Remove the encumbrance from the apartment after payment. How to remove an encumbrance from an apartment - legislative framework Remove an encumbrance from an apartment after paying off the mortgage

When searching for suitable housing for purchase, citizens are often faced with the concept of the legal purity of a particular property. In a general sense, it means that the new owner will be able to dispose of the purchased living space without restrictions. But sometimes real estate comes with an encumbrance, that is, a restriction of property rights. In this article, we will look at the concept of “encumbrance on an apartment”, what it is, how dangerous it is to purchase such real estate, as well as the main nuances of a purchase and sale transaction and where the encumbrance on an apartment is removed.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides property owners with certain powers that constitute the right of ownership (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 209):

  1. Possession is documentary evidence that a particular citizen owns a particular property.
  2. Use is the opportunity to live, as well as to benefit and appropriate the useful properties of property.
  3. Disposition – the ability to transfer property rights in any permitted way (sale, donation, will, etc.).

An encumbrance on an apartment blocks the owner’s right to dispose of his real estate. This means that there are interests and legal rights of third parties to a specific property.

What is an encumbrance on an apartment

The imposition of an encumbrance on an apartment deprives its owner of the right to dispose of the property. You can purchase real estate with such a legal history under the following circumstances:

  1. Fraudulent activities. Real estate sellers intentionally hide the existence of property rights restrictions from the buyer. Despite the fact that checking the legal purity of the apartment is a necessary part of the transaction, the existing encumbrance often remains in the zone of classified information. And although, after discovering such a fact, you can terminate the purchase and sale agreement, there is no one to recover the money paid from.
  2. Buyer's informed consent. There are proposals on the real estate market in which sellers honestly inform potential buyers about the presence of restrictions on living space. In this case, the price is reduced by approximately 50% from the standard market price. Such apartments are attractive to those who need their own living space, but do not intend to sell it or dispose of it in any other way in the coming years.

Possible types of encumbrance

Citizens living in their own housing do not even suspect what encumbrances there are on an apartment. There are several options for restrictions that block the right to dispose of real estate at your own discretion:

  1. Mortgage. One of the most common options. After applying for a mortgage and purchasing an apartment on credit, it is pledged to the bank, which registers the encumbrance with Rosreestr. It will be removed from the apartment only after the debt to the creditor is fully repaid.
  2. Arrest. If a property appears in some court case as a disputed property or is collateral in case of default on debt obligations, it is seized until the end of the proceedings. Accordingly, all restrictions on the apartment will also be lifted only by court decision.
  3. Rent. The owner’s obligation to give up his home in exchange for lifelong care and maintenance also deprives him of the opportunity to dispose of the property. The encumbrance on the apartment in such a situation can be removed only after the death of its owner.
  4. Trust management. A trust manager is hired for the purpose of delegating part of the authority to manage a specific property. Depending on the terms of the agreement, restrictions may be lifted upon expiration of their term or after the death of the trustee.
  5. Rent. According to the agreement, the property is transferred for use to a third party. Until the expiration date of the document, the owner does not have the right to evict residents or alienate property. When concluding a long-term lease, the agreement is registered with Rosreestr, which imposes restrictions on the right of disposal of the apartment.
  6. Guardianship. Applies to minor children who own real estate. The most common situation when guardianship authorities impose restrictions is the purchase of housing using family capital. In such a situation, all family members, including children, become equal owners of the apartment. It is impossible to sell it without permission from the guardianship authorities.

Possible problems and risks

Checking real estate (apartment, house, land) for the presence of encumbrances should be carried out at the stage of preparation for the transaction. But many ignore this stage either consciously or out of ignorance. Such carelessness can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences:

  1. The need to terminate the contract for the purchase of real estate. It should be borne in mind that all costs incurred to complete the transaction (real estate valuation, documents to be submitted to the bank, etc.) are subject to compensation only in court after proof of the guilt of the real estate seller.
  2. Increased expenses. For example, to lift the restriction, you may need to pay part of the debt to the bank or a penalty for residents renting the premises. If you don’t want to lose your living space and terminate the sales contract, these expenses will have to be included in the family budget.
  3. The seller refuses the transaction. If the homeowner refuses to sell or otherwise dispose of the property after part of the funds have been used to pay off the debt, these funds will have to be returned in court.

How to remove the encumbrance from an apartment after repayment

The main condition for removing all legal restrictions from real estate is the elimination of the circumstances that caused their imposition:

  1. In the bank. Only after full payment of the bank debt can the encumbrance be removed from the apartment. To do this, you need to contact the MFC, Rosreestr or directly to a credit institution (for example, at Sberbank you can remove the restriction on an apartment using a simplified scheme). You will need to draw up an application to remove all restrictions on real estate, as well as provide the necessary package of documents.

Important! In order to remove existing encumbrances from an apartment at the selected MFC branch, you will first need to obtain the original mortgage on the property from the bank.

  1. Through the court, it is possible to remove the encumbrance from an apartment if it was imposed on the basis of a judicial arrest. Most often, this is possible after the completion of the trial or on the basis of a separate petition from one of the parties.
  2. All other cases (trust management, lease, etc.) must have documentary evidence of the expiration of the validity period of the papers that are the basis for imposing restrictions or the fact of the death of the glorious actor. In such a situation, it will be possible to remove restrictions from the apartment in Rosreestr.
  3. Through State Services. Removing restrictions from an apartment through the portal is faster and more convenient than in real life. To do this, you will need to fill out all applications online and make scans of all documents that may be required to remove the encumbrance from the apartment.

How are the rights of the owner limited?

Whatever type of encumbrance imposed on the apartment is applied in a particular case, the result for the owner is not comforting: he is not able to fully enjoy his rights.

First of all, the following rights are limited:

  1. Real estate with restrictions cannot act as collateral when applying for loans, borrowings or advances. This fact has a huge negative significance, since most citizens, after purchasing a living space, do not have their own funds to carry out repairs or purchase furnishings.
  2. Impossibility of alienation. The main disadvantage of housing with legal restrictions is that it is impossible to “get rid of” it at the request of the owner.

Is it possible to register in an apartment with an encumbrance?

You can register in such housing. The owner of the apartment, as well as his children, are registered on residential square meters without additional conditions. All that is required is an application to the passport office and the availability of the necessary documents (birth certificates of children and a document confirming ownership of real estate). To register a spouse or other persons, the consent of third parties related to the encumbrance imposed on the apartment will be required. For example, the bank holding the mortgage note.

Pros and cons of buying an apartment with an encumbrance

The most important advantage of purchasing such real estate is its low price. If the seller speaks frankly about the existing restrictions, the cost of square meters is reduced by almost half.

The main disadvantage is the inability to fully enjoy the right of ownership of housing (disposal of property).

To decide whether restrictions are good or bad, you need to understand what they are. If with shared ownership it is immediately obvious that several owners are claiming equal rights for one piece of real estate, then with encumbrance it is not so simple. Encumbrance is the right to living space of third parties who are not the owners. If a potential buyer is willing to wait a long time before the encumbrance is removed (lifetime annuity, long-term lease), then the benefit is obvious - a low price.

If not, and even more so, when purchasing, you have no idea about the claims of third parties, consequences and risks cannot be avoided.

Buying an apartment with an encumbrance step by step

If a person voluntarily buys a property that is pledged to a bank, a number of obvious questions arise: how to make the property his own, how restrictions can be lifted, how to formalize the transaction and how much it will all cost. Let's consider the purchase process using the example of mortgage real estate:

  1. Search for suitable real estate. It is necessary to carefully check the property in order to realistically assess the current restrictions and options for interaction with the organization that imposed it.
  2. Negotiations on price and main aspects of the transaction.
  3. Conclusion of a preliminary agreement (this document must be shown to an experienced lawyer to obtain professional advice).
  4. Obtaining certificates and statements confirming the existence of an encumbrance.
  5. Transfer of funds and signing of the contract occurs on the same day. First, the buyer transfers the money to the bank, the debt is repaid, and then a purchase and sale agreement is concluded between the seller and the buyer.
  6. Registration of the agreement in Rosreestr.
  7. Writing an application to remove the encumbrance from the apartment ( and ).
  8. Payment of state duty for removal of encumbrance.
  9. Obtaining a certificate of no restrictions on living space (if the applicant wishes, the document can be obtained from Rosreestr or any state multifunctional center).
  10. Payment of the balance of funds to the real estate seller (the difference between the bank's debt and the sale price of the living space).
  11. Obtaining a new certificate of registration of property rights.

How to remove the encumbrance from an apartment after paying off the mortgage

To make your home free from mortgage restrictions, you need to have several important documents on hand:

  • loan agreement;
  • property mortgage;
  • a certificate from the bank confirming the closure of the loan account and the absence of claims against the borrower.

These documents can be submitted to:

  • to Rosreestr;
  • at the MFC.

You will need to write an application to remove the encumbrance from an individual’s apartment.

Important! Removing restrictions is free of charge. A state fee of 350 rubles is paid if the applicant wishes to make changes to the certificate of ownership.

If you don’t know how to find out all the information about the living space you like and not fall into a trap, use the advice of experts:

  1. For any real estate transaction, order an extract from the Unified State Register. It will reflect all encumbrances and restrictions as of the date the request was created.
  2. If the property is sold immediately after the owner assumes inheritance rights, it is better to wait additional time and buy living space without the risk of encountering “late” heirs.
  3. When purchasing shared ownership, require the seller to provide a document confirming the refusal of the remaining owners of the right of pre-emptive acquisition. This will help subsequently avoid problems such as seizure of real estate (only a court can impose such a restriction).


Before you get scared of encumbrances and restrictions, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons of the proposal, determine the range of personal priorities and opportunities. Living in housing to which someone else has some rights is not easy, but getting comfortable, new housing (for example, a mortgaged apartment) at a favorable price is tempting.

Please sign up for a free consultation with our lawyer to clarify all aspects of the encumbrance of the apartment that you have found as an option for buying or selling.

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Bank clients know that when they take out a mortgage, they become the owners of their own living space, purchased with borrowed money, but an encumbrance is placed on the property. The borrower will be the owner of the property, but not all transactions with it can be carried out without a bank. Once the debt is paid, the mortgage encumbrance is removed. Sberbank, like other institutions, suggests carrying out this procedure competently.

Last payment

Paying off a mortgage is hard enough. It is necessary to remember the payment date so as not to be on the list of overdue payments. But after long payments, the day of the last payment still comes. After this, it’s too early to relax. To become the full owner of the property, it is necessary to remove the mortgage encumbrance. In this procedure, Sberbank is not much different from other credit institutions.


An encumbrance involves a set of conditions that restrict the actions of the property owner. For example, it will not be possible to sell an apartment, perform an exchange, remodel, or register relatives. This can be done, but only with the written permission of the bank, which is considered the mortgagee. What transactions are prohibited are specified in the contract.

Even making the last payment does not automatically remove restrictions on living space. Sberbank does not remove the mortgage from an apartment on its own. To do this, the client must contact the registration authority with an application. What documents are required should be clarified with Rosreestr. If the encumbrance is not removed on time, this causes difficulties in the future. For example, when selling real estate, many may not agree to buy such housing.


The procedure for removing the mortgage from an apartment at Sberbank is carried out according to established rules. When making the last payment, you must obtain a certificate from the bank confirming the absence of debt. It is provided after 3 days and free of charge. This document is not required, but it is better to have. There are cases when, due to incorrect calculations, there are pennies of debt on the account. Then they are charged penalties and fines, which can cause the client to become overdue.

Rosreestr accepts documents for the removal of mortgage encumbrances. Sberbank will provide a certificate of no debt. You need to collect the following documents:

  1. A letter from the bank confirming the absence of fulfillment of obligations under the contract. Sometimes you need to provide him with a statement of the loan account.
  2. Statement of the parties, signed and certified by bank employees. A sample can be obtained from your bank or Companies House.
  3. Mortgage agreement with a copy thereof.
  4. The original and a copy of the mortgage note, which indicates the fulfillment of obligations, as well as the repayment date.
  5. Passports of the persons indicated in the certificate of ownership. They must be present in person at the time of application.
  6. Certificate of ownership.
  7. Confirmation of payment of state duty.
  8. A court decision if the mortgage agreement has ceased to be valid on its basis.

The exact list of documents can be found at the registration authority at your place of residence. Each region has different requirements. Rosreestr carries out the removal of mortgage encumbrances. Sberbank suggests submitting documents immediately after paying off the debt so that the procedure is completed in a timely manner.


An important step is writing an application. It contains information such as:

  • personal information about the owner;
  • name, details;
  • loan information;
  • information about the absence of mutual obligations;
  • request for removal of encumbrance.

Draw up an application on A4 sheet.

Document submission options

Where does mortgage relief take place? Sberbank invites clients to contact Rosreestr. This can only be done in several ways. The standard option is to contact the Federal State Registration Service in person. There are no intermediaries in this matter; actions are performed personally by the client or bank representatives.

You can send the documentation by registered mail. Signatures on applications are notarized, but the letter itself is sent with an inventory of the attachments and notification of delivery. But this option will take a lot of time - visiting a notary, sending the item. But you will still have to obtain new certificates in person.

Can remove the encumbrance on a Sberbank mortgage at the MFC. Such organizations operate in many cities, providing various government services. At first, the centers were created to simplify the procedure for submitting various applications and reduce execution time. But in practice, things don't look quite like that. The execution time has been increased due to the fact that the courier is responsible for transporting documents.

There is another way to remove the mortgage encumbrance. Sberbank offers to use a convenient option - via the Internet. You must submit an application through the State Services website.

There is still an opportunity to carry out the procedure with the help of realtors and agencies providing such services. They will do all the work, but it won't be free.

Going to court

Sometimes the removal of the encumbrance cannot be accomplished with the consent of the mortgagee, and therefore everything is done through the court. This will be the case if:

  • the bank closed;
  • the tenant has disappeared;
  • the tenant does not want to remove the encumbrance voluntarily;
  • the borrower died.

In these cases, you need to provide the court with an agreement, checks, and inheritance documents. Then the procedure will take longer. It will take you to file a claim in court, and then a hearing will be scheduled. If the court makes a positive decision, you need to wait for it to come into force. Then an application for removal of the encumbrance and a court decision is submitted to the Registration Chamber.


The procedure for removing mortgage encumbrances at Sberbank is carried out based on the following steps:

  1. Receiving documents from the bank. You need to take the originals and make the necessary copies.
  2. Payment of state duty.
  3. Registration in the electronic queue of Rosreestr.
  4. Meeting with a bank employee, providing him with an application to remove the encumbrance.
  5. Receiving a receipt from the registrar regarding the receipt of documents.
  6. On the appointed date, you need to visit the Registration Chamber and receive documents on the removal of the encumbrance.

How long will it take for the mortgage encumbrance to be lifted at Sberbank? Reviews indicate that this takes about a month, but it may take two. This procedure should be carried out immediately after repaying the debt, because then in the future there will be no difficulties with real estate transactions. The procedure for removing mortgage encumbrances in Sberbank is the same as in other organizations.


It is important to timely remove the mortgage encumbrance from Sberbank. The deadlines are set for the mandatory completion of the procedure. It is advisable to contact the bank a month before the planned closure of the contract. This time is enough for recalculations, preparation of the necessary package of documents and the rest of the work.

When the settlement has occurred and the papers have been submitted to Rosreestr, then 3 days are given to make entries on the mortgage payment. Therefore there can be no delays. This applies to cases where the procedure is performed by the borrower independently. You need to notify by submitting an application to the Unified State Register.

If you do not take any steps, but simply submit an application to the bank, you will have to wait 45 days until the encumbrance is lifted from the former borrower. It is automatically removed upon expiration of the mortgage term, approvals from Rosreestr and the bank, and a decision is made.

This may take about 3 months. Therefore, if the application is not submitted by either the bank representative or the client himself, then the automatic removal of the encumbrance occurs within 3 months.

For 3 years, former borrowers must keep statements, payment receipts and other documents related to the bank. the statute of limitations, which must be waited out and not destroyed the mortgage documentation. After Rosreestr makes changes, the client can create in this body title documents for the purchased housing, where there will be a bank mark. But this service is paid - you must pay a state fee.

Sale of property

It is important to know how to properly sell a home if it is still under the bank's encumbrance. This happens when the borrower does not have funds or has difficulties paying the mortgage, which is why the collateral becomes the property of the bank. To pay off the loan, the property must be sold and the proceeds used to pay off the debt. The client retains some of the money.

It will be difficult to carry out the sale of real estate on your own, since the bank controls all transactions that the borrower tries to complete with the collateral. In addition, for the sale to take place, it is important that the property is not under encumbrance. Therefore, the transaction can be carried out with the permission of the bank itself.

The buyer needs to take a certificate from the Unified State Register about the amount of the mortgage debt. It is required in order to know how much is left to pay off the loan. In practice, the removal of the burden takes about 2 months. But banks may delay the deadlines. The procedure itself is simple, you just need to go through it in a timely manner.

Dispute Resolution

It usually takes longer to remove an encumbrance than to apply for a mortgage. The reason for this is that loan officers carefully check whether everything has been repaid by borrowers. But this may be due to technical measures involving control and

It often happens that 2 months after the contract is closed, a notification is received about the need to pay certain amounts. If this happens, you need to contact the bank and present a certificate of payment of the debt. This could only be human inattention.

Accrual of penalties

There are also situations when the client did not make a payment on time, and a penalty appeared that was not paid. Such cases happen often, so you need to be prepared for them. If the bank has legally accrued a debt, then it is best to pay it off by closing the mortgage in full. There are clients who argue over such issues, refusing to pay the funds. Then the bank goes to court, which makes a decision in its favor. And the client only needs to pay the prescribed amount.

When the encumbrance is lifted, the owner of the property becomes its full owner. Therefore, he can carry out various transactions, for example, sale, exchange, rental. Moreover, everything will be done legally.

Reading time: 2 min

When purchasing residential premises, citizens can take several routes in terms of payment. For many, purchasing a home on credit is the only option available. In the case when an apartment or house is purchased with a mortgage, an encumbrance is placed on the property, i.e. restrictions on the right to own the property.

Federal Law No. 122 contains information that encumbrances are applied to property not only when taking out a mortgage loan, but also in cases of rent, a court decision to seize the property, being under an easement, leasing under an agreement, transferring to trust management, assigning status cultural monument. Information about the restrictions introduced is stored in Rosreestr. They can be removed by contacting this organization. In 2020, you can submit documents to the institution to remove the encumbrance through the MFC.

Removal of encumbrance from an apartment after full payment of the mortgage at the MFC: procedure

It will be possible to remove the encumbrance from an apartment in the MFC without delays or errors if you follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • After paying the last mortgage installment, you need to contact the bank.
  • Here the borrower writes an application on the basis of which he is granted a mortgage. This document marks the fulfillment of loan obligations.
  • Make an appointment with a multifunctional center specialist. To do this, you can use the official website of the MFC, call the department’s contact numbers or take an electronic queue coupon when visiting the center, more details.
  • On the appointed day and time, the applicant must appear at the MFC registrar, and documents are submitted.
  • The specialist will check the availability and legality of the documents, help you draw up an application form and issue a receipt for accepting the papers.
  • Using the receipt number, a person will be able to, and after the removal of encumbrances and production, appear for it at the MFC branch.

As soon as the applicant receives an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, he will be able to fully exercise his right to sell, donate, and exchange property.

What documents are needed

To remove encumbrances from housing when contacting the “My Documents” multifunctional center, you must have a list of documents with you. The main list of papers includes:

  • citizen's passport;
  • mortgage from a bank;
  • an application that can be filled out in advance, or done under the control of the registrar;
  • power of attorney to represent interests if another person submits the papers instead of the borrower.

If, in addition to an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, the applicant needs to re-register title documents and receive a certificate of ownership without an encumbrance mark, a state fee must be paid. The payment receipt is attached to the main package of documents.

Terms and cost of providing services at the MFC

Let's figure out how many days the whole procedure will take. At the legislative level, a period of 5 days is regulated, but sending documents may take several more days. If the bank handles the removal of the encumbrance, the procedure will take two weeks.

The service of removing encumbrances on housing in a multifunctional center is provided free of charge and is not subject to state duty. If the property owner has completed repaying the loan, he does not have the right to refuse to issue a certificate from Rosreestr. In case of an unreasonable refusal, it is necessary to appeal the decision in court.

Bank clients know that when drawing up a mortgage agreement, they receive ownership of the living space purchased with money received on credit, but an encumbrance is placed on the property. The owner of the purchased housing is the borrower, but he cannot carry out all transactions and manipulations with the living space without the knowledge of the bank.

What is an encumbrance and why remove the encumbrance on a mortgage?

Encumbrance means restrictions imposed on the use of real estate. Encumbrance implies that, in addition to the legal owners, a third party has certain rights to the living space. With a mortgage, the third party is the credit institution that provided its funds to the borrower.

An encumbrance on real estate is imposed in the case of a mortgage, life annuity agreement, or rental of premises.

Encumbrance implies a number of restrictions on the use of living space:

  • The borrower cannot sell the mortgaged property without the knowledge of the bank. Such transactions are considered illegal and can lead to many unpleasant moments for the seller and buyer. The loan agreement does not indicate that the borrower does not have the right to sell the apartment. If necessary, he can sell it, having previously notified the credit institution and agreed on the sale amount, as well as the return of interest and the balance of the debt.
  • The borrower does not have the right to register other people in the apartment without the approval of the bank. The borrower and co-borrower, as well as the borrower's minor children, are registered in the apartment. The homeowner should not register other persons in the apartment without the bank’s permission, since the living space is pledged to the credit institution. In case of non-payment, selling real estate with registered third parties will be problematic. Before registering other people and relatives in the apartment, the borrower must remove the encumbrance from the apartment after closing the mortgage.
  • The borrower has no right to rent out the premises without the permission of the bank. The homeowner can dispose of his property, but some transactions require the written consent of the bank. If the loan agreement does not specify restrictions related to rental housing, the borrower can rent out the apartment.

A borrower who is unable to pay interest and debt to the bank can sell the apartment. The buyer is informed of the existence of an encumbrance. The credit institution is interested in returning money from insolvent clients, so a ban on sales is rarely imposed. The buyer pays the entire balance of the debt to the bank and the remaining amount to the seller. After this, a purchase and sale agreement is concluded and the encumbrance is removed.

Mortgage repaid: how to remove the encumbrance, procedure

After paying off the mortgage loan, the borrower will have to undergo a series of procedures to complete the transaction with the bank. It is necessary to terminate the housing insurance contract and remove the encumbrance from the apartment.

The procedure for removing the encumbrance is carried out in justice (Registration Chamber, Rosreestr, MFC branch). Before going there, you need to prepare the necessary documents.

The apartment was pledged to the bank, and after completion of payments, bank employees will advise the borrower regarding the procedure for removing the encumbrance. You can contact bank employees with questions about who removes the encumbrance from an apartment with a mortgage, where to go and what documents to prepare.

  • Write an application to remove the encumbrance. The application is written at the branch of the creditor bank. After full repayment of the mortgage debt and interest, the borrower contacts the bank and draws up an application, which is signed by both parties (borrower and lender).
  • Collect a package of documents. To apply to the justice system, you need to prepare all documents confirming the identity of the borrower and all owners, ownership and the fact that the loan has been fully repaid and there is no debt to the bank.
  • Go to Rosreestr or MFC branch. Documents for property must be drawn up at a special institution. The owner of the living space (and other owners) must be present in person or have powers of attorney for all owners of the apartment. The owners submit an application to remove the encumbrance.
  • Get a new document. The procedure for checking documents and the identity of owners lasts no more than 5 working days. Upon expiration of the period, the encumbrance will be lifted, which will be recorded in the Unified State Register. The owner may apply for a new certificate of title without the encumbrance notation. The document is prepared within a month. If there is no need for a new document, you can leave the old one. To confirm the absence of an encumbrance, it is enough to ask for an extract from the Unified State Register.

After paying off the mortgage, many borrowers are interested in how to remove the encumbrance from the apartment. There are no penalties for failure to remove the encumbrance, but it is not recommended to delay the procedure. The encumbrance does not allow real estate transactions. After a long period of time, it will be more difficult to withdraw it; you will have to contact the bank, raise all the documents and contact Rosreestr.

How to remove a mortgage encumbrance: documents

The borrower collects the package of documents before removing the encumbrance independently. He contacts the credit institution that issued the mortgage, receives all the necessary documents confirming that the debt has been repaid, and fills out an application to remove the encumbrance.

You can remove the encumbrance immediately after repaying the loan and receiving the necessary documents.

Before you remove the encumbrance after paying off the mortgage, you must prepare all the necessary documents. A list of documents can be obtained from a bank or justice department. Originals and copies of documents will be required.

  • Borrower's passport. The original and copies of pages with photographs and registration of the borrower and co-borrowers are required. All apartment owners must be present in person, or one of the owners must have notarized powers of attorney from the other owners.
  • Application for removal of encumbrance. The application includes information about the owner, borrower and real estate, and details of the loan agreement are indicated. The application must contain the date of registration and signatures of the borrower and the bank employee who executed the agreement.
  • Mortgage for an apartment. A mortgage is a document containing information about the apartment, the owner of the property and the third party with whom it is pledged. The parameters of the apartment and the terms of the contract, payment rules, etc. are indicated. The mortgage is kept in the bank and issued to the borrower only at the time the encumbrance is lifted.
  • Loan agreement. An original and a copy of the mortgage agreement indicating payments and confirmation of repayment of the debt with interest are required. The document must contain a record that the borrower has no debts to banks and the credit institution has no claims against the borrower.
  • Documents for the apartment. When contacting Rosreestr, you must present a certificate of ownership of all borrowers and co-borrowers, and a purchase and sale agreement with copies.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty. Before you can remove the mortgage encumbrance by force of law, you need to pay a state fee. When removing an encumbrance, the fee is small, but without a receipt provided, the registrar will not accept the documents. The owner finds out the amount and receives the receipt itself from Rosreestr, pays it at the post office or Sberbank branch and gives the registrar the payment receipt or a copy thereof.

How to remove a mortgage encumbrance at Sberbank

The rules for removing encumbrances at Sberbank are standard. Employees of the credit institution will inform the borrower about where to remove the mortgage encumbrance from the apartment and what documents he needs to obtain.

The bank client contacts the employee and fills out an application to remove the encumbrance. A record of the repayment of the loan is made in the mortgage note. The application is completed with the help of a bank employee, and the application is signed by the borrower and the lender.

Often Sberbank branches have one central office per city. When repaying a mortgage loan, you must go to the central office for information, regardless of where the loan agreement was drawn up.

The bank client fills out an application to remove the encumbrance, signs and indicates a contact phone number. Within two weeks, a bank employee calls the client and informs him that his request to withdraw the repayment has been satisfied.

There are 2 possible ways to further remove the burden. The bank hands over all documents to the client, including the mortgage note and loan repayment certificates. Clement independently goes to Rosreestr and submits documents.

Often, Sberbank employees supervise all manipulations with real estate to the end and accompany the borrower when submitting documents. An employee of a credit institution and the owner of an apartment agree on a meeting at a branch of the MFC or Rosreestr. On the day of submitting the application, all apartment owners come to the meeting with passports, copies and documents for the apartment (purchase agreement, certificate of ownership). The bank employee brings the remaining necessary documents. During the process of completing the application and submitting the application to the registrar, signatures are provided by both parties.

The borrower just has to come for new documents at the specified time. If the owner of the apartment wants to immediately issue a new certificate of ownership without an encumbrance mark, he indicates this when submitting the application and additionally pays a fee of 350 rubles. A new certificate is being prepared within a month.

Bank employees will warn that the process of closing a mortgage can last up to one and a half months. During this period, it is problematic to submit an application for removal of the encumbrance. The borrower is recommended to wait a month or two from the date of the last payment and then collect documents to apply to Rosreestr.

You can often hear that a home is encumbered. It is clear that any encumbrances must be removed, and these moments are no exception. This procedure contains certain difficulties, so only an integrated approach to resolving the issue will allow you to achieve the optimal result and answer the question of how to remove the encumbrance from the apartment. In order for this process to be accelerated, it is necessary to study the key nuances and aspects of this issue.

Definition of encumbrance. Housing that has some restrictions is considered encumbered by law. These facts are primarily related to the fact that there is no possibility of free disposal of property until third parties give their consent. Property cannot be transferred as an inheritance object or sold. In this regard, the process of selling encumbered apartment property is complex and needs amendments. But, nevertheless, buyers are eager to purchase it because of its low cost, which is no less than 50% of the market price.

Before buying a home, you need to make sure that it is not encumbered

Types of encumbrances and their removal

The method by which the encumbrance will be lifted depends on the reason that led to this circumstance.


This fact is imposed as a result of interaction with the court. So only the judicial authorities can ensure the removal of this “stigma”. There are several cases in which real estate comes under arrest:

  • late payment amounts when paying mortgage annuities;
  • accumulation of debts that are not repaid to creditors;
  • court proceedings related to the division of property.

Removal of encumbrance from an apartment can be carried out only on the condition that all debts on it will be repaid. The list of papers, as well as all the questions that interest you, can be found in court.


Currently, a large proportion of elderly people, deprived of their own heirs, are ready to bequeath their home to strangers. In return, these citizens have an obligation to support the elderly owners until their death. It is legally assumed that these types of dwellings have encumbrances until the owner dies.

Despite the attractiveness of these actions, they pose a certain danger:

  1. Firstly, there are huge risks that at any moment the true heirs, who can receive the property by law, may appear in the apartment and begin to go to court in order to return their legal right to ownership. Therefore, before concluding such an agreement, it is necessary to carefully check the entire history of the owner and the object itself.
  2. Often, older people are extremely changeable in their desires; today they can promise one thing, and tomorrow they can change their mind.

Trust management

If there is no possibility or desire to resolve the legal aspects related to the disposal of the apartment, the owner has the right to assign these obligations to a third party, who will act as a temporary manager acting by proxy. At the same time, the legal owner has a number of restrictions on his rights by disposal of possession. The nuances associated with the removal of encumbrance depend on the conditions on the basis of which the contract is concluded.

The process of removing encumbrances from mortgaged real estate

If you want to lose the encumbrance on a house or apartment taken on a mortgage, you need to follow a number of rules. Indeed, in most situations, the encumbrance imposed on housing manifests itself during the acquisition of property on credit. Absolutely every bank is ready to offer its clients several mortgage repayment schemes at once. For this, they receive substantial interest, and the security of credit transactions is ensured by real estate, which is a kind of collateral until the debt is repaid.

After full repayment of the loan obligation You can begin the registration process. It is better to transfer these issues under the responsibility of the Russian registry. Here you can get a sample for removing encumbrances from your home. If you do not have the desire and physical ability to take part in the procedure for removing the burden, you can contact the registrars.

How to properly remove the encumbrance from a mortgaged home?

It is important to understand that you have the right to remove the encumbrance yourself. But for this you need to take into account several points:

  1. Be sure to clarify the full list of papers that will be required to carry out the procedure for removing the encumbrance from your home.
  2. To avoid having to collect a repeat package of documents, you need to follow the legally approved instructions in detail. Remember that for each situation the list of these documents may be different.
  3. You can clarify all the data within the territorial structure of the federal state registration service, as well as in the branch of the Russian Register.

Now you know where to remove all the burdens and how to act correctly in this situation.

What documents and fees will be required?

After the visit to the FSGR is completed, it is necessary to order certain documents from a banking organization:

  • a letter sent to a specialized registration authority, indicating that the borrower has fully repaid all obligations;
  • a set of statutory papers related to a given bank;
  • a mortgage related to the fact that loan obligations have been fulfilled;
  • acts related to the process of acceptance and transfer of mortgage paper;
  • a trusted document on the basis of which the borrower receives approval from the bank to represent interests in the registering authority.

The banking institution should be notified in advance that a citizen needs to obtain certificates. The process of preparing the required set of papers takes about two weeks. They must be transferred by the owner of the real estate to the FSGR within a month after receipt. As for the applicant, in our case his role is played by an interested person, he must provide a set of the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passports of everyone who owns encumbered real estate;
  • documentation that helps establish ownership of residential property.

The listed list of documents, after full payment, is submitted to the specialized body of the FSGR, and then its consideration lasts for a three-day period. If all norms and frameworks are met, the corresponding record of the fact of encumbrance is canceled. If the owner himself wishes, he has the right to count on ordering a new certificate, with a missing burden entry. But in 2017 it will cost 350 rubles– the amount of state duty.

Please also remember that if you have made this payment, it is made solely for obtaining a new certificate. If the bank demands a second payment, this process is considered illegal.

What documents will be required from a citizen to remove the encumbrance?

How to recognize the presence of an encumbrance

It is great when the buyer enters into a transaction absolutely consciously, and he has information that the home he is purchasing has an encumbrance. But practice most often shows situations in which the owner deliberately conceals this fact in order to sell the property as profitably as possible. Therefore, every citizen who wants to honestly take possession of housing needs additional reinsurance associated with the exclusion of the fact of encumbrance.
This can be done simply. It is necessary to submit the required application to a specialized authority, having previously paid the fee. After entering it into the state treasury, you will become the owner of complete information about your object. In the document that will be handed to you, in the 4th paragraph, information regarding the encumbrance will be indicated. If the “not registered” fact specified in this paragraph is present, you can confidently make a transaction, especially if all other nuances and factors do not bother you.

If, upon completion of the transaction, information is received about the existence of an encumbrance, this is not a reason to panic. According to legal norms, the new owner of the apartment is not responsible for the debts of the previous owner, these are his problems. However, the situation is aggravated by the fact that you will have to constantly go to court. Before the money is handed over to the seller, there is no need to be lazy, but it is important to thoroughly check the property.

So, we looked at how to remove an encumbrance from real estate, and it can be noted that this is easy to do. If you have doubts about your own competence on this issue, you should contact a qualified lawyer. If you take this task seriously and follow the advice of professionals, then the end result will definitely bring you the joy of owning a home unencumbered by any circumstances.

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