Family car loan in Sberbank calculator. Conditions of a car loan at Sberbank and interest rates

Sberbank is the largest lender in the entire Russian economy. Its share in the country's banking system is about 30%. Since 1981, the bank has been trying to offer its clients the widest possible selection of banking products. This may be why most people who want to buy a car apply for a car loan at Sberbank.

Requirements for the borrower

Anyone can apply for a car loan from Sberbank to purchase a used car if they meet the basic requirements:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent registration;
  • age from 21 to 65 years, with a certificate of income up to 75 years;
  • official employment;
  • at least six months of experience at the current place of work;
  • at least one year of experience in the last five years.

An important condition is to have a stable monthly income. The pension is considered official income; a certificate of its amount is issued by the pension fund.

Lending terms

The main conditions of a Sberbank car loan for a used car are as follows:

  • credit period - from 3 to 60 months;
  • loan amount - from 45 thousand to 5 million rubles;
  • loan currency - Russian ruble;
  • down payment - 15%;
  • no commission;
  • compulsory car insurance;
  • loan rate - from 14.5% to 16%, which depends on the loan term.

The bank takes two days to review the application. The review period may increase by another two days if the bank wants to check the activities of the car dealership. During this time, all information provided by the borrower is checked, and a request is sent to the credit history bureau. If the applicant is a client of Sberbank, then the review period may be reduced to two hours, since all the necessary data is already known to the bank.

Although, according to the terms of the loan, the loan amount can be up to 5 million rubles, the actual size of the loan is determined by the confirmed solvency of the borrower. To do this, the potential loan recipient must submit a certificate in Form 2-NDFL, which will confirm the presence of sufficient income for monthly payments. The loan calculator on the bank's official website will help you calculate the size of the loan and payments required by a car loan for a used car at Sberbank.

The shorter the loan term, the more reliable it is considered, therefore, the rate on it will be lower. When lending for 1-3 years, the rate will be 15.5%, for a longer period - 16%. For clients participating in the Sberbank salary project, the rate is automatically reduced by 1%, since such borrowers are considered more reliable.

Required documents

The package of documents required to obtain a car loan for a used car from Sberbank includes:

  • application for a loan - you can submit it at any branch of Sberbank;
  • passport confirming citizenship and registration;
  • an additional document to confirm your identity - this could be a driver’s license;
  • income certificate - even if it is not officially required, having it will speed up the decision-making process and increase the likelihood of a positive answer;
  • a copy of the technical passport for a used car;
  • insurance policy;
  • receipt of payment of the down payment;
  • a document certifying payment of the insurance premium;
  • contract of sale.

Procedure for obtaining a loan

Buying a used car with a loan from Sberbank is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You can submit an application at any bank branch, and card holders can fill out a loan application through Sberbank Online.

In no case should you try to deceive the bank, since all information is checked very carefully, which is not surprising, because the loan amount is quite large. A bank employee will definitely call your place of work, send a request to the credit history bureau, and check the status of your accounts.

After submitting the application, the bank manager will call the applicant back within two days and announce the decision. If the decision is positive, the client is given 90 days to select a suitable car. After the car is selected and checked, a sales contract is drawn up and the client pays 15% of the cost of the car, confirmed by the issuance of a receipt.

The next step is car insurance under the CASCO program. In this case, you can choose an accredited company from the list offered by Sberbank. After this, a copy of the purchase and sale agreement, a receipt for payment of the first installment, documents for the car and an insurance policy are submitted to the bank. After checking the documents, the bank invites the borrower to enter into a loan agreement. The funds are transferred to the direct owner, and the borrower receives the car.

The car becomes the property of the borrower immediately after the money is transferred, but until the end of the loan period it is collateral. Therefore, it is not possible to sell a car without the bank’s permission.

Where to find a used car?

When deciding to buy a used car, a potential car owner is faced with a dilemma - go to a car dealership or buy a car second-hand on the car market. Of course, you can buy a car from a private owner much cheaper, but at the same time the risk of the car having a “dark past” increases significantly - it may be listed as stolen, it may have undergone significant alterations, or it may even be a “drowned car.”

By receiving a loan from Sberbank to purchase a used car, the borrower is freed from such doubts - you can only purchase a car at a car dealership, and even then only at one that is approved by the bank.

Age restrictions for used cars

An important condition for lending is the age of the car. The older the car, the greater the risk of breakdowns. What matters is not how old the car is at the moment, but what age the car will be by the end of the loan payment. For domestic cars, the requirements are usually lower than for foreign ones, but on average, by the end of the credit period, the car should be no more than 8-10 years old.

The bank can also set the mileage rate, model and make of the car. This is due to the high risks of car loans. If the borrower is unable or unwilling to repay the loan, the bank will have to sell the collateral, in this case the car. Therefore, it must be liquid and its value must cover banking risks.

Features of insurance

Sberbank requires compulsory insurance under the CASCO system when issuing a loan for a used car. But insurance companies are quite reluctant to accept cars aged 7-9 years, and if they agree to the insurance procedure, they set the highest rates. This state of affairs can be explained simply - even in the event of a minor accident, the cost of repair work can significantly exceed the amount of the insurance premium paid by the client.

It is possible to issue an insurance policy taking into account the wear and tear of spare parts and components. However, not all insurance companies agree to this, since it is unprofitable due to the reduction in the cost of the policy. But having chosen this option, you should remember that if service repairs are necessary, for example after an accident, you may have to spend a significant amount of your own money.

How is a car loan repaid?

A car loan received from Sberbank for the purchase of a used car is repaid in equal (annuity) installments. If desired, early repayment of the loan, partial or full, is allowed; the bank does not impose any penalties. All you need to do is submit an application indicating the date of payment.

For late payment of a monthly payment, the bank applies a fine of 20% per annum. The penalty amount is charged on the overdue amount for a period equal to the period from the first day of delay to the date of payment.

Sberbank's car loan for used cars differs only slightly from the loan program for the purchase of new cars. The main difference concerns sellers - you can only purchase a car at a dealership. If you want to buy a car from a friend or relative, you need to register it through the dealership, just like through a consignment store. With these lending conditions, the bank protects itself from dishonest transactions that may be associated with broken or stolen cars. The owner of the car or the buyer will have to pay the commission for the services.

Advantages of purchasing a used car on credit

  • The main advantage is to minimize costs. The size of the down payment is on average 20-30% of the total cost (15% at Sberbank), and since the price of a used car is much lower than that of a new one, the savings are obvious.
  • When buying a used car with a loan from Sberbank, you can buy both a domestic model and a foreign car.
  • A loan allows you to purchase exactly the car that you like, not the one for which you had enough money.
  • The interest rate on a car loan at Sberbank is considered one of the lowest, and under certain conditions the rate can be reduced by several percent.
  • After applying for a loan, you can immediately take possession of the car.
  • Purchasing a used car on credit allows you to make lower monthly payments than when purchasing a new one.
  • When buying a car at a dealership, you can be sure that the car has no criminal record, and experts will help you choose the most suitable option.

Disadvantages of buying a used car on credit

  • When applying for a car loan for a used car at Sberbank, the age of the car is of considerable importance, but these are the conditions of other banks as well.
  • You will not be able to get a loan to buy a used car from Sberbank if you do not have CASCO insurance.

Features of car loans from Sberbank

  • If the client is ready to make a down payment of 30% of the cost of the car, then a salary certificate will not be required.
  • The list of domestic models that can be purchased through Sberbank includes about 50 models.
  • When applying for a car loan, Sberbank does not charge a commission from the client.
  • The cost of compulsory CASCO insurance can be included in the loan amount.
  • Thanks to the Sberbank Cooperation Program, you can apply for a car loan directly at a car dealership, and the list of partner dealerships is very large.

Sberbank's credit policy is aimed primarily at maintaining a balance between the interests of the bank and clients. Despite the difficult economic situation in the world, Sberbank strives to make car loans accessible to the middle segments of the population. However, the bank is increasing its attention to the solvency of clients and the level of debt load, trying to offer each client the most suitable loan product.

Sberbank tirelessly increases the availability of its loans, focusing on the capabilities of the average citizen. That is why a car loan for the purchase of a used car allows almost any adult and solvent citizen of Russia to become a car owner.


* Attention! The information article may have outdated or incomplete information. Current information can be posted on the official website of Sberbank PJSC

Today, purchasing a new car is not difficult for any car enthusiast. Having only up to 30% of the cost of transport available, you can get a loan to buy a car, for example, from Sberbank. This offer is for those who do not like to wait, but want to drive their vehicle today. Let's look at what the conditions for car loans are at Sberbank of Russia and what their advantages are in more detail.



  1. Strict requirements for potential borrowers. Sberbank does not issue loans to clients with a bad credit history, low income or short work experience.
  2. The need for a down payment. Although Sberbank will contribute most of the amount for the purchase of transport for you, you should still have the amount of money for the down payment.
  3. The purchased car remains in the status of collateral of Sberbank. A prerequisite for the bank is to register the purchased car as collateral of the lender. You can find out more details.
  4. Insurance under the comprehensive insurance system. All Sberbank car loan programs require mandatory comprehensive insurance.
  5. In addition to paying off the entire cost of the car, you will have to pay interest on the cost of the loan to the financial institution for providing services.

When studying the terms of lending for the purchase of a car at Sberbank online, weigh again the pros and cons of such an important step as applying for a car loan. After all, this is a debt obligation not for a month, but for several years. Sberbank of Russia offers several car loan options - these are the “Auto Loan”, “Auto Loan with State Support” and “Affiliate Car Loan Programs”. Let's consider the conditions and requirements for their provision for each individually.

Car loan program from Sberbank of Russia

The bank’s offer, called “Car Loan,” applies to the purchase of a new or used car from a domestic or foreign manufacturer. In addition, the terms of this type of lending offer:

  • issuing a loan for a period from 12 to 60 months;
  • the possibility of providing a loan in several currencies (rubles, dollars, euros);
  • making a down payment of 15% of the cost of the car;
  • payment of an interest rate of 11.5-16% per annum.

An advantage for individuals who use a Sberbank card to receive a pension or salary, and who also have a bank account, is a reduction in the annual interest rate by 1% for this loan. In this case, you can take out a loan to buy a car with more favorable conditions.

"Car loan with government support"

This bank offer applies to the purchase of exclusively Russian-assembled cars. However, there is no need to worry about this. Today, many well-known car brands are rolling off Russian assembly lines. The loan terms for this program are as follows:

  • a period of 1-3 years is provided for loan repayment;
  • the interest rate (depending on the loan term) varies from 8 to 10%;
  • the amount of the down payment is equal to 15% of the cost of the purchased car;
  • the cost of the car should not exceed 750 thousand rubles.

"Affiliate car loan programs"

This offer is suitable for potential borrowers who want to purchase a car at a car dealership that has a partnership with the bank. For such persons, the auto store is ready to offer a significant discount, various gifts and favorable loan conditions from Sberbank of Russia:

  • the minimum down payment amount does not exceed 15% of the cost of the car;
  • the interest rate under the loan agreement varies from 10.5 to 16% per annum;
  • providing a loan in several currencies - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • The maximum loan term is 3 years.

Thus, if the car dealership where you chose a car is on the list of Sberbank partners, then you can apply for a car loan right on the spot and still get favorable conditions.

Important requirements that the bank imposes on borrowers

For individuals, the bank puts forward special requirements for providing a loan for the purchase of a car:

  1. The age of the potential borrower must be in the age category of 21-75 years.
  2. A certificate confirming the borrower's official income is required.
  3. It is mandatory to have guarantors or register the purchased car as collateral.
  4. The length of service at the last place of employment should not be less than 6 months, and the total length of service over the last 5 years should not be less than 1 year.

Thus, we can conclude that a car loan should be taken out only if you are completely confident in your financial stability. Otherwise, there is a big risk of being left without a car and the amount already paid under the loan agreement.

It is also worth noting that Sberbank offers its clients three car loan programs, from which you can easily choose one that suits you. In addition, for real clients (individuals) who have a card or account with Sberbank, the lender makes concessions and offers more favorable conditions.

But still, before you take such a responsible step, sensibly assess your strength. A correctly made decision will save you from further troubles, and buying a car will bring long-awaited joy.

If you want to create an exact schedule of monthly payments, then the car loan calculator at Sberbank in 2016 will help you do this. It will provide accurate information on both bank interest and the principal balance of the loan.

Before applying for a loan to purchase a new or used car, you should carefully study the available car loan programs offered by Sberbank.

Currently, all clients have access to the option of purchasing a vehicle at a favorable rate - from only 10.9%. You can also take advantage of profitable offers through affiliate programs that are developed together with car manufacturers.

Lending terms

It is important to note that the maximum portion of the loan in the cost of the purchased car can be no more than 85%, and the maximum period for which finance is issued for the purchase of a car is exactly 5 years.

The first main requirement for obtaining a car loan is to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. If you are the owner of a salary account opened with Sberbank, then applying for a loan will take no more than 2 hours.

Also, in the case when the client is able to pay 30% of the cost of the car as a down payment, a certificate of income is also not required. The minimum advance payment is 15% of the purchase price. The maximum cost of a car can be 600 thousand rubles.

The minimum age of the loan recipient is 21 years. The lower threshold for the car loan amount is 45 thousand rubles. At the time of expiration of the agreement, the age of the Sberbank borrower should not be more than 75 years.

Anyone can find out the monthly payment and interest rate of a car loan using the Sberbank 2016 calculator by filling out all the necessary fields in the appropriate form on the website.

Interest rates

There are several car loan options. A loan without a down payment is not provided for in any of them; its minimum amount is 15% of the cost of the car. The loan term can be calculated for 5 years. The interest rate in rubles will be charged at 15%, and in foreign currency - 11.5%.

The next program is called “According to two documents”. To do this, you will need to immediately deposit 40% of the cost of the car and present your passport plus another document of your choice. The interest rate will be 10.9%-16.5%. Loan term from 3 months to 5 years.

A loan for pensioners to buy a car implies a rate of 16% and an age limit at the end of payments at 75 years.

Early loan repayment

Every borrower who has taken out a loan with a fixed monthly payment (annuity) can repay his financial debt ahead of schedule. To do this, you will need to deposit the required amount of funds into the account from which the repayment is made.

Before this procedure, we recommend that you consult with bank representatives to clarify all the nuances regarding your loan. Anyone can calculate the interest rate for a Sberbank car loan 2015 using a calculator by filling out the necessary fields in the appropriate form.

The official car loan calculator at Sberbank will calculate the amount of monthly payments in 2019. Find out the loan terms and interest rates from the official website! Nowadays, personal vehicles have ceased to be a luxury and have become a necessary tool for life. It is simply irreplaceable in a big city, where speed of movement sometimes decides many issues. In addition, often a vehicle can become the main source of income.

Most often today a car is bought on credit. There is not always enough money on hand for such a serious purchase. Do you want to know if you can afford a loan to buy a car? Don’t want to wait in line at a bank branch once again to find out the information you are interested in? Then you need a car loan calculator. This convenient and easy-to-use online tool will provide you with a detailed loan calculation for the selected terms in a matter of seconds.

Who is the Sberbank car loan calculator suitable for? Anyone who is planning to purchase a vehicle on credit. In addition, the banking institution offers special conditions to the following categories of potential borrowers:

    holders of Sberbank salary cards,

    persons who have reached retirement age,

    legal entities.

For individuals who do not fall into any of the above categories, loan terms will be standard.

Features of a car loan 2019

For which vehicle can the borrower apply for a loan:

    new car, from the showroom,

    used car (a vehicle that already has a certain mileage and has been owned).

Naturally, everyone wants to choose a loan program with the most comfortable conditions for themselves. This is where car loan calculators help. The tool on our website is based on the most current banking data (for 2019). Our online calculator will allow you to very accurately calculate the consumer loan option that will suit you best in terms of interest rate, debt repayment period, and the amount of monthly loan payments. Thanks to this, you will be able to calculate all possible risks in advance and determine your financial capabilities.

Using the calculator, you can also determine the possibility of repaying the loan with early repayment. Of course, every borrower wants to pay off their debt as soon as possible. But it should be understood that this payment regime has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. That is why online payment will allow you to understand, even before contacting the bank, how payments will go and how much less the overpayment will be.

The interest rate is one of the main parameters of any loan. It is determined based on various data. This indicator is influenced by the age of the borrower, the amount he wants to borrow and the terms of repayment, the presence or absence of guarantors in the transaction, the presence or absence of a down payment on the loan.

Conditions for obtaining a car loan from Sberbank:

    having citizenship of the Russian Federation,

    work experience at the current place of employment for at least six months,

    The age of the loan applicant is from 21 to 75 years.

The package of documents required during registration includes a passport, an application for a loan, confirmation of permanent registration (or temporary), a certificate of income from the place of work, documents for the purchased car. You can get a loan without a certificate from your place of work, but in this case the amount of the down payment will be increased.

Why do you need an online car loan calculator?

The main purpose of the online calculator is to help you decide on the most optimal car loan program in all respects. In addition, every user can use it for free. And the ease of working with the tool does not require any specific knowledge or skills.

Taking out a car loan today is very easy. But it is always better to prepare in advance for such a serious transaction so as not to make rash decisions. Calculate the debt repayment schedule, determine for yourself whether the payments are feasible. And only after that, with a cool head, contact the bank about getting a car loan.

In addition to the lowest interest rate for car loans, Sberbank of Russia provides:

  • the ability to take into account family income when making a positive decision on issuing a car loan;
  • no commissions for issuing a loan;
  • opportunity to choose (change selection) car model within 6 months.


Sberbank Small business


Sberbank business online:

It is impossible to get a car loan from Sberbank in 2018. The fact is that in 2014, Sberbank liquidated all car loan programs for individuals.

Sberbank transferred the rights to issue loans to Cetelem Bank, which is its joint retail enterprise with the French banking group BNP Paribas. To apply for a car loan for a used or new car, you need to submit an online application not to Sberbank, but to Cetelem Bank.

What car loan programs does Cetelem Bank offer?

In 2018, Cetelem offers 42 loans for the purchase of a car. This diversity is due to the fact that the bank has developed a separate product for the purchase of a vehicle from one manufacturer or another.

For example!

The line includes two programs for purchasing Ford cars on credit. One is intended for used cars, and the other is also for used cars, but without CASCO. Loan terms vary. This allows citizens to choose the most suitable product.

The parameters of car loans at Cetelem Bank are recognized by experts as one of the most profitable, since the institution directly cooperates with car dealers. The profitability of the programs will be assessed by analyzing their conditions and calculating the car loan. You can perform the calculation using a calculator.

All loans are issued in rubles.

How to replace the car loan calculator in Sberbank?

There is no loan calculator on the Sberbank website that could calculate a car loan. There is no loan calculator available on the website of Cetelem Bank either. You can use the service on our portal. The calculator is easy to use and in a matter of minutes will allow you to determine the cost of the loan, as well as the size of the monthly payment.

The online loan calculator form for calculating a car loan includes the following columns:

Type of calculation – based on the cost of the car or the amount of the monthly payment;
loan terms;
loan currency;
car cost;
monthly payment amount;
amount of income;
annual rate;

Based on this information, the online loan calculator will calculate the overpayment. The resulting figures will be approximate. When developing a payment schedule, the Sberbank manager will take into account all the nuances of lending.

However, the data obtained when calculating with a loan calculator will help you anticipate your income burden and decide whether you need to apply for a loan from Sberbank. The online service will also help you compare several Sberbank programs to choose the most suitable one.