Analysis of bank financial indicators. Analysis of the asset structure of Rosbank Bank Financial condition based on analytical ratios

The focus of banking activities in a market economy is to maximize profits from operations while minimizing losses. Profit or loss received by the bank are indicators that concentrate the results of various passive and active operations of the bank and reflect the influence of all factors affecting the bank’s activities. The methodology for analyzing the performance of banking activities begins with an analysis of income and expenses and ends with a study of profit. The purpose of analyzing financial results is to identify reserves for increasing the profitability of banking activities and, on this basis, formulate recommendations for further work.

In this case, the bank’s strategy should be based on the following principles (Fig. 6)

Fig.6 Bank strategy and its principles

Analysis of the financial condition of an enterprise makes it possible to study the state of capital in the process of its circulation, to identify the enterprise’s ability to operate sustainably and develop in changing conditions of the external and internal environment.

Analysis of the financial condition is carried out not only by the managers and relevant services of the enterprise, but also by its founders, investors - in order to study the efficiency of the use of resources, banks - to assess lending conditions and determine the degree of risk, suppliers - to ensure timely receipt of payments, tax inspectorates - to identify a plan receipt of funds to the budget.

Analysis of banking activities from the point of view of its profitability allows management to formulate credit and interest policies, identify less profitable operations and develop recommendations for the bank's possible receipt of greater income. Solving these problems is impossible without competent financial and economic analysis, as well as financial management, that is, a system for the rational and efficient use of capital, a mechanism for managing the movement of financial resources. The ultimate goal of such management is to make a profit.

From the standpoint of profit, the bank's assets can be divided into assets that generate income and those that do not generate income, or those that generate it in a limited amount. As of January 1, 2013, income-generating assets accounted for 62% of all assets. Such assets include: loans to legal entities and loans to individuals; investments in securities; placed interbank loans; placement of foreign currency in deposits.

The composition and structure of income of PJSC ROSBANK are presented in Table 3.

Table 3

Composition and structure of income of PJSC ROSBANK for the period 2011-2013. in thousands of rubles

Index 2011 Ud. weight, % 2012 Ud. weight, % Increase as a result 2013 Ud. weight, % Increase as a result
Total interest income 66 569 25,22 65 475 24,66 21,29 202 218
Total non-interest income 39 548 14,98 40 031 15,08 79 579 13,73 124 811
Total operating income 106 117 40,22 39,74 35,02 327 029
Total income from non-operating activities 0,13 0,15 0,09 1 061
Total other income 51 342 19,45 54 052 20,37 98 425 29,87 203 819
Total income 100,0 100,0 100,0

Anya, you need to change the Diagram here instead of the Table and the year to 2012-14

To analyze the profit received by a commercial bank, it is necessary to analyze the bank's income and expenses.

According to the income statement and balance sheet of PJSC ROSBANK for the analyzed period (from 01/01/11 to 01/01/13), its income was combined according to economic homogeneity into the following groups:

From operating activities, which include accrued and received interest, including interest on loans in foreign currency, and income from transactions with securities;

From non-operating activities, including paid services, exchange rate differences;

Other income, including fines received and penalties.

Income from each type of activity is shown both as an accumulated total and by period, which makes it possible to compare the overall increase in income with the absolute amount of income received at the end of each six months. This breakdown of income amounts is convenient because it allows us to assess the rhythm of the increase in the growth rate of the bank’s income for the analyzed period.

As Table 3 shows, the absolute size of the bank's total income received for each six months of the analyzed period had a steady upward trend. The highest value of income received was received for the period from 01/01/12 to 01/01/13 (329,548 thousand rubles), and during the same period the share of income from operating activities in the total amount of total income had the smallest value compared with other analyzed periods. The smallest total income was received for the period 01/01/10 - 01/01/11 (RUB 263,927 thousand). The structure of total income is not homogeneous across sources of different types of income. Income received from operating activities showed a downward trend, including interest and non-interest income. There was a steady increase in income: from loans provided to customers, as part of interest expenses; income received from transactions with securities; commission income. The remaining income groups were approximately at the same level. The main source of income of the analyzed bank is operating activities, which include all operations performed by the bank on the market. In the structure of income during the analyzed period, the share of income from loans provided to clients increased, which indicates that the bank has a credit policy aimed at expanding lending to its clients. There was a decrease in the overall composition of income, income received from core activities and an increase in other income, which indicates a decrease in the volume of active operations.

The assessment of the dynamics and volumes of expenses of PJSC ROSBANK was carried out according to the same principle as the analysis of total income.

The composition and structure of expenses of PJSC ROSBANK are presented in Table 4.

Table 4

Composition and structure of expenses of PJSC ROSBANK for the period 2011-2013. in thousands of rubles

2011 Specific weight, % 2012 Specific weight, % Accumulated total 2013 Specific weight, % Accumulation result
Total interest expenses 16,04 13,48 67 816 14,35 112 793
Total non-interest expenses 19,05 21,90 93 924 20,63 158 586
Total expenses from operating activities 35,08 35,38 34,98 271 379
Total expenses from functional activities 25,85 26,32 119 741 21,17 186 095
Total other expenses 9 222 3,98 6 641 2,92 15 863 8,87 43 680
Total expenses 100,0 100,0 100,0

Also a diagram instead of a table and year

The grouping of consolidated balance sheet items of the bank is carried out according to the following scheme. Operating expenses have been highlighted, including:

1) interest expenses on loans and deposits;

2) expenses for transactions with foreign currency;

3) expenses for ensuring the functional activities of the bank, including expenses for the maintenance of the administrative and managerial apparatus, business expenses;

4) other expenses.

As follows from Table 4, the expenses of PJSC ROSBANK changed unevenly. A significant increase in total expenses occurred in the period from 01/01/12 - 01/01/13, which corresponds to a similar jump in the direction of increasing the amount of total income in the same period. Expenses of PJSC ROSBANK changed unevenly. A significant increase in total expenses occurred in the period from 01/01/12 - 01/01/13, which corresponds to a similar jump in the direction of increasing the amount of total income in the same period.

A comparison of reported indicators of bank costs based on this distribution allows us to identify changes in the volume and share of individual analytical articles and grouped blocks of bank costs.

Based on the analysis of income and expenses of PJSC ROSBANK, we can conclude that during the analyzed period it received a profit that has an unstable tendency to increase.

In terms of assets and capital, Rosbank is one of the ten largest banks in Russia (July 2012).

Rosbank's subsidiaries are:

  • Rusfinance Bank (consumer lending) and
  • DeltaCredit (mortgage).

As of July 2012, Rosbank's branch network covers 700 branches, 1,200 points of sale and about 3,000 ATMs in 340 localities in Russia. Rosbank is one of the three largest retail banks in Russia - it serves more than 3 million private clients.

Rosbank". The shareholders approved the new composition of the Board of Directors of 12 people, which included:

  • Valette Didier, Head of Global Banking & Investor Solutions of the Societe Generale Group, member of the Management Board of the Societe Generale Group;
  • Gilman Martin Grant, professor of economics, director of the Institute of Fundamental Interdisciplinary Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics, independent member of the Board of Directors of OJSC JSCB ROSBANK;
  • Marie-Christine Ducholet, CEO of Societe Generale Equipment Finance;
  • Jacquemin Arnault, Deputy Group Director for Risk at Societe Generale;
  • Françoise Mercadal-Delasalle, Head of Corporate Resources and Innovation at Societe Generale Group, Member of the Management Board of Societe Generale Group;
  • Sanchez Incera Bernardo, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Societe Generale Group;
  • Ogel Didier, Chief Regional Coordinator of Societe Generale in Russia, Head of International Retail Banking and Specialized Financial Services of the Societe Generale Group, Member of the Management Board of the Societe Generale Group;
  • Auger Pascal, Head of the Global Transaction Services Department of the Societe Generale Group;
  • Dmitry Yurievich Olyunin, Chairman of the Board of Rosbank;
  • Parer Jean-Luc, Head of International Retail Banking and Specialized Financial Services of the Societe Generale Group, Member of the Management Board of the Societe Generale Group;
  • Palmieri Pierre, Head of the Global Finance Department of the Societe Generale Group;
  • Schrik Christian, member of the Board of Directors of the French Agency for Financial Markets (AMF), independent member of the Board of Directors of OJSC JSCB ROSBANK.


An institute of client managers has been introduced in all branches of the bank. The bank has a well-developed area of ​​working with wealthy private clients.

2016: Projects of 2016

Benefits of Data Management Process Entry

  • Saving resources when implementing changes
  • Visualize the impact of changes
  • Infrastructure savings when determining data storage standards
  • Improving data reliability
  • Transparency and openness of information systems for users
  • New opportunities for generating ideas for the effective use of data for business
“For 2017, we have quite serious plans both to continue and complete existing projects, and to take further steps to achieve the bank’s target IT architecture. In the near future, a plan for the implementation of new platforms will be detailed, on the basis of which we plan to actively implement new business opportunities, provide the necessary level of flexibility and speed of implementation of new products and services, actively automate and optimize the bank’s internal processes, more accurately understand client needs and respond to them. Particular focus will be on data management and analytical tools. In addition, 2017 will be a year of increased attention to quality: we plan to actively develop the Quality assurance process, including taking into account the experience of the Societe Generale group,” said Denis Sotin, member of the board, director of information technology at Rosbank.


IT strategy for 2015-2017

The ROST Innovation Center is open for co-working spaces and creative sessions of any companies and organizations in Nizhny Novgorod, including universities and other educational institutions. The Center's auditoriums and venues will become an effective space for holding client events, business meetings and negotiations, and team-building activities. The new space is intended for traditional lectures, as well as for work in the lunch&learn format.

ROST is technically equipped for video conferencing, webinars, hackathons, brainstorming sessions. An additional advantage is the mobility of the space: the Center’s auditoriums can be freely transformed to suit the goals and objectives of each event and group.

ROST will also organize training seminars for employees of the Nizhny Novgorod territorial office of Rosbank and interregional conferences for bank employees from all over Russia with the aim of exchanging experience, summing up work and developing internal corporate culture.

The ROST innovation center is open at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Rodionova, 192/2.

2017: Profit 10.4 billion rubles.

During 2017, the banking group Societe Generale in Russia Rosbank, DeltaCredit Bank, Rusfinance Bank and their subsidiaries demonstrated development in all areas of business, earning a net profit of 10.4 billion rubles, which is 3.4 times more 2016 results.

In 2017, the Group showed growth in all areas of its business, actively expanding its client base and increasing the volume of loans issued to corporate and retail clients. The Group's retail loan portfolio grew by 7.4%, and corporate – by 14%.

  • The Group's net profit for 2017 amounted to +10.4 billion rubles. This is 3.4 times more than the same indicator in 2016. The increase in net profit remained stable throughout 2017 (4th quarter +3.4 billion rubles, 3rd quarter +3.2 billion rubles, 2nd quarter +2.5 billion rubles, 1st quarter +1.3 billion rubles).
  • The Group's net operating income in 2017 amounted to 53.4 billion rubles, an increase of 8% compared to the same period last year. At the same time, net operating income for the 4th quarter of 2017 was equal to 15.5 billion rubles, which is 18% more than the same figure for the 3rd quarter of 2017 and 24% more than the same figure for the 4th quarter of last year.
  • The Group's net interest income remained stable during 2017 and comparable to the same period in 2016.
  • Net commission income in 2017 amounted to RUB 9.5 billion, an increase of 18% compared to 2016. At the same time, growth in the 4th quarter of 2017 was 37% compared to the same indicator for the 4th quarter of 2016. The positive dynamics are mainly due to a significant increase in insurance agency fees (+45%) due to the intensification of retail lending. Activation of digital sales channels led to a significant increase in commission income for mobile banking and online banking services (+40%).
  • The Group's operating expenses in 2017 amounted to RUB 35.6 billion, an increase of 8% compared to the previous year. The dynamics were mainly due to active advertising campaigns, significant business growth (including in subsidiary banks), and an increase in deposit insurance contributions. It should be noted that the ratio of operating expenses to operating income of the Group in 2017 and 2016 remained stable (67%).
  • Contributions to reserves during the 12 months of 2017 amounted to 3.5 billion rubles, a significant decrease compared to last year, when contributions to reserves for the same period amounted to 12.8 billion rubles. The effect of reducing reserves was achieved mainly due to the restoration of the quality of the retail portfolio, improvement of debt collection processes, as well as the absence in 2017 of material expenses for refinancing foreign currency mortgages. The quality of the corporate portfolio traditionally remains at a high level.
  • The Group continued to increase the volume of issuance in retail lending (an increase of +32% compared to 2016). Consumer loans have traditionally been in greatest demand, with growth in issuances amounting to 30% (while the growth in the market as a whole was 29%).
  • The group also continued to expand its portfolio of funds raised from individuals, with a focus on current accounts. Thus, in 2017, the portfolio of liabilities of individuals of the Group increased by 20% compared to 2016, including the portfolio of current accounts of individuals increased by 59%, outpacing market growth by 2.5 times.
  • The volume of mortgage loans issued in 2017 increased by 30% compared to 2016, with a record figure in the 4th quarter of 2017 (+21.3 billion rubles compared to the 3rd quarter of 2017). This result became possible largely due to a significant increase in the share of sales through digital channels (the share of such sales reached 25%). The quality of the mortgage portfolio continues to improve significantly. As of December 31, 2017, the “90+” arrears in the mortgage portfolio of DeltaCredit Bank amounted to 2.8%, compared to 3.6% in 2016. This improvement in the quality of the mortgage portfolio is associated with participation in the state assistance program, operated by the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency, as well as with campaigns to convert dollar loans into rubles.

2016: Profit - 3.1 billion rubles

The Societe Generale banking group in Russia improved its financial results, earning a net profit of RUB 3.1 billion. compared to a loss of 9.2 billion rubles. in 2015.

Major achievements in retail business

The volume of retail loans issued by the Group in 2016 increased by 35% compared to 2015, although it still remains below the level of 2014 (-22%). As a result, the Group continues to maintain its leading position in the retail lending market, increasing its market share in issuing loans from 3.4% to 3.6%, while in the consumer lending segment the market share increased from 2.2% to 2.6%.

At the same time, the Group maintains its leadership in mortgages and car loans thanks to the high performance of its specialized subsidiary banks DeltaCredit and Rusfinance Bank.

DeltaCredit is in the top 5 in terms of mortgage loan issuance volumes (according to the Rusipoteka analytical center) with a market share of 3.1%. The total volume of mortgage loans issued in 2016 was 44% higher than in 2015, while the quality of the ruble mortgage portfolio was much higher than the market average. As of December 31, 2016, the 90+ delinquency rate in DeltaCredit’s ruble mortgage portfolio was 1.21%, compared to the market indicator of 2.65%.

Rusfinance Bank is consistently among the TOP 3 banks in the car lending market with a share of 13.5%. The total volume of car loans issued in 2016 is 28% higher than in 2015. The bank continues to participate in the state program of preferential car loans, within which it ranks 2nd in terms of issuance volume (according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade).

In 2016, Rosbank continued to successfully expand its client base: the number of new clients attracted in 2016 was 33% higher than in 2015, the portfolio of active clients increased by 1%. This became possible thanks to innovations in the field of daily banking services, as well as effective synergy with corporate business. Thus, in the 4th quarter of 2016, Rosbank, together with the international payment system Mastercard and the O’KEY Group of Companies, launched the “ROSBANK O’KEY Mastercard” debit card. Rosbank's Visa Platinum Supercard+ card is recognized as the most attractive for clients with an above-average income - about 130 thousand rubles per month, according to RBC.

Major achievements in corporate business

As part of the international group Societe Generale, Rosbank continues to increase its share in the banking services market for the largest Russian and international companies; the volume of loans issued in 2016 is 29% higher than in 2015 (excluding currency revaluation).

Societe Generale/Rosbank are leaders in the Russian syndicated lending market with a share of 23.5% (according to the Bloomberg news agency). Major transactions with major clients during 2016, organized jointly with Societe Generale:

  • Uralkali loan agreement in the amount of $1.2 billion, acting as one of the coordinating authorized lead arrangers and bookrunners with 16 international banks;
  • PhosAgro's debut pre-export financing totaling US$250 million with a four-year maturity, serving as one of the coordinating authorized lead arrangers and passport bank;
  • pre-export loan to the EuroChem group in the amount of US$800 million for a period of five years, as a participant in a pool of international banks;
  • club deal to finance prepayment under an agreement for the supply of oil and petroleum products for PJSOC Bashneft for a total amount of USD 500 million for 5 years, acting as the initial authorized lead arranger, bookrunner, coordinating bank and documentation bank;
  • syndicated pre-export loan for one of the leading copper producers in Russia - CJSC Russian Copper Company (RMK), as the authorized lead arranger. The loan was provided for a total amount of $300 million for a period of 5 years.

Rosbank is expanding its trade finance business. Thus, according to the results of 2016, Rosbank ranks 7th in the market in terms of the volume of its trade finance portfolio, showing an increase of 25% compared to last year.

The development of investment services continues. In 2016, Rosbank placed 23 market issues of 16 issuers with a total volume of 88.4 billion rubles, taking fifth place in the ranking of leading organizers of market placements of Russian bonds according to Cbonds. Rosbank's share in market issues amounted to 7.95%. The bank also ranks fifth among organizers of corporate issues with a market share of 5.73% and third place among organizers of mortgage bonds with a market share of 14.55%.

Rosbank Factoring occupies a prominent position in the factoring services market. Based on the results of 2016, the company took 8th place in the overall rating published by the Association of Factoring Companies of Russia, continues to increase its client portfolio (+56% compared to 2015) and the turnover of assigned receivables (+42% compared to 2015) .

Rosbank Leasing shows high dynamics - the portfolio of concluded transactions increased by 13% in 2016.

Loan portfolio

The Group's banks are aimed at cooperating with the most reliable borrowers, carefully assess the solvency of clients in the new economic conditions and give priority to the quality of the loan portfolio.

Guided by these principles, during 2015 and the first half of 2016 the Group pursued a policy of significantly more cautious resumption of retail lending than the market as a whole. The issuance of retail loans acquired its main dynamics only in the second half of 2016, as a result of which the group’s retail loan portfolio decreased by 8% since the beginning of 2016 (excluding currency revaluation).

At the same time, the corporate loan portfolio continued to grow, increasing by 2% since the beginning of 2016 (excluding currency revaluation) against the backdrop of negative market dynamics during the year (-3.6%). At the same time, it is necessary to note the change in the structure of the corporate loan portfolio by currency over the past 12 months: the share of loans in foreign currency decreased by 15%; while the share of corporate loans in rubles increased by 17%. Such changes had a positive impact on the Group's interest margin.

As a result of such mutual dynamics of the retail and corporate portfolios and despite the dynamic growth of loans, the Group’s total loan portfolio in 2016 decreased by 4% (excluding currency revaluation).

Deposits and current accounts

During 2016, the Group's portfolio of client liabilities decreased by 4% (excluding currency revaluation). The driver of the decline was funds from legal entities, the volume of which was systematically reduced in 2016 by 15% (excluding currency revaluation), compared to the market (-4%). On the one hand, the dynamics are explained by the need to bring the volume of liabilities in line with the dynamics of the loan portfolio, on the other hand, to replace them with cheaper funds of individuals.

The volume of retail funds increased in 2016 by 13% (excluding currency revaluation), which exceeds the indicators of the banking system (+9.2%). It is especially worth noting the 50% increase in the volume of demand funds of individuals (excluding currency revaluation). The market share in this segment increased from 1% to 1.43% during the year, which is fully consistent with the Group's goal to develop its transaction business.

Financial results

The Group's net interest income in 2016 amounted to RUB 38.9 billion, an increase of 4% compared to the same period last year. The positive performance is mainly due to the improvement in interest margins as a result of lower funding costs due to consistent measures to optimize the balance sheet structure.

Net commission income in 2016 amounted to RUB 8 billion, an increase of 7% compared to 2015. On the one hand, the dynamics of commissions is due to the intensification of retail lending and, as a result, an increase in commissions from insurance companies (commission income from the retail business increased by 29%). On the other hand, commission income from corporate business increased due to the development of cash settlement services (+16%) and trade finance (+23%).

The Group's operating expenses in 2016 amounted to RUB 32.9 billion, remaining at the 2015 level, despite inflation, which amounted to 5.4% in 2016. Containment of growth became possible as a result of cost optimization measures on the part of Rosbank: further reorganization of the retail network, as well as staff reduction by 8.7% compared to 2015.

Deductions to reserves in 2016 amounted to 12.7 billion rubles, having decreased by 42% compared to the previous year. The effect of reducing reserves was achieved mainly through restoring the quality of the retail portfolio, as well as improving debt collection processes. The quality of the corporate portfolio remains at a high level. However, these results include costs incurred to refinance the foreign currency mortgage portfolio. Based on the results of the work done, we do not expect any further material negative impact of this activity on the Group’s results.

2015: Rosbank entered the top five leading underwriters of Russian bonds

Information agency ranking of underwriters of Russian bonds based on the results of 2014. The ranking included 122 participants who became organizers of placements worth about 1.2 trillion rubles. According to the agency, activity in the domestic market has decreased, but at the same time, a surge in placements was recorded in December 2014.

Rosbank entered the top five leading underwriters of Russian bonds for market placements of bonds (29 issues of 12 issuers in the amount of 76.7 billion rubles), took second place in the ranking of underwriters of market issues, third place in corporate issues, fifth place in the segment of municipal placements.

The ranking of underwriters of bond loans according to Cbonds includes financial organizations that, during the placement of bonds, gave a guarantee for the placement of a certain volume of the issue and have the status of organizer, co-organizer, underwriter or co-underwriter. The ranking takes into account the actual volume of bonds placed.


Profit growth 1.5 times to 9.7 billion rubles

According to monthly reporting according to Russian accounting standards (RAS) as of December 31, 2014, Rosbank’s profit amounted to 9.7 billion rubles, an increase of 1.5 times compared to the results of 2013 (excluding events after the reporting date).

The profit growth was mainly achieved due to an increase in interest income, the restructuring of problem debt and positive revaluation of derivative financial instruments, as well as changes in income tax accounting.

Rosbank's assets increased by 33% compared to the same period in 2013, amounting to 996 billion rubles (747 billion rubles - 12/31/2013), which is mainly due to the revaluation of foreign currency assets and changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments.

Dynamics of indicators for the main items of the financial results statement in 2014 relative to 2013:

  • The bank's capital according to Basel III standards amounted to 114.3 billion rubles, an increase of 28% compared to the same period last year. The growth of capital was mainly due to the positive financial result according to Russian standards for 2014 (before SPOD) and the increase in the amount of subordinated loans included in the sources of capital, due to the bringing of the main terms of subordinated loan agreements into compliance with the requirements of the Bank of Russia currently imposed to these instruments based on Basel III recommendations.
  • the bank's loan portfolio increased by 7% compared to December 2013 and amounted to 486 billion rubles;
  • the volume of retail loans amounted to 242 billion rubles, an increase of 3% compared to 2013;
  • The volume of loans issued to corporate clients amounted to 244 billion rubles, an increase of 11% compared to 2013, mainly due to the revaluation of foreign currency loans. At the same time, the level of overdue debt for corporate clients decreased by 13%;
  • the volume of funds in client accounts reached 449 billion rubles, 25% higher than last year (358 billion rubles – 12/31/2013):
  • the volume of funds from individuals increased by 5%, amounting to 164 billion rubles;
  • the volume of funds from corporate clients increased by 41%, amounting to 285 billion rubles, mainly due to a significant increase in the deposit portfolio. Values ​​of standards
  • N1.1 - 7.6% (minimum value established by the Bank of Russia, 5%)
  • N1.2 - 7.6% (minimum value established by the Bank of Russia, 5.5%)
  • N1.0 - 13.45% (the minimum value taking into account the requirements of the law “On Deposit Insurance” is 10%).

On March 6, 2014, at an extraordinary general meeting of Rosbank shareholders, it was decided to re-elect the Board of Directors in the number of twelve people, which included the chairman of the board of the bank, Dmitry Olyunin. Thus, the updated body included:

  • 1. Didier Valet
  • 2. Martin Grant Gilman
  • 3. Arnaud Jacquemin
  • 4. Françoise Mercadal-Delasalle
  • 5. Didier Hogel
  • 6. Pascal Auger
  • 8. Pierre Palmieri
  • 9. Jean-Luc Parer
  • 10. Andrey Vladimirovich Ryzhov
  • 11. Bernardo Sanchez Incera
  • 12. Christian Schrick

On June 25, 2014, the annual general meeting of shareholders of OJSC AKB Rosbank took place. The bank's shareholders approved the annual report, annual accounting (financial) statements, including profit and loss statements for 2013, and also decided to leave the profit for last year in full - 4.5 billion rubles at the disposal of the Bank and credit it to the account "Retained earnings". It was decided not to pay dividends for 2013.

The meeting approved the audit commission consisting of the following: Akhapkina Natalya Viktorovna, Konishcheva Elena Sergeevna, Mishustina Olga Viktorovna, Pelipenko Mikhail Vladimirovich, Ugolkova Svetlana Nikolaevna.

Deloitte & Touche CIS CJSC was approved as the external auditor of Rosbank for the 2014 financial year.

Rosbank shareholders decided to join the non-profit organization “Association of Regional Banks of Russia” has introduced a number of convenient services in the Internet Bank and Mobile Bank systems, following a new business development strategy in terms of servicing clients through remote channels.

Of the new options in Internet Banking, the most popular among clients was the ability to save details of regularly performed transactions in the form of templates, as well as simplified entry into their personal account using a mobile application. In addition, based on the results of customer satisfaction studies, usability and navigation in user interfaces have been significantly improved.

The number of companies to which Internet Bank users can transfer payments (housing and communal services agents, Internet providers, mobile operators, etc.) has more than doubled and currently amounts to over 1,200 companies. Bank clients can make most payments without commission or on special terms.

The “Online Deposit” option has also become available to clients, thanks to which they can independently open deposits without visiting a bank branch. The premium to the rate is 0.3 percentage points. when opening a deposit in rubles.

Rosbank continues to raise quality standards for remote service and in 2015 plans to provide clients with a wide range of modern services in Internet Banking. These include automatic payments for mobile communication services, information about debts and the ability to pay state taxes and fees, convenient online connection to Internet Banking in any of the remote channels. In addition, clients will have the opportunity to confirm transactions via SMS messages sent to their mobile phone.

For owners of smartphones and tablets, a mobile banking project is actively developing, which will result in the launch in 2015 of a qualitatively new and modern banking application for iOS and Android users - ROSBANK Online, with a modern design and intuitive navigation, as well as payment functionality and geolocation open to any user and communication services. Rosbank clients will be able to pay for services, make intrabank and interbank transfers at attractive rates, open deposits with an increased rate, view account balances, etc.

The open part of the application will make it easy to find a branch or ATM, obtain information about exchange rates, as well as special promotions and discounts from Rosbank’s partners.

2013: Societe Generale buys out VTB's share

In December 2013, changes occurred in the composition of Rosbank shareholders: the main shareholder of the bank is the Societe Generale group

2006: Societe Generale entered the capital of Rosbank

June, 2006 - French banking group Societe Generale entered into the capital of Rosbank

2005: Consolidation of six UWC banks

July, 2005 - Successful completion of the consolidation of the business of Rosbank and six OVK banks (First OVK, Central OVK, Povolzhsky OVK, Privolzhsky OVK, Siberian OVK, Far Eastern OVK). Since then, the universal commercial bank under the single brand "Rosbank" has one of the largest private regional networks in the country and is one of the leaders in the Russian market of retail banking services.

2002: Merger with MFK bank

December, 2002 - Consolidation of the business of Rosbank and IFC Bank strengthened Rosbank's human resources and technologies for the development of the investment direction.

2000: Accession of Onexim Bank

September, 2000 - Rosbank shareholders approved the decision to merge ONEXIM Bank with it. The strategic direction of development was working with corporate clients.

1998: Renaming to Rosbank

September, 1998 - CB Independence was renamed by shareholders (Interros company) into JSCB Rosbank (OJSC). General license No. 2272

Analysis of the dynamics of the composition and structure of balance sheet assets makes it possible to determine the size of the absolute and relative increase or decrease, both in general and its individual types. An increase or decrease in an asset indicates an expansion or contraction of the enterprise’s activities.

To assess the structure of banking assets, we will compile Table 2.1 based on the balance sheet given in Appendix 1.

Table 2.1. Analysis of the dynamics and structure of assets of PJSC AKB "Rosbank" for 2012-2014. thousand roubles.

Article title


1. Cash

2. Funds of credit institutions in the Central Bank

2.1. Required reserves

3. Funds in credit institutions

5. Net loans outstanding

6. Net investments in investment securities held to maturity

7. Net investments in available-for-sale securities

8. Fixed assets, intangible assets and inventories

10. Other assets

Total assets

Based on the data in Table 2.1, there is an increase in the total value of assets by 2014. for 291051612 thousand rubles. in comparison with the beginning of the analyzed period (2012) or an increase was noted, thus the growth rate was 144.75%.

The increase in the Bank’s assets occurred due to growth in the following analyzed indicators, namely:

  • - under the item “Cash” there was an increase of 7,271,162 thousand rubles. (from 26,410,824 thousand rubles to 33,681,986 thousand rubles) for the analyzed period, that is, the growth rate was 127.53%. The share of this indicator in the total asset value was marked by a decrease from 3.40% to 2.06%, or by 0.49% for the analyzed period;
  • - “Funds from credit institutions” from 3,484,701 rubles at the beginning of the analyzed period to 7,612,495 rubles by the end of the reporting date or 4,1277,947 rubles, thus the growth rate was 218.5%. There is also an increase in its share in the total assets of the bank from 7.89% to 9.58% or by 1.69% for the analyzed period;
  • - under the item “Funds in credit institutions” an increase of 1844 69 thousand rubles was noted. for the analyzed period, that is, the growth rate was 179.2%. The share of this indicator in the total asset value was marked by a decrease from 5.27% to 5.25%, or by 0.02%;
  • - under the item “Net investments in investment securities held to maturity” by 2,675,043 thousand rubles, the same trend was noted with the share of this indicator, which was marked by an increase from 0.00% to 3.37% or by 3.37 % for the analyzed period;
  • - under the item “Net loan debt” an increase of 25,584,615 thousand rubles was noted. for the analyzed period, that is, the growth rate was 192.1%. The share of this indicator in the total asset value was marked by an increase from 62.89% to 67.13%, or by 4.24%;
  • - under the item “Net investments in securities available for sale,” an increase was noted from 1,128,919 thousand rubles. at the beginning of 2011 up to 2012976 thousand rubles. by the end of 2013 or by 883,057 thousand rubles. Thus, the growth rate was 178.2% for the analyzed period. The share of this indicator in the bank’s total assets was marked by a decrease of 0.03%;
  • - under the article “Fixed assets, intangible assets and inventories” an increase of 1,102,952 thousand rubles was noted. for the analyzed period (from 1,077,437 thousand rubles at the beginning of the analyzed period to 2,180,389 thousand rubles by the end of the reporting date), that is, the growth rate was 202.3%. The share of this indicator in the total asset value was marked by a similar increase from 2.44% to 2.74% or by 0.30%;
  • - under the item “Other assets” - by 3,648,043 thousand rubles. for the analyzed period (from 433,744 thousand rubles to 4,081,787 thousand rubles), that is, the growth rate was 941.1%. The share of this indicator in the total asset value was marked by an increase from 0.98% to 5.14%, or by 4.16% over the analyzed period.

The exceptions are indicators for which a decrease was noted during the analyzed period:

  • - under the item “Required reserves” for 649,270 thousand rubles. During the analyzed period, therefore, the growth rate was 7.15%, the share of this indicator in the total assets was marked by a decrease of 1.52%;
  • - under the item “Net investments in trading securities” for 5,539,302 thousand rubles. During the analyzed period, the growth rate was 5.46%. The share of this indicator in total assets decreased by 12.87%;
  • - under the article “Requirements for receiving interest” - by 56,099 thousand rubles. for the analyzed period (from 56,099 thousand rubles to 0 thousand rubles), that is, the growth rate was 100.0%. The share of this indicator in the total asset value was marked by a decrease from 0.13% to 0.00%, or by 0.13% for the analyzed period.

Thus, the largest share in the Bank’s assets is occupied by the item “Net loan debt” with the following numerical value: as of 01/01/2012. - 62.89%, as of 01/01/2013 - 67.88%, as of 01/01/2014. - 67.13%.

In general, there is a positive trend for the analyzed asset items, which can be regarded as a favorable fact in the bank’s activities. Ultimately, the growth trend of the analyzed indicators will have a positive impact on the final financial result of the analyzed credit institution.

The lending business is one of the main activities of PJSC JSCB ROSBANK. Among the main directions in the lending operations of PJSC JSCB "ROSBANK" in accordance with the bank's strategy are lending to small and medium-sized businesses, car loans, mortgage lending, as well as consumer lending.

Lending to small businesses ensures hedging of credit risks and diversification of the bank's investments. Lending to small businesses is carried out using the technology of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which takes into account the needs of different categories of small businesses.

By providing financial support to the developing small business sector, PJSC JSCB ROSBANK stimulates the growth of viable enterprises, preserving and creating new jobs.

The largest percentage of growth occurred in two products: urgent needs and an auto program, which have a proven lending scheme and are in demand among the population. During the analyzed period, lending conditions changed in accordance with market requirements: clients’ opportunities for purchasing vehicles were expanded, packages of documents provided to the bank by the borrower were revised, simplifying the procedure for collecting documents, and a loan for the purchase of primary housing appeared.

The bank traditionally continued to develop relations with large enterprise clients of PJSC JSCB ROSBANK, which have a long positive credit history, offering its reliable partners a full range of banking services.

The level of professionalism of specialists and the capabilities of the bank allow us to offer clients not only standard, but also exclusive loan products to solve the financial and production problems of the enterprise.

Let's look at the structure of loans by industry for 2011-2013 using Table 2.2.

Table 2.2. Structure of loans by industry of PJSC JSCB ROSBANK for 2011-2013,%


2013 by 2012

2014 by 2013

Growth rate, %

1. Industrial enterprises

2. Trade and catering

3. Agro-industrial complex

4. Transport and communications

5. Construction

6. Other industries

7. Individuals

Thus, from the data in table 2.2. We observe the following changes:

  • - the share of industrial enterprises is marked by an increase, which by 2013 amounted to 118.2%, by 2014. no changes were observed, the figure remained at the 2013 level - 13%. The growth rate for the analyzed period was 118.2%;
  • - the share of trade enterprises and public catering enterprises in the total number of clients of legal entities was marked by an increase by 2013 in comparison with the period of the last reporting period, thus the growth rate was 106.9%. By 2014, there was a decrease in the indicator compared to the previous period; the growth rate was 96.8%. During the analyzed period, there was an increase in the indicator, the growth rate was 103.4%;
  • - the share of loans from the agro-industrial complex in the total amount of bank loans was marked by an increase by 2013 compared to the same period of the previous period, thus the growth rate was 150.0%; by 2014, no changes were noted, the indicator remained at the level of the previous reporting period - 3.0%. During the analyzed period, the share of the indicator in the total amount of bank loans increased from 2.0% to 3.0%, thus the growth rate was 150.0%;
  • - the share of transport enterprises and communication enterprises in the total number of clients of legal entities was marked by an increase by 2013 in comparison with the same indicator of the previous period from 2.0% to 3.0%, thus the growth rate was 150.0%; by 2013, no changes were noted in comparison with the previous period, the indicator remained at 3.0%. During the analyzed period, an increase in the indicator was noted, thus the growth rate was 150.0%;
  • - the share of construction enterprises in the total number of clients of legal entities was marked by changes only by 2014, thus, the growth rate for the analyzed period was 133.3%, which is due to the increase in construction organizations in the city and an increase in demand for mortgage lending;
  • - the share of other industries in the total number of clients of legal entities during the entire analyzed period is marked by the following dynamics: by 2013. compared to the previous period there was a decrease of 10.0%; by 2014 Compared to the same period last year, there was an increase from 9.0% to 11.0%, or 2.0%, thus the growth rate was 122.2%. During the analyzed period, positive dynamics were also noted, the growth rate was 110.0%, which was due to the growth of medium-sized enterprises;
  • - the share of loans issued to individuals is marked by a decreasing trend: by 2013, compared to the previous period, by 11.6%; by 2014 - by 5.3%; for the analyzed period - by 16.3%, which is due to an increase in the share of loans issued by the bank to legal entities.

Thus, the largest share in the total amount of loans issued by the bank is occupied by loans to legal entities: 2012 - 57.0%, 2013 - 62.0%, 2014 - 64.0%.

The bank has introduced a Borrower Protection Program. The purpose of borrower protection programs is to create conditions for borrowers whose financial situation has deteriorated over a certain period of time, allowing borrowers to continue to properly fulfill their obligations to PJSC JSCB ROSBANK.

Based on the results of the bank’s assessment of their financial situation, borrowers may be offered the following programs:

  • 1. Extension - the program applies to all specified loan products. This program provides for an increase in the final loan repayment period established by the loan agreement and a reduction in the size of the monthly loan payment.
  • 2. Moratorium - the program applies to non-targeted loans (cash loans) and car loans. This program provides for the suspension of loan repayment for a certain period (moratorium) with an increase in the final loan repayment period by the corresponding number of months (days) of the moratorium, with the possibility of maintaining, at the end of the moratorium, the amount of the monthly loan payment available at the time the moratorium was introduced.
  • 3. Line of credit - the program applies to mortgage loans and car loans. This program provides for the provision of a new loan in the form of tranches (within a limit) for partial payment of monthly payments on a previously issued loan.
  • 4. Refinancing - the program applies to all specified loan products. This program provides for the provision of a new loan to repay (one-time) debt on a previously issued loan.

Table 2.3 - Dynamics of credit investments by currency of PJSC JSCB ROSBANK for 2011-2013

According to Table 2.3, the following changes are observed during the analyzed period:

Loans in the currency of the Russian Federation showed positive dynamics throughout the entire analyzed period, thus an increase by 2012 compared to the previous period by 900 million rubles. (growth rate - 135.4%), by 2013 - by 1960 million rubles. (growth rate - 157.0%). For the analyzed period - by 2860 million rubles. (growth rate - 212.6%). Loans in foreign currency in 2012 compared to the previous period were marked by positive dynamics of 103 million rubles. (growth rate - 110.6%), by 2013 in comparison with 2012 there was a decrease in the indicator by 435 million rubles. (growth rate - 59.6%). During the analyzed period, there was a decrease in the indicator from 973 million rubles. up to 641 million rubles or by 332 million rubles. (growth rate - 65.9%). This happened due to an increase in the amount of loans issued in the currency of the Russian Federation. In addition, the share of ruble loans in the total amount of bank loans was marked by a gradual increase from 72.3% at the beginning of the analyzed period to 89.0% at the end of the analyzed period, or by 16.7%. By 2012, in comparison with the previous period, the share of this indicator increased by 3.7%; by 2013 compared to the same period last year - by 13.0%. This was due to a decrease in the share of loans in foreign currency in the total amount of loans issued by the bank.

The Bank carries out the following types of settlement and cash transactions:

  • - opening and maintaining bank accounts for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in rubles and foreign currency (opening the first account is free);
  • - making payments on behalf of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on their bank accounts using the following payment documents - payment orders, letters of credit, checks during extended business hours;
  • - making non-cash payments to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs using the following payment documents - payment requests, collection orders;
  • - carrying out cash transactions (acceptance and issuance of cash; acceptance of collected proceeds);
  • - attracting available client funds into deposits and bank bills.

Transfer of funds is carried out according to clients' settlement documents on paper and prepared using the Client-Bank, Internet-Client systems, and the Bi Print complex.

Let's analyze the dynamics of cash assets for 2011-2013. according to table 2.4.

Table 2.4. Analysis of the dynamics of cash assets in PJSC JSCB "ROSBANK" for 2011-2013.


Growth rate, %


2012 by 2011

2013 to 2012


1. Number of legal clients. persons who undertake units

2. Number of legal accounts. persons and businesses, total:

including: - rubles, units.

Foreign exchange, units

3. Turnovers on legal accounts. persons and undertake. Total:

including: - rubles

Foreign exchange

4. Average chronological cash balances on legal accounts. individuals and businesses, thousand rubles

Thus, from the data in table 2.4. We observe the following changes: an increase in the number of clients of legal entities and entrepreneurs by 2012. compared to 2011 from 2209 units to 2966 units (increase - 34.7%), by 2013 in comparison with the previous period, there was a decrease to 1710 units (or 42.3%).

During the analyzed period, the number of clients decreased by 499 units (or by 22.6%); the number of current accounts is marked by an increase: by 2012. in comparison with the previous period, the increase is 33.4%, by 2013. compared to the previous period, the increase is 16.8%. Including: for ruble accounts, an increase of 32.9% was revealed by 2012, by 2013. - increase 17.1%; for foreign currency accounts - 38.8% and 13.9%, respectively, when comparing similar periods.

During the analyzed period, there was an increase of 696 accounts (an increase of 55.8%), of which: for ruble accounts by 636 units (an increase of 55.6%), for foreign currency accounts - by 60 units (an increase of 58.3%) ; turnover on current accounts is marked by an increasing trend: by 2012. the growth rate was 201.7%, by 2013. - 204.8%.

Including ruble accounts, the growth rate was: by 2012. - 199.2%, by 2013 - 206.2%; For foreign currency accounts, the growth rate was recorded compared to 2012. - 3104.0%, by 2013 there was a decrease of 44.0% compared to the previous period. During the analyzed period, there was an increase in turnover on current accounts by a total of 1010344540 thousand rubles. (increase - 313.1%), including: for ruble accounts - by 100,702,2097 thousand rubles. (growth - 312.3%), for foreign currency accounts - by 3,322,443 thousand rubles. (growth - 1638.6%); The average chronological balances of funds on the accounts of legal entities and entrepreneurs are marked by an increase, so by 2012. in comparison with the previous period, the growth was 200.3%, by 2013. compared to 2012 - growth amounted to 153.1%. During the analyzed period, an increase of 428,741,590 thousand rubles was noted. (growth rate - 306.7%).

Thus, there was an increase in all indicators for the analyzed period, which indicates the Bank’s well-thought-out financial strategy. This is due to an increase in current accounts of legal entities and acceptable bank tariffs for settlement and cash services for clients

Table 2.5 Dynamics of payment orders of PJSC JSCB ROSBANK for 2011-2013



Total, including:

Passing inside the bank

Passing through Internet banking

On paper

Thus, from the data in table 2.5. We observe the following changes: payment orders passing through the correspondent account were marked by an increase of 98,530 units during the analyzed period (an increase of 45.6%). The share of this indicator in the total value of payment orders of the Bank was also marked by an increase from 25.2% to 28.5%, or by 3.3% for the analyzed period.

Payment orders passing within the bank are marked by a growth trend, so during the analyzed period there was an increase of 162,224 units (an increase of 30.1%). The share of this indicator was marked by an increase from 62.9% to 63.4%, or by 2.8% during the analyzed period; payment orders passing through the Internet bank were also marked by an increase of 68,057 units (an increase of 32.6%) during the analyzed period. The share of the payment orders under consideration increased from 24.4% to 25.1%, or by 0.6% over the analyzed period.

Payment orders on paper by 2013 in comparison with the beginning of the analyzed period, they were marked by an increase of 17,757 units (an increase of 16.3%). The share of this indicator in the total value of payment orders decreased from 12.7% to 11.5%, or by 1.2% for the analyzed period.

Thus, the total value of payment orders in the Bank’s turnover is marked by a growth trend (which in absolute terms amounted to 248,038 units, the growth rate was 128.9% for the period under review). The largest share in the total value of payment orders is made up of payment orders passing within the bank: 2011. - 37.7%, 2012 - 36.2%, 2013 - 34.9%.

Moreover, the share of payment orders passing within the bank decreased due to an increase in the number of payment orders passing through the correspondent account and the number of payment orders passing through the Internet bank.

Table 2.6 Dynamics of the volume of document flow of cash assets of PJSC JSCB ROSBANK for 2011-2013

From the data in the table, the following changes are observed: in the total volume of document flow of cash assets of OJSC AKB Rosbank for 2011-2013. there is a growth trend of 17,757 units of documents (the growth rate was 116.3%); the share of payment requests in the total volume of document flow decreased from 43.6% to 40.4%, or by 3.2% during the analyzed period.

In absolute change, there is an increase in this indicator by 3729 units of documents (the growth rate was 107.8%); the share of payment orders in the total volume of document circulation increased from 55.4% to 58.4%, or by 3.0% during the analyzed period. In absolute terms, there is an increase in this indicator by 13,717 units of documents (the growth rate was 122.7%); the share of collection orders and claims in the total volume of document circulation increased from 1.0% to 1.2%, or by 0.2% for the analyzed period. In absolute terms, there is an increase in this indicator by 311 units of documents (the growth rate was 128.1%).

Thus, there is an increase in the volume of document circulation (an increase of 16.3%). According to Figure 1, it can be seen that the largest share in the document flow of cash assets in OJSC AKB Rosbank is occupied by payment orders, which were noted in 2011 - with a value of 55.4%, in 2012 - with a value of 56.4%, in 2013 - with a value of 58, 40%.

In addition, having studied the dynamics of this indicator, it is clear that the value of payment orders increased over the analyzed period by 3.0%. Payment requirements showed a negative trend from 43.6% to 40.4%, or by 3.2% for the analyzed period.

Collection orders and demands were marked by a slight increase, which amounted to 0.2% during the analyzed period. However, the largest share during the analyzed period remains with payment orders.

Table 2.7 Dynamics of the volume of unprocessed documents due to the lack of funds in the client’s account at PJSC JSCB ROSBANK for 2011-2013.

Thus, an analysis of the dynamics of the volume of unprocessed documents due to the lack of funds in the client’s account at OJSC AKB Rosbank for 2011-2013 showed: the number of documents unprocessed due to the lack of funds in the client’s account for the analyzed period was marked by a decrease of 982 units, that is, the decrease was 12.8%. In addition, when comparing the 2012 indicator. with the same figure for 2011. There was a decrease in unprocessed documents by 1609 units (from 7679 units to 6070 units) or by 21.0%.

When comparing the 2013 indicator. with the same figure for 2012. there is an increase in unprocessed documents by 627 units (from 6070 units to 6697 units), that is, the growth rate was 110.3%; Analyzing the amounts for unprocessed documents, we observe the following dynamics: decrease by 2012. by 42612789.3 thousand rubles. (that is, by 15.4% for the period under review), by 2013. compared to the previous period, an increase of 92,499,571.8 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 139.5%). During the analyzed period, the amount of unprocessed documents increased by 49,886,782.5 thousand rubles, the growth rate was 118.0%.

Thus, there is a decrease in the volume of unprocessed documents due to the lack of sufficient funds in the client’s account.

Table 2.8 Dynamics of profitability on cash settlement operations in PJSC JSCB ROSBANK for 2011-2013




growth rate, %


  • - for cash transactions
  • - for settlement transactions
  • - other operations
  • 13042
  • 100,0
  • 10814
  • 100,0
  • 14033
  • 100,0
  • 107,6
  • 137,3

According to the table, the following changes are observed: profitability on cash transactions for the analyzed period was marked by an increase of 1935 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 137.3%). In addition, analyzing the 2012 indicator. in comparison with the same indicator in 2011, there is a decrease of 64 thousand rubles. (or by 1.2% for the period under review); comparison of the profitability indicator of 2013 with the same figure for 2012. revealed an increase of 1999 thousand rubles, that is, the growth rate was 139.0%.

The share of the profitability indicator on cash transactions in the total profitability on settlement and cash transactions is marked by the following trend: by 2012. - increase by 7.6% (from 39.8% to 47.4%), by 2013. - an increase of 3.3% (from 47.4% to 50.7%), for the analyzed period - an increase of 10.9%; profitability on settlement transactions for the analyzed period was marked by a decrease of 842 thousand rubles. (decrease by 15.2%). In addition, analyzing the 2012 indicator. in comparison with the same indicator in 2011, there is a decrease of 668 thousand rubles. (or by 12.1% for the period under review); comparison of the profitability indicator of 2013 with the same figure for 2012. revealed a decrease of 174 thousand rubles, that is, by 3.6%.

The share of profitability on cash transactions in the total profitability indicator on settlement and cash services is marked by the following trend: by 2012. - increase by 2.6% (from 42.4% to 45.0%), by 2013. - decrease by 11.6% (from 45.0% to 33.4%), for the analyzed period - decrease by 9.0%; profitability on other operations for the analyzed period was marked by a decrease of 102 thousand rubles. (decrease by 4.4%). In addition, analyzing the 2012 indicator. in comparison with the same indicator in 2011, there is a decrease of 1,496 thousand rubles. (or by 64.4% for the period under review); comparison of profitability in 2013 with the same figure for 2012. revealed an increase of 1,394 thousand rubles, that is, by 268.6%.

The share of profitability on cash transactions in the total profitability on settlement and cash transactions is marked by the following trend: by 2012. - decrease by 10.2% (from 17.8% to 7.6%), by 2013. - an increase of 8.3% (from 7.6% to 15.9%), for the analyzed period - a decrease of 1.9%. In general, the profitability of cash settlement operations was marked by positive dynamics, as there was an increase during the analyzed period by 991 thousand rubles. (growth - 7.6%). This was due to an increase in profitability on cash transactions (an increase of 37.3%). This is justified by the increase in current accounts of legal entities and cash turnover on them.

Table 2.9. Dynamics of investment assets of PJSC JSCB ROSBANK for 2011-2013, thousand rubles.


Growth rate, %


2012 by 2011


1. Income received from transactions with securities, total, including:

Interest income on bills

Income from resale (redemption) of securities

Dividends received from stock investments

Other income received from transactions with securities

Having studied the dynamics of investment operations, the following can be revealed: the total amount of income received from operations with securities is marked by: growth by 2012. compared to 2011 by 318,695.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 174.4%); decline by 2013 in comparison with the previous period by 478442.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 87.1%). During the analyzed period, positive dynamics were observed, so the increase amounted to 159,747.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 141.4%). This was due to an increase in income from the resale (redemption) of securities (the growth rate for the analyzed period was 187.2%) and the amount of other income received from transactions with securities by 342.0 thousand rubles. for the analyzed period (growth rate - 413.8%).

The following changes occurred in the structure of income received from transactions with securities: the amount of interest income on bills was marked by negative dynamics by 2012. in comparison with the previous period by 27785.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 79.2%). A comparison of 2013 with the same period last year revealed negative dynamics: a decrease of 27,947.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 73.6%). During the analyzed period there was a decrease of 55,732.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 58.3%); the amount of income from the resale (redemption) of securities is noted: by 2012, in comparison with the same period last year, an increase of 315,753.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 227.2%); by 2013 in comparison with the previous period - a decrease of 99316.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 82.4%).

During the analyzed period there was an increase of 216,437.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 187.2%); The amount of dividends received from investments in shares showed negative dynamics by 2012. in comparison with the previous period by 800.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 80.0%). By 2013 compared to the same period last year by 500.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 84.4%). During the analyzed period there was a decrease of 1300.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 67.5%); the amount of other income received from transactions with securities showed positive dynamics throughout the entire analyzed period, thus, by 2012. - increase by 134.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 222.9%); by 2013 - increase by 208.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 413.8%). During the analyzed period there was an increase of 342.0 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 413.8%).

In addition, it is worth noting that the largest share in the total income received from transactions with securities was occupied by income from the resale (redemption) of securities: in 2011 - 64.3%, in 2012 - 83.8%, in 2013 - 85.1%.

Table 2.10 Dynamics of other active operations of PJSC JSCB ROSBANK for 2011-2013, thousand rubles.


Growth rate, %


2012 by 2011

absolute, thousand rubles

1. Income received from transactions with foreign currency

2. Income from revaluation of accounts in foreign currency

3. Fines, penalties, penalties received

4. Dividends received for participation in business activities

5. Other income received

Total for the section

An analysis of the dynamics of other active operations revealed the following changes: the total amount of income received from other active operations was noted: a decrease compared to 2012. compared to 2011 by 475,990 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 51.1%); increase by 2013 in comparison with the previous period by 72,741 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 114.6%). During the analyzed period, negative dynamics were observed, so the decrease amounted to 403,249 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 58.6%). This was due to an increase in income from the revaluation of accounts in foreign currency (the growth rate for the analyzed period was 100.0%.

The following changes occurred in the structure of income received from the implementation of active operations: the amount of income received from operations with foreign currency was marked by positive dynamics by 2012. compared to the previous period by 304,179 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 353.2%). A comparison of 2013 with the same period last year revealed positive dynamics: an increase in the indicator by 876,767 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 306.6%).

During the analyzed period there was an increase of 1,180,946 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 1083.1%); the amount of income from the revaluation of accounts in foreign currency was marked by negative dynamics in 2012 compared to the same period last year, a decrease of 127,293 thousand rubles; by 2013 in comparison with the previous period - a decrease of 873,029 thousand rubles; the amount of fines, penalties, and penalties received was marked by positive dynamics throughout the entire analyzed period, thus, by 2012. in comparison with the previous period - an increase of 2844.7 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 193.8%). By 2013 compared to the same period last year by 4322 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 173.5%).

During the analyzed period, the indicator increased by 7166.7 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 336.3%); the amount of other income received from active operations was marked by positive dynamics by 2012. - increase by 15,015 thousand rubles. (growth rate - 100.0%). The largest share in the total value of other active operations was occupied by the amount of other income received: in 2011 - 12.3%; in 2012 - 61.0%; in 2013 - 53.5%.

Positive aspects have been identified in the activities of a commercial bank:

  • - normal level of financial stability;
  • - the bank’s desire to maintain its financial position;
  • - increasing financial stability by the end of the analyzed period, and the absence of problems with the Bank’s current liquidity;
  • - a high level of security and safety of banking operations in the event of unfavorable changes in market conditions and accumulation of banking risks;
  • - increasing the level of stability of the bank due to the provision of core (fixed) capital of its own gross funds used as part of productive and immobilized assets, in addition, this indicates an increase in the solvency of the Bank;
  • - increasing the degree of coverage of client funds by own capital;
  • - increasing the level of provision of the bank’s activities with its own capital to cover possible losses;
  • - increasing the protection of the bank’s capital from risk and inflation by investing in real estate and valuables;
  • - increasing the bank’s ability to provide a sufficient amount of profit in relation to the bank’s assets;
  • - balance of the Bank's assets and liabilities for a period of more than one year;
  • - the bank increases its total provision of liquid funds per unit attracted;
  • - positive dynamics are observed for the analyzed asset items;
  • - increase in current accounts of legal entities;
  • - increase in profitability on cash transactions;
  • - increase in the profitability of cash settlement operations;
  • - increase in the amount of income received from transactions with foreign currency;
  • - increase in the size of payment orders;

The analysis also made it possible to identify the following shortcomings in the financial and economic activities of a commercial bank:

  • - in managing active and passive operations in terms of timing, volumes of attraction and placement of resources;
  • - reducing the level of protection of depositors with bank capital;
  • - the bank is unable to fulfill obligations on demand;
  • - reducing the level of immobilization of bank capital in investments in other legal entities;
  • - insufficient level of fixed capital;
  • - reducing the bank’s ability to return borrowed funds in case of non-repayment of loans;
  • - insufficient provision of the bank's main income-generating assets with large liabilities;
  • - reducing the degree of dependence on borrowed funds, that is, the bank uses the growth potential in the balance sheet currency;
  • - the Bank’s inability to fulfill obligations on demand and for a period of up to 30 days within 30 days from the analyzed date;
  • - low share of free (non-immobilized) own funds placed in active operations, which can cover raised funds;
  • - reduction in the share of loans in foreign currency in the total amount of loans issued by the bank;
  • - reduction in the number of clients;
  • - reduction in ruble accounts;
  • - decrease in profitability on settlement transactions;
  • - decrease in profitability on other operations.

One of the most important conditions for successful financial management of an enterprise is the analysis of its financial condition. The financial condition of an enterprise is characterized by a set of indicators that reflect the process of formation and use of its financial resources and actually reflects the final results of its activities.

Analysis of the financial condition of an enterprise allows us to study the state of capital in the process of its circulation, to identify the enterprise’s ability to operate sustainably and develop in changing conditions of the external and internal environment.

A properly conducted analysis will provide an opportunity to identify and eliminate shortcomings in financial activities and find reserves for improving the financial condition of the enterprise and its solvency; Forecast financial results based on actual business conditions and the availability of own and borrowed funds.

OJSC Rosbank is the largest Russian bank, among which it ranks 14th in net assets.

As of April 1, 2017, ROSBANK’s net assets amounted to 782.91 million rubles. During the year, assets decreased by -5.95%. The decrease in net assets had a positive impact on return on assets: over the year, return on net assets increased from 0.84% ​​to 1.40%.

The bank mainly attracts client money for services provided, and these funds are quite diversified (between legal entities and individuals), but are mainly invested in loans.

PJSC Rosbank is on the Lombard list, and the Bank of Russia accepts bonds of the credit institution in question as collateral.

Has the right to work with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and can attract its funds for trust management, deposits and savings for housing provision for military personnel.

Has the right to work with non-state pension funds that provide compulsory pension insurance, and can attract pension savings and savings for housing provision for military personnel.

Has the right to open accounts and deposits in accordance with Law 213-FZ of July 21, 2014, i.e. organizations of strategic importance for the military-industrial complex and security of the Russian Federation; Authorized representatives of the Bank of Russia have been appointed to the credit institution.

A bank's liquid assets are those bank funds that can be quickly converted into cash to be returned to their depositor clients.

To assess liquidity, consider a period of approximately 30 days during which the bank will be able (or not be able) to fulfill part of its financial obligations. This "portion" is called the "estimated outflow."

Let us briefly present the structure of highly liquid assets in the form of Table 4.

Table 4 Structure of highly liquid assets of PJSC Rosbank

Indicator name

Abs., million rubles

funds in the cash register

funds in accounts with the Bank of Russia

NOSTRO correspondent accounts in banks (net)

interbank loans placed for up to 30 days

highly liquid securities of the Russian Federation

highly liquid securities of banks and states

highly liquid assets taking into account discounts and adjustments

The amount of funds in accounts with the Bank of Russia increased by 1003 million rubles. or by 798.75%. The amount of NOSTRO correspondent accounts with banks for the analyzed period showed a decrease of 12,082 million rubles. and amounted to 54.97%. The volume of interbank loans placed for up to 30 days in 2016 amounted to 57,185 million rubles. or 52.87%.

The amount of highly liquid securities of the Russian Federation increased by 796 million rubles. or by 113.41%. The amount of highly liquid securities of banks and states in 2016 amounted to 1842 million rubles, during the analyzed period it increased by 796 million rubles. and amounted to 176.10%. The amount of highly liquid assets, taking into account discounts and adjustments, decreased by 15,026 million rubles. and amounted to 87.80%.

The structure of current liabilities is shown in Table 5.

Table 5 Structure of current liabilities of PJSC Rosbank

Indicator name

Abs., million rubles

deposits of individuals with a maturity of over a year

other deposits of individuals (including individual entrepreneurs) (for a period of up to 1 year)

deposits and other funds of legal entities (for a period of up to 1 year)

correspondent accounts of LORO banks

interbank loans received for a period of up to 30 days

own securities

obligations to pay interest, arrears, accounts payable and other debts

expected cash outflow

current liabilities

The table shows that the amount of deposits of individuals with a term of over a year increased by 3888 million rubles. and amounted to 104.98%.

The amount of other deposits of individuals (including individual entrepreneurs) (for a period of up to 1 year) during the analyzed period increased by 35,871 million rubles. or by 139.05%. The amount of deposits and other funds of legal entities (for a period of up to 1 year) decreased during the analyzed period by 33,124 million rubles, and amounted to 83.84%. The amount of correspondent accounts of LORO banks showed a decrease of 7493 million rubles. and amounted to 78.80%. The amount of interbank loans received for a period of up to 30 days is also in a negative position and amounts to 65.86%. The amount of own securities decreased by 1,665 million rubles. and amounted to 21.61%. The amount of interest payment obligations increased during the analyzed period by 1359 million rubles. and amounted to 109.22%. The expected cash outflow decreased by RUB 25,107 million. or by 85.14%. The amount of current liabilities decreased by 9004 million rubles and amounted to 97.99% during the analyzed period.

The structure of income-generating assets at the current moment and a year ago is reflected in the table. 6.

Table 6 Structure of profitable assets of PJSC Rosbank

Indicator name

Abs., million rubles

Interbank loans

Loans to legal entities

Loans to individuals

Investments in leasing operations and acquired rights of claim

Investments in securities

Other income loans

Income assets

The table shows that interbank loans increased by 36,943 million rubles. and amounted to 142.65%. Loans to legal entities for the analyzed period amounted to 101.73%, showing an increase of 4117 million rubles. Loans to individuals decreased by 99,690 million rubles. and amounted to 58.78%. Bills of exchange decreased by RUB 597 million. and amounted to 92.74%. Investments in leasing operations and acquired rights of claim in 2016 amounted to 7526 million rubles, during the analyzed period they increased by 269.07%. Investments in securities increased by 15,399 million rubles. and amounted to 111.53%. Other income-generating loans amounted to RUB 4,009 million. or 0.56%, during the analyzed period increased by 65 million rubles. or by 101.65%. Income assets decreased during the analyzed period by 142,596 million rubles. or by 83.28%.

Analytics on the degree of security of issued loans, as well as their structure, is presented in table. 7.

Table 7 Analytics on the degree of security of loans issued by Rosbank PJSC

Indicator name

Abs., million rubles

Securities accepted as collateral for loans issued

Property accepted as security

Loan portfolio amount

Analysis of the table suggests that the bank focuses on diversified lending, the form of collateral for which is property collateral. The overall level of loan security is quite high and possible loan defaults will likely be offset by the volume of collateral.

The table shows that securities accepted as collateral for issued loans decreased during the analyzed period by 20,553 million rubles. and amounted to 82.64%. Property accepted as collateral increased by 656,759 million rubles. or by 345.20%. The amount of the loan portfolio in 2016 amounted to 620,143 million rubles, the share of which was 121.64%. During the analyzed period there was a decrease of 31,618 million rubles. or by 95.15%.

Brief structure of interest obligations (i.e. for which the bank usually pays interest to the client) (Table 8).

Table 8 Structure of interest liabilities of PJSC Rosbank

Indicator name

Bank funds (interbank lending and correspondent accounts)

Legal funds persons

Incl. current legal funds persons

Deposits from individuals persons

Other interest-bearing liabilities

Incl. loans from the Bank of Russia

Interest obligations

The table shows that the amount of deposits of individuals has changed slightly, the amount of funds from banks (interbank loans and correspondent accounts), funds from legal entities have decreased, and the total amount of interest liabilities decreased by 15.0% from 731.90 to 622.11 million rubles.

Profitability of sources of own funds (calculated based on balance sheet data) increased over the year from 1.71% to 2.35%. At the same time, return on equity ROE (calculated using Forms 102 and 134) increased over the year from 5.78% to 9.44% (here and below the data are given in percentage per annum as of the nearest quarterly date).

Net interest margin changed slightly over the year from 2.85% to 2.95%. The profitability of loan operations changed slightly over the year from 10.61% to 10.54%. The cost of funds raised decreased over the year from 5.80% to 5.39%. The cost of borrowed funds from banks decreased over the year from 7.07% to 6.60%. The cost of funds of the population (individuals) decreased over the year from 5.78% to 4.89%

We present the structure of own funds in the form of Table 9.

Table 9 Structure of own funds

Indicator name

Authorized capital

Extra capital

Retained earnings from previous years (uncovered losses from previous years)

Unused profit (loss) for the reporting period

Reserve Fund

Sources of own funds

Over the year, sources of own funds increased by 5.1%. But over the past month (December 2016), sources of own funds increased by 2.7%.

A brief capital structure is shown in Table 10.

Table 10 Brief capital structure

The size of the bank's capital as of the reporting date amounted to 119.23 million rubles.

Let's look at credit risk indicators and their changes over the past year (Table 11).

Table 11 Credit risk indicators of Rosbank PJSC in 2016

The share of overdue loans tends to remain virtually unchanged during the year, but over the last six months it has tended to decrease.

The share of provisions for loan losses tends to decrease during the year and the last half of the year.

The amount of the standard size of large credit risks N7 (max. 800%) tends to increase during the year, but over the last six months it tends to remain virtually unchanged.

The level of overdue loans as of the last date corresponds to the average for Russian banks (about 3-4%).

The reserve level as of the last date under review corresponds to the average for Russian banks (about 10-11%).

At the moment, the conditional averaging coefficient of the RR equal to the value of 0.46 means that the credit institution with a high probability averages the RR and belongs to the 1st, 2nd or 3rd reliability group.

Now let’s check some indirect factors that indicate possible problems and reliability (Table 12).

Table 12 Indirect factors indicating possible problems and reliability of Rosbank PJSC in 2016

Indicator name

Change of bank owners per month (%)

Change in authorized capital per month

Growth of the reserve reserve fund for deposits per month (%)

Change in the amount of individual deposits. individuals per month (for banks with the share of individual deposits more than 20%)

Change in cash turnover for the month (for banks with a turnover of more than 500 million rubles) (%)

Change in turnover on legal accounts. persons per month (for banks with turnover exceeding the amount of assets)

Analysis of the financial activities and statistical data for the past year of the credit organization Public Joint Stock Company Rosbank indicate the absence of negative trends that could affect the financial stability of the bank in the future.


1 Organization of activities of PJSC Rosbank……………………………..10

1.1.Brief description of PJSC “Rosbank”…………………10

1.2.Organizational structure of PJSC “Rosbank”…………………..11

1.3. Regulatory documents of Rosbank…………………………………...12

1.4.New products and services of PJSC Rosbank…………………13

1.5 Analysis of active and passive operations of the bank………………………..14

1.6 Main financial indicators of PJSC Rosbank………...16

2. Registration of transactions of PJSC “Rosbank”…………………......17

2.1 Registration of bank cash transactions………………………………...17

2.2 Calculation of the main financial indicators of Rosbank………………..18

3Deposit operations of PJSC Rosbank………………………...19

3.1 Registration of deposit transactions of PJSC Rosbank………..19

3.2 Analysis of deposits of PJSC Rosbank…………………………...19

3.3 Registration of transactions on bank deposits………………..….21

3.4 Registration of non-cash payments…………………………………….22

3.5 Registration of settlement documents…………………………………….23

3.6 Other operations of Rosbank PJSC…………………………….23

4 Credit operations of PJSC Rosbank…………………………..25

4.1 Analysis of credit operations of Rosbank…………………………………25

4.2 Completing the application and loan agreement………………………….26

4.3 Calculation and preparation of a loan repayment schedule……………………………………………………………………………………….........27


List of sources used…………………………………………...30



The modern banking system is the most important sphere of the national economy of any developed state.

Its practical role is determined by the fact that it manages the system of payments and settlements in the state; carries out most of its commercial transactions through deposits, investments and credit transactions; Along with other financial intermediaries, banks direct household savings to firms and production structures.

Commercial banks, acting in accordance with the monetary policy of the state, regulate the movement of cash flows, influencing the speed of their turnover, emission, total mass, including the amount of cash in circulation. Stabilizing the growth of the money supply is the key to reducing inflation rates, ensuring the constancy of the price level, upon reaching which market relations affect the national economy in the most effective way.

Creating a sustainable, flexible and efficient banking infrastructure is one of the most important tasks of economic reform in Russia. Today, in conditions of developed commodity and financial markets, the structure of the banking system is becoming dramatically more complicated. New types of financial institutions, new credit institutions, tools and methods of serving clients are emerging.

The work is a report on practical training at PJSC Rosbank, located in Barnaul at the address st. Nikitina 76a. The internship period is from 12/07/2015 to 12/12/2015.

The purpose of industrial practice is to apply in practice professional knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during theoretical training.

Main tasks of industrial practice:

Strengthen practical skills in carrying out various banking operations;

Acquire the ability to identify, analyze and evaluate economic factors influencing the bank’s activities;

Master new professional knowledge using modern information technologies;

Develop professional communication skills with officials of credit institutions and clients.

The relevance of the report is due to the unprecedented growth of commercial banks in recent times.

The object of the study is the activities of the branch of PJSC Rosbank.

The subject of the study is the services and operations provided by the bank to clients.

When writing the work, scientific works and monographs of Russian economists, teaching aids and methodological developments, and reports of PJSC Rosbank were used.

1 Organization of activities of PJSC Rosbank

Rosbank is part of the international banking group Societe Generale and is a universal commercial bank. Both in terms of assets and capital, it is among the ten largest banks in the Russian Federation. Provides a full range of banking services to both individuals and legal entities. Main areas of activity: private banking (serving wealthy clients), investment and corporate banking services, as well as retail.

The regional network of Rosbank covers 340 cities of the Russian Federation, and includes more than seven hundred branches, plus about 1.2 thousand points of sale and more than three thousand ATMs. In addition to subsidiary credit institutions in Russia (Rusfinance - consumer lending and DeltaCredit - mortgage), Rosbank also has subsidiaries abroad (Belarus and Switzerland).

Shareholders of Rosbank

The main shareholder, which has 82.4% of the shares, is the banking group Societe Generale (France). The next places belong to VTB - 9.95% and the Interros group - 6.4%. Jean-Louis Mattei holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rosbank, and Vladimir Golubkov is Chairman of the Board.

History of Rosbank

Rosbank was founded in 1992. In 1998, it had a different name, namely TZOV KB "Independence". In the same year, the bank became JSC Independence, and later, on its basis, Rosbank was founded. Very large groups at that time, Most, Rosprom and Interros, were involved in its creation. In 1998, after the end of the crisis, it was planned to merge the banks Menatep, Most-Bank and ONEXIM, but only ONEXIM Bank was reunited with Rosbank in 2000.

In 2002, the merger of MFK Bank and Rosbank took place. This merger under the Rosbank brand occurred thanks to the joint efforts of Mikhail Prokhorov and Vladimir Potanin (Interros). In 2003, significant for the further prosperity of Rosbank, the purchase of six banks took place: First OVK, Central OVK, Siberian OVK, Far Eastern OVK, Privolzhskoye OVK and Povolzhskoye OVK. This purchase opened the door to retail customer service, since the purchased banks had an already formed and established retail network, and Rosbank had previously specialized only in large corporate clients. This deal was finally completed in 2005.

In the summer of 2006, 10% of the shares were purchased by the banking group Societe Generale, which prevented the planned IPO of the credit institution from being carried out.

In early autumn 2006, Societe Generale acquired another 10% minus 1 share.

At the end of winter 2008, Societe Generale buys another 30% of the shares, thus becoming the owner of a controlling stake in Rosbank. Without thinking twice, an offer was made to buy out the remaining shares.

In parallel with this, in the spring of 2008, Prokhorov sold Potanin a stake in Rosbank. Thus, Vladimir Potanin became the owner of 40% of the shares of Rosbank.

By the end of 2009 the picture had changed again. Societe Generale already has 64.7% of Rosbank shares, and Potanin has only 11%. The remaining 19% of Vladimir Potanin was collateral with VTB for a loan he had previously received.

After such changes, it became quite logical for representatives of Societe Generale to head the board of directors. At the beginning of 2010, the Interros company together with the Societe Generale group decided to merge Rosbank with its subsidiaries. And already in the summer of 2011, the movement of assets was completed. A single structure was created with two independent brands in it: Societe Generale Vostok (BSGV) and Rosbank. DeltaCredit (mortgage) and Rusfinance Bank (consumer lending) became subsidiary banks of Rosbank. Thus, Societe Generale became the owner of 82.4% of the shares.

For more than eight years, Rosbank has not changed its strategy, which is based on the creation of a universal bank for both corporate clients and retail. Relying only on its personal network, Rosbank has representatives throughout the Russian Federation. To date, a plan called “Ambition 2015” has been developed, which provides for increased operational and commercial efficiency. In its business, Rosbank is completely focused on cooperation with the client. Every year, the bank will strengthen its presence in cities with a population of millions.

1.2 Organizational structure of Rosbank

The bank is controlled by foreign capital. The main shareholder, which has 82.4% of the shares, is the banking group Societe Generale (France). The next places belong to VTB - 9.95% and the Interros group - 6.4%. Jean-Louis Mattei holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rosbank, and Vladimir Golubkov is Chairman of the Board.

The supreme governing body is the General Meeting of Shareholders. The decision of the general meeting is made by a majority vote of shareholders who own voting shares. The General Meeting of Shareholders is chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank.

The Bank creates a Counting Commission, which explains the voting procedure on issues not put to vote, etc. The Board of Directors exercises general management of the Bank's activities, with the exception of resolving issues within the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

To exercise control over the financial and economic activities of the bank, the General Meeting of Shareholders elects the Bank's Audit Commission. The competence of the Audit Commission includes: conducting an annual audit of the financial and economic activities of the Bank based on the results of the corresponding financial year, monitoring the legality of the activities of bank officials insofar as they relate to the financial and economic activities of the Bank.

Figure 1.Organizational structure of PJSC Rosbank

1.3 Regulatory documents of PJSC Rosbank

2. Regulations on the Board of Directors

3. Regulations on the Management Board

4. Regulations on the Audit Commission

5. List of information related to insider information

6. Corporate Code

7. Policy for processing and ensuring the security of personal data at PJSC ROSBANK

8. Anti-corruption policy of PJSC ROSBANK