Loan refinancing - bad credit history is no longer a problem! Refinancing loans with bad credit history: what is it, how and to whom can it be applied for? Refinancing with bad credit list of banks.

Evgeniy Malyar


# Refinancing

Refinancing problem loans in Russia

The easiest way to get refinancing is from Sovcombank, HomeCredit Bank and Tinkoff Bank.

Article navigation

  • How does a bad credit history affect the decision to refinance?
  • What can convince a bank that refinancing is advisable?
  • How to monitor and improve your credit rating and credit history?
  • Banks refinancing problem loans

Anyone can find themselves in such a situation. A solvent and prosperous citizen takes out a loan, but after a while problems arise that seriously impede its servicing. The borrower may lose a source of income, incur unexpected costs, or experience other circumstances that are defined as hardship.

Problems accumulate, obligations are not fulfilled within the agreed time frame. The credit history of a banking client ceases to be ideal - it deteriorates before our eyes. The situation seems hopeless: there are not enough funds of our own, and no one is lending money.

The only option is refinancing. Banks sometimes still tolerate a bad credit history. An article about how to convince them of your reliability and integrity.

How does a bad credit history affect the decision to refinance?

Refinancing is often carried out at the initiative of the client who wants to obtain more acceptable conditions for him. This means a reduction in the rate, an increase in the repayment period with a reduction in the monthly installment, the removal of encumbrance on the collateral and other advantages.

At its core, refinancing is the issuance of a new loan intended for early repayment of debt. After this operation, the borrower enters into a contractual relationship with another lender, with whom he makes the final payment.

The bank to which the client applies for refinancing carefully studies all the surrounding circumstances before approving the application. Credit institutions are interested in the remaining amount of debt, the period remaining until repayment under the current agreement and the regularity of payments.

The last indicator determines the client’s latest credit history. If a potential borrower has already made late payments, they are treated with caution.

In addition, financial institutions have the opportunity to obtain information on the website of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories of Russia. This resource stores information about how accurately the client fulfilled his obligations on loans taken out in the last decade.

In many countries, the welfare of citizens directly depends on their rating, which reflects the commitment shown in repaying debts. Even an occasional deterioration in credit history sharply limits access to sources of borrowing, sometimes for the rest of your life.

Since refinancing is actually (and from June 2018 in the Russian Federation and legally) equivalent to lending, all related financial issues are considered similarly.

The bank may refuse the service for the following reasons:

  • failure to comply with the refinanced loan servicing schedule;
  • a detected attempt to hide or distort important information regarding the circumstances of the borrowing;
  • the applicant does not meet the criteria established by the bank, including age.

Ultimately, the creditor is interested in whether the applicant has a real opportunity to repay the debt incurred to him. The solvency of a potential client is judged primarily by his credit history. This method may not be ideal, but it is considered the most effective and common.

However, other factors also influence the decision. Is it possible to get refinancing even with a bad credit history? Yes, in some cases it is possible.

What can convince a bank that refinancing is advisable?

So, the “at fault” borrower is faced with the task of refinancing. As a rule, we are not talking about refinancing small consumer loans - there is no point in turning to banks with small amounts of debt. Such problems are resolved with the help of microfinance organizations or card overdrafts.

The borrower should be prepared for the fact that refinancing loans with a bad credit history is associated with a number of unpleasant consequences. The conditions in this situation are dictated by the bank.

The refinancing rate will be several points higher than when refinancing successful and obligatory clients. Risks in the financial world always have their price.

Material security in case of questionable solvency is almost always a prerequisite. The collateral is expensive, liquid property (house, apartment, car, etc.).

It may be necessary to involve a guarantor or guarantor, as well as obtain insurance. This clause of the contract increases the total cost of the service for the client.

There is a possibility of establishing control over the borrower's income and expenses. This is expressed in an insistent offer to open a current account in this bank, into which the client’s funds will be received and from where they will go. Checking the purpose of each payment will not allow the creditor to be led by the nose.

You can also add that if refinancing is carried out using real estate as collateral, the bank will require documents confirming ownership of the collateral. This rule is common to all borrowers, as is re-examination for valuation. The only difference is that a bad credit loan involves stricter and more thorough screening.

If the client accepts the bank's security conditions, he is highly likely to receive refinancing. However, in this case there is no 100% guarantee. To finally convince the lender, the borrower needs to provide compelling arguments in favor of the fact that his financial difficulties are temporary.

Needless to say, this statement must be true. Otherwise, all parties involved in the refinancing will suffer. The borrower will lose the property that constitutes the collateral. The bank will receive bad receivables and property, the sale of which requires effort and diversion of resources. The guarantor will face problems in relations with the creditor bank and very likely legal proceedings, which are almost guaranteed to be lost.

Several circumstances may be considered valid and objective, indicating that the borrower’s problems are temporary:

  • Part of the property or assets (if the client has his own business) was damaged as a result of force majeure.
  • The borrower or one of his relatives has suffered a serious illness that requires expensive treatment and is accompanied by temporary loss of ability to work (the ability to earn an income).
  • An industry-wide or general economic crisis led to a temporary decrease in sales of goods (services) offered by an enterprise owned or hired by the borrower (which caused a decrease in wages).
  • The client lost his job. This argument can “work” only if the borrower is a highly qualified specialist and does not foresee problems with employment in the near foreseeable future. In other situations, dismissal will most likely lead to a refusal to refinance the debt.

These and other similar circumstances can be taken into account provided that the bank recognizes them as convincing and temporary (overcome). They must be documented in the form of relevant officially certified certificates.

A client who has such evidence of a temporary deterioration in solvency may apply for refinancing to the bank that issued the initial loan or to another financial institution. There are several options for solving the problem:

  • refinanced loan with the conclusion of a new borrowing agreement;
  • changed interest rate;
  • extended repayment period;
  • established credit holidays;
  • debt restructuring with amendments and additions to the existing agreement.

The sooner the borrower notifies the bank about the difficulties he has encountered, the less his credit history will suffer. Taking timely action is much preferable to trying to correct the situation.

How to monitor and improve your credit rating and credit history?

In order not to find yourself in an uncomfortable and psychologically traumatic situation when the bank refuses to refinance, the borrower can assess his chances of success himself. There are two main criteria and they are interconnected.

A credit history is a detailed description of all episodes of borrowing over the past ten years, including incidents, if any.

The credit rating determines the borrower’s reputation very succinctly – in numerical form. It is measured in points, awarded and deducted depending on the number of loans, their amounts and the client’s punctuality in payments. The process of determining the degree of reliability of a borrower on a certain scale is also called scoring.

Rating A comment
299 and less The borrower should not be expected to commit. It is possible that he will not return the loan at all or that he will have to sue. Refinancing is almost impossible
300–499 With such a rating, banks are unlikely to approve an application for lending or refinancing. The borrower will have to look for funds from microfinance organizations or persuade private individuals to lend money. He has no access to relatively cheap loans.
500–699 There are no special barriers for clients with such a rating. Banks are ready to work with such borrowers under standard conditions (collateral, guarantor, etc.) without benefits and privileges. Scoring indicates a conscientious, but not always successful, effort to repay debts. Problems arise from time to time, but they can be overcome. Most recipients of bank loans have this credit rating.
700 or more For a client with this indicator, there are practically no barriers to lending and refinancing. Such a person is welcome in any bank. It takes a lot and is always paid on time. Almost an ideal borrower.

Knowing the bank scoring criteria, you can take measures aimed at increasing your credit rating. The scoring algorithm is not disclosed, but following financial logic, the success rate depends on the number and amounts of loans repaid without problems. It is only possible to independently calculate the effectiveness of a particular operation empirically.

It is unlikely that you will be able to correct your rating in a short period of time, but in some cases even the dynamics of its change are important. If the bank sees a rapid improvement in solvency, then this sign may be considered encouraging and will approve the refinancing application.

You can improve your credit history using the program Credit doctor, which is offered by Sovcombank.

Experts recommend that people intending to refinance their debt regularly monitor their credit rating.

As for your credit history, it will not be possible to completely cancel it. Data on all unpleasant moments of delays and manifestations of financial insolvency are stored for a long time - as much as ten years in every detail. To paraphrase a literary classic, we can recommend taking care of the borrower’s reputation from a young age - it may always be needed.

Banks refinancing problem loans

Like people, financial institutions are characterized by their willingness to take some reasonable risks. Among the banks that refinance loans from clients with not the best credit history are the following:

Compare GPS(%)* Maximum amount Minimum amount Age
Possible timing

9.9 % 5,000,000 ₽
50,000 ₽ 21–70 1–7 years

11 % 1,100,000 RUR
45,000 ₽ 21–75 0.5–7 g.

9.9 % 5,000,000 ₽
10,000 ₽ 20–70 1–5 g.

10.99 % 3,000,000 ₽
50,000 ₽ 22–65 1–7 years

9.9 % 3,000,000 ₽
50,000 ₽ 23–65 1–7 years

9.9 % 1,000,000 ₽
10,000 ₽ 22–70 1–5 g.

13 % 1,000,000 ₽
30,000 ₽ 19–75 2–7 years

According to statistics, more than half of the Russian population has an unpaid loan. Moreover, two-thirds of them bear several debt obligations at once. It is not surprising that in such conditions there are often overdue loans, which are becoming more and more numerous. Refinancing can be a solution to this problem, since it allows you to combine several loans into one, making their management much easier and more convenient, as well as find a more favorable offer in terms of terms or rate. However, the question remains whether refinancing is possible. After all, banks usually distrust payers who have somehow tarnished their reputation.

Refinancing a loan with bad credit history - conditions

There is an opportunity to refinance a loan if you have previously been in arrears, but you need to understand that non-ideal options vary. Someone was 3 days late on a payment, while another client brought the situation to a meeting with collection agencies. Organizations such as Sberbank carefully and individually approach the consideration of credit history.

And here are the cases in which it is possible:

  • After overdue loans, you took out new ones and paid them off regularly. Even if subsequent loans were taken for a smaller amount, the main thing is compliance with the conditions and rules.
  • Payment violations were one-time in nature, that is, you did not systematically remain in debt to the bank, but several times did not make payments on time, but then closed the debt.

Where and how to refinance a loan with a bad history?

There are several ways to refinance your loan if payment defaults have occurred:

  • contact a bank that works with clients with imperfect credit history;
  • contact a private financial institution.

In the second case, you risk losing funds or being required to pay interest that is several times higher than the same at the bank. List of official organizations working with clients with bad credit history:

You need to study all the offers and choose the most profitable one. Often those wishing to refinance a loan agree to a higher interest rate, wanting to get out of the debt hole. This only makes sense in a truly stalemate situation.

In the consumer lending market, a service such as refinancing overdue loans is becoming increasingly popular. The proposal appeared against the backdrop of the fact that the population's credit load has noticeably increased and banks began to receive one after another overdue payments. Issuing a loan on preferential terms has allowed many borrowers to solve their financial problems and successfully pay off their debt.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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People apply for refinancing mainly with the expectation of reducing the rate used to calculate interest. But sometimes it is more important for the borrower to obtain a more convenient payment schedule.

Depending on the bank chosen, some of the basic lending conditions may be as follows:

  1. Absence or minimal violations of the loan agreement.
  2. Availability of collateral.
  3. Attracting a co-borrower or guarantor.

If there have been long delays or there is no opportunity to provide the bank with collateral, then the chances of getting a second loan drop noticeably.

Although a number of banks still agree to lend to such persons, but at a higher interest rate.

In the absence of other options, this often becomes a salvation for the family budget and a chance to preserve your credit history.

How to choose a bank?

The choice of refinancing program depends on several factors. For example, a restructuring of previously taken out loans may be provided in the same bank where they were received.

Another option is to obtain a loan from another bank that provides better conditions (lower interest rate, longer loan term).

The selection principle is usually built along one or several directions:

  1. Calculation of the total overpayment.
  2. Calculation of the monthly payment amount.

This takes into account the total term and date of repayment of the debt.


The method for applying for a new loan depends on the option chosen. So, when contacting the same bank that acted as a lender previously, it is enough to submit an ordinary application indicating the purpose of obtaining a new loan.

Banks often hold promotions updating and adding new tariff plans that allow them to reduce debt repayment costs or obtain more extended repayment periods.

When preference is given to another bank, when applying for refinancing you will need to provide a statement of the amount of the current debt and details for transferring funds aimed at repaying it.

Banks providing loans for refinancing in arrears

Given the high competition in the consumer lending market, all major banks are trying to offer their potential clients the conditions that will make them choose their services.

Today you can get current offers from the following banks:

  1. Sberbank of Russia.
  2. VTB 24.
  3. Rosselkhozbank.
  4. Bank opening.
  5. Bank of Moscow.
  6. Alfa Bank.
  7. Eastern Express Bank.
  8. Russian Standard Bank.
  9. Gazprombank.
  10. Home Credit Bank.
  11. Raiffeisenbank.
  12. Rosbank.

Tariff plans are different, this allows you to select conditions quite flexibly in any situation.

For example, Sberbank of Russia offers the option “For refinancing external loans”. The interest rate ranges from 17 to 20%, and the loan amount can reach from 15 thousand to 1 million rubles.

VTB 24 Bank provides a more favorable tariff plan - at the level of 15-17%, but it is mostly used for restructuring loans issued by the bank itself, and not for refinancing “other people’s” loans.

Rosselkhozbank applies a single rate of 17% for all borrowers. In other institutions you can find other conditions, but they are often noticeably more profitable than basic consumer lending.


Despite the fact that the refinancing system is mainly aimed at attracting customers who previously took out loans from other banks, they often resort to it to solve problems with debts that have arisen. For example, due to excessively large payments and decreased wages.

One of the common options for resolving this situation is to take out a quick loan from one of the microfinance organizations to pay off current payments, then use a new loan with a “normal” rate to cover all debts.

If the bank offers debt restructuring by re-issuing new loans, then borrowers have the opportunity to avoid turning to microfinance organizations, where “quick loans” are usually issued at significant interest rates.

Refinancing loans with open arrears is considered a rather risky type of issuing loans; only the high level of debt among the population leaves banks with virtually no choice; they even have to work with potential defaulters.

Often, in trying to independently find a way out of this situation, borrowers spoil their credit history and only then turn to the bank for refinancing.

In this case, the credit manager will assess the degree of risk based on the most likely causes of delays. If they are objective (layoff, illness, etc.), then the chances of getting a new loan are quite high.

In Moscow, there are many lending options available in case of overdue payments, including open ones. You can quickly get a loan from one of the microfinance organizations operating in every district of the capital. If it is possible to wait for the application to be reviewed by the bank, contact Sberbank of Russia, VTB24, Rosselkhozbank, etc.

It is worth noting that if you have debt from Sberbank, obtaining a loan from other organizations may be difficult.

Due to the fact that this is one of the largest banks, the presence of delinquencies in your credit history may affect the approval of a new loan. It is better to apply for refinancing as early as possible.

What documents will be needed?

When applying for a loan aimed at repaying previously taken loans, you are required to provide a standard package of documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Permanent registration in the region where the bank office is located.
  3. A copy of the work record book certified by the employer (and/or employment contract).

This list may vary depending on the bank. When requiring a security deposit for all provided property, title documents are required.

When applying for a loan from another bank, you may need to calculate the current debt and details for transferring the amount aimed at repaying it.

The current scale of interest rates of banks

Almost all banks providing restructuring and refinancing services try to offer tariffs at a reduced rate.

On the one hand, this is aimed at attracting as many potential customers as possible, including from competitors.

On the other hand, in this way the bank simplifies the payment of debts, ensuring an increased chance of repaying the loan along with accrued interest.

In most cases, the rate applied is 15-20%; depending on the tariff and the availability of seasonal promotions, it may change (usually downward).

A lower rate is not offered for any form of consumer lending.

Obtaining and servicing a loan

When refinancing existing loans, it is worth taking into account some of the specifics of this form of issuing loans. Thus, the borrower does not receive money in cash or to his own personal account.

They are immediately transferred to the account of the previous creditor to repay the debt and close previously issued loans.

The new loan is serviced in the same way as the previous one. Payments are made by any method convenient for the borrower - at the bank's cash desk, through terminals, or by bank transfer.

As a rule, there are no additional fees for maintaining the account, and there are no penalties for partial or full early repayment.

Maximum and minimum amount

When formulating refinancing proposals, banks are guided by the fact that their potential clients may want to resort to this method not only if they have large debts.

The service is often in demand as a form of obtaining a new loan while simultaneously repaying small balances of old loans.

For example, a borrower can close an old loan from one bank using the minimum amount borrowed from another organization, and then apply for a larger loan from the first institution.

The minimum amount is usually within 10,000 -30,000 rubles, while the maximum can reach very noticeable sizes - 2-3 million rubles.

Delivery deadlines

In terms of approval time, an application for a new loan is not much different from a regular one; the verification procedure takes from 1 day and depends on the bank’s conditions.

When providing real estate and guarantors as collateral, additional time may be required to check the title documents for the real estate or the credit history of the guarantor.

It is worth considering that the non-cash transfer method affects the closing date of the old loan (it may differ from the date of registration of the new loan by several days).

In this case, you will need to check the status of your credit account and, if necessary, add the required amount using interest accrued over several days.

Complete and up-to-date information about is collected in the article located at the link above.

If you want to learn more about consumer loan insurance at Sberbank, then you should go to.

And to obtain the necessary information about mortgage insurance at Sberbank, you need to go to.

Repayment methods

Payment repayment forms are convenient for borrowers.

Typically you have the following options to choose from:

  • cash in the bank's cash desk;
  • retail chains such as Euroset, Svyaznoy;
  • payment systems (Rapida, Qiwi, etc.);
  • payment terminals and ATMs;
  • non-cash transfer.

The borrower independently chooses the method, and it can be changed each time.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the most obvious advantages of refinancing overdue loans is the opportunity to obtain a more convenient payment schedule.

In this case, the amount of the monthly payment is usually significantly reduced, allowing you to avoid delays in the future, albeit at the expense of a longer period of settlements with the bank.

Today, refinancing is becoming increasingly popular for borrowers with a bad credit history and arrears, which allows you to reissue current debts at more favorable interest rates. The process of taking out a loan to pay off an old one is called refinancing, and is available from many organizations. This is relevant for Moscow, St. Petersburg, and for all of Russia.

How can I get refinancing?

Despite the fact that today there are quite a lot of organizations offering refinancing services, it is available only to borrowers with a good CI. That is why if you have arrears in the past, then it is pointless to apply for money to Sberbank of Russia, VTB 24, Rosselkhozbank and other large banks; they will refuse you.

And remember!!! Before taking out a loan, think 10 times and apply 1 time. If today you are offered a loan with a rate of over 17%, this is a clear robbery. Look for the best deals. They exist, we must look for them. And don’t forget to read this note before submitting applications, it will help you avoid making serious mistakes!

Bank % per annum Filing an application
Eastern has more chancesFrom 9.9%Design
Renaissance Credit is the fastestFrom 9.9%Design
Home loan worth a try too From 9.9%Design
Alfa Bank credit card0% for 60 daysApplication
Svyaznoy: installment card Conscience credit cardfrom 10% per annumApplication
Home Credit: installment card Freedom credit cardfrom 12% per annumApplication
Sovcombank if everyone refused From 12%Design

If your credit history is damaged, not a single banking organization will respond positively to your request for refinancing. It is for this reason that in order to receive this service in the future, you need to start by changing your reputation.

In order to improve the opinion of credit institutions about you, you need to act in several stages:

  • The first and indispensable condition is to obtain your own reliable and constant source of funds. You should definitely become a paying customer. In other words, you must have official employment.
  • The second step will be to pay off any outstanding payments. Unfortunately, until you pay off your outstanding balances, your application will not be approved anywhere.
  • Next, you will need to apply for small microloans or take out express loans in shopping centers so that new positive entries appear in your CI. You can’t pay for it, nor can you remove it. If you want to become a reliable borrower, you need to take out new loans and then repay them on time and in full.

You can also use the “Credit Doctor” program from, which is aimed precisely at improving the borrower’s reputation. It consists of several stages, after completing which you will not only receive positive entries in your dossier, but will also be able to apply for a loan in the amount of up to 250 thousand rubles from Sovcombank.

Which banks will approve refinancing?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say for sure which bank will 100% approve your application and which will not. You need to contact several companies, because each application is considered individually. If you have already started improving your CI, there is a chance of approval. How to increase them:

  • Try to attract a co-borrower with official employment and a positive CI.
  • You can also provide the bank with collateral in the form of or that you own. All this will have a positive impact on the lender's decision.
  • Stock up on documents that will confirm your work experience and salary. If you do not have the opportunity to issue a certificate, you can get a sample certificate from the bank in the form of this company.
  • If you have official employment and receive your salary through a bank account, then it would be most logical to apply for a refinancing service to this bank. As a rule, more favorable conditions apply to salary clients than to other categories, and if you have a guarantor or collateral, you will significantly increase your chances of having your application approved.

At the last stage, you can resort to the refinancing procedure provided by many banks:

BankAmount, rub.Percentage, per annum
Up to 3,000,000From 10%
Up to 1,000,000From 10%
Up to 2,000,000From 10.49%
Up to 5,000,000From 10.9%
Up to 3,000,000From 10.9%
Up to 3,000,000From 10.9%
Up to 1.500.000From 10.99%

What to do if they refuse everywhere?

If you own property, for example a car, then you can contact special companies called car pawnshops. In them it is possible to receive up to 50-60% of the estimated value of your car on the security of the car itself, or only the title.

In the latter case, you keep the car, but you will receive a loan in the amount of no more than 30% of the value of the collateral.

As a rule, borrowers with a negative CI prefer to apply for a loan from private individuals or microfinance organizations. Both options require you to pay higher interest rates, however, sometimes this is the only option.

  • Speak to

The main problem of citizens who have taken out loans from financial institutions is the deterioration of their financial situation.

A decrease in income or dismissal from work becomes the reason for the inability to timely pay debts on previously taken loans.

The result is a bad credit history, which is facilitated by late payments. Banks, in turn, charge penalties and fines. As a result, a case involving a loan with arrears may be taken to court.

Often, citizens who cannot pay their loans on time, and who also have several overdue loans from different banks, resort to refinancing them.

However, what should borrowers who have a bad credit history do? Can they refinance a loan that is in default?

How to get a refinancing loan with a bad credit history and arrears?

A bad credit history due to overdue loans is the main reason many banks refuse a loan. After all, a client who was unable to repay the first loan, which resulted in delays, will not be able to guarantee that in the next cooperation with the bank he will show himself in good faith and will not allow delays.

However, a bad credit history is not always the result of late payments. Therefore, in order to refinance loans with a bad credit history, the borrower should provide collateral to the bank, which can be a car or real estate.

Before refinancing a loan with a bad credit history, it is necessary to resolve the problem with overdue payments - they should be repaid. After the arrears are closed, you can safely contact the bank, even if you have a bad credit history.

Today, loan refinancing services with a bad credit history are offered by such credit and financial corporations as:

Rosselkhozbank. Offers refinancing of loans without delays to persons with a bad credit history, issuing up to 1,000,000 rubles at 18.5-19%;
Sberbank of Russia. Refinances loans that are overdue but repaid in the amount of up to 1,000,000 rubles at 17-21.5%;
"Rosbank". I am ready to issue on-lending loans without delays to persons with a bad credit history, providing up to 500,000 rubles at 16.5-17.5%;
Alfa-Bank offers a loan refinancing service for new, salary clients with a bad credit history, as well as employees of partner companies. The loan amount varies from 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles. The rate is calculated personally. Its minimum is 11.99% per annum. Loan refinancing is issued without delay for 1-5 years;
VTB 24. I am ready to offer a loan to persons with a bad credit history in the amount of up to 1,000,000 rubles at 17-27% to cover existing loans;
Binbank offers refinancing of consumer loans and mortgages to people with bad credit history. The amount is set depending on the size of the current debt. Its minimum is 300,000 rubles. The loan can be issued for 3-30 years. The rate ranges from 13.99 to 22.50% per annum.

What to do if the bank refuses?

If the bank refused to refinance the loan due to a bad history, and you are running out of time to repay your debt, which is fraught with delays, then do not despair.

To repay loans, including overdue ones, you can apply for a loan from an MFO. These organizations do not worry about the borrower’s bad credit history.

But there is a bad side to working with them - a high rate, which in MFOs can vary from 0.1% -3% per day, and loan funds are issued for 1 month. Only for regular customers the loan term can be extended to 3-6 months.

Thus, people with a bad history can get a loan from Moneyman of up to 80,000 rubles. The loan application is reviewed by the organization for 1 minute.

But “Home Money” issues loans to persons with a bad history in the amount of up to 30,000 rubles. Funds are credited to the borrower’s account within 1 day after the passport is provided.

Let us note that there are many other microfinance organizations on the market that offer to issue loans without checking the history of borrowers (whether it is good or bad), overdue loans and confirmation of income on similar conditions.

Features of loan refinancing for people with bad credit history:

Having received the opportunity to apply for a refinancing loan with a bad credit history, the borrower should not allow delays, as in the future he may have problems with obtaining loans.

This service should be approached with special responsibility, carefully assessing your financial capabilities. Remember: delays are unacceptable.

Many people confuse refinancing with restructuring and debt refinancing, so what is the difference?

Refinancing is taking out a new loan to pay off existing loan debt. In principle, refinancing is similar to the concept of refinancing, but the difference is that the loan is refinanced in another banking institution, and not in the one in which the overdue loan was previously issued.

Refinancing is a procedure when a borrower issues a new loan to repay an old loan, including overdue ones, from the bank where the loan was previously issued.

Restructuring is when a borrower reissues an existing loan, including overdue ones, at the banking institution in which it was issued, but on different terms. For example, the bank can reduce the rate, extend the loan term, or grant a deferment on interest payments.

To refinance a loan, the borrower must provide the banking institution with:

Credit agreement for the loan that the borrower wishes to refinance;
An extract from the lending bank about the presence of overdue payments;
A certificate indicating the arrears on the loan;
Bank account number to which funds must be transferred to repay the debt;
Application for refinancing.

I would like to note the fact that by refinancing a loan, a borrower with a bad credit history does not relieve himself of the obligation to repay the debt, as well as the fine for late payments. The bank does not issue loan funds to the client, but transfers them to the account of the first lender.

Thus, by refinancing a loan, a borrower with a bad credit history has the opportunity to save on the rate, but he is obliged to repay the loan debt along with late fees to the new lender.