-term loan in the amount of 177,000 rubles from the organization "Akvarel" for one month. at 10% per annum. The funds are transferred to the company's bank account. In the same month, the construction company carried out repair work for the organization "Akvarel" in the amount of 177,000 rubles, including VAT of 27,000 rubles. The parties agreed that the repayment of the loan amount will be repaid by offsetting the counter-obligation to pay for the repair work performed (on the date of repayment of the borrowed funds established by the loan agreement).

The actual cost of the repair work performed was 147,000 rubles.

The tax period for VAT in a construction company is calendar month. A construction company determines income and expenses for profit tax purposes using the accrual method.

The following entries are made in accounting:

Debit 51 "Current accounts"

177,000 rub. - received a short-term loan;

Debit 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"

Credit 90-01 "Revenue" -

177,000 rub. - revenue from repair work performed is reflected;

Debit 90-03 “Value added tax” Credit 68 -

27,000 rub. - the amount of VAT on the work performed is accrued;

Debit 68 Credit 51 "Current accounts" -

27,000 rub. - the amount of VAT is transferred to the budget;

Debit 90-02 "Cost"

Credit 20 "Main production" -

147,000 rub. - written off actual cost repair work;

Debit 66-02 "Settlements for short-term loans"

Credit 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" -

177,000 rub. - repayment of mutual claims is reflected;

Debit 91-02 "Other expenses"

Loan 66-02 "Settlements on short-term loans" -

RUB 1,454.79 ((RUB 177,000 x 10%: 365 days) x 30 days) - interest accrued on the received

Debit 99 "Profits and losses" Credit 68 -

RUB 349.15 (RUB 1,454.79 x 24%) - reflects a permanent tax liability;

Debit 66 "Settlements for short-term loans"

Credit 51 "Current accounts" -

RUB 1,454.79 - interest transferred to the organization's account.

Let us explain what we have done accounting entries.

In accordance with paragraph 1 "Loan" Ch. 42 "Loan and credit" Civil Code Russian Federation under a loan agreement, one party (the lender) transfers into the ownership of the other party (borrower) money or other things determined by generic characteristics, and the borrower undertakes to return to the lender the same amount of money (loan amount) or an equal number of other things received by him of the same kind and quality (Clause 1 of Article 807 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The loan agreement must be concluded in writing when the lender is entity, - regardless of the loan amount (clause 1 of Article 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Unless otherwise provided by law or the loan agreement, the lender has the right to receive interest from the borrower on the loan amount in the amount and in the manner determined by the agreement (clause 1 of Article 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The amount of a short-term loan received by an organization (for a period of no more than 12 months) (clause 5 (PBU 15/01), Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 02.08.2001 N 60n) is reflected in the credit of account 66 “Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings” in correspondence with the debit of the account 51 "Current accounts".

It should be noted that an organization’s receipt of funds in the form of a loan does not lead to an increase in the organization’s capital; the amount of the loan received is not the organization’s income (clause 2 of PBU 9/99, Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 N 32n).

Account 66 of accounting is a passive account “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”, used to account for short-term loans and borrowings received for a period of up to one year, as well as interest on them. Using standard entries, we will consider the specifics of using account 66, its subaccount, as well as examples of reflecting transactions for accounting for interest on a short-term loan and accounting for positive exchange rate differences in account 66.

Subaccounts of the account “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings” are presented below in the figure:

This account accounting- passive, so its increase is reflected in the credit, and its decrease is reflected in the debit. In other words, the debit of the account reflects the repayment of loans and borrowings, and the credit reflects their receipt. The loan balance of account 66 shows the balance of the debt.

Analytical accounting for account 66 is carried out by type:

  • Credits and borrowings (separate bills);
  • Credit organizations, including those engaged in discounting (discounting) bills or other debt obligations;
  • To other lenders who provided credit or loans (drawers).

The amounts of accrued interest are accounted for separately.

Settlements on transactions (discount) of bills of exchange with an organization within a group of interconnected companies, about the activities of which consolidated financial statements are formed, are carried out separately.

Typical entries for short-term loans and borrowings

Correspondence 66 accounts and the main accounting entries for the account are formed in the table:

Account Dt Kt account Wiring description
50/51/52/55 66 Receipt of short-term loans and borrowings.

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Repayment – ​​reverse postings.

7/10/11/41 66 Admission commodity credit material resources of an agricultural organization
62 90 Repayment of trade credit by shipment finished products and animals
51 86 Crediting subsidies for interest payments by agricultural organizations
51 66.05 Placement of bonds at par value
51 66.06 Accounting (discount) of bills (face value) by the bill holder
51 98 The difference between the issued and par value of bonds
91 98 Write-off of the difference during the bond's circulation period
91 66 Interest on received loans and borrowings is reflected
91 66 Positive exchange rate difference in foreign currency

Negative - reverse wiring.

Examples of postings for account 66

Example 1. Postings to reflect positive exchange rate differences on a loan

Let’s say that under the loan agreement “Vesna” received funds from JSC “Leto” for 1 month. The loan amount is 1,000.00 US dollars, and all payments are made in rubles. The US dollar exchange rate on the date of receipt of the loan is 58.30 rubles/USD, on the date of repayment – ​​59.40 rubles/USD.

The accountant of Vesna LLC generated the following entries for account 66:

Example 2. Reflection of interest on a short-term loan in account 66.04

Leto LLC received a loan in the amount of 110,000 rubles. at 9% per annum. Percentage:

  1. April 2016 (15 days) – 412.50 rubles;
  2. May 2016 — 825 rub.;
  3. June 2016 (10 days) - 275 rub. Loan repayment.

The accountant of Leto LLC generated entries for account 66.04:

Account Dt Kt account Transaction amount, rub. Wiring description A document base
51 66.03 110 000,00 Getting a short-term loan Bank statement
91.02 66.04 412,50 Interest accrued for 1 month of use Accounting information
66.04 51 412,50 Payment of interest for April 2016 Payment order
91.02 66.04 825,00 Interest accrued for 2 months of use Accounting information
66.04 51 825,00 Payment of interest for May 2016 Payment order
91.02 66.04 275,00 Interest accrued for 3 months of use Accounting information
66.04 51 275,00 Payment of interest for June 2016 Payment order
66.03 51 110 000,00 Loan repayment (in full) Payment order