Carrying out noisy work in an apartment building. Rules for carrying out noise works,

The problem of loud neighbors is relevant for all regions of the Russian Federation. Parties to a conflict rarely manage to come to an agreement and resolve the current situation peacefully. Knowledge of the law on silence allows a citizen to punish the violator to the fullest extent.

For the peace of mind of citizens living in apartment building, the legislation of the Russian Federation adopted the law on Silence. Based on Federal Law-52, citizens can defend their own rights if they believe that they are being violated.

Types of silence violations for which you can be fined:

  • loud conversations and shouting;
  • use of explosives;
  • carrying out repair work at inappropriate times;
  • using a sound amplifier when listening to music or watching a movie that exceeds the permissible sound standards in decibels;
  • intentional use of a car alarm;
  • using noisy household appliances - vacuum cleaner, electric meat grinder, etc.;
  • barking of animals provoked by the owners.

For exceeding permissible sound standards in decibels, a fine may be imposed regardless of the time of day.

Find out from a lawyer what to do with neighbors who do not comply with the rules in Moscow. A competent lawyer is waiting for you

What type of noise can be fined by law?

  • loud music;
  • repair work;
  • baby crying;
  • animal barking;
  • family quarrel;
  • loading, unloading, moving furniture;
  • music from an establishment located near a residential building.

Do not forget that there is a time when repair work, cleaning, moving furniture and other household work are acceptable.

When was it accepted?

Federal Law No. 52 was adopted on March 12, 1999. According to his amendments in 2017, the quiet time in apartments starts from 23.00 and ends at 7.00.

The noise level must not exceed that permitted by law:

  • from 7.00 to 23.00 - up to 40 decibels;
  • from 23.00 to 7.00 - up to 30 decibels.

An example of how to understand the noise level in decibels: a machine alarm near a residential building makes sounds at 80-100 dB.


If someone disturbed your silence, especially at night, you can contact the local police officer. Based on the provisions of the Quiet Law, you can punish the offender. The law on silence in an apartment building gives citizens the opportunity to set a time frame for acceptable noise.

To learn more about Federal Law-52, you can download it from.

On a note! With the same number being . don't confuse them!

Description of the law

Citizens living in an apartment building suffer the most from noise. Due to the thin walls and apartments located close to each other, people hear any rustling noises from their neighbors. Knowledge of regulations legislative act about silence in an apartment building, allows residents to defend their rights to comfortable living.

The law on silence in Moscow provides for a time of silence:

  • on weekdays from 21.00 to 08.00;
  • on holidays and weekends from 22.00 to 10.00.

The law prohibits carrying out repair work at night.
An amendment to the law in 2017 gives citizens the opportunity to make noise at night only on January 1.

Quiet on weekends and holidays

The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits carrying out repair work on weekends and holidays, approved by the government. The legal act allows for repair work if it is related to the safety of residents.

In some regions of the Russian Federation, repair work is allowed on Saturday if it has been declared a working day.

Until when can repair work be carried out?

Before planning repair work, a citizen should study the law and all amendments made to it. Being prepared will help you avoid conflict situations with neighbors and know your rights. The legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates that repair work must begin at 9.00 and end at 19.00.

IN individual regions RF deadline for completion of work is 22.00.

How long does it take to start renovations in an apartment building?

Citizens living in an apartment building have the right to begin repair work from Monday to Friday from 9 o'clock. Construction waste may be removed no earlier than 8 a.m. and no later than 10 p.m.

Continuous construction activities are allowed to be carried out for no more than 6 hours a day.

Punishment for violating the silence law

There are consequences for violating the Quiet Law.
For noise created at the wrong time, law enforcement agencies issue a warning to the offender. If the situation does not change, violators are issued a fine.

Sum monetary recovery for non-compliance with the law:

  • For individual— from 100 to 500 rubles;
  • for a legal entity - from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

The amount of the fine increases for repeated violations of the Silence Law.

To recover compensation for disturbance of peace, the plaintiff must provide:

  • copies of applications to Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office and the district police officer;
  • testimony of breach of silence;
  • conclusion of the examination;
  • audio and video evidence of noise being made at the wrong time.

Important! The video recording must indicate the time and date of recording.

Where to complain?

You can file a complaint about noise from neighbors:

  • district police officer;
  • to the district court;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • city ​​housing inspection;
  • prosecutor's office

Procedure for filing a complaint against violators:

  • Step 1. A statement is written to the district police officer.
  • Step 2. Submit an application for a noise inspection. It is carried out during the daytime and not on weekends. It is difficult to obtain an examination at night.
  • Step 3. Obtaining the results of the examination described above. This is the main evidence against violators.
  • Step 4. Search for witnesses who will confirm the violation.
  • Step 5. A statement of claim is written to the court.

Sample complaint to court for recovery Money can be downloaded.

Apartment renovation is a noisy and rather lengthy phenomenon. Many of us are interested in From what time and until what time can you carry out repair work and make noise?, and at what times it’s not allowed, when you can make noise in the apartment on weekends and holidays. The answers to such questions concern not only those who decided to put their living space in order, but also their neighbors who are forced to put up with temporary inconveniences and sometimes fight for their rights.

Legislation Regarding this question, there is so much contradiction and there is no clear answer to how long it is possible to make repairs and make noise in the apartment, unfortunately, there is no, so it is necessary to examine some of the nuances in more detail.

Laws governing when noisy work can be carried out are as of 2018.

How much noise can and cannot be made, repairs in the apartment on weekends and weekdays

In Russia there is no single law on the permissible noise level and when you can make noise and do repair work in an apartment on weekends, holidays or weekdays. In each individual subject of the federation there is a resolution, which regulates this issue at the legal level. However, it is possible to highlight general provisions, which are the same in almost all regions of Russia:

  1. By law, it is prohibited to carry out repairs construction works at night time, and in some regions (for example, Moscow) the ban also applies on weekends and national holidays, which are officially declared non-working days.
  2. How long does it take to make repairs? You can start noisy work on weekdays no earlier than 9:00 am (in St. Petersburg no earlier than 8:00), and finish - no later than 19:00 pm . In some regions of Russia no later than 20:00 pm. In addition, a break from noisy work is required from 13:00 to 15:00. (details below)
  3. Construction work, if carried out continuously, should take time no more than 6 hours a day. If a longer period of time is required to complete the work, an hour break is required.
  4. Total duration of repair and construction work should not exceed 3 months.
  5. It is prohibited to use equipment and tools that cause vibration and noise levels exceeding the permissible sanitary and epidemiological standards, which in the daytime is 40 dBA.
  6. Repair work should be carried out in such a way that do not cause damage adjacent rooms.
  7. It should be noted that according to the law can't be cluttered construction materials, as well as construction waste, common areas and evacuation routes for residents in case of emergency.
  8. For transportation of building materials without packaging and construction waste, it is strictly prohibited to use passenger elevators.
  9. if you have written permission from neighbors that they are not against carrying out repair work after the permitted time, then you can safely bring your design ideas to life at a time convenient for you.

As already noted, each subject Russian Federation establishes its own hours of silence and permitted times for repair work. Here are some nuances of regional silence laws:

When can you make noise and make repairs in an apartment in Moscow?

In Moscow, there are several legislative acts regulating the time for repair work.

When carrying out work related to the reconstruction of premises, namely, its redevelopment or re-equipment in order to change operational properties, this issue is regulated by paragraph 2 of Article 10 of the Moscow City Law of September 29, 1999 N 37. “On the procedure for the reconstruction of premises in residential buildings on territory of the city of Moscow" (as amended by the Law of Moscow dated 04/07/2004 N 22).

"IN residential buildings During the period of reconstruction of premises, it is prohibited:

  • carry out work on Sundays and public holidays;
  • start work involving noise earlier 9:00 hours and/or finish them later 19:00 hours;
  • use equipment and tools when performing work that cause the normatively permissible level of noise and vibration to be exceeded;
  • carry out work without special measures to prevent damage to adjacent premises;
  • clutter and pollute evacuation routes and other public places with construction materials and (or) waste;
  • use passenger elevators for transportation building materials and waste without packaging."

It is prohibited to carry out noisy repair work or simply make noise:

  • on weekdays after 21:00 to 8:00,
  • on Saturday, Sunday and official holidays after 22:00 and before 10:00 (silence is also required from 13 to 15 hours daily).

In addition, the legislation does not share the concept apartment building and a private house. Therefore, in the territory gardening partnerships or townships have similar noise regulations.

St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan

According to this law, night time means the period from 22:00 to 6:00 on weekdays, and on weekends and non-working holidays - from 22:00 to 9:00. At this time, drilling and other noisy repair and construction work is prohibited.

Voronezh region

The law establishes night time from 22:00 to 7:00. There are no other restrictions.

Krasnoyarsk region

You can't make noise from 10 pm to 9 am.

Novosibirsk region

It is prohibited to make noise from 22:00 to 7:00 on weekdays and until 9:00 on weekends and holidays.

Ekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region

Chelyabinsk region

It is prohibited to disturb the peace of citizens by carrying out repair and construction work on weekdays from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., and on Saturdays, Sundays, and non-working holidays from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Tyumen region

It is forbidden to carry out noisy repair work from 22 to 8 am and there is a daily break from 13 to 15.

In other regions of Russia, similar laws apply, differing only in the time frame defining night time.

The Law on Noise in Apartments of 2019 is not familiar to everyone, so some irresponsible citizens are starting renovations or having noisy parties at night. Neighbors usually tolerate it, or try to pacify noisy residents on their own. However, why reinvent the wheel?

In 2019, the bill on maintaining silence in the apartment was issued with new amendments. The following provisions are stated here: the time when you can make noise, the noise level and the responsibility of silence breakers.

Even if irresponsible neighbors continue to bother you, citing that they have not heard of anything like this, call the local police officer and take action. Remember: ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility. So, what should residents of an apartment building know about noise in their apartment?

Time frame

The main parameter in the law on maintaining silence is time. We'll probably start with that. As an example, let’s give you until what hour you can make noise in Moscow. Let us immediately make a reservation that other regions of the country may have their own rules that have been introduced local authorities authorities, but the differences will not be too significant.

So, by law you can't make noise at night. What fits this definition? In Moscow for residents apartment buildings night time begins at 23:00 and continues until 07:00. Accordingly, repair work and other noisy activities are not allowed at this time.

Please note that when carrying out repairs or redevelopment in the apartment, there are restrictions that apply during the day. In particular, renovations in an apartment building cannot last longer than three months.

By law, the time allowed for noisy repair work is from 09:00 in the morning to 19:00 in the evening. In this case, it is necessary to take a break during the afternoon rest of citizens. This time is from 13:00 to 15:00.

Moscow has always been different from other cities, so let’s look at how things stand with respect to maintaining silence in apartment buildings in the region. The following rules apply here:

  • on weekdays you can make noise until 21:00, starting work no earlier than 8:00 in the morning;
  • for weekends and holidays, restrictions apply from 10:00 to 22:00.

We clarify that in current law amendments are planned, so changes are possible in the near future. Having sorted out the time, let’s talk about what is generally considered noise in an apartment.

What not to do at night

The law on maintaining silence can be interpreted in different ways, like most bills in our country. For example, is the snoring of a neighbor behind the wall considered a violation of peace? Or until what time can a neighbor’s boy learn scales on the violin? The introduced law on silence clearly indicates what falls under the definition of noise in an apartment:

  1. Noisy work. This includes not only repairs, but also loading operations if they exceed the permissible noise level.
  2. TV. At night it is forbidden to watch TV with the volume turned up. This includes radio, music centers and radios.
  3. Use of pyrotechnics. The exception is the night from December 31 to January 1.
  4. General noise. This includes musical instruments, shouting, stomping, whistling, and other noisy activities.

The law contains exceptions to the above rules, which allow noise in an apartment building at night. These are the situations:

  • actions aimed at recovery after natural disasters and emergencies. This includes stopping crime. For example, if your car was broken into by intruders and the alarm system went off, this is not considered a breach of peace;
  • cultural events and official holidays.

Acceptable noise level

The noise level in an apartment is measured in decibels. If you think that your neighbors are violating the norms established by law, call Rospotrebnadzor or the sanitary-epidemiological service. They will measure the noise level and issue you a corresponding certificate. Here are the established standards for maintaining silence in the apartment:

  • 55 decibels – day;
  • 45 decibels – night.

Naturally, these figures mean nothing to the majority of our fellow citizens, so we will present a few points for comparison.

  • working vacuum cleaner – 75 dB;
  • baby crying – 78 dB;
  • noise of a car passing outside the window – 55 dB;
  • the sound of a rotary hammer and a jackhammer - 95 and 120 dB, respectively;
  • normal conversation/whisper – 45/30 dB.

Please note that minor deviations from the established standards are allowed. This depends on the location of the apartment building. For example: if there is a busy highway or railway tracks nearby, the noise level may be exceeded by 10 dB. In addition, in apartment buildings it is allowed to exceed the permissible limit by 5 dB.

Where you can't make noise

According to the law on silence, you cannot make noise not only in the apartment. The law applies to the following territories:

  • residential premises and common areas in an apartment building;
  • territory adjacent to the house: children's and sports grounds, parking lots, passages inside the yard;
  • lands of gardening partnerships and summer cottages;
  • general education, preschool and medical institutions. This includes sanatorium-resort hospitals and boarding houses.

Responsibility for violations

If your neighbors don’t know that you can make noise before the time established by law, remind them of their responsibility and try to resolve the conflict situation peacefully. If such a policy does not work, take drastic measures.

Whenever the silence is broken, call the local inspector. The police officer is required to draw up a report on the offense. Call a professional to measure the noise level. After this, you will have irrefutable evidence in your hands. Having collected the evidence base, go to court; according to the law, the violator will be held accountable.

According to current legislation, the violator may be issued an administrative warning. If this measure does not have the desired effect, the violator will be fined in the amount of two minimum wages ( minimum size wages).

By the way, in Moscow the minimum wage is 9,000 rubles, so the fine for violating the silence and carrying out repair work at the wrong time is quite impressive.

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Every person has the right to healthy rest and good sleep. The silence regime must be observed by everyone without exception. Failure to maintain silence is punishable by law. We are talking about No. 52-FZ, according to which not all noisy actions can be considered an offense. What is meant by noise? What are the main ways to deal with noisy neighbors, what penalties are imposed? What procedure is provided for in the law? What do you need to know about silence in an apartment building, penalties for violating them and ways to deal with noisy neighbors?

What is considered noise?

Noise is one of the most pressing problems for metropolitan residents. Noise surrounds people everywhere: in transport, at work, in a shopping center. Every person comes home and wants to relax, gain strength in peace and quiet. Why can someone violate this right? Noise is a disturbance of silence caused by various factors, for example:

  • repair work;
  • loud music, playing musical instruments and singing;
  • baby crying;
  • dog's bark;
  • moving furniture;
  • loud operation of appliances (refrigerator, air conditioner, generator);
  • watching TV at high volume;
  • emergency work;
  • sound amplifiers;
  • carrying out urgent investigative actions;
  • exploding pyrotechnics;
  • loud conversations, scandal between family members;
  • car alarm going off multiple times;
  • construction activity at night;
  • road repair work;
  • noise from vehicles;
  • unloading/loading operations;
  • improvement of the city;
  • noise from factories and other industrial enterprises;
  • noise from nightlife.

To achieve silence in an apartment building, you yourself need to follow the rules of living without noise and know some aspects of the law on silence. For example, there are types of noise that cannot be influenced. These include emergency work, liquidation of consequences of emergency situations and urgent investigative actions. Citizens cannot complain about silence breakers, since they have good reasons for this.

According to the law, businesses cannot be opened in residential buildings Catering(cafes, restaurants, karaoke bars, etc.). But in practice, it happens when the law is not fully observed. At the same time, the owners of such establishments are obliged to take measures to soundproof the premises. Even beauty salons located in apartment buildings can cause considerable trouble for neighbors without soundproofing. For example, the constant operation of a hair dryer and other noisy appliances.

Repair work in houses can be carried out during the day, but it is recommended to discuss the time of work with neighbors to avoid troubles. You should also take into account that families with small children who need good sleep may live in the entrance. Another problem that hinders the maintenance of silence in an apartment building is keeping pets. If the noise from neighbors' dogs is unbearable, you should report the offenders to management company.
Almost every home may have neighbors suffering from alcohol addiction. In their families, scandals with swearing are commonplace. Such brawls - sources of disturbance of silence - can become a significant problem for others. Petty hooliganism is punishable by law with a fine, so you cannot turn a blind eye to it; violators should be reported to the local police officer.

What to do if there is a small child living in your house who often screams? How to fight for silence in this case? The only way out is to endure it, because the law does not apply to small children. If the family is dysfunctional and the child cries endlessly, you need to contact social services.

A day is a period during which noise should not exceed 40 dB. At the same time, the sound from a car alarm reaches 100 dB at its peak. To understand even better how to determine the noise level without special instruments, you need to know:

  • whispering or ticking of a clock - 30 dB;
  • normal speech - 40 dB;
  • baby crying - 78 dB.

At night it is permissible to make noise within 30 dB. The time period when noise should not exceed the norm is during the daytime - from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. at night. The hours when you cannot make noise at night are from 11 pm to 7 am. Thus, in Tomsk and the region, noise during the day is generally prohibited, but repair work is allowed during the daytime. The rules for maintaining silence when carrying out repair work in Moscow are from 9 to 19. If you make noise with a drill earlier or later than the specified time, then the hour of silence will be broken. It is strictly forbidden to disturb the peace and quiet of Russians:

  • on weekdays - from 21 pm to 8 am;
  • on weekends - from 22 pm to 10 am.

On holidays, just like on weekends, it is prohibited to make noise in any way from 10 pm to 10 am. According to amendments to Federal Law No. 52 of 2019, on January 1, noise restrictions do not apply at all. But this aspect no longer applies to other holidays. In other regions of the Russian Federation, public order at night provides for slightly different hours of silence:

  • from 22 to 7 (for Voronezh);
  • from 23 to 6 (for Kazan and Pskov);
  • from 23 to 8 (for Yekaterinburg and the region);
  • from 23 to 12 (for residents of St. Petersburg).

The new law also defined the scope of silence for Moscow:

  • on weekdays - from 21 pm to 8 am;
  • on weekends - from 22 pm to 10 am.

In Moscow and the region, any noisy activities are strictly prohibited from one to three in the afternoon. You cannot listen to music loudly, watch TV, move furniture or do repairs at this time. Violating the peace and quiet of citizens will undoubtedly lead to negative consequences for the violator. The silence law provides for the extension of the permissible noise level at night, on Saturday mornings, weekends and non-working holidays. The hour of silence applies to the following objects:

  • Living spaces;
  • entrances, courtyards, playgrounds in courtyards;
  • institutions for temporary stay of citizens (health clinics, hospitals, sanatoriums, dispensaries, etc.);
  • dachas

To defend your rights, it is not necessary to contact an experienced lawyer; it is enough to study the law on breaking silence. Law enforcement officers are the main bodies monitoring the implementation of the law. Similar controls are also carried out:

  • management company - responsible for optimal living conditions for residents;
  • Rospotrebnadzor - is responsible for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards;
  • The court ensures the execution of the law.

In accordance with this, we can identify the following methods of dealing with violators of a quiet life in an apartment building:

  • conversation with neighbors;
  • calling a police squad;
  • submitting an application to the district police officer;
  • complaint to the management company;
  • appeal to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • innings statement of claim to court.

Before calling the police, you need to make sure that the noise is disturbing the residents. In other words, the noise itself is not an offense. If noisy neighbors become a hindrance not only for you, but also for other residents, then you can fight together. This way you have a greater chance of success. Collective appeals can attract public attention and cause a certain resonance.

Peaceful settlement

So, the first way to protect your rights, pre-trial, is the most common. For example, if there is a violation of the peace and quiet of citizens, you must contact Rospotrebnadzor. This is a special organization responsible for monitoring compliance with consumer rights. Silence has a sanitary-epidemiological nature, so its violation can be measured with a special device.

If your neighbors regularly exceed the legal noise limit, then you can call representatives of Rospotrebnadzor and conduct an appropriate examination. The only drawback would be relatively high price such an assessment, but if the case goes to court, the violators will be forced to compensate for the costs.

Residents of the building can file a statement about disturbing the silence in an apartment building (in free form), after which the organization’s employees will draw up a protocol on the administrative violation, conduct an inspection, record the noise and prepare an appropriate report.

As practice shows, the fight against noisy neighbors begins with a peaceful conversation. It is important to speak sensitively, politely and use common decency. Still, you will have to live next to your neighbors for a long time, so you need to be extremely careful. Psychologists recommend not going into a conversation with silence breakers in an irritated state, so as not to completely quarrel with them. Although if your neighbors “go too far” repeatedly, you need to talk to them more strictly.

Calling the police

In practice, not everyone knows the law on maintaining silence, so if the noise comes out involuntarily, there is no need to immediately call the police. Perhaps the problem can be resolved peacefully. When the method of verbal admonition did not help, and it was not possible to reason with noisy neighbors, you need to contact law enforcement agencies. You should call the police by phone numbers 112 (from a mobile phone) and 02 (from a landline). The police are often contacted in the following cases:

  • conversations don't help;
  • neighbors regularly disturb the silence;
  • the permissible noise level has been violated.

In order for the police to arrive to give the desired result, it is important not to warn your neighbors that you have called the squad. Employees law enforcement must record the violation and draw up a protocol, otherwise your efforts will be in vain. On the other hand, some violators are threatened that you will call the police if they do not stop making noise. The optimal decision is yours.

Law enforcement officers who respond to the call will record evidence that the noise exceeds the norm and draw up a corresponding report. After this, the case is transferred to the district police officer. The law enforcement officer is obliged to conduct a conversation with the violators to prevent further violations. If you regularly violate the law, noisy neighbors will be fined.

If you decide to personally submit an application to the district police officer, you can do this at his appointment. To do this, it is not necessary for all disgruntled neighbors to come. You can speak on their behalf; you need the dissatisfied tenants to sign the statement.

In parallel, residents of an apartment building have the right to seek help from the HOA or file a complaint with the management company. The struggle can reach the point where noisy neighbors are forcibly evicted for regularly breaking the law. True, this requires a court decision. The main thing is not to give up and bring what you started to the end, only in this case will you achieve success and protect your rights.

Where to turn if all of the above methods are unsuccessful? All that remains is the trial. To file a claim, you must collect all possible evidence. Therefore, leave one copy of the applications submitted to the housing and communal services, HOA, Rospotrebnadzor and the district police officer with you. It is important to demonstrate in court an impressive evidence base:

  • copies of statements;
  • act on the examination carried out to identify the noise level;
  • witness's testimonies;
  • video recording the time when the noise was heard;
  • audio recording of noise.

Often, as a result of consideration of the claim, the court decides to impose a fine on the culprit. In addition, you can count on the forced eviction of the violator, but only tenants fall under this rule. If the offender is the owner of the apartment, he is not subject to eviction.

Residents who are disturbed by noisy neighbors must write a corresponding statement about this. If it is addressed to the local police officer, then it is better to write the statement in his presence. The district police officer can provide ready-made forms to help fill it out. If you do not have time to come to the local police officer in person, you need to write a statement at home and send it by mail. The same applies to appeals to other structures.

According to the law, the application is drawn up in free form, in compliance with the rules for drawing up business documents. You need to write from yourself, clearly and clearly, without using intricate literary forms. Remember that the appeal is official, so you need to choose the appropriate writing style. The application consists of several parts:

  • introduction (popularly called “hat”);
  • main part (content of the document);
  • conclusion (application, date, signature).

The application can be written by hand or typed on a computer. Make sure that the application contains the basic details: recipient and applicant, title of the document, request, date and signature. If you have problems with writing, download from our website a visual sample of a statement against neighbors for disturbing the peace. Such an example will help to avoid inaccuracies and will become a good basis for writing an appeal to the district police officer. In the introduction you need to indicate in the upper left corner:

  • full name of the police station;
  • Full name of the district police officer;
  • Full name of the applicant;
  • contact information about the applicant (address, telephone number, email address for feedback).
  • write a description of the problem (for example, disturbance of silence at night);
  • record the time of the violation;
  • provide references to the law;
  • state the request (actions that the district police officer must take).

It is recommended to create a statement that is optimal in length (a page or one and a half). Do not forget that such a document has nothing in common with a school presentation except that the rules of grammar must be followed. Do not use vulgar language, obscene words or insults towards neighbors. Value judgments are not needed either. It is better to present it dryly and specifically, to show respect for law enforcement agencies.

In conclusion, be sure to include the date of writing and signature. The latter must be deciphered - indicate your last name next to it. If necessary, you can create a list of applications (audio recording, photo and video materials, etc.). Each application addressed to the district police officer must be registered. Therefore, you must definitely monitor this.


Where to seek punishment for violators is up to you, but it is important to fight them to the end in order to avoid constant repetition of the same scenario. Violations of the law on silence are administrative, and therefore are often punishable by a fine. Last year, the amount of fines increased noticeably. By law, law enforcement officers first issue a warning. If noisy neighbors do not react, a fine will be issued.

Both individuals and legal entities are punished for violating the silence law in Russia. The only difference is that a legal entity will pay a larger fine than an ordinary citizen who violates the silence. A noisy neighbor will be fined up to 500 rubles. Individual entrepreneurs and organizations will be fined approximately 40 thousand rubles. In addition, violation of the peace and quiet of citizens by legal entities is fraught with consequences more serious than such an administrative penalty. For example, they must cease operations no later than 90 days.

Residents of the cultural capital of Russia will be forced by law to pay larger amounts. Thus, ordinary citizens will shell out from their pockets from 500 to 4 thousand rubles, while legal entities- up to 50 thousand rubles. If noisy neighbors continue to disturb the order, then the repeated fine will be even higher. It is about two times the minimum wage per month. In St. Petersburg minimum wage almost 10 thousand rubles.

In Moscow, fines are higher than in other regions of the country. According to the law, organizations and companies can lose from 10 to 300 thousand rubles for violating silence, and officials- from 500 rubles to 40 thousand rubles.

The police must quickly and timely take measures to eliminate noise, so amendments to the law were made to expand their powers and thereby improve the quality of implementation of the provisions. If you have problems interpreting the silence law, you can consult with a lawyer on our website online. This will not take much time, but it will help to correctly interpret the law for further combating violators.

On January 1, 2016, the law on silence came into force in Moscow, or rather amendments to the official law, which has been in force in the capital and the Moscow region since 2002.

Let us remind you that according to it, the noise level on weekdays should not exceed 40 dB between 7.00 am and 11.00 pm. The norms from 23.00 to 7.00 are not higher than 30 dB. Violation of these rules entails administrative liability and payment of a fine.

Amendments to the law on silence in Moscow and the Moscow region mainly concern repair work. After all, according to an online questionnaire in which more than 276 thousand Muscovites took part, the majority of respondents are dissatisfied with the noise from all kinds of construction tools that neighbors and residents of their houses are constantly using. Let's look at the main provisions and changes that came into force on January 1, 2016 and can now result in a fine for those who violate the silence or exceed the permissible noise level in the room.

In an apartment building, what are the rules regarding silence?

In residential buildings, according to the silence act, it is prohibited to make noise above 30 dB after 23.00 pm This is the time when instruments should be left alone and no longer producing loud sounds.

Objects that make loud sounds include:

  • any types of musical instruments,
  • radio,
  • TVs,
  • construction devices.

The territory adjacent to a residential building is the responsibility of the residents; pyrotechnic devices cannot be used there at night. It is also important to pay attention to such a moment as the alarm system of your own car. It shouldn't be too loud or very long.

How much noise can you make in new buildings?

On the issue of repairs and acceptable noise levels in new buildings, the State Duma made concessions for owners (they are mentioned in new edition) and did not introduce changes. Thus, within a year and a half, it will be possible to carry out repair work in new apartments without the newly introduced restrictions on repairs during daylight hours. You can make noise here on weekends, which is prohibited in old houses, since Saturday and Sunday are the periods when many are at home and need peace and rest.

The allowed time should be used as productively as possible, since the latest version of the law has reduced the repair work schedule in order to protect residents of the capital from noise and provide time for peace and recreation. Violation of the rules will be punished by an administrative fine.

The law on silence during repair work, how does it work?

The main part of the amendments affects renovations in apartments, or rather the noise from them. A restriction has been introduced on the use of rotary hammers, hammers, drills and other construction items. Now your neighbors will have to reckon with the regime and norms of recreation established by the rules developed by the Moscow City Duma. IN otherwise you have the right to file a complaint against them and bring them to administrative responsibility and pay a fine provided for by the law on silence as amended on the rules for carrying out repair work in apartment buildings.

Daytime Quiet Law - Permissible Hours

Repairs should now be carried out on weekdays from 9 to 19.00 in multi-apartment residential buildings. In addition, a break is necessary, i.e. work should not last more than 6 hours continuously. The Moscow City Duma also decreed something like a Spanish siesta. Quiet hours are set during the day from 13.00 to 15.00. Residents can rest peacefully during this time. If the rules are not followed, you have the right to write a complaint to the police and after an inspection, if violations of the rules are detected, the neighbor will suffer administrative punishment.

At night time